Mary Christmas - Stocking Stuffer 2023

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#79 of 2023 Shorts

Tandil Tootle used to be the target of his schools bullies, until he learned he had a unique gift. A gift which lands him on the naught list and requires a visit from a very unusual source.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


I usually do my own annual Christmas themed stories around this time of the year regardless, but I was happy to find out that someone else also has the spirit of the season! So, this year, I am throwing my hat in with Terinastiger's Stocking Stuffer Christmas list! You can find out more about the stocking stuffer event over here in their journal I did.


Tandil Tootle, Tandy to his friends, was born with an unfortunate name, one which got him picked on all throughout his childhood years. It didn't help that the slender little grey marsh hair never got his growth spurt and was stuck at a measly five foot even, he was the runt of the school. That was until, one day he discovered he had a rather unique gift. Tandy was hung and after a few curious tries with close female friends, he found he innately knew how to use it. With his new found confidence and being of age finally, the young buck rabbit quickly set about getting his revenge. His name would go down in infamy as word of how the once nerdy quiet kid had somehow managed to bed the mothers of every tormentor who had ever caused him grief growing up, some more than once.

Tandy was to be home alone for once, his family were heading down south to spend time with relatives over the festive season and as he had just started a new job, the young buck rabbit couldn't get time off to join them. Not that he cared, it would at least give him some time alone to do what he did best. There were a few women in their small town who he hadn't yet slept with and he knew were keen, so when he wasn't at work, Tandy fully intended on spreading some Christmas cheer, along with some supple thighs.

"Already?" Tandy grumbled as he paused his game on the television, hearing a loud thumping on the front door from an uninvited guest. It wasn't that unusual for some eager piece to come looking for him, if only to get a proper fucking, or simply to make their current partner jealous. It had gotten so bad lately that Tandy almost felt like his cock was its own celebrity with how many candid snapshots it had been pictured in.

"Tandil Tootle?" A large white bear in a form fitting red dress asked. She had on a pair of red boots and a stylish red hat as well, all which made her appear very Christmasy with the white fluffy trim on red clothing. Though given the date on the calendar, it was hardly surprising. This woman he did not recognize however, she must have been new to town, word did spread fast apparently.

"Yes?" the much smaller marsh hare replied, staring up at the big white bear. Or at least trying to, his gaze had gotten stuck somewhere around the region of the inviting white cleavage she was sporting in her low-cut dress.

"You've been a naughty boy, very naughty indeed" The stranger grinned as she pushed her way inside and passed the young man. She walked through his house as if she knew the way, heading straight for the living room.

"I have?" He turned dumbly to watch her wide shapely butt shift and flex beneath her clothing. Though she was perhaps a heavier girl than he usually preferred, the bear was curvy and carried it well. He'd never seen someone so absolutely drip sex appeal like this stranger was right now.

"Close the door dear" the bear paused to say before heading into the living room. Tandy simply nodded and slammed the front door shut, before darting along behind the bear. When he arrived in the living room, she was already sitting in the middle of the sofa with her left leg crossed over the right and her arms outstretched along the backrest. "You're on the naughty list, Tandil. Why might that be? Surely such a handsome young man as yourself should be a good boy?" the bear asked with a hint of a sultry growl touching the edges of her words. As she spoke, the bear uncrossed her legs and then recrossed them with the right over the left. In the process, she would give the smaller marsh rabbit a clear view between her thighs. Sure enough, the sight was enough to get a reaction from the young man and soon he was trying in vain to cover the rather obvious tent in his boxers.

"I like fucking" Tandy found himself blurting out without thinking. His ears instantly lying flat into his short curly blond hair as a result, while a blush blossomed across his cheeks.

"Is that so? Well, it certainly seems like you're built for it, at least from the reports I've read about you" The large bear grinned, leaning forward and resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand. Again, Tandy was treated to the sight of more white cleavage. "Drop the boxers, boy" the bear growled with a downward motion of her eyes.

Boy? He was nineteen! Tandy had fucked more women in the last year than most old men had bedded in their entire lives, he was no boy! But...he just couldn't bring himself to correct the gorgeous stranger as he stared into her deep blue eyes. Soon he found himself standing in nothing but his "Female Body Inspector" parody shirt before her, his raging hardon aimed straight in front and right at her. Tandy's eyes closed and his entire body twitched when she reached out to gently grasp and stroke at his length with an appreciative gaze.

"Goddamn bigger than my husband" he thought he heard her surprised voice say. She was married? Not that it mattered, he had fucked many married women before, so what was one more? She didn't seem to have a wedding ring on anyway, so he could just play it dumb if anyone ever came to confront him about it. The bear raised her brows as she caressed the absurdly thick and long cock which looked like it had been transplanted from a horse onto the small slender frame before her. She had heard people refer to guys like Tandy as "tripods" before, but it had never been quite as accurate a description as it was now.

"What...oh..." the small rabbit groaned in surprise when the simple touch of a hand changed to a curious muzzle. Soon he was gripping the stranger's ears while working his stiffness back and forth between her lips while she eagerly sucked on his cock. The longer she did so, the broader the rabbits grin became as it was obvious, she didn't know what she was in for.

The bears first sign that she had fucked up was when she tried to pull her lips from the rabbit's prick, only to find him gripping her ears tightly as he stepped up the tempo of his face fucking. Soon she was trying to push him back and off while snorting for air, but the small and surprisingly strong rabbit was having none of it. She could see it in his eyes when she stared up at him, there was a strange predatory glee in them, with a primal need to breed whatever warm hole he had his cock buried in. The way the small rabbit glared down at her made the large bear woman squirm on the sofa, feeling something inside her twist and writhe with excitement. Tandy would not be denied and soon she got her first taste of the little dominant bunny when he hilted her maw and proceeded to paint her tonsils with his first load. Even before he had finished his climax however, the rabbit pulled back and let the last few ropes of his seed spatter across her face and mess up her perfect makeup.

"Baah!" the white bear gasped and panted as she was temporarily blinded by the hot rabbit jizz. Perhaps there was no mistake, Tandil perhaps really did belong on the naughty list if this was how he treated women?

It was all the time Tandy needed to get her into position, by the time the stranger had wiped most of his mess from her eyes, enough to open them, she was already laid back on the sofa with the front of her dressed tugged down. Her breasts were exposed and now wrapped around the rabbits impressive and still hard cock. From the outside looking in, the sight would have appeared comical, with the small rabbit pinning the large white bear who was almost twice his size as he fucked her tits. But in actuality, the stranger knew that if she had been wearing panties, they would be wetter than the observation deck on the Titanic just then.

"Press them together for me" the rabbit growled, or at least tried to. If he had been an actual predator species, it might have been a scary sound, perhaps exciting. But coming from a cute rabbit half her size, the stranger didn't know if it was cute or funny. Either way regardless, she did as commanded as Tandy still had that hungry look in his eyes. As soon as she pressed her soft white tits together around his prick, the little grey marsh rabbit began humping away at her cleavage. She had been tit-fucked before, but not quite like this. The speed and eagerness with which the rabbit fucked her soft white furred mounds made it seem like the rabbit was desperate to get off after a couple year long dry spell, but she knew that wasn't the case, because she could still taste his first load on her tongue.

The rabbit lasted a bit longer the second time, but not by much. The large white bear caught the look in his eyes and knew what was about to happen, without a word she tilted her chin down and opened her maw just before Tandy hit his second climax. Surprisingly, his second was just as big if not bigger than his first and the bear found her lips, tongue and even muzzle covered with sticky warm rabbit seed.

Tandy was not yet done however, he simply grinned down at the stunned female bear when he climbed back and off of her, his stiff prick in one hand being stroked slowly. She watched as the little rabbit unashamedly pushed her short red skirt up about her waist to expose the fact she was not wearing underwear. Her dark little slit was bared and visible instantly between her plush white thighs, while the rabbit stroked his cock, his free hand found her opening as he crudely crammed a couple fingers inside her.

"Good slut, already wet and eager for me" the rabbit growled his cute little growl again, while his fingers pumped in and out of the large bear. Again, she was taken aback by his surprising strength when she suddenly found her knees almost up against her chest, or at least as close as they could get with her ample bust in the way. But it was enough for Tandy as he worked himself inside the stranger's cunt without asking. He knew he didn't have to ask though, she was twice his size and could easily have stopped him at any time, but she had let him do everything he had wanted so far, so why stop now? "Fucking tight for a big bitch" the small grey marsh hair huffed when he finally sheathed himself inside her. She clearly felt it too, with how her eyes flitted closed and her lips parted in a deep satisfied groan. Tandy could feel how her insides were clenching and squeezing down around him too, with how slick she was, there was no doubt in his mind that she had either cum already, or she was right on the verge of it.

Leaning up and over her, forcing her legs up just that little bit higher, the lapine began to put his strong hips and thighs to good use as he hammered down into the large woman. It wouldn't take long before she was whimpering and gasping, the added heat and slickness around his cock let him know she had hit her own peak finally. Not that it slowed him down, not even slightly, instead Tandy picked up the pace and fucked her right through her first climax and into another right after.

"Can bears get knocked up by rabbits? Guess you'll find out soon enough" he hissed as he hammered himself home between the thick white thighs, which seemed intent on crushing his ribs with how tight they were squeezing down around him. Despite the pain and added difficulty in moving, Tandy managed to fuck his way to another climax, this time taking root deep inside the married ursine cunt beneath him. She drank it all up too, the way her muscles worked and flexed, it was as if she wanted every drop of his young virile seed to flood her womb. Even after his orgasm began to fade, the large white bear held him tight against herself with her ankles locked behind his back.

When she did finally release him, the rabbit felt the beginnings of softness trying to claim his prick. He wasn't done yet though, he still had one last thing he wanted to do with the married bear. "Clean it" he ordered once he managed to escape the grasp of her thighs and move over to stand beside the sofa where her head was. He had clearly done a good job of fucking the bear silly, her eyes were no longer focused and she eagerly rolled her head to one side and parted her lips for him to sink his softening cock into.

It wasn't the best blowjob he had ever gotten, not even as good as the first one she had given him, but it was good enough to get him nice and hard again. Once he was satisfied he was ready, the rabbit moved back over to the strangers legs and reached over for the furthest knee from him. With a great deal of tugging, he eventually managed to haul her over onto her belly and down onto her knees beside the sofa, before lifting the back of her red dress up to expose the white expanse of her plush white furred backside.


He let his small hand come down with a loud crack against her bare white behind, the only response he got was a low groan from the cum drunk bear. So, he spanked her again, harder this time on the opposite cheek, but still the stranger did little more than groan for him. Tandy grinned and knelt low behind her, gripping her short powder puff of a tail and lifting it high with one hand while his other spread her cheeks to reveal a little dark winking pucker. Curiously he leaned in and swiped his tongue across the bare spot of flesh, finding it tasted like cinnamon and pumpkin spice, not altogether bad he supposed. Finding her taste agreeable, the small rabbit began to make out with the large white bears posterior, his small pink tongue lashing over and around her tail hole before working deeper within it. Still, the stranger did not say a word or try stop him, to which the young and eager rabbit took as a sign to proceed.

"Oh Fffff....Father Christmas!" she yelped when a hot and slick rabbit cock began to work deep into her guts, forcing her pucker wide. The rabbit's hands gripped at her plush rear, keeping her spread as he watched his thick pink cock sink past the tight stretched dark pucker and into the ursines back passage. God, he loved the big girls, those big asses were just made for fucking and this was one of the best. She felt so hot, tight and silky around his cock, just how he loved it. It reminded him of the first bullies' mother he had fucked after meeting her out in town. She was also a bear, just not this big, but her ass had felt just as nice around his prick while he alleviated her of her last remaining virgin card.

"Like that, huh? Like having a hard cock up your ass?" Tandy snarled as he spanked the white bear again, his hips started off slow as he worked every inch in and out of her tight little asshole. He wasn't surprised when she didn't answer, she was too busy whimpering and groaning to form coherent words, but that was enough for him. He loved watching how that little dark ring tried to squeeze shut again every time he withdrew, only to be stretched again when he hilted his cock between the bears plush cheeks. Soon he was going at the stranger with long deep thrusts, using every inch of his cock to fuck her ass. His balls tapped constantly against the back of her cunt and taint every time he hilted her too, picking up just enough dampness to let him know that despite the occasional pained sounding moan, the white bear bitch was loving this.

It couldn't last forever though, her ass just felt too good. Even gritting his teeth and trying to think of boring subjects did not help, all too soon Tandy felt himself boiling over. With a few last powerful strokes beneath the large white bears puffball tail, he snarled and let loose with his biggest climax yet. She felt it too, the slimy warmth which filled her guts as the small rabbit bred her backdoor like he owned it.

When he finally removed himself from under her tail, Tandy panted and grinned at the stunned looking bear with satisfaction. The bear however soon stood up a little awkwardly with one hand behind her and undoubtedly touching her poor abused asshole, which was now visibly dripping rabbit cum to the carpet.

"So, am I still on the naughty list?" Tandy asked with a grin as he grabbed the base of his softening cock and wiggled it at her threateningly. The stranger's eyes went wide as she shook her head no, before she quickly turned to collect her things and made her way swiftly toward the front door to escape.

"Hey, I never got your name?" the rabbit called after the fleeing bear.

"Mary Christmas!" she shouted back before darting out of sight and into the fresh falling snow.

Getting on the nice list

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Shelter part 2

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Naughty and Nice

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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