Dragon Goes Mating

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#61 of Commissions

Gotten commissioned to write some Dragon Goes House-Hunting stuffs. Had some real fun with this, as I was given some creative liberty with this story. I always appreciate when I'm allowed creative freedom on a story, so I wanna thank the anonymous commissioner for commissioning me, and allowing me to cover the plot. I involved all the dragon-y goodness that I tend to do. But yeah, if you enjoy the story, let me know, leave a comment, vote or fave :3

"Letty! Someone's at the door." Dearia tells me as he passed by my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I ask, coming out of my bedroom, watching him head down to his own.

"I have no idea, but they're a dragon."

"A... d-dragon..."

This makes me gulp softly, looking towards the hallway that leads to the front door. Feeling my heart race, I move from my bedroom, moving towards the front of my house. Walking up to the front door, I rub my eyes softly as I draw closer. Getting to it, I grab onto it before pulling it open. Looking around the door hesitantly, I'm met by the last dragon I expected to see.

"Hello Letty..." My mother says softly, sitting a few feet from the door. "May I come in?"

"Mother...?" I ask, feeling my voice shiver as I speak. "Wh-what are you... d-doing here?"

"There's something I'd like to discuss with you... in private."

Taking a moment, I slowly nod and open the door fully for her, stepping back to let her in. She takes the opportunity and enters, closing the door behind her with her tail. I walk behind her as she follows the path I had just taken, seemingly using my scent to lead her. Something takes my notice as she walks; there's a certain... sway of her backend as she steps. It's something I notice, due to growing up walking behind her. But I shake my head at this, obviously overthinking the situation.

My bedroom door had been left half open, and she looks in quickly before heading in, making my cheeks burn as she just enters my room without hesitation. I follow her in and close the door behind me, finding my mother standing between me and my bed. There's something in her eyes, a certain... fire behind them.

"I... I wanted to ask you for something, Letty." My mother says, a small amount of concern in her voice, as she walks a little closer to me.

"And, that would be?" I ask, feeling a little uncertainty as she draws closer.

"Letty, I need a daughter..."

I'm taken aback at just how blatantly she says this. Seconds tick by as I try to process what my mother had just told me, or what the implications are to what she said. She waits patiently as I do this, on occasion tapping the floor softly with a talon, as if she is trying to get me to come back to reality.

"Letty...?" She finally asks me.

"I... mom, what are you... asking of me?" I ask her back.

"We both know I won't get a daughter from your father, with how he is, but... you'd be able to give me one."

"You want me... t-to...?"

"Do you really want me to say the words Letty?" She asks softly, closing the distance between the two of us. "Letty, please breed me."

"M-mom! I... I can't do that!" I exclaim, taking a few steps back.

"Sweetie, why not?"

"Because you're my mother! It's wrong!"

"Come on Letty, we both know those are human standards." She responds, closing the distance once again. "I know you've been around them a lot more recently, but dragons don't have the same concerns, you know our... biology allow for such relations, on occasion."

"But what would dad say? He'd notice you returning with an egg! Especially when you birth a daughter!"

"He doesn't care what I do, especially if it keeps me from taking too much attention."

"He... he doesn't..."

"Sweetie, he disowned you because one of my eggs got stolen. He doesn't even fertilise them anymore, it's just a status symbol for him. But... you'd be able to do it, he wouldn't give a damn."

"I... mom, you are... you can't be serious?"

"I am, please Letty... can we just try, for me?" She asks, pressing her maw to my neck, slowly bringing it up along my scales affectionately. I gulp as she does this, feeling her repeat this action, she now licks my throat softly, a common act between mates. I gasp and shiver at the physical contact, looking at her.

"M-mom..." I try to say, trying to find the words to say.

"I'll be gentle, ok? If I do anything you're uncomfortable with, we'll stop, alright?" She kisses me, her lips pressing up against mine for less than a moment.


She moves onto her back legs, bringing me up with her, wrapping me up in her arms, bringing out a soft moan from my maw. The physical contact between us making me blush deeply, my talons slowly move to her sides. I don't know if I want to push her away, or draw her closer, closing my eyes, I can imagine her to be another dragon, to try and make it seem more 'normal' in my head. I can't deny that I'm affected by human standards, with being in their culture for the last few years. But... I also can't help but want to go further on her.

"Little Letty..." She purrs out, using the childhood nickname. It sounds like music on her lips, making me tremble softly into her arms.

"O-oh... mom..." I whimper, shifting my snout against her neck.

"My Little Letty..."

It's like music in my ears, hearing her say this, whispering her wants without using words. My breath comes out in smaller bursts, ragged and uncertain. She kisses me once again, making me shiver at the touch, before moving onto all fours and heading to my bed. Climbing up onto it, she tests the springs before rolling onto her back, showing off her folds and backside. I instinctively look away as she does this, but then look back at her, realising that things are going to progress even further past this, so there's no real reason to overt my gaze.

"Come on, Little Letty, I'm going to need a little... personal touch before we get going." She says, her front talons moving to her folds, spreading them open with her claws as she flicks her tongue out.

I blush deeply at this, taking a moment before speaking. "Mother... do you really have to be so... blatant, about this?"

"There's no reason to dance around the nest, Letty. Best to focus on completing the task."

*Giving you a daughter, isn't really a task..."

"Awww, Letty. I knew you'd get on board."

'That's not what I meant... ' I think to myself, slowly moving to her lower legs, drawing closer to her. Once I get in between her legs, I look up at her, something inside me waiting for... permission.

"Letty, do you need some... pointers?" She asks, her voice only having a little judgement in it. Which is a lot less than I would expect from father.

"O-of course not! I've... I've done this before."

"Well, then, go ahead."

Once she says this, I manage to bring myself up to her, drawing within an inch or two of her folds. I can feel the heat radiate from her, her scent almost so strong I can taste it in my maw. With a small tremble, I close the distance between us, pressing my maw onto her vulva. The moment I make contact, it feels like I've crossed a line, and a wave of shame washes over me. But now that I have, it almost takes away the reservations I had about this.

Pushing my tongue out of my maw, I snake it into her sensitive area. I close my eyes, trying not to focus on who I'm with. The taste of her enters my mouth, and I let out a small moan in response, gulping it down almost by instinct. I never knew a dragon could taste this good, with a small tremble, I push myself a little deeper into the dragon's heat. My tongue extends into her body snaking into her depths, trying to hit her most sensitive areas.

Her moans are music to my ears, using them to gauge how affective I'm being. Not that I really need to, she's absolutely soaked, and only getting better as I lick, lap and drink her juices. Rolling my eyes back into my skull, I can't help but moan deeply into her folds, feeling my cock throb between my legs. I never knew I could get so turned on by pleasuring a partner, if I had, I may have gotten the courage to do something like this sooner.

"Oh, Little Letty... you're making momma feel so good... " Mom purrs out, her folds tightening and massaging around my tongue. "You've always been a good boy..."

I purr back at this, moving my tongue a little deeper into her sensitive crotch. My lips lock around her folds, kissing her privates as I continue to pleasure her birth canal, worship it even. I can't believe I'm pleasuring the dragoness whom brought me into the world, and yet... I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Flaring my nostrils as I breathe in, sniffing my mother's blissful scent, my eyes rolling back into my skull, mind being overwhelmed by the musky scent. It's similar to burnt oak, with warm spices that mix in with her normal, dragon-y smell.

"Mmmph! F-fuck! You're so fucking good at this..." She groans out, losing some of that graceful-ness that she previously had.

I moan out into her, the sound turning into a small whimper as my mother's love canal begins to clamp and shiver my tongue, milking the length with every movement. Closing my eyes, I focus on the motions, the feeling of my mother's pleasure around my tongue, receiving some myself from being able to pleasure her. It only gets stronger with every passing second, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. My attention only being brought away from it as a pair of clawed hands grab onto my horns, making me open my eyes again, looking up at my mother.

"L-look at me... I want you to watch how good you're making me feel!" She exclaims, her pitch unintentionally rising at the end, something I haven't heard before.

Grinding my face between her legs, her breaths become heavy, quicker... her voice trailing off to just whimpers. Her back legs tremble, locking themselves around the back of my neck, keeping me in place. I can only whimper back as she starts to squirt against my snout, cumming on my tongue and milking it for all its worth.

Her voice devolves into calls and whimpers, her body convulsing around me. I'm trapped, surrounded by my mother's inner thighs, her scales digging into mine, her scent, feminine juices and droplets of sweat sinking into my skin. My eyes roll back into my skull as she uses my tongue to get off, over and over... it never seems to end. Her taste runs down my throat, giving me a full and unending overflow of her essence.

The world around me becomes nothing more than the taste, scent, and the muffled sounds of my mother's pleasure, everything else becoming non existent. I try to breath through my nose, but find myself unable to, beginning to struggle slightly in between my mother's legs. Her hold on my horns stays strong, keeping me in place as I become more and more frantic. My lungs start to burn in my chest, begging me for air, aching for respite.

"St-stay there Little Letty, just... just a little more. Momma needs more!" She calls out, her voice unusually dominant and commanding, making me jerk slightly in shock, feeling my heart skip a beat in my chest.

My eyes roll back into my skull, my struggles slowly subsiding as the sides of my vision slowly darken. Seconds tick by before I feel my mother's claws slack ever so slightly. Taking this chance, I pull backwards, gasping deeply, my tongue snaking slightly once it's drawn out of my mother's vagina. Coughing out, the scent of her love canal is so deep, I would probably be able to taste it, if I didn't have her juices running down my throat.

Letting out a small hack, I manage to look up to my mom's body, finding her limbs and wings twitch and convulse. She can barely make any sounds, let alone speak actual words, her face softened in pleasure-filled bliss. I lower my head slightly as I wait, not sure on how to really deal with the situation. A good minute or two passes as my mother processes the pleasure, leaving her a huffing mess on the wooden panels. She lets out a series of small, huffing moans out into the air, seemingly trying to collect herself.

"M-mom...? Are you okay?" I ask, my voice small and tentative.

"Y-yes, my dear... j-just... please, give momma a minute..." She manages to say, raising a clawed front talon and waving it at me.


I slowly move to her side, my movements slow and light. Well, as light as a dragon can be. I move onto my knees and elbows, pressing myself up against her midsection. Wrap my right legs over her upper and lower abdomen, my left set being pressed up against her side. I nuzzle her scales slowly, licking her juices from off my lips.

"H-how...?" She half asks.

"How what?"

"How did you get so good at that?"

"You... probably wouldn't believe me..." I respond, a blush crossing my cheeks.

"Try me, sweetie."

"Well, you know how I only eat eggs?"


"I... I have a weakness to soft boiled eggs... and I use my tongue to eat the yoke out."

"You... you know how to treat a dragoness... because you like eating soft boiled eggs?" She asks, active disbelief filling her voice.

"I-I know... it doesn't make sense, but it's the only activity that kinda... correlates, you know?"

"Mmmph, I suppose." She lets out a small huff. "You know, speaking of eggs..."

"Hmm?" I ask wordlessly, looking up at her for a moment, before realising what she means. "O-oh, right. The... the whole reason we did this."

"Well, not the whole reason, I wanted to help my Little Letty out." She purrs softly, giving my nose a soft kiss.


"Come on sweetie, gonna show you how to 'please your mate', for lack of a better term."

"I haven't already done that?"

"I didn't say that, but that also classifies as foreplay, this is the real deal sweetie." She says, her voice becoming softer. She nudges me to move upwards with a soft huff. "Get onto all fours, have our slits aimed towards the each other's. Y-yeah, like that, good boy."

I do as she tells me, my back legs perched just behind her backside, my barely exposed tip of my cock grinding up against her slit. Even this small motion, feels amazing, even though it makes me shiver and freeze up for a moment. Hearing my mother's soft moan at this contact brings me back a little. Her front talons move to my cheeks, bringing my head to meet hers, kissing me in an open maw make-out session. She moves her tongue into my maw, battling mine for a few moments, before sinking it deeper inside.

I groan softly at this, feeling her against the back of my throat before dipping downwards, actively entering my throat. My body shifters and I almost melt into my mother's body, my back legs shake and tremble as they slowly lower my backside down. With a small groan into the kiss, my tip grinds into her love canal. It feels weird to be in this situation, and yet... comforting in a way. The idea of being with my mother, having my way with her, makes my mind reel, a shiver running through my whole body.

This makes my mother pull away from the kiss, strands of saliva connecting our lips before braking apart. We both huff out deeply as we gaze into each other's eyes, my heart beating heavily in my chest. How haven't I seen just how beautiful she is? Simply looking at her makes my chest feel light, and my heart flutter.

"Do I feel that good, Little Letty?" She asks, her voice so soft and caring.

"Y-yes... mom, you're making me feel so good!" I exclaim, my voice louder than I had intended.

"You're not even properly in me, and I've already got you shaking like a leaf. Although..." she stops talking for a moment, bringing her snout to my ear, whispering ever softer. "You've always been a momma's boy."

"A-am not!"

"Oh yeah? Then you wouldn't mind if I did this?" With a small shift, she grinds herself against my slit, pushing my tip into her further.

I gasp and moan softly, shifting softly as I feel her juices coat the tip of my cock. Trembling softly, my length slowly pushing out from my slit, and directly into my mother's hole. Pleasure runs through my entire body as I feel her warmth, her wetness... the pleasure she feels herself. For a moment, my mind goes blank again, as more and more of my cock enters my mother's vagina. I can't stop myself from moaning in pleasure, huffing out against her neck scales.

"M-mother..." I whimper out, nuzzling her shoulder and neck softly.

"That's it Little Letty... make me feel good..." She whispers back into my ear, giving me a soft kiss on my scales.

My eyes flutter as my length grows to full length inside my mother, her heat, wetness, and motion all act together to keep me nice and rigid. I bite my lower lip while I try and process the situation, wanting my body to move, to thrust myself back and forth. But my body doesn't respond to me, almost as though I'm frozen by being in my mother's snatch.

"Awww, sweetie, you need to start moving..." My mother continues to whisper, giving my scales a lick. "You can't expect me to do all the work, now do you?"

"M-mom... I can't move..." I whimper back, my body trembling softly

"Can you try for momma?"

I shiver as she says this, as if her words pierce through me. But my body doesn't respond, as though I'm paralysed. My mother huffs softly, her back legs wrapping around the back of my rump, getting a tight grip on me. She moves me forward and back, taking over my body... I shiver softly as I'm moved through my mother's warmth, her wetness. I huff out with pure pleasure, my talons gripping the ground underneath me.

Her breath is soft and almost musical in my ears, as it becomes heavier and more filled with lust. I feel her grip on me waning slightly, and my body seems to take over by instinct, my back legs pushing myself into her love canal. It's slow and yet steady, but I soon find myself actively breeding my mother. Occasionally, I feel myself falter as I try to process the situation again, my mind going numb as I think about just who I'm inside. But then, I shake my head, just focusing on the motions. Right now, it doesn't matter who I'm in, it just matters that I'm in her.

I wrap my head and neck around hers, trying to keep her face out of my line of sight. Knowing that if I focus on it too much, I'll freeze up again. But it doesn't stop me from inhaling her scent, even just a little. She always did have an amazing smell to her scales, it's so warm... so comforting. It reminds me of home, of sweet dreams. I hold onto this, feeling it move throughout my body, filling me with warmth and desire. Inhaling her scent fully and completely, I can't keep myself from moaning out with pleasure.

"Mmmph, didn't know you liked scents... looks like you did get something from your father after all." She whispers out, nuzzling my shoulder.

"Can... can you not bring dad up right now?" I respond, almost letting out a growl with this.

"That's fair enough, sorry..."

"Th-thank you..."

"Would it help-"

"Probably not..." I huff out, gritting my teeth slightly as I try to thrust myself into her harder. 'Come on... just another dragon. Totally nothing incestuous going on here...'

"You do know I can read your thoughts right?" She asks, seemingly genuinely curious if I had forgotten.

"You told me... you'd stop doing that... after the... 'incident'!"

"Oh come on, what young dragon doesn't have... material?"

"I told you it wasn't mine!"

"It's ok Letty," she pulls back a little in an attempt to look at me. "Griffins are... fine companions..."

"It wasn't mine! I don't even like dragons." I exclaim, digging my snout into her side.

"It... Isn't satyr's is it?"

"I... how would that even work?"

"Satyr's can be... adventurous..." She says, her voice trailing off.

"I'm not into Satyr's!" I pull myself back, looking at her, stopping as I look at her face, freezing up again.

My mother takes a moment, before speaking again. "Oh great, not this again..."

"I... uh..."

"Is this going to be a thing with you?"

"I can't... help it..." I say, feeling blush radiating from my cheeks.

"Why not? I know you haven't been with a dragoness, but it shouldn't strike you frozen..."

"It's not because I'm a virgin!" I exclaim, feeling myself tremble in her grip. "It's... it's because it's you..."


"I... I don't know how I feel about this, alright? I... I mean, you're an attractive dragon... but... I can't hell but remember you tucking me in! You telling me stories at night... even your scent is driving me crazy..."

"Because I'm... your mother?"

I nod at her, looking away for a moment.

She does the same, but then brings a talon to my cheek. "Close your eyes."


"Just do it."

I slowly do as she says, closing my eyes. Once I do, she brings me into a kiss. A soft, tender, passionate one. Although, there's... nothing else to it. It doesn't feel like she wants to move it onto anything else. Not that there's really anything else she could try to move it onto. But my thoughts are broken as she pulls away from me, breaking the kiss.

"Keep your eyes closed..." She whispers. "I'm just a dragon right now, ok? Focus on that, you're helping out a fellow dragon."

"O-ok... I'll try..." I respond, my voice just as soft as hers.

A second or two passes by before I slowly begin to move again, pulling myself backwards, and then in. My snout goes back to her neck, trying to keep my mind blank as I inhale her scent once more. I try to focus on how she feels again, on her moans. She makes sure to bring my snout against hers again, as though she's trying to keep me from focusing too much on one thing. Some are longer and more passionate, our tongues dancing and fighting between our maws. Others are quick, barely more than pecks.

My breaths become heavier as I feel myself get closer and closer to the edge of my orgasm. This takes me by surprise, as I hadn't realised just how close I was, or maybe it's due to my more inexperienced nature. But I try to hold it back off as best I can, wanting to bring as much pleasure to my mate as I can. I tremble and quake slightly in my attempts to keep myself from cumming, and yet... my mate whisper in my ear, whispers to give her a clutch, to fertilise her eggs. I try to verbalise back to her, that I want to hold back, for her...

"Please... I need it..." She whispers softly, begging me.

Despite my previous reservations, I dare to open my eyes, to look into hers as I slowly lose my battle against my own pleasure. She looks so beautiful when she's below me, how her scales shine in the light, and how soft her snout and face are. This pushes me over, and I try my best to keep my eyes open as I do so. I want to watch her as I cum. Her face seems to relax as I fill her with my seed, my tip pressing up against her cervix on almost every shot of seed into her.

It's one of the best orgasms I've ever had, the feeling of emptying myself into her, giving her what she needs, giving her my essence. I shiver softly as I slowly pull myself out of my mother's warmth. With a small moan, she pulls me into another kiss, this time not letting me go. Her tongue moves into my mouth, and then it slides into my throat, examining my insides delicately. It's a tender sort of examination, one that doesn't make me want to gag, or maybe I don't really have a gag reflex.

Having her inside my throat makes me want to rest that thought out...

As soon as it started, she pulls away from me, leaving me huffing and wanting more. Her eyes focus on mine, showing me love and affection. Talons move to my cheeks, holding me in place gently. We stay like this for a few moments, our breathes slowing down, matching each other's in a rhythm.

"So... how did that feel?" She asks, her voice softer than I think I've ever heard.

"I need more..." I huff out, pressing my snout into the crevice of her neck, sniffing her scent once more.

"Then put it back in."

"And if... if I wanted to... look at you, while I do so?"

"Oh? You're not afraid of freezing up?"

"Y-yeah..." I admit. "Not enough to... not look at you..."

She moans out softly, giving my forehead a small kiss. "Mmmph, progress... Who knew all it took was a mother's tou-ahh!"

I stop myself as she yelps out, pulling my head back to look down at her. "I'm sorry, d-did I hurt you?"

"N-no... you just caught me off guard. Catch me again Little Letty..."

I move my claws to her shoulders, gripping my talons into her scales. With a small gasp, she clamps herself down on me, tempting me further. She gives me a small nod, huffing out a moan. Pushing myself back into her warmth, I gasp and grip her tightly, moving myself back and forth into her. This time, I make sure to focus on her face, wanting to watch her this time. Somehow, I don't feel the same apprehension as I did before, allowing me to really... enjoy her this time. Sinking myself into her sensitive area, I sigh deeply, feeling fully at home within her depths.

"I hope I am not intruding, Master Letty..." I say, knocking on the dragon's bedroom door.

"N-no, Mister Dearia, you may enter." Letty's voice comes through the wood.

I take a moment before entering the room, being met by the scent of dragon sex and musk, making me stop for a moment to collect myself. Going in a little further, I find Letty on his bed, a somewhat goofy look on his face, and a pillow between his legs. He doesn't seem to really see me, despite facing me, his eyes are almost fully glazed over.

"Master Letty... did you get over excited again with your magazines?" I ask him, trying not to scrunch my face up at just how thick the scent is in here.

"I got visited Mister Dearia..."

"I swear, if you talk about the 'Sex Fairy' visiting you in your dreams again, I'm confiscating your 'reading material'."

"That was one time Dearia! And it wasn't the Sex Fairy..." He says, looking away for a moment. "It was a dragon..."

"A dragon?" I ask him.

"Yeah..." he kinda breaths out. "She was so pretty..."

*Master Letty... you do realise I know you're mother visited you earlier, right?"

He lifts his head slightly, actively looking at me. At least more so than before. "H-how did... you...?"

"I told you she was at the front door, remember?"

"Oh... yeah..."

"Did she... did she literally fuck your brains out?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"She did not!" He exclaims, raising up to look at me, before relaxing back onto the bed. "She.. was gentle..."

"Is this a dragon thing? And if so... how regularly do you and your mother... do the deed?"

"I.... I don't know if it'll be a regular thing, she came wanting a daughter..."

"And she couldn't go to your father?

"Dragons have this kinda... genetic thing. You see, dragons strength determines the genetics of their young. When two dragons get together, whichever is stronger will determine the gender of the child, with the other mate determining physical characteristics."

"So, this is why you only have brothers? Because your father is 'stronger' than your mother?"

Letty nods, but doesn't speak. "Mmhmm..."

"But wouldn't you also bare male young?"

"Apparently, I didn't get my father's strength. Something about a minor mutation, where I got my mother's strength, well... just under."

"So, she came to you... because she wanted a daughter biologically related to your father?"

"It appears so..."

"So, what happens now?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

"I... I don't know. I mean, my mother has what she wants, she made sure of that." Letty shifts softly, grinding the sheets between his legs, grimacing at the apparent pain.

"Did she get multiple 'samples'?"

"She... took a few."

"Do you mind if I ask... how many?"

Letty takes a moment, looking at me, before sighing. "She took a dozen."

"You mated a dozen times?!" I ask, unable to hide my surprise.

"I... may have been pinned down the last few times."

"Was it... a consensual experience?"

"I may have... asked her to do it..." He looks away from me, blushing deeply.

"Found out something about yourself, huh?"

"I've always been weaker, I never knew I'd actually get off on it, you know?"

"It's ok, mothers bring out the best in us... mostly..." I say, trailing off at the thought of some stories I've heard.

"She definitely brought something out of me..."

"Mmmph, naughty dragon." I say, patting his rump, getting a yelp of pain and a leg jerk in response. I instantly look to Letty, who is just looking away from me.

"She has a very lean tail..." He half mumbles, looking at me shyly.

"Obviously, not lean enough..." I respond as I look at his rump, finding his ring a little red with soreness.

"Dragons don't usually use... uh, what is it called?"


"Yeah! That..."

"If you want, I think I know a few spells to help out with that, not to mention a few basic potions."

"Really?" He asks almost a little too quickly.

"You'd be surprised at what humans get up to in their free time." I get up off the bed and head to the door. "Give me a moment, and I'll grab the necessary supplies."


I leave the dragon for few minutes, heading back to my room. Luckily, most of the ingredients I need are stored in a case I have packed in my wardrobe, with a few additional ones being stored elsewhere in my room. Grabbing these, and my spell book, I head back to Letty, having a little more trouble with the doors with my hands full. Getting back to him, I enter his room and place my case and ingredients on one of his dressers, bringing my spell book to his bed.

Letty watches me with a childlike wonder, especially when I push him softly onto his back, and move the covers off of him. Although, he does seem reluctant when I attempt to take his pillow from him. It only takes a few gentle tugs for him to relinquish physical ownership of it, revealing his slit is just as sore as his backside. With a small, questioning look, his gaze follows me as I return to my potion ingredients, putting on a pair of black gloves.

"So... what exactly will this help with?" He asks, gulping softly as he looks at all the small bottles.

"I'm primarily looking into relieving the soreness, maybe looking into some of that soreness around your slit." I tell him, mixing together a basic soreness related potion, adding cherries for a little scent relief. "What I don't know about dragon culture, I try to make up in dragon physiology."

"My... slit?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be that sore, even with the amount of... activities you are your mother got up to."

"Oh... do you think there's a problem with it?"

"Probably not, might just be over active lubricant glands."

"Lubricant glands?"

"Yes, red dragons have glands that help in lubricate their lengths. It's not enough to go in without some additional foreplay, but it does make a difference. If they are over active, then there can be soreness like you're experiencing." I say as I finish up a couple potions, bringing them to the bed.

"So, it isn't... due to my mother?" He asks, seemingly shy at merely asking.

"Are you suggesting there was more than just... biological matter being transacted?"

"N-no! I meant... her and I did a lot together, in a short time. I thought it was due to that."

"Oh, no. I mean that's why your... rear is like it is, in part. So I can see why you thought so, but no." I open up my spell book, quickly finding the page I need.

"Might I ask?"


"What is the spell book for?"

"For this." I click my fingers, transparent hands being summoned around the dragon.

"What's this for?!" Letty exclaims, squirming slightly on the bed.

"Now, now... do you wish for my help or not."

"Yes! Your help! I don't want to be groped by ghosts!"

"They're not ghosts, just projections. They'll apply the potion to your slit, and oils to your scales, while I focus on your rear. It'll need a lot more attention."

"Wait... why do my scales need oil? A-and why does my ass need more attention?"

"For reasons, dragon care reasons..."

Letty shifts slightly in the bed, but a pair of hands holds him down by the upper chest. Well, that might be an over exaggeration, they go to his chest, and he's so obedient that he just stays there. Another pair of translucent hands pour out some oil, before massaging it into his scales. This brings a moan out as they start at his lower talons, moving up his feet, before going to his ankles and beyond. The final, third pair start to examine his slit, before applying some of the potion.

The dragon makes a few awkward sounds, as if he's trying to say something, but can't quite make the words. Keeping my gloves on as I spread the dragon's ass cheeks open a little, getting a good view of his hole. It's similar to a human's, only a lot larger, a lot more detailed. I apply some of the soothing potion to Letty's hole, the smell of cherries mixing with the scent of dragon that permeates the room.

"Dearia... you're making me feel... weird..." Letty says, his body trembling in response.

"A good weird? Or a bad weird?" I respond, looking at him.

"I don't know, just... weird?"

"Well, if it gets to 'bad weird', make sure you let me know."

"I... I will." He responds, sniffing softly. "Is... are those cherries I smell?"

"Only to help with nasal respite, dragon... shenanigans, can be quite an irritant to the nose." I tell him, pushing my fingers a little deeper into his hole, applying the potion deeper into his body.

"I've never liked cherries... they taste weird."

"I'll remember that for the next time you have another... netting with your mother."

"I told you... it's not going to happen again!"

"I know you Letty, if she asks, you're going to do it again."

"And how do you know she'll ask?!"

"She had her way with you a dozen times, and a couple times at your request." I tell him, unable to give his ass cheeks a slight look, having to admit... he does look rather enticing. "I assume dragons wouldn't ask for repeat performances, just to make sure they're pregnant."

"Dragons don't get pregnant..."


"Dragons do lay eggs, but they lay them after a few days of, uh... incubating?"

"Incubation doesn't happen in a few... days..." I take a moment, before looking up at Letty, getting a blushed, embarrassed look back. "You meant in cum, didn't you?"

"Dragons aren't all graceful and stuff..." He half whispers out, relaxing back against the bed, as the translucent hands continue their jobs. "We tend to want to make sure our mating end in fertilised eggs."

"And if your mother came back, would you... take her up on her offer again?"

"I... I don't know... I mean, she is a very attractive dragon. The way her hips move as she walks, and she... uh..."

"You can tell me, Letty. It won't be the weirdest thing we've talked about, today."

"Well, she's... she's really talented with his tail..."

"Hmm, not enough to prep you..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, just thinking out loud." I say, pulling myself away from the dragon. "Right, you're all done back here, just need to wait for the hands to do their job."

"What would you like to do while they work?" He asks, his voice trembling slightly as the pair massaging his body reach his upper chest, receiving a few grips on his pecs. I can't help but focus on his length, which is now semi erect in between his legs. "They're so... touchy..."

His cock is rather different from what I had expected. Even for his size, he seems to be larger than he should be. It's a deep purple at the base, with a half expanded knot, trailing up to a light purple to the tapered tip. It has segments along the upper side of it, with a smooth underside, looking to be a good two feet long. If I had to hazard a guess, I would need a lot of lube, and a few elastration spells to take it.

"They tend to do that, especially with larger specimens. If you'd like, we could..." I raise an eyebrow to his length and rear end, hoping I wouldn't have to explicitly say it.

"You want to... be with me?"

"Well, It's more to help release your stress."

"I think I've already had my 'stress' drained enough, Dearia..."

"Then let's make sure of it, Letty. I hear dragons can get rowdy if their stress levels are too high. And, I'm not sure if these hands are helping you."

"O-oh, trust me. They're helping me plenty..." He says, looking down at me once again.

"Hmm, then I can help them out." I respond, kneeling myself on the dragon's bed. "Now, could you raise your lower half please?"


"Use your feet to lift your hips up, to meet my own."

"Oh, o-ok... I'll try."

And try he does, doing as I say with a small shiver. I undo my trousers and undergarments, flinging them to the side while he does so. With a small grin, one that I can't hold back, I slowly jerk myself off a little, getting myself to full mast quickly. Not that I needed to assistance, watching the dragon being manhandled by the translucent hands getting me almost ready.

Taking a moment, i line myself up with the dragon's rump, grinding my length up against the cleft of his backside. Thrusting up between his warm ass cheeks, slowly angling myself against his hole, delving into his warmth. I can't hold back a moan as I slide up into the dragon's rear end, curving my upper half over his body as best I can. His cock presses up against my shoulder as I do so, the heat radiating off of it making me sweat slightly. He's a lot tighter than I had expected him to be, maybe due to how he's positioned.

"I'm... you feel good, Letty." I manage to say, huffing out softly.

"Dearia, you're actually doing it..." He responds, biting his lower lip.

Thrusting myself in and out of his rump, I try to build up a rhythm, my breath coming out harder with each one. Grabbing onto the bed underneath the dragon, I slam myself into him as hard as I can, losing myself to the pleasure. Sweat pours down from me as I fuck his body, gripping the bed tighter, gritting my teeth. Enjoying the feeling of the dragon's hole around my cock, I try to work with the dragon's body to bring myself to orgasm.

Trying to keep my motions rhythmic, wanting to keep this lasting as long as possible, even though I doubt it'll help me much. With Letty's tightness and wetness, I know it's going to be way too hard to keep myself from cumming. He's going to make it hard to make it last. My heart races deep in my chest, almost feeling it inside my throat.

"O-oh god... so good..." I moan out, the scent of dragon filling the room once again.

I press myself against Letty's front, feeling my orgasm slowly draw closer to the surface. The room around the two of us dissolves, leaving only the dragon and me on the bed, our breaths almost in rhythm together. With a few last thrusts, I fill the dragon up with my length, my seed following quickly into his hole. I pull my head back and call out into the air, giving a couple small thrusts into his body, rhythmically with the load I'm shooting into him. Although, this doesn't last too long, leaving me a huffing mess.

"Oh fuck... I really needed that..." I huff out, falling down into the bed, snuggling up against Letty, the translucent hands de-materialising from his body.

"I thought you... did it to help my stress?" The dragon asks.

"I can do both at once..."

"So... what now?"

"Now, I rest... may have a few spells in mind for later."


"Yeah," I put a hand onto the dragon's length. "I think I have a way to take this... maybe..."