Poem: Last Dance Of The Wolves, Their Soul Rest

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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Poem: Last Dance Of the Wolves, Their Soul Rest

Through the moon's lit sky, the wolves dance within the twilight shadows, the winds call within their souls, the air whispering its silent words which none can hear yet vision by the night creatures of moon's life.

The calls howl through the flow of time, seeming to each the heavens itself through the night sky's songs of peace, the souls of the wolves call within, wanting to return to the one who creates their hearts, their lust, and their existence.

Moon's lit sky sings its harmony of peace, the mother which creates the flow of life touches the flames of the souls, the hearts which sleep within the dark tomb, only to be awakened by its unmatched master.

The shadows of the night listen, hearing the calls which open their souls within, unlocking the everlasting love which no chain can hold.

The wanders of the night dance within the night's lit sky, the visions of path left becoming true within their hearts, the wind whispering within the flow, calling the memories once locked, but now revealed by its passion of truth within the night.

The wolves call within the night, the moon's heart opening within from the cries of peace and lust, the dancing becoming the vary road of happiness, through the shining night sky, the hearts reveal the creator, the home of their souls, the root of their existence.

The red lit flames flow within their hearts, through their souls, through the cries of their once timed arrival.

The souls dance within the light, which only the lone souls of the night vision within the never-ending chains of passion, their souls forming one, their minds becoming onto existence of their love.

Within the beautiful night's soul shines through the flows of peace, revealing the hidden light which all know yet none truly feel, the light which calls within, yet never spoken within the mind of chains.

The wolves fade within the hidden light which guides the souls within the trials of lust, the passion releasing from their flame lit souls, calling the memories of old and new, flowing within the times which non speak of yet remember within their souls.

Their souls freed of their chains which once held them bonded them within hell's everlasting pain, let the souls of new speak out their hearts, speak out their souls, let the mind ease within the sleeping tomb meant to calm within the light.

Their cries sing within the flows of peace, revealing the hidden heart which protects all yet only by their own hearts and not the chained hearts which bonded to the burning ground of the old.

Let their souls remain within the peaceful blue lit light, their hearts singging of their old flow, but creating the new flow which no past remains, which no past holds within their hearts.

The souls of wolves close their eyes, their hearts easing into peace, the passion within reflecting their once loved hearts, their hearts now sleep within the tombs of peace, the souls resting within the warmth of the creator, the light which prrotects all yet fades the darkness within the memories of new.

Let the calls of their traveled reflect within your soul, revealing the chains of past no longer bind you within the darkness within, open the doors of new and walk the path of peace.

Your soul shall never arrive alone, within the path the souls of your heart shall call, whispering the words within. You're never alone, within this heart and soul, we shall be one, our mind shall be one within this path of peace...

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