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Penelope the Spaniel is an uptight and proper catholic, a middle aged housewife, the head of her neighbourhoods HOA, and kind of full of herself. She's coming off an erotic but also traumatic incident that threatened every one of her preconceived sensibilities, and now a rugged and devious Fox-Hybrid is going to throw her another curveball, and de-rail her even farther. Sometimes you just got to give into the experience.

So this is a fan-pic for a story from one of my favourite authors on the site, avatar?user=16565&character=0&clevel=2 Inja which is a continuation of his story, Boundaries.

Which is a story I really enjoyed and appreciated. It gave me quite a few ideas and with Inja's permission and some of his editing, I give you Experiences. Hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

--Penelope is property of, and belongs to Inja

--Virgo is property of, and belongs to me.

[Please do not use either characters without their respective owners permission, or copy this story without credit to Me and or Inja.]

Thank you.


The following story contains adult material and depiction's of sexual and Kink based activity. If you are under 18 or whatever age of consent in your Province, Municipality, State, Country, Nation etc. then do not read further.

You have been warned and told, and should you ignore or choose to look anyway even if you're not of age may your God (or gods, whatever) pour hot acid down your throat and dissolve your testicles into snakes (And if you're female, then your insides, since you don't have testicals, which may be a bummer for some of you or a blessing for the rest).

If you do not care for sexual or kink material then you can close the window or go elsewhere, and if you don't mind then enjoy, the options are free for everyone.





Sometimes life ended up surprising you. At least that was what Penelope Simmons thought to herself as she sat at a large decorated table alongside several other furs. The table was covered in a velvet cashmere cloth, frilly white lace sewn along the edges and corners. A large vase filled with a bouquet of expensive and dazzling flower breeds, was placed in the centre. Silver tinsel was strewn about the table top and around the vase, covered with a glaze of silver white powder that resembled frost. The Cavalier King Spaniel female was a bit impressed with the display. It truly did look like a winter festival. Though, her gaze shifted from the elegant decor to the more tantalizing visuals upon them.

Upon the table cloth sat trays of various dishes and foods. Dishes ranging from sizzling cut roast, too piping hot roasted vegetables and potatoes. A tray of cheeses with names longer than a phone number, and smells that varied from alluring to repulsive. Heaps of salads, nuts, fruits and dressings, and pitcher of water, wine, coffee, and fruity cordials. It truly was quite a spread seated before them. Penelope looked over the plates and trays of food with rapt attention, trying to downplay how much the sight and smells made her want to drool. Several other tables around them were as equally piled high with food and patrons. Everyone sharing the exact same look of desire and anticipation to finally be allowed to dig in. The speaker at the front of the hall was droning on about the joy of giving back to the community and about the need to give generously to make a difference. The typical spiel of every fundraising event, and it was rather boring for everyone involved. Hence the duality of life.

Penelope was surprised how such a boring event could also be so tantalizing, given the food of course. What one may tolerate to get just a bit of a reward was an interesting philosophical inquiry, but one her mind barely toyed with as she eyed the feast before her. The King Charles Spaniel was an interesting sight to behold. On one paw, a more callous individual might say she was a middle-aged snob who by the sight of her pudgy middle, maybe enjoyed her desserts a bit too much. A more sensitive fella however, might claim that she was a decent milf beauty. One with a slight pudge that made her intriguing and a plush ass that one could bounce a quarter off of. Either of these statements would make the devout (and married) Christian woman blush, and scowl and lecture those responsible on manners. Or on the teachings of Christ for that matter. Though secretly between her and the ether, the former's comments would have made her inner workings moist and dripping with excitement and praise (of course, much to her shame).

The luxurious red dress she wore accented her curves and body quite well. The material was a wrap around, wrapping around her chest and buttoned along her side with brass dollar buttons. The dress ended at her ankles, just above her set of bare toed high heels, her paw toes clenching hard with excitement as she admired the plates of food. As she brushed a hand over her brow, Penelope flipped a stray lock of hair from her forehead and briefly adjusted the tight ponytail she had groomed for herself. Her favourite silver cross on a beaded necklace hung from her neck and flirted with resting dangerously close to being within her cleavage. The only other accessories she wore were her trademark silver tennis bracelet and peach coloured Fitbit watch. As she sat waiting, the spaniel looked about the tables, seeing the other furs and their guests or spouses. Scowling as she thought to how hard she had tried to get her husband, Gerald, to accompany her tonight. The old and pudgy Balinese feline however had refused to budge, complaining about backache and fatigue. Penelope had not bought any of it for a second, she knew the moment she was out the door he'd kick up his feet and put on some boring golf game. Most of the time she tolerated such excuses from him, as it gave her time alone to shamelessly ogle nearly every young bit of hot male ass she came across without an overt feeling of shame. Tonight however, she had been overly frustrated by the excuse. The one time she wanted the fat old fart to be with her, he decided to pull the "too old to function" routine. That said, she was at least glad that she didn't have to either share her plate with her husband, or pay for two. Not with the fundraising event charging at least a grand per seating.

Finally, the speaker was done and had given permission for everyone to start eating. Almost immediately and with a small yip of glee, Penelope began digging into the trays of food and dolloping large spoonful's of everything onto her plate. Her unrestrained giddy exclamation made her blush and shift her eyes to see if anyone else had noticed; thankfully no one looked like they had, everyone was equally as interested in getting their food as she was. As she dug into the meal, the Spaniel made sure to eat heartily. Paying close attention to her plate, she was cautious enough to not be too overly enthusiastic. It didn't hurt to show a modicum of restraint after all. It would also keep away any prying eyes after her rather joyous exclamation a few seconds ago.

It was not a bad way to spend a night truth be told. The food was the best part, the cost and donations were just an excuse to indulge without feeling guilty after. A little money in exchange for some good food, social prestige, and community prominence. However, Penelope couldn't help but think she was lying to herself. If all she wanted was good food, she could have had Gerald call out. Or have the prized cook from their tennis club make a personal visit (something he did for only the best and most valued members). No, what she was really doing was hiding away, and she knew it. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel wasn't just a high-class housewife, and upper member of a fancy and reserved tennis club. She was also the head of her neighbourhoods HOA. The Sycamore Street HOA. Her HOA.

The same HOA whose monthly agenda meeting was going on at the same time as her current event. The same HOA meeting she was avoiding, having called in sick, despite being the meetings head honcho. It was very unusual for the pomp and proper head of the Home Owners Association to miss her own agenda meeting, but here she was. She had long dreaded going to that meeting, so much so, that she had even tried to drag her creaking old and lazy husband with her here, to this fundraiser, just so she could pretend there was a legitimate reason for her missing the agenda. It was all because of that damn hedge incident a few months back. Oh, how she had wished to the Lord almighty that she might be allowed to forget that moment. Her prayers went unheard though it seemed.

The memory played behind her eyes like it had happened only just the day prior. Her heading out on her way to her tennis club (to secretly ogle the young hung stallion tennis instructor), only to get stuck in her side hedge while peering at her next-door neighbours, when the noises they were making piqued her curiosity. The married couple fucking like rabbits in their hot tub. As if being stuck watching your friends and local church goers going at it wasn't bad enough, then there had been the fondling, prodding, and getting humped ragged by a group of--to this day--unknown strangers.

Strangers who as it turned out may not have been so strange after all, but in fact members of her street and community. Ever since then, the once priss and snobby elitist canine had become shy and reserved around her friends, her neighbours, and fellow HOA members. She could not stop thinking that every smile, every friendly gesture was some inner joke, held secretly by one who belonged to the group that had fucked her harder and better than her husband had ever been able to. The hardest part about the incident was that every-time she remembered the events, below all the shame, indignity and disgust, her mind always flew to the memories. The longing and lingering feel of the mind shattering orgasms that the compendium of unknown cocks had delivered to her dripping mound.

Penelope and her husband had a semi decent sex life, she thought. While he was quite old, Gerald did have the ability on occasion to give her a good ride. Love making, slow and sensual at its finest. Hardcore pussy and butt fucking however, was beyond his delicate framework's ability to deliver. The unknown molesters that had taken advantage of her predicament had managed to screw the daylights out of her, leaving her passed out and shivering. Having equally ploughed her backdoor so good, she had been walking sore for days after. Furthermore, between her and the silence of God, she also hadn't been able to shit right for a week after either. The blush she felt every-time she remembered the whole ordeal and its aftermath, had burned so often, it felt like a scar along her cheek bones.

It was not proper for a decent god-fearing girl to think or feel such things. Especially not when it came to adultery, simply because it was adultery. Even if she had not entirely consented to some extent, and at least some of the circumstances had been beyond her control, she had cheated on her husband. She had sinned. There was also the solemn fact that she still had not confessed it either. Too ashamed and fearful of admitting it out-loud, even to herself.

Her troubled thoughts were interrupted suddenly as a bulky form pressed alongside her. Her hazelnut brown eyes flashed in surprise to look at the presumptuous upstart who had decided to sit almost right against her. As she did so, Penelope was taken aback and had to gulp down a startled yelp at the strange but enticing sight before her. He was a fox, but also something more. His fur was dark red, but his ear tips and paws were coal black. He also had a dark mask around his eyes and black stripes across his fur, probably all over his body from what she could see of him. His neck and what appeared to be his chest fur were black as well. If she had to guess, the Spaniel assumed he was at least part raccoon. It was a rather odd but exotic combination. The fox-mix had a semi tall build, lithe around his chest but with bulky strong shoulders. He also sported an enticing and handsome grin that made her heart flutter. A pair of dazzling golden eyes stared at her from behind the black mask, while a set of pearly white fangs greeted her when the Todd gave her a flashy smile. "Pardon me miss," he offered. Placing a plate of his own on the table and reaching for the trays. His black coal paws snaked along the food platters, spooning a healthy spread of everything along his plate, same as hers. His keen gold eyes flashed down to see her own plate, before he looked back at her and winked. "You got a big appetite as well?" he chuckled, not caring how it may be seen as insulting. Penelope huffed, her focus on the handsome fox hybrids features shattered by his brazen attitude. There were some things you never mentioned to a lady, and the top of that list was comments about her weight and eating habits.

The spaniel was just about to give him a piece of her mind on the proper etiquette for formal dining, when the fox smirked. "Don't mind my bad manners miss, it was just a fun prod is all." Lifting the hefty laden plate, he nodded towards the food. "With the amount they're charging per plate for this here spread, you better enjoy and savour as much of it as you can." Penelope barely managed to hide a sneer, though she still managed to give the fox quite a snide look. As much as he was handsome, he was getting on her nerves. "Not the talkative type, hmmm? Strange, I was led to believe you liked to talk," mused the hybrid. Not even paying attention to her obvious air of hostility.

This charming goofy act of his was beginning to eat at her patience. Once again, the Cavalier King Spaniel only could gawk and bristle at the fox's direct and blunt statement. This time she felt that she had to respond. "Excuse me?!" Penelope hissed at him. Giving the arrogant half-breed fox an even more menacing glare. "Were you raised without manners, or were the lessons simply too hard for you to grasp?" Hissed the female angrily. Her scolding was far less blunt than his attitude, but it was really her glare that she was relying on to give it its edge. It was the same glare she made when she was peeved at home and had given it many times to Gerald before. Her husband could at least attest to its unnerving effect as such. The fox however, was totally oblivious. He even had enough gall to offer a smug grin right back at her. His amber eyes twinkled towards the king spaniel while he showed off a curved Fang.

"There it is, that glare. It's exactly as he said it was," smirked the fox. Penelope's eyes clouded at that; his response was unexpected enough it even made her do a double take. Not only was he immune to her stare, but he somehow was expecting it.

"What is this weirdo and rude upstart talking about?" Penelope thought to herself, her mind reeling at the possible implications.

"Oh dear, I guess poor Gerald forgot to phone you, huh?" Reassured the fox, now giving her a sympathetic look.

"W-What?" Penelope stammered, suddenly finding herself on the back-foot.

"My apologies miss," the fox-hybrid pressed on, gesturing for her wrist, but when she didn't acquiesce to his request, he simply reached down to kiss the back of her hand. "My name's Virgo Hydrak, of Hydrak Pharmaceuticals. Your husband Gerald sits on our investment board and he asked if I would look after you tonight. Given he was unable to escort you himself, as you well know" he offered gently. Penelope inwardly cursed her fat old husband, while rolling her eyes. He couldn't be bothered to go himself but instead had outsourced her chaperone to some business associate of his. And refused to tell her to boot!

No way Penelope bought that Gerald had forgotten to alert her of that. The old cat had probably just intentionally done so to embarrass her. Either way, he would be getting an earful when she got home, and she was not going to apologize to this upstart fox either! She had no reason too, his behaviour had still been very uncouth and unwarranted.

"That man is so...!" She softly growled. Though even as her eyes dripped venom, they carefully on instinct flickered back to Virgo. Hydrak Pharmaceuticals was a company Penelope was well acquainted with. What with it being one of the primary providers of the rehydrating facial masks the spaniel used daily. There was something to say about being on good terms with someone with access to such valuable and otherwise expensive care products. It couldn't hurt to be friendly, could it?

Anyway, there was just something about the hunk of fox before her. Yes, he was rude, but that exotic magnetism was creeping up on her. Combined with his broad shoulders and strange red and black furred stripes, she was quickly realizing she was probably attracted more than she should be. Penelope quickly summoned a modicum of self-respect to push her anger down and give off her prettiest smile. Acknowledging the fox's words. "Well, I'm deeply flattered that you took him up on his offer Mr. Virgo," Penelope replied as she fluttered her eyelids and smiled demurely.

Virgo grinned right back, "Just Virgo darling...for now." She looked questioningly at him at that last part, but he had turned and was digging his long black muzzle into his plate. He attacked his food like a starved tiger in the midst of a famine. Penelope watched wide eyed at the way the strange male dug right into his food. Snapping and gulping, he barely even used a fork, like some kind of troglodyte. She knew that manner-wise, she should be appalled, but instead the spaniel was intrigued. There was a roughness to the fox that she could sense, one that was not reflected in his appearance, but in his actions.

"He's so...Animalistic," she thought and shuddered, feeling an inner squeeze between her legs as her femininity clenched hard. She usually never got excited like this in the open. Normally she did so only when she spied her youthful tennis instructors or the college-age, hot sons of her neighbours and friends. Penelope gulped inwardly and shut her eyes while she tried to focus on slowing her breathing and heartbeat. She desperately tried to ignore that behind the fox's well pressed and black dress suit with silver buttons and cuffs, the three-hundred-dollar fur styling, and the expensive looking trinkets from rings to a gold hoop and ruby studded earring in his left ear, there lay something more. Something dangerous. She could smell it on a more primal level.

Penelope inwardly cursed at herself when she felt that undeniable twinge of arousal rear up again, causing her to spill a drop of her feminine arousal in her panties like morning dew upon her roses. How could she be feeling like this? She was a married woman, and even if she had indulged in some adultery before, that had been mostly out of her control. This however, was now. She had a choice, she had control. But, did she really? Feeling a bit bold and wanting to get some sense of control and respect back, the King Spaniel chose her method of attack carefully.

"And you asked about my appetite, while it seems you barely can take your mouth off your plate sir," she chortled gracefully. Yes, this was more her style. A semi-veiled insult, passed off as a harmless observation. Many a socialite and troublesome heckler had borne the brunt of such a high-class assault. Now this fox would get his turn. The fox stopped eating and Penelope thought she saw what looked like a shamed blush seeping through the red and black striped fur of his cheeks. Virgo's pause even caused a strip of roasted chicken to fall from his mouth, back onto his plate. Penelope had to stifle a giggle at the sight, mixed of course with the fox's embarrassed expression. That was strange for her as well. She never giggled like a school girl like that. Then she froze, his eyes pivoted to hers, that one curved fang hanging from his grinning jaw as he smirked in the unnerving way, she had come to associate with him. Even the way his eyes bore into her was also rather distracting.

"I suppose I deserved that, huh?" He admitted. Pulling himself up, Virgo wiped his muzzle with a cloth and picked up the knife and fork beside his plate. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, but I've been in a board meeting all day. I haven't eaten a thing and I find myself feeling rather famished" he explained with a slight shrug of his broad shoulders.

"One would think the owner of a pharmaceutical company could get some kind of lunch or food when they needed it," came her snark reply. Eyeing him with precise scrutiny.

"One would think, but when these meetings get underway, you just lose track of time and don't have time for thoughts like that," Virgo replied simply, his unexpectedly honest and good-natured replies threw her right off her game. Penelope was about to go back to her own plate when an ash black paw gently placed itself over hers. "Besides..." Whispered the fox hybrid right by her ear as he leaned in conspiratorially. "I often find I enjoy getting a little sloppy when I feast," came the soft but allusive words. His tongue flickered without warning or consent along her slight pudgy and exposed cheek, making her squeak. Penelope felt her body suddenly seized with a fit of gasps and wheezes of shock. The fox's behaviour had gone from bold and rude to outright intimate and forward with little indication at the drop of a hat.

"There was no way you meant that how I took it, right?" the stunned canine asked, rather taken aback.

"It's exactly, what you were thinking my dear," smirked the fox, as if he was reading her thoughts, having not left her side at all. To add onto his words, Virgo leaned down to draw his tongue now across the back of her paw, as if he was going to kiss it like before. Her body shuddered from the feel of the tongue rasping over her fur and flesh for the second time in a few minutes. Penelope quickly withdrew her paw, rather violently, and stared wide eyed at the fox. Desperately grasping at the silver cross about her neck as if it would ward off an unknown evil; the token she had been wearing devoutly ever since her experience of being stuck in the hedges. It gave her comfort and allowed her to feel righteous when she had doubts, and right now she was filled with them.

"Keep every bit of your body to yourself pervert," she hissed softly, careful to not draw attention to them or make a scene. She had experienced enough embarrassment in her life already.

"Do you actually want that? I can see how your body is shaking, how you shudder at my smell and touch," reassured the fox-mix boldly. "I can even smell the combination of fear and arousal in your panties and seeping out between your luxurious thighs!" Penelope groaned and shut her eyes. All she wanted was to just put her paws over her ears and drown out his words, especially given how much of her body was agreeing with them. "Why deny the experience your body is craving?" Virgo mused idly, not allowing the mature canine to escape her growing cravings. Deviously wrapping his sweet words around the Cavalier King Spaniels body and psyche. "Gerald isn't the definition of a spring chicken, or much of a youthful spirit. A fine looking older beauty as yourself mustn't be getting much fulfillment. At least not the amount you deserve." His words were like a sweet poison, slowly working their way into her mind and making her shudder as they weakened her defences and struggle to resist. The King Spaniel could literally feel the allure of them, but also the danger. The two conflicting emotions being a bit exciting and draining for her to contend with. She could only gulp down the pressing ball of stress and desire as he pressed right alongside her, cradling her plump but curvy form into his side. She quietly marvelled at how his strong chest gave a firm base for her to press against.

"I asked you a question, pet!" Snarled the fox passionately. "When I ask my prey a question, they'd best answer; or else!" He nipped directly against her neck at that, making her jump. Gone was the bumbling gentlemen act he had pulled when he first showed up. Now he had replaced it with a dominant routine that had her shook. She was the head of her HOA, the head of her household. She was used to being the dominant one, and the aggressive personality. This fox however, was giving her a run for her money. Penelope shook, but didn't waver. The fact she had been able to muster even that much strength was impressive. The fox's attitude changed from annoying to dominating, and his passionate words made her swoon and shiver. That ever-present knot of the twisting allure of fear and anticipation, molded itself around her cervix and between her quivering thighs. It gave the air of arousal she only experienced when alone with her fingers at night after Gerald had fallen asleep. Her eyes finally opened enough to catch the fox's gaze as she realized that Virgo was still waiting for an answer.

"...Because I'm a good girl," Penelope firmly admitted while gripping her cross hard enough to leave marks in her palm. Her mind battled with her lust and the growing fire within her loins. Virgo's eyes widened quickly, briefly lowering his gaze toward the cross, then back up to the worried and slightly blank stare in the married woman's gaze. The gaze of someone who was so torn in their mind that they seemed tuned out of reality. It was a state he had seen many falter into, especially those who had powerful convictions interfering with strong desires. They never knew what to do.

"I see. Another good Catholic girl," he smirked. "Your kind always are so silly. Fighting your inner desires, your wants and needs, just because it's expected of you to suppress yourself. Ahhh, you're all so fun to break. And if you agree to be mine, break you will," promised Virgo dangerously. The fox's paws slowly trailed a claw up her side, around her middle from across her ribs and to tease under her breasts with coy eagerness. Penelope shifted her body as squirmed and giggled while his claws teased her so. "I bet I can make you scream my name higher than you ever praised your God," he whispered with sinful promise.

"Annnd...If I don't agree?" Inquired Penelope, ignoring the blaspheme and focusing on the boast. Shrugging off the fox paws and slowly reserving herself away from his presence and touch.

"Then I promise you. I'll stop; we can then both go back to eating, while being stuffy and boring," finalized the fox. The spaniels mind flitted back and forth, the different parts of her personality and psyche fighting against the other. The fox's words were exciting, and he was right; these parties were often so boring. The food was good but other than that it was barely enough to make it worthwhile. Other parts of her psyche however, were backing the idea of sending this upstart packing. She was married and had made vows before the church and God! Could she willingly break those vows with her husband and faith? A true believer like herself? These thoughts were strong but so were the others saying to give in. Telling her of how she would go back to Gerald after, no matter what. So, in the meantime why would it not be fun at worst, or amazing at best? The truly worst thing right now was to only keep thinking about it. She needed to put her paw down, and commit to an action.

"...Okay," she finally whispered. Her mind finally made up and all that was left, was for her too solemnly prepare herself to commit to her decision. Virgo was equally as quick to commit, suddenly drawing Penelope's muzzle forward until it was connected to his in a brazen kiss. The two canines groped at each other beneath their table, with their muzzles entwined passionately. Penelope couldn't even remember the last time she was kissed like this, especially with the feel of that curved fang digging into her lower lip. Gerald was not that bad a kisser, but he had never made her heart flutter like this fox did, especially not with just with a kiss. Not even on her wedding day.

Virgo was not so selfish himself either, drawing a paw to wipe the freshly spilled locks of her hair from her eyes and too gently stroke behind her sensitive ear. The intimacy made her swoon and press into him further. Without much warning, the fox pulled his muzzle from hers suddenly. Though they were no longer connected in a kiss, he held her soft muzzle in his paws and licked her soft black nose.

"Meet me at the restrooms in five minutes, pet. DON'T keep me waiting!" Warned the fox with a wink as he got up from the table and let the Spaniel collect herself while he strode off. Penelope gasped and lowered her head to the table to hide her flustered blush, after looking around quickly to make sure no one had seen their brief moment of indiscretion. She was antsy and worried, but also excited all at once. She desperately wanted what the fox was offering. Even as it fought against every sense of morality she held. Holding her cross with one hand, the Spaniel contemplated what she was about to do as she wiped the adulterous spittle from her muzzle. She was still able to taste him on her lips, she even remembered the smell and taste of his mouth and breath on her tongue. She knew then that as much as she loved both God and Gerald, she needed more of that taste.





Virgo was waiting for her by the restrooms when she finally did arrive. Panting desperately from the heat of arousal practically dripping down her inner thighs. Her body shook lightly with her muscles and senses all on edge. The anticipation and excitement had her worked into twitching frenzy. Each ripple and shiver of excited agony she felt, emboldened her wildness. The fox gave a privileged smirk at her wide-eyed stance and appearance, loving the way her needy heaving breaths made her breasts bounce and her tail quiver. The fox loved to see a female in such an exposed and vulnerable condition. It was beyond flattering to his ego. It also wetted his sexual appetite. There was something truly fulfilling to see all the layers of social modesty, class, and airs that a fur buried on-top of themselves, finally stripped away and leaving them, their souls, and personalities, as free as their bodies. Virgo didn't even think of Gerald anymore when he watched and lusted for the old cat's wife.

The old Bengalese was a decent enough person, and was a dedicated admin for their board, but it was clear he was not prepared (or able) to satisfy the mature rose of female he'd been lucky enough to marry. Besides, the cat had told him to look after his wife after all, hadn't he? Who was to say that it didn't involve thumping her pleasure cave? Who was the fox to pass up the opportunity to step in and give her the true "escort," she needed and deserved as well.

"Delicious!" Hissed the fox-raccoon, licking his lips lasciviously. He knew she would be coming to him, needy and ready like this. He knew it the moment he had smelled her frilly arousal when he first began to entice her. People like Penelope were always so reserved and stuck up. Believing themselves entitled, or higher than others. Yet, when you worked your way under their skin, got them willing and able to commit to desire and want, they were just like everyone else. Ready to indulge. Ready to play, ready to experience. As they came together, both canines entered into another series of passionate kisses and groping like eager teenagers the first time alone together without parental supervision. Their paws etching over each other, claws and nails leaving furrows in one another's fur in their wake, while their tongues twisted around in their joined maws. Virgo's dominating bulk pressed the slightly smaller and more curvy Spaniel against the wall. His firm muzzle fastened to hers as he played with her tail with one paw and felt up her thighs and stomach with his other.

Opposite him, Penelope laid a firm grip on his collar, while the other hand reached to press against his chest for stability. Allowing the mass of fox to mold her against him, but keeping enough distance that she wasn't smothered. Her right leg pressed into the gap between his own as her tail wagged and her heart beat at double tempo. Pulling away from each other for much needed breaths, they both stared into each other's eyes. His knowing smirk and coercive eyes against her desperate and needy gaze. His arrogant smirk opposed to her lolling tongue. "Let's take this inside, shall we," offered Virgo, even as he was giving her a slight push towards the men's bathroom.

"W-What if s-someone comes?" Pleaded Penelope worriedly. Her eyes flickering back to the hall where the dinner was still underway. Anyone could come and find them at any time. Virgo only smirked and reached behind him to pull out a small plastic sign, which read; 'Out of Order: Under Maintenance.' She looked back at him quizzically. Where had he found that? Seeing her look, the fox winked at her.

"Where do you think I went to? I had to get this out of the janitor closest. Now...Inside!" He urged, slapping the plastic sign to the door, before pressing her into it and through with a firm nudge as he directed her through the bathroom to the wall by the toilet stalls.

The first thing Penelope thought was, "How unseemly," as she made her way across the floor of the bathroom. To be frank, there wasn't much to speak of, outside of a stingy mess. Even the fancy bathrooms here at the charity fundraiser were not up to proper code, she noted to herself mentally. This thought lasted a mere second before the fox used his strength to suddenly lift her up and plant her back firmly against the wall. Her well portioned thighs were draped over his bulky shoulders with her feet dangling along his back and pressing against his muscles. Her high heels clattered to the ground as they slipped off her foot-paws, leaving her bare feet to drum along the fox's back. Using his leverage, the fox pried her thighs apart, revealing the sight of her soaked peach-lace panties covering her sex. Penelope placed a hand over one of the Fox's ears while the other grasped futilely at the wall for some extra leverage. Virgo's paws slid up from her plush ass and came to the buttons keeping the dress wrapped around her chest, unfastening them quickly with surprising skill. Once he had enough undone, he pulled the dress outwards, unwrapping it from her body and letting it drop down her shoulders, espousing her pink lace bra, her panties and nothing else but her bare fur.

"Delicious," growled the fox before he reached down to grab the frilly lace panties in his claws, and with a quick firm tug, tore them from her pelvis. Penelope moaned as she felt the meagre cloth protection stripped away suddenly, the violence of the act startling her. The lingering pain of the snapping material brought a small semblance of reason to her fuzzy mind however. Just as she was ready to chew him out over his abrupt aggression and for ruining her expensive underwear, she felt the tip of a rough but sensual tongue digging along her inner thighs. The fox's muzzle pressed to the spots between her inner leg and over her mound where the panties had left a string mark in her fur.

The inquisitive tongue was diligent, gently lapping along the lines, soothing over the burn and causing her to clench her inner muscles hard to avoid squirming too much. Virgo himself waited for no further ceremony before pursing his tongue and muzzle as he drove his fleshy appendage like a battering ram through the dripping petals of her sweet cunt. Breaching her heated and moist cavern, his tongue started feasting unrepentantly on the salty fem honey that flowed in abundance there. Above him Penelope nearly shrieked in surprise and pleasure, barely containing the sound behind her own hand clasped over her mouth, as her most sensitive place became the next trough for him to feed from. Fox tongue and lips sealed around her pussy lips and clit, while tracing patterns and traversing about her inner crevice like a hunter on safari. He paid extra attention to the sensitive walls of her cunt, loving the way she clenched her thighs, and the feel of her expensively pedicured toes digging into his back-fur every time he traced the first row of the alphabet along her inner walls.

When she moaned and gasped for him to keep going, he obliged and brought his paws to press around her leg and dug a plundering claw along her pussy, tracing the outer lips teasingly, occasionally digging in beside his tongue and fingering against the moist little bundle to the left of her back passage. That maneuver got her to scream, shaking and shivering as she tried to pull away from the overwhelming sensations. Virgo profusely refused and started digging his claws into the thick meat of her thighs, the fox holding her firm. His grip and clever fingers made it so she had no choice but to endure such ministrations. Running his lips over the beady little red nub at the top of her pussy, Virgo began suckling it till her muscles were struggling and trembling from continuous orgasm.

Without warning he dropped her off his shoulders and left the King Spaniel standing on shaky legs. It seemed he expected her to hold herself up after blowing her mind and body with his oral skills. Penelope shook and almost collapsed before catching her footing. Steadying herself, she watched fascinated and peeved as the fox began unfastening the buttons of his suit. His red and black face mask wetted with her dripping arousal and his own saliva.

"Asshole, you could have dropped me!" She snarled at him, catching up with some defiance and self- respect back in the moment.

"Then I would have just fucked you ragged on the ground bitch!" Hissed the fox in return, reaching forward to cup her muzzle in his paw, the other stripping his suit jacket off and tossing it over by the sink. "I've tasted your pussy, now my dick needs some tasting too." He warned. She turned from his gaze before the trembling arousal made her swoon and she fell to her knees before him, soaking the tiled floor with a soft stream of aroused spaniel fem cum.

"Bastard," she wept, feeling the desire building in her again, mixing with the shame and tart joy of a level of sex she hardly ever experienced in her life anymore. Jingling accompanied her whine, as she turned her head to watch the Fox's pants and belt hit the floor, revealing no underwear as the male revelled in his preference of going commando. His cock was nine and half inches of hard fox maleness, the conical tip jeering at her with a bead of pre cum dripping from the top, the one bit of evidence she had of the fox's equal lust to her own. She tried to ignore it but the heady whiff of musk and sex wafted over her, as she breathed in the fox cock's potent scent. A pair of dark furred and black striped balls dangled right below the hefty rod, churning with steamy fox seed. Once again, he cupped her face and raised it until her muzzle was inches from his member. Her entire world briefly consisted of only the sight and smell of Virgo's cock.

"I may be a bastard, but you want this bitch. You can deny it, put your clothes on and walk out...or, suck my dick and revel in it," he offered simply. The choice had always been hers, and so far, she had chosen him each time. Penelope didn't need to think, as much as she wished to be defiant, as much as she pleaded with herself to show some self-respect, all the sex and the pleasure, was too much to ignore. Without any further hesitation, she buried her nose into Virgo's balls, sniffing the dry and hefty fox stench like perfume, before dragging the tip of her panting tongue up along the furred sheath, then further up to the fleshy red spear tip. The fox's groans above her made her smirk, enjoying that she could make him growl lustfully as well. Digging her tongue along the side of his swelling dick, she sampled his musky flavour. He had a better taste than her husbands, she noted, similar to a degree, but also vastly different. She didn't often blow Gerald, but when she did, he often had a bad taste of mothballs and vinegar. The fox's taste was more like spiced cinnamon and slightly burnt marshmallow. His paws curled around and behind her ears, the large floppy things jostled by the fox's black paws and touch. He stroked over her head as she angled the tip into her mouth and swallowed the fox to the mid of his shaft with surprising ease. His hard length filled her mouth and dug in close to the back of her throat. With a few more pushes, she managed to secure him far enough into her mouth that her chin finally came to rest on his balls, and her nose was buried in his pelvis fur. The fox groaned and moaned loudly as he bottomed out in her mouth, surprised to find her sucking to be quite heavenly, for a Catholic girl.

"That's a good bitch, suck and swallow, suck and swallow" he encouraged and repeated in mantra, while his touch stroked along the Spaniels head and ears gently. Penelope responded by pressing her head against his pelvis while she deep throated the fox-mix's impressive length of turgid and throbbing dick. Her tongue traced along the length inside her maw, flicking at the head and crown of his cock every time it pulled back and forth between her voluptuous lips. His rhythm and thrusts gave her a foundation for a good blowing of her own. Virgo must have been close already, because it felt too Penelope that it didn't take long before he was thrusting into her mouth and holding his hips steady. She had just enough foresight and time to take a quick breath before the fox thrust and held himself flush against her muzzle. Her paws flew to his ass where she felt the red and lack striped tight butt muscles clench hard. Followed by a massive gush of musky, salty fox cum, that poured down her throat and splattered a good dollop of excess through and out of the sides of her mouth.

Penelope's eyes rolled back in her head as she could only gulp and swallow what felt like pint after pint of salty fox seed, the excess dripping down her chin and stained her cheek fur, leaving it matted in places. Her fingers clenched hard into the fox's thighs for support, her manicured and painted nails scratching through his fur as she tried to breathe through her nose as much as possible. Eventually Virgo dragged his flopping fox-hood from her maw, allowing her to hack up a huge wad of his pearly essence and spit it on the floor. Penelope gasped and took a deep fresh clean breath. If not for the stench of fox cum and musk still walled up in her nostrils, she would have sucked in more. His seed was further stained along her throat and filling her belly. The worn-out spaniel trembled and laid back on the ground, having lost the strength to hold herself on her knees any longer. Above her Virgo smirked, intending to give her far more than just a creamed mouth and throat, he was not above forcing a female to go beyond their limits. Reaching down for the smaller canine, he picked her up and drew her into his lap as he sat cross legged on the floor. His dress shirt was unbuttoned and opened, allowing his bare chest fur and midriff to rival hers. As she lay in his grasp, he leaned down and unhooked her bra, tossing it aside and revealing her plush handful of breasts, sweat stained, with hardened purplish nipples poking out of the fur.

"Such tasty little morsels," teased the fox, dragging his muzzle between the married woman's breasts and licking along the soft, sweaty fur between the two small hills. His paws flicked over her areoles, teasing and twisting her nipples while nipping and kissing the mounds themselves. He wasn't usually a breast man, nor did the Cavalier King Spaniel boast a massive pair, but her fleshy throw pillows were more than enough to whet his appetite. Penelope hissed and moaned as she felt her precious breasts fondled, nipped and teased, moaning with the pain and pleasure of fox tongue, claw and teeth attacking her nipples and digging into her soft flesh. She tried to push the fox off after a rather nasty nip, but he instead licked her cheek fluff and kissed her, driving her attention away. Reaching with a loan paw, he started circling her clit with his thumb and fore finger.

"OH FUCK!" Screeched Penelope as her fox lover secured her beady little clit in his grasp and teased it without pause or mercy.

"What do you think will break you first my dear. My fingers, or my dick?!" Virgo growled playfully, reaching with his free hand to jack his spent cock, hoping to get himself hard again after expending so much seed in the religious mutt's hot little mouth. The King Charles Spaniel was far too preoccupied by the pleasurable ripples shaking through her legs and chest to notice the slowly hardening fox member, growing strong under its master's devious strokes. Penelope fell forward onto all fours on the cold hard floor, her knees scraping the tiles while her hands gripped the floor to steady her body.

"You...Fucker!" She accused with a hiss, glaring over at the smirking fox. Her formal reserve long gone to the point she was openly swearing.

"I asked you a question pet," snarled Virgo possessively, ignoring her outburst completely. He followed up by reaching forward and cupping her cheek with one paw, stroking gently along her damp fur, as sweat trickled down her forehead. "What would you prefer, to meet your God from my fingers, or while on my cock?" Penelope panted as she felt the excitement as well as pang of danger ripple through her at the dominant male's words. His reconstitution of his earlier offer rang hard in her ears. The talented fox fingers had managed to crest her over the top very quickly, so she knew they were capable of bringing her off again...and again. Her eyes however, flew over to the fox cock dangling just a little way away from her. It was a proper bitch breaker, as her mouth could already attest to the strength and girth of it. In the end, it was the desire to feel every ounce of rut that Virgo could pound into her heaving spade, that made Penelope's decision for her.

"G-Give me that dick!" Penelope demanded, pulling herself up from all fours to lay herself over the fox's frame, surprising both of them. With a firm backhand of her paw, she caught the fox about the cheek, snapping his head back. Virgo gave a sharp whine and yelp, more out of surprise than pain, while Penelope only grinned. If Virgo thought he was going to completely dominate her, he had another thing coming, she had no intention of making it that easy for him. Though he was definitely taken a back at first by her slap, his surprise quickly changed into a smile.

"Ohh ho, little wildcat wants to play, eh?" Virgo teased as he hefted the King Charles Spaniel into his arms, then lifted himself and then her into the air. Penelope shrieked with surprise and clung to the fox's neck, her body cradled and bundled in his powerful arms like a sack of flour. He carried her over to the sink and counter, both watching themselves in the bathrooms mirror. The view didn't last long before Virgo dropped her forward, so that her front was pressed on top of the counter, her breasts dangling into the sink. Her hair had come undone and draped itself around her neck and shoulders, while her paws gripped the edge of the counter hard. Behind her, the fox positioned himself, bracing his chest against her back. His strong legs pried between hers and made sure her stance was spread, leaving bared and vulnerable. He forced her stance wider still, wide enough that her pussy lips parted slightly, providing a gap in her protective clam cave, ready to accept his plundering clam smasher.

Virgo cupped his hands on her back. He paused only to draw her flayed hair back and over her left shoulder, so it wouldn't dangle everywhere. The tough racoon-fox then quickly resumed his mission to caress all over her back and shoulders, massaging the muscles beneath her luxurious fur and looking for the softest and most sensitive of spots. Penelope's groans echoed through the bathroom, making her blush, and the fox swoon. He pulled his firm touch from her shoulders and drew his hands down, tracing on either side of her body. From her shoulders, down along the sides of her chest and just under her breasts. That path then continued down her plump belly and across her thighs, until he cupped both cheeks of her fine plush ass.

"Hmmm, Sweetheart, you have quite the padding back here. I could go in dry, piston you like a fevered jack rabbit, and you'd still have enough protection here to allow you to sit afterwards," he smirked. "Then again, you'll probably go brain-fried before then," boasted the fox.

"Oh, how romantic!" Mocked Penelope. She had started to forget her guilt over her adultery with the growing pangs of excited lust, but the praise of her ass had brought back a smidge of the defiant entitled bitch she was and used to be. "If you can even manage to make me lose my mind like that, I'll let you plug that rod in my ass!" challenged the spaniel arrogantly. She knew he could fuck, but to actually make her lights go off, no chance. The only time that had ever happened (to her at least) had been during her incident a few months back, and that had taken multiple partners in succession to get her hot and bothered enough to lose all mental cohesiveness. Virgo on his own couldn't possibly be able to do that...could he?

"I accept pet. That reward would be worth any asking price there is," laughed the fox, leaning forward to lick the back of the Spaniels twitching floppy ears. Putting his muzzle behind one, he whispered gently. "I want you to look forward and stare at yourself in the mirror. Take hold of that cross and hold on till I give your further instructions, alright!" He demanded. Taking some satisfaction as he watched Penelope's eyes narrow before giving in and nodding in acceptance. Now they both were staring straight into the mirror; she could clearly see herself and her lover in the reflection. Her fur was sweat sleeked, and ruffled, with patches of dirtied muddied fur from her time on the ground. Her hair was still splayed over the back of her shoulder, and her eyes were baggy and wide. Her cheek fur was stained with sweat and dried fox cum. All in all, she was a proper mess, but more than that, she was aroused. Her fox lover was draped over her, his arms wrapping around hers, so his paws could cup her breasts and finger her nipples. Her moans blocked out by a loud yip from Virgo as he pressed her down until she was crouched and huddled over the counter. Her legs lowered and squatted, making her sex even further splayed. As he planned to apparently go in hands free, it would make sense he would want her presenting as wide as possible. Without warning or further ado, Virgo thrusted forward, his nine plus-inch cock spearing into her tight little flower. Spreading her folds like butter and burying a thick rod of flesh into her milf-hole.

Penelope shuddered and shook from his entrance, the violent thrust inside was distracting, but not strong enough to make her cry out. She clung to the counter and her cross all at once, watching the fox hold himself above her, his own sweat drenched chest plastered on her back. He gave her a few moments, perhaps expecting her to want some time to adjust. A part of her swooned for him at that. Gerald was old and usually took his time during sex, but that was because of age. The unknown strangers who had butt-fucked her ragged months back hadn't given her anytime. This fox however had; without realizing why, she arched her neck to lay a soft kiss on his muzzle, startling the male. It startled Penelope as well, as she was not usually an affectionate lover to this extent. Kissing was one thing but this stranger--turned fuck mate--was not the kind of person she would entertain such school girl behaviour with.

He licked back, lapping at her cheek and across her eye. A black tarred paw, left from her breast to cup under her collar and chin. Lifting her muzzle so he could plaster his tongue over her face, licking and marking her in his saliva. Penelope both hated and cherished the action. She was appalled by the grossness of his saliva dangling off her face and nose, but another part of her appreciated the intimate gesture. It was possessive and it made her feel wanted. Virgo must have felt that was enough because as his muzzle pulled away, he released Penelope at the same time he withdrew his powerful bitch stick, and brought it right back into her with one single powerful thrust. This time Penelope broke her silence, and a grim sharp gasp, escaped her muzzle. Virgo paid it no mind and withdrew his cock again, loving the way her tight velvet insides rippled along the girthy length of his muscled dick. The conical tip of his cock speared back in, catching the soft bundle of nerves about the right side of her vagina. Now she yipped along with him. His dick having found her g-spot the same as his tongue and fingers had before. She hung her head down into the sink, much the same way she would have done if she was drunk, as a dollop of drool spilled into the drain. The fox's cock drove forward again as he established a rhythm of thrust and pull, thrust and pull, back in an out, in and out. Sometimes he would change it up and twist his thrust, or angle it further up or to the side when he pushed back in. The different angle and spearing pumps made Penelope moan and squeal as he ground pleasurably against nerves she didn't even know about. It continued until she dropped her hold on the counter and lifted her paw instead to muffle her screams. Behind her the fox's hips thrust back and forth, committing an agonizing display of slapping and grinding that was spreading pleasure spikes up both their nervous systems to their brains. Virgo loved the way the female clenched hard on some strokes, and pushed back with passion on others. She was getting into it and enjoying it more so, which brought the fox quite a great deal of pleasure. Her thick gelatine like butt smothered his gasping fox cock hard, making him lean into the thrusts to lower the sensitivity of their joining. One of his paws trailed up her shoulder and played with her ear as he drove a rather nasty thrust that took her breath, caching it in her throat. With a snarl he dug his fangs into her neck and bit in time with his pumping. Penelope shook and yipped, trying to dislodge the furious bites down her neck and along her spine.

"Naughty girl. Didn't even ask for protection," he teased suddenly right in her ear. The King Cavalier Spaniel's eyes flew open as she realized what he said was true. She had been so lost in her rut and lust, she never had thought to ask him to put a condom on. She was just out of her estrus cycle, but there was still a risk. She had been lucky with her gang bang, that none of their seed had taken hold. A trip to the doctor and the reluctant but necessary evil of an abortion pill after, had seen to absolve any mistakes from coming from those unions. Still the thought had been deep in her mind, all the way through the trauma. Here however, she had totally forgotten to even ask. Suddenly with a rather abject bite, Penelope felt the barriers to her orgasm breech and she wailed as her body spasmed on the fox's dick. Her muscles all flexed throughout her shoulders and legs as her body trembled, spurt after agonizing spurt of viscous hot vulpine batter painting her womb white. Sowing fox baby seeds deep in her unprotected womb, threatening to germinate and bring forth a mutt of mixed genealogy.

Penelope was outwardly horrified by the concept, certainly with how it would affect her social standing, not to mention her marriage. Yet, despite this, she also had a slight longing to hold a small cute mixed cub in her arms, let it nurse from her breasts and to hear a young voice call her, "Mama." The moral dilemma inside her was capitulated to the back of her mind as another set of orgasmic aftershocks zipped through her body. The fox's knot was bouncing just outside her velvet cavern, the knot itself rubbing against her engorged clit incessantly, making her lift-off once more into orbit as she shook and heaved on the solid man-meat inside her. Ripping his drenched seed stick out of her body, Virgo gasped for breath as he squatted on his knees, the married mutt's large plush canine ass, and dripping mound at eye level. He watched the rivers and streams of his man seed crisscross and spill down her thighs and trembling foot paws. The fox admired the sight, before leaning forward and placing a strong large paw over her left ass cheek. He gripped the ass flesh hard and swatted it harshly with his free paw, loving the screech from Penelope and the sight of that beautiful caboose, jiggling and shifting under the force of his palm.

"Warm ups over pet! Now we play," snickered Virgo as he set his sights on the small pink rosebud of Penelope's butt-hole. With a pair of direct fore-claws, the fox pried that tight little star-way open, gently caressing the heaving ass cheeks of the Cavalier Spaniel with his other paw. Bending forward, Virgo brought his muzzle to hover over the slick little opening.

"What are you going to Doooo----awwoooooooohhhhhhh!" Hollered Penelope as she felt the canines tongue zip into her soft crack and breech her anus with a ferocious appetite. His muzzle and tongue began eating her ass out harder than he had her sweet cunt. Penelope's brain shut off...She had thought it would be impossible, she thought it would have taken more than just a single fox to make her shut down, but no. All it took was a brazen muzzle, a forceful tongue, and the will to go where seldom few had the courage to go. If Penelope thought having something like an equine cock up her ass--as she had in the last incident--was something she had not been prepared for, having a wicked slurping tongue breech her black cherry was not what she was ready for either. A murr of approval from the fox signalled that he was enjoying himself as well. He knew he had won at least one point against Penelope after his bold move. He thanked the aether that she was such a prissy little bitch too, someone like her would always make sure she was clean, inside and out. Right now, aside from the musk, the taste and feel of her was exquisite. His tongue was going predatory along her inner walls, trickling laps and nibbles against her soft inner flesh. She would clench every time when he would drive forward hard. Those same gripping walls suddenly relenting after he pressed his tongue upwards along the upper path of her anal cavity, making her grab her muzzle to keep from anymore howling.

As Penelope felt the fox tongue seeping into her colon, she grimaced and whined, feeling a second pair of fingers now playing over her clit. The fox was using the advantage of his position to finger her clit and g-spot, while his tongue, tongued her back hole. The massive buildup of pleasure, and pressure swayed her to stare at her reflection. Ravaged and slicked with male and female juices, fur flayed and growing hampered, she shook and writhed along the counter, never once letting her cross go. She didn't know why she even kept hold of it anymore, she had long since broken her pact with God. Being fucked in a bathroom by a complete stranger, who ate her out front and back, who fucked the daylights out of her, who relished in his control over her and her lack of control over herself. It was growing to be too much. No way any God would look upon her with respect or mercy, she was below it.

"OH SWEET G----AHHHHH!" Cried Penelope, trying to find the words to beg for salvation, as the tongue of this rugged devil dragged her down into the agonizing ecstasy of hell. She began to chant and pray. Her only thoughts other then, "Holy shit there's a tongue deep in my shitter!" was her daily prayer that she recited in the morning and at night before bed. Pulling his muzzle from her ass, Virgo grinned as he watched her struggle to pray to her god, but failing as his paws and tongue ravaged every sacred place she had.

"That's it bitch! Pray, but not to God. Pray to me. Scream my name and beg me for your salvation!" Warned the fox, before he levelled himself up and brought his dripping dick to bear. The tipped maleness locked on to her slathered opening. His tongue had done more than a good enough job to loosen and wet her hole for his dick to follow. "You made me a promise, and you've lost. Now I am going to collect my winnings," Sneered the male, briskly readying himself at her slobbered entrance.

Penelope didn't register his meaning at first, until she remembered the bet she had made with him prior. "Oh shit!" She screamed.

"Quite easily after I'm done," Sneered Virgo playfully. Without further wait or warning, the fox sheathed himself, knot and all in her backdoor. Penelope once more felt her mind shatter, the

pressure mixing with pain and pleasure. It congealed into a sweltering knot, which blockaded all thought from her mind. She shivered and rippled with pleasure and pain as she blacked out once more, unprepared for a cock and knot of his size to once again rip her a new one. Or to be more precise, to excavate her back tunnel service. Virgo held her body as it went limp, her mind blanking and rebooting from the level of flesh log he had levelled up her poop chute. The fox himself knew it wasn't going to get any easier, and began to pull back until his knot popped alongside the fleshy star walls, before he thrust back in. Out and in, again and again, his other paw, never leaving the bulge of her clit or the inner lining of her vagina. His fore fingers circled over her little red nub, while the index finger rippled inside her inner walls, tracing a claw around the most sensitive bundles of nerves to be found there. Her body rippled and shook in remote pleasure, as her mind still had not fully rebooted.

Penelope groaned as she came to, the tight tug and ache inside her butthole hitting her suddenly as she realized the fox had been humping her while she was passed out. 'That's two dammit,' she inwardly realized. He had made her black out twice now. Virgo didn't stop thrusting, his tip was prodding an inner bundle of nerves located inside of the Spaniel girl's ass, as he felt the ripples of his knot, pulsing inside her. It was a sign that he was on the verge, and they both recognized it. The hand playing all over her quim, suddenly gripped her clit hard and tugged, while a rather large thrust from his hips buried himself to the hilt inside her, as if his dick was intending on replacing her spine. "Oh go---Oh Virgo! SAVE MEEEEEE!" Screamed Penelope without thinking, the lord's prayer replaced by the thought and feel of fox cock. Both canines yipped and squealed in tandem, their bodies flushing against the other, as Virgo spurted the last contents of his screaming balls, and Penelope was flooded with agonizing hot sperm, and pleasure. The scandalous and scathing thoughts of holding a small striped furred cub to her breast as a larger handsome version plowed her back door, once more rolled through her head. Ropes of luscious fox seed, battered and frosted her womb while above, the two canines pressed into each other as sensation overwhelmed everything else. They lay together panting, sweat soaked and staggered. The fox draped across the Spaniels back, his drool and other fluids stained into every seem of her fur and body. Penelope lay right under him, her body sore and her libido hung over from the marathon sex the fox had given her. She slowly slid from the counter until she fell over and curled up on the floor, her fox lover staggering back until he fell on his tail and rear. Neither able to do much more than breathe and pant for air and stability.

Virgo was the first to recover, getting to his feet and looking at his slowly withdrawing erection. His dick, balls and lower region was totally doused in fem-cum and his dribbled leftovers that had pooled out of her completely drenched openings. Grimacing the broad fox moaned as he felt his back muscles stretching back into place after so long hunched over the screaming Spaniel. He picked up his pants and discarded shirt and bought them to the counter. Beaming with pride, he admired what the Spaniel's claws had left along the counter's wooden top. A fresh set of ragged claw marks, a lasting testament to his prowess. Dribbling some soap over his paws Virgo passed them below the sink's sensor and let a blast of hot water cascade down. Slathering his paws together to get them soapy, before he began scrubbing down his chest and legs, making sure to spend some time fingering soap about his aching balls. Cleaning the smell and essence of female dog from his body. A few paper towels later Virgo was drying his fur and wiping the last vestiges of Penelope's juices from his paws and thighs. His bare paws flexing as his toe claws dug into the cold linoleum floor. As he began dressing himself again, he looked over the sobbing female. Tears of pleasure and pain about her face as she finally was left to recover and deal with her depravity. Part of the fox pitied the King Spaniel. She was a ravishing little thing, with a fair hot body, who still had some vigour in her more mature days. Yet, she was still subservient to the morals and ethics of her religion which frowned on such behaviours. Behaviours she had fully given into under his direction.

"_She must be feeling like a damned soul."_Virgo smirked, but behind the sneer his sense of pity and remorse only intensified. She had been a great lay, and a dutiful partner, as such it didn't feel right to let her suffer like this. Reaching down, he plucked the Cavalier King Spaniel from the ground, her body shuddering as she felt his strong arms wrapping around her again. With a pull of strength, the striped fox brought her to her feet shakily. Her body was still shivering and rippling with aftershocks. Pleasure and increased soreness throbbed through her from her hard pounding. Penelope's eyes were vacant, her mind a myriad of emotions and thoughts. Ranging from horror at her actions and the way she had disobeyed and shamed herself, her husband and her god, to the addictive memories of how well the fox had made her body feel. She felt the perpetrator in question cleaning her up, washing her pelt and body with soap and water. Paying soft attention to her inner thighs and her slit, soaping her well. She groaned as she felt a slight pain in her backside, her asshole still gaping wide from the pounding of Virgo's fox dick. A bright blush forming about her cheeks as she realized the male was cleaning her dripping sphincter, and wiping down the stains from her many mind shattering orgasms. She instinctively placed a hand on his and held him gently, the fox looking surprised before giving her a reassuring grin. His tongue began lapping at her throat and his paws stroked over her body, helping to realign her circulation. His tongue moved from her throat to her ears, lapping at her face and cheeks to get her attention. She giggled without thinking and realized the fox was bringing her out of her stupor. Why he should care after forcing her to demean and damn herself so brazenly, Penelope couldn't fathom.

"Haven't you done enough fox? Aren't I debased enough?" She pleaded.

"You made your choices luv, and you made them willingly. Don't blame the player cause the game was too much for you," he replied. Tucking her hair back over her shoulder as he began pulling her dress back up around her shoulders. "You had no problem screaming and praying to me when it suited your little cunt to do so. Don't forget that." Teased Virgo.

"How...How can I ever attend decent civilized society again after this?" Inquired Penelope dejectedly. "My husband, my faith...my pride, it's all violated." She swung a paw over her forehead as she contemplated what lay in store for her now. "I cannot face any of them with a straight face," she pleaded miserably.

"Enough!" Snarled Virgo angrily, tired of the Spaniels pity party. He spun her around and kissed her suddenly, dragging the weakness and pity out of her voice with his tongue. She pressed into him and held on for dear life, enjoying the way the hulking fox brought her body to swoon. Pulling from her he looked back at her soft eyes and winked. "You're thinking like a fool. These aren't convicting actions that are set in stone. They are brief instances of indulgence and experience. Something to cherish in memory, not destroy yourself over." Placing a paw on her chin Virgo lifted Penelope's muzzle up as he began buttoning the dress about her. It was the only clothing she had left. The

panties and bra were scrapped, no way they'd be salvageable after the ripping his claws had done. The fox wasn't too worried. He done enough of a fair job in wiping her up afterwards. The risk of her dripping on seats or on the floor was reduced, and she was looking pretty again. The disheveled little harlot chortling for his dick like a love sick puppy, was being replaced by the uptight, pretty milf she had looked like before.

"There you are, back to normal almost." He smiled. "The world hasn't ended. You're going to return to your husband. Him none the wiser and you probably a bit more happy and fulfilled. If your god is as caring as I've heard he is, I think he will be able to forgive one of his daughters allowing herself some pleasure in her life, eh?" Inquired Virgo. Penelope sniffled and looked up at the fox's golden eyes, he brushed a tear from her face and directed her to look at herself in the mirror once more.

She was almost the same as she had been, her hair was untied, and she still looked like she'd been crying too much, but she was more or less the same as before. Her paw was sill clawed around the small cross about her neck. A large striped fox paw pressed itself around that paw now. He squeezed reassuringly.

"You can ask for forgiveness, or you can just wallow. Personally, I think you should be satisfied by the experience and leave it at that." stated Virgo flatly. He left her then, making his way to the door of the men's room. Virgo's tall shoulders heaved as he pressed the door open and walked out. The smug bastard didn't even look back once. He was done with her it seemed. Standing looking after him, Penelope returned to looking at the mirror. She thought about what Virgo had told her. Ever since her debased encounter with her neighbours and block months ago, she had felt a deep sense of shame. Now she found her shame had returned, with another incident. This one however, had been willing. The fox was right, he had given her choices every step of the way. She had chosen him each time. There was something there, something in her that made the thoughts of being screwed silly by strangers, or watching others be screwed silly, appeal to her. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to indulge sometimes...sometimes? Till then, she had a life to get back to. Tying her hair back into place, she pulled some kleenexes from the dispenser and wiped herself off one last time. As she left the counter and looked at the door, she prepared to leave and go back to the table for a more reasonable desert. Maybe then she would go to the HOA meeting next month, and face her shame. The Cavalier King Spaniels thoughts were focused on the fox's last words. Maybe it was okay to have some experiences, what could the harm be?

_...FIN. _





Back In the Enemies Territory; Renegades--Prologue: Death

This is a new story series I'm making. It's a fan-fic series for one of my newest favorite story series, [In the Enemies Territory](https://www.sofurry.com/browse/folder/stories?by=41228&folder=77122), by...

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E & K~~The Chase:

**This is part of an anthology series I'm adding and working on, inspired by a lot of great works I've read by my new friend [![avatar?user=16565&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurry.com/std/avatar?user=16565&character=0&clevel=2)...

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The FHR Nightmare

A story I came up with off the clock, and ran with. I like it and the characters, and may use them again, though this is not a main series. Not bad also for just under 10k words (9,790). **_FHR: Furs & Human Resources Department _**...

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