Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - Cloudy with a Chance of Frog (Saria Pt. 9)

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#29 of Pokephilia Story - Love has No Bounds (Reboot)

Saria's Tale Part 9

A more dramatic and action-filled story than the previous ones.

I took it down earlier due to some issues. But I hope you guys don't mind this little re-upload.

Saria and Razor are caught in the middle of a scheme by Team Shroud, and the two must join forces with their friends and Law Enforcement to take down the criminals and put a dent in their numbers.

What they hadn't expected was for the plot to take them down to be foiled, and with a new wave of mystery as a strange power intervenes.

Who is this mysterious force, and what does it mean for the Pokephiles of this world?

Why not read and find out?

And a shoutout to my friend Aurawriter448 for allowing me to use his OCs Jake Lombardy and Lucille.

Thank you, Aura, for letting me use them in this story! XD

Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - Cloudy with a Chance of Frog

By J.C. Solis

Pokemon is Copyright © by Game Freak and The Pokemon Company.

I do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.

Poképhilia Story

Love Has No Bounds

Cloudy with a Chance of Frog

By J.C. Solis

It was the beginning of August, and the weather was gloomy. Not necessarily awful, but a gloom that shrouded everything and made for a somewhat dreary time. Being that the clouds were up in the air and that the rain was steadily pouring, that meant the arrival of the rainy season, meaning that the general area was bound to get a soaking. People who had to go outside were wearing raincoats or carrying umbrellas, all while their Pokémon partners didn't feel the need to use them, their fur and skin able to withstand the downpour. And if that Pokémon was a water type, then all the better for them and their joy in experiencing a rainy time during August.

But at the same time, the people of Lakeshire Town remained uncertain about their future. Though there has been relative peace throughout the past month and a half - ever since the events that took place on Memorial Day - the people were just unable to fall back into a state of calm and composure. The Poképhilia Debate was just one of those things that made the air feel uneasy, and though there haven't been any recent protests or violence, the only thing missing was perhaps something to set off the powder keg and start the violence and mayhem all over again. And though Independence Day went off without a hitch, there was still just that bit of uncertainty that filled everyone's heart with dread.

As for the likes of people like Team Shroud, the group was universally unwelcome back in Lakeshire Town. After having previous riots where people got hurt, vandalism of property, and people almost killed, the terrorist group was unanimously panned by everyone for being a group of bullies and fearmongers who wished to push their agenda against a people who - by all accounts - just wanted to live their lives in peace. Poképhiles, especially in Lakeshire Town, were gaining the support of the masses, so much so that public displays of affection were no longer frowned upon.

This was good news for native Poképhiles like Saria Price, who was outside in the rain along with her pokémon partner, Razor the Greninja. The two had wanted to go to the nearby corner market to buy some drinks and treats, namely in the form of soda and ice cream. Though it was raining, the weather was still hot. The past week before the rain came brought showers that were in the mid to high eighties Fahrenheit. Though the rain helped cool things down a bit, it was still a hot and sticky time for those who weren't used to the heat mixed in with the humidity.

For Saria, once she arrived home with her Froggy and her bag of goodies, she opened the door and immediately took off her rain poncho. Like a canine, she shook herself off any remaining water that was still on her. It was a long walk of sorts through the rain, and she was just happy to be back home. As to the reason why she and her Greninja went out in such a downpour was revealed when they brought in a bag of goodies that they bought from a certain store in the Downtown Lakeshire Town district.

Saria put the bag on the sofa and began to pull out a small box, which contained a collar of sorts inside of it. It was an S&M collar, one which had a dog tag that read "Girl Toy" on it. This was to be used whenever the two decided to go back on the bondage rig and have some sexy BDSM kinky fun. But for now, after unboxing her new accessory, she plopped down onto the sofa and grabbed the remote control to watch some TV. All of this was while Razor went to the other sofa and grabbed his latest book off of the coffee table - this one named "Poképhilia - The Change the World Needs".

It was clear that the book was pro-Poképhilia, and it was even a Number One bestseller in bookstores these days. However, some of the Anti-Poképhilia crusaders made up those who bought the book, only to have it destroyed as a means of protesting the cause that the book supported. Then again, they were paying to have the book destroyed, so whether their point was being made is debatable.

For now, Razor read about how Poképhiles were in healthy relationships with their pokémon, and the benefits that came with becoming romantic or even intimate with one's partner. The bond that the human and their pokémon partner had provided everything from a more elevated mood to even better performance in battle. The most important point the book made, though, was on how Poképhiles were able to communicate with their partners and all other pokémon like they were speaking in the common language. Nobody knew why that was the case, but some folks have speculated that this was Arceus' doing, showing that he indeed gave the practice his blessing.

Still, the debate and protests would continue, with no end in sight for the two sides to continue arguing for and against. As for Saria and Razor, their time together was perhaps the thing that advocates for the cause stressed so much about. Their passion for each other was absolute, with the two finding no need to anger the Crusaders and make life that much harder for people like them.

There was a lot that a Poképhile couple like them could get up to these days, though the rain was far from wanting to relent. But another thing that didn't seem to relent was Saria's depressive issues. Though she had gotten over most of the feelings she was suffering from the past year as a result of her diagnosis of Major Depression Disorder, she was still not completely in a good state of mind. Her thoughts still remained dark and forlorn, and the occasional thought of wanting to hurt herself was still prevalent. The one good thing she had that helped out the most, of course, was Razor. And the Greninja did his absolute best to make life for his trainer as stress-free as could be.

It was a difficult thing to have to deal with, though Razor was more than willing to rise to the occasion. He understood the sorrow that poor Saria was going through - an illness so chronic and severe that it literally sucks the joy out of everything in life, making it seem hopeless and meaningless. There's a lot to be said when an illness does this to someone, especially someone as upbeat and peppy as Saria used to be. But with the overwhelming amount of support that she had, it was a given that Saria would eventually find some relief.

As for what the two were going to do right now, nothing seemed to come to mind. Saria just watched her TV show while Razor read his book. But Saria began to feel unfulfilled while watching TV, feeling as though it was a waste of time. She didn't feel comfortable being a couch potato, though there wasn't an option to work out by jogging in the streets as she usually did. She didn't really boast any sort of body fat, though that didn't mean that she was a toothpick. Maintaining a healthy form was paramount to her physical and mental health. But there seemed to be nothing that she could do, and her depression began to creep up from the lax lifestyle and lack of things to do.

But Razor was catching on to what was happening. He knew that she was having dark thoughts again - and it was evident on her face. He closed his book, got up from his chair, and sat next to her. It was clear on her face that she was starting to have a bit of an episode, and he would be there to make sure that she wouldn't delve deeper into her mounting despair.

"Hey there, My Sweet. Are you holding up okay?" asked Razor gingerly.

Saria nodded her head. "A little bit. Not feeling too well, to be honest."

"Well, just make sure that you let me know if anything comes up. You know you can count on me." And with that, he wrapped an arm around her and brought her close to his body. In turn, Saria grabbed Razor and leaned against him, happy to have her Pokémon there to comfort her.

"Thank you, Froggy. I really needed some company."

The two lay down on the sofa, with Razor behind Saria as the two got together. It was wonderful to feel Razor's cool, moist amphibian body pressed up against hers, so thought Saria. He was always such a sincere and kind pokémon towards her. It was because of him that she was able to manage her depression spells, and it was through his love that she managed to love herself again as well. There was something about the dynamic between the ruby red-haired lass and her Greninja Pokémon partner. They shared such a strong bond, and it was stronger than that of a typical Poképhile couple. The bond was so strong at times that it seemed as though the two were in sync with one another. Though it wasn't necessarily the Battle Bond that that one Greninja had with that one trainer from Kanto, it was still a strong bond, nonetheless.

And that bond would be proven through what happened next.

A knock appeared at the door, though in truth it was more of an urgent pounding.

"FBI! Open up!"

Saria and Razor both bolted upright from the fright. They didn't know if this was some sick prank or if it was the authorities. What would the Daegar Region's Federal Bureau of Investigations want from them? It was such a strange thing, but one that they would be sure to find out.

The two walked up to the door, though Razor was preparing himself for a fight if he needed to. But when Saria opened the door, she was treated to a familiar face by one of her friends.

"Nikolai?" wondered Saria as she presented in front of none other than Nikolai Ivanovna, Natasha Ivanova's older brother. "W-w-what's the matter? Am I in trouble?"

"Yes. But not for the reasons you might believe," noted Nikolai, hoping to sway her worries.

It was then that a man wearing a long tan trench coat appeared from the side, and again this was a familiar face that Saria recognized.

"Detective Lombardy? You're here too?" asked Razor curiously.

Detective Jacob Lombardy and his Pokémon partner, the Lucario named Lucille, were also with the FBI agent. And the two seemed to be working together on an assignment. And given the stern faces of both lawmen, it was clear that something was afoot.

"Yep, and it seems like we're all up a creek without a paddle," noted Jake. "I recently interrogated the man whom we arrested during the Memorial Day Assault, and we found that there is a list of people on a kind of hit list. And your name, as well as most of your friends are on that list."

The news hit Saria like a bag of bricks, and Razor was also phased by the news.

"Oh Arceus," noted Razor worriedly. "So you've come here to warn us?"

"That, and also because Team Shroud is on the way as we speak," stated Nikolai gravely. "For now, come with us. We can keep you safe."

Saria and Razor already had their things nearby. Saria quickly grabbed her purse and necessary belongings while Razor grabbed their raincoats. The rain outside was pouring, though this was perhaps the least of their worries.

The two Poképhiles followed the two lawmen to Detective Lombardy's cruiser, a supped-up Dodge Charger Hellcat, and the five got into the squad car with Saria and Razor in the back with Lucille while Jake would be driver and Nikolai riding shotgun. With them now inside of the car, the two victims could breathe a sigh of relief. But their struggles wouldn't be over until they arrived at the Lakeshire Town Police station, so Jake told them where they were going.

All the while, Razor spoke with Lucille to see what else was happening. He knew that the Lucario was also a Poképhile with the detective, but the two kept it hush-hush for their job security.

"What the hell is the world coming to?" asked Razor in frustration.

"You're telling me, Razor dear," replied Lucille. "I don't like that you and your friends are also on the crosshairs of Team Shroud, but for now we need to get you two to safety before- "

It was then that a large beam of white light, passed by the side of the car, the beam barely missing them. Behind the car was a pickup truck that was coming at speed. And on it was an Aggron that was firing beams of Flash Cannon to try and hit the car.

"Damn it! They're following us!" swore Nikolai. "Any way we can ditch these assholes?"

"I'm working on it, Nik," replied Jake.

The Charger swerved around corners as the detective turned on his police sirens to warn others that he was passing through, using the full grunt of his car's supercharged engine to put as much distance as he could from the assailants. But the streets were all slick, and Jake knew that if he crashed that would be the end for them. Still, the Charger did its best to turn corners and dash forward even despite the rainy weather. And any cars that were in the way immediately went to the side thanks to the sirens that Jake turned on.

But the Flash Cannon move didn't stop, and some innocent cars were hit instead. Though this would mount as vandalism for the Team Shroud goons who were chasing them, their mission was to go after and eliminate Saria and Razor. Any collateral damage was arbitrary.

With that, Jake grabbed his radio and decided to call for backup.

"This is Detective Jake Lombardy! I'm being chased by a white pickup truck down Lakeshire Boulevard, and I need backup! I'm with FBI agent Nikolai Ivanovna, and with the targets Saria and Razor. I need some guys to form a blockade at the police station to receive us and keep these goons off of our tail!"

The radio was silent for a few tense moments before the crackling voice of the operator came.

"Copy that, Detective Lombardy. Forming a perimeter around the station as we speak. Drive safe and watch out for the rain."

The Charger kept going at blazing speed, with the police station now within sight. Already, there were cop cruisers positioned to form a blockade. The five were so close to safety.

But at that moment, a loud crash was heard behind the car as it jolted from a severe hit. The Flash Cannon had hit its mark, and the back window blew out as everyone was showered with glass. But Jake, with the last bit of muster with his car, managed to cross the blockade and into the safety of the law.

The pickup truck, meanwhile, swerved to try and avoid stepping into the path of the blockade, but the slick road didn't help its weight. When it tried to make a turn its brakes and tires screeched. The truck flipped over from the sheer momentum, and it came barreling forward to the officers who were stationed with their pokémon. The truck crashed into a police cruiser, and when it stopped a swarm of officers and their pokémon came over to assess if the drivers were still alive.

Jake, meanwhile, screeched the car in front of the police station, breaking hard to make it to the entryway. He turned around to see if his passengers were okay.

"You guys fine?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah," replied Saria, a shocked look on her face.

"We'll live, at least," added Razor. "But my ear is still ringing from that Flash Cannon."

"Well, we'll have you both checked out in a bit, you two," assured Nikolai. "For now, we got you guys safely here. Now we can bring you guys to the others."

Saria was curious as to what he meant. "Other?" she asked perplexed.

"Your friends," answered Lucille. "Justin, Jason, Kiara, Rose, Fran, and Sarah. They're all here with their pokémon, and safe and sound."

The five people got out of the car as paramedic EMTs came toward them to check and see if they were okay. Though thankfully nobody was injured, the attack still left poor Saria rattled, and Razor did his best to try and sway the nerves of his trainer before she ended up having a breakdown. His embrace was enough to calm her down as the two followed Special Agent Ivanovna and Detective Lombardy into the police station and a main room. There, their other friends were waiting, with everyone standing up upon seeing Saria and Razor walking in looking worse for wear.

"Oh Arceus, you two are okay!" cried out Kiara as the punk-rock-wearing girl ran to hug her good friend. "We heard you ran into trouble. We thought you might get hurt."

"It's good that you're all right, Saria," noted Justin. "We're all a bit tense as to what will happen from here on out."

"And boy has shit really hit the fan with this fucking mess," griped Jason. "Can a man get some privacy without some goons wanting to take him out?"

"Wolfie can keep me safe, but I don't know if we can handle a hit squad on our own," noted Fran.

"Well, My Cheeky Lizard here's good in a scrap as well. But better to be safe than knickered," added Rose.

"Well, I'm no good in a fight, and I don't want to risk Virgil's sake for my own," said Sarah in a glum and despondent voice.

Detective Lombardy walked into the room, with everyone standing in attention as he, Lucille, and Nikolai came to give them a briefing.

"I bet you all know why you're all here already," noted Jake. "I hate how low Team Shroud has fallen, targeting prominent individuals like yourselves. But the fact remains that you all are in danger. We even got into contact with the other people on their list, though some of them remain unavailable."

The group fell quiet, hoping that nothing serious happened to those people.

"What can we do from here on, Jake?" asked Saria worriedly. "We can't just return home, can we? I mean, we'll always be in danger, and Team Shroud might come for us again."

"It's not an easy thing to answer," noted Agent Nikolai. "The Agency does offer protection, with surveillance being kept on your homes and with the installation of home security to manage any unwanted intruders. But apart from that, we also needed you all to do a dangerous mission for us."

The group looked at each other with stunned faces, wondering what they could possibly need.

"And what mission would that be?" noted Lance the Lucario.

"It sounds rather dodgy, this thing," added Dante the Inteleon.

"I just want to keep my dummy safe, but I'll give this mission a shot if I can," agreed Camilla.

"My Flower will always be guarded by me. That much is true," assured Virgil the Zoroark.

"Any fuckers coming for Fran will get a good bite from me," said Chris as he bared his teeth.

Nikolai tensed up. He knew the resolve of everyone here, but the mission that he and his group had in mind might be one that would push them to their limits.

"We need you to incite another rally for Poképhilia, that way we can bring Team Shroud in the open and capture as many of their numbers as we can," admitted Nik. "I know you all have helped organize rallies in the past and have even actively gotten into Team Shroud's way. But this mission will be to deliberately bring them out in the open. They already know where you guys live, so at least you have their attention. Now comes the matter of drawing them out so we can strike them when they least expect it."

"Please help us, friends. We can't do this without your help," pleaded Detective Lombardy.

The group looked worriedly at each other. But Razor stepped forward with his mind made up, as did the rest of the Poképhiles.

"I hate how My Sweet is in danger. But the way things look, we have no choice," admitted the Greninja. "I'll be willing to help if this means that we can be safe again. I'm sure My Sweet will also help, too, as will our friends as well."

The rest of the gang looked on with adamance, showing their solidarity for this cause. And this was precisely what Jake and Nik were hoping to hear.

"In that case, let me call my superiors and let them know that you guys are in on the plan," stated Nikolai. He then turned to Jake. "Detective Lombardy, I'm certain that you'll rally the police force for this little sting operation, no?"

"Definitely, Special Agent Ivanovna," replied Jake. "My comrades in the force will be itching to get into this. Just allow your superiors to contact my boss and we'll be sure to get on it."

The team was set, with Saria and Razor looking on at the Detective and Special Agent working together, putting aside their differences between Federal and Local Law Enforcement to better serve and protect their community. Nik was a native of Lakeshire Town, and so he wanted to keep things safe. As for Detective Lombardy, he immigrated to the town from Shalour City in the Kalos Region, but despite this difference, both men wanted to do their part in keeping the town safe, no matter who they had to face.

With that, the group of Poképhiles was guided down the path toward the briefing room. There was still a lot to deliberate, and the hope was that they'd be able to come up with a plan to bring Team Shroud out in the open again.

Saria and Razor could only hope that this plan would go off without a hitch. Otherwise, some people and pokémon might end up getting themselves hurt, or worse. But if it meant dealing a crippling blow to Team Shroud, then it was well worth the risk.

They had to pay for what they did to Vladimir back on Memorial Day. No matter what, those evildoers had to pay for everything they've done...

It was a cool Sunday morning, with the air once again cloudy with a slight drizzle of rain, and the rally was underway. Signs were pitched up, and the word was spread. A massive rally was taking fold in front of the town's Civic Center, and people from all over the area were encouraged to join. Since practically everyone didn't know of the true purpose behind the rally, there was hope that Team Shroud wouldn't get wise and risk ruining the whole operation. The police were not far from their position, though some officers were present to provide crowd control - which they typically would whenever these events were held. And the fact remained that a lot was riding on this sting to be successful.

Officers and special agents were off to the side in white vans with logos of companies on them, pretending to be contractors and workers while waiting for the signal to be given. There were even some officers and agents dressed in plain clothes and were among the crowd, hoping to strike when the moment was called.

Overall, the protest was hundreds of people strong, and right on cue were the Anti-Poképhilia Crusaders. Though their numbers were far smaller than the pro-support side, they were still equally as vocal, if not more so. The scene was practically another riot waiting to happen like how it had many times before. The only thing was that the leaders of the Pro-support side were doing their best to keep order.

And at the helm of the rally were none other than Saria and Razor. The Greninja-Trainer couple were the ones with a megaphone, reciting a line of support towards the Anti-antagonist side and making sure that their side wouldn't suddenly start attacking.

It was all set to go into motion, and the atmosphere was intense and stressful.

"Sure hope Team Shroud will show up," wondered Saria. "Do you think they'll make an appearance this time, Froggy?"

"We can only hope, My Sweet," replied Razor. "But my hunch is that they're not about to let this kind of thing slide. They'll be fuming when they see a rally this big take hold."

Never had Razor proven to be so right.

Suddenly, a bottle was thrown into the air, one with a burning wick at the end of it, and it was flying right for the Support side. But a Water Shuriken smashed into it, snuffing out the flames and making its contents fall harmlessly to the ground and become inert due to the water. But more firebombs were thrown into the air, and those were also hit by repeated Water Shuriken stars. The floor was starting to reek of the fumes of whatever flammables were inside, and the crowd began to back off as they became aware of who exactly had shown up.

Suddenly, a large crowd of robed people in dark cloaks appeared before the Poképhiles, with a familiar ominous feeling filling the air as Team Shroud members filled the area. There were about thirty members of the Team present. However, though they were greatly outnumbered, it was certain that they wielded strong pokémon, and who knows what kind of weapons they had. Everyone expected Team Shroud to fight dirty.

"So, you've decided to desecrate yourself yet again, Poképhiles," said the Leader through his own megaphone. "Have you not learned the lessons that we've desperately tried teaching you?"

"Your lessons are only in causing fear and horror!" clapped back Saria.

"We've had enough of what you've been doing to us all!" added Razor. "Now, it's time for you guys to feel our wrath!"

That last line was the code word for what came next. And it was bound to be an epic one.

Immediately, the officers and special agents came rushing out of their hiding spots and released their pokémon partners to come after the Team. The members of the group were completely caught off guard, not having expected this to be a trap. Soon, the Team members were surrounded by law enforcement and their angry pokémon, the crowd on the Pro-support side cheering as the Team was given their comeuppance.

The Team Shroud leader looked angrily at the Poképhiles for this trick. And he made sure to let out some curt words for what they had done.

"You sons of bitches!" he roared. "Is this how you're going at it then?"

"You don't fight fair, either," said Agent Ivanovna as he spoke to the leader through his own megaphone. "It's time we put a dent into your little organization. This is for all of the pain you've done to us all, to my family, and to my brother."

It seemed to be the end for Team Shroud, but then the Team Shroud leader bent his head back and let out a loud, almost maniacal cackle. The rest of the people looked confused as they wondered why he was behaving the way he was. But the leader then did something that shook everyone else.

He pulled off his hood to reveal a bald man with many scars on his face. He looked like the average archetype of a villainous man, and yet his eyes burned with passion as he glared at everyone. What they didn't know was that he had a trump card under his hand.

"Foolish people. Do you think this is the end for us? There are many more members of Team Shroud than just us here. And not only that, but our god is with us, too." And with that, he raised his hand to the air, seemingly to channel this power. "And he will strike you down with all of your perverseness to the ground!"

When the team leader dropped his hand down to the ground, a massive bolt of lightning crashed down nearby. The people became afraid as another bolt of lightning struck close to them, the air filling with electricity as even more bolts from the heavens fell down. Not only that, but the lightning had a dark color to it, almost looking unearthly and perhaps even demonic. The crowd began to scatter as even more lightning fell, with everyone hoping to get out of the way of the lightning before they would be struck down.

And Saria and Razor could only glare at Team Shroud as they too turned around to search for safety, the Leader shouting out:

"Beware the darkness of Team Shroud! We will not stop till this World reaches its end!"

The Poképhiles all made it to the nearby City Hall, with the people looking wearily at the members of Team Shroud as they turned around and walked away, the lightning making sure to strike away from them as it fell. Agent Nikolai and Detective Lombardy could only grimace as their target turned around and disappeared into a dark fog that appeared behind them. The team was gone, having successfully escaped as everyone stood in fear. The lightning finally stopped crashing down, but the fact remained that this "god" was perhaps still watching them all, leering down at them from the being's place in the heavens as it sent out its wrath.

Saria, Razor, and their friends could only sigh with relief as the ordeal came to an end. But the war would still rage on, and the future looked ever more uncertain. There was only the hope that whatever god Team Shroud worshiped wouldn't strike them down then and there. The fear was in everyone's eyes, and the Poképhiles were now put in a difficult spot.

It turned out there was a god that hated Poképhilia, and it was not pleased to see what the world had become. Team Shroud didn't pull this deity out of thin air.

Something mighty was angry, and that being meant all the difference within this fight...

Saria and Razor arrived back home after the ordeal earlier in the day. The ordeal was done, and the Greninja couple sat down together on the loveseat, bewildered.

They met up with their friends at the local pub to discuss what had happened, and the consensus was this: everyone was struck dumb. They never expected them to be attacked by a deity of all creatures. But the mystery remained as to who this deity was. The hope was that this deity wasn't Arceus, otherwise, their struggle would immediately lose the moral high ground it had clung to this entire time. But Team Shroud failed to reveal who exactly their god was, and nobody had a clue as to which of the many legendary, divine beings out there was the one who attacked them.

As for the people being hit by lightning, unfortunately, there were quite a few who received a bolt. And those people were sent to the local hospital, with a handful in critical condition. No news was back as to their current state, but the air was grim with the notion that some people had been slain by the god that Team Shroud worshiped.

The entire mood of Lakeshire Town had changed. Already, news reporters from all over the nation had come over to interview the many witnesses of the attack. And those people who were interviewed clung to the hope that Poképhilia could be made acceptable, even if there was a god that was against their cause. The only hope that many felt was that it wasn't Arceus who did this.

But there was one local voice who had a few words to say to the news.

"This is a sign of what Father Arceus is doing to show us the way," said none other than the anti-Poképhilia priest, Father Matthew Grint himself. "The world now sees that The Alpha is most displeased. And there will be more tragedies like this if we don't repent."

Worst of all was that the Priest had now grown more of a following as a result of the incident. More people began to side with the Anti-Poképhilia Crusaders; if a god was angry, then that must mean this was a sign as to the morality of this cause.

Then again, the priest couldn't confirm that it was Arceus himself who attacked the Poképhiles. And what's more, some of the people who were struck down were also Anti-Poképhilia Crusaders - the very people who more or less sided with Team Shroud. Why would the organization allow the very people who supported them to be attacked in this way by the higher power they followed? And what did the team leader mean that they wouldn't stop until "The World Meets its End"?

All of these things bothered the friends as they drank their sorrows away at the pub. And when the evening was coming around everyone went their separate way home, hoping to put the events of the morning past them. The clouds up above were still filled with the same dreary throughout these days, and the dreariness carried on into the evening as a morose feeling filled the hearts of the Poképhiles, and of everyone in Lakeshire Town.

The fight For and Against Poképhilia was now about to reignite, right as the town and the rest of the region were starting to placate and be at peace.

The way that things have been going put the friends on a damper, with Saria and Razor looking distraught as they sat down on the loveseat. The previous events left a bad taste in their mouths, and they were not happy about it. But there was only so much that they could ignore, and for one, Razor was vocal with his displeasure.

"Well, this whole thing turned into a shitshow, eh My Sweet?" joked Razor.

"Fucking A, don't remind me," she replied less enthusiastically than her partner. "I don't know what we're going to do, Froggy. If this pokémon turns out to be Arceus, then the Poképhilia Movement is done for. We're dead in the water."

"Well, there's no telling whether or not this pokémon even is Arceus," noted Razor with a bit of positivity. "For all we know, this could be Giratina's doing. The devil works in many ways, you know.

"How can you be sure that it isn't him, though," she clapped back.

"Well, remember when the leader said something about the world being brought to its end? I don't think Arceus, who created us all and wants us to live happily, would even think of destroying this world. Not after everything he's done for us all."

Saria nodded her head. The Greninja had a point, though there was still the nagging feeling in the back of her mind that left her uncertain.

"I don't know, Froggy. This whole mess has gotten me confused. I wish we knew the answer to this already. For sure, assholes like Father Grint are going to use this as a reason to berate us again. Now that a god supports Team Shroud, I wonder if we'll ever hear the end of it."

"Maybe not. But all we can do is wait with bated breath till we know the truth." He then reached over and wrapped his left arm around her, pulling her close to him as a sign of comfort. "For now, all we can do is keep waiting till we know the truth."

Saria only let out a sigh in return. All of this suspense was taking a toll on her nerves, and it had barely been the first day since it happened. But Saria wondered if there was anything that the Poképhilia Community could do to stave the tide against them. There were just too many unknowns. But at this moment, Saria started to feel rather needy. She wanted to be comforted and loved. She didn't want to feel alone in this plight.

"Well, what would you like to do right now, Froggy?" she asked curiously. "Would you like to watch TV or cook dinner, or perhaps something to do with the rig in the other room or something?"

Razor's eyes perked up. Sex hadn't crossed his mind in the slightest, but the opportunity presented itself, and Saria seemed willing enough. For all he knew, a kinky session would be just the thing the two needed to both relieve some tension and also stick it to the Anti-Poképhilia Crusaders.

With that, it was time to get into character.

"Certainly, slut," said Razor rather ominously. "We can order take-out once I'm done with you. For now, I'm sticking you on the Rig and am going to make you regret bringing up bondage."

With that, Razor's arms became forceful as wrapped his lover in both of his arms, hugging her tightly as Saria played along, giggling slightly as she fell back into her role as the submissive. With her body slung over Razor's shoulders, she pretended to flail helplessly as her lover and dominator carried her off the loveseat and towards the storage room - aka their sex dungeon.

The door to the bondage room was swung open. Normally Saria would chastise Razor for swinging it with so much force, but she knew full well that doing so would result in punishment. She wasn't in charge of the situation right now. Before she knew it, she was brought to the device in the center of the room. But before she would be strapped onto it she needed to change.

Saria was lowered to the ground as she went to a nearby wardrobe that was full of her outfits. The outfits, in this case, were nothing but latex suits that she would often wear whenever she got into BDSM sessions with her lover. She grabbed latex leggings, as well as a latex upper top, and began to slowly put it on, teasing her partner while doing so. The submissive maiden slowly put her legs into the stockings, feeling the cool yet tacky texture of the material rubbing against her legs. The noise of the latex being stretched to accommodate her legs was music to both their ears and one that gave the Greninja sadist a whole load of anticipation.

With her leggings put on, Saria then began to put on her upper latex top. It was an outfit that covered her whole torso, though it did leave out her breasts to be exposed and able to be groped. Since she was only wearing a top and some leggings, her crotch and ass were exposed, and all at the reach for Razor to play and grope.

The final thing that Saria would wear was something that she had just recently bought. It was a full latex head mask that covered her head except for her eyes and mouth, with her long hair dangling behind her beneath the latex layer. It was indeed quite the kinky-looking article and one that made her look like she was the dominatrix.

For his part, Razor only wore the strip mask that he worked around his eyes for that extra bit of kinkiness.

With both partners ready, Saria walked over to the rig and readied herself for when she would be bound to it. Razor walked up to her and reached for her round and juicy ass. He grabbed her right cheek sighing firmness, feeling her flesh and jiggling it before giving it a good slap which incited her to yelp. He did the same with her other ass cheek, playing with it until he spanked it again like the other.

But after hearing the spanking sound coming off of her ass, Razor wanted to hear that noise again. And so the Greninja commenced spanking his submissive trainer repeatedly, the poor maiden doing her best to stifle her pain as voicing her suffering would only result in even further pain - which she grew tired of doing and instead let out loud moans as she felt her ass being spanked again and again.

Poor Saria's ass was getting a good beating from the spankings as Razor also fondled her other cheek with his right hand. Soon, the left cheek was turning red from the repeated hits, and it was here that Saria at last began to feel real discomfort. And yet, she didn't voice for him to stop, or even so much as contemplate using the safe word. The spanking was just as pleasing to her as they were to her dominant lover, and she loved the feeling of having her ass turning red after repeated hits on the ass.

It was here that, in her reverie, she failed to remember her role in this.

"That felt lovely, Razor," she said mistakenly.

But by the time she caught herself, it was already too late. And it was here that she felt not a spank on her right ass cheek not with his hand but instead with a whipped baton. The whip portion of the club smacked her with the force of an angry parent, and the baton portion made sure that the lesson would stick. Otherwise, there'd be much more pain and suffering to come along.

"What have I told you about addressing me that way, Slut?" chastised Razor as he whipped her again. "I promise I'll be much harder on you if you do it again."

Saria got the point, so to speak. "Yes, Master. I understand." She then asked another question. "What would you like to do to your sex slave next?"

"Hmm, let's see," said Razor as he tried to remember. Then, he snapped his fingers as he realized that he had left out one important and key detail. "Ah crap, I totally forgot." A little bit of his usual personality managed to appear in Dominator Razor. "The collar for your neck. Sorry about that, My Sweet, but I completely forgot about it."

Saria looked at him with a confused look. He recently spanked her for falling out of line with her character, and yet he just did the same thing. It wasn't fair that only one of them had to play their role while the other got to be their normal selves.

"Master, should I fetch the collar box for you?" she asked, trying to bring him back into the roleplaying scene they were doing.

Razor looked at Saria giving him a look of apprehension, noting how she was trying to get him to return to his role as dominator. Seeing what he was doing, Razor composed himself and commanded her:

"Good thinking, my smart little bitch," noted Razor. "You know where it's at, right? Bring it over here so we can make your outfit complete."

Saria did as she was told, going off to bring a wooden box that was off to the side. She brought it to Razor, who proceeded to open it and was presented with a whole host of collars, all of them of different shapes and sizes. Going for one that would offer both comfort and add to the feel, he pulled out a pink collar with black stripes that went up and down its length. And on the front was a ring that had a badge on it that read: "Razor's Bitch". This one was the perfect one for their little session.

With the collar in his hands, Saria put aside the box as Razor called for her to stand in attention. He then went over and opened up the collar, affixing it around her neck before latching it back on. It was a perfect fit, one that he made sure was snug without it being uncomfortable. And with that, "Razor's Bitch" was now fully ready to commence pleasing her master. The badge jingled around with her movement, and it was what bound her to her role as submissive yet again.

"You look wonderful with that collar on, Slut," admired Razor. "Now then, let's get started with the real meat of this session."

"Yes, Master" was Saria's only reply as she went for the bondage rig.

For starters, Razor wanted to give his slave a drink. And for that, he reached for a soft rope that was dangling from the rig and tightened Saria's arms at the wrist before telling her to sit down on her knees. Her arms were forced to remain raised as her body slumped down, meaning she dangled a little bit so that Razor could control her body more. This position was a bit uncomfortable, but the lass didn't utter a peep as Razor got himself aroused for their session. His phallus was now fully erect, with the familiar pheromonal smell wafting from his cock and toward Saria's nose.

But before he'd face fuck her, he grabbed a nearby blindfold and covered Saria's eyes with it, once again not uttering a peep as she remained the good little slave.

"Well then, My Slave, would you like to have a drink?" asked Razor coyly.

"Yes, Master," she replied. "Can I drink from your cock?"

"Definitely. Now open wide."

The latex sex slave did as she was told. As soon as she opened her mouth, Razor stuffed his cock right into her, to which she then closed her lips to apply pressure onto his cock. He began thrusting in and out of her mouth, grabbing the back of her head for him to have more leverage. He slammed his cock into her mouth, his pelvis moving back and forth in quick motion as the poor woman gagged on his cock being forced into her mouth. But she didn't voice any displeasure and loved every moment she felt. And the taste of his sperm was simply too divine to give up, this alone being reason enough not to stop the session.

As Saria sat down with her arms bound upright, Razor pounded her face with vigor, the room filling with wet noises from the gagging and the overly-moist cock sliding in between her lips. And as he slid his cock in between her lips, his cum continued to ooze out and drip onto the base of her tongue, the tart sliminess all the more enjoyable for Saria to taste. The sperm continued to flow from her master's cock, all while she did her best to suckle and slurp as her master pounded her face with vigor.

The session carried on for the next fifteen minutes, with Razor feeling quite pleased from their time together. His cock pulsated as it was nearing the end of its rope, though the Greninja wondered if he ought to use his sperm inside of her mouth or save it for later. Then again, it wasn't as if he couldn't hold some of his sperm back and save most of it for later. But at the very least, he figured he ought to give Saria that drink that he promised her earlier.

He continued to fuck his slave's mouth as he grew closer to release. His cock began pulsating even harder as he was nearing this brink, and Saria could feel this within her mouth. She knew that her dom was going to cum soon, and she waited with bated breath. This was what he had promised her, and he never went back on his promises.

"Have a taste of my delicious, warm cum, slut," said Razor coyly. "Drink up, My Little Slave."

And with that, the Greninja's cock began to throb as a torrent of seed began to gush from his tip, filling Saria's mouth with her prize. The sperm was warm and sticky, precisely how she liked it. And the poor sex-craved slut tried her best to imbibe as much of the liquid as she possibly could. Her stomach was filling with his delicious, nutritious seed, and her mind turned foggy as the pheromones within the semen began to cloud her thoughts and narrow down her objective. She craved this cum. She lived for this cum. And she desired to put as much of this fluid into her body as she could, wherever it may go.

Though it seemed like a ton of fluid, Razor had saved up the majority of his sperm to use at a later date. He didn't want to waste all of his sperm by having Saria swallow it all. But now came the issue of figuring out what the two would be doing next. And this time, he wanted to do something different other than just binding her into the rig and just flipping her around.

In the meanwhile, the Greninja had his submissive's head in his hand. He petted her as she licked off any gobs of cum that dripped down the side of her cheeks. A large webbed hand was placed on her cheek as he looked at her, the poor woman looking back at him with a smile despite the blindfold not allowing her to see his content face.

"Had a good drink, My Sweet?" asked Razor coyly.

"Yes, Master. Your cum is so delicious," replied the foggy-minded sex slave. "Can you please give me more? I want more of your cum, please."

"In a little bit, you loveable cum whore. First, let's see what we can do with you next."

Razor wondered as to what he could do with her that involved the rig, though perhaps the answer was obvious. But the first thing he wanted to do was grab a nearby leash and buckle it to a ring that was behind Saria's collar - one which he would use to control her and pull on her in case he had to. It almost seemed like he was going to take her out for a walk. All of this was while Saria thought curiously as to what kinky thing her master would do to her next. She felt the leash being buckled to her collar, but unless he planned on walking her like a puppy, he must have other intentions for it.

He also grabbed a nearby sling and had Saria lean over in an L-shape, putting the sling underneath her abdomen and sending the rope of the sling into a hoop that was on the bondage rig. He then hoisted her up so that her weight would be fully onto the mechanism. Her pussy was now in the air and at waist level for Razor to have clear access to her. All the while, Saria giggled slightly at the feeling of being weightless again, her light body being suspended by the sling-net, her pussy open for her master to reach, and with a collar attached to her neck. He also bound her hands behind her back, making sure that she was completely helpless to his whim.

But Razor wasn't about to get started with fucking her just yet.

"How would you like a little bit of a teaser, My Little Whore?"

What Saria hadn't expected was for Razor to put something on her pussy, which then began to vibrate ferociously. Immediately, Saria cried out in pleasure as she felt the vibrator begin to massage her clit, unable to control herself as her pussy was being rubbed repeatedly by the tiny device. Razor would even get coy by sticking it into her vaginal canal, rubbing her insides with vigor as he even did circular motions and stretched out her walls with the device.

All the while, poor Saria's sex-craved brain tried its best to process the feeling of having her mind numbed by the cum and her pussy being vibrated by her dominator's sex toy. She didn't know what else her master would do to her, only that she was going to enjoy every moment of it. To add to the sensation, Razor turned up the setting of the vibrator to its maximum setting, vibrating her snatch to the point of it being painful. But she trooped on, getting comfortable with the feeling of having a sex toy outside her pussy vibrating her sensitive clitoris.

"Are you enjoying this so far, My Little Bitch?" he asked.

"V-v-very m-much, Master." Her trembling voice indeed conveyed her elation.

"Good. We'll get started on the meat of our time together in earnest. Let's see if we can't stimulate you even more."

With that, Saria felt something pinch her nipples rather painfully, the object feeling cold and metallic. But her pain was replaced with pleasure as she also felt vibrations from these nipple-pinching devices. Since the couple bought these special devices the last time they visited Zazzy's sex shop, Razor figured that it was now time to put these new toys to good use. And the vibrator nipple pinchers only added to Saria's elation as she felt not only her clit but her nips being vibrated. The moans that filled the room were evidence of this reverie.

Saria was tortured with the three vibrators for the next ten minutes, the poor woman's brain barely able to process just what she was feeling. Her breathing was hard and fast - perhaps because she was nearing the point of no return. Though she wanted to save her orgasm for when Razor would penetrate her himself, she couldn't fight the rapture that her body was feeling. And he was not going to stop using these toys on her till he felt she was sufficiently tenderized by the toys.

But after another five minutes, Razor finally did turn off the vibrator that was rubbing her pussy. The ones on her nipples remained, though they were placed on a lower setting so that she didn't blow then and there. Saria was reaching her peak pleasure, and she wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer.

"I hope you're ready for what's next, My Sweet," teased Razor.

Saria nodded her head as a wide grin appeared on her face. She knew exactly what was going to happen next.

Already, Razor was aligning his cock with her entrance, and he was going to go for full impact. He positioned himself so that his front thighs were right on top of her ass cheeks, using her buns as a cushion for his legs as he got ready to penetrate her. Her legs were dangling downward, though he could spread them to the side to allow him better access to her. This time around he didn't penetrate her slowly as he had done other times. Rather, he pushed as hard and as deep into her as he could go. And to add to the pleasure, he pulled on her leash like one would a wild animal, causing her to feel even more intensely the pleasure of being controlled.

Being this rough from the get-go caught Saria by surprise as she felt Her Master's cock being shoved deep into her love hole, letting out a shriek as she felt the sharp pain from the forceful penetration. And Razor spared no punches as he thrust in and out of her with increased vigor. His cock was pulled out and pushed back in with enough force to make Saria swing in her sling, and he showed no mercy as he thrust into her like a rabid animal. Poor Saria was caught for a ride as she let out pained moans of pleasure at the rough treatment.

The two kept this going for who knows how long, time seeming meaningless as her pussy was fucked rough and to the extremes of pleasure. And when she moaned too much, Razor made sure to quiet her down with a hard spank on her ass cheek, a sure sign that he wanted her to make less noise while he was fucking her brains out. And with a quick press of a button from the remote control that the Greninja had, he turned up the volume of the nipple vibrators to the maximum setting, sending Saria reeling as she was once sent close to the brink.

"You like that, don't you, My Sweet?" asked Razor.

"Y-yes, M-m-master," she replied while her body was trembling. "I'm... I-I'm going to..."

Razor knew what she wanted to say. But he would do nothing to alleviate her.

"Well too bad. Even if you do cum, I'm not stopping until I've sent your brain shooting to the moon, gre heh."

And cum was what Saria did. Her pussy began to contract hard as she was now at the point of no return. Her mind was full of rapture as her Pokémon continued to fuck her without mercy. And a noticeable ahegao was clear on her face the more her pussy was fucked, and her nipples were being vibrated. Her mind could only take so much pleasure, the sensation now bordering on levels of sexual torture, and with Razor not stopping anytime soon. His cock rubbed her pussy walls with continued vigor, all while their combined juices made a wet, squelching sound from their continued lovemaking. All of this was while Razor continued to pull on her leash, making sure to remind her that he was in control of her and what she could do.

The scene carried on for the following fifteen minutes, with Saria now at a point where she was hardly coherent with her surroundings. Her poor human brain couldn't handle any more pleasure even if she wanted to. The sensation of having her pussy being fucked rough and her nipples being vibrated proved to be too much for her to handle. And though she already had her first agonizing orgasm, it seemed her body was getting ready for a second one. Her body thoroughly enjoyed the fucking, with her tongue sticking out as her panting made evident her feelings.

But on Razor's end, it seemed that he too was also nearing a point of no return. After fucking his slave mercilessly, he too was also close to reaching the end of his rope.

"I hope you're ready, My Little Cum Whore. I'm about to grant you your wish."

And with this said, the Greninja began fucking her even more passionately. His cock was pushed in and pulled out of her with even greater fervor, sending Saria reeling once more as her panting grew even harder and faster. Though her mind was done, her sexual organs were not yet finished as they began to convulse again. Her heartbeat was fast as her organs were in preparation for Razor's sperm, hoping to milk the Greninja cock for all it was worth.

"Tell me, do you want my cum?" asked Razor.

"Y-yes..." she said softly.

At this point, Razor stopped completely, not satisfied with what he heard.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you. I can't give you your wish if you won't speak louder." And with one hand he placed it to his ear. "Now tell me again, slut: Do you want my cum?"

Saria's mind was indignant. How could he stop now? She wanted his sperm, and now.

"YES!!!" she cried out passionately. "Give me all of your sperm, Master!"

Pleased with what he heard, Razor figured it was time to grant her wish.

"Then, in that case, let's give your reward."

Razor thrust into her once again, this time with as much fervor as a machine. And Saria was sent reeling once again as her pussy was fucked to within an inch of its life. Her mind craved release. Her body craved her lover's sperm. And she wanted him to dump his full load inside of her so badly.

And when the big moment came, Razor thrusted as deep into Saria's pussy as he could go.

"Here... you go... Saria. Enjoy!" he said in a strained voice.

A torrent of cum gushed from the tip of his cock, with Razor feeling a bit of pain from just how forceful his cock was contracting. And with his cock practically touching her cervix, the sperm had nowhere to go but bathe her inside with warm and delicious cum. Her uterus was filling up nicely with the potent genetic fluid, and poor Saria was at a loss for words as to what she was feeling. Her mind went out like a broken fuse, her thoughts not able to withstand the sheer rapture she felt overwhelmed by everything and brought her consciousness crashing down into the abyss - all while her vaginal walls acted on their own to milk her lover's cock of every last drop that it could give.

For his part, Razor continued granting his lover her wish, bathing her inside as he emptied his sperm pouch of all the semen he had pent up. His mind was also rocked by the sheer feeling of his orgasm, something which he relished as much as his partner. But when he opened his eyes to see what had become of his slave, he noted how still Saria had become and how shallow her breathing had become. Chuckling to himself and patting himself for a job well done, now came the part of bringing his lover back down to earth.

He leaned over her and whispered into her ear:

"Gre heh, I guess you need a break then, eh My Sweet?" he asked her softly.

"Y-yes... My Lover..." She uttered the Safe Word, her mind and body finally having enough,

Razor chuckled as he unclicked the leash behind her collar, as well as standing to undo the bind that bound her hands. He then slowly pulled his cock out of her, and when he did there was a loud pop noise as he pulled himself completely out of her. A line of cum drooled out of her hole, a sure sign that she had been stuffed fully. He then lowered the sling slightly so that her feet were now touching the ground - though he knew full well that she was in no condition to stand up on her strength. With this in mind, her grabbed her by the waist and lifted her light frame from the sling, her body flaccid as he carried her over to where they usually rest afterward.

A throw blanket was on the ground, and Razor gently lowered Saria onto it. As he did so, her pussy was oozing sperm and other sexual fluids, leaving a trail that went along the floor. But cleaning would come later. For now, He lay himself down on the blanket behind Saria, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to his body.

It was oftentimes that Aftercare sessions like this were the most wholesome part of their relationship. Saria placed her trust in Razor, and though he would often push the limits, he still had her considered in mind. All of this was for her gratification and happiness, and all to make sure that their bond continued strong. As he patted her head and pulled her tighter against him, he reminisced on all of the happy moments that he shared with his lover. These were beautiful reflections on how their relationship had come to be, and it was something he truly cherished.

After a solid half an hour of resting, Saria at long last began to come to from her stupor. Her mind was still numb, but her thoughts were becoming even more clear. She felt the arms wrapped around her body and the cool yet slick frame of her lover. She felt the love of her partner as her mind slowly regained cohesion. And when she realized what was happening, a warmth began to envelop her as she realized that her Froggy had been keeping watch over her this whole time. She turned around slowly to come face-to-face with his kind and joyous smile.

"How're you holding up, My Sweet?" asked Razor warmly.

"Like... like I was..." Her mind was still a little worn out, but she managed to say: "Like I was in Heaven. I just felt so much... so much pleasure..."

Razor smiled as he reached for her head, gently pulling off her mask so that he could see her full face. Saria's emerald irises looked at his sky-blue eyes, the two together in bliss as they reminisced on what they had done.

"How did I do, Master?" she asked as she remained in character. "Was I good cum whore?"

"You were," replied Razor. "But you're not a whore... at least, not outside this room."

"I know. It's just that I adore having sex with you, Raz... I mean, Master."

"We're not in our session anymore, Saria. You can call me whatever you want now."

"Sorry. Just was too engrossed to want to leave that behind."

Then, the memories of what happened earlier that day came to mind, and their happy time started to dim down a bit.

"Do you think things will get better for Poképhiles like us?" asked Saria curiously. "I mean, people will be coming after us now that they have a god at their side."

"True, but I know for a fact that god isn't Arceus," assured Razor. "In the meanwhile, I couldn't give two shits what other people think." He grabbed her by the shoulders to emphasize his point. "I love you so much, Saria... like you wouldn't even believe. I would do anything for your happiness and to keep you safe. If I have to risk the wrath of a god to do so, then so be it. But I will never leave your side no matter what. And I hope you'll do the same for me."

The Greninja's eyes began to water as a tear trickled down his face. Saria saw his true emotions, and it was something that she never once took for granted. She lifted her arm and wiped the tear away, from her lover. Words couldn't describe the joy that she felt being in the embrace of her non-human lover. And she leaned towards him, her lips trembling as she planted them on the upper lip and upper tongue scarf of her lover's mouth, Saria got to feel just how much her lover cared for her.

The two embraced in their kiss as their passion grew once more. But this time it wasn't as a dominator and submissive. BDSM was a result of love and trust, and the love that these two shared eclipsed even the passion they shared during orgasm. It was a love that both lovers wanted to prolong for as long as they could.

Who knows what the future would have in store for them, and for all Poképhiles out there in general? The news of Team Shroud having a god was worrying, and that for sure would bolster the Anti-Poképhilia Crusade movement even more. But what the Crusaders failed to realize was that the love that Poképhiles shared with their pokémon was genuine. It was indistinguishable from that with a human partner. The passion of these lovers transcended the battle bonds and friendship of pokémon and humans when they partook in battle events.

And the passion that Saria and Razor shared for one another was a prime example of that.

Breaking off from their kiss, the two embraced even more as they rested on the blanket. Now it was time to rest after such a wonderful session together.

Now, it was time to repose...

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