The Island - Chapter 5

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#5 of The Island

Here it is - the finale to The Island! For everyone who's been waiting for every kind of disgusting filth to hit at once, here you go. This one has all sorts of nastiness in it, so check the tags if you're squeamish!

As always, please let me know what your thoughts are on it - good, bad, anything! Or just let me know you got off - always love hearing that too.

In other news, I'm now going to try taking commissions! If you enjoyed this and want a story of your own, feel free to hit me up! More details are here:

@ FilthFox on Telegram, or filthfox on Discord

"Alright, get up," the bull replied, releasing his freshly spent cock and stepping toward the fox. He lifted Hunter up by the arm, pulling him toward the middle, meeting Toby and his accompanying guard halfway. Once they'd met up with the other pair, the bull took Toby's arm and lifted both high up into the air. The crowd erupted in cheers as the two were celebrated, having conquered every challenge so far. Hunter had not stopped crying though, wanting nothing more than to search for his bird.

When the audience died down, the bovine dropped Hunter and Toby's arms, letting the guards take control of them once more. The two foxes marched toward the large gates at the other end of the field, where the doors opened in anticipation of their arrival. Both remained wordless as they were escorted inside, with the only sounds being the light sobs coming from the orange and brown fox. Hunter was led to the left side of the room, where he was placed onto a bench facing the other end. Toby was placed on the right side, on an equivalent bench, staring forward.

The sight at the other end momentarily stopped Hunter's sobs, with both vulpines stunned by what they saw. A large, red-scaled creature stood across the room, balanced on all four paws. He could only think to call it a dragon, though the logical part of his brain told him that was impossible. Dragons didn't exist; they were made up to scare children with stories of kidnapping. Though, Hunter realized, that didn't seem to be too far off from his experience these last few days.

"Welcome," the dragon stated, staring toward the two foxes before him. "It's not often I see creatures such as yourselves make it this far," he said. Silence hung in the air for a moment as he observed the two before him, gauging their reactions. His large wings remained pulled in behind his back, awaiting their response to not only his statement, but his existence as a whole.

"Who...who are you?" Toby finally spoke.

"How silly of me, I haven't introduced myself," the dragon said. "My name is Uruloke; I'm a fire dragon, and one of the primordials."

"Primordials?" Toby continued.

"One of the original beings of this planet. I've lived countless years, and by now, am one of the last of my kind. Only three of us remain, I believe," he explained, only to continue when another prolonged silence filled the room. "I'm sure I can guess most of your questions, having heard them by now, so I'll start with my usual speech." He stated, receiving a small nod from Toby. Hunter was still distraught, hardly paying attention, and the dragon simply chose to proceed whether the fox was focused or not.

"I am the true leader of these games, and the one who organized them to start with. I built my home on this island to share with others who think as I do - that filth, lust, and depravity are things to be celebrated; not feared or avoided. I only wanted those who are most committed to those goals though, and thus, I created these games. Anyone who makes it all the way to the end deserves their place alongside me. I believe you know one of the previous winners as well," the dragon said, and on cue, a lizard walked in from one of the side doors.

"Of course..." Toby remarked. Hunter looked up briefly, scoffed, and averted his gaze back toward the floor again.

"Sorry for any trouble he caused you - he loves the games so much he joins in every time we get a new group. He loves deception and deceit, and dare I say, led quite a few furs to their doom in the first challenge," the dragon spoke approvingly.

"Almost got the orange one over there," the lizard spoke with a small chuckle. "Lured him into a pack of wolves, but he somehow managed to get away."

"Asshole," Hunter muttered, finally speaking his first word through sniffles since Apollo was led away from him.

"Thanks," the lizard beamed, choosing to treat it as a compliment. "I left willingly during the third challenge, by the way - I drank all the piss, but wanted to make sure a new winner was present, and it's more fun to see newbies take on the one-on-one challenge. Sometimes I stay in if an odd number's left, but usually I try to bow out."

"You serve your role here well," the dragon praised.

"Thank you, sir," the lizard said with glee.

"You may go now and prepare with the rest for later today."

"Yes, sir," the lizard replied and made his way out of the room, leaving the trio alone again.

"Anyway, that's what goes on here. If you have any other questions, now is the time," Uruloke said, an authoritative air surrounding the dragon with every word he uttered.

"Will - Will I see Apollo again?" Hunter said, finally piping up.

"Apollo?" The dragon asked.

"The bird! The blue bird who was in the last round, until this jackass cheated and stole the vial from him!" Hunter shouted.

"I don't know. I don't even know where he is now," the dragon replied shortly, seeing the question as unimportant.

"You don't know?! You fucking asshole! You kidnap a hundred innocent furs, subject us to your cruel, sick, twisted games, and for what? All so one of us can maybe have more sex, and the rest end up abused, tortured, or who knows what else? What the fuck is the point of this? This is cruel and unusual punishment!" Hunter shouted.

"That is twice now you've raised your voice to me," the dragon said sternly. "There will not be a third time, or you will be disqualified from this competition, and I will personally make sure you regret it," he threatened. "Anyway, as I said while you were wasting your time crying, I value filth, lust, and depravity. While obviously I can enjoy those myself, it's much more satisfying having others to partake in it with. It's not punishment - for the winners, anyway." the dragon spoke.

Hunter clenched his fists, standing up in anger, just barely holding himself back. While he wanted a definitive answer, he knew he couldn't push his luck. He especially didn't want Toby to win, in particular due to his own lack of self-control. Needing to vent his frustration, he shouted up toward the heavens and stomped once on the ground, before letting out a huff and staring the dragon down again.

"Done with your little tantrum?" Uruloke rhetorically asked, only causing Hunter to narrow his eyes in response.

"Sir - the final is ready when you are," the bull spoke, poking his head in through the gates and interrupting Hunter's anger.

"Thank you. We'll be out shortly," Uruloke informed him, and the bovine quickly left the room as he'd found it. "Anything else?" The dragon asked the pair of foxes.

"Let's just fucking get to it. I want my bird back," Hunter growled.

"Nothing from me," Toby replied, standing from his bench. "Good luck, Hunter. May the best fox win."

"FUCK OFF!" the orange vulpine shouted, stomping over toward Toby and towering over him. His anger hadn't subsided in the slightest, and the arctic fox was now a weaker target to take it out on. "Give me one fucking reason right now why I shouldn't end your miserable existence right here where you stand."

"STOP," the dragon said, raising his voice for the first time. "I will NOT have you two harming each other before the final. You will compete, and you will both be capable of competing when you walk out these doors. Leave," he ordered.

Hunter growled at Toby again, fighting every urge he had to beat the shit out of the smaller fox right now, for fear that he'd get disqualified. He knew his one chance to see Apollo was to win, and he was going to take it. With a frustrated shout, he turned on his heel and marched toward the gate he came in through, hearing Toby soon following behind him.

The scene in the field had changed since the foxes were last in it. The piles of waste were still strewn about, but none of the losers were there any longer. In their place, right in the middle of the ring they were in before, was a giant version of what looked like Jenga. Large wooden blocks were stacked up in layers of three, with the overall tower being nearly six feet in height - almost at eye level for both foxes walking toward it. The bull stood next to the tower, clutching his megaphone, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the finalists.

"It's time for the last task!" The bull said to the pair, bouncing slightly as he did. "Excited?"

"No," both of them said at once, causing the bovine to chuckle.

"I didn't think so. Don't worry, we're excited for you," he said, gesturing to the crowd. "I can't wait for one of you to join us. I hope it's you, shitface," the bull said, referring to Hunter, who still had drying feces coating his facial fur.

"Let's get ready to rumble!" He shouted, now into the megaphone, causing the small audience to cheer once more. "This is the final task. Whoever survives it will be our champion! At this point, all bets are off. Anything and everything goes here. What you see before you is a Jenga tower - fifty-four wooden blocks, three in a row, eighteen rows high. Your task is to take turns removing a block, one at a time, and placing it back on top of the tower. It will grow more precarious as you remove them, and the taller the tower gets, the harder it'll be for either of you to put one up on top of it."

"Of course, being where you are, it's not quite so simple. Before you can place the block back on top of the tower, each one will have a task written on it. You must complete the task successfully before you put it back. You each have one mulligan - if you fail a task, you're not out. If you fail twice though, you lose. Additionally, if at any point, you knock any part of the tower over - even if one accidental block falls off - you instantly lose. Any questions?" The bull asked.

Nothing was said, and the bull took a step back. "Then let's do it! Hunter, we flipped a coin before you got out here, and you go first. Remove your block when you're ready."

"Of course I am..." the fox grumbled. Stepping up to the tower, he looked over the blocks. Upon closer inspection, it appeared they had some kind of film on the outside of them. When he placed his paw on one, it seemed much smoother and slicker than he expected - probably some coating to allow them to slide more easily, so that they wouldn't be pinned in place by the sheer weight of the tower. He tapped a couple, finding a weak point before one began to move. Once it started sliding, he shoved it the rest of the way, knocking it out onto the ground. He walked over and flipped it, sighing as he read the words imprinted on it.

"Face fuck!" The bull yelled into his megaphone before looking off toward one of the entrances to the field. Hunter followed his gaze, ears flattening a bit as a stallion made his way through, heading directly toward the group in the middle, already hard and stroking himself in anticipation. "The rules of this are simple," the bovine said. "Our horse friend over here is going to fuck your throat as hard as he wants. If you vomit, or give up before he cums, you lose. Otherwise, once he cums, you win!"

Hunter nodded softly as he listened. While he knew this wasn't going to be an easy task, it might actually be one he enjoyed as well. In preparation, he got down on his knees, and a few seconds later he was presented with the massive length he knew was about to go down his throat. What he hadn't expected though was that it wasn't just a straight blowjob. Large brown streaks absolutely coated the horse's length, and Hunter could smell it even over the waste covering his own fur.

Readying his stomach for its upcoming test, the fox slowly raised his paws and brought them to the shaft, angling it down and toward his lips. Once he brought it inside, they were off to the races. Immediately, the stallion took hold of the sides of Hunter's head and pulled, shoving his hips into the fox's maw. The vulpine's gag reflex had absolutely no time to prepare - a broad, flared, disgusting horse head slammed into the back of his throat, bending slightly as Hunter was forced to reorient his body to accommodate the length. Less than a second after his throat bulged open, his nose slammed into the filth-covered crotch of the stallion. The enormous sack slammed into the bottom of his maw, nearly hard enough to cause him to bite down.

Hunter's stomach tried to release its contents as soon as the cock entered him. He wasn't quite sure whether he managed to control it, or whether the shaft was just purely so big that nothing could fit around it, but when the stallion pulled out for another thrust, nothing followed it. In the fox's mind, he believed the hard part to be over. Now that he was at the right angle, he just had to close his eyes and hold still, forcing himself to accept the rough treatment of his throat. He already knew speaking would be difficult once he got done here, and after being choked a few hours ago by Orion, today wasn't going terribly well for his neck.

A couple minutes passed, and as much fun as it was to have a cock back in his mouth, Hunter wanted more than anything for it to be over. The stallion had somehow managed to pick up the pace, and Hunter was already feeling dizzy. The larger male barely left him a window to breathe, and rarely was he able to pull in any of the life-giving oxygen when given the opportunity. In addition to that, the massive weight slamming into his head was likely to give him a concussion if it went on too much longer, but at the very least, the rules never said he had to be conscious to win. Just that he couldn't vomit.

Hunter's vision started fading as he was brutally used, finding everything starting to turn blurry whenever he dared open his eyes. His brain felt foggy as two more minutes passed, arms slowly going limp by his sides. The only thing holding him upright was the horse - the second he let go, Hunter would likely fall over onto his face.

Just when he felt his last bit of air giving out, Hunter could just barely make out the telltale signs of a massive cock throbbing in his throat. The horse thrust in one last time and left his cock there, and the fox recognized the feeling of bursts of seed shooting directly into his gut. The stallion didn't leave his cock there the whole time, and as soon as he released the fox's ears, Hunter did indeed fall forward. It didn't stop the horse's orgasm though, and he made sure Hunter's head and back were covered in a healthy dose of seed.

"Hunter succeeds!" The bull cried into his megaphone. "Couldn't hold it any longer, eh?" He said, teasing the horse a bit and nudging his shoulder.

"Nope. He's got a great mouth on him," the stallion said, slightly winded from the workout, making sure to call into the offered megaphone as well for the crowd's benefit.

"Well if he keeps this up, maybe we'll all get a chance at it," the bull remarked, smirking down at the vulpine. Hunter sighed, knowing the verbal barbs would keep coming throughout the whole competition. He was rather unsteady as he got back onto his footpaws, but he gathered up the block he'd pulled earlier and barely managed to slide it back onto the stack, creating a new row and making it just a bit taller. "Good work, Hunter. Now, it's the formerly white fox's turn!" The bovine continued, noting the various yellow and brown stains across Toby's fur.

With a determined expression on his face, the arctic fox walked up and started his tests of the blocks, finding similar observations as Hunter. It took a couple attempts before he felt confident, but soon enough he too managed to free one of the blocks.

"Size queen!" The bull announced, seeing the block's label immediately. "Uruloke, you're up!"

The dragon they'd met before made his way out to the pair, a grin on his face and his semi-erect shaft bobbing up and down as he walked. The four-legged beast was intimidating before, but now, Toby was downright frightened. "Again, quite simple. Naturally, Uruloke has the biggest dick of all of us. Your only goal is to fit it entirely in your ass. You don't have to get him off, but it all has to go in. He's not lubed though, and you only have five minutes."

As Uruloke arrived, he moved to lay on his back, cock sticking up into the air but bent down under its own weight. Hunter was sure the dragon laid in at least one stray pile of waste as well, but he didn't seem to care in the slightest.

"He's in position, so your timer!" The bull cried, and Toby sprang into motion.

"Fuck fuck fuck," the arctic fox spat, hurriedly running over toward the dragon and fondling his cock. He worked up as much saliva as he could, repeatedly spitting over the length, trying as hard as possible to get it nice and slick. The cock was nearly three inches in diameter, far larger than anything Toby had taken before, aside from maybe the largest knot he'd played with. Even that wasn't three inches across for nearly a foot and a half of length though - this was going to be a struggle even if it were properly lubed up.

Toby started panicking a bit more when he was sure well over a minute had gone by, and there was nowhere near enough lube to get himself hilted. He looked around in desperation, only to hang his head when he realized there was a clear way they intended for this task to be done. Toby removed his paws from the now-hard cock and held them under his ass, groaning and straining as he quickly filled them up.

It had been a while since his ass was emptied out, and after eating such a big meal the night before, there was a lot ready to be released. Every time a few logs fell down, Toby would bring them back around and smash them against the shaft, smearing them up and down, making sure there was a rather liberal coating to make the entrance easier. This approach had the added benefit of lubing his ass up as well, he noted.

Toby continued shitting for nearly a minute, smearing every bit of his dark brown waste over Uruloke's cock, and still it wasn't fully lubed up. Groaning loudly in frustration, he quickly stood up and sprinted over to a nearby pile, grabbing whatever he could find leftover from the earlier task and bringing it back. It was far colder, but it still worked, and the arctic fox lathered it over the base of the dragon's length. Finally ready, he climbed over the top of the primordial's belly and tried to line himself up as much as he could.

Toby moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure as he forced himself backwards, feeling the head spreading his hole wide. No matter how hard he pushed though, he couldn't quite make it fit, feeling like it was about to break him. He knew it had to go in though, and against his better judgment, he jumped slightly into the air and let himself fall backwards, screaming at the top of his lungs when the head popped inside.

That was only the beginning of his task though. He'd spent so long preparing, and just after he'd started his journey down the length, the bull gave him his one-minute warning. Heart pounding now, Toby continued working it inside. He lifted up ever so slightly and shoved himself back down to get more momentum with each new inch that bypassed his sphincter. It was far faster than he was ready for, and he wouldn't be surprised if his anus was torn at this point, but he couldn't stop. Two inches here, two inches there, and he could see and feel that he was getting close. Knowing he was down to seconds, he preemptively screamed out as he gave one last drastic push downward, eyes clenched shut in pain until finally he felt his ass cheeks contact the dragon's crotch, successfully completing his task.

"Success!" The bull cried. "Now I know you'll all be disappointed, but that's all we'll see from our big dragon friend for a bit. Don't worry, he'll get off using one of you sooner or later."

Toby barely listened, slowly getting up and releasing the length from his ass, never so happy to be this empty. He whimpered as the cock burned even on the way out, jelly-legged when he stepped away. After spending so long around shit, he managed to not vomit, but his nose still hadn't quite gotten used to things as nasty as this. He almost fell over as he went to pick up his block, leaving large brown smudges on it before he managed to slide it alongside the one Hunter had pulled, nicely atop the tower if a bit askew.

"It's one apiece! These sluts are going to be hard to break," the bull cheered to the spectators. "Hunter, you're up!"

Grumbling, the orange fox shuffled his way back over toward the stack. He was happy he'd had a quick break, and most of his senses had returned, even if it hurt every time he swallowed. With little effort, he'd managed to remove another block, staring at the words written on it.

"Aww, how sweet! We've got some lovin' in the house! Toby, you're needed for this one too. You can't even lose it - unless you don't participate, that is. You two just sit down, face to face, and make out. While you do, Hunter, you jerk Toby off, and vice versa. First one to cum has to put the block back and play again."

"Oh, fuck off," Hunter spat, glaring over at the other fox. "I'd rather beat the shit out of him."

The bull just shrugged. "Might come up in a later task. I don't even know everything on here. For now, though, you have to play it nice. Unless you're taking your mulligan on this one?"

Hunter grumbled. He seriously wanted to bow out of this challenge, but he had no idea what was coming up next. It could be far worse, and he couldn't take that risk. "No, I'm not," he said angrily, before sitting down on the ground and facing Toby. The arctic fox quickly assumed his position as well, and though extremely reluctant, Hunter leaned in and closed his eyes, pressing the end of his muzzle against Toby's.

The sensation itself wasn't unpleasant, but Hunter felt extremely uncomfortable when his lips pressed up against the man's who sent Apollo away from him. Determined to win though, he reached out and gripped Toby's cock, already partially out of his sheath after having his prostate so thoroughly pressed a moment ago.

Toby held a similar competitive drive and took hold of Hunter's cock in return. The orange vulpine recoiled slightly as he felt the slimy fingers sliding up and down his length, as Toby hadn't bothered to clean the leftover waste off them after lubing Uruloke up. As disgusting as it was, Hunter couldn't deny that Toby had a way with his paws, and both foxes were soon sporting full erections.

"More tongue!" The bull cried, smirking down at the two. "Or I'll fail you!"

Neither of them knew whether he actually would, but they didn't want to risk it. They gradually opened their muzzles and pressed their tongues into each other's, wrestling slightly as their kissing took a steamier turn. Their paws worked as fast as they could, not necessarily in the most comfortable position for masturbating someone else, but neither of them wanted to blow first. Toby whimpered as Hunter eventually grew frustrated with the situation, squeezing the white fox's cock a bit harder than he should have, still fighting the urge to break the damn thing.

Hunter's head turned as he pressed his muzzle sideways into Toby's, deciding to try using his tongue to distract. He pressed in firmly, shoving his slippery appendage as deeply into the white fox's maw as he could, lapping over everything within reach. Toby's own tongue recoiled, forced back into its home by Hunter, but never once stopped his paw. Both of them could feel pre leaking down onto their fingers, though for Toby, it was a bit more difficult as the clear fluid had to make it past the brown coating now fully applied to Hunter's length.

The session lasted a few more minutes, and both of them could feel their paws slamming into a fully-formed knot every time they slid back down their respective cocks. Hunter let out a whimper into Toby's muzzle as he realized his orgasm was approaching, doing everything he could to fight it off. Toby soon did the same, feeling himself on the precipice, and knowing his cock wanted the sweet relief it so desperately craved.

"We have a winner!" The bull cried, smirking down at the pair. Hunter could hold it no longer, and even though his cock was laced with wet shit, it disobeyed him. He painted their torsos white, spraying their fur with his load. Long, ropey streaks of cum even hit the bottom of their muzzles, and as soon as Hunter could, he detached himself from the white fox, frustrated. Toby couldn't resist though, and in celebration, quickly moved his own paw to his cock and finished the job. He too shot his load, crying out in lust and happiness as he purposely aimed at Hunter, making sure to hit the orange fox with a few good spurts of cum.

"Congratulations, Toby! You've won the right to have another round off. Hunter, you still have your mulligan, but you must replace the block and go again."

"Shut up," the orange fox grumbled, frustrated as he got back onto his footpaws and grabbed the block. Toby couldn't resist though, giving him a little wave, wiggling his brown fingers over at Hunter. That same urge to seriously hurt him came back, but again, Hunter resisted. He placed the block back atop the tower, finishing the new layer, and knowing the next few were going to force him to reach even higher and risk knocking it over. He tapped a few more blocks before he popped one out that simply had a question mark on it.

"Mystery meals!" The bovine shouted. "Coming out here now, all ready-made for you Hunter, are ten different boxes. One of them contains a card stating that you've won. Pull that one and it's over! The other nine contain something edible. Or, edible here, anyway," the bull said with a grin. "If you pull one of those, you must consume the contents without vomiting, or else you fail the challenge."

A pair of wheeled carts were brought out toward the playing area, each with five identical boxes on it. The carts were nearly ten feet in length, and the boxes sizeable. Whether that meant each had a lot to eat inside it, or was merely meant to disguise the contents, Hunter couldn't be sure. He walked up to one of them as it was presented and sniffed as much as he could at one of the boxes, but somehow, nothing really stood out to him. They must have somehow managed to disguise the scents. Not getting any sense of direction, the fox sighed and lifted up the box he was standing closest to.

"Piss! A staple here on our lovely island. Hunter has drunk more than this before though, so this should be no problem, right?" The bull remarked.

Hunter lifted up the bottle - it had to be nearly a liter in size, and the piss was borderline brown in color with how concentrated it was. He brought it toward himself and took a small whiff. It was absolutely horrendous, but at least based on the smell, his stomach wasn't protesting too much at the moment. It had largely been beaten into submission from being surrounded by the stench of shit for so long, especially since Hunter had never gotten a chance to wash his face.

Not wasting any more time, Hunter lifted up the bottle and pressed his lips to the opening, tilting it toward his muzzle. The liquid waste washed over his tongue, and though he hadn't heaved before, he did now. He barely managed to suppress it, eyes clenched shut as he chugged the piss as quickly as he could, desperately wanting it to be over. It somehow tasted even more disgusting than the shit he'd eaten when opening the vial earlier. Nearly twenty seconds of desperate chugging went by, but soon enough, the bottle was empty. Hunter dropped it to the floor, letting out a loud belch after he'd finished, holding onto his stomach now as he got used to the heavy, unsanitary liquid taking up residence there.

Once he'd taken a moment to steady himself again, he shuffled down the line, taking a whiff of the next box. Again, he had no idea what was in it. The fox flipped it up, nodding softly as he took stock of the contents. This one at least wasn't surprising.

"Ooh, anal cum! Two of our spectators who got fucked earlier today have graciously donated the cum for use in this task. They squatted over these bottles and pushed out everything they could, and fortunately, we've got the opportunity to get it back inside someone who'll really appreciate it."

Ugh. Hunter snatched up one of the bottles and again took a whiff, making sure nothing else was at play. While the jizz was slightly brown in color, he could clearly tell it was mostly just cum, and brought it to his lips. He'd never have thought this prior to coming here, but each gulp only made him feel a bit more refreshed, actually enjoying the taste washing over his tongue.

"See? Told you he'd appreciate it," The bull remarked, pointing toward Hunter's crotch. By now, the fox was aware of his body's reaction to tasting cum, but he didn't care. His cock jumped each time he swallowed, madly leaking pre down its shit-stained length as more of the semen flowed into his gut. Once the first bottle was down, he grabbed the second, immediately tilting it upward. This one, however, was browner than the other, with a small nugget of waste sitting on top. The fox didn't care though, too dedicated to chugging cum to notice it. It too flowed down his throat, and even with a more bitter, earthy taste than the last load, he still drank every last drop of it, cleaning the bottle a bit with his tongue.

Knowing there was no point in checking anymore, almost as soon as Hunter dropped the second and last bottle, he moved onto the next box and flipped it up. "Uh..." he remarked, not really sure what he was looking at in this case.

"Smegma! Delicious. Not often we get it around here with as often as people are sucking cock, but a few brave volunteers resisted the urge to have theirs cleaned for a while to build up some of the foul stuff for you. Enjoy!"

Ugh. Of all the things Hunter could have imagined here, that wasn't one of them. He'd never even encountered it before, usually keeping his own body very clean, and had no idea what he was getting into. Gingerly, he picked up a small clump of it and brought it to his nose, flinching slightly at the scent. It smelled downright rotten. Hunter shook his head a bit, taking a brief moment to contemplate how the hell he'd managed to end up in this situation. A few days ago, everything was normal, but one night of drinking with his best friend had sent everything off the rails.

Seeing no way around it, Hunter gulped and brought the dick cheese toward his muzzle, slowly opening up and sticking his tongue out. He placed a small bit on it and brought it into his maw, swallowing it whole to prevent the taste from getting worse. The fox had to stop for a moment when it landed in his gut, finding it harder and harder to keep everything down. He had to take the rest of it slowly, and bit by bit, small chunk by small chunk he swallowed it all. While he quite enjoyed the taste of a good, sweaty cock, this was on a whole other level. With great effort he finished his third meal, pausing again to simply breathe.

"Three down! Six potential meals left, but will he find the winning card? Who knows!"

Hunter hoped beyond hope that it would be found inside the next box, but what he saw made his stomach drop more than anything else. It was another liquid, but again, not something he'd expected. This one was simply cruel and unusual, and he knew there was no way he was going to finish the task after this one.

"Ooh, he's hit the whammy! A bottle of ipecac!" The bull cheered. "Good luck keeping anything down now fox. It's not full, so you've got a little time, but you better go fast before you lose your stomach all over the boxes."

It wasn't gross, it wasn't horrible, but it was certainly going to make him fail the task. He tilted it up to his lips, drinking it as fast as he could, hoping to blow through a few boxes and find the card before it had time to take effect. Once it was empty, he slammed it down onto the ground and whipped the next box open, only to slam his fist down on the cart.

"We all know what this is! A glass of lovely, lovely, diarrhea. It looks chunky, too!" the bull remarked happily, and before he'd even finished talking, Hunter brought it to his mouth and started drinking. He went as fast as he could, but it was all for naught. As soon as the first disgusting swallow tried to go down his throat, his stomach finally had enough and fought back. Hunter dropped the glass as he spewed everything he'd just eaten and drank over the ground, dropping to his knees and heaving multiple times as volleys of cum, piss, shit, and bile quickly formed a massive puddle in the grass. Whether it was the ipecac or the purely disgusting nature of the feces, he'd never know. All he knew was that he'd failed, and now had a massive disadvantage against Toby.

"Ooh, we have our first failure! Four tasks in, not very far, and yet he couldn't hold his lunch down. Such a shame, wasting such a perfectly good glass of shit like that. It brings a tear to my eye. Things aren't looking good for Hunter - let's see if Toby can finish the next task and put him on the ropes," the bull narrated for the crowd.

Hunter slowly got back up, holding onto his stomach as he did. A strong mixture of anger and fear overtook him, but Apollo's face flashed before his eyes. He couldn't let the bird down. Struggling to move on, he grabbed the nearby block and reached up high to slide it in place atop the tower. Once it landed there, he took a step back, taking the brief time to relax and recollect his thoughts. Toby, more confident than ever, strode up to the tower and started smacking a couple of wooden blocks. It was getting a bit harder to find one to remove, but he managed to slide one out, and showed it to the bull.

"Our first pain-related task! Hunter, I think you'll like this one - Target Practice! Bring out the equipment," he called, and one of the assistants carried out a bright red spot, tossing it down on a random spot on the field and setting a pair of goggles on it. The more interesting part though was what he carried in his other paw. The lion handed Hunter what looked like a firearm, but the fox knew that couldn't be what it really was.

"Hunter, what you've got there is an airsoft gun. It's stronger than most of the ones you'll find on the market though. It won't do any permanent damage - at least, most places it hits you - but it'll hurt like hell. There are fifty shots inside it. You'll be ten yards away from Toby, so more than close enough to make sure you hit him. It might be hard to be extremely precise, but it's good enough. Toby, you just have to stand there and take it. You'll have goggles to protect your eyes, but other than that, you can't defend yourself in any way - paws must remain by your sides. You can tap out at any point, but if you do, you fail. When you're ready, take your place on the spot over there, and put on the goggles. Hunter, follow me.

Toby slowly made his way over toward his place, absolutely hating the turn of events. The last thing he wanted was for Hunter to regain any confidence now that he was on the back foot, and being able to shoot at his enemy was a great way for that to happen.

The orange fox, on the other hand, was extremely happy with the situation. He followed the bull over toward where Toby was standing, but noticed there was no actual marker on the ground for where he had to be. The bovine leaned down to him and whispered, "This is about ten yards, but you're not going to hear any complaints from me if you get a bit closer. Just don't overdo it."

Hunter nodded, a small smile forming on his lips as he did. He edged forward a bit more, getting noticeably closer to the arctic fox, but stopped before it became too egregious. Excited to get under way, as soon as Toby had his goggles on, Hunter had the rifle up and ready to go.

Toby shut his eyes, preparing for impact. Looking would only make him more nervous, knowing Hunter wanted to hurt him in every way possible. He jumped when the first shot rang out, though somehow, he wasn't in pain. The goggles did their job, and with a dull thud, the first shot bounced off them. Hunter clearly wanted to test their efficacy. The next couple bounced a bit higher, smacking Toby right in the forehead. Each one did indeed hurt like hell, and left behind a strong, almost burning sensation beneath his fur. He had no time to get used to it though, as Hunter aimed more toward the top right of Toby's head. A couple shots missed, but the next two were right on target. They pinged directly inside the arctic fox's ear, causing Toby to jump with pain each time one struck him. He thought he might be bleeding at this point, but wasn't allowed to check, being forced to leave his paws by his sides. Hunter showed no remorse though, soon swapping to the other side and hitting Toby's other ear.

Hunter couldn't help but laugh to himself as he moved around Toby's body with the gun. He could see his rival starting to cry in pain, sniffling a bit as he tried to keep it in. Welts formed everywhere one of the pellets struck, all over Toby's arms, his legs, his head, and everywhere else Hunter could hit. He tried to get one up the smaller fox's nose, but realized it was a bit too precise a target, even if he did get a rather satisfying one to smack right into the end of it.

Excitement turned to frustration soon though, as Hunter realized Toby wasn't about to crack. The arctic fox was biting down on his lip, refusing to speak more than he had to. Hunter took his one last chance, aiming downward and going for the most sensitive target he could. Toby's cock was still poking out after cumming earlier, his knot not having fully gone down yet. Hunter pelted it with all his remaining shots, pinging a few off the sheath and balls for good measure, but nothing came of it. Toby whimpered madly with each hit, and despite the angry red marks now displayed along his length, he never gave in. He refused to open his eyes for a while, unsure whether or not Hunter was done or just tormenting him.

Frustrated, Hunter tossed down the gun to his side, stomping back off toward the tower. "And it's done!" the bull shouted, and Toby finally opened his eyes. He let out a sigh of relief, but as he reached up for his goggles, he winced in pain. He felt like he'd been attacked by a swarm of bees with some particularly nasty stingers. Every part of his body stung, with some parts worse than others. Walking was difficult as he made his way back over, and while Hunter didn't manage to make him use his mulligan, Toby knew he was going to be handicapped for the rest of the challenge. He tried to pick up the block, wincing when one of his fingers pressed against it, aggravating one of the injuries he'd just sustained. It took another couple of tries, but soon enough, he managed to put it back in place atop the tower.

From there, the two continued trading blows. Neither of them failed any of their next few tasks, and despite some close calls, the tower was getting taller. Hunter had been brutally fucked twice, and now had a hard time walking without a limp. Toby had been forced to endure five consecutive orgasms, now finding his cock more sensitive than it had ever been in his life. Hunter took a turn with a pain-heavy challenge, laying down on the grass while the crowd of spectators all gathered and marched over top of him - twice. Toby answered by succeeding at his own challenge, where Hunter was given ten cubes of frozen piss and allowed to do with them what he wished. He shoved six of them up the arctic fox's tailhole, causing him to squirm madly in discomfort. One went into the smaller male's sheath, while the remaining three went into his ears and maw. Despite shivering madly once the piss had fully melted, Toby made it through, even though he wasn't quite sure he'd avoid complications from enduring something so cold for so long.

Hunter grew more scared with each block drawn, knowing the tower was close to falling. The mulligans were less important at this point, as the greater risk was knocking the tower over. He still had to keep it in mind though, as any type of failure now would knock him out. When he managed to find one of the only blocks left that gave way without knocking the whole thing down, he slowly removed it before showing it to the bull.

"Oh, I love this one!" the bovine shouted. "Knowledge is Power. It's another group game! I'm going to ask both of you a question about Uruloke, and your goal is to find the answer. Technically, all of us know it, but only two spectators are allowed to provide you with it. You only get one guess, and if you guess incorrectly, you hand the game to your opponent. Whoever loses this game will have to play again, and judging by that tower, it's not going to be an easy task to pull another block out. Sound good?"

Both the foxes nodded, and the bull continued. "Alright then. Your question is - what is Uruloke's favorite kink to indulge in? Be specific!"

By this point, the competitors were exhausted and madly aching with pain, but the adrenaline coursing through them managed to keep them focused. Hunter jogged as fast as he could, still limping from the burning, stretched, and throbbing sensations radiating through his tailhole. He groaned softly as he realized the spectators had spread out throughout the stands, making it harder to get to each of them. After a minute of running and clambering over seats, Hunter managed to end up next to an elephant sitting in the stands, now smiling down at him.

"Can I help you?" The pachyderm asked.

"What...Uruloke's...Favorite...Kink?" Hunter panted, resting against the nearby seat.

"Hmm. I might be able to tell you, but you've got to do something for me first."

Of course. Hunter chided himself for ever believing it would just be a running task. "What do I have to do..." he asked, dejected.

The elephant smirked and reached back behind himself, taking hold of a small, stuffed dragon and handing it to Hunter. "Fuck this, and cum inside," he said simply.

"You're serious?" Hunter asked, taking the dragon and feeling his heart drop a bit as he did. The small thing squelched as he took it, and the nauseating scent quickly permeated his nostrils.

"Oh yeah. I like keeping these messy toys around my room. Great if I'm not on the island, or if no one's available at the time," the elephant explained. "I've had this one for about two years now, and I try to get every champion to add their own stuff to it."

"Ugh," Hunter grunted. He sat down next to the elephant while holding onto the plush. Somehow, this place still managed to surprise him with all the fucked-up things he was being asked to do. Getting on with it, he took hold of his shaft and gave it a few quick pumps. It was hard for it ever to go down with as often as he was being forced to get off, especially with a knot that never seemed to recede. With great reluctance, he raised the stuffed dragon and pressed his cock against its tailhole, finding it easier than he thought to slip inside.

"Fucking hell..." Hunter muttered, almost vomiting right away. Brown, chunky liquid oozed out around his shaft as he sunk in. The warmth of it surprised him - he suspected the elephant had just topped it up before letting the fox at it. Hunter closed his eyes and raised and lowered the plush a few times, bouncing it against his knot. The mixture of shit, cum, and who knows what else inside oozed out more quickly the longer he fucked it, and not just around his cock either. His paws quickly got messy as well, becoming sticky and disgusting with each dribble of diarrheal soup.

The elephant was clearly enjoying the show, jerking off next to the fox who was having a lot more trouble getting into things. When Hunter looked over and noticed the pachyderm's fingers moving up and down his large, grey cock, an idea popped into his head. He realized he could use his odd ability to his advantage, and wordlessly, he leaned over and swallowed the first few inches of the elephant's cock, fighting the urge to spit it back out from the unwashed taste across his tongue.

"Fuck yeah, that's what I want to see in a champion," the elephant remarked, turning to the side to make it easier for Hunter to suck. "You'll fit in well here if you keep that up."

Hunter just ignored the words, trying his best to focus on what was in his mouth more than what was on his cock. Every time he pulled off, he relished the taste of pre dribbling onto his tongue, and correspondingly felt his own cock throb in response. If there was one thing the fox was good at, it was sucking dick, and he was proving it now. The elephant was clearly excited from watching the show, and less than three minutes after Hunter started sucking, he could feel the length pulsing in his maw. By the time he could get his lips back to the head of the length, the elephant exploded, absolutely flooding Hunter's mouth with cum.

The fox swallowed as fast as possible, barely managing to keep up with the first few shots. As soon as he got that full taste of fresh cum though, his own orgasm was only seconds away. He slammed the toy up and down a few more times before he was caught up in the throes of his own passion, releasing his seed inside the stuffed dragon. Meanwhile, he became too distracted to focus on swallowing any longer. The buildup of cum in his mouth spilled forth, absolutely pouring down the fox's face and torso, coating him in jizz.

Out of breath but still needing to keep going, Hunter tossed the plush to the ground and pulled his muzzle off the length. He licked at his lips a bit, wincing as he realized doing so pulled in some of the dried shit there as well. "Can you...tell" Hunter panted.

"Fuck...I wish I could..." the elephant breathed. "You got a hell of a mouth on you. But I can't tell you."

"God damn it," Hunter sighed. He knew this was a possibility, but was really hoping he'd lucked out. Without another word, he quickly scrambled back onto his footpaws and made his way through the stands to the next one in line. As far as he could tell, there was no way of knowing who actually had the information or who didn't. After running and climbing for another twenty seconds or so, he approached a wolf sitting back and smiling as he awaited Hunter's arrival.

"What do I have to do?" The fox asked, knowing the drill and wanting to get on with it.

"Just lie on your back. I'll do the rest," the wolf said happily.

Hunter feared what was going to come, though he quickly obeyed. He laid down as flat as he could, looking up at the wolf and waiting for his inevitable torture. The lupine slowly stood and placed one of his footpaws on either side of the fox, with his ass pointed toward Hunter's face. Slowly, he squatted down, and Hunter immediately knew what was coming. He held his breath as the crackling noises started, trying not to think about it.

The wolf let out a sigh of relief as he started voiding his bowels. The first long, greenish, chunky log descended onto Hunter's chest, coiling around as it just kept coming. The fox could feel when it ended, as the tip of the log finally fell and landed on him with a small splat. The next one immediately followed the first, just as solid and weighty as its brother. The wolf made sure to shuffle down a bit, making sure it wasn't directly on top of the other log, coating more and more of Hunter's fur. He worked like that for a while, with a never-ending stream of waste painting the fox's torso brown. It wasn't until the wolf was squatting over Hunter's crotch that the last bits came out. The fox endured as long trumpets of flatulence sprayed tiny flecks of shit onto his dick, followed by one last creamy lump of feces landing right onto his knot.

"Can...can I get up now?" he asked, trying as hard as possible not to breathe through his nose.

"No," the wolf replied, and soon, Hunter could see why. The giant ass backed up once more toward his head, and a few seconds later, felt it pressed down against his chest. The greenish-brown waste squelched and squeezed out from underneath the wolf's ass, really grinding it deep into Hunter's fur. The lupine shook his body from side to side, and soon enough, not a single spot of fur on the front of the fox's torso was orange or white any longer.

After an agonizing couple of minutes, Hunter felt the wolf standing once more. He was hesitant to believe it was done, but after not feeling anything again, he opened his eyes. Panic set in though as soon as he did, and very quickly shut both them and his muzzle the second he took stock of what was above him. Another second later, and he felt his nose pressed right between the wolf's ass cheeks, with the waste spreading everywhere on his head. If he had any energy left to do it, he would have vomited. While he could prevent it getting into his muzzle, small chunks ended up forced into his nostrils. He exhaled as sharply as possible to try to get it out, but it was no use. Snot and shit simply mixed and spread around his nose with very little had room to get out.

Mercifully, after thirty seconds or so of smearing his ass across the fox's face, the wolf stood up once more. "You're done," he said simply, returning to his seat, quickly covering it in shit as well.

Hunter remained still for a moment, hesitant to move anything on his head. Every single thing was at risk of getting shit in it the second he budged - eyes, nose, ears, mouth, everything. "Can you tell me the answer?" he mumbled, still not getting up from the ground, trying to avoid opening his lips where he could.

"What was that?" The wolf asked, not able to hear the quiet, muffled fox.

Frustrated, Hunter raised his paws and scraped them along the sides of his muzzle. Two heaps of waste slid off, only for them to be tossed to the ground. The fox sat back upright, sickened by how wet and sticky he felt all over. "Can you tell me the answer?" He said now, more clearly.

"Nope," the wolf said happily.

"Oh, come on," Hunter lamented. He raised his paws again, wiping more of the mess away from his eyes, finally opening them again. Quickly, he looked over his body, disgusted at what he saw. There was more brown than orange, even on his legs at this point. Weakly, he got back up to his footpaws and shuffled toward the next one in line. This time, a tiger awaited him.

"Just tell me what I have to do..." the fox sighed.

"Well, someone's been through a lot already," the feline laughed. "I had something in mind, but seeing you gives me another idea. I'm going to help you clean yourself up a bit," he remarked.

Hunter was confused, and even more so when nothing more disgusting happened. The tiger leaned forward and started collecting some of the larger chunks off of Hunter's fur, gathering two huge pawfuls of shit. Rather than discarding it though, the tiger started slathering it all over his cock, absolutely covering his dick and balls with the waste.

"Clean my crotch. Completely," he ordered. "Only using your mouth, and you can't stop until all the shit is gone, and I cum at least once."

The ask didn't even phase Hunter at this point. After days of increasingly disgusting tasks, he simply got to work, hoping his stomach would continue holding out. He knelt between the tiger's legs and wrapped his lips around the tip of the shaft, grimacing slightly as he took the first couple inches inside. He bobbed up and down on it, extremely conflicted between the foul taste of the feces and the delicious pre both glazing his tongue.

The fox thought about his task as intelligently as he could, trying to make sure he didn't leave all the horrible parts until last. After he'd swallowed the full length once, he pulled back off and dragged his tongue a few times over the tiger's crotch fur. Large chunks of watery waste ended up in Hunter's mouth, and it took a herculean effort to swallow them down. Somehow, he managed to keep going, only stopping when his stomach felt like it was about to empty its contents over the cock before him. Before it had a chance to, he moved back toward the tip of the cock and collected more of his favorite treat, using it to cleanse his palate.

The fox grumbled slightly as he realized that even the presence of fresh waste couldn't stop him from enjoying giving a blowjob. His cock still jumped, not as often as before, but he felt he was being conditioned to enjoy spending so much time covered in and consuming shit. It felt so wrong, with his fur being as brown as it was, his maw covered in waste, and his stomach gradually filling with it, yet still knowing his cock was basically a faucet.

After a couple minutes, the fox moved down and tried to make quick work of the tiger's sack. He stretched his jaw wide, engulfing one of the large nuts between his lips and taking it inside, feeling his stomach heave as he did. Some of the larger chunks of waste had managed to get stuck down here, and Hunter trying to swallow them all at once nearly caused him to vomit. He closed his eyes and froze for a moment, willing himself to get used to the taste. It took great strength, but he soon started slurping on the fur, collecting his brown saliva and gulping it down. After two attempts, he'd fully managed to clean one off, repeating the process on the other.

A few more slurps and Hunter had cleaned the tiger's crotch, leaving only a few brown streaks along the long pink length. Left with the most tolerable part of the experience, he quickly resumed his oral work, attempting to suck out a nice fresh load of tiger cum. It didn't take long after the feline was treated to such a filthy show. Hunter's practiced muzzle easily coaxed out his fox treat, even swishing around the load in his muzzle to clean it out as much as he could.

"Alright, we good?" He asked, pulling off. It came as no surprise to him when he looked down that he'd gotten off again, but right now, he didn't care.

The tiger's heavy breathing didn't stop, making it hard to speak during his post-orgasmic high. He surveyed his crotch, seeing some tiny brown stains there, but all the solid bits of feces definitely seemed to be gone. He nodded in response, leaning back in his seat.

"Ugh. Alright, onto the next one then..." Hunter said, frustrated. "Could have at least told me no..."

"Wait," the tiger quickly spat. "I can tell you."

Hunter immediately spun on the spot, looking back at the tiger. "What is it?!" he practically shouted.

"It felt appropriate to change your task, thinking about it. He likes feeding others his shit," the tiger breathed, and as soon as he'd finished speaking, Hunter took off. All the pain in his body barely registered as he became solely focused on his goal, sprinting back toward the bull in the center. As he arrived, he skidded to a stop, having to grab hold of the bovine for support to remain standing. Massive streaks of shit smeared through the bull's fur, but he paid it no notice whatsoever.

"He likes...making his shit..." Hunter panted.

"Is that your answer?" The bull asked. "You only get one, remember."

"Yes, yes, that's my answer," Hunter spat.

"Well then. You are...correct!" He said happily, before raising his megaphone once more. "We have a winner!" he shouted into it, and Hunter quickly saw Toby's head pop up from near a coyote's lap. The arctic fox slowly made his way back toward the center, dejected as he realized that Hunter had taken this one. He supposed it wasn't the end of the world, as it would have been his turn next anyway, but he'd have liked to force Hunter to go again. Wordlessly, he knew what was coming, and grabbed the block still lying on the ground. He had to hop slightly to get it back in place, completing a new layer on top, and making the tower ever higher. It loomed large over the two foxes now, threatening to fall at any point. The lower section was almost more gap than block now, and even a strong wind would send it falling to the ground. Toby spent far longer than he expected searching for a brick to remove. The tower wobbled dangerously a couple times, but much to Hunter's dismay, eventually a block freed itself, and Toby showed the title to the bull.

"Sweet relief! Now we're talking. Bring him out!" he shouted, and Hunter and Toby both turned toward the entrance everything else had come through. What they saw was the lizard they'd met before leading out an otter on a leash, crawling on his paws and knees toward the center. As they walked, the bull continued speaking. "Toby, as you may recall, this is one of the former competitors. He was lined up with the rest of them in our last game, but unfortunately, no one pulled his plug, and he still has to go! It's cruel of you to have left him this pent up for so long, so as punishment, you're going to eat every bit of shit he pushes out. And I do mean all of it. Usual rules - you vomit, you're out."

"Oh no..." Toby muttered. Both foxes had gotten tastes of shit so far, but the arctic fox wasn't sure he'd be able to stomach anywhere near a full load of it. The stakes had gotten much higher, and even though he had a mulligan, he didn't want to use it if he didn't have to. It was worth a shot he supposed, rather than surrendering immediately.

As the otter was put in place, Toby got on his knees and knelt down, gulping as the task loomed large before him. He at least had free usage of his body this time and could pull the plug with his paws. He took hold of the edges, careful not to pull before he was ready. Resigned to his fate, the arctic fox leaned down and put his face near the hole. With one quick yank, he whipped the plug out and replaced it with his maw, enclosing the hole and trying to make sure nothing spilled.

Hunter fully expected to watch the other fox vomit the second he started, but much to his surprise, he started seeing bulges travel down Toby's throat. They were slow, but his competitor seemed to be determined, and even though he struggled to eat, he was doing it. Hunter grew more nervous with each gulp, looking back and forth between the formerly white fox and the tower. With a mulligan, Toby would be borderline untouchable. He had to try something, and if Toby wasn't going to fail the task on his own, Hunter would have to do it for him.

The vulpine ran forward, lunging into Toby's side and tackling him to the ground, ripping him away from the hole. With nothing blocking it now, the stream of waste now continuously poured forth, with sloppy, runny feces splatting down into a pile on the ground. Hunter rolled onto his back, expecting the bull to call it any second now that Toby had allowed the waste to spill. Toby clearly expected the same thing as he didn't move either, but the bovine didn't react at all. As he stood there, it dawned on both of them - nothing stopped Toby from continuing to eat.

The arctic fox scrambled up first, kicking Hunter in the side to try to keep him down and racing back over to the pile. He scarfed it down as fast as possible, stopping occasionally to steady his stomach again, but was making quick work of it. Hunter wasn't going to be deterred that easily though, and knocked the arctic fox away once more, using his superior size to drag Toby away from his meal. The otter had finally stopped shitting, but at this point, only a small pile remained. Doing the only thing he could think to do to finally prevent it, Hunter quickly rolled back toward the pile and snatched a pawful of it, slamming it into his maw, wincing as he forced himself to gulp down the loose stool.

"Now that's something we can all get behind, isn't it? Two sluts fighting over a meal," the bull called into the megaphone, and Hunter could hear the laughter in the crowd from where he lay. "As Hunter has greedily stolen some of the shit, Toby has failed his challenge, as he'll no longer be able to eat all the feces!"

"What? But he cheated!" The arctic fox cried, belching as he finished speaking, feeling the waste in his stomach trying to come back up on him.

The bovine shrugged. "Looked fair to me. No one said you couldn't attack the other."

Toby needed no further motivation. His anger boiled over, frustrated he'd forced himself to eat so much shit for nothing, and lunged on top of Hunter. Neither of them were at the height of their strength, rolling around on the ground, each trying to get a leg up on the other. The bull let them go at it for a while, smirking as they traded a few weak blows, but put a stop to it when Hunter finally managed to pin the smaller fox down. He walked over, pulling the two foxes apart, never once losing his smile.

"As hot as it is to see you two shit-covered whores wrestling, we do have a game to play. At least save it for the next task," he advised.

"Ha. Good luck with that," Toby remarked. "It's your turn, and there's no way I'm letting you past the next task, if you even manage to get a block out. I told you - I'll do whatever I have to do to win."

Hunter just panted, more exhausted after defending himself for a while. He took a small spot of pride in knowing he'd gotten to Toby, despite having to degrade himself further to do it. What the arctic fox said was true though - Hunter wasn't sure he'd be able to make it as far as getting another task, let alone being capable of defending himself through it.

The arctic fox grumbled as he grabbed the wooden block from the ground, carrying it over to the tower and raising it up. Frustrated, he realized he still couldn't get it on top, and even a small hop wasn't enough for him to feel comfortable raising it as high as it needed to go. He backed up a bit, ready to get a running start, with the goal of jumping alongside the tower and sliding it back where it belonged.

Hunter wasn't sure what came over him. He watched as Toby struggled to raise the block up enough, but knew that if he tried to approach, Toby would have fought him off before trying to put it back. Acting almost purely on instinct, he reached behind himself and shat out a cum-covered lump of waste as quietly as he could manage, cupping it in his fingers. When Toby started moving forward again to place the block, Hunter sprang into action, launching his ball of feces directly at the smaller fox.

Toby was caught completely off guard. Right as he prepared to jump, he was smacked directly over his left eye with the waste. He stumbled, falling forward and desperately trying to twist away from the tower, but on his way down, his left shoulder just collided with the corner of the bricks, and that was all it took. The arctic fox lay on the ground, raising the block in his paws above his head as a shield, feeling the raining blocks tumbling down onto him, burying him in a list of their past tasks.

Hunter sighed with relief, putting his paws on his knees and hunching over, knowing that it was all done. He didn't have to succumb to any further degradation, no more fucking random strangers, and certainly no more being subjected to all manner of furry wastes. He glanced up to see the bull striding over to him, flinching slightly as the bovine reached out, but his arm was quickly wrenched away and raised into the air.

"Your champion!" He bellowed, causing the crowd to erupt in a wild bout of cheers and applause.

"No! He fucking cheated! He knocked me into the tower!" Toby shouted, shoving the blocks off himself and scrambling back onto his footpaws.

"No, he didn't," the bull replied. "You couldn't stand being hit in the face with a little feces. You really think we'd call you champion when you can't handle even that?" He scoffed.

"AAAAAAAARGH!" Toby screamed, rushing toward Hunter, but he was quickly seized by a guard that had made his way out to the field. "Get off me! GET OFF ME!" He shouted, wriggling madly in desperation, trying to get free and attack the other fox. It was no use though, and soon enough, he too was carried away to where the other ninety-eight had ended up. Hunter was left alone.

"Congratulations," the bull replied, pulling Hunter into an unwilling, wet, shit-covered hug. "I knew you had it in you. Like I said in the interview, when you made it past the first round, it was already astounding enough. You have no idea, it's so weird to see a fox make it this far, let alone two. We've played these same games for a couple decades now, many times a year, and never has a fox won. You're going to be very popular around here."

"I thought the winner got to go home?" Hunter asked. "And where's Apollo? I want my bird back. I played your stupid games, I endured this sick shit, and I earned my prize. I want my boyfriend."

"That's not something I can do for you. That kind of request goes through him," the bull replied, nodding behind Hunter. The fox quickly turned around, seeing Uruloke ambling over toward the pair.

"Well done," the dragon greeted Hunter. "You look so much better like that," he remarked, moving his head up and down to gesture toward the fox, referring to the massive amount of feces still stuck to the vulpine's fur.

"I want Apollo back," the fox said simply, ignoring whatever sick things the dragon said to him.

"So you've said. It's time for your initiation, however," Uruloke stated.

"No, go get him NOW, then I'll do whatever bullshit you want," Hunter demanded.

"You're in no position to bargain here, fox," the dragon stated threateningly, padding forward a bit more and standing over top of the vulpine, staring down at him. Even four-legged, he was taller than the vulpine. "You will do what I tell you if you want to see the bird again."

Hunter stared upward, paws balled into fists, but eventually he relented, unable to come up with any other options. "Fine, whatever, let's just do this fucking ceremony then. I'm not leaving without him," Hunter said sternly. "I don't care about whatever little depraved cult you've got here, but if I have to join it to get Apollo back, I'll do it."

"Excellent," the dragon remarked. "I've seen enough of your performance as well to know that you'll like the initiation."

"What, is it a shower?" The fox remarked sarcastically.

"It might be, depending on how fast you swallow. The initiation is simple - you suck me off," the dragon answered.

"Come on," Hunter said, exasperated. "Do you ever get tired of this horrible game? You make up all these sick tasks to put these potential new recruits through, and even when it's done, you give us another little task?"

The dragon chuckled softly. "Now that's an interesting question, with a couple things wrong about it. I'll explain after your initiation though - I think you'll appreciate the answer a bit more then."

"Let's just get it over with..." the fox sighed, sinking down onto his knees and shuffling under the scaled beast. The dragon wasn't totally wrong, and Hunter didn't hate what he was asked to do, but this all felt like a giant delay before he was allowed to see his bird again - if he was, that is.

With a sigh, Hunter leaned forward and placed his paws along the length, wrapping them around it and giving the semi-hard length a few strokes. He could see why Toby had trouble fitting this in his ass earlier, and the dragon hadn't bothered cleaning any of the feces off of it since then. It was nothing next to everything else Hunter had done so far though, and eager to get this done, he leaned in and dragged his tongue along the tip.

Everyone else he'd sucked off paled in comparison. The dragon's pre was by far the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted, and the second his tongue left the head, he went back for more. He stretched his jaw as wide as it would go, engulfing the tip and giving it a firm suck, already desperate to milk out more to gulp down. As he traversed the length, he found at this point he didn't even mind the taste of the shit on the outside, though he assumed that was just due to being exposed to it for so long that day and building up a resistance to it.

The length quickly hardened with Hunter's careful attention to it, and despite his exhaustion, he still spared a thought that this was by far the biggest cock he'd ever sucked, or likely ever would. His throat stretched around it, with the fox wondering just how something this massive had ever managed to fit down it, and he still hadn't even managed to take it all. His paws rapidly worked as they stroked over the bit not yet down his gullet before they too were replaced by fox lips. After several attempts and nearly two minutes, the fox finally finished his journey and had inhaled the entire length.

Despite being happy about swallowing it all, he couldn't have pulled off fast enough. If he believed it were possible, he'd say he was forming an addiction as he made his way back to the tip, wiping his tongue over it and desperately collecting the pre spilling forth. He whimpered softly as he realized he'd have to move his mouth back down. Even though he knew he'd get a much bigger reward for doing so, it was still painful to leave the heavenly taste at the head right now.

Nearly all the waste had been sucked clean off the dragon's shaft, but Hunter hadn't even noticed it. He was too obsessed with the scaly creature's cock itself, worshipping the magnificent piece of meat, starting to feel genuinely grateful that he'd ever been allowed to worship it. There was more than a touch of pride as well at being able to stretch far enough to take it all inside his throat.

Like all good things though, they had to come to an end. Hunter used every last trick he'd learned these couple days on the dragon, and they were having a great effect. He could feel the cock almost painfully jump inside his throat, knowing his reward was just around the corner. Before it got there though, he was momentarily distracted by his own orgasm - his cock jumped and sprayed his seed all over the ground between the dragon's hindlegs, but even the force of his own orgasm didn't stop him from sucking. Hunter desperately wanted to taste the dragon's seed, and after another minute, he got his wish.

The dragon roared proudly in front of the audience as his seed sprayed into Hunter's muzzle, with the fox refusing to keep the cock down his throat and miss out on the taste. He had no hope of swallowing it all, but he sure tried. Huge mawfuls of cum traversed down his esophagus, and still more poured forth from the fox's lips and spilled down his body. He drank his fill though, chugging dragon cum like it was his job, rapidly feeling his stomach filling up with the delicious semen.

That wasn't the only thing he felt though. Hunter couldn't help but focus on a few other parts of his body the longer he drank. His exhaustion had all but disappeared. He felt more energetic than he had in a long while, ready to go another few rounds with the dragon and anyone else who asked. Pain quickly turned to pleasure, as Hunter could feel all the bruises and bumps he'd taken over the last few days exciting him in ways he'd never thought possible. He tested the theory by shoving one of his claws into his leg, and it made his cock jump wildly in response. The fox couldn't be sure until he looked down, but when he did, he noticed that the throbbing in his cock wasn't harder just due to arousal, but also the size - somehow, his dick was at least a couple inches longer, and thicker as well.

As the vulpine finally pulled off of Uruloke's cock, he licked his lips clean of the leftover jizz staining them. He didn't stop there though - even once the cum was gone, something drove him to keep licking, and soon enough, he was collecting the dried feces from his face and scraping it into his maw. It still tasted disgusting, but it was like his brain had been rewired to associate filth with pleasure, and to prioritize his lust over everything else in the world.

"How do you feel?" The dragon asked.

"Amazing," Hunter replied, still licking his face as he stood back up. "I don't know what you did to me, but holy fuck I love it. I see why you do all this now."

"I thought you might. And as a new member of our little community, I think you deserve a proper explanation now. You see, my seed has a bit of an...enhancing quality. Someone who drinks it has certain traits amplified, particularly lust. It can't give you new kinks per se, but it can make ones you already have more extreme or allow you to try things you weren't directly opposed to before. You, for example, had no problems chugging piss in one of our games, you found the vial by shoving your face through piles and piles of shit, and even near the end I watched you steal some shit from the other fox and eat it when you could have won by just making him knock the tower over. I daresay you'll adapt to the filth here quite well over time, but until then, I've got more than enough cum to keep you stuffed."

"We'll see about that - I'll suck you off constantly and see if I can run you dry," Hunter replied with a grin.

"Maybe not that often - I do like fucking all the residents of his island, so you won't get all of it, but daily at least. I love the enthusiasm though," the dragon said with a grin of his own. "Just so you know, my seed also forces you to prioritize lust over all else. To that end, while mostly dominant furs win our games, it makes them even more so after they win. You'll feel compelled to seek out any horny scenario you can find, any way to sate your desires and get off. The lust becomes too powerful to be submissive and wait for it to come to you, so you'll notice that you become a bit more controlling. That desire is what I'm most interested in with you - you get off even blowing someone else, so I'm excited to see just how many things we can do to you, or even what you'll do to yourself, to make you cum without touching your dick."

"You and me both," Hunter agreed, now scooping up more of the dragon's spilled seed and slurping it down.

"On that note, a couple more things. All winners are provided permanent housing here. On the back half of the island, behind the building where we talked earlier, there is essentially a full village where our champions stay, fuck, shit, and whatever else they want. Food and amenities are provided for you," the dragon stated.

"So, I'll have my own house here?" Hunter asked, perking up at the prospect.

"If you want it. I'm sure others wouldn't mind sharing theirs. It's not often a bottom wins these games, and I'm sure almost everyone would kill to have a power bottom staying with them," Uruloke stated.

"Fuck yeah. More cock for me," the fox said happily, but thought for a moment. "How are there enough bottoms to go around then? I only have two holes, and if there aren't many others here..."

"Ah, yes, the other thing. To fund the island, all the losers are sold off into slavery. However, the island quickly started turning into a land of only tops after I founded it, and I started allowing champions to keep one of the slaves for themselves that they or others can make use of. The slaves are never allowed to leave the island again, but as long as you're here, they're yours to use. You are free to make this choice as well, and I presume given your newfound nature, you'll take one of the largest losers we have? Perhaps that wolf who beat you up?"

"Ooh, yeah, his knot was fucking huge. Almost broke my ass going in," Hunter agreed, reaching down and stroking his cock at the memory. "And I thought for sure he'd knock a few teeth out with those punches."

"Or perhaps the other fox?" the dragon suggested. "If you're feeling a bit more sadistic? I know you'd like to punish him for what he's done."

"Oh, that'd be fun too. Could see how many ways I can knock him unconscious for what he did to Apollo..." Hunter started, but mentioning the bird's name temporarily overrode his newfound obsession with lust. "But...ugh. I think I want my bird back," the fox finally said, though continued jerking off as he thought about it.

"Are you sure? You could have much bigger guys. Ones that can really satisfy a slut like you," Uruloke pushed.

"I know, but...he really does satisfy me. Sometimes it's not just about size or strength or how nasty your shit is. I said all this in the interview, but I jerk off to him constantly. I've stolen his underwear, spied on him in the shower, and I thought about the taste of his pre for two years before I got to taste it again, and never forgot it. He's the hottest fucking guy I know, and if I'm going to be horny as fuck constantly now... he's the one I want around to get off with. It'll only make me get off more, having him there."

"I suppose I can't argue with that," the dragon said, shrugging. "You're not the first to ask for a loved one back, but you're the only one who's so lust-crazed for this one guy to still ask for him even after being inducted," he explained. "I suppose you'll still have many others, myself included, who can help stretch those holes of yours," he noted. Uruloke then turned his head to the side, looking over toward the bull still standing near them. "Has the bird been prepared yet?"

"No sir, not yet. He's still in holding," the bull replied.

"Seems you have a choice then," the dragon remarked, looking back toward Hunter. "We usually prepare our sluts with a drug that makes them much more obedient. It makes sales much easier, finding someone to take them in when they need minimal training, and it's also why none of them fought much when you were pulling plugs from their asses earlier. You can have him back as he was, or with the drug."

"I..." Hunter started, genuinely giving it some thought. He loved Apollo as he was, but he wasn't quite sure he wanted the bird to be too different. The fox just wanted the man he loved back. "I'll take him as he was - er, is," he finally replied.

Uruloke smiled. "Sadistic, I see. Want to force him into all this nasty stuff against his will and overpower him. I approve."

"No!" Hunter shouted, though he realized quickly that was exactly what he was doing. "Well, wait, I...hmm," he paused, thinking again. "He still liked sex a lot before, so that wouldn't change, but I got used to it... like you said, I ate shit even before I drank your cum. I think he'll learn to like it, just like I did," the fox replied. "I suppose if he doesn't like it, I can always give him the drug later, right?"

"You could, but I won't let you," the dragon said, smile growing a bit. "It'll be fun to watch you struggle with forcing him to enjoy it. You know what, no drug, no more debating," he said, making the decision himself before turning back toward the bull. "Go get him then," the dragon instructed, watching the bovine turn and head off before facing Hunter once more. "While we wait...I can think of quite a few things we can do," the dragon said, with obvious undertones to his voice.

It was almost as if the statement was an aphrodisiac in and of itself. Simply stating it was enough to make the vulpine's inner turmoil diminish, and his focus was completely redirected toward getting off with Uruloke. While he'd normally have said no out of principle, his dick was practically screaming at him to say yes, and he didn't think he could resist it any longer. "What'd you have in mind?" The vulpine asked.

"I'm sure you can guess. After all, you did learn something about me in that last game," Uruloke grinned.

"Oh, right," Hunter replied shortly, scratching his arm a bit. While his cock was clearly into the idea, it was still new territory for him to kneel down and willingly scarf down an entire load of shit.

"Go on then," Uruloke urged him. "You might find yourself with a different attitude after your little initiation a bit ago."

"Alright..." The fox acquiesced, slowly walking over behind the dragon and kneeling down once more. Uruloke squatted slightly, bending his hindlegs until he could feel Hunter's breath against his tailhole, waiting for the vulpine to make the next move. Feeling less apprehension than he expected, Hunter raised himself slightly and dragged his tongue over the pucker, scraping off small flecks of dried waste from it.

"There's my new eager slut," the dragon praised, using his tail to shove Hunter's head forward a bit. "I never did fully explain the games, either," he commented, squatting a bit further as he pushed out a strong burst of flatulence into Hunter's face. "You were wrong when you said we designed them to test recruits - these are just the games we play here for fun. It just happened to be easy to have the potential inductees play them as well to see if they'd be a good fit."

"I can't wait to play them again," Hunter breathed, but those were the last words he spoke. The tailhole against his lips widened and the fox opened his muzzle to begin accepting his meal. The first log spilled forth, sliding gracefully along the vulpine's tongue. He let it fill his cheeks, only biting it off when he could hold no more in his muzzle. It was nauseating, unsanitary, insane, and yet... somehow his dick had still not gone down. If anything, Hunter was fairly sure he was leaking much more pre than before. The large, slimy brown logs spilled down his chest while Hunter chewed, practically having to pry his jaws apart each time with how sticky the sludge was.

A few logs had piled up in Hunter's lap before he took his first swallow, but despite the massive load already given to the fox, the onslaught was still coming. He leaned back in and pinned his muzzle against the hole, refusing to pull away now that he knew his libido loved it so much, even if his taste buds still strongly opposed. His tongue pressed into the feces as much as he could to mash it down, but it still remained largely solid when the force of the dragon's tailhole made it start slipping down his throat. Hunter didn't even have to swallow - the force of Uruloke voiding his bowels was enough to create an endless chain from the dragon's stomach to the fox's. Hunter didn't even move when he found himself slowly running out of air, finding the thought of being choked out by shit So much so, in fact, that when he started imagining the scenario, he found his second orgasm of the last few minutes wracking his body, marking the first time he'd get off just purely due to the taste of shit, though it certainly wouldn't be the last.

After inhaling another few giant chunks of dragon excrement, Hunter finally pulled back and laid on the ground, letting the remainder of the waste fall down onto his stomach. He picked up a rather stiff log and raised it to his maw, sucking on it as he would a cock, forcing it in and out between his lips. Every few thrusts, he'd take a small bite out of the tip of it, gulping it down, unable to resist the now-alluring opportunity to eat shit.

Hunter continued like this for a while, even after Uruloke had stopped shitting, but the fox wasn't done until every bit of waste ended up inside him. Despite having gotten off twice, the dragon's words about prioritizing lust over all else rang true. The fox picked up a large chunk of waste and smeared it along his cock, continuing to masturbate as he ate. By the time he was done, he'd milked out another two loads, using them as icing for the shit he was scarfing down. Even though his dick desperately wanted him to stop getting off from the pain and sensitivity, all that registered as in Hunter's mind was a reason to keep going.

Finally reaching a break in his shit-crazed lust, Hunter slowly sat back up and looked around. Marching across the field was Apollo, with the bull practically dragging the avian alongside him, though the roles soon swapped when the bird realized his fox was still around. Hunter scrambled back onto his footpaws and tackled his lover, wrapping his shit-covered arms around him and covering the blue plumage in brown. Apollo gagged heavily but didn't outright complain, hugging the vulpine on the ground, doing his best to not vomit over the fox.

"Oh, I missed you," the fox said happily, reaching down and gripping the bird's cock, stroking it to life.

"I missed you too," Apollo replied, first and foremost relieved at being back in his fox's arms. He couldn't quite ignore the filth though, and judging by Hunter's breath, it seemed like he was completely covered in it, inside and out. "You, uh...I guess you won, then?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did. Holy fuck it was nasty, but it was worth it to have you back with me," the vulpine replied, quickly rolling over once he felt the avian dick hardening. He pinned Apollo onto the ground, sliding his ass backwards along the bird's stomach until he felt the shaft poking under his tail.

"You can get off me...ugh, I think I'm gonna throw up. I don't know how you stand it," the bird said, tilting his head to the side and feeling his stomach heave, finally letting it go and expelling its contents over the ground. Hunter didn't listen though, shifting his hips up a bit until the head pressed against his hole, sinking back onto the shaft with a relaxed sigh.

"Hunter? I said you can stop," the bird breathed, wiping his beak clean of the bile expelled, but again, the vulpine didn't. Apollo vomited a bit more as the fresh smell of waste continued assaulting his nostrils, but seeing the bird's distress only made Hunter's cock flex harder.

"Why? I won, we're together again. We had so much fun doing it before you were taken from me, and now that you're back, I'm never going to stop again," the vulpine replied.

Just as the bird was about to reply, he caught sight of Uruloke off to the side, eyes going wide in fear as he did. "What the fuck is that?!" Apollo shouted, trying to scoot back along the ground in fear, forgetting everything they were talking about.

The fox looked over his shoulder to see what Apollo was frightened of, but then went back to fucking himself on the bird's dick. "Relax, he's a dragon. He runs this place," Hunter replied, bouncing up and down.

"He's a...what? How the fuck are you so calm about this?!" The bird exclaimed. "And since when did you get so strong?" He shouted, realizing Hunter was more than capable of keeping him against the ground as long as he wanted.

"I was freaked out at first too, but I was more concerned with getting you back. I had to suck him off and eat his shit, and after know, he doesn't seem so strange anymore," Hunter replied.

"You weren't forced to eat my shit; you chose to do that," Uruloke corrected.

Apollo just looked at Hunter, horrified. "What the fuck? Did they fuck with your brain or something to make you like them?"

"No!" Hunter replied. "I'm still me. I mean, I think I've changed a bit. I felt really...good, I guess, after I drank Uruloke's cum. Like, better than I've ever felt. Stronger, more virile, and a hell of a lot hornier," the fox answered, slamming his ass down roughly a few times for emphasis. "His shit still tasted awful, but like the piss in the game we went through, it wasn't the worst thing I've done. But it doesn't matter. What matters is I'm here with you, and we can be together again."

"What? No! This isn't right!" Apollo shouted, struggling to push Hunter off of him to no avail. The fox continued bouncing, brown saliva dripping down onto the bird's chest as he satisfied himself with the man he'd craved for so long.

"Why not? You were the one that wanted gay paradise in the first place when you showed me that ad," Hunter countered. "Now you've got it. Sure, it's a bit nastier than you thought, and you can't leave, but you did say it was the best-case scenario when we signed up!"

"I can't leave?! What the fuck are you on about?" Apollo shouted.

"I'll have a house here for us, and we can stay there together. Uruloke - the dragon over there - won't let you leave since you lost, but it's okay, I'll be here with you, and we can fuck whoever we want!" Hunter said happily.

"So I'm just your fucking slave now?" The bird yelled, desperately trying to get out from under the fox, but Hunter clearly wasn't letting that happen.

"I mean, technically yes, but so what? We can go back to how things were, just here instead of at our apartment, and all the sex we can handle!"

"What the fuck, Hunter? You don't even care about your studies anymore? I used to never be able to pull your nose out of a book. What about family? Other friends?" The bird countered.

"Now I can keep my nose in your ass all day," the fox remarked. "And we'll make new friends, and you're the only family I need. I could have picked any slave I wanted, and even though I'm horny out of my mind and could have a bigger guy with a bigger cock, I chose you!"

"This isn't family! This is-" Apollo started, but he was quickly cut off. Hunter had leaned his head back as he fucked himself, orgasm wracking his body. Ropes of fox cum sprayed out and smacked the bird in the face, getting in his mouth and stopping him from talking.

Hunter panted for a second, resting temporarily, but rather quickly went back to bouncing up and down, determined to get Apollo off. "Sure it is!" He replied, picking up the conversation again. You wanted to fuck me for years! Come on, any other scenario you'd be more than happy to do this. Just ignore the slavery part and focus on the fact that you get to fuck me with an audience! You like public stuff!"

After spitting out Hunter's cum, Apollo stared back up at him, flabbergasted at what his boyfriend had turned into in such a short period of time. "Hunter, how the fuck can you think like this? You had so many plans for your life, and now you're going to throw it all away"

"Yes!" The fox said enthusiastically. "What's better? Guys spend their entire lives dedicated to trying to get it, and here's a place where you can have as much as you want. Who wouldn't take that?"

"ME!" Apollo yelled. "I have a life back home; I don't want to lose it."

"Ugh. We'll rebuild here! Why can't you just be happy with it?" Hunter shouted, roughly forcing his ass against Apollo's crotch. "I am!"

"Because! I-" Apollo started again, but this time, it was his own pleasure that cut him off. He clenched his beak shut, desperately trying not to show how much he enjoyed the fox riding him, but it was all for naught. Hunter could soon feel the shaft throbbing inside his ass, knowingly smiling down at Apollo as he felt his hole filling up once more.

"I knew you'd cum around," the fox joked. As Apollo lay there panting, Hunter finally stood up over top of his boyfriend and slave, letting the cum dribble down from his ass and land on the bird's spent cock. He moved his paw behind himself, wiping up a good helping of the jizz and slurping it off his fingers. "Just as delicious as always," he said. "Now, I'm going to enjoy paradise here. I'll see you back at my place later tonight. Feel free to fuck whoever you want while I'm busy," he instructed, before turning to Uruloke. "Can we have someone bring him back to my place when they're done with him? I want to keep showing him how much fun this can be."

Before Uruloke could speak, the bull interjected. "I'll see to it personally. Before anyone else snaps you up though, seeing you use your muzzle a few more times during the competition, I couldn't let that out of my sight. You interested now?" He asked, holding his dick toward the fox, referring back to Hunter turning him down after finding the vial in some random fur's ass earlier.

The vulpine didn't even see fit to answer. He dropped back onto his knees and raised his muzzle up, taking the end of the shaft between his lips and starting to suck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of the guards bending Apollo over, but the bird's screams barely registered to him. He chose to focus on the bull's cock doing its best to completely fill his esophagus.

Apollo sobbed as he watched Hunter freely fucking one of the men who'd turned their lives upside down. The shaft invading his hole wasn't helping matters either as the avian was painfully violated for the first time, and though he didn't look back, he knew the guard was using shit for lube, and the scent almost made the bird vomit anew. Despite it all, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the fox, knowing his Hunter was still in there somewhere. While the vulpine was resolved to make Apollo more like him, the bird was equally resolved to find some way to change Hunter back into the fox he loved.

The fox had no such thoughts - Apollo wasn't even on his mind. As he got into his rhythm sucking off the bovine, Hunter felt someone come up behind him and lift his tail, sliding their cock between his ass cheeks and preparing for entry. He'd effortlessly shifted down onto all fours to make it easier, never once letting go of the shaft between his lips. It didn't even matter who it was behind him, and the vulpine never bothered to find out.

The bird looked on with a cloud of emotions fogging his thoughts. First and foremost, the pain in his tailhole radiating out, not used to taking anything up there at all. Second was the disgust, as his stomach continued trying to void itself of its non-existent contents. He was still horrified watching his shit-covered boyfriend getting spitroasted, yet the fox seemed to have the polar opposite response to being slathered in waste. Everything else came crashing in tied for third, and Apollo wasn't sure which to focus on. His guilt for getting the two of them into this mess to start with, his heartbreak at having just last night expressed his love for Hunter only to see him turn into this cum dump, his fear over being trapped on this island with this sadistic group, or the many things racing through his head back home that he'd never get to experience again.

Out of desperation, he propped himself up slightly, turning his head toward the fox as he tried to ignore the pounding in his tailhole. "Hunter, please..." he said softly, begging, hoping that even a shred of the fox he loved was still in there. "Please..." he whispered, following it up again, only for his head to drop when he got no response.

Hunter hadn't even registered the words. The fox focused solely on his blowjob, truly believing this was paradise. His dick worked overtime, jumping each time a cock hilted itself in either end. He'd lost track of how many orgasms he'd had today, but as another one rocketed out of his cock and onto the ground, the overstimulated, painful sensations radiating through his shaft only motivated him to keep going. This was going to be a wonderful welcome to the group.

A little over a month later, Hunter found himself alone back in his apartment. Everything was as they'd left it, only with a distinct lack of a bird around. He'd found a few of Apollo's stray molten feathers and put them in his desk when he got back, making sure he never forgot about the bird, always having a reminder of him there.

Apollo was left behind on the island, but Hunter knew he was in good paws. The bird still despised the arrangement, but the fox knew he'd be able to keep working on that - just as soon as he finished his new goal. Uruloke had tasked the newer champions with going back out into the world and recruiting more players for their next round of games. Hunter was obviously eager to help, wanting to fuck as many different men as possible.

The state of the apartment deteriorated as Hunter spent more time there. It hadn't been cleaned in a while before they'd been kidnapped, and the fox saw absolutely no reason to do so now. Trash began piling up as he became more indoctrinated into the world of filth. He'd stopped using the bathroom altogether, choosing instead to usually consume his wastes, or to let it out in his bedroom.

Having Apollo gone proved advantageous in at least one way. As Hunter worked to gather more potential players for the game, he kept two bedrooms for different groups of guys. The more vanilla ones were invited into the bird's old bedroom, where Hunter hardly ever cleaned the sheets of cum, but that was as dirty as things got. In his own bedroom, his filth lust ran rampant, with stray piles of feces across the floor and bed sheets absolutely covered in stains. The fox never bothered getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, just going where he lay. While it was paradise for him, he'd found himself trolling on some more unsavory websites and found a couple guys interested in helping him make the room as nasty as possible, knowing he wasn't the only one who enjoyed such pleasures in life. Naturally, he'd gotten them to sign up for the games.

One morning, Hunter lay in bed with Apollo's old boxers wrapped around his muzzle. It had become a bit of a tradition for him - any time he slept alone, the bird's underwear was around his head, making sure the fox knew what he was doing all this for. Small pangs of guilt occurred each time someone signed up for the site, but his lust and desire to see Apollo again quickly overrode those feelings.

As the fox pumped out his fourth consecutive orgasm of the morning, he finally rose from his bed, sitting on the edge of it. The boxers were discarded, tossed aside onto his nightstand until they'd inevitably be used again. Feeling his stomach grumble slightly, Hunter reached to his side and grabbed one of the stray logs of shit on the bed, biting into it and feeling his teeth sink into the hard, crunchy exterior. It was much juicier on the inside however, and as he opened the end, he raised it to his lips once more and sucked out all the squishy, slimy feces still inside. Once it was empty, he tossed the shell in for good measure, chomping through the rest of the waste.

Out of curiosity, he grabbed his phone and pulled up the site, eager to check the number of visitors. It wasn't hard to find by now, with Hunter having the site bookmarked for easy sending to as many guys as he could get it to. He'd signed up at least twenty on his own, if not more, averaging well over one a day. His eyes went wide as the number popped up on his screen though, seeing the familiar message that a hundred participants were now in the games, and thoughts of the island raced through his mind again.

He couldn't wait to see Uruloke again, to suck off the bull a few more times, and maybe even learn his name this visit. Other furs who he'd be able to revel in the filth with, and finally have someone's shit to eat again that wasn't just his own. If anything, he hoped, he wouldn't have to eat anything but that the entire time he was back on the island. He'd have all the dick he could suck, and as many guys as possible to get it from. The mental picture was enough to get him going again, starting to work out a fifth orgasm of the morning.

After about a minute of stroking, he paused. His first thought about having the games back up again was partaking in another huge orgy - nothing about Apollo. He berated himself for a moment before he grabbed the boxers once more and shoved them against his nose, trying to remind himself what was important, though it became more and more difficult each day to prioritize anything but pure, unbridled lust.

"I'm coming back for you, Apollo," he said softly to himself, squeezing behind his knot as he pictured his bird one more time, knowing he'd see him soon.

The Island - Chapter 4

Apollo grumbled softly as he slept, his consciousness slowly returning to him. He had no idea how long he was out - all he knew was that last night was one of the deepest nights of sleep he'd had in a while. He pulled his outstretched wing a bit...

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The Island - Chapter 3

While both of them enjoyed their well-earned embrace, Apollo soon let go, far too quickly for Hunter's liking. The fox realized it though and lowered his arms as well, not wanting to be too clingy. "When we get out of here...I think we have a lot of...

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The Island - Chapter 2

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" A large wolf screamed, grabbing Hunter by the shoulders and shaking him, trying to get the fox up. "Wha..." the fox mumbled, struggling to open his eyes, finding it much more difficult than usual to wake up. "Fucking...

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