Playthings of the Rich and Famous: Chapter 1

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#1 of Playthings

My name is "Rocky," and that's about how my life has gone. A product of the Galatea Corporation that went awry, my destiny seems to lie somewhere among the stars. If only I could stop getting sidetracked on his way there! Sold to Angelic Escapes, I spend my days trying to discover just what it is that's wrong with me. Or is that what's right with me? It's hard to tell with how my assignments go.

I genuinely love this moron. Like. You have no idea. The character is mainly based off a character that I've done writing with in the past. I changed a few things up, obviously, and the original looks similar but distinct. I also threw in some other influences and a sprinkling of people that I know. Rocky's something that I've never done before; a himbo. And once I can shove myself into that mindset, he's such a blast to write. This one's going to be a lot longer of a tale, a bit like Wolf King, though it'll probably also be more fluid. My patrons re going to have some input into the story and what happens next once it gets rolling, so there's going to be some surprises and maybe even guest appearances!

Playthings of the Rich and Famous

Chapter One

By StripedKittyScribe

My name is "Rocky," and that's about how my life has gone. A product of the Galatea Corporation that went awry, my destiny seems to lie somewhere among the stars. If only I could stop getting sidetracked on his way there! Sold to Angelic Escapes, I spend my days trying to discover just what it is that's wrong with me. Or is that what's right with me? It's hard to tell with how my assignments go.

This story may include bondage, random diatribes, dubious/non-consensual sex, tips for being a better lover, domination, comedy, sadism, distractions, masochism, impossible sex acts for mere mortals, exhibitionism, broken/fake science, sex machines, and intrigue. There. I warned you. Now if you keep going and you find something that you don't like, it's not my fault!

(Editor's note: I tried to keep him on track, I swear to god. It's like trying to get an 8 year old to remember what happened 5 minutes ago when he just got a new toy just now. As it stands, I'm still transcribing his various mutterings and wanderings, so this may take some time. Bear with us as I try to get him to focus on something long enough to talk about it without shifting to 'this one time at slut camp'.)


Galatea Production Center; 12th Floor; Decanting Room 4

"New subject coming online, model see-zero-you-gee-four-are, subtype double-you-three-ess-tee. Bring up the list please?"

"Ready. Serial number 775. They called this one 'Rocky'."

"Honestly. Whoever put that person in charge of the naming conventions needs to be either fired or shot."

"I think he's cute. ... It. It's cute."

"It gets old after a couple hundred. Base species puma concolor sapiens?"


"Standard gene line?"


"Eyes green?"


"Hair dark blond, shade spectrum swatch BL121?"

"Uh... check. Right in the middle."

"Just check is fine. Height 192 to 197 cm?"

"Do we count his ears?"



"Weight between..."

Think back to your earliest memory. Most people say birthday parties, or kindergarten, a favorite toy or a best friend. Mine? "Check." I couldn't even see, at first. I think my vision hadn't started up yet. This is gonna be a little disjointed, so bear with me. I have all of my memories from this period of my life, but they're a jumble. From what I've heard from the others of my kind, that's not totally uncommon. Those first days after activation are crazy busy, testing, running around labs, more testing, interviews, which is really just testing without a computer or a hypo, and then just to round it all off, testing. They say your brain doesn't come online all at once and it's still getting used to all the sensory inputs, so it kinda dumps memories where it can fit them and they don't always come out in the right order.

I don't know exactly what they measured. It was a long list. Like. A really long list. They built me with an eidetic memory. I can read a page of random numbers in four minutes seventeen, and rattle it back to you three months later. That list still blurs together. I blanked back out a couple times. I won't bore you with it though, not even the parts I remember. That's just mean. At least the voice sounded cute. It made it easier to hear it all.

"Sterility lock... number twelve. Unlock period one week, firmware and bio lock."


"Which bio key did we use on this one?"

"30 mg Impregnamene... uhm, Dr. Bawson, I'm getting a yellow alert on his neurals." A note of concern started creeping in around the corners of his voice. I could make out colors, all of a sudden. Shapes. I was looking through vat fluid and bubbles and glass at a pretty little fox boy, peering back at me, wearing the standard issue HUD glasses that all of the techs wore, combination safety goggles and display. They were big on him, and he looked younger than the others, probably just barely past 20. I could see the blue lights flickering around showing him all kinds of data about me. Never did find out what the data he was seeing was.

"Let me see that..." An older badger scratched the back of his head as he took a datapad from the fox, frowned, and squinted up at me. "Oh. He's awake early. That's... that's ok. It happens sometimes. He probably won't remember any of this; independent memory formation usually doesn't kick in for about the first hour or so. He might react a little bit to some of the tests, but it won't be bad." He handed the pad back and turned back to his terminal. "Firmware upload complete. Standard imprinting kit for journeyman level skill of non-union and non-prohibited skill sets, standard memory blocks. Checksum should end in d73f1e334."

The fox boy bit the corner of his lip, watching me for a moment. "Running checksum..." His eyes were very blue, and he looked almost thoughtful, resting the lower edge of the tablet against his slender chest as he waited for the computer. He took a deep breath, rocking back and forth on his heels, and a little flicker went down his bushy tail. "Check. Ends in f1e334."

"Nine digits please."

"d73f1e334. Sorry, sir."

"It's fine. Open the pod."

"Yes, sir. Uh... what's this code mean? The red one ending in 637...56D?"

I didn't catch what he said next over the gurgling of the tank draining, or the hum of the machinery setting me on my feet and releasing cuffs around my arms and legs, pulling away the breathing muzzle. A warm rush of air that passed over me, drying and fluffing my fur coat out, and as the glass slid away, I took a deep breath. All of the various IVs had been retracted prior to the tank draining, so my arms were free to scratch through my chest and arms and pretty much everything. The techs swear everyone does that, even though supposedly there's nothing in the fluid that would cause the 'need' to scratch.

The pod door opened, and as I climbed out, I wasn't upset about the fact that I was naked. It was simply something that 'was'. I was in vat-fresh, showroom-quality physical condition, and didn't really have anything to be ashamed about. I stepped onto the cool tile floor, though, and felt a half-dozen stares immediately focus between my legs. I looked down. I had a cock. I liked that. Felt good. Felt right. I'd never seen another one yet but something told me I should be proud of mine, and of the rock-hard way it stood at attention.

"Hooooooly fuck." I heard the fox boy say. I could get a better look at him now that the pod wasn't in the way. The slim, pretty fox with delicate features and peacock-blue streaks in his hair reached out to examine me. "You can check off the minimum size at least." Instinctively I spread my legs a bit and put my hands behind my back, letting him do his job. It felt nice, I'm not gonna lie. I mean. It wasn't exactly a handie but someone runs their fingers along your junk, it feels good. I started purring. Couldn't help it. Somehow I knew he'd like it if I put a little growl into my voice, so I did, and he looked up at me with a mix of hunger and trepidation.

"Well, this is your red 56D alert," the other voice I recognized said, sounding almost confused. The badger male had gotten up from behind his desk and tromped over. "Someone get Dr. Tennings," he said before turning his attention back to the fox and me.

The blue-haired fox's fingers only barely fit around me, and I could feel his touch growing slick as he held me, his hand sliding idly up and down my length. He kept looking between my dick, and my face. It was kind of adorable.

"Erection isn't supposed to happen in the pod. There's no stimulation," the badger said as he poked a few times at the tablet.

"Well, you're giving him all kinds of stimulation now," a new voice called out, sounding impatient. Its owner clicked her way over, shouldering her way in front of me. She was short, barely shoulder height to the fox, and I couldn't help but look straight down into her cleavage. I had the sudden thought that she could have kept her tablet there for safekeeping, with room to spare.

Honestly, a little severe for me. Don't get me wrong. Boobs are awesome. Big boobs. Small boobs. Boobs are magical and everyone should get a chance to play with them. It's even fun to say. Try it. Boobs. Booooobs. Bewbs. BOOBS! Boobies!

Anyway. Boobs. Right. Got distracted there. Hers were really big. Like, huge. Like if she'd been another 40 cm taller and 20 kg heavier, they'd still have been big in comparison. Don't get me wrong. I'd play with them all day long and love it. But they wouldn't be my first choice. Right at that moment, though, I could only think of that view, and the warm, slippery movement between my legs. I wondered what she looked like, beneath that snug white blouse.

"And he's... such a leaky boy." The fox's stroking kept going.

And I kept purring. No one had really asked me any questions, so I just stood there. Like hell I was going to do anything to stop the free handjob!

"Should we file for a 314 reinspection, Dr. Tenning? This isn't right." The badger couldn't decide where to focus: his readings on the tablet, Dr. Tenning, the fox boy that was doing his best to top my list of people I wanted to 'thank', or me directly.

Dr. Tenning tucked her datapad under one breast, leaving it held snug there by the friction of her blouse and the weight of those lovely breasts. She eased the fox's hand away before curling her fingers under me to fondle my balls, cupping them, feeling their weight, and I groaned a little at the interruption.

Dr. Bawson continued, "He's supposed to be a pretty standard W3ST, and... the last three stallions we had in here weren't this big. This is his only red code so far..."

I wasn't sure exactly what a '314' was, but I knew that "red code" and "reinspection" sounded ominous. I knew that there was a standard process for bringing us online, but how or what wasn't right was a mystery. And there was the way he said "so far". I didn't really like the possibility of where this was going.

Dr Tenning's fingers were still on my balls, and I wanted my fox boy back. He was nice. Fox boy was absolutely at the top of my list of people to thank right now. I looked over at him, and his hand darted away from his muzzle, ears going flat, a big, sheepish grin on his muzzle.

The mouse cut in over Dr. Bawson, "But if I read the chart you gave me right, we have twenty-two yellow codes here."

The fox finished licking his lips then asked, "Isn't that like... one in a couple thousand units?"

No, that's not accurate. I really didn't like where this was going. And he was the one who cared about me!

Dr. Bawson shook his head, "Closer to a couple million, with the specific alerts he picked up. Yellow is a pretty broad class, but you can see each one has a variation score, and his total is... up there. Not quite five sigma, but close."

Dr. Tenning really seemed like she was interested in a physical examination for some reason. And my poor foxy just wanted back in there. I mean, I wanted him too. But apparently rank has its privileges. "We're already behind the contract milestones. That's something they don't teach you in school, Liam: good science is good science and good process is good process, but customers get impatient and if the products don't ship on time, the bills don't get paid. I'm not going to make any determinations until we see what's going on under the casing. Let's start with a functionality test. Do we have any of the others about to come out of the pods?"

Dr. Bawson poked at his pad a few times. "The processing department is a little backed up, Tammy's not due back from her vacation until tomorrow."

Liam looked down at his hand, rubbing my precum between his fingers before looking me in the eye and licking them clean.

Dr. Bawson didn't seem to notice. "It won't put us any further back on the schedule, and Dr. Jiang's unit has a zero-double-t-three-are unit coming online... ETA half an hour. We've got thirty other recent decants waiting in the processing department queue, too."

The mouse's eyes focused on her glasses for a moment, and then she nodded. "Go ahead and pull twenty and let's put them in Observation Three. Break for lunch and we'll meet Dr. Jiang's team in an hour." She left in a quick, purposeful click-clack of heels down the hall.

As they turned to go, Liam's eyes lit up, and I felt his fingers stroke along my tailbase, sending a shiver up my spine. "Uhm. Dr. Bawson? You said they usually don't remember anything for an hour or so... and I think Rocky's really cute. Could I... uhm... do a little function test myself?"

Dr. Bawson sighed, but he broke into a faint smile. "Be careful. If I don't see it and he passes all the tests after lunch, that's good enough for me." Turns out he wasn't lying when he said that my memory formation would be unreliable.

Liam was my first, and I remember how right he felt, but only in bits and pieces. Sometimes I get a little flash of memory, in a dream, of his legs wrapped around my hips, or his arms behind my neck. If I think hard I can remember what it was like to kiss him, the exact color of his eyes, and the flushed, tired way he smiled when we were done. I remember the way he looked up at me when he cleaned me up at the end of our time together. They're happy memories, but that's about all of them. Sometimes I wish there were more.

Galatea Production Center; 15th floor; Observation Room 3

The next thing that I remember is them leading me to a room with a plastic-wrapped mattress, and cameras in all of the corners, and a one-way mirror. Dr. Tenning told me to wait there, and she left, letting me see probably a bit more hip sway under that tight little skirt than was warranted. Not that I gave half a shit. Firm, round little butts are hot. Just right to squeeze and cup and bury your face in and grind against your lap. Bet she makes the most adorable sounds when getting spanked.

Didn't have long to think about it though, since the door opened a few minutes later and a cute otter girl came in. She was naked, too, and I couldn't help but lick my lips. Say what you will about the Galatea Corporation but they do damn fine work. Their motto of "Let us make you something you'll love" was a bit over the top but only a bit.

She was cute, like I said. I was two meters tall, counting my ears, she was somewhere around 165 cm tall. Super slender, little perky handful breasts with narrow waist and hips. Her whole color scheme was chocolate. Bitter cacao colored hair, long and straight and healthy. Lighter colored milk chocolate fur, with a bit of a reddish cocoa powder tone for her underbelly and inner thighs. And the richest, warmest hot chocolate brown for her eyes.

She walked in, and seemed to know what was up. She gave a coy little smile at me, altering course just a bit. "Hey there," she said as she slinked right up against me, lifting up on her toes. Did she get told that we were putting on a show? Because it was a pose. Not just for the mirror, for me. That flex of her toes and feet made her butt stand out just right, especially when she lifted her toes from one foot off the floor.

If a guy doesn't take an invitation like that, then he's either dead, or blind. ... No, wait, she was pushing up against me, a blind guy could feel that. Dead. Don't take an invitation like that, guy's dead.

Look, I was horny as fuck, okay? I know the jokes about blood rushing from the brain and guys being dumb when they get aroused but I have an actual excuse, alright? We'll get to that later.

My hand went to her ass, and I squeezed it, lifting her up just a little more as I bent down to kiss her, purring up a storm. She giggled into my mouth, and I put my other hand on her butt to draw her further up. She felt good against me. Really good.

"Telemetry on both subjects working fine. Response normal so far."

She wiggled in my hands and looped her arms around my neck. "I'm Lei," she whispered to me.

I kissed her again, pushing my hips away from the bed before turning to set her on the edge, running my hands over the taut lines of her ribs and shoulders, then back down to her breasts. I was panting by this point, and I barely remembered my manners. "Rocky," I moaned my own name, and then my mouth was busy doing other things. She didn't taste like chocolate, not any kind. But that was okay. Because she tasted better. She let out a little chirp of surprise as my teeth played along her dense fur, tongue working over her chest, then to her breasts. Each one got attention. I won't say 'all the attention it deserved' cause if that were true, we wouldn't be talking and I'd still have my muzzle buried there.

Same for her pussy. Shame that I only have one mouth.

"Is he supposed to be doing that?"

Someone was talking. I wanted them to shut the fuck up. I was busy. Lei was right there and she was delicious. She tasted rich and warm and when I made my way between her spread legs, she let out a dreamy little sigh as I kissed her nectar off of her petals, and then curled my hands around her thighs to draw her in for the real kiss.

I felt her heels snap straight up, one of her hands locked into my sandy blond hair, and the other went... somewhere. I was too busy to notice or care. She was groaning and grinding back against me, her hips pushing and falling only to rub back in once again.

"I don't care if he's supposed to be doing that. Make sure that we transfer the recordings to my personal station. I'm gonna need to, ah, research this behavior."

I wanted to glare at the window for them to shut their fucking mouths, but that would require either spinning Lei on the bed so I could look at them from between her legs, or pull away. Neither was an acceptable option for me. I had her right where she wanted me, and that was all that mattered right now.

I knew exactly how to eat a woman out. Thank you, Galatea Corporation for including that. My hands stroked up over her belly, trailing and ruffling her fur as I teased her, both with those touches and the lapping of my tongue across her folds. Further up. I wanted to feel her breasts.

Oh! Found where her other hand went. She was playing with her own chest while urging me to go deeper into her slick little pussy, and if that was what she wanted, I suppose I could make that happen. Just not as soon as she wanted it. Her hand slipped into mine, lacing her fingers between my own and she held me there while the other hand stayed locked in my hair. My other hand found something firm atop her breast, and gave it a gentle pinch, roll, tug.

"If you don't get your tongue inside of me I'm going to sit on your face and drown you," she half-pleaded, half-threatened.

"Izzat s'posed be bad?" Guys. Quick tip. You go down on a girl and she says something to you? Fuck being polite. Talk with your mouth full.Trust me. They'll love it. Especially if you can manage to be purring the whole time. Like I said, trust me. Your muzzle will look like someone hit you with a water balloon and once your lover remembers how to walk, you're going to get some intense 'thanks'.

She laughed, rich and loud, and then smacked my head with the hand there, reattaching her grip and really hauling forward to slide her snatch against my face. "Get in there and fucking lick inside me," she panted.

Second tip. When a girl you're going down on gives you exact directions? You stand at attention if your little soldier isn't already, salute, say, 'Yes, Ma'am', and you obey those orders to the letter. I mean. Don't. You know. Don't stand up. Fuck it. You get what I mean.

I got in there and fucking licked inside of her. Slid that nice long tongue all the way up into her body, sliding it in and out, thrusting it like I was fucking her with my cock; in and out, just a bit deeper each time. She tasted incredible, and I wanted more. There was more, deeper in. So I dove in. Rolling her just slightly, putting her hips so that I was feasting down, I had to support her weight by bracing her ass against my chest, but it was worth it.

"Yeah, that's not normal behavior. Not for a test like this. He should have just kissed her, and fucked her."

"You saying he's not fucking her?"

"You know what I mean. This is a standard imprint, right?"

I couldn't take it any more. I gave her a long slow slurping withdrawal of my tongue, and her whine of delight hit my nerves, making me need to get this woman off. "Do you fucking mind? I'm in the middle of something here," I snarled at the voices, and then resumed my feast. Now, with less distraction, she came all over me within a few seconds. That or when I attacked her again, I just pushed all the right buttons at once. One or the other. Hard to say. Probably could do some tests. Lots of verification. For science, you understand.

She came, wailing and gasping and bucking against me. I'd pinned her pretty well so she didn't throw me off, but I did find out that otter legs are really powerful when they start kicking and waving around in orgasm. She let out a long, almost pitiful moan when she finally came down from the release, and I eased her back down onto the bed. Kept my hands on her though, and she looked like that was just fine with her.

"R... Rocky, you... ah... would you mind if you just had sex with her?"

I looked over at the window, still breathing hard myself, and wasn't exactly sure what kind of look I should be giving them. Well of course I was going to have sex with her. That's what this was. I made a motion toward her as if to say, "She needs a minute. DUH." Then I wordlessly crawled up onto the bed with her, and drew her into my arms, nuzzling at her cheek and neck.

Third tip. Cuddles. Cuddles are king. Or Queen. No judgment. I know that you pop and all that dopamine hits and your body says "Yes. Yes, we have performed our mighty biological imperative and participated in the propagation of the species. Sleep time nao." Fight it. Fight it! Get in there, curl your arms around her and cuddle. And purr. But focus on the cuddling. Pet her hair, kiss her ears or neck or cheek. Look, if I have to tell you how to cuddle, you need more help than I can give you. I'm not going to tell you HOW to cuddle, I'm just going to tell you to do it.

She wasn't done though. Her hand dropped down to my cock, and that was the signal. I shifted my hips slowly, rolling her onto her back, spreading her legs once more and pulling me on top. I braced my hands next to her head, framing it as I smiled down at her as she slipped me inside, and then once the tip was firmly in place, she grabbed my butt and hauled forward. It was my turn to let out a gasp of surprise, but she'd just told me exactly what she wanted.

Tip two? Not just for oral sex.

So I started a steady, deep pace, driving into her the whole way, pushing until I felt her ass against my balls, and then I pulled back. In and out. A little faster each time. A little harder. And she was loving it. She was moaning and kissing at my chest, hands wandering all over my back as I settled into what she wanted. And it kind of surprised me. Sure, the pussy eating had been a bit slower and more patient. But she wanted it a bit harder, and I wasn't about to tell her 'no'.

I fucked her, making sure that while most things stayed the same, I changed just a little something each time. Maybe a little harder. Maybe a little faster. Maybe a different angle. Whatever the case, I kept going. And she felt so insanely good around me. Tight and wet, hot, clutching at my glans as I withdrew, only to sink in again and feel her close around me.

Her breasts were bouncing, and it was hypnotic. They weren't huge melons, just perfectly ripe little bits, maybe a B cup.

By the way, whoever invented that system needs to be choked to death with the piles of bras that don't fit. Not that I have breasts, but I've had my share, if you get what I mean.

She moaned and gasped the whole time, her heels coming to rest on the back of my thighs. I could feel her tail beating against my knees, and she felt mine brush across her toes as I worked and strove for a mutual release. I didn't necessarily want for us to cum at the same time. A little overrated, if you ask me. Don't get me wrong, blowing is good stuff. You get to cum, that's a good time. But the best isn't when you get to cum and then lose all of that sensation because they are too.

Like I said. Not a bad thing. Just not the best, at least not for me. I want to feel my lover's body every single second they're losing their conscious mind. Lei didn't seem to want that, though. She was begging me to cum inside of her, cum with her, fill her up, all of that. The longer I went, the more incoherent she got. I decided that it was time, because she was starting to look like she'd start crying if I didn't let her cum, and I can't deal with crying girls.

So I laid my chest down on top of hers, and gathered one leg up in one arm, curled and hooking it higher on my frame, while the other cupped her cheek and I kissed her over and over again, each one slow and tender, while my hips ground and scrubbed against her. Hard position to get just right, but I am a Galatea model. This is what we do, baby.

She came so hard that she actually didn't breathe for a second. Shrill cry of passion that went on and on and on, until she was wheezing out the very last bit of air in her lungs. Otters? They have this whole 'hold their breath forever' thing going on. When an otter girl runs out of air, you know that you've done a good job. Gold star, little soldier.

I wasn't a statue, though. Statuesque, but not a statue. I came. Hoo. Yeah. That was a good one. Damn. It's a good thing that I was inside of her because if I'd gone off while I was between her breasts or in her muzzle, I'd have gone everywhere. And by the way, that's not just an idle boast. This one time, I was with a tigress and her husband, and she did this thing with her tongue while he was fucking me in the ass, and I actually hit the wall. The far wall. Like 3 meters away.

Where was I?

Oh right. Cumming in Lei while she shivered under me. I lowered myself a little more onto her, wrapping my arms around her chest and rolling us both onto our sides, still locked together. Tip three, boys. Tip three.

I ended up with my hands on her ass, and behind her head as she slowly recovered, and smiled up at me. "Think the test is over," she asked dreamily.

"Kinda hope not," I teased, and she laughed, smacking my arm.

"I think I need to get cleaned up before I get to processing," she said, and I uncurled my arms from around her before I let her go. And watched her go. Yes. Yes, I did. And I am not ashamed. Hot slinky otter girl with hips swaying, leaking my seed down her thighs and winking at me over her shoulder while thick tail draws my eyes right to the mess I just made? Fuck yes, I'll watch that movie all day long.

Or a live show. I'm not picky.

A few minutes went by, and I pushed myself up so that I was sitting, braced against my hands. Something felt kinda funny though, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. When I looked down though, I realized what it was. I was still rock hard.

"Huh," was all I could think of to say.

Galatea Production Center; 25th Floor; Project Administration

I was standing in the office of one of the lead administrators, and he was looking at me skeptically. "You're telling me that you put him through a level one test. And that he ejaculated in the other subject, in a volume of over 200 ccs, less than an hour ago, and he's standing here. And he's still as hard as plate steel."

The administrator dropped his tablet onto the desk, and folded his hands. Not a bad looking older tiger. Kinda had that professorial look, though the kind that are in the sexy holos. Smart, but also big enough to turn naughty students over his desk and paddle them for flashing panties in his class.

The mouse just shrugged. "He asked for a glass of water afterward, and that's all. The holo with timestamp is on your desktop, sir. I just want to repeat that number. 200 ccs."

He turned to someone who looked like she was a lawyer of some sort. Smart blazer. Little pencil skirt number. Vixen, and she absolutely had the naughty secretary look going. Blouse open to reveal deep cleavage and all. Damn, she even had the heels on. If this was a test of whether or not I was attracted to the female form, it seemed a bit on the redundant side considering how I'd practically blown half my dick off inside Lei and was still ready for more.

The vixen spoke up, and I swear to you, I shit you not, she had one of those upper crust aristocracy accents. You know the one, soft 'r' sounds that kind of dissolve into whatever the vowel before it is. The one they put on all those shows based in castles before we got to the stars. That one. "Subject C0UG4R-W3ST-775, designation 'Rocky'." She rolled her eyes. "Honestly. Whoever put that person in charge of the model names needs to be either fired or shot." She shook her head and got back to it. "Contractual obligations have been met according to the decanting crew." She paused and looked over her glasses right at me. Or rather, my dick. "I don't need a measuring tape to confirm the minimum standard is met. I don't see what the problem is," she finally said, and I felt my chest loosen up.

"The problem is that he's..." the mouse that had been with me nearly the whole time I'd been awake motioned at me. "He's massive. And he's producing over ten times the maximum model ejaculate. I'm not talking standard model. I'm talking stallion breeder model. Standard sapiens without drugs makes 5-8 ccs of ejaculate, species dependent. Standard Galatea model makes 8-13, same species dependent. Galatea breeder models make 15-20, stallions topping that, with occasional, very occasional loads that reach 22ccs if they've been edged for long periods." She waved at me like she was doing a game show 'ta dah' reveal. "He came out of the pod with a 33 cm long, 21 cm circumference erection. NO ONE comes out of the pod with an erection, let alone anything fifty percent bigger than model spec! And minutes," she held her hands up, like one of the old mafia movies with her fingers together as she motioned, "MINUTES after he got out of initial programming, SOMEONE," she glared at the lawyer, "on the decanting team decided to sample the product. FOR ALMOST AN HOUR."

Miss Lawyer shrugged. It did nice things to her boobs. ... I mean jugs. I mean jack-off! I mean jacket!! ... Fuck I was horny. "It sounds like nothing more than standard. Every batch gets sampled by the decanting crew, you know that. Hell, you were on the benefits committee that wrote those in. I think your exact words were something along the lines of 'to ensure quality standards are met'?"

Dr. Tenning scowled, and then continued. "Not only does Rocky apparently screw the intern so hard that the little shit could barely stand and still isn't walking straight, but immediately afterwards we walk him over to Observation 3, where he takes another Galetea model to bed but goes down on her, then not only fucks her, but pours more spunk into her after nearly ten minutes of penetration than she could have gotten if we'd run her through a dozen of the other males in this build."

I dunno about the director, but I'm still waiting to hear what the problem is. To me that just sounds like I got lucky and went from awesome, to awesomer, to awesomest.

The vixen shrugged. Which did some rather interesting things to her bust. Again. Good thing she was still holding that tablet, the shift would probably have made it slip free if she'd tucked it in like Dr. Tenning. "Again. He's..." she fished for a word. "Exceptional. But there's nothing here for us to reasonably hold him back."

Wait Wut? Hold me back? Hold me back from what? For what? I was a Galatea model, I had a job to do! ... I mean I didn't know what that job was, but that's not the point!

The mouse gaped, and waved her arms at me frantically. "If his refractory period were any lower, it would be violating spacetime! We need to test him! We need to run a full battery of tests, we need to run a full gene breakdown, we need to run a security sweep of anyone who had access to his pod and logs of both visual and computer access. This," she fluttered her hands at my erection once more, and she was getting close enough that I shuffled to the side a couple of steps. That sex felt really good, and I didn't want to see what would happen if those nerves conducted pain as well as they did pleasure. She paused and glowered up at me for moving, but the vixen smirked. The mouse continued, this time just pointing, "THIS is not normal!"

The vixen shook her head. "Again. I'm not seeing anything that we could cite in the clause that would give us grounds to hold him back. We don't have another male puma model in production right now; they're not just an exotic, they're a P.O.R. exotic. There's a female, but she's completely wrong for his intended role, and she's also exceptionally specialized both in build and upgrade packages. Even if we could repurpose her, which we can't, we would lose a ton of money and reputation with a particular planetary monarch."

The mouse blinked, and fell for it. I wouldn't get distracted like that. ... about politics or business I mean. "Wait, who? There aren't any planetary monarchs in the FederaOH." She blanched. "Oh. Oh, uh. Yes. Let's not use her and lose that client." She got right back on track though. "Okay, there's this," she grabbed my dick and waved it. "This thing hasn't gone down once. Not even for a second. Sure, he's not pissing pre seminal fluid any more, but this is an erection, with no drugs in his system, that's lasted for over two and a half hours, and that's with at least two orgasms in the middle of it!"

The director sighed, and shook his head. "Look. Mandy. I get it. This is a QC issue and that's your wheelhouse. And this is out of spec, and if you just look at that one single metric, this is bad. But everything else is golden. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying that our hands are kind of tied here. The client has a deadline that cannot be pushed back. Unless you can give me a really, really good reason to pull him from their lineup and use a designated alternate with, I remind you, a 50% penalty on that affected model, I'm gonna have to go with Miss Longstride and say we're greenlighting him."

The mouse steepled her fingers in front of her face. "Give me 12 hours," she finally said. "Give me 12 hours. I'll run him through every test I can. If, IF, I can find something concrete that we can point to and say 'this is what happened', then we have the potential for a new line of units, not even counting the potential gene-pharma profit potential. If I can't find anything, then we hand him over right at the deadline with a 'sorry for the delay, we included a test premium upgrade for our best customer', some sales bullshit like that."

That made both the director and the doctor-lawyer-vixen look at each other. There it is. Money makes the galaxy go spinward.

"I can give you 12 hours," the director said, and the mouse didn't even let him list the rest of his stipulations. She just grabbed me by the dick and led me out of the room.

I can tell you with absolutely no smile that yes. It hurt. A lot. She wasn't gentle about it.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity or SoFurry page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.