Duke Weaselton Gets Even 1 - A Weasel Always Pays His Debts

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#44 of Recontextualize

Duke Weaselton has a foolproof plan. All he needs to do is win a coin toss for time with Judy. He never forgot that Judy threatened him long ago.

Duke had his coin with two heads in his pocket. He couldn't believe that this was all it was going to take - he'd have Judy for an hour and all he needed to do was win a coin toss. Koslov even gave him a few lewd suggestions on what he could do with her. He salivated at the prospect. That bunny was going to grovel at his feet and clean them too. The bear guaranteed that he would be satisfied or he would get his money back. All he needed was an excuse.

He stood outside of Judy's Sexual Services. The bunny looked happy when she deepthroated that dildo. Were his plans to get even for naught? It was such a shame that he never found where Judy was when she was a sex slave. Part of him hoped that Judy was still a slave. Whatever twisted arrangement she had to end up here, he was going to do his best to make sure that she didn't enjoy it. That bunny was going to serve him, and she would hate it.

Many animals were waiting in the lobby, waiting for him.

"Get a move on, will you?" Talek said.

He turned to see the cheetah. "She's going to be all mine." Koslov did promise that he would be the first.

"About time you showed up," Sasha said.

"Yeah, yeah, got the money right here."

"What type of room?"

He had the option to pick between several different rooms. "The nearby mall." It would be a public setting. Everyone was going to see Judy serve him.

"That will do."

He could only pick a few toys for them to carry there for him. He chose: a leash, a candle, a collar, and a butt plug as well as some anal beads.

They had to use the limo to get to the mall. Judy was naked, and sitting beside him. She had "KOSLOV'S SLUT FOREVER" branded into her fur.

"Get your paws away from me," Judy said when he tried to touch her.

"You're going to be mine."

"Can I break his arm?"

The frustration in her eyes made it all the better. He licked his lips.

"No," Koslov said.

"Just you wait, bitch," Duke said. "You're going to clean my feet, lick my ass, and suck my cock. We're going to have so much fun." He continued giving vivid descriptions of what he wanted to do. He licked her ear, making her squirm.

They were quite the strange group walking together to enter the mall, one naked bunny, two diapered bunnies, a bear, and a weasel.

There were plenty of shoppers going about their business that couldn't help but be drawn to this. Duke recognized a few of them as criminals. Judy looked at the floor to avoid their eyes.

They marched into the center of the mall and drew quite a crowd. It seemed like Zootopia's underworld gathered for this event.

Koslov said, "Friends, welcome to the most exciting game of heads or tails. You either dominate Judy or she dominates you." He turned and addressed Weaselton, "Heads or tails?"

The bear wasn't using his coin but it doesn't matter since he could complain if he lost.

"Heads," Duke said.

It landed on tails.

Judy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Judy, he's yours," Koslov said.

"Wait, wait! You said you would use my coin. That doesn't count! My lucky coin," Duke said.

"Fair. Give me your coin then."

"What?" Judy shouted. "That wasn't the deal. He's mine. He lost!" She tried to run, but the crowd didn't let her leave. "Duke wants to rape me. Let go."

"What's wrong with all of you?" she shouted. "How can all of you watch this? Freaks all of you."

Sasha and Tasha were eager to help restrain her.

A polar bear asked, "Aren't you the face of that new building?"

Judy looked up at the towering polar bear.

"I'll be sure to have a turn with you later."

Duke gave Koslov the lucky coin.

"Slut, heads or tails?" Koslov said.

"Heads," Judy said.

"Wait - wait - I was supposed to call heads or tails," Duke said. This wasn't supposed to happen. He was going to lose for sure.

"We never agreed to that," Koslov said. "Is there a problem?"

"I - I realized I have somewhere to go."

Koslov inspected the coin. "You tried to cheat. You're not going anywhere."

"You said I could bring my own coin!" Duke protested.

"I never said you would be calling heads or tails. Slut, he's yours."

"I didn't lose yet!"

Koslov flicked the coin into the air. It landed on heads. "Heads. I hope this coin means something to you because it's mine now."

"This is rape, I tell you!" Duke said.

"You gave consent when you paid."

"I'm going to enjoy this." Judy approached him. "Take your clothes off."

Duke tried to scurry away, but there were too many mammals. Judy had to tear his clothes off since he wasn't going to cooperate.

She retrieved the anal beads from the bag of toys that Sasha carried.

He was still backing away.

"Hmph, no permanent damage. What a bother." Judy kicked him in the balls. "Things can be a lot worse."

Duke clutched them in agony.

She used the opportunity to lift his tail and jam the anal beads in, one by one. It didn't matter how much Duke cried. "Isn't this fun?"

"This wasn't supposed to happen," he whimpered.

"You cheater." She kicked him in the nuts again.

He curled into a ball and sobbed.

"Make your tongue useful." She sat on his face.

There was no way that he was going to obey. He could smell her tailhole, but he wasn't going to lick.

Undeterred, she collared him and dragged him along with a leash to the bathroom. The floor chafed his skin, it was less painful to walk on all fours. She was going to dunk his head in a toilet. He tried to struggle away in vain. At least, the toilet water was clean.

"I wasn't ser--" Duke didn't get to finish as his head went under.

"How about now?" Judy said after holding his head under for a few seconds.

Duke was too busy gasping for breath. He didn't have enough time to collect himself before Judy dunked his head inside again. She flushed the toilet while his head was underneath. He gasped for air when he got a chance to breathe again.

"Now?" Judy asked. She barely gave him any time to recover before dunking him again. This time, she held his head inside.

As his limbs thrashed, she still didn't let up.

"He's going to drown," Koslov said.

It was only then that she let him up. Well - for a mere second before dunking him again.

"He needs time to breathe."

That rabbit gave him a mere five seconds, then she held his head underwater again.

"More time to breathe."

"He'll be fine," Judy said.

Duke's lungs were burning when she finally gave him some air. "Ok," he whimpered.

She dragged him out of the stall and sat on his face. "I better feel some tongue."

He was trying to lick with as much strength as he could muster. The taste was repulsive, he was preparing himself mentally while going through the motions.

"He's not trying hard enough."

Every breath he took was full of her musk.

She grew tired of his efforts and was going to dunk him into the toilet again.

"No," Koslov said. "Do something else."

"He's mine!"

"And you're mine. Do you need another reminder?"

Judy shook her head. She kicked him in the balls again, in frustration. "Lick!"

Duke tried his best to placate the enraged rabbit. He licked to the best of his ability, trying his best to ignore the bitter taste.

"He's not even trying."

"I am," he whimpered.


He tried to cover his balls preemptively.

As the enraged bunny went for another kick, Koslov lifted her off the ground. "Do something else."

"Killjoy," Judy grunted.

"I have a candle and a plug," Tasha said.

"Give me the candle."

Duke screeched with pain when she brought the flame next to his balls, setting his fur on fire.

"That's not how you use the candle." Koslov forcibly removed the candle and put out the flame.

"Then how?" Judy said.

"I'll teach you later."

Judy sat on the weasel's face again. "He's finally licking."

He licked with a frenzy, desperate not to have his balls on fire again. Eventually, he began to tire and his pace slowed.

"He's useless." She pulled the anal beads with a single tug. The bunny brought the foul-smelling toy and shoved it into his mouth.

Tears fell out of his eyes when he tried to pull the toy out.

Without giving him any time to recover, despite his apparent struggles, Judy rammed the butt plug up his tailhole.

He felt like he was going to die.

Koslov came to his rescue once again.

"What's wrong now?" Judy said.

"He couldn't breathe," Koslov said. The bear removed the anal beads from Duke's mouth with the utmost care.

"Well, what can he do?"

Duke whispered, "How much time left?"

"She still has thirty minutes," Sasha said.


"After what you were going to do to me?" Judy shoved her foot into his mouth, or rather used his tongue like a towel, cleaning it.

"Can I finish tomorrow?" Duke dared to ask.

"You'll do another hour tomorrow," Koslov addressed the crowd. "If she begs for mercy, you get the same." The bear picked the weasel up.

"What are you doing?" Duke realized the bear was going towards a toilet - a larger one at that. Unlike the first one, it wasn't clean.

He dumped him in the toilet and flushed. "Be there."

Duke Weaselton Gets Even 2 - Unending

Duke arrived early for his time with Judy - or rather he was scared of what Mr. Big would do to him if he didn't show up. He paced around the closed building, fearing to upset the shrew. Koslov didn't tell him when he had to come, so he had to play it...

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The Mythical Incursion 22 - The End of Luxury

Janet couldn't believe how fast things shifted after they met Cyrus. Blake lost his rabbit after a brutal feeding attempt, her own bloated belly made it feel like she was about to join the dead rabbit. "Will I be okay?" Janet asked. She shivered from...

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The Mythical Incusion 21 - A Petrifying Glare

Something with ominous red eyes was hissing from behind while she had an orthros knot in her throat. All she could do was breathe in the musky scent of the orthros's pubic fur. Whatever that thing was took both her holes at once. It filled her tailhole...

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