Foxy Trap

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Going undercover is a part of being a cop. Nick has learned that already. Sometimes you needed to be able to approach a target without letting it show you are onto them. This time, Nick is going an extra mile to approach a particularly important target, with particular tastes. The mission seems to be going well, and Nick successfully approaches the target. But, when contact is lost, and Nick needs to remain in character, the undercover fox sees himself forced to improvise.


The sun had set and now it was night, with the sky darkened and was illuminate by the lights of the stars and, on that specific night, a full moon, casting a soft light over the land, where most mammals, used to living on a diurnal schedule, were tucking in for the night and getting ready for when a new day arrive on the following morning.

However, this was not the case to Zootopia.

It was a big city on the same level of Zoo York, if not even bigger. A city inhabited by all kinds of mammals, used to all kinds of schedules, and with all kinds of activities in all levels of society, guaranteed to give this place the title of a "city that never sleeps". Zootopia was always moving around the clock, as nearly half of the mammals on the city were diurnal, while the rest of them adopted a nocturnal lifestyle, working to make the city always run lick clockwork 24/7.

However, the city was, of course, not all work. After all, everyone knew that only work all the time made life lose its flavor.

The mammals of the city evolved, after all. Only surviving was not enough for them anymore. They wanted to live. They wanted to have fun and to indulge in all kinds of pleasures and good times, be it day or night. And the night was, in particular, a good time for mammals to have certain types of fun. Such as the example of the mammals of a certain place.

It was somewhere where Sahara Central made border with the Rainforest District. A luxurious house was located on the edge of a cliff, big enough to house two families of elephants, as well as many other mammals. It was not exactly a mansion, but it was certainly a nice house, and a good place to have a party.

All of the mammals currently occupying the house could say that with security.

And it was not a party with loud music and greasy food, like on the slums where the rabble gathered to dance like wild animals and get themselves drunk and play the absolute fools. No. this was a much classier party, a party that was intend for a very elegant public.

Attending to this party were powerful mammals. Rich mammals. The kind of mammals who would have houses on several states and who would spend a holiday weekend on the Caribear or on the Baaahamas. Mammals would earn in a single day what the average salarymammal earned in around a year. And, while all of them earned all this money, not all of them earned them through honest means.

All around the party, the guests were all having a good time, with the predators eating from the expensive shrimp and from the caviar, while the prey helped themselves of some of the rare fruits important from other countries and prepared as snacks especially for that specific party. Those were just appetizers, of course, as soon it would be dinner time, and everyone would be filling their stomachs with the best food that could be served on an event of that level. All of that watered by wine, bourbon and martinis, all of it from the best and most famous brands and vintages of the world.

You gotta hand it to Shere Khan, he guy really knew how to throw a party. Even if the tiger himself would not be on the event.

He wanted his guests to have a good time, it seemed, and they all would have one. From the lions gathering and talking into a corner to the gazelles who were keeping their distance from the carnivores and enjoying the imported grass brought to their plates, with some of the soil of their homeland still attached to them! Now THAT was fancy prey food.

And, of course, there were the smaller mammals, including the foxes. Because there were foxes who could earn themselves a place among the ones who were rich enough to be in such an event. Or, at the very least, had the right connections to be able to get themselves an invitation. The foxes were, however, not really respected by nearly half of the people on the party, but they all still had a good time, and some of them drew the looks of the other mammals.

Among them, was a certain fox who has been getting the looks of everyone since the moment she arrived at the party.

She had beautiful, perfectly groomed red fur. She had a nice-looking body, with an hourglass figure that fit just perfectly on the black dress she was wearing, which hugged her curves and hips and left little of her butt to the imagination. Her bushy tail swished behind her as she walked, shaking her hips with each step of her feet, clad into black silk leggings. Around her neck, was a beautiful golden necklace, with a single, huge sapphire on the front, which looked like it could have been stolen from a museum (and some of the guests actually thought it was).

And, of course, to complete it, the fox in question had a beautiful face to booth, with just the right amount of makeup to highlight everything beautiful about her. The soft black lipstick on her mouth brought attention to her pretty little muzzle, while the eyeliner and eyeshadow highlighted the beautiful emeralds that she had for eyes, as she bathed her eyelashes for everyone who looked her way.

And, let me tell you, that fox was drawing a lot of looks from everyone on the party. From her fellow foxes to the lion who turned his head to look as the fox on the black dress passed, causing the lioness with him to look pissed and growl both at him and at the departing fox. Because mammals could look down on foxes and consider them lowlifes and scammers who were always up to no good, but everyone agreed that, when it came to beauty and sex appeal, very few mammals were even capable of holding a candle to vixens.

There was a reason why they totally ruled the fashion world, after all. Just look at Marilyn Murroe and Megan Fox and you will know what we mean.

And the fox didn't even bate an eye at any of them. The vulpine's eyes passed by those mammals but didn't fixed in anyone. After all, this fox was not in there just for a good time (although a good time would certainly be welcome, especially with the snacks and wine they were serving). This fox was on a mission and needed to quickly find her target.

Or, maybe we should say his target.

"Nick, you there?" Came a voice into the "vixen's" ear. A voice that only this fox could hear, coming from the small device hidden deep into the vulpine's ear. It matched the other one, expertly hid on his muzzle, blended over his fur with the help of some makeup, which picked his words as he spoke in a very low voice, so none of the other patrons would hear over the ambient music:

"Yes, still here, Carrots." The disguised fox said, knowing that his words would be picked up by the bunny who was on the van parked outside of the big house, standing by with the rest of the surveillance team, and all of them ready to act as soon as they had the fox give them confirmation.

"Still looking for the target. But I don't see him anywhere. I'm gonna keep looking."

"Let us know as soon as you have the target in sight."

"Well, I'll need to confirm whom he is first." Nick said in a low voice as he looked over the area. "You know, I really wish that we were at least sure of the guy really being a tiger..."

Two hours earlier

"Remind me again, why is it that Nick needs to go?" Judy asked, as she stood on a bench looking at the other two mammals. One of them was her partner, who was currently putting on the lingerie over his naked body (Judy was avoiding looking directly at his naked form).

"Because Wilde is the one who will have the more chances of successfully approaching the target." Said the third mammal on the room, a big lion wearing a suit. That was Agent Lionel Tooth, from the Federal Burrow of Investigation.

"Our intel tells us that Stripes has a particular taste when it comes to women." The lion said, "He is interested almost exclusively on vixens. Apparently he was engaged to one years ago, before he became a big name on the criminal world."

"And, since you guys don't have any vixen on service, and I am the only fox around, I guess I'm your best shot." Nick said to the lion, as he finished adjusting the panties, before proceeding to put on the stockings and the garter belts. "Man, those things are tight."

"Wouldn't it be better to hire an actor?" Judy asked, looking at the lion, who answered:

"If we had time, yes, but we don't. Stripes will be leaving Zootopia tomorrow, and we have no idea of where he will be going next. We cannot lose a chance to get him. Besides, an actor would not be fully reliable. We need someone on the field we know we can fully trust."

"Oh, Tooth, you'll make me blush." Nick said, placing a finger on his lips as the other one was on his leg, making a girly voice as he looked at the feline.

The lion looked back at him unamused, and Judy looked at her partner with a raised eyebrow.

"What? I'll be playing a girl." Nick said, and then he did the girly voice again, "I might as well start getting into character."

They both continued to look at him as he fox bathed his eyelashes at them.

"That... is actually pretty convincing." The lion admitted, as he had to recognize that Nick could, indeed, make a very good female voice.

"Well, I did had a few chances to practice." Nick said to the lion, as he turned to look into the mirror. Nick picked up the brush, and started grooming his fur. "It is not my first time in panties, to be honest."

The lion raised an eyebrow, and he seemed about to ask a question, but Judy, having the feeling Nick was referring about events from his past as a hustler, decided to defuse the situation.

"What information do you actually have on Stripes?" Judy asked the lion. "Other than he is an animal with stripes on his fur and that he likes female foxes?"

Tooth looked at the bunny and, after a few seconds, he said:

"Based on his level of aggression and ruthlessness, some of our profilers think he is a tiger. But, it is possible he could be a raccoon..."

Judy looked at him, expecting him to continue, but he didn't. Judy sighed. She didn't even know why she had been expecting anything else.

After all, it had been like that since the first day agent Tooth came to Zootopia and requested their help with this case, which was "very high profile" to the FBI. It was all about finding and apprehending this criminal who was going all over the country, getting himself involved in all manners of crimes, from weapon and drugs trafficking to money laundry.

Just like that, Nick and Judy were on the case with Tooth. However, they soon found out that even the FBI had very limited information on their suspect. For the size of the file, very few was concrete information on the guy. His nickname was "Stripes", which was due to him having stripes (apparently). Other than that, there was only information on his crimes, as well as on the fact he was an extremely violent mammal who tended to kill anyone who crossed or angered him and leave their bodies behind in gruesome ways.

And they wanted Nick to be the one to approach him.

This did not sit well with Judy. Not in the slightest.

Nick, however, was more than up to the challenge.

"So, I'm looking for a tiger or raccoon." Nick said, as he continued to groom his tail, making sure it was extra-fluffy, before he turned his attention back to the mirror, opening a makeup case and starting to work on his own face. "Alright, good to know I won't have to flirt with every single guy on the party. We are sure Stripes is a guy, right?"

"Do you really need to send Nick on all by himself?" Judy asked, to what Tooth answered:

"Strips is known for being exceedingly careful in what it comes to avoid being caught. He knows that, with the amount of crimes against him, he will get life in prison without parole if he is lucky. He won't be taking any risks. If he or his bodyguards smell any police within a hundred meters, they will leave immediately. We cannot afford to lose them this time, not after the fiasco on Alallama."

"Which you still haven't told us about." Nick said as he applied mascara into his eyes, using a light shadow to make his green eyes pop and make his eyelashes longer. Nick bathed them at the mirror, and he was satisfied with the result. He hoped he would be able to use this on his favor on that party.

"Remember, Wilde." Tooth said to the fox. "You cannot let Stripes slip away. You need to use every ounce of charm you might have to make him interested on you. Enough to make him want to take you with him to the business he will be closing, so you can hear it all and we can catch him in the act. We will be in contact via radio, and you will tell us as soon as you have seen the transaction happening. As soon as we have confirmation, we will be charging in and getting him."

"And don't be afraid of using the codeword if you run into problem." Judy said to him, "If you feel threatened or see any other problem, don't hesitate to use it. We will crash the party and save you."

"Yeah, yeah. Use the safeword if it gets too hot for me." Nick said to his bunny partner, as he walked off the mirror and picked another piece of intimate clothing. "Relax, Carrots. That's not my first party. I'm smart enough to know when to walk away. Everything will go peachy, so stop worrying so much. Now, could either of you help me with this corset?"

Even though Nick said that to her, as she stood on the inside of the van on the other side of the street of the house where the party was happening, monitoring closely the radio alongside with Tooth, Judy was still worried that her partner could be in danger. Stripes was an element of great danger, and she really didn't like that the plan to get him involved Nick literally throwing himself into the guy. Wearing a form-fitting night dress with a pair of laced black panties underneath...

"Wilde, you there?" Tooth asked, and soon the answer came into the radio:

"I'm at the bar now, drinking a Sahara Sunset. Trying to find out if the guy I'm looking for... and I think I just did."

"Really?" Tooth asked.

"Nick, are you sure it is him?" Judy asked, and Nick answered:

"The guy is the only tiger in here. And I don't see any raccoons, so I'm pretty confident it is probably him."

"Then put the plan in action." Tooth said, "Go for him and do your best to try and get him to say something. Use whatever means necessary."

"And be careful!" Judy chimed in.

"Okay then, I'm going. You two just wish me luck and be ready to crash the party on my signal."

Nick downed the rest of his orange, yellow and red cocktail with one go, and placed the fancy cup back into the counter of the bar before hopping off the stool and walking in direction to the target.

The tiger should be taller than the average tiger, with white fur and black stripes on his body, and with a huge claw-mark scar on the side of his face. That guy certainly looked like a hardened and violent criminal. He was most likely who Nick was looking for. That and the fact that he was the only tiger Nick has seem the entire party.

Okay then, time to play the seductive vixen. Nick thought to himself as he walked in direction to the tiger. However, before he could reach him...

"Hello there, fair lady." Said a mammal that suddenly came into Nick's way. The bunny had a smile on his face as he looked at the "vixen", and he was soon speaking again:

"Now, what is such a beauty as yourself doing all alone?"

"Minding my business." Nick said, trying to walk around the bunny, but the lapine soon was getting on his way.

"Too forward? Sorry about that, I just couldn't help myself." The bunny said, sounding very polite as he spoke with Nick. "I think I just got taken aback by your beauty. I don't think I've seen a woman as beautiful as you in years. Well, maybe in my dreams. Can you blame a poor man for getting blown away when he sees a perfect woman?"

Nick was looking at the bunny, and then he looked at the tiger, who was currently starting to leave for the garden.

"My name is Jack. What is yours?" The bunny asked, and Nick knew the guy was not going to give up, so he decided to just cut it off.

"Look, 'Jack'." Nick said, doing his impression of a female while talking to the bunny. "I know that I'm a beautiful woman. And that's why I'm used to have interesting guys coming to me."

The bunny smiled as he heard that, but that smile vanished when he heard the fox's next words:

"But, most likely than that, I get approached by some Romeow-wannabes who think they can just come and sweet talk to me with their round cute faces and I'll be all over them."

"Did you really just called me cute?" The bunny said to the fox, and Nick didn't faze.

"So, if you think that adorable plush face of yours can score you some points, then you better go and try it with some of the other girls of the party. I'm sure some of them are missing a toy to snuggle with while they sleep. Now, I have other things to do, so, if you will excuse me."

And Nick pushed his way past the bunny, leaving him behind, glaring at him with an angry expression. Nick completely ignored him, of course.

"Wow... that was rash." Said Tooth's voice on the other end of the intercom.

"You didn't had to call him cute." Judy's voice sounded.

"Look, the guy was not going to leave unless I made it clear I was not interested." Nick whispered into his earpiece. "I had to do something otherwise I'd never be able to approach Stripes. Sorry if I didn't feel like turning him down on a kind way. Now, can we focus back on the mission, please? And try to keep radio silence, I don't want to have you guys as backseat drivers."

With that said, the two conceded, and Nick went back to following the tiger. It was luckily not hard, as the big, black and white feline was hard to miss, with that white suit he was wearing and with those 10 feet of pure tiger he had for a body. Nick soon approached the guy and, as soon as he had his attention, he went full-on vixen fatale on him.

The tiger was a bit resistant to his advances, but with a little nice words here, a little "nice touch" in there, and a little compliments on his size and strength and natural charm was enough to win the tiger over.

"You know, you are quite charming, lady." The tiger said to Nick, "What you said was your name again?"

"Nikitta." Nick said to the tiger, "But, you may call me Nikki."

"Well, Nikki." The tiger said to her. "I'm normally not the kind of guy who gets this close with women I just met, but you are incredibly alluring, and I do have a weak spot for vixens. So, what about you and I go somewhere else later on?"

"Later?" Nick asked him, "Why not now?"

"I have a meeting to attend in ten minutes." The tiger said to her. "Business stuff."

"Can I come with you?" Nick asked the tiger. The feline hesitated when he heard that.

"What, afraid I'll hear something I'm not supposed to?" Nick asked him, "What, you involved with something dangerous? I find it soooo, sexy."

I am the best at this. Nick thought to himself, as he saw how the tiger was reaction to his words. And to Nick's paw hoovering over the fly of his pants. Nick had him wrapped around his little finger.

"Well... yeah." The tiger said, "Yeah, you can. I mean, they won't mind if I come with a girl. It is not like I'm staying on this city for long, anyway."

The tiger smiled at the "vixen", and offered "her" his paw.

"Come with me, Nikki?"

"I'd be honored, Mr. Big and Handsome Tiger." Nick said to the tiger, who smiled down at him.

"Name's Adam."

With this, Nick was soon going with the tiger, holding paws with the much bigger mammal. The tiger, on his end, had a smile on his face as he walked paw-in-paw with the "girl" he just got, nearly as if he could not believe it. He was so distracted that he didn't noticed his new "girl" taking a paw to the ear and whispering:

"Okay, I just got into the deal. You guys sit tight and wait for my signal."

When Tooth and Judy both confirmed that they would be waiting for his signal, Nick followed the tiger into the place.

The feline led the fox in drag deeper into the house, and it nearly seemed as if he was parading Nick. He walked Nick all the way to a door which was being guarded by two burly rhinos.

"She's with me, guys." Adam said to the rhinos when they glared at Nick. They snorted, and the door was unlocked, and the tiger led Nick down a staircase, and they eventually arrived into another door, also guarded by a rhino, which was opened to reveal what seemed to be a separated private room. Complete with loungers and a bar of its own with drinks all around for anyone to come and serve themselves.

And the room was not empty, as there were three mammals in there already waiting.

Shit! Nick thought as he saw a familiar face from his past. The Grizzavo brothers were a pair of grizzly bears who controlled the downtown area of Savannah Central and parts of the Rainforest District, just like Mr. Big controlled both Tundratown and Little Rodentia. They were famous for being a ruthless pair who mauled anyone who crossed them.

Nick had met both of them in the past, although he was smart enough to never conduct any kind of business with the two. He did, however, received threatening letters from them after he joined the ZPD, which "implied" consequences of he ever decided to snitch on them.

Those bears certainly could paint very vivid pictures with words.

"Well, about darn time!" Said the biggest of the two bears, which had a scar running over his blind right eye. "We've been waiting here for nearly ten minutes!"

"Sorry about that." Adam said to the two. "So, you've just been standing here for a while? No need to be so formal, guys. Some on, make yourselves comfortable! Drink something from the bar, it will help you loosen up."

The bears both looked at him, and then they noticed the one standing by his side, and they both looked intently at the fox.

Shit! Nick thought as the two ursines looked down at him. Did they recognized me?

"Well, hello, pretty lady." Said one of the two, a bear with brownish fur and with blue eyes, wearing a golden chain around his neck and clothes with a brighter color than his brother. That was Johnny. The younger of the two, and the more dim-witted of the two brothers, although he could be just as violent and evil as the older one.

"No one told me we could bring pretties to the party."

"Johnny, cut that out!" Said the older one, Kyle, easily distinguishable from his brother due to the nasty scar he had on the side of his face and for his torn left ear. "What is the meaning of this? Why is that pelt here?"

"I invited her." The tiger said to the scar-faced bear, with a hard expression as he looked at the bear. "Do you have a problem with this?"

The bear growled at the tiger. However, if he had a problem with it (and Nick knew for sure Kyle had) he refrained from saying anything.

"So, I guess the rumors are true, huh?" Kyle said, after a few moments of silence, looking from the tiger to the fox, and his look was one of annoyance laced with contempt.

"Look, you want to chase after pelts, that's alright, but I'd really expect you to do it on your own time." Kyle said to the tiger. "This was supposed to be a business meeting."

Okay, they don't know it's me. Nick thought, breathing an internal sigh of relief. And Kyle is still as speciest as ever.

The tiger said nothing, and he simply said:

"Just sit back and relax. Drink something. It will help you ease up. You look like you could relax a little bit."

The bear bared his fangs at the tiger, but Johnny convinced him to drink a little bit, and his brother agreed. As everyone walked into the bar to have a few drinks, Nick took this chance to contact the guys on the outside.

"Okay, guys. I'm in a room inside of the house, on the underground. Just met two old acquaintances here. Ever heard of the Grizzavo brothers?" Nick whispered. However, he had no answer.

"Guys? You there? Hello?" Nick tried again, but he heard no answer from the other side of the radio. Neither Judy's voice nor Tooth's came through his earpiece. Only static.

"Hey, my phone doesn't works!" Said Johnny Grizzavo, looking at his phone. "But I paid it in time!"

"It is not your phone." The tiger said, gathering the attention of the two bears. "This room was specifically built to host meetings like this one. It has a special covering on the walls. It is like a Feralday cage. It blocks any and all electronic signals. Cellphone, radio, internet, none of those works within this room."

"Is that why I can't access my e-mail?" Johnny once more asked, looking at his phone.

"Sorry, pal, but you can't access anything from inside of this room."

Shit! Nick thought as he heard that. This meant he had just lost contact with the guys outside.

And he told them not to act unless he gave the signal!

Man, Nick wanted to kick himself so bad that he would probably manage to do that if he tried.

"Hey, Nikki!" The tiger said, causing the fox in drag to turn to look at him. He had a smile on his face as he held a bottle of expensive-looking wine in sight.

"Want to drink a little? This one is great."

Nick could recognize this type of smile anywhere. This was the smile of a male who was hoping to get lucky tonight.

Probably thinks he will have better chances if he gets me drunk first. Nick thought to himself, but accepted the drink the tiger was offering, anyways. Now was not the time to break his charade.

Nick was on his own, but his mission didn't change. He was still supposed to confirm Stripe's presence on the deal and that he was the one who closed it. That was all he needed to do. He could give the signal as soon as he was out of that room and have then come and arrest the tiger. So, all he needed to do now as keep calm and at normally.

Heck, if he lost his cool and blew his cover now then he would not even get out of that place alive. The Grizzavos would certainly not let the fox walk out the door with all his limbs still attached...

So, Nick, accepting the fox-sized glass of wine from the paws of his new friend, and sitting on his lap, gently drinking from it and allowing the girl to refuel it every few drinks. It seemed that Stripes really wanted to get this vixen drunk. Little did he knew that his latest catch was a mammal who could hold his liquor quite well. Nick lost count of how many drinking contests he won, walking away with a lot of money and with steps as firm as if he was perfectly somber, while his much bigger challengers could hardly even stand.

However, it seemed that only him and the two bears were drinking there. The tiger himself was not taking in a single drop.

"Not gonna drink, honey?" Nick said, batting his eyelids at the tiger.

"Not now, sweetie." The tiger said, smirking seductively at the "vixen" sitting on his lap. "Can't drink while on duty."

"Okay, I think this has gone for long enough." Kyle said, putting his glass down and looking at the tiger. "What exactly is the game here? What are we waiting for?"

"Why, we are waiting for my boss, of course." The tiger said, and this made the whole room stop.

His boss? Stripes has a boss? He is just someone's underling?

"Boss?" Johnny said, "But Kyle, you told me that Stripes himself was the boss."

As the bear said that, he was looking at his brother, while the tiger looked at the two of them with a confused expression. Then, it was replace by realization.

"Ohhhh, right! Haha!" The tiger said, suddenly seeming amused for some reason. "Right, you guys think I'm him! That happens every time. Sorry to tell you guys, but I'm not Stripes."

"You're not?" Kyle asked.

"You're not?" Nick asked, nearly dropping his feminine voice. Luckily, no one noticed.

"Wait a minute, then who are you?" Kyle demanded, looking at the tiger, who then said:

"Adam Tigerson. I work for Stripes."

"Doing what?" Johnny asked, seeming curious, to what the tiger shrugged:

"Anything he asks me to. Drive his car. Answer his calls. Beat up a person he doesn't likes. Remember him of his schedule..."

"You're his secretary?" Kyle asked, to what the tiger said:

"Officially, I'm his bodyguard. But, that is only the name of my job. I don't actually do much guarding on his body. I don't have to. That mammal is more than capable of standing for himself. Gotta say, I was surprised. Before meeting him, I'd never expect a prey to be so vicious."

As he said that, everyone was looking at him, including Nick.

A prey?

"Did you just said 'prey'?" Kyle asked, looking at the tiger. "Wait a minute, don't tell me that this Stripes guy is a zebra."

Before Tigerson could answer the question, the door opened, and everyone looked to see who was coming in. At first, they saw no one, but them, they all noticed him.

"Hey, boss!" The tiger said to the mammal who walked into the room while the door closed behind him. "Took your time, huh?"

"Stopped at the bar upstairs before coming." The mammal said, adjusting the lapel of his blazer. "I needed some bourbon to calm my nerves. Up there I found a vixen who..."

The bunny stopped as soon as he locked eyes with the fox on a black dress sitting on his bodyguard's lap.

"You..." The bunny said, looking at the vixen with surprise.

"You..." Nick said back, looking at the bunny with a much greater surprise.

It was the bunny he told off to go after the tiger!

"Is this some kind of joke!?" Kyle said, slamming his glass into the table and getting up. "You don't seriously expect me to believe this bunny is the vicious criminal I heard about, do you!?"

"Ohhh, just look at him!" Johnny said, looking at the bunny. "He is wearing a wittle blazie! With a wittle tie! That's so cute!"

Johnny soon was walking to the bunny, not in a threatening manner, but the same way a person would be all over a cute pet.

"Oh, and look at his face! He got those wittle stripes on his cheeks! And on his ears too! Oh, that's adowable!" The bear said, coming closer to the bunny as he continued to make baby-talk. The bunny looked back at him, an unimpressed and unamused expression on his features.

"Hi, wittle Bun-buns! My name is Johnny! Are you Stripes? Wittle Stripey-pooh? Oh, you don't look like a criminal! You are so small and cuddly!" The bear said, "You are not some big and mean bad guy, are you? You are a total cutie! Whosa cutie? You are! Yes you are, you little wabbit!" He said, and he was about to using his index claw to caress the bunny's chin. However, the bunny was faster.

He grabbed the bear's finger with both paws and twisted, causing Johnny to let out a cry of pain. Then, with a surprisingly fast movement, he jumped, and his feet both connected with Johnny's jaw, making spit fly out of it as he was hit with the force of a rhino's punch. Then, by grabbing the golden chains around his neck, the bunny spun himself fast, causing poor Johnny to spin around until he laid with his back on the table, causing everything that was in it to fall to the ground.

It was all so fast that the present mammals took a few seconds to understand just what the heck had happened, and all of them looked baffled. Save, of course, for the tiger, who actually seemed amused by this little show.

While Johnny recovered from what happened, the bunny reached inside of his blazer and pulled out a knife. Well, "knife" was only a manner of speaking, because the object was actually closer to a sickle. It was like a mix between a sickle and a dagger that looked very much like the curved claw of a bird of prey.

"My name..." The bunny said, stepping over Johnny's neck and face, and placing the blade of his weapon very close to the bear's eye. "Is not 'Wabbit'."

"It is not 'Stripey-pooh'. And is definitely not 'Bun-buns'." The bunny continued, moving his face closer to the bear's eye as he glared into it and right into the ursine's soul.

"My name is Jack!" The bunny said firmly. "To you, it's Mister Savage! Got it, bear?"

"Yes!" Johnny said very quickly, as this bunny whom he just met had already succeeded in putting the fear of god in him. "Yes, I got it, Mister Savage! I'm sorry! I'm very sorry!"

The bunny remained on top of him for a few more seconds, keeping the hard, cold glare on the eye of the bear, before he slowly lowered his dagger and then hopped off him and into the table.

"And, answering your questions." He said, turning to the other bear. "No, it is not a joke. And yes, you are supposed to believe that I am Stripes, because I am Stripes. Even though I hate that stupid nickname."

He looked at the bear, who could only stare down at the smaller animal.

"Now, I've been through this many times already, and I know all of the things you could possibly say about a 'cute little bunny' like myself, so save your breath and let me just tell you this." He walked to the edge of the table, never once breaking eye contact with Kyle. "I am not just a cute bunny. I'm not just some small prey who is trying to prove he is though. I'm not some farm boy who got tired of growing carrots and decided to try his luck on more serious business. I'm here because this is where I've chosen to be. And believe me, I might be a bunny, but I assure you I can deal with any kind of business you expect of me. The stories you heard about me? They are all true! Not to mention the other things I did that no one else knows and the ones who do don't dare talking about."

"So, with that said." The bunny continued, placing his blade back inside his suit and adjusting both it and the tie he had around his neck. "We are here to talk, business, right? If yes, then we can start negotiating right now. Otherwise, you and your brother can both beat it and look for someone else to talk. But, let me tell you, you will hardly find a better business partner than me. So, what is it going to be, Teddy?"

Nick looked at the bunny, whom he now knew real name was "Jack Savage" (assuming didn't lied when saying that), in as much amazement as the other ones. However, there was considerably more amazement than shock on his face. Nick had already witnessed first paw how bunnies could be hardcore. Judy made sure to make it sure for him that he would never forget how strong she was, and how she would mess him up if he messed around.

That was why he was so quick to realize that this bunny was, without a doubt, the same dangerous mammal who he was supposed to find and approach. And now he felt like kicking himself for having failed to consider the possibility that the bunny could be the one he was looking for.

Man, he should at least have gotten a small suspicion about it when he saw the bunny's stripes.

Kyle looked at the bunny for a while, as he helped his brother to his feet. After a few moments, he finally sighed and looked at the bunny, saying that he did wanted to make business. The bunny, in turn, smiled.

And so, the negotiations began.

And boy, what negotiations they were. Savage really could put quite a show, it seemed. He soon showed that he, indeed, was no pushover. He would not allow the terms of the contract to be any less than what he considered to be fair (for himself), and neither he accepted any disrespect from the people he was making business with.

Any attempt at jokes or of changing the contract to benefit him less than he thought he deserved were quickly intimidated into silence. And the bunny didn't even need to repeat the show he gave with Johnny, all he needed was to talk to the two while giving them a glare that Nick would have sworn he learned from Judy and the two would soon be settling down and proceeding with the negotiations on the way the bunny wanted.

It had been nearly thirty minutes of negotiations, and then the deal was settle.

Kyle was shaking the bunny's much smaller paw, glaring at him like hoping the bunny would spontaneously burst into flames, while the bunny looked at him with a confident face, complete with the most shit-eating grin Nick ever saw anyone give another mammal.

That was the face of a winner, as it had become very clear during the last thirty minutes that this was what Savage considered himself. Or, at least, that was the impression that he was purposely trying to pass to the bears.

"First bunnies are in the police and now they are criminal masterminds." Kyle whispered to himself, "Just what is the world coming to?" He was walking in direction to the door, while his brother walked very close behind him, touching the inside of his mouth with a claw fingers.

"I think he chipped my tooth."

As the two left, Savage walked to the bar, and started pouring himself some bourbon, while his bodyguard got up.

"Well, that was nice. I'm gonna be going now, boss." He said, "So, Nikki, what about we... go?"

For a moment, he didn't saw the vixen that had come with him to the room. He scanned the room with his eyes for a few seconds, before he eventually sighted her.

Shamelessly flirting with his boss.

"I am sooooo sorry for being rude to you, darling." Nick said as he made his vixen impersonation, leaning over the counter of the bar while he used a paw to play with the bunny's tie. "I was just, you know, playing hard to get?"

The bunny looked at this fox, with the same unimpressed face he had when Johnny started to baby-talk him.

"I may have gone a little too far." The vixen said, "I'm used to have guys coming after me like flies to honey after I show them a little dismissal. You know, I found out it riles them up. I guess some guys don't like this, don't they?"

"I assume so." Savage said, spinning his bourbon into his glass, sniffing it, "I certainly didn't liked."

He took a sip from the beverage, before leaning forward and looking at the fox's eyes.

"It is really of poor taste for a non-bunny to call a bunny 'cute'." He said to her, in all seriousness. "It is disrespectful and demeaning, and I didn't liked it at all. Actually, I would probably have done to you the same thing I did to that bear, or maybe worse, was not for you being a woman."

"Oh?" Nick said, "You don't slam girls into tables?"

"I was raised better than that." Savage said coldly, as he drank just a bit more from his bourbon as he looked away.

"What if they ask you nicely?"

Okay, Nick was really being a little desperate now. However, he knew that he needed to do it. He needed to get this guy to stay with him now that he found him. He could not let him escape simply because he failed to consider the possibility of a bunny being a criminal mastermind.

Judy would never let him hear the end of it.

Which was why he needed to have that guy right by his side when they stepped out of the room, so he could not give him a single chance to escape when they made the busting of the place.

And his tactics were, apparently, working.

Savage stopped in the middle of drinking his bourbon, and he looked at Nicky with a raised eyebrow. He made a "hmmm" as he looked at the disguised tod up and down, while Nick continued to smirk at him.

So, guess the slutty vixen routine still works. Nick thought to himself, as he continued to throw some charm on the bunny, playing with his tie as he whispered on his ear of the things he would like the bunny to do. And this caused Savage's brow to lift even further.

"Nikki?" Said a voice, causing Nick to look over to see the tiger looking at both him and the bunny. A shocked expression on his face. "What are you...?"

"Oh, sorry big guy." Nick said to the tiger, "You look like to be a hunk. But I do love myself a good bunny. Didn't you hear they are like real love machines?" As he said that, Nick scooted even closer to the bunny, running his hand from his tie down his belly, and eventually gripped the bunny's belt.

"And I do love a good, efficient machine."

Savage looked at Nick, at first with an emotionless expression, and then, a smirk slowly played on his lips.

"Tigerson." Savage said, his eyes not leaving the "vixen" who was so blatantly and shamelessly flirting with him. "Leave us."

"B-b-b-but..." The tiger tried to say, seeming as if he was in real shock.

"Now." Savage said to his subordinate, and the tiger had no choice but to obey. With his head down, he turned around and walked to the door.

"I thought we had something special..." The tiger mewled softly as he passed by the guy guardian the door. As soon as he passed, the door was closed, now truly leaving the fox and bunny alone on the room.

I need to recover contact with the guys. Nick thought to himself. But I can't do this while we are inside this. I need to get out.

"You know, I have been wanting another cocktail. Why don't we go upstairs?" Nick asked, still sounding flirty. He hoped that this would get Savage to go up with him, so he could reestablish contact with the guys up in the van and get them to come and get the bunny crime boss.

He knew Judy would have a field day with the guy once she got her paws on him.


"You know what I have been wanting, darling?" Savage said to her. "A cute muzzle on my crotch."

Wow, this guy is forward. Was all Nick could think as he looked at the bunny with slight surprise.

Savage chuckled.

"Too daring? Well, sorry about it. I just that I have been in a dry spell lately." Savage said, apologetic. "A male cannot help himself when he is missing some female touch for so long. On top of that, I've had a pretty bad week. I could really use some nice loving right now. Especially from someone as beautiful as you."

This was a compliment. Nick could only look at him.

"So, being a stereotypical horny bunny, are you?" Nick asked to Savage, who smirked back at him.

"Just like you are being a stereotypical man-eater vixen, right?"

Nick had no answer for that. Savage only looked back at the fox, before saying:

"My point is, I have needs." Savage said, "I need them to be fulfilled. Since you are so interested on me, you could help me with that. But, if you don't then you are free to leave now and I can call a hooker like I was originally planning."

He took a sip of his glass of bourbon, before addressing Nick once more.

"So, what do you say, my love?" He asked, "You up for being with a bunny love machine like you said you wanted? Or should I ditch you and look for what I want somewhere else?"

Now that really put Nick in a complicated position.

I can't let this guy slip away. Was all that the fox could think. His mind tried to come up with a way around or out of this which would still allow him to guide the bunny upstairs so Nick could recover his contact with his backup and have them come and get the big-eared stripped guy. However, he was finding none.

Soon, Nick resigned to the fact that there was only one way to ensure he would not lose the suspect from sight and put the entire operation in jeopardy.

"You better pay me that cocktail when we are done." Nick said to the bunny, as he got on his knees before him. Savage smiled down at the fox as he kneeled before him and started to fumble with his belt.

"Honey, after we are done, I'll buy you the whole bar if you want me to." Savage said sweetly at her, licking his lips as he looked forward to what was coming.

Meanwhile, Nick unbuckled the belt and then unzipped the bunny's pants, revealing he was wearing stamped boxers.

Cartoony foxes? Nick thought as he saw the stamps on the underwear. I mean, I get that the guy likes vixens but, seriously? How old is he? Seven? Nevermind, let's just get this over with.

Nick then started to touch the bunny's crotch, cupping and groping at it through the fabric of the underwear the bunny was wearing. This caused Savage to murr in approval.

"Careful, girl." Savage said to the fox. "Those goods are the most precious thing I own."

"Well, then I'll be sure to handle then with a lot of care." Nick said to the bunny, and soon the boxers were sporting a very respectable tent. "That was fast."

"Told you I was pent up." Savage said with a smirk. "Wanna take a closer look, darling? I promise you won't be disappointed."

Well, it was not as if Nick had any real choice. Judy would never let him live it down if Savage escaped him when he literally told the suspect off when he came to him.

The things I have to do for my job... Nick thought, as he started to lower the bunny's underwear, and allowing the lapine's member to slip free from its cloth prison.

Nick immediately realized why the bunny was so smug and confident on himself as he was.

Shit! He is bigger than me! Nick thought as he looked in shock at the massive member presented to him. It was not the biggest member Nick ever saw, that's for sure, but it certainly is the biggest he ever saw for a mammal Savage's size. With a member like that, the bunny certainly could score any ladies he wanted.

Nick felt a little envious... and a little defeated as a male.

"Impressive, ain't it?" Savage said to the kneeling fox, a sly smirk that could surpass any that Nick himself could probably muster. "I am certainly one hell of a bunny, aren't I? Now, what about go down to business, my dear?"

The bunny was eager. The way his dick throbbed as he gently swayed his hips closer to the fox's mouth made it clear. Nick could smell the scent of aroused male coming from his member, the smell of a man who could hardly contain himself as he was about to get what all males instinctively crave.

"Fine." Nick said, still keeping in character, as he held the massive bunny dong by the base with one of his paws. "But you do anything I don't like, and I'll bite it off, got it?"

"Don't worry, darling." Savage said, "I know how to treat a woman right, my mama raised no savage... ironic considering that this is literally my name, right?"

"Hilarious." Nick said to the bunny, before opening his mouth and giving it a lick. The bunny shivered as that tongue made contact with his dick.

"Oh, fuck." The bunny breathed as he had his member tasted by that fox kneeling before him. The bunny already started leaking from the mere contact of the tongue with his dick's head. And now he was leaking like a faucet.

Well, guess this is going to be easy. Nick thought to himself as he stuck his tongue out and licked the member again, this time passing his tongue right over the big gland of the head. Then he swirled his tongue around it, lapping at the pre that came out from the piss-slit (which had a surprisingly good flavor), and then he ran his tongue from top to bottom and then back in one swift motion.

All of those earned more and more moaning from the bunny, who was now trembling at this state, nearly vibrating. His foot was thumping madly on the floor, like Nick often saw Judy's do when she was either mad, frustrated or really flustered. It seemed that it also worked when the bunny was being orally serviced by a fox, it seemed.

So, Nick kept using his mouth to pleasure the bunny. For one, two, five, ten minutes.

Taking longer than I thought... Nick thought to himself. The bunny continued to moan and breathe heavily, and Nick decided to just get this over with. He opened his mouth, being careful with the fangs, and closed his lips tightly around the rabbit's dick, and he started to suck it as hard as he could while bobbing his muzzle up and down on the member.

That served to drive the bunny crazy, as his whole body practically spasmed in vibrations while he let out a moan that could have made any nearby wolf who could hear him start howling.

From there, it was easy to get him to cum, especially when Nick took the whole thing on his mouth in one go, gulping around the member as it went into his throat.

Savage's balls contracted, pulling closer to his body as they unleashed their contests into the mouth sucking them.

Nick flinched as he felt the cock surging on his mouth. He closed his eyes and focused on swallowing the surprisingly big amount of cum that was coming from the cock of that bunny.

Guess that was as impressive as the size of his cock, considering the size of the mammal himself.

I can't cum that much myself... Nick thought to himself as he felt even more inferior to this bunny, who already surpassed him in two categories as a male.

This blow to the pride was made it worse by the fact that we were talking about a prey who was smaller than Nick himself.

Savage sighed, relaxing after he finished cumming. The fox kneeling before him removed "her" mouth from his dick, wiping the little bit of cum that leaked from "her" lip as she looked up at him.

"Man..." That was all Nick could think to say as he looked up at the bunny, who smirked down at him.

"Told you that you would not be disappointed."

Are my smirks that infuriating? Nick thought, If they are, then Carrots deserves a medal for putting up with them daily.

"So, I guess we are done." Nick said, looking up at the bunny. "What about we go to the bar and you pay me that cocktail?"

Savage's smirk grew.

"Oh, darling..." Savage said to the kneeling fox. "Who said we are done?"

Nick blinked and looked back at the bunny's dick. He expected the dick to be flaccid by now. However, the dick was still standing proud and strong. Actually, it seemed that it was even harder now than when it was before he cummed!

How can that be!? Nick thought as he looked at the saliva and cum-covered member, which stood like a monolith to masculinity between the legs of its owner. Savage could only smirk down at her.

"Darling, it takes more than that to bring a man like me down." Savage said to the fox. "A lot more."

Nick looked at it, before looking up at the bunny.

"Sooo, how many times will I have to suck you off before we are done?" The fox asked, and the bunny answered:

"As good as you are with your mouth, darling, I am in the mood for... something else, if you know what I mean."

Oh, Nick knew what he meant. The bunny didn't have to give him those bedroom eyes, eyebrow flick and porn-star smile for the fox to know what the bunny had in mind.

And that could be quite of a problem.

The bunny seemed to have noticed that there was something up with the fox, for he simply said:

"Well, if you are not willing, then I won't force you." Jack said, "I have no problem using my hand. You can stay and watch if you want."

He sounded sincere as he said that. It was obvious that he would be disappointed if Nick refused him, but he didn't look like he would try and force himself on him if he tried to leave.

So, this Savage guy is keen on consent, ain't he? Well, good to know that the criminal mastermind is not a complete scumbag, I guess? Nick thought, looking at the bunny, who was looking at him as if he was expecting his answer, and ready for whatever answer he gave.

Nick, however, already knew that he only had one choice if he wanted to keep the criminal.

"Well, of course I am willing, darling." Nick said, doing his best to pass the impression of a vixen who was looking forward to a good time with a hunk. This did made Savage smile at her.

"But, mind if we do it tailhole?" Nick asked, "I don't want to risk getting pregnant."

Savage looked at Nick with a raised eyebrow.

"Darling, I am a bunny." He said. "I don't think you would be risking getting pregnant if I bred your vagina."

No, but I'd risk you finding out I don't have one and figuring out I am up to something and slice my throat with that dagger of yours, and Carrots will kill me if I die. Nick thought, while his mouth, as quick as his wits, said:

"Don't you watch the news, bunny boy? Last week Gazelle announced that she was pregnant of the baby of one of her tiger dancers! I prefer not to take risks. This vixen is not ready for kits yet."

Savage looked at Nick, and then he nodded.

"Yeah, guess you are right." He said, "So, your way is probably better. I don't have any condoms, anyway. So, why don't we get more comfortable?"

Soon, they were going to the couch, which was like a super-king-size bed for the two of them. Nick laid on his chest, looking over the bunny with a smirk on his muzzle as he winked at him.

I am so not putting that on my report... Nick thought as Savage lifted his dress, and them lowered his panties. This exposed his tailhole, but nothing more.

"Honey, I can't get those off if you don't uncross your legs." Savage said, to what Nick, knowing that uncrossing his legs and getting the panties off would leave his ballsac in full view to Savage, simply said:

"I want to do it wearing them. A little quirk this vixen has when it comes to being with a guy."

Savage's smirk widened a bit.

"Oh, a kinky girl, huh?" He asked, "I love a kinky vixen."

With this, Savage stopped wasting time, and pulled something from the pocket of his blazer.

He doesn't carry condoms, but he carries a bottle of lube on his pocket? Nick thought as he watched as the bunny opened the small bottle and smeared the lubricant gel all over his already slick member. Noticing the look his partner was giving him, Savage said:

"What? You think spit make a good lube? Darling, you really should not believe everything you see in porn."

He had a smirk on his face as he replaced the bottle on his pocket, and then grabbed the fox's hips.

"So, shall we begin?" He asked.

"Just shove it in and let's get this over with darling, this is taking way too long in my opinion." Nick said, and he was being honest with it. Luckily, Savage took it as eagerness.

"The lady is in charge."

And with this, they began.

This was not Nick's first time with a dude. He had been around, after all, and growing up on the streets, he had to do certain things to get himself out of trouble which he would never share with anyone. Not his partner, not his mother, not even with his old friend Fin.

Taking something up his tail-pipe? No news.

Not even if it was rammed in and out repeatedly, like Savage was doing.

Still, Nick could not avoid groaning and biting his lip as he felt the bunny's dick pounding on his tailhole. Savage was not holding back, he was truly shoving it in like Nick asked. Their hips were smacking together as that fat bunny dick went in and out of his tailhole repeatedly. Their hips were smacking together rather powerfully, filling the room with the sounds of their little love-making act.

Crap, he is good at this... Nick thought, as he couldn't help but moan softly as he was fucked by the bunny, who proved to be quite skilled. Especially when he found Nick's sweet spot.

"Ah, there it is!" Savage said, "You felt it, darling? This is the little spot every mammal has inside of their tailholes that feels good when you aim something right into... it!"

Nick let out a shivering moan as he felt the Savage send his dick right into that spot, as if the was trying to put emphasis on his words. And then he started ramming his dick only on that area, which he was unaware was Nick's prostate.

Fuck, this bunny is a love machine! Nick thought, his body shivering and his toes curling as he got fucked by that bunny right into his sweet spot, pleasure spreading through all his body, and causing his dick to start poking out of his sheath.

Now he had another reason to keep on the same position he was, with his belly down and his legs closed together to keep his privates hidden from the bunny. What was not easy as Savage started to really go savage on his tailhole.

That bunny could pound quite hard. And he alternated the way he was pounding. From long, drawn out thrusts reaching as deep as he could on the fox's pucker, to jackhammer-like thrusting right into the mass of nerves deep into Nick's bowels that made the fox's toes curl in pleasure.

And the bunny practically danced over Nick, as he shifted his positioning as he continued to pound on the fox. At one moment he was standing over the fox's rump with his legs spread wide as he jackhammered his dick in and out as he held him by the waist with his hands, pressing him down into the cushion of the couch. At another, he was with a foot on the small of Nick's back, using it as a leverage to send his dick in and out in long and slow thrusts as he lowered and lifted his hips.

Nick had pretty much given up and he was openly moaning as the bunny fucked him. He knew that he was not supposed to be moaning. He knew that he was not supposed to be enjoying himself that much. Heck, he was not even supposed to be taking the criminal's dick on his ass in the first place! This was not part of the plan!

But, like it usually happened in life, things went to shit, and Nick saw himself forced to improvise.

And his improvising was landing him in a position where he certainly didn't expect himself to be when he accepted this mission.

And that the undercover fox cop didn't expected to enjoy it so much.

His dick was hard now, tenting both his panties and dress. Nick was even starting to leak and to grind his hips against the cushion as Savage continued to go crazy on top of him.

And then, he felt the bunny bury his dick as deep as he could on his tailhole, as he let out a groan of the likes he never heard a bunny make before. The familiar feeling of something creamy filling his tailhole came into Nick.

Just like that, Nick knew it was over. And he now would have to let Savage pull out and then make up an excuse to stay here for a few minutes as he thought of the most turn-off things he could so he could get his raging boner to calm down.

At least, that was what Nick thought... until Savage started pounding again after ten seconds of pause.

"H-hey!" Nick squeaked in a high-pitched voice due to surprise. To what Savage spoke, with a suave and only-slightly-winded voice.

"You haven't come yet, darling." Savage said as he resumed pounding on the fox's butt. His dick now sliding even easier due to the cum that he just deposited on that hole, making it slicker than the smart-mouth of that vulpine. Said dick, despite having literally just cummed, had not gone down even in the slightest. "Jack Savage does not leave a lady hanging."

And so, he continued to pound on Nick's tailhole. Nick was practically squealing out of pleasure now as his tailhole was ravaged and his prostate pounded into oblivion.

Savage was not the type to talk dirty or to try and say anything in the moment of sex. He was not the kind to talk someone he was with "bitch" or "honey", and he certainly didn't try to brag about his skills.

He didn't have to.

All he had to do was do what he did best, and this was enough to get any girl squealing. And, as it seemed, also the guys pretending to be girls.

Nick was squealing like he had not in literal years. Since the first time he had actual sex with another guy as a teenager after losing a bet and agreeing with the little "experimentation". This was a rutting like Nick has not had ever since.

And, just like back on the day, it caused Nick to cream without a single touch to his dick.

Nick let out a shaky moan as he orgasmed, his body stiffening and trembling as his orgasm wracked over him, his penis surging and filling his panties with his kit-batter as Savage did the same with his tailhole, cumming again and filling Nick to the brim once more, with some of the cum no flowing out of his tailhole and leaking down his legs as Savage sighed and relaxed.

Nick also relaxed after his orgasm subsided, and he felt like he had run a marathon.

Nick had not nutted this hard in many years.

And it was all because of this bunny standing a top of him, pounding him with his dick.

The weirdest part? As Nick was drove into orgasm, all he had on his mind was another bunny whom he knew from his work...

"Nice, wasn't it?" Savage asked, and Nick let out a weak moan as an answer. Savage chuckled, as he already knew this meant yes.

"Great! Then let's go to round three!"

"W-what?" Nick squeaked. "H-how can you keep going!?"

Once more, Savage chuckled.

"Darling, you clearly have never been with a bunny." He said, as he gripped on Nick's hips harder.

"And you certainly have never been with a bunny like me..."

And Savage started pounding again.

"Nick!" Judy said, practically screaming on the phone. "Nick, you have not answered in nearly two hours! Are you still there!? Did something happen!? Nick!? Answer the radio, you dumb fox!"

By her side, Tooth was flinching slightly. He never imagined that a bunny could be so loud. I mean, look at her size, who would expect someone who barely reached their shin to be able to scream louder than they could roar?

It certainly made Tooth have a renewed respect for Wilde, who had to deal with this bunny nearly every day as his partner. She certainly seemed like a handful.

Speaking of Wilde, he was taking far too long to reestablish contact with them. And he was not answering the radio as they called for him. Tooth would be worried if it was his partner in there as well.

Now it was the time to count on their second agent to try and see what it has happened to Wilde.

Now, it was not as if they didn't trusted Wilde, is just that, in such cases, they could not count on a single agent. Not the FBI. Tooth sent his own agent inside as a backup for the fox. A cheetah called Catalan, who was told to remain on standby until she was contacted by them or by Wilde for support.

As soon as she got their message, she went looking for the fox, but she could not find him anywhere. She did, however, found the tiger that Wilde had approached. Drinking on the bar all by himself, as if he was trying to drown his sorrows.

Catalan approached him, saying that she was looking for a vixen on a black dress who was her friend. The tiger scoffed at this.

"That fucking tramp!" The tiger said, "Playing with me like that! No one plays with me! No one! She is going to get what's... what's... is that a camera?"

The tiger said as he noticed the small lens on the cheetah's dress. She came too close to him, and she tensed as soon as he mentioned the camera. The tiger looked at her for a few moments, before pushing her off and running.

"Shit!" Tooth said from inside of the van. "Attention, all unities, go inside! Now!"

As Tooth ordered the ZPD officers and FBI agents to go inside and raid the party, Judy was already two steps ahead of him, as she burst out of the van and rushed to the house, hoping that Nick was okay and vowing to kill anyone who has touched him.

"I gotta say, sweetheart." Savage said, as he took a puff of a cigarette. "I haven't had that much fun with a girl in years. Seriously, you are a great lay."

Nick, on his end, could hardly form a coherent answer to this. He had a dazed expression of pleasure on his face, with his tongue lolled out and his eyes blinking unevenly. His body was shivering slightly, and his feet were twitching.

He had never been bred like that before on his life. It was as if Savage was an actual machine. He fucked him for so long. His tailhole was so filled with bunny spunk that Nick had the impression that his stomach was bulging ever so slightly, a lot of it leaking from his ruined tail-pipe.

He had five orgasms at this point. The last one barely made anything come out of his dick at all. If Nick had any other orgasms at this stage, they would be dry ones, as his balls were completely empty after such a session of sex.

And it seemed that Savage was still far from done.

"So, break is over." Savage said, tossing his cigarette into the ashtray with the precision of a professional basket player, before gripping the waist of the fox once more.

"Ready for round fifteen?" He asked with a smirk, his dick hard and ready for another go. Nick could only grumble something in response. However, before Savage could go for it...

"Boss!" Said Tigerson as he burst into the room, practically tumbling inside. "Boss, I was up there in the bar when this cheetah-"

The tiger trailed as he caught sight of his boss, with his dick out of his pants and looking like he was ready to plow the vixen beneath him. And he had done it a number of times already, if the white stains and the look on the vixen's face was any indication.

Savage turned to look at the tiger, his expression what one would expect from a guy who was interrupted right when he was about to get lucky... again.

"This better be important." The bunny said to the tiger with a low voice. Tigerson continued to look at him for a moment, in shock, before he recovered and then approached the bunny, whispering something on his ear.

"Shit!" Savage said, as he let go of Nick's hips, stuffing his dick back into his pants, what was not easy considering how hard it was, as he barked orders to Tigerson, who proceeded to do as his boss ordered, picking a few things and then going to a wall, pulling a hidden lever and opening a secret door.

As he did, Savage lifted Nick's panties, readjusting them to cover the vulpine's tailhole and then lowering his dress, before he walked near Nick's face.

"Sorry, sweetheart." Savage said, "I'm not the type who fucks and leaves, but right now I really need to go. I really enjoyed being with you, though. If I ever come back to Zootopia, you can be sure I'll come looking for you."

And he placed a kiss on Nick's cheek, before going in direction to the secret door.

"W-wuh-wait..." Nick said, lifting a paw in his direction, but too fucked silly to get up and go after him. HI legs felt like they were made of jelly. He could only watch as the stripped bunny and his tiger secretary walked through the secret door and left the room and, most likely, the whole house through a secret passage that would allow them to escape without being detected by anyone.

Tooth was not kidding when he said that Stripes was always ready for anything and always had an escape plan.

Nick could only groan as his arm dropped back into the couch. His tailhole felt too sore for him to get up and walk, so all he could do was lay in there, and wait for someone to find him and help him on his feet.

What, of course, would be super awkward for the fox and for whoever found him in such a state.

Luckily, there had been little to no questions asked, as no one mentioned on how Nick was on a couch and on the smell coming of him. No one noticed apparently.

Judy because she was too worried checking on him for wounds and asking him if Stripes had done something with him. Tooth because he was more worried in having the criminal he mace there to look after captured before he could escape.

However, their suspect was already gone by the time they found the secret room and found Nick inside after practically raiding the entire mansion looking for their undercover agent.

Neither of them noticed the way Nick was walking. If they did, they either didn't touched the subject or assumed it was for some reason other than what actually happened.

I mean, they had no reason to assume Nick was walking like that because a bunny railed his tailhole. And Nick preferred if they still both didn't had any reason to think that.

He had, however, reason to give them any pertinent information about their suspect on the following day.

"Stripes is a bunny!?" Tooth said in disbelief.

"Yup." Nick confirmed. "His name is Jack Savage and he is a bunny with stripes on his cheeks and ears."

"Wait..." Judy said, looking at the fox, "You mean, that bunny who you called cute? The one who tried talking to you before you went for the tiger?"

Nick confirmed it was. This basically meant that they lost their initial chance to get with the bunny from the beginning. However, Nick made it clear (without going into any details) that he did his best to try and keep Savage with him and not lose him once he realized that he was the actual target, and that he had been trying to get him to leave that dead-zone secret room with him so he could give the guys the signal so they could come pick them up.

"And I failed..." Nick said, and Judy, for his surprise, touched his arm in a comforting manner, saying that he did what he could, and that she was glad that he had come out unharmed. Tooth on his end, was less worried about Nick's well-being and more worried about the fact that Stripes... no, Jack Savage had slipped right through his claws once more.

However, this time he had not come back completely empty-pawed. This time he had some confirmation on the identity of the criminal.

A bunny named Jack Savage. This was more than Tooth has managed to find out about this suspect on the years he had been chasing after him. And that fox achieved it in a single night after he first heard of this criminal mastermind only two weeks ago.

Guess that the fox really was one of the ZPD's finest, if he managed to find out so much in a single night. No one else who saw Stripes' face ever came out alive, after all.

"Think you can give a description of Savage to our sketch artist?" Tooth asked, and Nick nodded. He could even give the guy the bunny's measurements, if they actually asked for it. However, Nick knew they would not.

He hoped they would not.

"There is anything else that might be worth mentioning, Nick?" Judy asked to her partner. "Anything he may have said or anything you may have noticed about him? Any other clue? Anything?"

Nick looked at his partner for a moment.

"Actually, yes."

Judy and Tooth both looked at the fox. Nick reached for his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. It was something that Savage had left on Nick's panties before leaving. He showed it to the two of the mammals with him.

It had a phone number, the words "CALL ME, XOXO" and the cartoonish drawing of a winking bunny with stripes.