Embrace me

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Originally written in 2010, deleted in 2016, re-uploaded....today! Just in time for spooky season.

A lonely gryphon meets the dragon of his fantasies and gets everything he's ever wanted.

Trigger Warning: There's some implied nastiness in the end, though left deliberately ambiguous in case you prefer to think there's a vampire gryphon wandering around now too - which is also very valid. I've never been entirely certain how this story ends myself.

Please enjoy.

I lost my job a few hours ago. It wasn't really my fault, my boss just kept asking me to do more and more work and I just couldn't keep up. I'd just gotten a raise and instead of taking that fifty cents an hour away from me they gave me my walking papers and escorted me out of the building. Can you really call your job a career if after four years all you take away from it is a half full banker's box of miscellaneous doodles and outdated map books?

So after I got home, I sat on this old couch of my ex's and stared off into space for a while before my cigarette burned itself out against my fingers. My mind kept circling around the same thoughts, unemployment wasn't going to pay for my little apartment, my credit card, my food, AND my entertainment. I checked my bank account balance on my phone, enough for a few weeks at most. I felt like throwing it across the room at the TV, but thought better of it after it beeped in my hand. A text message from a fox I'd been hanging out with on and off the past year. Company? Sure, why not?

The sun had been down a while by the time he showed up unfashionably late as usual. "Hey birb," he said, inviting himself in and sitting on the couch. He watched me as I paced a bit, grinding my beak as bank account numbers and maybes and whyfors kept spinning around my skull. "So what do you wanna do?" He said, interrupting my attempt at wearing a hole through my floor. I turned to look at him, the fucker was smiling that smile of his.

You know the type: devil-may-care, fuck it all lets take things as they come, smile. He was working on his boy looks, and worried the side of his lip with his fang, which he thought made him look cute and innocent. Really, it just made me want to slap him, or ask him to, literally, bite me. I'm not suicidal mind you, but there was always something submissive, romantic even, to have someone hold you so close while your life-force spurted into their mouths. I've always been something of a submissive romantic.

"I could just be lonely." I said to him, his ears perked and his head tilted, genuinely confused.

"Uhh, what?" Sheesh, there I was not beginning and finishing my thoughts in my head again.

"Never mind. I lost my job today and I've been scatterbrained all evening." I felt a flush start under my eyes and creep down my cheeks and throat as I blushed. It's an embarrassing thing to lose your job after all.

"Tut tut. You lost your job? You? Mr. Workaholic?" He chortled. I winced. Thanks, jerk. "Well this is cause for celebration! Let us head to yonder pub and drown thy misery in ale!" He giggled at his own wit and grabbed my coat, throwing it over his shoulders before heading out the door, leaving me scrambling to follow.

His car sputtered and bumped across town. I stared out the window at the skyline, watching clouds move in as the moon began to rise. It wasn't that pretty, but I enjoyed it a few minutes later when it started to rain. Being mostly feathers kept the rain off regardless of who was wearing my coat.

He'd chosen a different pub than what I was used to being driven to. It was bright and neon outside. I groaned. "A gay bar? You know I feel so out of place in those places."

He brushed off my complaint. "Hush, a big bird like you needs some fun in his life. You've been single for, what, six months now? I bet we can find someone cute to bring back to the apartment."

My eyes rolled towards the half missing headliner of his car. "Yeah, that's just what I need right now, someone to have to spend money on. Oh, la, I can see it now, 'hey let's go back to my place, we can sit by the space heater and play Uno because I can't afford to turn on my television or go to a movie.'"

He laughed at that but didn't reply with words, instead finding a spot near the door to park. I found myself following him inside, backing my eartufts against my head at the noise. Gayties night was in full swing tonight. Some synth and vaguely androgynous voices singing of happier times and freer spirits. Amazingly, it was almost standing room only on a Thursday. We lucked out, finding a seat between two other groups of folks and ordered drinks. I took a few sips of my Guinness and looked around.

There was an assortment of folks at this particular pub. Most of them attractive and cute, some muscular, some femmy, some average. About the only thing all of them had in common was they seemed to be enjoying the music and atmosphere more than me. I felt out of place, shifting my weight and feeling my pudge against my arm. I sighed, drinking more beer. My friend was already loosening up, most of the way through his brightly colored fruity somethingorother. Probably whatever was popular this week in the club scene, already trickling down to lowly bars.

"So let's dance!" He says, tugging at my hand lightly. I felt that blush creep up my face again. Me dancing, there's a sight.

"I don't think folks out there would appreciate a fat gryphon stepping on their feet," I smirked. I let him pull me to my feet though, determined to forget for a little while at least.

It was a few hours and lots of beer later before we finally sat back down for a rest. I felt quite flushed from dancing, and my vision was just getting that haze around the sides that told me I was quite happily- "Drunk!" I declared. Feeling as if some important goal was reached.

My friend grinned at me and excused himself to piss, and I looked around again at all the sexy bodies writhing about on the dance floor. I blinked away the haze enough to focus across the floor at the folks on the other side. There were couches among the chairs and tables. A couple was quite spiritedly making out on one. Another was determinedly taking off each other's clothing. I frowned, tearing my eyes away from that scene, hoping they'd leave before they got kicked out. Also hoping that they would come over here and drag me along with them.

The music in the background coalesced into a David Bowie song, and I found myself muttering along to "Young Americans" while I smiled down into my glass, feeling quite detached from myself. If I closed my eyes, I could see my insignificant problems, a cardboard box in one corner of my mind. The

rest of it was filled with folks dancing and fuzzy shapes floating in front of my eyes. I shook my head to clear the dancers, and looked back up, focusing on the bar now.

Oh, shit. I giggled, feeling myself blush as I stared at a dark blue tail with what looked like silver or white stripes. It was attached to a very cute butt, and for a long while I could only stare at it, giggling softly to myself as all sorts of naughty things went through my head. He wore a dark green shirt and black cargo pants, but the tight shirt and pants didn't leave much to the imagination from this angle. A dragon, I finally noticed, as I finished looking up his body to the back of his head. Two horns jutted from his skull, and a feathered mane of lighter blue from his hide fell from his head and neck. He turned his head to talk to the person next to him, and I rested my chin on my palm, sighing quietly as I kept staring at this stranger. This most magnificent stranger.

I blinked out of my daydream as a paw waved in front of my eyes. "Earth to Tad, go to rockets full, not responding."

I huffed. "That's Peter Shilling, not David Bowie. Jerk." Then giggled more, as the dragon at the bar swished his tail. "Go bring him over here for me Jack."

"Eh- who?" He followed my gaze, and my outstretched hand, which was making groping movements at the oblivious dragon. "Oh." His voice trailed off, and finally he shrugged. "Don't know him, you should go introduce yourself."

"Yeah." I grinned at the fox. "I'm sure he'll go for the drunk pudgy gryphon type."

"Oh shut up and do it while you're still drunk enough. Maybe he likes extra fluff." He smirked.

I got up and managed to move without falling or staggering much. It was a long, long walk. About midway there I felt the world tunnel, my eyes were fixed on him, nothing else seemed to move or make a sound. I only heard vague music again and the singular thought, "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall."

Unfortunately I forgot to also think "Stop before you run into him." So I got to hear him yelp and feel myself blush again tonight as my grabby paws made contact with the object of my desire, his ass.

I stumbled back a few steps from the dragon as he stood. He was taller than me, his green velvet shirt halfway unbuttoned showed an impressive patch of white feathers that matched his mane. I noticed this first because his chest was at eye level. The part of me that was cowering in fear from the dragon was only barely held in check by the part of me that wanted to bury my beak in that fluff and preen. Finally, I looked up at his face. He wasn't snarling at me, but the half-gaped muzzle didn't look to be a smile. He had many pointed teeth and two impressive fangs that wouldn't have been out of place on a snake. It must have been the alcohol- I could have sworn that I saw electricity arc briefly between some of his chompers. His eyes were azure -if I had meant blue I would have said blue- friendly looking even with the rows of sharp teeth below them. Long silvery horns and a pair of ears made up the rest of my appraisal before he finally spoke.

"Well?" He said.

"Err. Well?" I replied, still mostly captivated by his looks.

"Well... are you not going to apologize for grabbing my butt?"

I shook my head, barely believing my own audacity. "No, it's too nice of an ass to apologize for grabbing." I grinned like a kid who was in trouble but couldn't stop digging his own grave.

He tilted his head, seeming to think about my comment before responding. "I don't believe anyone has ever come onto me like that before."

"Shame." I replied, feeling just a little more confident. "I'd die to have an ass like that."

"Would you now?" This time he grinned. Lucky gryphon? Luckiest gryphon in the world. My head was still swimming from drinking but the single swish of his tail wasn't a drunken beer-goggle moment.

"I would. Let's get out of here. Like, right now." I reached out for his hand, stopping just short of touching it. He hesitated for the barest moment before grabbing it. His hand was cool against mine.

He was pulling me out the door before I realized I should probably wave goodbye to Jack. I managed to turn 'round and see him grinning impishly at me, then looking back as some skinny bunny in a mesh shirt, his fur dyed bright pink. Rainbow arm warmers too. Yikes.

The cool night brushed through my feathers as he led me over to his car. "Oh, this yours?" We'd stopped in front of a white Chevelle that was parked next to where Jack had parked. "Yes, I thought the weather would be nicer tonight." He unlocked and opened the passenger door for me, and I slipped into the black interior, the familiar seat texture molding to my back as I sat down. I thought back to nicer days when I had a yellow one similar to this. The sensations were the same as he sat down and started the car, pulling us out onto the street as the last sprinkles of rain died. "I haven't been in one of these for years. I had a '72, my father a '70 and '69 while he was alive." He just nodded, mmming softly.

I reached out and put my paw over his thigh and squeezed, making him giggle a bit. "Easy tiger, it'll just be a few minutes home. Why don't you relax and enjoy the ride?" Seemed like a good idea, so I did, looking out the side window at the streets. I wasn't familiar with this part of town, so it wasn't completely odd to me that we were already out into the countryside, climbing up hills and over a small bridge. The engine sounds bounced off the rocks and trees, lulling me to a doze. I felt safe around this complete stranger, whether it was just the car digging up memories of childhood and better times, or his calm demeanor, I don't know.

I looked back at him, watching his eyes scan the road ahead. They seemed to glow in the reflected lights, occasionally he'd open his mouth and I could see the same crackles of something between his teeth - or perhaps it was his saliva? Who had blue saliva?

"We're here." He said suddenly. I looked back out of the car, shaking my head of the last bits of haze. "Where's here?" He got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to open my door. Such a gentleman.

His hand grabbed mine and helped me from the car. I gazed up to a large house, looking like a mishmash of Art Deco and Gothic styles on the exterior. I felt any last dregs of confidence slip away as he led me into the house and closed the door, the locks thudding into place. My heartbeat rose a few more rpm as I tried to figure out how I would get out of here by myself.

Suddenly there was a weight around my shoulders and cool breath ruffling past my ear. His arms pulled strongly around my chest, pulling me back against him. Suddenly there was that safe, secure feeling again. I leaned into it, feeling my eyes close as his breath kept puffing through the tufts of feathers on my head. My arms covered his, and we held like that for a long moment before his muzzle rubbed my ear and I shivered, giggling after a moment at the touch. "Sorry," I said, feeling myself blush. "That feels good but it tickles too." His chuckle rumbled through his chest and sent a sensual shock through my back from neck to tail.

He nudged me forward, keeping his arms around me while he guided me towards the back of the house. Past what looked like a living room and kitchen, sparsely furnished as far as I could make out in the dim lights - perhaps he just moved in? Down a hallway and a pair of double doors that creaked melodramatically when opened. I huffed, taking in the violet drapes over windows and darker velvet covers on a large bed. There was more, but I wasn't concentrating on that because he pushed me gently towards that expanse of velvet with an insistence that I didn't want to fight. He didn't say anything as he turned me around at the foot of the bed, his muzzle close, then closer as he dipped my head back and kissed me hard. I pressed back, doing my best to kiss with my beak, not the easiest of things to do with someone who doesn't have a beak too.

His hands gripped my shoulders, I felt his tongue press against the tip of my beak and I opened up to him. He purred as he filled my mouth, my tongue seeking and rubbing back against his. He felt cold, and it was a nice sensation for a long while. My hands were free, and then suddenly they were pulling his shirt up, reaching under to paw at his sides, scaled and his belly, feathered. I shuddered as the kiss stretched on, and I was unbuttoning the shirt before I tore it off him. He finally pulled back away from my face, long enough to shrug out of the shirt. He grabbed mine in return and I lifted my arms over my head so he could pull it off. His muzzle pressed back against my beak before my shirt hit the ground, then I was falling, falling, falling forever as he pushed us onto the bed. It felt like I sank a mile into the mattress. It was soft and supple, and beyond the scent of the dragon atop me, smelled like incense, cinnamon and musk. The velvet cover felt great against my bare back. He sat up on me and stretched, before his hands fell to my jeans, groping me through the fabric. I groaned, already harder than I had been in my life, and felt myself panting as he fiddled with the button and fly. I watched as he slid down off me to the side, his fingers slipping in between the cloth and my fur, pulling the jeans and underpants off me in one movement. I raised my hips to help, then suddenly I was naked. I blushed again, feeling his gaze move up and down me, wondering what he was thinking.

"Sexy bird." He breathed, I was barely able to make out the words, then his paws were running over my chest and belly, his eyes staring down into mine. I laid motionless for a long moment, soaking up the sensations of him fondling my feathers and combing over my fur. His pants were held up with a drawstring, and it didn't take much for me to pull loose the knot. I debated tugging his pants down, but he beat me to it, kneeling briefly while he struggled with the things like they were on fire, kicking them off his ankle finally before kneeling near my head, his paws moving over my chest, then belly and groin. Two things happened at once, I leaned forward with my head, scooping his hardening sex into my beak, and his paws gripped the base of my own and squeezed. We both moaned, and he swung a leg up over my head, straddling me while leaning down my body to take my own cock into his muzzle. His maleness bobbed just above my head, and I opened my beak again as he lowered his hips. His flesh tasted almost sweet, and he smelled of cinnamon. I almost forgot to breathe or move my head as he started suckling on me, I felt his tongue wrap around my girth, and groaned around the mouthful of dragon I had.

My paws roamed over the ass I had grabbed earlier. Squeezing hard over his cheeks as he rocked his hips a little. Being a bird I didn't have much of a gag reflex, so he gasped when his length poked further into my mouth. I licked over his length, my tongue curling and uncurling around him, lapping the sides and swallowing greedily around his tip as it eased down my gullet. I spread his cheeks a little, his tail flagging up, my thumb finding his anus and rubbing over it, circling it, pushing lightly into the pucker. I felt his groan around my own cock, then just my tip as he pulled back and swirled his tongue over my glans. His paw was squeezing over my base, and I could feel my vestigial knot swelling a bit, the pressure of orgasm already starting to fill my belly and loins. "Mmmph." I managed to say, feeling my hips buck up into him. He pulled his mouth off me and he chuckled. "Not just yet, my friend." He gently disengaged himself from my beak, rumbling as I gave it a few more licks while in range.

He turned around so he was facing me, nudged my legs apart with his own and kneeled between them. I bent my legs, squeezing my knees around his midriff as he stroked a paw up the length of my tail, then squeezed my inner thigh, making me squirm and spread my legs a bit more. He bent his head down, I watched him over my belly till his muzzle was lined up with my groin. I felt his breath puff over my sac, then lightly over my tailhole, making me purr softly and close my eyes. My balls were licked at, I felt him heft each one and lick around them till I felt damp with saliva. Then his paw wrapped back around my cock, and his muzzle pressed closer, under my balls and he breathed slowly and deliberately over my tailhole. I shivered again, moaned, then moaned louder as I felt his tongue touch gently, then more firmly at my hole, rimming around it gently a few times, then over my perineum.

He took one of my balls into his mouth and sucked gently, making me squirm all over again, then the other. This was exquisite torture. His paw moved slowly over my penis, rubbing the head, then the shaft - too slow to make me cum, but damn I wanted to. He kept me hard, playing with my balls, nipping lightly at my thighs and tail, rubbing my tailhole till I moaned and pushed back against his finger. He looked smug through it all, an indulgent smile on his face at the times I could see him and didn't have my eyes closed.

Then he sat back up, reaching over the side of the bed and pulled out a little foil packet. The condom was thin, and he rolled it over my cock with an ease I could never manage to accomplish myself. He grabbed a small bottle after this and squirted its contents onto the condom, rubbing it over my length and tip, making me groan and feeling my heart race in anticipation. He reached back and rubbed the remainder under his tail, then crawled up me, smiling into my eyes as he straddled me. My hands gripped his hips as he reached back with one hand, gripping my cock by the base, and lowered himself. I'd never topped a guy before tonight, and I was feeling like the center of attention from all this, marveling at my luck. I watched him close his eyes as my tip touched his tailhole, then penetrated. He gasped softly and I groaned as his pucker squeezed over my tip, then he let himself drop, and I was inside him. I shivered from the sensation, my paws gripping his hips tighter as I pushed forward, pushing into him more. His tail curled around mine, and he started humping himself down onto me. It didn't even feel like I was using a condom, his insides squeezed over me and I could imagine I felt every bump and ridge inside of him. It was almost too much, then he would slow down a moment and let me catch my breath.

I'd started rubbing his penis again, concentrating on that while he rode mine. Both sensations felt great, and I was starting to relax again, pushing up into his movements, feeling and hearing his groans, watching his face and that indulgent smile. I realized I wanted to hold out until he had come first, but that wasn't what he wanted as he pushed my hand away from his penis and placed it back on his hip. So, fine, my turn. I gripped him tightly and pulled him towards me, and his hands fell against my shoulders. I started rolling my hips into him faster, hearing our bodies slap together at the groin and tail. He huffed, then relaxed against me, gasping as the different angle let my length slide into him easier. I felt my knot, little more than a small bulge at my base, push against his anus. Then I groaned, humping faster into him, his body bouncing above mine, I was determined to get my satisfaction. Finally, he pushed back hard enough into me and I felt my knot push into him, his body gripping me tightly. I managed a half dozen more little thrusts before my head tilted back and I yowled, he groaned, and my cock jerked in him, spilling my essence. It stretched into a long couple of moments, my chest heaving against his, feeling him twitch around my body and milk my length, my cock throbbing back in response as the orgasm ebbed as fast as it had crashed forth.

We both lay there panting, I smelt my own sweat and his mingling, his breath lightly against my shoulder. Then he disengaged himself from me, grunting as the knot popped out, then the rest of me. My cock quickly went limp, and he rolled the condom off, then licked my penis, sucking the tip clean of my seed. I laid there, shuddering a little as the sensations quickly grew over sensitive. He stopped, and knelt between my legs again. I felt his maleness throbbing against my limp one, he rubbed himself against my sheath a moment, then as I opened my eyes he tilted his head and arched an eyeridge. "Terrific." I managed to get out, and he smiled again.

"Good bird." He said, and I blushed, feeling a little silly and giddy from the orgasm. I lifted my legs a bit, wiggling my rump against his thighs, inviting him to do unto me. Skies above, I wanted him inside of me. I didn't have to wait long, he quickly grabbed his supplies again, rubbing the oil into my butt with a digit while he put on a condom, then he pressed his tip into me and I arched my back, gasping loudly as he entered.

It had been a while since I'd done anything like this, I expected it to hurt, but as he pushed all I felt was the coolness of his body in mine and the oil, slippery and soothing. I squeezed around him a few times, experimentally, and heard him rumble and shudder over me. He grabbed my legs then, lifting them at the knees and I took the cue, hooking them around his back as he grasped me by my sides. The first thrust was terrific, as he pulled out I could feel every ridge on his cock through the condom. When he pushed back in, I made him work for it, clamping down as tightly as I could. He wriggled his hips, hissing like an overworked steam engine, forcing himself back inside with a growl.

I let my head fall back, closing my eyes while he rubbed over my belly with his hands. His thrusting was slow and steady, the kind that drove me nuts with wanting more sensation faster and harder. I could feel my bottom grow cool as he pushed in, then warm back up as he drew back, only to moan softly as he did it over and over again. His paws ran up my belly and chest as he laid himself out against me now, my knees up in the air. I felt his tail curl around mine and squeeze as his hands reached my shoulders, and he pressed his muzzle back against my beak, kissing me. I kissed back for all I was worth, tasting a hint of my own essence in his mouth while our tongues rubbed against each other. His thrusting began to speed up, becoming erratic. His breath puffing out of his nostrils, I felt him groan and rumble, his penis pulsing against my insides. I was anticipating his release, relishing the moment that was to come. My eyes screwed shut, I barely felt him break the kiss, his muzzle slipping under my beak and rubbing against my neck as he thrusted hard, pushing me back against the bed with each stroke. He grunted with the effort, I wordlessly encouraged him, little squeaks and groans coming from my beak unconscious from my thoughts. Then it was upon him, I felt him thrust one more time, pushing up into my guts, holding himself there and gasping against my neck. My arms tightened around him just as I felt his cock jolt, and a warmth spread up from my tail up my spine and through my body just as I felt two sharp needles jab into my neck.

I jerked in his grasp, the fucker had bitten me, ouch! I tried pulling back from his muzzle, but he shook his head and pressed closer. I felt those fangs dig into my skin and then something broke in my neck and I felt the hot rush of my blood spurting against my shoulder and his muzzle. I cried out, pushing him with my arms and kicking with my knees, which he rode out easily, his strength suddenly many times stronger than I'd noticed before. Then he was sucking at my neck, the fangs ripped from my flesh, leaving me feeling dizzy, spots dancing in my vision. I barely felt his penis slide from my body, his hand on my chest, hearing his whispered "Shhh..." as my vision tunneled, barely believing what was happening. I felt my heart pounding in my ears, then slow, then more agonizing than the bite, I felt it stop, just before everything went blank