Heart and Claw Chapter 5

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#5 of Heart and Claw

After cleaning themselves up, Cooper and Pearl made their way back to the entrance of the mine, reigniting the campfire and eating their fill of brahmin meat, the carcass staying preserved in the frigid cold.

"Been a bloody long time since I smelt cooked meat," Pearl started, her head hovering over the fire as she gave it a sniff. "I don't like it charred, but I can see the appeal of making the outside crispy."

"Don't you know how to make a fire?" he asked, giving her a concerned look.

"It's not that, I can just never hold those little lighters properly, y'know, because of the claws?" She held up a hand, her claws flexing in and out of their sheaths. "Same with flint and steel, burned my nails a couple times trying that out."

"I can't imagine you having trouble with delicate work," he said. "You've set up lights all throughout this mine, got your own power source, too. How'd you do all that with claws?"

"Lots of time and even more practice," she replied, watching him eat with a smile on her face. "Keep in mind I had ages and ages of practice during my time with the Enclave. Some of the higher-ups thought it was a waste teaching us things like electronics or mathematics or whatever, but just like you humans, we hybrids need a lot of stimulation to keep us occupied. That's not a euphemism by the way, even though it kinda was."

"I figured," he chuckled. "Sounds like this Enclave is pretty sophisticated if they're teaching deathclaws all this stuff."

"That's putting it lightly," she replied. "They've got tech that makes your power armour look like something out of the medieval times. Hangar bays full of vehicles, a standing army that could occupy most of the West Coast cities, armouries full of gauss rifles and laser weaponry. They're the top shit and nobody knows it, not yet anyway."

"Vehicles?" he asked. "Like cars?"

"Sorta. Imagine if you took one of those automobiles, and strapped inches of armour plating all over it, then mounted a couple of chain guns on top, that's what they have. Then there's the Vertibirds, which are like cars, except they drive through the air using rotors as propellant."

"I'd say that sounds crazy, but I'm out here treating a deathclaw den like it's a camp, so I'll believe you."

"It can be a lot more than a camp if you gave it a chance," Pearl suggested, Cooper pausing his chewing to think. It was obvious she wanted him to stay here, but she didn't want to say it out loud. The idea was certainly becoming more appealing the more time he spent here, but his dreams about living in a city like New Reno still held sway over him. Living in a dirty old mine out in the middle of nowhere didn't hold as much appeal as a cityscape, did it?

"You ever ride in one of these _aircars _or armoured vehicles?" he asked, trying to steer the conversation away.

"They're called aircraft," she chuckled. "and I haven't, wasn't authorized to go joy-riding. I did manage to sneak into a vehicle bay one night and hop in an armoured truck. There's an entry hatch on the roof and you're supposed to go in legs-first, but in my foolishness I did it the other way around and got stuck in the cab. One of the guards found me after I kicked and screamed for like fifteen minutes, had to get a couple guys in power armour to un-wedge me."

"Must have been quite the sight," he chuckled, picturing Pearl stuck with just her legs and tail visible.

"Got more than a few shocks for that one," Pearl continued. "Being banned from working on the vehicles was the worst thing, though. Engines are super cool."

"Not much out here to put those skills to use," he said. "I've only seen a handful of intact cars in my life, and never one that worked."

"Generators are the best substitute, they're similar in a few ways to an engine, but I had to read up a fair bit before I even tried making that one you saw near my nest."

"Saw a bit of your book collection before our... fight," he said, remembering the stacks of books he'd glossed over. "What are they about?"

"Oh, anything and everything!" she replied eagerly. "Romantic adventures, machining guidebooks, poetry, sciences, even a few copies of Guns and Bullets."

Cooper whistled his approval. "Those area pretty rare, couple hundred caps a piece for those."

"Ah ha, caught your interest there," Pearl grinned. "Can't blame you, I would be too if I could use guns. Wanna go check them out?"

"Sure," he said, quickly finishing up his meal. After taking a swig from his canteen, they stamped out the fire, Cooper blinking as Pearl offered him her hand.

"Come on, you can walk me back."

He didn't see much point considering it was about a minute's walk, but he humoured her, slipping his hand into hers and grabbing her by the finger, since it was a much more comfortable size than her giant palm. Despite her suggestion, Pearl took the lead as they made their way back to her room, the deathclaw guiding him past the bathing chamber, her horns just grazing the ceiling.

Once they were in her room, she brought him over to the stacks of books sitting on the ground, setting a couple of them on the nearby desk as she searched for something in particular. Eventually she found what she was looking for, slapping a thin book on the desk, a little puff of dust exploding from the impact.

"There we are, a copy and G and B."

He lifted the guidebook, the cover stenciled with an Old World handgun below the signature title. He leafed through it to a random page, the parchment slightly yellowed, but readable. Cooper knew all he needed to know about bullets, but it still felt humbling to hold a copy of the famous guidebook.

"What's that one?" he asked, pointing at another book in the stack. It was as thick as his hand if he splayed his fingers all the way out, with a blue cover.

"BBS, or Big Book of Science to the uninitiated," Pearl explained, the way she plucked the book coming off as more than enthusiastic. "This thing's got it all, from chemistry to computer science. Not a lot of it applies anymore to this day and age, but it's a good bit of light reading."

"_Light reading? _That thing's as big as your head!"

"That's the best compliment someone's ever said to me," she chuckled. She started laying out the books into rows, her gentle nature showing itself again as she kept her claws well away from scratching or ripping anything. Her chops were pulled up in an oddly human-looking smile as she watched him browse. "Feels great to finally show off my collection," she said. "my pack doesn't exactly appreciate my passion for literature, y'know?"

"You really do have everything here," he said, nodding as he appraised the tomes. There had to be at least two dozen unique books altogether, some of which he'd never seen before in his travels, the ones about poetry and fantasy being the prime examples.

"Not quite everything," Pearl corrected, Cooper watching as she reached into her cloak like some sort of shady drug dealer. From the folds of her cloak she produced a very familiar-looking handbook. He'd almost forgotten about his little gift to her.

"There," she said, placing the scout book on top of the copy of Guns and Bullets. _"It's not a preserved copy considering all those notes _you scribbled in, but it'll do."

"You'll never let that go, will you?" he asked. "Don't forget you wrote in it too."

"Wait a minute," she said, holding up a claw. "I just had this amazing idea! Why don't we make your notes into a proper thing?"

"You want to _make _a book? I'm not sure there's enough notes for a full volume."

"It doesn't have to be as big as the science book, and people like a more concise guide anyway. And if worst comes to worst, we can fill it out with drawings."

"How're we going to make it?" he asked. "We going to rub out one of your copies and use that?"

"No way are we touching those! We'll do it from scratch. I have all the tools here, and I've dabbled a couple times, it's not as hard as you might think. What do you say?"

"I... okay," he replied, Pearl's grin growing wider. "What do we do?"

"Clear the desk, but leave the handbook, I'll get some paper."

She made for the other side of the room, Cooper gingerly placing the books on the ground as she rummaged through a pile of junk noisily. He took the solitary seat behind the desk, and Pearl came over after a moment, a bundle of pens and pencils in one hand, and a stack of paper in the other. She set the objects down, then sat on the floor beside him, shuffling on the stones to get comfortable.

"You can have the chair if you want," he said, making to stand up, but she put a hand on his leg to stop him.

"I'm good, puts me at the right height anyway, sitting like this." At this angle her eyes were higher than his, but not by much. "Besides," she added. "you blew up my other chair when you shot up the place earlier."

She gestured, and he followed her extended arm towards a pile of splintered wood that might have resembled a chair at some point. He must have sniped it when he'd fired his rifle into the darkness. He mumbled an apology, Pearl bumping his arm with her elbow.

"Hey don't worry about it, it's just a chair. Now if you'd blown up my books, then I'd _really _be mad, but you got lucky."

"So how do we get started?" he asked.

"Grab a pen and start writing down your notes on a blank page," she said, nudging the paper closer to him.

"All of them?" he asked, dreading the hundreds of words he'd scribbled into the handbook.

"Well duh," she replied. "You want to fill out this book, right? Oh and try and make it legible, other people will want to read this one day if we end up making more."

"And what'll you be doing?" he asked, starting to copy over the text onto the first sheet.

"Drawing," Pearl replied, taking a pencil to another sheet and starting to trace out some lines. "Couple sketches will really put some _oomph _into it. Start thinking about what you want to put on the cover as well, a nice catchy title will go a long way."


The hunters trudged through the snowy dunes, the powder coming up to their thighs in the deepest places. The occasional wonky tree sprouted up from the sloping landscape, the brown trunks contrasting sharply with the snow, rising up like decaying fingers towards the grey sky, the air choked with a low-hanging mist the sun barely penetrated.

Their group numbered three, each of them wearing drawn hoods and long cloaks, the sleeves and scarves of their uniforms flapping like flags in the gale. The blizzard had been going strong for days now, and it showed no sign of clearing up, the group surrounded by an encroaching haze of wind.

"Where the hell is he?" one of their number called, his voice muffled by his bandana. "You think he even saw the flare?"

"Of course he did, ice-brain," one of the others said. "Got one in return, didn't we? Damn it, freezing my tits off out here..."

"Maybe if you didn't wear just leather all the time, Jade, you'd stay warmer for longer," the third of their group replied, leading the way up the next slope.

"She wears it to look like a dom," the one with the bandana snickered. "Loves it when the boys _and _the girls ogle her, don't you Jade?"

"If I was gay, I'd get twice as much pussy as you ever would, Carlson," Jade replied, and now it was her turn to laugh while the one called Carlson grumbled.

They crested the next dune, the three shielding their faces as they reached the peak, their voices carrying on the wind as they called out. When nothing appeared to happen after five minutes, Carlson snapped.

"Fuck it. Jorden, fire another flare, he's not here."

"Hold on," Jade said, pointing out to their north. "Think I see him."

They looked to where she indicated, a figure blooming into view from the snowy fog. He was clad from neck to toe in padded combat armour, painted over to match his white surroundings. He carried himself with a professional ease despite the treacherous environment he was in, Jorden giving him a respectful nod as he approached.

"Reece, there you are. We were just about to pop another flare."

"Found something interesting about our mark," Reece replied, pointing over his shoulder. "Come look."

The three followed the armoured man further into the snow, soon coming upon a clearing between a handful of dead trees. A smouldering firepit sat in the middle of a former campsite, the ring of stones partially submerged in the snow. Footprints ringed the camp in random directions, but it was hard to tell where one began and another ended.

"He's not alone," Reece explained, kneeling in the snow. "Two sets of footprints. Maybe he had a friend hang back while he went and talked to the old man."

"What'd be the point of that?" Carlson asked. "Why hide out here? We're not raiders."

"Some of us used to be," Jorden said, giving him a pointed look. "Think we can follow them?"

"Prints lead a bit to the east. Wind's hard, but we'll pick up the trail if we're quick."

"You got anything on our hired hunter?" Jade asked as the group began to walk. "You've been tailing him longer than we have, any gunshots?"

"Nope," Reece replied. "Either he's still searching, or he's dead."

"What're we planning to do with this guy, anyway?" Carlson asked, the group moving around a tree.

"What do you mean?" Jorden said, turning to look at him. "Hendrix told us to find him, that's what we're doing."

"I meant after. Let's say, hypothetically, he's somehow insane enough to bring down those deathclaws, I reckon all that reward money's better off the pockets of the _many, _not the few, if you get what I mean."

"You really are an ex-raider," Jade muttered. "You want to fight some badass who can take on a pack of those things by himself?"

"It's four on one, I'm a fan of those odds," Carlson said. "Plus we got Reece with his laser gun, that thing will slag his power armour."

"True," Reece added. "I'll expect a bigger cut if you end up relying on my gun."

"What if he hasn't found the pack yet?" Jorden asked.

"Then we'll help him out," Carlson explained. "He'll be so grateful that we came to the rescue that he'll end up letting his guard down, and when that happens..." He raised a finger and slid it slowly across his neck.

"That's assuming we take on Omega's pack and live," Jorden said. "I don't know about this, man, if Hendrix finds out we straight up murdered this _Tracker _guy..."

"We'll just say the deathclaws got him! God, it's like you guys haven't ever killed someone before. Think about the money! Three thousand caps, split between us! That's like... uh... hmm..."

"Seven fifty each," Reece said. "Could probably ask for a hazard pay bonus if we play the heroes."

"How about it, Jade?" Carlson asked, the snow whipping at his bandana. "You've gone quiet over there, what do you say? Think of all the cheap leather suits you could buy with that money."

"I can't believe I've been forced to team up with a bunch of lunatics," Jade muttered. "If you guys are stupid enough to go up against someone who didn't even blink when I told him how big Omega was, then go ahead, I'm not getting involved."

"Bigger cut for us, then," Carlson said, seemingly elated by Jade's refusal. "Just stay out of the way while we reap the rewards. This Cooper guy won't know what hit him."


"Easy..." Pearl warned, hovering over Cooper's shoulder as he fed the final length of the thread through the hole. He brought the needle between the gap in the papers, then wound it behind the nearest stitch, creating a loop in the string. "Easy!" Pearl said again.

"That's not helping," Cooper mumbled, rolling his eyes as he poked the needle back through the loop.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just so excited! C'mon, Coops, just thread that needle..."

After they'd filled out the contents of their book, they began working on the cover, cutting out two square sections of cardboard Pearl had lying around. She had used her nails to poke holes in the margins, which would serve as threading for the string that would bind the book together. She had started the first couple of stitches, pinching the needles between her two claws, surprisingly good at such delicate work. She'd let Cooper have the honour of doing the final touches, and after tying down the last loop, Cooper held out the excess string, Pearl cutting off the excess with a finger.

"Think that's it," Cooper breathed, wiping his brow as he set the needle down.

"Turn it over!" Pearl said. "Let's see how it looks!"

He pinched the front cover between his fingers, and folded it over the pages, waiting with bated breath to see if the binding would hold. There was a crease of paper, and then the hardcover turned, his flimsy needlework keeping the book in shape. Black letters were stenciled into the cover, Cooper reading them over with a grin on his face.

Gamma Season

A Hunter's Guide to the Wasteland

By Cooper and Pearl

It was outlined by little humanoid figures and sketches of yao guai and geckos, as Pearl had thought the cover could use some imagery. Cooper felt an odd sensation swim over him, one he could best describe as a kind of euphoria. He'd created this thing, as haphazard as it looked at a glance, he and Pearl had stitched together their very own handbook, and he felt proud at the realization.

"Well go on," Pearl said, nudging him with an elbow. "Open it up, let's see if the stitches hold all the way through."

He glossed into the first few pages, his movements slow and deliberate as though he was handling some precious work of art. The first couple of sections were dedicated to survival techniques, Cooper had decided, and every now and then the tips would be accompanied by an illustration where Pearl had thought it appropriate, such as a bundle of rope, or a primitive water filter. She wasn't an artist by any means, but Cooper's handwriting wasn't all that great either, yet the amateur styles strangely complemented each other.

"Looks good so far. Wait a second..." He placed a finger on the next illustration. "Is that supposed to be me?"

"What?" Pearl asked innocently. "I think I really captured your physique."

The sketch depicted a figure clad in bulky power armour kneeling in what might be snow, in the process of placing stones in a firepit. The helmet was absent, a sliver of a gruff face visible below a long tuft of hair, an unseen breeze wisping it to the left.

"Not bad for someone with claws on their hands," he said, turning the next page. The next parts were all about tracking techniques and how to save time when searching for game, all of which Cooper had tried and tested over his years out in the Wastes. The last bit of the book was a detailed bestiary containing every creature he and Pearl had come across in their lifetimes, with deathclaws included at the very end, Pearl drawing a little image of herself at the top of the entry. She'd exaggerated her proportions, like giving herself big eyes and a bright smile.

He'd wanted to add a section on how to hunt deathclaws, but his biases towards Pearl had stopped him, not to mention Pearl herself having her own problems with that. Instead, he wrote down _avoid at all costs _in big bold letters, which satisfied the _guide _part of the entry.

"This is awesome," Pearl said as she turned the book over in her hands. "I've always wanted to make something cool like this, and now we have!"

"It was pretty fun," he admitted. "How much you think this could go for at a market?"

"Cooper!" she exclaimed as if he'd just insulted her. "This thing is ours, we're keeping it, right here in the priceless section..."

She placed it carefully on a shelf mounted above the desk, Cooper noting there was only one other book there, one covered in a bright red binding. He asked her about it, and she lifted it off the shelf, handling it as though it was made of glass.

"This is my animal encyclopedia," she explained, breathing the words out in awe. "It's pre-_pre-_war, old as heck, and it has a detailed list of every known animal to have ever existed on Earth. Watch out when you open it, the pages literally come to life."

He was about to ask her what she meant, when he got his answer. The first pages were using the weight of the cover to hold a crease, and lifting the cover unfurled it, a section of the page popping out like a blooming flower. Colours burst up at him, the outlines forming some kind of strange animal with a long nose and two curving tusks, the creature taking on three dimensions thanks to the extending parchment.

"Uh, Pearl?" he asked. "This is a children's book."

"_Animal, encyclopedia," _she insisted. "It has photos, maps of where they used to inhabit, and fun facts too! Did you know that a baby elephant can walk within a day of its birth? Deathclaws can take up to three weeks and we're the top predators round here."

She encouraged him to read through it a little more, explaining each animal in turn. Lions, monkeys, giraffes, hippos, each animal looked so docile compared to what Cooper was used to seeing, even if the drawings were a little dumbed down.

After browsing for a while, he folded the book up, the blooming pictures residing into the pages, Pearl placing it beside their hunting guide. He stretched his arms over his head as he yawned, wiping at an eye as he asked: "What time is it? Might catch some lunch soon."

"Dinner, you mean," she replied, leaning back to peer down the mineshaft, no doubt using her keen senses to look for natural light. "It's dark out, maybe seven or eight o'clock."

"Really? We've been doing this all afternoon?"

"Time well spent in my book. Damn, doing bad puns again." She reached over and took him by the shoulder, pulling him into a one-armed hug, Cooper breathing in her scent as she tugged him into her bosom. "Seriously though, that was amazing. Tried making my own books a long time ago, but it's way better having someone around to help."

Her affection was contagious, and he couldn't help but wrap his arms around her to return the gesture, Pearl chuckling quietly as she placed her head on his own.

"What's so funny?" he asked, her deep voice shaking his bones.

"You. Just the other day you couldn't stand the sight of me, now you've gone hours without even batting an eye."

He guessed he'd been too distracted making the book to really think about it, but maybe that was the whole point of their little project, to get him used to her presence.

"Your arms must be tense after all that work," she murmured, moving her other hand to his neck. She pressed the pad of her thumb into where his neck met his shoulder, digging into a knot of muscle there. She'd remembered all his pressure points. He relaxed into her embrace, her soft underside pliant and inviting, the novel texture of her scales pressing into his face and neck. Sitting in one spot for hours had stiffened up his muscles, and it felt nice to have someone on hand to ease them out.

As though of their own accord, his arms began to run down her sides, her strange scent igniting a fire inside him. What was he doing, hugging this beast like she was a lifelong friend? No, Pearl was no beast, she was a thinking, intelligent person, he'd known as much already, but their afternoon of bonding had finally forced him to accept the fact.

"What's this?" Pearl cooed, angling her head around, tracking his questing hands. "Someone's getting a little touchy, and it isn't me..."

"Sorry," he said, pulling his hands back.

"That wasn't a warning, Coops, you can touch me all you want."

Her verbal permission emboldened him, Cooper settling his palms on her pinched waist, Pearl mirroring his movements as she continued her massage. He'd felt her up before, he knew her quite intimately after their encounter in the pool, so why was he suddenly delighting in the way she looked and felt, and apologizing for doing so?

His outlook on her was changing, a"d no' just visually. His heartbeat was rising, a knot that wasn't a result of tense muscles welling in his chest. He couldn't be developing... feelings for her, could he? Maybe he wasn't thinking straight, her scent was distracting him, her deft hand movements more so, his thoughts turning to mush alongside his muscles. She'd been teasing and goading him for days, was he finally starting to crack?

No. They were just friends, he couldn't fall for a deathclaw, could he? That was ridiculous. Yet a part of his mind nagged him that _he _was the one being ridiculous.

With their torsos connected, he couldn't hide the growing erection pressing into the fabric of his pants, Cooper blushing as Pearl let out a surprised gasp.

"Hang on a tick, someone's getting ready," she cooed in delight, her flippant words worming into his head as she leaned down, licking at his ear with her forked tongue. "What say you and I fool around a little? A reward for a long day's work? I've recovered after our last session..."

His body was betraying his thoughts, quivering in her embrace as she mouthed at his ear and rubbed his shoulders. If he'd been told a week ago that he'd get a hard on for an apex predator of the Wasteland, he'd have shot the speaker dead, but now here he was, with his aching member pressed so very close to her nethers, with only the layer of his pants keeping them apart. They'd been at it twice now, but something about going again felt... different, more personal.

It was just his needs, he told himself. He'd had his dick in his pants for months, and here was someone who was willing to sate his desires, that was all. They were just fooling around, like she'd said, nothing more than that.

"You got that _deep think _look on your face," Pearl whispered, winding her neck around so that their foreheads touched. "Just go with it, don't think about it so much."

His resolve crumbled, and he brought his mouth to hers, chewing on her lower lip and leaving a gentle kiss. He made to pull away, but Pearl's hand on the back of his head stopped him, the deathclaw tilting her head as she reciprocated.

Her teeth made things a little awkward, but they made it work, their tongues entwining as they pawed at each other, Cooper taking her by her slim waist while she draped her arms over his shoulders. They'd kissed once before, but Cooper had been drunk on afterglow at the time, and it had been hasty and clumsy. This time was different. He made every stroke of his tongue deliberate, wrangling as best he could with her forked tongue, his companion moaning into his throat as he stroked at the insides of her cheeks. There was no way he'd be able to compete against her oversized tongue, but Pearl reared back, intentionally letting him dictate their pace, no doubt enjoying the way he expressed his denied affection to her.

He kissed her until his lungs burned for air, pulling back with a sigh, watching as a string of their drool draped over his lap. He looked up at Pearl's face, noting that her eyes were facing two different directions, the sight eliciting a chuckle from him.

"You okay Pearl?" he asked. She blinked her eyes back into focus, her amber gaze piercing him with a fresh fire.

"Clothes off, little hunter," she demanded.

Cooper stood up and obeyed without a word, Pearl running her covetous eyes across his body as he disrobed. As soon as his pants were gone and his member bounced free, Pearl set her hands upon it, clenching his erection in a fist and giving him a single pump. His reaction was immediate, his face contorting as her wonderfully soft palms caressed his sensitive flesh.

"I could make you come all over my face again," Pearl began, giggling as he thrust his hips into her hand. "But I want to take things _all the way _this time, if you're up for it, of course."

He wasn't some fresh-faced kid, he knew what she was implying, and he wanted it. What did that make of him, exactly? He should be ashamed for even entertaining the thought, let alone desiring _to share himself with a beast. Then again, he'd already had a face full of deathclaw cum just this morning. He was already _balls deep, as one of his old friends used to say, what would be the point of backing down now? He wanted to deny her request, to put a stop to this, yet when he opened his mouth, an entirely different reply came out.

"Y-Yeah," he said, Pearl smirking as she rewarded him with another pump, his peeling foreskin sending a harsh shock up his spine.

"That's all you have to say? 'Yeah'? Ah well, I'm sure I can find something else to use your tongue for. On the chair or in the nest?" she asked, ever the blunt deathclaw.

"Nest," he said, much against his delight of feeling her fingers act like ribs against his shaft. She teased him by pulling away ever so slowly, drawing a circle on his glans with the pad of her thumb, his mind running circles as she made her movements slow, sensual.

"Good idea, might break our only chair once we get crazy."

She rose to her feet, the way she towered over him stirring up butterflies in his stomach. Pearl copped a shameless handful of his rump as she turned him towards the nest, her other hand reaching back to pluck her robe off the desk. Even after his admission, she still wanted to keep his mind at ease by concealing herself. She was driving him crazy.

"Leave it," he said. "I... want to see you. All of you."

His words came out a little more heartfelt than he wanted, Pearl giving him a radiant smile as she dropped her cloak, following him across the room. He took a seat at the foot of the sheets, Pearl following suit and rolling onto her side, leaning her head on a hand as she looked expectantly at him.

"So... how do we do this?" he asked, at a loss now that they were here. Pearl giggled, which went some way of defusing the tension.

"You know I'm a sucker for foreplay," she said. "but we can cut to the chase if you're ready. You look ready," she added, nodding at his aching junk. He wanted nothing more than to plunge his member between her legs and rut, but would Pearl enjoy that? Undoubtedly, part of him thought, but he felt oddly obliged to see to her needs.

He shimmied down the sheets, Pearl"s ta'l flicking behind her as he kneeled by her waist. He placed a hand on her scaley leg, encouraging her to lift it up, a fresh wave of her scent hitting him in the face as she exposed her womanhood.

Her underbelly scales shifted from pink to white as she caught the glow from the lightbulb, her flesh becoming more blushed as they reached her nether regions. Her exaggerated lips were swollen with excitement, Cooper resting a hand on her soft thigh as he leaned closer. Her scent was rich and spicy, and he found himself magnetized to her vulva, planting a kiss on her upper lip.

He glanced to his left, pearl's glowing eyes watching him explore her loins, one particular lash of his tongue making her arm slip out from beneath her head. She caught herself before she tumbled back, flashing him a sheepish grin. "Y'know, this isn't what I m-meant when I said all the way, but don't stop. Kiss me a little higher there... yeah just... just like that."

Her eyes swapped between lidding and opening as he mouthed at the pleated folds of her sex, the deathclaw letting slip a little gasp as he glanced at her sweet spot, the sound so unbecoming of a ten-foot killing machine.

"You don't know how long it's been since I've been gone down on like this," Pearl said, her raised leg kicking out as he used his thumb to pry her entrance apart so he could better access her tunnel. "And twice in a day too! I'm so spoiled."

Her clawed toes curled as he stroked her from one end of her labia to the other, his face quickly becoming a mess of her sordid juices, but he paid it no mind. He groped at her thighs and ass as he worked, the coin-sized scales on her inner thighs providing a wonderful texture to his roaming fingers.

Something long and chubby wound over his neck, Cooper's alarm quickly subsiding when he noticed it was her tail, its pudgy length deforming over his flesh as it tightened over his throat, not hard enough to cut off air, but enough to keep him pinned to her nethers, as if he even wanted to pull away. Her taste was intoxicating, making him energetic as though he'd just inhaled a shot of _Jet. _

He brought up a finger, brushing it over the smooth surface of her clitoris, the deathclaw gyrating her hips in response. He kissed it like he would to her mouth, nursing the marble-sized protrusion between his lips, daring to bite down on it a little with his teeth.

Suddenly, the tail seized around his shoulders like a noose, and he found himself thrown on his back against the nest, his chin dribbling with saliva and her nectar. He blinked over at his companion, who faltered as she clambered to her knees.

"That's it," she said with an air of finality. "If I let you keep going you'll knock me out again. I need you, Cooper, I need you so bad..."

She crawled towards him on all fours, the memory of her dashing towards him after he'd shot her flashing through his mind, her gaze just as predatory as it had been then. When she made to straddle him, he seized her shoulder, Pearl yelping in surprise as he rolled her onto her back, the deathclaw too surprised to resist.

"Little Cooper wants to be on top, eh?" she asked, her forked tongue arching out to wet her lips. "You do know you weigh as much as a toy to me, right? Could throw you off whenever I wanted."

"Then you'll just have to entertain me, won't you?" he asked back. Her grin grew even more predatory, but she didn't move, so he shuffled down her long body, kneeling between her outstretched legs so that their waists lined up. His knees were planted on either side of her fat tail, the inside of her legs brushing his ankles as she laid back.

He gripped his shaft in a hand, angling it towards her dripping vulva. His glans brushed up and down between her smooth lips, the heat she radiated baking his length. Pearl shivered beneath him, taking fistfuls of the blankets in her claws as he drew shapes on her puffy entrance.

"Stop teasing me already!" Pearl whined. "It's a bad idea to get between a deathclaw and her food, you know."

"Food?" he echoed.

"Just shut up and fuck me."

Cooper finally relented, taking in a breath, and then thrusting his hips forward. There was an angry circle of resistance as he opened her up, and then he broke through, entering her with a loud squelch of flesh.

Pearl threw her head back, loosing something between a groan and a hiss as her roiling walls welcomed his glans. He'd expected her vent to be a little looser than what he was used to, but there was a wonderful tightness to her silky passage, her walls sealing around his length with all the tightness of a fist, her powerful pelvic muscles helping to constrict her passage.

As colourful as Pearl's reaction to their coupling was, Cooper faired no better, doubling over as her fleshy walls embraced him, her lips flexing around his base as he hilted inside her. He groaned into her soft belly as every bristle of muscle lining her walls began to stroke the sides of his shaft with their velutinous flesh. He'd compared them to tongues before, and the description was apt, his length melting into her delicate folds as the overpowering sensations assaulted him.

"Sh-Shiiit," Pearl moaned. "That vein on the top of your dick, was that always there? It's pressing right up against my... oooohboy..."

Cooper planted his hands on either side of her torso, the soft sheets of the nest protecting him from the hard floor. He could feel her pelvic muscles flexing over him, her passage squeezing around his length, the little nodules lining her vagina spiralling around him as he throbbed in response.

Part of him was almost too afraid to move, but he leveraged his knees and gently slid his member back, exposing his length to the air until only his glans were still gripped by her hot walls. Pulling took more effort than he realised, a dizzying pressure clinging to his length as part of her flesh followed him out of her entrance. Pearl growled again as he plunged back in, impaling her, the flesh on her thighs rippling as their hips clapped together.

"Ah, oh wow!" Pearl gasped. "Feels like you're s-splitting me right down the miiiidleohthatstheticket."

Pearl was constantly moving, wriggling beneath him as though she was pinned under his weight, even though she'd said he weighed practically nothing to her. He took her hips into his hands for purchase, once more leveraging his length out of her constricting depths. "You'd think I'd be ready for how big it is," she continued. "it was in my face the other day! But seems like it's just, don't know, grown. What do you think?"

Cooper didn't answer, gritting his teeth as the rings of muscle lining her vent ribbed across his cock, squeezing in random intervals and sending sparks of pleasure up his back. A part of him almost dreaded each time he had to drive himself back into her passage, the overwhelming sensations of her reptilian entrance sliding over his shaft making him pull embarrassing faces. She was never meant to take a human dick, but the difference in anatomy brought a whole new world of sensation to the both of them, and Cooper felt a guilty sense of excitement at the fact he'd crossed a boundary he was never meant to cross.

Her pressure points were numerous, nothing at all like a human's, the shape of her vent unorthodox, Cooper feeling like he was fucking an alien. He found a slow rhythm, Pearl's doughy thighs quivering with each thrust, her hands clutching at her horns as he spread her insides apart. Each time his balls slapped against the base of her tail, a subtle ridge in her mound grew, her scales bulging, then contracting as he filled her narrow tunnel. Maybe he really _had _grown if he could bulge her like that.

The rings of muscle Inside her loins were tough, but the fleshy nodules between them were soft, the two sensations contrasting wonderfully as her wet passage massaged him from tip to shaft. He had to fight back the sudden urge to release, the novel sensations were starting to overwhelm his faculties, but he didn't want this to end so soon, if ever.

"You can get so deep _like this," she muttered. "Deep with three 'e's, but I think we can go a little deeper-_er."

She hooked her legs over his back, her powerful thighs flexing as she pulled him into her, harder than Cooper could have managed under his own power. Her unnaturally strong walls milked him as he hilted inside her, his tip reaching the narrowest reaches of her cunt. It was hard to tell over the flexing walls that encircled him, but he was sure he felt his glans rub over something hard and slimy before she let him pull back, his eyes glazing over as she used her legs to thrust him all the way inside again, her copious juices making their coupling slick and sweet.

"That's my egg clutch you're feeling," Pearl whispered, her sordid words laced with desire. "Deathclaw dicks can reach them easy cause they're long and thin, like pencils, but yours is so frickin _wide _I can't even..."

She increased their pace a little, the thought that he was pressing up against her eggs making his length shake, his thoughts a mess as he once again slathered his glans over the side of one. Needing to find something to distract himself from his nearing release, his gaze turned towards her bosom. Two deposits of fat gave the illusion of a pair of breasts, but her chest was more like that of a weightlifter, lean and developed pectorals outlined by more pink, sparkling scales. He felt compelled to touch her there, but without nipples he wasn't sure where to start.

Trying to focus on keeping his hips steady, he reached up and placed a palm on her left bosom. Blubber rose from below the scales to greet his questing fingers, but beneath that was iron muscle, shifting like cables when he dug his digits into her scaley flesh, the more sensitive tissue making Pearl moan appreciatively.

"Gotta admit," Pearl began, purring under her breath as he smothered his face in her cleavage, her rich scent filling his nose. "Thought you might back off before we could mate at the last second. Never been more glad to be wrong in my liiiifeohboy."

He answered by mouthing at where a nipple would be on a woman, Pearl chuckling as she wrapped her arms over his head, burying his face in her copious bust. With his vision blocked with scales, and his lower body wrapped in her legs and nethers, his world was now one of Pearl's pretty scales, the colours shifting from white to pink as the light from the bulb played over them. His hips pistoned in and out of her, his eyes glazing as they writhed against each other, her warm walls welcoming him with every flex of her legs. Cooper surfaced from her bosom when Pearl started to speak again, barely taking the time to breathe between each sentence.

"I don't think any 'claw has ever even thought _of a position like this," she began. "Most of us take it from the back, _mutt-style _I think it's called? Do humans prefer that? I used to have this lovemaking book years ago with all these different positions but it doesn't really work with deathclaws, all the thorns and spikes make most of them impractical. Can't remember what _this position was called. Mission-something? Missionary! How do you like being a missionary, Cooper?"

He patted her arm, and she allowed "Im t' lift his face off her chest. He gave her the best glare he could manage with his dick sheathed in her satin-soft flesh, Pearl shrugging a question at him.

"You gotta shut up, Pearl," he said, and Pearl replied with a dramatic gasp.

"W-What? It was just a question, don't humans talk when they ma-"

He didn't let her finish, interrupting her as he shoved her tongue between her parted chops, her slimy organ wrestling with his own. She cupped the back of his head in a hand, pouring her affection into every stroke, neither of them holding back as they moaned into each other. Cooper sank into her scaley body as she filled his mouth to capacity, his eyes watering as she momentarily suffocated him with her tongue. They must have gone for a solid minute as she stroked his palate, ensuring that she piled just enough of her tongue Inside that he could take, pulling away with a smack and beaming down at him.

"Fine," she began. "I'll use my mouth for... other stuff."

She pushed her snout into the nape of his neck, eliciting a gasp from Cooper as he felt her teeth sink into his flesh. There was a pinch of pain, which was quickly chased by warmth as she raked his throat with her tongue, drawing wide circles on his skin. She'd bit him, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make him feel it, diluting the pain with her saliva.

She circled his Adam's apple, her orange eyes drinking in his reaction as she repeated the fake attack, her jutting teeth catching on his skin, the pain quickly abating as she soothed him with her tongue. The last time she'd had her teeth to his throat, he'd thought he would die, but now he felt like he'd never been more aroused in his life, the way her teeth met his jugular making him feel vulnerable and sensitive, which only excited him further.

It was difficult to concentrate with a predator at his throat, but he brought up his hands, mauling at her chest, taking handfuls of her scales and feeling them deform between his digits, the harder tissue beneath her hide flexing at his greedy touch. Her next lick faltered a little, and he smirked. The darts from his syringer had struggled to penetrate her, but his fingers were able to locate her sensitive weak points, how odd...

"Faster, faster," Pearl whined, brushing her horns against his face. "I'm - ah! - getting there."

He slammed into her with a new vigour, the noises of their coupling growing in volume. She was gushing around his length, her nectar spilling to wet his balls and stain the sheets, the added lubrication allowing him to glide along her velvety walls. Her legs acted like a noose around his waist, Pearl squeezing when he bottomed-out inside her, ensuring that his glans pressed up against her eggs. They were smooth and rounded, with a texture like that of her scales, covered in a slimy coat of unknown fluid. It walled him off from her womb, the texture so starkly different from her slippery tunnel, the creases between her little tongues and the circles of muscle barraging his senses with pure ecstasy. Every time his erection flexed, her passage would respond by clenching down on him, a loop of pleasure linking the two, drawing them ever closer to their limits.

Cooper ran his hands down her waist, finding that she was slippery to the touch. He blinked, turning his head to see droplets of sweat cascading down her flanks, unknowingly exposing more of his throat to her attentions. Was she sweating? No, that was his _own _sweat raining down on her, his torso covered in a layer of droplets from all the exertion.

They were slamming into each other now, Pearl pushing back against his thrusts, the two rutting like beasts as they gave themselves over to the mounting pleasure. Her breathing grew heavier, his hair blowing back as she nuzzled his face, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as his thrusts caused her to visibly rock backward in the nest.

"A bit more," she pleaded. "Please, oh please I... I can't..."

She was just barely able to formulated a sentence, and Cooper took that as a win on his part. If he could reduce her to a mess and stave off his own rushing climax, he might be able to _bring down _Omega after all.

He parted her tight passage once, twice, three more times, every flaw and wrinkle in her sopping vent leaping out at him. On the fourth, Pearl opened her chops, crying out his name as her pelvic muscles clenched, tightening around him harder than they ever had before. Her spine arched off the floor, her struggling nearly bucking Cooper off-kilter, her legs hugging him as close to her hips as they could manage. Her insides sealed around him, her hips rocking reflexively as her orgasm crept up on her, her passage contracting in roiling waves as she gave herself over to it.

A torrent of her juices spilled around him, the milking motions of her passage sending Cooper over the edge soon after. They clung their arms around each other, questing hands sliding on skin and scale as his dick smothered against her eggs, the first rope of his ejaculate coating them in his essence. Cooper's vision flashed as her contracting walls drew out rope after rope of his emission, pleasure so raw and harsh making every bone in his body freeze up.

He shuddered as a second rope joined the last, then another. it felt like she was sucking the lifeforce out of his dick one knot at a time, leaving him a heaving mess as he collapsed on her chest, his warm semen filling her passage to capacity. He held onto her scaley torso for dear life, fearing that his climax would never end, but secretly hoping it wouldn't.

With one last spurt, he felt the familiar ache of euphoria submerge him in its sweetness. He shut his eyes, relaxing in the afterglow as Pearl held him close, the deathclaw snorting like an angry brahmin somewhere above him.

Gradually, his senses returned, and he opened his eyes as though he'd just had the best rest in his life. Pearl peered down at him from between her bosom, a warm smile on her face as she reached down to stroke his hair with her claws, his member jumping in response to her touch.

"It's better when you don't have to pay for it, right?" she asked, chuckling when his cheeks flushed.

"I'm starting to regret ever telling you that."

She laughed again, encouraging him to lie face-down on her belly, Cooper draping his arms over her slim sides as he relaxed into her scales. They stayed like that for a while longer, and then Cooper rose to a kneeling position, beginning to pull slowly out of her.

"Wait!" Pearl said, holding up a finger. "Keep it in a little longer."

His heart, and his dick, fluttered at her words, and he lowered back down, the pair laying down on their sides so that they were both comfortable, the subtle movements of their loins sending aftershocks of pleasure through their bodies. His cock was surrounded by hot fluids, a blend of their juices sticking to his shaft, forced to either leak down his thighs or be plugged against her womb.

They were quiet as they regained their strength, the afterglow warming them as much as the nest did. After what felt like hours, but what could only have been minutes, she tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned his head, meeting her gaze, her orange eyes glowing brighter.

"Looks like you finally slew me, Coops," she said, flashing him a grin. "Worth all the effort?"

"Absolutely," he replied, and she responded by bumping him with a horn, a display that must be a sign of affection for deathclaws.

"I could get used to laying with humans," she continued. "Might need to go one or two more times, though, really test out the waters, y'know?"

"Give me a second to recover," he said.

"Sounds like a _yes _to me, I knew you couldn't resist me forever."

She rolled him onto his back, placing her knees on either side of his chest as she straddled him, her body stretching to the ceiling from this angle. His length still inside her, she began to move, twisting her hips like a corkscrew as they prepared to go again.