Avalanche of Love - Episode 16

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#16 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I hope you're ready for some dramatic competitions, my lovely! National pride, legacies, and bitter memories. All are motivations for competing, just like love and sex are!

Our twins have come a long way since that ski resort. Now both sitting at the Olympics and sporting a new sister-bunny as well! They've made friends, changed destinies, formed rivalries, and most importantly, strengthened their own bond.

The old ways still work best sometimes though. What better motivation than knowing you get to be the one leading the games in the bedroom? All three of our siblings will be competing today, and the loser might end up fit to be tied!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Ko-Fi helps make that happen. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter or BlueSky. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I hope you're ready for some dramatic competitions, my lovely! National pride, legacies, and bitter memories. All are motivations for competing, just like love and sex are!

Our twins have come a long way since that ski resort. Now both sitting at the Olympics and sporting a new sister-bunny as well! They've made friends, changed destinies, formed rivalries, and most importantly, strengthened their own bond.

The old ways still work best sometimes though. What better motivation than knowing you get to be the one leading the games in the bedroom? All three of our siblings will be competing today, and the loser might end up fit to be tied!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 16:

The Worlds Best

Kai propped his elbows on the railing of the balcony outside of his room in the Olympic village the athletes all shared. It was early morning with a light flurry of snow already drifting down over the landscape.

"Nervous about today, big brother?" Kayla trotted over to him, pushing close and nuzzling the other leopard's cheek before offering a small lap of her tongue to his jaw with a good morning kiss.

"Of course, I'm nervous, Kayla. This is the big show. Are you not?" He pulled close to return her nuzzle, giving her jaw its own lap.

Kayla gave him another rub of her snout, scent marking before she settled down next to him, resting on her own elbows with a coffee mug cradled in her paws. "Well, sure I am... but knowing I have you and Maddy nipping at my footpaws keeps me dialed in."

"Mad and me, huh? Things have changed so much so quickly. Feels like all I wanted was to keep up with my sister, now I've got two and I'm at the Olympics, doing my own thing on top of half-pipe."

"I still feel like we're competing when it's me doing slope and you doing slalom, big brother. Do you regret Madeline getting involved in our relationship?"

"Don't be silly, Kayla, of course I don't! Madeline is our sister now and I love her. I also treasure her influence on us. She pushes us both to our limits. I just sometimes have trouble wrapping my head around things I guess." Kai shrugged as he snagged his sister's coffee and took a sip of it, then grimaced as he mewed out, "Blech... how much sugar is in this?!"

"Your hyper little sister doesn't run on just love, big brother!" Kayla snatched her mug back and took a long pull from it, her tail flicking a few times along with her ears as flakes hit them.

"Heh... my love not enough to keep you going, sister?" Kai mewed playfully before patting a paw against her firm backside.

"Nope!" Kayla mewed out and poked her nose up, looking haughty, but then opened one blue eye as she offered a toothy grin. "Speaking of love... How are we going to decide who wins this time?"

"We'll just have to go by medals, now won't we?" Kai purred as he kept his paw on his sister's rear, rubbing it casually as they looked out over the horizon.

"Brother! You can't have that before a competition!" Kayla mewed playfully and slipped out of his grip with a smug grin showing on her muzzle.

"Oh come on, I'll be okay..." he purred and gripped her hips pulling her closer, his sister pushing her chest into his own. Her paws gripped his shirt and tugged him down a few inches to her maw, offering him an eager kiss.

Their tongues lazily rolled together, deep purrs coming from both the leopards through their coffee-flavored morning kiss. Kai's paws flexed on her hips before Kayla broke the kiss and patted her paw against her brother's jaw. "Maybe you'll be okay, but I won't! I'm going up against Gina and Maddy today! I need everything in the tank for that!" She giggled and hopped back before collecting her mostly finished coffee.

"Okay, I guess I can understand that. The slalom won't be easy today for sure, I'm really going to have to dial it in. I'm so out of my weight class here," Kai said with an inflection of seriousness in his voice.

"You worried about that stuffy lion?" Kayla cocked a brow as she finished off her coffee.

"More worried about Roshi, honestly. The guy is a demon. It's like he was meant for that sport and half-pipe was just holding him back," Kai mused as he looked out over the snow-covered parking lot below them.

"So let him have the gold, then after I beat Gina and Maddy, I'll be in charge tonight!" Kayla mewed playfully then leaned up to give her brother a quick kiss on the chin.

"Heh... think you'll be able to topple our sister? She's on a little crusade it seems." He purred and hugged her up again, Kayla giving him a fussy look but letting him hold her, the leopardess pushing her breasts into her brother's strong chest through their shirts.

Kayla gave him a look, a glint of intent in her blue eyes before she grinned. "Our bunny sister may be more experienced than us, but she's got a lot of irons in the fire, her focus is pulled in multiple directions. Also, slope is her weakest skillset; me and Gina are right on her heels in the league."

"So you're saying you can beat her?" Kai asked with a purr.

"I'm saying, I will beat her, for you, big brother..." Kayla puffed against his throat, offering it a few nips.

"Huff... you're so fucking hot when you're confident, sister..." He purred louder as she offered a few love nips, her claws digging into his chest before she forcefully pulled back with an exasperated huff.

"Okay... down girl... I need to stay focused and so do you, brother! We'll get it out of our systems after the competition, okay?" Kayla looked like she was saying it as much to herself as she was to him. He could clearly smell how worked up she was, showing it wasn't just teasing.

"Did your heat start, Kayla?" Kai showed her an excited grin, his sister offering him a fussy look before folding her arms.

"It sure did, and I've synced up with Maddy because that's what girls do," Kayla confessed.

"Oh damn... the next few days with you two is going to be amazing, and I don't just mean in bed! I can't wait to hear our sister moaning about wanting kittens!" he mewed out excitedly. Kayla snorted through her nose but didn't argue with him, both she and Madeline tended to have more explosive energy during their cycles, so it worked out for the competition. She tended to play along with the breeding fervor Madeline got during the cycle as well; she was a rabbit after all.


When Kayla walked in, the atmosphere of the prep area was far removed from the jovial tone the league competitions tended to have. Gina was sitting there in full gear, earpieces in, dialed into her own head, tuning everything else out.

Madeline strode over to her and offered a cocky little smirk, her paws reaching out, the leopardess grasping them as they stood there staring upon one another. The rabbit lifted her muzzle as if she knew her lover's intent and stepped back without a word, turning on her boot heel to move over to her own gear.

Several minutes passed in the tense quiet of the various riders getting their own mental preparations sorted. Finally, Gina pulled an earpiece out and spoke conversationally, "Did you hear they've moved the half-pipe final to the afternoon?"

"They want us doing it in primetime. No surprise what with Glitter and the hype behind her," Madeline answered cooly as she looked over to the persian.

"Yeah, I guess the boys will drop first this time eh?" Kayla chimed in.

"We're the main show this time!" Gina mewed out with a sharp-tooth grin.

"The main event is it?" Madeline cocked her head as she looked at her lover.

"They're predicting we'll possibly get viewers to rival the hockey finals, I'd say that makes us pretty 'main' if you ask me!" Gina mewed excitedly.

"I wonder how many girls will be inspired by you, baby. You might find yourself being a 'Glitter' yourself someday, I could see you doing that." Madeline showed her teeth in a grin as she stared up at the leopardess.

Kayla frowned, her tail flicking at the heavy words, then showed her own teeth in a grin, shoving her paws in her pockets. "That'll depend on you and Kai! If he keeps competing, and you keep competing, so will I!"

"One track mind..." Gina giggled as she adjusted her gloves, and then sharpened her focus. "Ride for whatever drives you, I have a first to make for my country."

"Mexico's first winter medal, you'll be a national hero if you pull that off, but you'll have to do it here, otherwise Raul might beat you to it during half-pipe, since the boys are going first." Madeline folded her arms, lifting her muzzle towards the smaller cat of the two. "But national pride won't help you win here."

"Excuse me? What's more motivational than the hopes of an entire gods damned country!" Gina hissed out, then frowned as the rabbit patted the front of her coat with a gloved paw.

"You won't see the podium unless you win inside here too. I can see the nerves in your eyes. Win the medal for yourself first, let the national pride come second, or I will be looking down on you from the podium, if you even get there at all." Madeline withdrew her paw from the persian's chest, spinning on her heel to walk back to her own board.

"Maddy is right, Gina. I want to bring a medal back for my country too, but if you don't flush those thoughts and ride for yourself, you'll possibly choke or panic at the end. Ride for yourself first," Kayla grinned and put her own paws on her own hips.

"Comes from the girl always talking about riding to beat her lover and brother?" Gina cocked a brow.

"I can only beat them if I beat myself first!" She mewed and bumped a paw against her own head.

"I'll keep that in mind," Gina whispered before turning to her own gear as the staffer came in to prepare the girls for dropping in.


"At the end of our second round, we've got a claw-biter on our paws folks!" Harley showed the camera a grin.

"That's right, Madeline Lashinger said she'd put things to bed early like in big-air, but the other girls have a little something to say about that, with the 'Snow Bunny' only holding the lead by zero-point-two points!" Jaron barked excitedly as he explained the situation.

"The current leaders are eerily similar to the league standings for slope-style, Jaron! What with Madeline at the top with Kayla right on her heels and Gina right there as well!"

"They are, and just like with the league standings, it's anyone's game going into the final run, Harley!"

Back at the prep area, the three girls waited for the other riders to make their runs, but there was an unusual tension in the air, especially from the persian. Finally, with only three riders to go before she dropped in, Gina turned to Madeline and hissed out, "You're not the unstoppable juggernaut you think you are, Madeline."

The rabbit darted her red eyes to the persian's, cradling a cup of tea in her gloved paws. There was a few heartbeats of silence before she tilted her head and responded, "I never claimed to be anything but myself in-"

"Oh come off it! You always act like you're unbeatable!" Gina snapped her teeth and clenched her gloves.

"Gina, it's not like you to get so riled up, I told you to get out of your own head," Kayla stepped forward.

"I- I'm better than both of you at slope! Maybe I struggle in half-pipe, but this is my time, this is my time to bring honor to my country!" she mewed out with a glare.

"You think I don't know that? You think I don't know slope is my weakest sport?" Madeline fired back in a cool tone, then gave the persian's shoulder a gentle push. "I told you to dial it in for yourself, to-"

"You don't know everything, Madeline!" Gina hissed out, looking more fussy than angry now.

"I know I'm ahead of you right now, both here and in the league, and I know you're about to be out of medal range once that girl from France finishes that run she's doing!" Madeline snarled the words, thrusting a paw at the TV in the prep area as one of the other riders was nearly finished with a run that had the whole place roaring.

"Damn it! I'm- I'm not going to lose!" Gina spat the words out and stomped over to her gear.

"Gina, hang on!" Kayla started to go after her but Madeline grabbed the sleeve of her jacket to hold her back.

"Don't... She's already in her own head with the nerves, you try to help you'll just get in a fight," Madeline pulled her paw away as she looked up at her lover.

"Maddy, we can't just let Gina go out like that, she's our friend and-"

"No, baby. She won't listen to either of us right now." Madeline looked over at the persian who looked a million miles away as she started prepping her gear with ear music dialed up in her earbuds.

"Tch... it doesn't feel right to leave it like this..." Kayla hissed out through clenched teeth.

"It's not, but she's not wrong either. I don't know everything, and maybe what she's channeling right now will give her that edge. If you go over there to talk her down now, she'll be conflicted and rattled right as she drops in, so at least now she has a chance."

The rider previously mentioned did indeed manage to get into the third position, but then the girl right before Gina also overtook that rider. Now the persian was clearly out of medal contention, back in fifth place.

"And here is one of the flag bearers for Mexico, one of two hopefuls to finally bring a winter medal back to their country!" Jaron explained as the camera focused in on the persian while she adjusted her goggles at the gate.

"Gina Rodriguez is a strong points contender in the league, currently at third but right on the heels of the top two. She's currently in fifth place, but I know she's got the tricks in her playbook to easily overtake the whole pack, I've seen her do it so many times in league events!" Harley squeaked out excitedly, offering a bit of encouragement despite supposedly having to remain neutral.

"The tricks in my bag, huh? A first medal for my home, is it really why I'm here?" She looked over the crowds, seeing all foreign flags, she was one of six that made it, while some countries had over a hundred athletes.

She glanced back to the prep area, seeing Madeline and Kayla standing there, fully geared up, ready to drop in behind her, there like they always were. Gina cocked a brow as the rabbit just showed her a haughty grin, while the leopard gave her a playful peace sign with her gloved paw. It felt like a league match, like they were just at some resort, battling for points.

With a focused look, she shoved her maw guard in, dropped her goggles, and pushed off. She seamlessly made all the transitions, even adding some flourish to them. It was just a run, it was just like business as usual, and everything else would have to come after the fact.

Her whole body was on autopilot, not thinking, just doing; it was only when she hit the last jump at the bottom, and heard the roars and screams, that she came back to where she was. It didn't matter how many flags weren't there, this was her time. She held her board, spinning and twisting, with more effort than she ever had made for a jump.

Her knees bent and she mewed out through her mouthguard from the impact, wobbling but managing to stick the landing. She crossed the line and ground to a halt, dropping to her paws, panting after she spit the guard out.

"Holy hell! That was awesome!" Kayla cheered as the crowd roared.

"She's hurt," Madeline said in a matter-of-fact tone as the leopardess jerked her gaze down to her.

The crowd's cheers slowly started to taper off into a murmur as they realized the rider wasn't getting up from her position. Gina ground her teeth and sniffled, staring at the blurry snow under her, bracing on her gloved paws. It only took a matter of seconds for the medical staff to rush over as a tense silence settled over the area.

"Oh gods..." Kayla whispered with a paw over her mouth.

"She was still bringing her hips in line when she hit, she corrected to stick the landing, but it hyper-extended her left leg," Madeline explained calmly.

"H-How can you tell all that from just- and why are you so calm, Maddy?!" Kayla hissed out and pointed down the slope. "That's our friend first and-"

"And she'll be fine, the judges will give her the points since she held the landing, she'll just have to ice and medicate the pain until half-pipe. Get your head in the game so you don't end up in worse shape!" Madeline gently shoved her lover's shoulder, Kayla glaring at her.

"Ice cold like always huh?" she hissed out.

"You know how I was and what I am. It's how I cope with competition. Injuries are a fact of life out here. It's not if you get hurt, it's when, and how bad." Madeline gripped her lover's jacket and pulled her down to look her in the eyes. "Of course, I care about Gina. But I care about you more, now dial it in, and get out of third place." She patted the leopard on the jaw with her gloved paw as Kayla frowned but nodded.

Gina was able to stand but had to be supported, hopping on one footpaw with her left leg bent. "Damn it... stupid..." she snarled to herself as the crowd cheered and applauded her ability to stand.

A few minutes later she found herself in the medical tent, staring up at the peaked ceiling. She bit her lower lip, hearing the furious screams from the crowd but not getting to see what numbers came up. "I guess the judges gave me the landing..." she said aloud, the only one in the tent with her was the physician looking over her leg.

"It's hyper-extended, but you'll be okay. I don't think you'll be very comfortable for a few days though," the doctor said in a thick accent.

"I need to walk out there, what can I do?" She rose up on her paws to look over at the doctor who just sighed and got out a brace.

"You will limp, and I suggest you stay off it for the next two weeks." he grumbled, already knowing the answer.

"I've got a half-pipe competition, then league finals in three weeks, I'll see what I can do," Gina grinned as he slid the brace on her knee.

Kayla had already made her own run when Gina emerged from the medical tent. Her knee was screaming even through the cryo-spray, but she kept her head held up and lifted her muzzle as she slowly limped her way toward the waiting area for the medalist.

The crowd started cheering as she glanced over to the score on the massive display, seeing her name at the top with the little green, white, and red flag next to it. Kayla offered her a shrug and walked over with her paws open to hug the other girl, meeting her halfway.

"Was my run really that good?" Gina asked in the embrace.

"I did my best, still was a full point and half back, even if Maddy tops it, we both just got our first medals, isn't that exciting?!" she mewed out as they parted grips.

"Yeah, but I'd like to have gotten the news down here, not in a medical tent worrying if my career was over! It kind of puts a damper on the whole thing, you know?" Gina offered her own grin, then huffed as Kayla tucked under her arm.

"C'mon, let's get you over to the medalist area!" Kayla mewed out cheerfully as she supported the smaller cat, then took up her own spot next to her, letting Gina lean on her for support.

"Happy for you, Gina, but I'll still bury you. Enjoy your silver medal." Madeline shoved her mouthguard in, dialed her music up, and dropped in. Where Gina and Kayla seemed to flow across the trick areas, Madeline was like a surgeon's scalpel. She made precise crisp movements, cutting through the snow between tricks before she also went up on the last jump.

In the whirling torrent of her moves, she found herself in a very similar situation to the persian, her teeth gritting as the snowy ground rapidly approached. She'd have to jury-rig the landing, eat the pain from the impact to stick it just like Gina had done.


"Are you dead for real this time?" the white rabbit asked calmly as she ground her board to a halt.

"Fuck you, I'm... fine..." Jasmine winced and picked herself up out of the snow, white flakes hanging on her whiskers before she rolled over and plopped back, panting as she wiped her face. "What am I even doing here?"

"The same thing all of us are doing, fighting against time. You just got a head start." Madeline flopped down in the snow, unbuckling one boot to bend her knee and rest an arm on it, the mouse frowning at her before looking down the rest of the slope she'd failed to finish.

The two of them sat there in the cold for a few minutes, flakes drifting about them. Jasmine grunted and pulled her knees up to her chest after unclasping the board, just hugging them as she flicked her tail in the snow. "How's it feel to be a medalist?"

"I've refused to let it sink in, I've got more work to do," Madeline huffed out, a misty plume escaping her maw, her tone sounding as cool as the breeze hitting them.

"For me?" Jasmine lifted her ears, cutting her eyes over to the rabbit.

"You that full of yourself, Glitter? You think I put up with your sniveling and whining these last months because you're my fucking idol?" Madeline snarled as she glared at the mouse.

"Of course not. I think you did it because I was that little kitten's idol that was sitting on the living room floor watching me all those years ago." Jasmine poked her nose up, looking a little smug as she explained.

"Tch... I did it for both of us, that kitten and myself. I did it so I'd get that final showdown with you. I did it..." Madeline snarled and shoved her boot back into her board before picking herself up. "You're too full of yourself."

"Thanks..." Jasmine said as she started strapping her own board back onto her boots.

"For telling you that you're full of yourself? Any time," Madeline scoffed and put her paws on her hips.

"No." Jasmine stood and they locked gazes, Madeline's glare never easing, the mouse's own gaze looking more calm, as if at peace.

"What then?" Madeline finally grumbled and folded her arms.

"For being that fear at my heels, for being that icy cold wind on my ears, and for being the reason I'm here. I gave up on my dream and gave up on the chance of ever being with someone again. Somehow, you made them both happen... I don't just board for you, Madeline, but I do board, because of you." Jasmine dropped her goggles into place and nodded. "See you at the bottom."

Madeline watched her push off, standing there seeing the competitor she'd rebuilt finish the rest of the slope. Her teeth clenched, grinding against one another before she slid her own goggles back into place and pushed off after her.


"Fuck!" Madeline growled through her guard and squeaked from the impact as she slapped her board down to dig hard into the snow, repositioning to not take the full brunt of the landing. She winced as her rear smacked right down into the snow, ditching the landing as the crowd groaned in disbelief, knowing they were about to see her retake the lead.

Taking a moment to compose herself, she picked herself up, dusted herself off, and coasted to the stopping point, knowing a bronze medal was waiting for her.

"Whoa... Did... I just win gold?!" Gina stammered out in disbelief, the crowd roaring and screaming in cheers for her. "Holy shit! I- I fucking did it!" the persian roared out with a fist pump, jumping up, but then mewing as she landed back on her leg with a wince.

Kayla laughed and grabbed her, supporting her. "Heh! Congrats, Gina, but don't go breaking your leg over it, okay!? You're not done yet here!"

"Y-Yeah, thanks!" She grinned with tears showing in her eyes, both from the ache and the emotion as she looked back at the larger girl helping support her.

Madeline walked over and gave a nod before giving the persian a one-armed hug while still holding her own board. "Happy to be proven wrong. Congrats, Gina! Just try not to mangle yourself too often. National pride won't fix broken bones, only time does that."

"Was there any doubt this would be the three we saw in the end, Harley?" Jaron asked as the three girls drank in the moment.

"Clearly not! Though I'll admit this isn't the order I expected!" Harley squeaked out cheerfully.

Once things settled down and they were alone, Kayla gently pushed Madeline's shoulder as she looked at her. "You- You ditched that landing on purpose, didn't you?!"

"I had to, Gina might have been willing to take that risk, but I wasn't. The main event is still to come and I won't injure myself, I'll worry about triple gold in four years." Madeline leaned against her with a huff.

"So you did it to protect yourself?" Kayla asked.

"I did it for more than that, baby. You, Gina, and Glitter are counting on me to get to the half-pipe finals, even our brother. I know if I'm not there pushing, all of you will put on a terrible show and give the sport a bad name," Madeline scoffed as Kayla just giggled and hugged her closer.


"I'm pretty nervous, but also stoked! My first Olympic competition!" Kai mewed out as he walked towards the prep area with Hiroshi next to him, snow crunching under their boots, thick heavy flakes of snow drifting around them.

"It'll be your first Olympic medal too, a first for both of us," the buck huffed out in his cool matter-of-fact tone.

"Heh... maybe for you, Roshi, I'll probably struggle to stay in the top five!" Kai gave a laugh then mewed as the smaller boy turned and shoved his shoulder hard, making him stumble back a pace.

Hiroshi snarled, "Knock it off... You'll not even make top five with that attitude. Defeated warriors go into-"

"I know the damn quote, Roshi! Lighten up, I promise to medal and do my best to kick your ass okay!?" Kai showed him a challenging grin while putting his paws on his hips.

"Hmph, good enough... Don't you always try to compete with your sister anyway in these?" the deer asked while turning to continue their walk.

"Yeah, guess I need at least a silver to tie her." Kai thought to himself, "Guess that would one-up Mad too, so we could boss her around tonight." Hiroshi looked back at him, seeing the goofy grin on the leopard's face before he snorted and pushed the flap of the tent area open, a blast of warm air rushing against them as they walked in.

"Oi, there's the big half-pipe stars, we were just talking about you two!" Ellery called out cheerfully as he quickly prepared and brought two cups of coffee over to them.

Kai grinned at the other deer and took the coffee. "Gossiping about us Ellery?"

"We do keep up with other snowboarding sports too, it's not as if we don't care about the rest of it at large," Charles moved over to the two of them, his and Hiroshi's eyes locking in a staredown.

The smaller buck shifted his gaze towards the other deer as Ellery strategically stepped forward and brought the other cup of coffee up. "C'mon mate, take your cup of joe, I even made it with only cream and no sugar like I know you like it."

Hiroshi snorted but gave a nod, collecting the coffee and taking a sip after the long walk in the cold and snow. "Thanks... So what were you gossiping about, anyway?"

"That if you two and Samson can keep Stallford at bay, there's a good chance of America sweeping the podium in half-pipe," Charles explained cooly.

"Raul isn't last year's league champion for nothing! He'll not go down without a fight, but he'll still go down!" Kai shoved a gloved thumb into his own chest as he mewed out proudly.

"He's nothing but trouble, he'd probably not even be here if we hadn't all worked together during that board fiasco, then again..." Hiroshi shifted his brown eyes to Charles who snarled at him.

"You need me to thank you lot again for that?" He flexed a paw as his wiry tail snapped a few times.

"Thank me by not falling flat on your face in the competition," Hiroshi turned to fully face the lion, the tension spiking up rapidly.

Charles clenched his gloved paw into a fist as they both took a step closer. "You keep that tone you might fight yourself flat on your face right here in-"

"Whoa! Charlie, calm your tail, Hiroshi stop trying to start a scrap!" Ellery stepped between the two of them, playing peacekeeper once again.

"C'mon Roshi, I can appreciate some trash-talk, but don't go picking fights," Kai chuckled, giving the deer a grin.

"I'm not picking anything; he just can't handle the heat from the kitchen," Hiroshi casually shrugged a shoulder as the lion snarled from over the deer that was standing between them.

"Oi! You boys need to pull your heads in. The IOC has a bloody no-fighting rule in place, even starting a cussing match might get them riled up, so just relax!" Ellery passed his glare back and forth between the two of them as he stepped back from Charles. "Now you two sheilas want to go off and get your tails kicked out, go right ahead, I'm not getting wrapped up with it!"

"Let's go Roshi, you need to keep your head in the game," Kai mewed out and didn't give the buck time to argue, linking an arm with his and bodily hauling him away from the lion.

"Kai, ngh!" After a moment Hiroshi yanked his arm free and huffed up at the bigger cat. "I can walk fine, you don't have to hold my damn arm."

"Feels I do sometimes, why do you let that guy get under your fur so much? You're usually the most level-headed guy of the lot of us." Kai put his paws on his hips again, cocking his head.

"I don't know, something about him makes me want to punch him in the face," the buck sighed and sipped on his coffee.

"Cool, but remember, you're here to prove yourself, prove you're not the product of 'Mommy dearest', so keep your damn eyes on the prize. Like you said earlier, I've got my own shit and goals to worry about, so I can't spend all my effort dialing you in, right?" Kai hissed and gave him a flat look, a foil to his normally playful attitude.

"Hmph... I apologize to you, Kai. You're right, I won't accept you falling short over my own drama... You've already done too much for me to deserve that. I will... rein it in..." Hiroshi sighed and took another sip of his coffee before feeling the leopard pat his shoulder.

"That's more like the Roshi I know! We'll sweep the podium in half-pipe too, won't we?!" Kai showed him that playful grin, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Well, we'll give it our best shot, we'll at least take two out of three! Can't vouch for Jarome; hopefully, his new girlfriend doesn't wear him out before the competition," Hiroshi offered a small smile as he answered.


Charles ground his board to a halt and shoved his gloved fist in the air to the roars of the crowd, Great Britain flags being waved about to the cheers of 'Mr. Dynamite'.

"Well! That time sure beat the pants off the top qualifying times, I think Mr. Dynamite is here to blow the competition away!" Harley squeaked out excitedly.

"Oh man! I know I'm filling in for Chaz and this isn't my normal scene, but that was insane! The way he cut through those gates was almost like he was on rails!" Jaron barked out excitedly.

"And that puts Charles Mallory in the top spot with only two riders left to go!" Harley spoke out to the camera.

"Make sure you polish up those medals before you pass them to me, Hiroshi!" Charles bellowed out a laugh as he pushed back into the staging area, Kai already at the gate.

Hiroshi gave him an unamused look while finishing his own gear preparations, saying nothing to the lion's taunting as he put his earpieces in. Keeping an eye on the screen in the prep area while watching Kai's own run, he studied the movements of the leopard and how he was feeling the track out.

"Whoa! That's point two faster than the last run! Kai Hannah has taken the lead with only one rider left to drop in for this first half!" Jaron shouted out excitedly while the fans cheered him on with red, white, and blue flags being held up to the chants of "USA." Charles snarled and bared his teeth at the TV, then darted his eyes back to the buck who offered him a smug smirk and padded to the gate without a word.

"And here's the second American rider to drop in, Hiroshi Yukazama! People always said half-pipe was in his family's blood, but Hiroshi is clearly showing the Yukazama's can be plenty versatile!" Harley squeaked out as the crowd below cheered.

"Social media has been a buzz with the little rivalry he and Charles Mallory are having. It'll be interesting to see what Hiroshi has in his bag of tricks!" Jaron said conversationally to the viewers.

Hiroshi stared down the track, knowing somewhere an older doe was watching him, seeing him breaking the mold she'd cast him in. He wasn't thinking about Charles, he wasn't thinking about national pride, he only had one thing on his mind.

He thrust a gloved paw at the camera, his voice taking on heat as he declared, "Forget about that lion! I will show you I'm more than just some heir to a legacy!" The buck shoved his mouth guard in and kicked off after that.

"Woah! Guess this goes deeper than that little rivalry!" Harley exclaimed as the buck started slashing through the gates in a vicious blur of precision and speed.

After a blurring rush of gates and snow, Hiroshi finally crossed the finish line having to actually make his board rut angrily in the snow, coming to a stop just before he crashed into the safety barrier at the end of the course. The ache in his old injury was letting itself be known as he rolled his arm before unbuckling his boots, then nodding to the screaming cheers and flags before he shouldered his board to walk back to the lift.

Jaron barked out, "That was a full second ahead! That's-"

"That's a new Olympic world record for a first half-drop! Forget half-pipe, this buck's right where he belongs!" Harley cheered out on the TV as Charles threw his mug to the floor with a roar as he saw himself rank down to third place.

"Damn him!" Charles ground his teeth as Kai came in just in time to see the whole thing.

"Hey big guy, if it's any consolation, I don't think that had anything to do with you," the leopard said with a toothy grin as he put his paw on his own hip.

"What do you mean?" Ellery asked, joining the other two boys.

"Well, I ain't here to broadcast Roshi's drama, but he made it clear before he dropped in earlier. This is about his family, his mother. She groomed him to be a half-pipe medalist, but this is what he always wanted. You're not just fighting against rivalry, you're fighting against a buck who's fighting against his own destiny!" Kai mewed out dramatically as he clenched his paws.

"That's obnoxiously heavy," Charles grumbled as he folded his arms.

"Guess you'll have to dig deeper if you want that gold, I'm just here for fun and still beating your tail!" Kai showed his own teeth in a grin, happy to throw a little trash talk in the moment.

Charles snarled and clenched his fist but didn't take the bait, stomping away to move over to his gear. Ellery just shoved his own paws into his jacket and grinned. "Glad I'm not the only one here for the fun of it!"

"Oh for sure, me and my sister both just do this to compete with one another, though there's a bit more to it than that these days," Kai confessed to the buck before looking over his shoulder as Hiroshi strode back in. "Hey, that run was disgusting, Roshi!"

"It was alright... I lost some time on turn three and six..." he snorted as he moved over to the leopard.

"Your arm okay, man?" Kai tilted his head, showing he'd noticed him rolling it.

"It aches sometimes when the g-force gets too intense, it won't hold me back." Hiroshi rolled his shoulder again before slapping Kai on the shoulder, "You shouldn't be that far away from me, step it up."

"Bastard sets a new world record and tells me to keep up!" Kai laughed and shook his head.

Hiroshi's time seemed to invigorate the whole field. The guys were wiping out trying to shave time off or laying down new personal records, the crowd eating it up to see everyone pushing so hard for the prize.

Charles found himself standing before the slope, he'd need to shave at least a second off his original time just to surpass Ellery at this point and that wouldn't hold up if Hiroshi or Kai even did slightly worse than their first runs.

"Maybe it indeed would have been different if they came in during the opening of the season..." He muttered aloud as he strapped his boots in, everything culminating on him. "You let your fucking mouth overload your tail again, Charles..."

"Number one in the world, but even Charles 'Dynamite' Mallory looks rattled knowing what he's staring down to take and hold the lead!" Harley said to the audience.

"He's number one for a reason, or was it a fluke? Flukes don't get you to the Olympics, so we'll see!" Jaron called out as the lion snarled and shoved his goggles in place.

"This... is still, my stage!" He thrust a paw out in his own declaration before pushing off from the gate as he shoved the emotions to the side. The pace clock showed he started out faster than Hiroshi or the others did, and as he cleared gates, his own size just added to his momentum while he strategically cut through each gate.

He was making good time, shaving milliseconds off with each juke, cut, and turn he made. The lion felt the board start to rut as he made one of the later turns, the end of it starting to leave the track and with it his ability to maintain control. Charles bit down on his mouthguard with a snarl, his eyes snapping wide as he felt his board edge slip from the slush of snow.


"What do you mean you didn't make the team?! I thought you wanted this, Charles? Have I just been wasting my time with you?"

"I'm sorry, Pa..."

"I knew you'd win the junior league, but don't get lazy. You'll need to train even harder, so I've got a new routine we'll start working on when we get home."

"Of course, Dad."

"I wish I had the support and time you do, son. You're lucky to have this chance. When I was your age-"

"I know, thank you, Father."

"I thought you were going to sweep this season, son? Losing to a couple of rookies? A bloody deer and leopard at that? Are you a lion or a cub?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Of course, you're going to the Olympics, I had no doubt. I sacrificed so much to get you where you are, so make sure when you win, you remember who got you there, 'Mr. Dynamite.' Try to not let those other boys one-up you and embarrass me out there."

"Of course, Father."

"What's he doing?" Charles asked as he walked up to Ellery, the other buck staring across the prep area at Hiroshi who was transfixed on the TV, watching the other riders intently during every run.

"He's studying them, watching how they move, how they respond to the slope, and how the course is changing. Kai said he'll spend bloody hours poring over race videos," Ellery explained to the lion as they waited for the riders to make their second attempts.

"Mallory!" The staffer called out.

As he passed by the buck, Hiroshi darted a paw out and grabbed the lion's arm. Charles offered a snarl but said nothing as their eyes locked, both of them staring the other down for a few heated moments before the smaller boy finally spoke, "Turn six is pretty chewed up, make sure you dig in hard if you feel yourself losing it, because you'll have to cut straight through if you want to keep up with me."

The lion offered another snarl as the deer released his arm with a small shove, then turned back to the TV to finish watching the other rider.

"I know how to ride, I don't need your damn advice!" Charles spat out, the buck not even looking at him, just giving a shrug of one shoulder.


"Damn... it!" Charles cursed through his maw guard as he slammed his right boot down hard, digging the board hard into the slushy snow, thick wet chunks of it spraying off the edge as he dug deep into the turn, but held the position without wiping out before continuing down the course.

Hiroshi snorted with folded arms and drooped ears as he watched the TV before cooly calling out, "You're welcome."

"Did we just see another record?!" Jaron asked.

"We did! Point four faster! I thought he was going to lose it on that one turn, but Charles Mallory showed his experience and knowledge, that's a technique only a veteran could work out!" Harley squeaked out excitedly.

The lion snarled with his paws on his knees, heaving and panting, hearing the roaring crowd but not having the bravado for showboating, his heart still pounding from the near wipeout. Finally, he lifted himself after unbuckling his boots and raised a fist to the crowds, but looked much more humble than on his first run before he moved to the waiting area.

"You two are starting to remind me of Madeline and Jasmine," Kai mewed out as he moved next to Hiroshi while tugging his glove into place.

"You're going to have to go into the inside of six. Even with them smoothing it out, that's basically slush now," the buck looked up at his friend, the leopard showing his teeth in a grin.

"Thanks, see you on the podium, Roshi!" He threw a paw up and made for the gate, the buck frowning at his back.

"Well well, 'Mr. Dynamite!' That was quite a run and a new world record. How are you feeling about your chances?" Harley shoved her mic in Charles' face, having made her way to the waiting area.

"My first run was sloppier than I'd have liked, so even with this one, I'm not sure if it'll hold up," the lion said pointedly.

"Guess we'll see! What about that one turn where you almost lost it? That was quite an experienced maneuver to pull off! When did you know you were in trouble back there?" she asked.

"I'd like to thank my father for that knowledge, but sod that glory chaser. I'd have wiped out there if Yukazama hadn't pointed it out to me before I dropped in," he confessed candidly, the rabbit looking surprised at the lion being so humble.

"Wow, guess rivalries take a backseat to good sportsmanship, eh? Well, it sounds like Hannah is ready to drop in, so we'll go back to that. Good luck, Charles!" she said as the camera went back to the top where Kai was ready to drop in.

"Rivalries, drama, legacies... man, I just want to be the one in charge tonight and boss my sisters around a little," Kai mewed to himself in a whisper as he settled his goggles into place and showed the camera a grin before pushing off.

"Do what you love and you never work a day in your life, isn't that the saying?" Kayla purred into Madeline's ear as they both stood off to the side of the celebration area, watching the boy's event live-streaming on the rabbit's phone. Both the slope and slalom were being televised around the same time, so they couldn't be present for it.

"I think brother is just being a pervert and wants to be in charge tonight." Madeline snorted and lifted her muzzle at the precise turns as she continued, "He's making good time... big enough for the momentum but still agile enough to handle the turns."

"He always liked to race when we were kittens... Wow, he's... that's really fast!" Kayla mewed out excitedly as Madeline calmly nodded.

Hiroshi's advice wasn't lost on Kai and when turn six came up. He cut inside, avoiding the whole mess but just barely hitting the flag he needed to. The video review would show he grazed the post of the flag by just a few centimeters to count on his pass.

Clearing the last gate and having to fight to stop his board, Kai spat his guard out, lifted his goggles, and flashed the camera a smug grin. Kayla offered up a deep purr as she whispered into Madeline's ear, "He's so fucking hot..."

"He's so full of himself... smarmy bastard..." the rabbit grumbled while squirming on her footpaws, her body telling her she approved of it.

"You son of a bitch..." Charles folded his arms but spoke the words with a wide grin as Kai strutted over, the lion already stepping from the first-place position.

"Sorry, Charles, I got my own goals and motivation too, but more than that, I just have fun out there, you know?" Kai shrugged then mewed as the lion brought him in for a quick one-armed hug, patting his back before stepping away.

"Oh, you feeling sportsman-like today, man?" Kai hummed out as he took the first place position in the waiting area.

"Humble and at peace I suppose, I know I'm about to lose my league medal, but I think I've got a new perspective on things thanks to you two, you bastards would make a hell of a couple!" Charles showed his teeth in a playful smirk.

"Roshi isn't going to actually accept your damn medals, Charles, relax! Also fuck you, you been hanging out with Jarome or something?" Kai laughed again, the sound technicians having to frantically work to make the beeps and blurs from the swearing.

"Is team USA about to double medal, Harley?" Jaron asked with a bark as Hiroshi tugged at his gloves and lowered his goggles into place.

"Hiroshi could be a full second off his prior run and he'd still have enough total time to take gold, but you never know, Jaron!" Harley hummed out.

The buck glared up at the camera and snarled out, "This one's for you, Mom." He shoved his guard in and pushed off, zig-zagging down the course like a demon, barely grazing flags, shaving more time off with each pass, already outpacing his initial run time.

Every spectator in the place was standing, cheers and screams of "USA" filling the mountainside as the buck made his gold-medal run for the whole world to see.

He'd be a fool to not be ready for that turn he warned the other boys about, his board snapping to dig into the inside turn, cutting it more cleanly than Kai had before moving on to the next gate. This was it, he knew he was establishing his own legacy, he'd not be shackled to his mother's any longer.

"What?" was all he could think as he snapped out of the zone, his board hitting a slick spot he hadn't noticed as it left the snow in mid-turn on the final gate. All he saw was white as he scattered off into the snowbank at the side of the track with a thump of sound.

He heard the collective groan from the fans once the world caught up. He found himself muzzle down in the snow, a little voice in his mind, "Get up stupid! You didn't miss the last-"

"Get up, Roshi!" Kai screamed out, loud enough for him to hear it since he was so close to the bottom.

"Damn it!" He pushed himself up head still spinning, glaring with wet eyes at the track before climbing back to his board and awkwardly pushing back into the course. He had only been down about three seconds but it felt like several minutes in his mind.

He gave a hop to gain some speed and managed to coast past the finish point, his final time blinking on the screen as he groaned to himself, his guard not even in place since the tumble.

Hiroshi winced as he rubbed his shoulder, his vision still wet in his eyes from pain and disappointment in himself, then Kai was on top of him, a worried look in his eyes.

"Damn, your arm okay man?" His friend was looking him over even as the crowds cheered their support.

"I'm fine... just an ache, nothing is fucked up... except my time," Hiroshi laughed bitterly as he leaned down to unbuckle his boots.

"You good? Do you need help walking?" Kai asked as he gripped the buck's arm, leading him towards where Charles was standing, the lion showing a deep frown over the whole thing.

"I'm fine, but I'll not be standing with you guys this time, Kai." Hiroshi pulled his arm free and started away as the time dropped and the fans started cheering as he looked up at the score, seeing even with the three seconds or so lost on the fall, he'd managed to make third place, a bronze.

"How..." he muttered as Kai laughed and pulled his arm to tug him back towards the medalist area.

"Heh! You still had like a five-second lead more or less on the rest of the pack, Roshi! That's why I screamed at you to get up and keep going! It's only a fault if you miss the gate, remember?" Kai mewed out proudly as the buck just nodded and paced over with him.

Hiroshi met Charles' eyes as they stared down once more. The buck hissed out, "I'll mail you-"

"Shut up, I don't want your damn medals... Congrats on your bronze, and we both know that was bad luck just now. No one saw that spot through the snowfall." Charles rested a paw on the buck's shoulder, lifting his muzzle as he spoke.

Hiroshi blinked slowly at him, then jerked his shoulder away before walking over to the third-place spot. "Not like you to be humble and nice, it's weird... but thanks..." the buck muttered as he rolled his shoulder a few times.


"If I'd known this... I'd have stuck that damn landing!" Madeline snarled while squirming. She was fully nude, her perky round breasts on full display, but ribbons moving between them to come up under them as if cupping them before moving back behind her. She had more red ribbons along her hips coming around to her crotch, the silk strategically positioned to show off her clearly wet petals.

"Don't pout sister, we won fair and square..." Kayla purred as she pushed the small vibrating head of the wand she was holding to the rabbit's exposed pearl. Madeline squeaked out and snapped her teeth together hard, trying to lean back into the chest of the larger leopard holding her from behind as she sat in his lap, her paws before her tied together with the silky ribbons, the position making her breasts push forward more.

"Uh-huh... that's right sis... you just behave for us, our little gift-wrapped bunny..." Kai purred down into her ears, both paws cupping her breasts, padded fingers circling against her pierced nipples, teasing the rings in them.

"Damn... huff... it..." Madeline panted, then shuddered as she felt her body about to crest, parting her maw to moan before she gasped out in protest, her fierce red eyes darting right to Kayla who was looking smug as she pulled the vibrator away. "W-What the hell?!"

"Oooh watch out Kayla, you might invoke the fury of our rabbit sister and get pegged!" Kai mewed out with a laugh before offering a smug snarl as he pinched both her peaks, giving the rings a little tug as well while Madeline squeaked out a moan, her hips writhing.

"Wouldn't be the first time she's done it... bossy little bunny bitch..." Kayla purred as she grinned at her panting sister and pushed the wand back into place, seeing her groan as her red eyes started to flutter upwards again from the building pleasure, both leopards quite enjoying teasing up their captured rabbit.

Right as she was there, Kayla offered up a cute mew and pulled the vibrator clear, Madeline offering her a murderous look as she squeaked out, "Oh my gods! I'm going to- ngh!" She snapped her jaws together, wincing as Kai gave her nipples another snug pinch.

"Gonna what, Mad? What's the gift-wrapped bunny gonna do?" he cooed as she squirmed and flexed her bound paws, the silky ribbons along her flesh shifting against her snow-white fur as she offered up a small whimper of frustration.

"She hates losing control, so it makes it even hotter when she does..." Kayla purred as she hesitated before pushing the wand right back against her pearl. "Ha... c'mon Maddy... beg for it, beg your sister to make you cum!"

"I am... not... begging... you!" she huffed through clenched teeth, snarling as she squirmed her hips, trying her best to not show the building orgasm like she'd done before, but as her tongue started to peak out of her mouth, Kayla smirked and pulled the toy away once more, the rabbit offering a furious squeak.

"Better do as she says sister, or you might be fit to be... tied..." Kai cooed the terrible pun as he rubbed at her plump breasts, claws raking through the white fur as Madeline offered him a furious glare over her shoulder.

Kayla purred and shifted the toy back against her spot, the bunny whimpering then gasping as she pulled away just a few seconds later, only to push it down again, now teasing her off and on as Madeline groaned out.

"Fuck... fuck... okay okay! Please! Please!" She bitterly groaned the words, her hips bucking against Kai's lap, feeling the bulge in his boxers as she finally begged for it.

"Good girl!" Kayla mewed and shoved the vibrator to her sister's pearl and leaned in, forcing the bunny into a kiss. Madeline moaned against her muzzle, their tongues rolling, feeling the rabbit's pent up fervor as Kai purred excitedly and kept rubbing her chest.

Finally, Madeline broke the kiss with a throaty relieved squeak as she crashed into a brutal orgasm, her tongue lolling and even showing tears as she finally got her relief. However, her hips writhed as she tried to go through her throes, Kayla offering a smug grin as she just kept the toy against her pearl, the leopardess flicking it to the highest setting.

Madeline shuddered, her tongue sagging out of her jaws as the vibration just kept stimulating her, not letting her come down as her eyes rolled up. "Gods... stop, stop, stop... fuck..."

"Nu-huh... there will be hell to pay, gotta make it worth it..." Kai purred as he gripped each ring and gave them tugs as Kayla nodded with a purr and kept the toy in position, grinding it against their sister's body.

"Haa... shhiiittt...fuuuc- Gah!" Madeline practically screamed in a moan as her body broke to the blissful torment, her eyes looking distant. Her hips jerked as she gushed her honey all over her sister's paw and brother's lap, soaking them in the heady scent of a rabbit in heat.

She was full-on whimpering now, tears in her eyes, and as Kayla finally withdrew the toy, she slumped back against Kai, panting and for the moment, looking broken for her siblings.

"She's all yours, brother dearest, just save some energy for me, okay?" Kayla flopped back, only in one of Kai's t-shirts, spreading her legs and taking the vibrator she'd been tormenting her rabbit sister with, pushing it against her own exposed pearl as her tongue lolled.

"You're so hot, Kayla... you too, Madeline..." he growled as he rolled the rabbit onto her back. Madeline blinked up at him still looking stunned, a weak pant on her lips, not having the strength to resist her brother as he tugged his boxers down. His swollen crimson length sprang to attention, dripping with prelove, looking at home against his snowy whitish-blue fur.

"Ngh!" she squeaked out as he pulled her legs wide, her wrists still bound before her, a tied up rabbit helpless to the larger cat about to have her. "Huff... brother... let me come down first..."

"Not a chance!" Kai mewed out as he pushed to her entrance, the rabbit showing her tongue as he pushed forward, easily pushing into her drenched tight hole. Madeline squeaked out from the sensation of her walls spreading, clenching her teeth as her eyes rolled up, feeling him force past until he lodged so deep it felt like his prelove was dripping inside her womb.

"Oh my gods..." Madeline squeaked out with rolled-up eyes, squirting another gush of her love all over her brother's crotch as he purred and loomed over her, starting to pump himself, eager to fuck the rabbit he'd been waiting for all day.

"It's so hot when you fuck her, brother... ngh... say it feels good... sist...errr..." Kayla moaned out in a slur as she came on the wand that had been tormenting her bunny sister, panting as she watched the two of them.

"It feels... so... goood..." Madeline slurred out, eyes still rolled up, tongue showing, her breasts bouncing in time to her brother's deep strokes, walls milking at that jumping length relentlessly as Kai just kept stroking.

"Huff... fuck she's so tight... she loooved this... we'll have to do it more often!" Kai mewed excitedly before gripping Madeline's bound wrists, holding them above her head as he leaned over her fully, the rabbit blinking up at her brother, looking helpless in these moments as he just took her while she squeaked with each deep stroke.

"Brother! B-brother! Kai! Fuuck... Give me kittens brother! I'm in heat, so... don't hesitate!" Madeline squeaked the words eagerly, hearts in her red eyes as he just kissed at her core with each pump.

Kai and Kayla both grinned, it wasn't their first time seeing their bunny-sister in heat, and she always had a love for breeding talk. Kayla purred and rubbed her pearl with the wand as she moaned out in a soft groan, "Kaaaii... you gotta finish in me and breed me first... It's only fair..."

Madeline squeaked hard and Kai felt her crush him, the rabbit obviously loving it when they played along during her heat. Kai groaned and rolled his eyes upwards at the rippling milking of his rabbit sister's walls, all while Kayla encouraged him.

"Oh gods... ngh... no, cum in me brother, I want lots of kittens, your leopards and some bunnies, give me a whole litter!" Madeline squeaked out, her red eyes looking mad with lust and fervor as he kept jerking his hips.

"Fuck fuck... I don't think I can survive much longer with talk like that..." Kai groaned as he bottomed out hard into Madeline, her tongue lolled with hearts in her eyes as he just kept smashing into her core, right there it seemed.

"D-Damn it, big brother! You better finish in me, I don't care if you can't stroke, just put it in, I've already cum like three times!" Kayla mewed out with a fussy glare as she tossed the toy aside and pawed over to them climbing over Madeline to straddle her, offering up her own dripping pussy for her brother.

"What?! No! Gods damn it! Come in me, Kai, or I'll kick your ass!" Madeline's voice took on the familiar heat as Kayla grabbed her wrists, holding her down herself, looking down at the rabbit with a smug purr while wiggling her own ass invitingly, her tail hiked up.

Kai whined like a dog in a rut as he felt her milking at his jumping cock while his leopard sister presented for him. "Gods... C-can I just pull out part way and give you both-"

"No! In me, now, big brother!" Kayla mewed out, her blue eyes showing hearts but looking fierce as she held Madeline's wrists down.

"Fucking..." Kai snarled and jerked his jumping length out, Madeline squeaking furiously as she glared up at her girlfriend with a snarl on her muzzle. Kayla on the other hand rolled her blue eyes up and mewed out in a proud moan as he pushed into her soaked entrance.

"Ha! Brother!" Kayla cried out as his heat bloomed deep inside her, the leopardess licking her chops as her brother's hot love poured into her in thick ropes. "Oooh it's so hot... thanks for getting him sooo rared up, Maddy... he's cumming sooo much deep inside me..." Kayla mewed the words in a moan as the rabbit glared up at her with a furious look in her eyes.

"Gods... I can't... think..." Kai mewed as she milked the last thick rope in, grinding against Kayla's rear before he finally shuddered and collapsed back, panting with relief, a bit of his lust dripping out of her onto his rabbit sister's own well fucked petals.

Kayla rolled off Madeline right onto her back, sighing proudly as she called out in a smug tone, "Oooh I love having big brother's love in me, I hope I get lots of kittens!" Madeline just glared at the mocking leopardess as she sat up.

The rabbit brought her wrists up and tore some of the ribbons with her teeth, tugging her paws free. She snorted and looked at the two spent leopards, feeling a little embarrassed from all the awkward things she said as well as what they put her through.

"There... huff... will be a comeuppance for this..." Madeline flexed her paws as the twins offered knowing grins.

"Worth it!" They mewed out in unison.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 17

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/gcstargazer) helps...

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Wishmaker Chronicles: Sizume

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gcstargazer) or...

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Neon Warren: Episode 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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