The Island - Chapter 4

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#4 of The Island

The penultimate chapter of The Island! We finally get to the scat, as well as some other heavy/extreme kinks. Read at your own peril, and always, let me know if you perverted freaks get off to this (literal) shit!

Apollo grumbled softly as he slept, his consciousness slowly returning to him. He had no idea how long he was out - all he knew was that last night was one of the deepest nights of sleep he'd had in a while. He pulled his outstretched wing a bit closer, hugging the mass next to him, letting out a low, soft, pleasured moan.

"Morning..." he mumbled. His eyelids fluttered a bit as he awoke, only for them to go wide a moment later. "Hunter?" he asked, looking around the room. His fox had seemingly been replaced overnight by a pillow.

The bird quickly got up out of bed, still slightly sticky from the previous night as he frantically looked around for the vulpine. Not only was Hunter gone, but the room seemed less populated than before. Only a few others remained, and none of them orange. "Hunter?!" He shouted, running around in desperation.

"He's gone, birdy," Orion called, pride dripping from his voice. "Guess they realized who the sluts were and tossed 'em out. Only want the strongest moving on."

"No, they wouldn't. It's not fair," Apollo uttered, running over toward a door and pulling on it, only to find it locked.

"Sure it is. Survival of the fittest," Orion replied. "And now there's only one of you, and two of us," the wolf continued, jerking his thumb over his shoulder toward his lackey, still hanging around. "You think you can take us now?"

"Just fuck off, would you? Such a fucking cocky asshole," Apollo vented.

"Not cocky when I'm just better," the wolf shot back, getting up and slowly walking over toward the bird.

"I swear, if I find out you had anything to do with this..." Apollo threatened, staring Orion down and walking toward him in return.

"You'll what?" Orion laughed.

The pair finally met face to face, with Orion smirking down at the bird while Apollo glared at him. Apollo wanted nothing more than to just lay into the wolf and beat him senseless, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to get away with it.

"Now that's a good start to the morning," they were interrupted. The same bull seemingly running these games made his way into the room, flanked by two guards. "Keep up the aggression, you'll need it in a few minutes."

"You!" Apollo shouted, turning his attention immediately toward the bovine. "Where are they? Where's Hunter?!" He shouted.

"He's still here. The rest of them all are," the bull said simply. "No one was eliminated overnight; I didn't lie. It was purely time for you to all relax. However, now that it's morning, it's time to keep playing. Can all of you come over here please?" He asked, raising his voice to the remaining few in the room. After waiting a moment for the rest to walk over, he continued.

"Good! Now, I'm sure you're all just as excited as I am to keep playing. You'll get your instructions in just a moment - once you rejoin your friends," the bull said, pointing across the room toward one of the doors.

Apollo couldn't have run across the room faster. He ripped the door open, expecting to see Hunter behind it, but was met with a singular guard. Five windowless doors were behind the guard, and the armored lion standing there held a stack of folders in his paws.

"," the guard said quickly, rifling through the folders quickly and handing one off to Apollo. "First door, all the way down," he uttered, pointing to his left, and the avian took off again, completely ignoring the folder he now carried. He raced into the room, only to stop in his tracks once he made it inside. The door swung shut behind him, and when Apollo turned to leave, found it firmly closed.

"You're not Hunter," he said simply, glaring at the otter sitting in the chair, as if it was somehow his fault. The smaller male was cuffed to the chair around his wrists and ankles, with a ball gag firmly stuffed into his mouth. To that end, all Apollo got in response was a lot of frightened, muffled noises, unable to tell what the otter was saying.

As Apollo took in the rest of the room, he realized the fright was appropriate. While the chair itself was innocuous, everything else piled up against one of the walls wasn't. Just off a quick survey, he noted a wide array of ropes and other bondage equipment, whips, a baseball bat, shock collars, dildos and plugs that looked far too large for anyone to realistically take, ring gags, a taser and plenty of spare cartridges, and a few pill bottles that could have had anything inside. Before he could keep looking though, brief static sounded out from overhead, and the bull's voice soon followed.

"Welcome to round three! Now that we're all in place, we can finally tell you what you're up for. For this, you've all been divided into subs and doms. Subs are currently bound to their chairs, while doms are free to move about, holding a folder. Inside the folder, you'll find as much information as we have on your sub - name, fetishes, dislikes, personal information, and anything else that might be relevant. Doms, your goal is simple - make your sub say the words 'I surrender'. Subs, your goal is also simple - don't say those words."

"As we progress through the competition, we're stripping away some of the rules you must follow. To that end, there are only two here - neither of you are allowed to draw blood in any way, or otherwise permanently harm each other. That goes for subs too - if you somehow get the upper hand, you are not allowed to do anything to the dom that he's not allowed to do to you. We will be watching in case things go too far - and also probably jerking off. Second, and very simply - you only have one hour, and doms must extract those words within that timeframe. How you do it is up to you. Doms, if you have any questions on these rules, there's a button on the wall you can use as an intercom with me. We don't want you to hold back if you don't have to. Good luck!" The bull stated, and his voice cut off.

"Ugh," Apollo said simply, turning to the otter. "This isn't going to be fun for either of us, but especially you," the bird stated, and the mustelid's eyes went wider as he realized Apollo was going to take this seriously. Slowly, the bird opened up the file and started reading, sighing as he realized he was going to have to cross a lot more lines than he was comfortable with here.

"Fetishes...feet, exhibitionism, group sex...clowns?" The bird said with incredulity, looking up at a now-embarrassed otter. "Okay, whatever..." he continued. "Performance in tasks so far...found unconscious wolf and quickly used him to get off in round one, barely evaded capture twice. Interview answers largely uninteresting - relatively inexperienced submissive, likes larger men. Vomited the second he was allowed after round two, barely able to keep the piss down, even though he only had to drink from mice," Apollo continued reading aloud.

"Alright, let's get to it. I'm sorry in advance for this - you're between me and my fox, and I'm not losing him," Apollo said, walking over toward the table and looking over his options. The bull's words rang in his mind, making sure he didn't give up control in any way, lest the otter take control over him. To that end, he grabbed the taser for defense if he needed it, but hoped he wouldn't. In his other wing, he grabbed a key that was labeled as being for the handcuffs currently keeping the otter in the chair.

Apollo waved the taser in the otter's face, pointing it directly between his eyes. "You try anything, and I mean anything, and I'll have you on your ass pissing yourself before you know what happened. Got it?" He asked, and received a quick nod in response. "First, I'm taking the ball gag out - can't expect you to surrender if you can't speak," the bird noted, reaching behind and undoing the gag.

"Please," the otter spoke, as soon as he could in his high-pitched, squeaky voice. "Don't do this. I'm scared," he pleaded.

"Don't care," Apollo replied. He did, and really didn't want to do this, but wasn't given much of an option. He had to appear strong to keep the otter afraid. The bird reached over and undid one of the otter's cuffs, roughly jerking his wrist over to join the other, latching the arms together behind the mustelid's back to prevent him from reacting. Only now did he remove the other cuff from the chair, not giving the otter a chance to fight back. He soon did the same with the cuffs around his victim's ankles, and once he was free, Apollo shoved him face down onto the floor. He walked over, stepping down on the back of the otter's head and holding him against the ground, grinding him into it. "I'll give you one chance. You can surrender now, and I'll give you a hell of a last hour. We can do whatever you want before you lose. Otherwise, I will make you regret it, and I'll get those words out of you in a much more painful way."

The otter struggled on the ground, wriggling back and forth as he tried to get comfortable. He remained silent though, defiant in spite of the bird's threats, believing he was more than capable of outlasting him. All he could do was wait, and soon felt Apollo roughly flipping him over and onto his back.

Apollo sighed as he maneuvered his prey into position, sitting down right atop the otter's chest, giving him no chance to move. He let his weight fully crush the smaller male's chest, knowing it was more difficult for the otter to breathe, but refused to move. The bird scooted forward slightly, flopping his cock down right over the otter's face and leaving it there for a moment, his flaccid length resting right alongside his prey's mouth, but with the head pointed up more past his nose.

Suddenly, Apollo leaned forward rapidly and roughly took hold of the otter's head, holding it firmly in place. He moved one of his wings in a way where he could just barely hold the mustelid's eye open, using his thumb and his index finger to spread it wide while still maintaining a firm grip. The otter wondered what the hell was going to happen, and why the bird thought wiping his cock on the otter's face would get him to surrender, but he soon found out. A long, concentrated, golden stream of piss shot straight out of Apollo's cock, and after some minor adjustments to his position, was forcing it straight into the otter's open eye.

"Fuck! Fuck! Get the fuck off me!" The otter shouted, desperately shaking himself back and forth, trying to get the burning sensation to stop. Apollo's weight on his chest held him firm though, and he wasn't letting the otter's head move an inch. The stream continued as the screams echoed through the room, and through the piss, Apollo could see the bird's eye reddening. He squeezed as hard as he could, putting pressure on his victim's head, making it as uncomfortable as possible for him.

Spotting an opportunity, Apollo shifted himself back very slightly, pulling his hips away from the eye and rapidly pointing himself toward the otter's maw, making sure a healthy amount of piss ended up between his lips. Once the coughing and sputtering started, he jerked the otter's head to the other side, forcing the other eye open and giving it the same burning, acrid, urine soaking he gave the other.

The otter coughed as his cries of pain were abruptly cut short by the piss flooding his throat, madly trying to expel the fluids from his system. The taste was horrendous though, and before he could regain his breath, his stomach started violently protesting. Vomit spewed forth from the otter's throat, spraying out from his lips before raining back down across his face and Apollo's length, even going back into his maw. It sparked the whole cycle over and over again, causing him to retch even harder, never getting a moment to breathe. He involuntarily inhaled some of it as he tried to gasp in a quick breath, sparking another round of coughing.

His chest was already in pain with the bird sitting on it, but now with the lack of air, he was struggling mightily. Just before he felt he was about to suffocate, Apollo's stream finally let up. The bird slowly stood, looking down at the otter, who could only quickly roll onto his side and spew everything that was choking him before. Huge gasps of air sounded out as precious oxygen entered his lungs once again. Apollo wasn't about to give him a complete reprieve though and delivered a swift kick to the otter's chest.

"YOU'RE A FREAKING PSYCHOPATH," the otter shouted as soon as he was able.

Apollo's hardened expression hadn't changed, knowing his job still hadn't concluded. He remained silent for a moment, stepping away from the otter and pressing the button on the wall. "Can you be more specific about what constitutes permanent harm?" He asked, not waiting long for a response.

"I'm glad you asked," the bull replied, sounding genuinely excited by the question. "Essentially, anything that will never heal, or heal back the way it was. If it goes back to normal after a week, a few weeks, a few months, anything like that, it's fair game. Remember though, no blood drawn - we still have to limit you somehow to see how creative you can get."

Apollo didn't reply to the message, stepping back over to the otter, who was still trying to regain his breath. The bird forced him onto his stomach, grabbing the handcuffs with one wing and seizing one of the otter's paws with his other, roughly taking hold of one of the fingers and bending it painfully backwards.

"Surrender, or I break the finger," Apollo said angrily.

"You wouldn't dare," the otter spat, and instantly, a cracking sound was heard. Apollo jerked the finger back immediately, snapping it. The otter screamed out in pain, tears running down his cheeks as he suffered at the wings of the lovestruck bird, desperate to reach his partner.

"Next one," Apollo said, releasing his grasp and taking the finger. The otter expected the same question, determined to resist it, but Apollo gave him no such option. He simply snapped it, but this time, he didn't let go. He kept it bent backwards, far further than it ever should have gone, and now leaned down toward the otter's head. "Say it. Or I keep going."

"Stop it, okay, okay!" The otter shouted, and Apollo let go of the finger, standing up, expecting the smaller male to cave.

"Say it!" Apollo shouted again.

"N...No! I can't!" the otter cried.

In a fit of rage, Apollo whipped around and grabbed the baseball bat he'd seen earlier. "SAY IT!" he screamed again, knowing the otter was about to crack.

"NO!" the otter cried equally loudly, though Apollo could see him visibly shaking now.

"SAY IT OR I BREAK YOUR FUCKING LEG," he threatened, slamming the bat down against the floor next to the otter's head for emphasis. He readied himself for the strike, stepping forward onto the back of the otter's knee and holding it still.

"STOP, OKAY! I SURRENDER!" The otter cried, and instantly, Apollo dropped the bat. Only a few seconds after the words were spoken, the door to the room opened, and two guards appeared. One walked in and scooped up the otter, carrying him out, crying and defeated. The other stayed behind, smiling over toward Apollo.

"Well done," the zebra stated. "This way," he said, guiding Apollo out of the room and onward. There, he saw another room similar to the one where they'd spent the previous night, but with showers in place of beds. The bull was waiting for him, and he obviously wasn't kidding - the bovine was erect from having watched the displays so far and was all smiles as he looked over Apollo.

"Congratulations! First done, and might I say, very impressive. Only about fifteen minutes," the bull said.

"Where's Hunter?" Apollo asked, uncaring about his own performance, and mostly trying to forget about it.

"In due time, we'll see how he does. You though, holy fuck. Most guys ramp up the sadism, but you just went straight in for it. That otter won't be able to see straight for a week, and I hope he doesn't jerk off with his right paw. I never thought you'd be the one to break your victim first; we almost put you in one of the sub chairs. You fucking that fox last night tipped the scales in your favor though."

"How much longer until I see him?" Apollo demanded.

"Well, that depends on if he makes it out. You want to come watch? You earned it after that performance," the bull lauded.

"Fine," Apollo said, and followed the bull off into a side room. There, the bovine had been surveying the action, alongside a tiger guard who was clearly enjoying the show as well. A mess of cum on the floor showed that the bull had already gotten off once, and as soon as he sat down, was stroking himself again.

"That was when you grabbed the bat," the bovine said, pointing to the puddle on the floor. "I could sense the desperation in your voice, and holy fuck was it hot. I got chills from it."

Apollo didn't reply though, eyes glued to one screen in particular. "Oh no..." he muttered under his breath. There, right in front of him, he could see Orion standing in front of Hunter, with the fox still strapped to his chair. A timer was in the top-right of the video, and Apollo could see that just over forty minutes remained. The confusing thing was, however, that Orion was simply standing there, letting Hunter suck him off.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Apollo asked.

"The wolf's overconfident. Didn't even touch the file we gave him. He laughed when he entered the room and told the fox he wouldn't need more than five minutes to break him. To that end...well, you see what they're doing. Something about telling Hunter he wanted a blowjob in the morning, and he was going to get it one way or the other. He's going for a psychological approach mostly, letting the fear build up in the fox over the hour, then will try to make that fear real near the end. It works more often than you'd expect in these games though, so let's see how it pans out."

"Come on, Hunter..." the bird muttered, focusing intently on the screen as the sound of two masturbating males filled his ears.

Meanwhile, Hunter was nearly confused as Apollo was. He'd been sucking for ages, preparing for anything the wolf had to throw at him, but nothing came. He fully expected Orion's dick to be forced down his throat with no chance to breathe, or an attempt to knot his mouth, or something along those lines, but it never actually materialized. The fox had gotten off a couple minutes ago, spraying his load over Orion's legs just from sucking the meaty wolf cock, but it just kept going. Hunter's jaw was getting tired, but there was no way that was going to be enough to make him surrender. After a few more minutes of slurping, Orion finally allowed himself to cum, quickly firing his load into Hunter's stomach, immediately followed by his post-orgasm piss.

"Thirty minutes left," the bull said, leaning forward into his mic, causing the words to echo out through all four remaining rooms.

Orion's ears perked up as he was pissing, registering the bull's words. Unceremoniously, he pulled his cock out of Hunter's maw and let the rest of the urine wash over the fox, sighing as his bladder emptied. "Well, it's been fun, Hunter. Time to send you packing with the rest of the losers. Now what've we got here..." the wolf said, looking over toward the table.

"Oh please, I'm not scared of you," Hunter said.

"You should be. You really should be," Orion replied, reaching out and smacking Hunter across the cheek. The simple motion was enough to make the fox see stars for a few moments, but soon enough, he'd recovered.

"I don't think so. Last night you threatened to, what was it? Go at your pace, and make it hurt? You failed at that, why would I think you can do any more here?" Hunter asked.

"Bitch, please. Your hole was red as fuck after I got done with it," Orion replied.

"So? Doesn't mean it hurt. I still told you I liked it afterward. I think you just look confident, but you don't have shit to back it up," Hunter mocked.

"Oh, I had stuff to back it up alright. Got you off three times already, twice just from sticking my dick in your mouth. You're such a fucking brat, unwilling to admit you're weaker, and only there for stronger guys to use as they want," Orion ranted.

"Oh really? Then why'd I ask Apollo to fuck me after you got done?" Hunter continued. "If you're so good, why would I need someone else? Now that was a real man. He knew how to fuck. I couldn't even move after he got done it hurt so bad; you saw him carry me to the other bed."

"Alright fox, you want to play games? Let's play games. I'll fucking show you what I can do," Orion growled, grabbing the key off the counter and quickly undoing the fox's restraints. He wasn't scared in the slightest about being overpowered, and proved himself right when he threw Hunter up against the wall. The fox tried to get away, dodging around the wolf, but he was immediately snatched up. Orion tossed him again, down onto the floor this time, sending Hunter skidding into the opposite wall.

"You see? You're weak. An insect buzzing around that I have to squash. Nothing more. After we're done here, I won't remember you, but you'll wish everyone you ever fuck was as good as me," Orion continued. "I don't need any of these fucking toys to prove it either. I can take you down with pure strength and masculinity. Get over here."

Hunter tried scampering away again, but Orion managed to grab one of his ankles. The fox kicked out to try to free himself, only allowing Orion to grab the other. The wolf dragged him back across the floor, flipping him onto his stomach, and jerking Hunter's ass into the air by his tail. Similar to last night, he spit downward onto the abused tailhole, letting his saliva drip down along it. "Can't have you winning on a technicality, bleeding out on me. Not going in dry, but trust me, you'll feel it."

Orion was true to his word. He pushed his hips forward and rubbed the head of his shaft against Hunter's ass, getting it slick with spit before he started pressing it inside. He went much faster than the previous night, and the relatively dry entrance made Hunter lean his head back and cry in pain. "Stop, stop," he urged the wolf, but Orion obviously wasn't in a mood to listen.

"Music to my ears," the lupine said, pausing for a brief moment. "You want me to stop, you know what you have to say."

Hunter whimpered but didn't continue speaking, after which Orion kept going. He shoved the rest of his cock in in one go, making Hunter yelp again in pain, only to yank it back out again after. Each thrust was slow and forceful, with Orion pulling his cock out only to ram it back home, hilting the fox once more. He continued like this for a few minutes, enjoying the painful screeches Hunter let out, watching the vulpine clawing at the floor as he desperately tried to get away. Orion wasn't going to let him though.

The pace started picking up, though it was no less forceful than before. Orion's knot had started to form, and he was using it to his full advantage. It slipped in and out past Hunter's anal ring, widening it further and further each time. It was one thing for Hunter to take the knot the previous night, but now his hole was getting worked far more than it had been last time. Even as the bulb of flesh continued to grow, Orion kept forcing it inside and ripping it back out. The fox's cries grew louder each time, giving the wolf hope that he'd succeed any minute now.

"Ten minutes left," the voice came over the speakers, and a slight bit of panic set in with Orion. He knew he had to win soon.

Lust and fear overcame the lupine, and his thrusts became more frantic. He kept hammering away at Hunter's insides, keeping the fox bent in an awkward way as he pushed in, his knot no longer able to enter with how big it had gotten. He steeled himself once and more and used the most force he could muster, and for the second time in twelve hours, somehow managed to knot the same fox and began to spill his seed.

Orion collapsed down onto the fox, squishing him into the floor with his far heavier body weight, his gut completely covering the vulpine's lower back. "Surrender...or I rip it out..." Orion breathed.

"You wouldn't dare," Hunter countered. "You pull it out, my ass rips open, and you draw blood. You lose."

The wolf growled, pushing himself back up despite not having his breath quite back yet, and looked over at the shelves of equipment. "Fine, have it your way. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me," he replied.

Before the wolf could move too far, Hunter sprang into action. He pushed himself up and laced one of his arms through the large, C-shaped door handle, rooting himself to the spot. With the wolf's knot firmly embedded in his ass, and with no way to get it out in less than ten minutes, Hunter just had to keep him away from the tools. From here, he was sure he could do that.

Orion growled as he desperately tried to pull away, but he knew that any sudden movements or jerks could cause him to rip Hunter's sphincter. "You little fuck!" he cried, facing the fox again and seizing his throat, roughly clamping down on it. "Give in!" he screamed.

Thankfully, Hunter had been given quite a bit of recent practice in holding his breath. He saw the lupine's lunge and quickly inhaled, knowing it would be his last breath for a while. The two stayed in stalemate for a few minutes. The fox even impressed himself with how long he could hold his air, despite the pain radiating throughout his neck.

"Five minutes left," the voice from above said.

Hunter couldn't hold it any longer. His lungs were screaming at him, and if he didn't do something soon, he was going to end up unconscious. Realizing the big wolf was too dumb to realize he was preventing the one thing that would get him a victory, Hunter opened his maw and tried to speak, only getting a few small, faint croaking noises out. Orion kept squeezing though, and it wasn't until Hunter started pointing at his mouth that it clicked that he couldn't surrender, and the fox was dropped back against the floor.

"Fucking say it! SAY IT" Orion bellowed, punching Hunter in the side of the head.

The lack of oxygen combined with the solid blow made the fox dizzy, unsure he could even say anything at the moment if he wanted to. His senses were dulled and his brain felt fuzzy, but Orion made sure he could still feel everything. Unwilling to give up, the wolf jerked Hunter's head back and forced his muzzle open, jamming two of his clawed fingers deep inside. If he couldn't get the fox to surrender with pain, maybe he'd be able to do it with disgust.

Almost immediately, Hunter's stomach heaved, and an ocean of cum and piss came rocketing back out of his stomach and onto the floor in front of himself, combined with chunks of the previous night's meal. Orion shoved his fingers in again, forcing the fox to heave a few more times before he pushed Hunter back down against the floor, smearing him around in the lake of expelled fluids. The lupine hadn't even realized that with all the panic he was feeling, his cock had slipped free from Hunter's ass, rapidly going down as he felt as far from aroused as he'd ever felt. The knot was engorged, but with the wild movements going on, Hunter's abused hole was able to let it out, still stretched from the repeated entrances earlier.

"Surrender! SURRENDER!" The wolf practically pleaded, mashing the side of Hunter's head against the unforgiving floor, wiping him through the vomit.

"HOW? HOW?" he continued, feeling his heart racing as he tried anything to get the fox to give in. Seeing nothing else around, he resorted back to his usual ways, knowing he was in his final seconds.

"WHY? WON'T? YOU? GIVE? IN?" he yelled, punctuating each word with a punch, sending Hunter first to the right, then to the left.

"TIME!" the voice from above cried, and before Orion could lay another paw on Hunter, two guards raced into the room and seized the wolf, hauling him off of the barely conscious fox.

"NO! NO!" Orion screamed as he was lifted up, fighting for his survival. He managed to free one of his arms, lunging toward the table of tools, but what he was going for was known only to him. The second he managed to move, one of the guards whipped out his taser and stunned the wolf with it, sending him crashing down to the floor. Without another word, the guards lifted him again and carried him out of the room, away from the fox.

Hunter rested on the floor for a while, unsure how he'd managed to withstand the onslaught at the end. His whole body was sore, and he was sure his entire head would be massively bruised tomorrow. The important thing, though, was that he'd survived, and made it through to another round. For the moment, he was unable to get up, and though he desperately wanted to, couldn't quite see through the door to know if Apollo had made it as well. His answer though soon came racing in to greet him.

"Hunter! Are you okay?" the bird cried, practically sliding across the floor on his knees to survey the damage done. The fox didn't reply, but a small, weak smile adorned his lips. Shakily, he managed to raise one of his paws, which Apollo promptly took hold of. "Oh Hunter, I'm so happy you made it. That looked like it really hurt. I have no idea how you're awake right now..."

"You...saw?" the fox croaked, throat still sore from the brief choking he endured.

"Yeah. I finished about forty-five minutes ago. They, uh...they were impressed with how I did, and let me watch the rest of the round..." Apollo replied.

"You...were dom, then?" Hunter eked out.

"Yeah, but apparently just barely. They only gave it to me since I topped you last night," the bird explained.

"Ah," Hunter said simply, not wanting to speak more than he had to. The pair sat there for a few more minutes, with Hunter slowly feeling his breathing returning to normal, even if the pain in his face hadn't gone away yet. He didn't suspect it would any time soon though.

"Let's...get up..." Hunter slowly said, shifting around slightly in the pool, trying to get purchase to prop himself up. Apollo helped as much as he could, and soon the pair were standing upright. Hunter was a bit hunched over as he walked, but the two made their way into the next waiting room. They ambled forth, with Apollo just taking things at Hunter's pace. He wasn't badly injured, just mostly dazed, and still dripping from various places on his body.

"There's our last victor!" The bull said happily, giving Hunter a small round of applause as they joined the other players still in the game. As expected, they were down to five - Hunter could see Toby clearly limping as he made his way over to the showers, unsure as to the reason, but he was obviously hurt in some way. The other two were furs he'd not spoken with before, both sitting at the table eating - a hippo, who he'd guessed was dominant in the previous challenge by the lack of obvious injuries, and a deer who was holding the side of his head in clear agony.

"Get comfortable, get fed, whatever you'd like. We're not leaving you here overnight though like last time - you've got an hour or so, then we'll settle this game once and for all, and see who wins! Relax while you still can, and if I can make a suggestion, I highly recommend taking a shower - it might be the last time you're clean in a long while," the bull remarked, then headed out of the room, ignoring any potential follow-up questions.

"Ugh. Well...I guess we'll be free soon," Apollo said softly. "You want a shower then?" He asked, and Hunter nodded as much as he could in response. Slowly, they made their way across the room and rested against one of the walls of the makeshift showers. The bird took one of his wings off the fox for just a moment, readjusting the shower head and moving to the side until the water was warm. He turned the knob a bit and adjusted it a few times, before finally he felt comfortable with the setting. With the spray of water moved back over top of them, Apollo got to work, grabbing the nearby soap and gingerly starting to rub Hunter with it.

"Agh," the fox mumbled as Apollo rubbed over one of his bruised areas on his neck, shutting his eyes and clenching slightly from the pain.

"Sorry," Apollo replied. "I'll try to be gentler, but I don't know how much nicer I can do it.

"It's fine," Hunter croaked. "It's not like I blame you for it. Can't really see the bruise under the fur either. Orion, for as much of an ass as he is, has some weight behind his punches," he remarked, powering through the pain in his throat as he spoke.

"Well, you beat him, and he's gone now. You don't have to worry about him anymore," Apollo said, working his way over Hunter's arms and torso, scrubbing the fox clean. All traces of cum, piss, vomit, and whatever else had managed to stick to the fox were gradually being removed, washed away down the drain and forgotten.

"Him, no. We'll see what the next game has in store for us though..." Hunter sighed.

Apollo hesitated for just a moment as he worked down toward Hunter's waist. He soon realized that was silly though, considering they were now well past the point of fucking; handling the fox's sheath for a bit certainly wasn't out of the question. As he did though, he could clearly see Hunter's cock starting to poke out again, aroused by the sensation.

"Don't tell me you're getting off to the pain now," Apollo joked.

"Hah, no. It's nice to find something around this place that doesn't make me cum instantly..." Hunter replied. "It's just because it's you. I've always gotten hard when you touch me, you just never knew."

"Well, I do now. Unfortunately, I don't think you're in any shape to do much, and besides, we should probably conserve energy for the next challenge..." Apollo said somberly.

"Yeah..." Hunter replied, and the pair remained silent for a while. Apollo continued working down Hunter's legs, and only when he managed to get the fox nice and clean did he stop, finally standing back up and starting to work on himself.

"You ever..." Hunter started, but shook his head, stopping himself.

"Hmm?" Apollo asked.

"Never mind," the fox replied, trying to avoid the topic.

"No, go on," Apollo encouraged him. "There's no shame here anymore."

"It's not that. It's you think the games won't have more than one winner? What if one of us doesn't get to leave?" Hunter asked.

Apollo paused. The thought genuinely hadn't occurred to him - nothing the bull had said so far would make him think there was only one winner, and he was determined to make sure they both got out. "I hope that's not the case, but if I win, I still won't leave without you. I'm with you until the end," Apollo replied.

Hunter nodded softly. "Same here. I don't think I could live without you. You've been with me as long as I can remember..."

"Yeah, it's funny, isn't it? We could have spent that time doing so much more, but these weird relationship things get in the way, we get scared or nervous, and it just...never works out. I'm glad you at least said how you feel, even if it was...y'know, under duress," Apollo said with a small laugh.

"I'm glad I did too...I can't wait to enjoy more time with you," Hunter said, smiling for the first time in a while as Apollo turned the showerhead off.

"You think you can walk on your own now?" The bird asked.

"Yeah...pain's still there, but it's less, and I think my vision's fully back," the fox remarked.

"Good. Then let's grab some food; I think we both need it. You especially after you threw up everything you had earlier," the bird joked, lightly nudging Hunter's uninjured shoulder.

"Ugh. Don't remind me," the fox said, trying his best to forget what happened in that room with the wolf.

"Sorry. didn't look fun," the bird empathized as they made a quick stop at the full-body driers, relaxing as the warm air blasted their bodies and removed a good majority of the water soaking their fur and feathers.

Soon they were seated at the table, eager to dig into the array of options set out before them. Before Hunter could do anything though, an odd smell hit his nostrils, causing him to balk for a moment.

"You smell something funny?" Hunter asked, picking up his plate and giving it a whiff, but nothing really stood out to him.

"No?" Apollo replied, tilting his head a bit, giving the fox an odd look.

Hunter picked up the napkin next, taking a sniff and immediately moving it away from his nose a bit. "Yeah, there it is. It smells like...musk, I guess? I'm not really sure."

Apollo took his own napkin and deeply inhaled from it, but just shrugged after he did. "I suppose I smell something, but it's not that strong for me. You've got a better nose than I do."

"Eugh. Even the silverware's funky," Hunter said, putting his fork back down on the table.

"I dunno. Do you really expect anything around here to be that clean?" Apollo shrugged.

"I suppose not..." Hunter mumbled, before grabbing some of the nearby food and building up his plate, his stomach grumbling at him to eat. As he took the first bite though, he winced as he brought his jaws together.

"Ow...Fuck," Hunter said, holding a paw up to his cheek.

"Hurts to eat?" Apollo asked.

"Yeah...Fuck that wolf," Hunter spat.

"You did...A couple times," Apollo replied, working through his own food.

"Again, don't remind me..." Hunter said, closing his eyes as he struggled through his meal. "Anyway, you know what I went through in there, since you got to watch...but what did you do to your sub to get out so quickly?"

"You...don't want to know. I kind of went crazy when I found out you weren't with me after I got up. It was a hell of a roller coaster ride, telling you I love you then having you taken away right after..."

"That...that bad, huh?" Hunter asked, though he couldn't help but feel a mixture of happiness and embarrassment at hearing Apollo talk about their newfound love for each other.

"Yeah...I mean, I'll tell you if you want, but it's not pretty," Apollo said, looking down at his food.

"I...kind of want to know. If we're going to be in a relationship now...we should probably be able to talk about anything, right?" Hunter asked.

"I suppose..." Apollo replied, setting down his fork. "Like I said, it was quick. I was paired up with an otter, apologized in advance for what was about to happen, and...just went for it. Unlatched his restraints but left him cuffed around his wrists and ankles and shoved him onto the floor. Sat on his chest and held his head still, forced his eye open, and pissed in it. Moved to his mouth when he was screaming, he vomited from the piss and almost choked on it. I let him go before that, but flipped him onto his stomach before he was done coughing. I...uh, snapped a couple of his fingers, then threatened to break his leg until he gave in."

Hunter stared wide-eyed at Apollo, growing more surprised with each act described. "Fuck...I never would have thought you'd have had it in you. I've never seen you hurt anyone before."

"I...haven't. But like I said, they took you away from me, and..." Apollo trailed off.

"Hey. I get it. We've both had to do some pretty depraved stuff in here," Hunter replied, offering a small empathetic smile. "I thought they said no harm though?" The fox asked.

"They said no permanent harm. I...asked the bull to clarify that, and he seemed more than happy for me to do something that'd take a while to heal. I think he said 'as long as it heals back the way it was, even if it takes a few months'..." Apollo recounted.

"They really are sadistic freaks, aren't they?" Hunter asked.

"You have no idea. They were jerking off while I watched you, and there was already cum on the ground from them watching me..." Apollo said.

"I really fucking hope the next game isn't violent...I don't think I can take any more," Hunter said, wincing again slightly as he ate.

"Me neither. I already don't know how I'll live with myself after this," the bird answered.

"Well, I'll be there with you," Hunter said.

"And I with you," Apollo replied.

From there, the two remained silent for the rest of the time. They slowly ate, but nerves quickly overrode their appetites as they thought about what might be coming for them next. All kinds of horrific ideas raced through their minds, but in truth, they had no clue what might happen. Time ticked by as the entire room stayed engulfed in uncomfortable silence. Orion and his crony had kept things at least a bit lively in the last waiting room, but here, everyone was so nervous and so exhausted that they couldn't stand to do much more.

Just when Hunter thought he was going to have a breakdown, the door finally opened once more. An odd sight greeted him - the same bull as always joined them, but something he'd not seen in quite a while rushed in with him: sunlight. It hadn't occurred to the fox with everything else that'd been on his mind, but he hadn't seen the outdoors since they'd arrived on the beach.

"Everyone, could you come over here please?" The bull asked, wringing his paws in excitement.

The group of five wanted anything but that, though they knew at this point they had no choice. They wanted to be done, and the only way to get out was to play, so they kept going. They gradually converged on the bull's location, hearts beating out of their chests in anticipation.

"Follow me," the bovine said simply, heading outside.

Hunter blinked a few times as he got used to the sunlight again. Not having seen it in a while messed with his vision temporarily, but when it returned, he was absolutely unprepared for the sight in front of him. They were in what seemed like an amphitheater, with seats all the way around, and a small crowd of twenty or so furs filling them in. A grassy field took up the center, and at the opposite end, what looked like the main part of the island's structure. It was castle-esque in nature, with a large, grey, stony exterior, and huge gates leading into what he presumed to be the main hall.

None of that was the interesting part, however. In the center of the field was a giant ring of furs, and Hunter recognized enough of them to know where they'd come from - this was everyone who'd lost the game so far. Each of them was attached to something akin to a stockade, but much more restricting of movement. They were forced down onto their knees, bent over, with their asses facing the center of the circle. None of them seemed to be struggling or trying to get away - Hunter wasn't sure what kept them that obedient, but he certainly wasn't looking forward to finding out.

The bull led them to the center of the circle, picking up a megaphone left on the ground for him there. "Welcome all, to the final day of competition!" he shouted into it, causing the crowd to let out a massive cheer. "We've got something special for your viewing pleasure today, but first, let's get our contestants prepared," the bull stated, pausing as a guard approached them in the center of the field, holding a small bag.

"Put your paws behind your backs please," the bull said, lowering the megaphone and speaking to the group. About a minute later, all five were handcuffed, and no amount of struggling was going to free them. They were soon blindfolded as well, leaving them completely in the dark about what was happening around them.

"Contestants, here are your instructions! They're simple, and as soon as I'm done talking, you can start, so be ready. Everyone in the circle has been fed a tremendous meal since they've lost the game, and as of about half an hour ago, some powerful laxatives. Two of them have also been fed a small glass vial, containing a little liquid. This liquid is your goal - you must find one of the vials, ingest its contents, and cry out that you've swallowed it all. That's all there is to it - go!" the bull said, quickly jogging away from the group and letting them at it.

Hunter's stomach fell as he heard the instructions. They didn't say it, but there was no way they really expected them to go through something like that, did they? And how the hell had everyone not shit themselves if they'd swallowed a ton of laxatives? He didn't really have time to contemplate it now though - as fast as he dared, he shuffled forward, blindly hoping he'd bump into one of the targets. They weren't that far apart, and just to make sure he didn't go too far, he zigzagged toward them, ensuring he'd find one sooner or later. The fox nearly fell over as he rammed into the side of one of the victims, struggling to stay upright. As soon as he could, he dropped to his knees, slowly moving around and trying to find their ass.

He rubbed his nose along the fur's body, still unsure just who or what he was dealing with, but it smelled vaguely feline in some way. The fox made his way toward the creature's ass, forcing his nose underneath their tail, only for one of his questions to be answered. A massive plug was shoved into the victim's ass, holding in everything inevitably trying to make its escape, and it was Hunter's task to remove the obstruction and search through what came out.

The vulpine paused for a moment, steadying himself for the task to come. Even blindfolded, he still shut his eyes as he leaned in once more, worming his muzzle around until he managed to take hold of the edge of the plug between his teeth and pull. It wasn't willing to come out easily, and Hunter had to give it a mighty tug before he finally found purchase. With a bit more effort, the fox finally managed to free it, only to regret it a second later.

An onslaught of feces shot out of the creature's ass, spraying over Hunter's face and legs, splatting onto the grass below. Almost instantaneously, Hunter erupted with a flood of his own mess. All the food he'd eaten over the last hour managed to leave his body once again, landing in the pile of muck on the ground and making matters worse. He retched for a solid minute, unable to get the nauseating smell out of his nose. He had no idea how he was going to proceed through this, much less with so many potential targets around. The one bright spot was that he wasn't the only one in this state, as he could hear vomiting from a few directions behind him as well.

Hunter sniffled a bit, fighting back tears from a mixture of pain and frustration. He took a deep breath through his mouth, trying to keep from smelling too much of the waste, and did what he had to do. He plunged his head into the shit and started rooting around in it, hoping beyond hope that he'd hit the jackpot and he'd feel the vial against his nose. After a moment, he had to stop, feeling his stomach violently protesting once more. He retched, but this time, nothing came out. His gut purely had nothing left to produce, but it wasn't going to stop it from trying to deter Hunter from what he was currently doing.

After a bit more mental preparation, he put his head back down and continued his search. No matter where he went though, he came up empty. His entire muzzle was covered in feces, and the more he spread it around, the heavier the smell got on his face. There was no avoiding the stench now, and suddenly the shower comment the bull made before appeared in Hunter's mind - he understood why they likely wouldn't be clean for a while again after this.

Giving up on the first search, Hunter shuffled along on his knees to the next in line, again moving in a staggered pattern to make sure he didn't miss. Once he arrived, the second time was no better - the plug was just as hard to pull out, and the stench from the new male made him retch just as hard as he had the first time. He managed to go through a bit faster, though had to pause briefly in the middle again. This time, he'd somehow managed to get some of the waste in his maw and coughed and spluttered as he tried to get it out. The fox supposed his stomach was out of energy to keep resisting, and the lack of stomach heaving when it entered his mouth meant he'd be able to continue the task in relative peace.

With the second one down and no luck there, Hunter continued on his way. Another plug, another onslaught of waste, and absolutely nothing to show for it aside from adding to the array of colors on his muzzle. Browns, greens, golds, and every shade between smeared over his face, absolutely coating him in shit as he searched for the small drink.

In the middle of his sixth search, he almost ended up knocked over, struggling to stay on his knees as someone ran into his right side. "Apollo?" The fox asked quickly, hoping the bird was still progressing.

"What?" A voice replied - one Hunter had never heard before.

"Never mind," he said quickly, before shoving his face back down into the muck. Suddenly, he realized one of the additional challenges of the game. If you happened to go the opposite direction around the circle as someone else, you'd likely bump into them at some point. Hunter knew the asses to his right had already been searched since someone had just come from there, but the nearest unsearched one to his left was quite a few bodies away. Not only would it take a while to get back there, but he'd have to search along the way as well to make sure he didn't skip a potential target and waste more time later.

Taking it slow and steady, the fox counted off each of his already-searched targets as he re-encountered them, quickly forcing his head under their asses as he went by, not at all sorry that some of the waste on his face had been smeared into their fur as he did so. Nearly five minutes later he made it back to the next one in line, and after such a big delay, he got to work quickly.

Hunter's nerves spiked each time he searched one and got nowhere. The disgust he felt still washed over him anew each time he had a new bit of shit shot out onto his body, but it had to be ignored. Someone had to have found one by now - he'd done eight or nine, and if everyone was moving at the same pace, then about half the targets had been searched, and likely one vial was gone, meaning only one was left. Hunter could only hope Apollo had found it already, and he just hadn't heard the avian cry out that he'd finished.

One more down, and yet still no progress. The fox grumbled to himself as he shuffled down the line, starting to worry that the vial might not have even passed through its victim yet, and that this was just cruel and unusual humiliation for everyone in the audience to get off to. He had to keep trying though, unwilling to give up now.

As he approached the next one, a strange scent hit his nostrils, and a wave of emotions washed over him. Fear, rage, and even lust smacked him straight in the face as he knelt behind the large male before him. Even without a blindfold, he knew exactly who he was about to search. Orion.

Even though he was in a hurry, this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. The vulpine moved around slightly until he was just off-center from the wolf's ass. He leaned back as much as possible, quickly raising one of his legs and bringing it up sharply between the wolf's own, nailing him in the sack as hard as he could. He repeated the gesture a few times, celebrating the yelps echoing out from the bound lupine each time. It wasn't practical or helpful in any way, but it sure was cathartic, and Hunter had to hold onto any joy he could get through this process.

Part of the fox wanted to leave the wolf bound like this, but he knew it was the exact sick thing the people running this game would do, to force him to search someone he hated. He bowed his head and finally started, though this time he was much less careful. As he leaned in to grasp the toy, he caught a big chunk of grey fur in his muzzle as well and ripped his head back, causing one more satisfying howl of pain to echo out. Hunter spat the toy out to his right and dipped his head down, forcing his face into the stream of shit now spraying from his former foe.

Hunter spent ages searching the pile. Something in the back of his head told him that it had to be here; they'd surely hide it in Orion, knowing he'd be reticent to search for it there. He imagined most of the existing competitors had something against the wolf, and if they all refused, it might have just never been found. He went until the pile was almost completely flat against the ground and he couldn't find even the smallest nugget of waste leftover that it could be hiding in. He groaned as loud as he could, frustrated as hell he'd put himself through that all for nothing. Before he moved on, as if it was the wolf's fault, he delivered another quick knee to the groin, making sure Orion was in as much pain as possible.

Hunter angrily shuffled away, but he couldn't stop now. It wasn't until three more down the line that he paused again. As he was about to start on another, the wind picked up, and the smallest hint of a different scent hit his nostrils. He couldn't be quite sure, but he had to follow his nose. He bypassed the one he was about to search and moved to the next one in line, putting his face underneath the creature's tail and sniffing.

This was it. The smell came rushing back to him - this was what his silverware smelled like in the dining hall he was just in. They were trying to give a hint for this game. As fast as he could, he ripped the plug out of the hole and held his face right underneath it, uncaring just how messy he got at this point. He knew it was the end, and soon enough, a small, solid object struck him square in the middle of the nose and fell to the ground. He frantically searched for it, sweeping his face back and forth until he nudged against it again.

This was the hardest part of the task - he opened his lips and collected the vial, fighting his stomach again as he inadvertently took in a fair amount of shit as well, feeling it on his tongue as he struggled to turn the small glass tube around and point it down his throat. He flicked at the tip over and over, feeling the stopper loosen a small amount each time, until finally it gave way. The liquid splashed onto his tongue and he eagerly swallowed it, knowing his task was done. He spat out the vial, took a deep breath through his maw, and exhaled with relief. Instantly, he felt a warm, calming feeling flooding through his body, likely a result of whatever he was forced to drink.

"I'M DONE!" he shouted, and quickly heard the footsteps of a guard running over to inspect.

"You're good," he soon heard afterward, and was helped back up onto his footpaws.

Hunter panted softly as his handcuffs were removed, followed by the blindfold. Immediately, he whipped around and surveyed the field, seeing all four of the remaining players still hard at work. Apollo's blue plumage was flecked with brown, and the fox assumed it was much dirtier on the side he couldn't see. Before he could do anything else though, he was led away from the group, near the edge of the amphitheater where the bull was watching the action take place.

'Just how fucked up are these guys?' Hunter wondered, watching the bovine softly stroking himself, clearly enjoying the show. The guard marched him forward though and sat him on the bench next to the larger male.

"Well done," the bull said to Hunter. "You must like this stuff - everyone else seems to be using their footpaws or something to search for the vial - you just went straight in with your face. Much faster the way you did it though."

Hunter's stomach fell again upon hearing the words. When he looked back out, he could easily see the bull was telling the truth - Apollo was slowly raking his talons through a pile of waste that had fallen in front of him, and from the looks of it, he wasn't the only one. It was too late to do anything about it now, but the fox grumbled softly, annoyed with himself for not making it less nauseating along the way.

"No, I don't," he said flatly, focused on the other players, hoping he'd see Apollo with a vial any minute now.

"Could've fooled me. Aside from the vomiting and all that, anyway. I've got something you do like though - you want it?" the bull asked, angling his cock toward the fox.

Hunter turned his head to the side and looked down the length, genuinely considering it for a moment. "No thanks," he said softly, before reassuming his gaze toward the other players. His response even surprised himself - he thought he'd be much angrier at the bull, but he felt rather at peace at the moment.

"Oh well. Your loss," the bull replied, reaching over and scraping some waste off of Hunter's face and slathering it along his cock, continuing to masturbate.

"Ugh," The fox commented, unable to resist at this point, seeing the disgusting act taking place. "Just how gross are you guys?"

"You'll find out soon enough. You and whoever else gets the vial," the bull said cryptically.

Hunter's heart beat harder than it had when he was still in the competition - at least if he'd lost, he and Apollo might still be together. Now that he'd won, the bird had to as well, otherwise this was all for naught. The remaining contestants were quickly approaching panic mode - the ring of victims had a ring of shit below their asses now, with only a few not given the sweet relief of defecation yet. It seemed there was a consensus among the remaining players, as three of them were extremely close to each other, only a couple of bodies apart, searching for where they believed the last remaining vial was. The hippo was off on his own, searching already-released piles, hoping someone had missed something.

Suddenly, Hunter jumped up in excitement, watching Apollo spin around next to the ass he was searching. For the first time, the avian plunged his face into the excrement, searching for his prize. "He's got it, he's got it!" Hunter said, elated that he wasn't going to be alone. The bird had pulled his head back out, beak clamped shut.

Relief quickly turned into fear again, however. "No! NO!" Hunter shouted, starting to run back toward the other players, but his arm was quickly seized by the guard who brought him away from the rest. Toby had shuffled over and slammed his shoulder into Apollo, causing the avian to fall onto his side. The vial was clearly lost again, as both males now started rooting through the waste with their faces, desperate to find it as soon as they could. It became a race between the two, repeatedly bumping into each other in their search, before finally, it was over.

Toby raised his head and made quick work of the stopper, gulping down the contents of the vial and spitting it back out. "I DID IT!" he called out, and soon enough, one of the guards verified his story and started bringing him over toward Hunter and the bull.

"NO!" Hunter screamed, still fighting to get away from the guard, but it was no use. The fox collapsed onto the ground and watched as the rest of the contestants were rounded up and guided away, Apollo among them. Tears streamed down his eyes as he watched, helpless. They hadn't even taken the bird's blindfold off, so there was no way he could share a final look with the fox. "Apollo!" He shouted, hoping the bird could hear him.

"Hunter!" The bird answered loudly, panic clearly in his voice, but that was as far as he got. He and the two others were quickly led back inside away from the group, and guards started getting to work releasing the ninety-five victims that had their asses thoroughly searched. To make matters worse, as Hunter knelt there on the ground, he felt something repeatedly striking the back of his head. The bovine had never stopped jerking off, and now that the competition was done, had finally released his load. He stood up and pointed it directly over Hunter's weeping body, giving him a coating of seed on top of the waste covering his face. The fox was too far gone to react, sobbing hysterically as his lover was taken from him, not knowing if he would ever see Apollo again.

The Island - Chapter 5

"Alright, get up," the bull replied, releasing his freshly spent cock and stepping toward the fox. He lifted Hunter up by the arm, pulling him toward the middle, meeting Toby and his accompanying guard halfway. Once they'd met up with the other pair,...

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The Island - Chapter 3

While both of them enjoyed their well-earned embrace, Apollo soon let go, far too quickly for Hunter's liking. The fox realized it though and lowered his arms as well, not wanting to be too clingy. "When we get out of here...I think we have a lot of...

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The Island - Chapter 2

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" A large wolf screamed, grabbing Hunter by the shoulders and shaking him, trying to get the fox up. "Wha..." the fox mumbled, struggling to open his eyes, finding it much more difficult than usual to wake up. "Fucking...

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