charizard earns his wings

Story by littledragonprince on SoFurry

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Charizard earns his wings

M/M pair. Dragons,chubby,anal,semi rape,mulitple,oral.

Dont read if u do not like scat,fart,chubby,dragons,or furries.

..........{bang} "rawrs" charizard is getting fucking hard in his ass. "another one?" says Nidoking.

"groains..yes fuck me hard" charizard replies. "slam!" "groands louder and raawrs" You liek that dont u big guy! nidoking continues fucking chairzard sideways. (lol fuck me sideways)

"hmp hmpd hmpf hmpf.." as nidoking hoast the tail and pulls in to force his large cock deep into the ass he so much loves. "bang bang bang." You..been a baaaaaad dragon...and..."hmpg" gonna..hmpf...teach..hmpf..u a lesson HMPF.. Nidoking plowing charizard hard anf fast. His ass already had cum coming out from the last two orgasm from nidokin.

WHATS your fav color,charizard? "moans"

WHAT? i cant hear u! "bang"

PUPLE its purple!-charizard

Thats right! "slams the cock so hard into charizard large rectum,it made him shoot cum on to the cave floor." Dont cum yet charizard i wanna have more fun!

ill try not to -charizard

BETTER..oh shit here i go! "uhaaaaaaaaaa ooooo fuuuuuuck.." and nidoking again cums in to the tailhole of charizard. my, take it big ass take it! Cum ills to the brim in charizards ass. The cum was so thick that it stuck between the cheeks and tail causing a delay in rectal relfex from the orgasm.

"rawwwwwwwwwwwwwr" as charizard starts cumming too,pools of cum leaks everywhere. Together both nidoking and charizard made a small lake of cum that was filling the cave floor.

Nido slides his dick out of charizard used and abused ass.

I TOLD you not to cum! BAD DRAGON!

nido takes charizard head and pushes in to the cum. now "eat it!"-nido

"yes master" so charizard licks up the pool of cum.

Guess what charizard,im still horny. I need to leave and get some special berries that will help me cum harder in you. ill be back in 15 min. Since u are tied up,u will have to just sit there and wait till i return. i expect u also have this cave cleaned spotless or there will be dire punishment! Is this crystal clear charizard?

"yes master..."

GOOD! i will return soonand nidoking takes off leaving chairzard chained up and to clean the floor with his tongue. Charizard must have been fucked a good 70 times this entire week. As nidoking said: "aint nothing better then a steaming hot plate of chard ass to fuck!"

Good lord charizard been fucked a good ten times a day! wow this nidoking loves lots of sex. especially with a big guy like charizard.

"slurp slurp" charizard cleans the floor with his tonge,making sure to get all the drops too.

"ow" charizard wimpers as he feels pain in his ass.The pounding was so tough that it tore his large anus too. He grabes his butt feeling it with his finger to see if there was blood or any odd smelling chemical. He brings his claw up to the nose and takes a look,then smells and taste.

"sniff sniff"..ewa. It smells like dung. Well charizard wasnt bleeding,but the burning sensation was air escaping the rectum. Including his large lumps of feces.

"oh..i need go bathroom i cant hold it mch longer,but im tied up" says the adolescent charizard.

"ooo..damn.." charizard griped his anus together and held his hand there..but it wasnt working much,small clumps of terds escaped. He tried to tuck his tail underneath,still not enough. He sat hard on the floor,trying to hold it in. But little by little the pressure build..he was about blow.

"im back fuck toy! ready for round 5?" says nikodin.

"hey why isnt this place cleaned up! and why does it smell all of sudden of brimestone and sulfur. What are u hiding behind ur tail,show me!" nidoking approaches the scared charizard,popping in one of the burries for extra sexual potency.

"no,nothing! please stay back..i c-cant hold it much longr..."

"hold what?"

"no..dont come here!"

"now show me what u are hiding now!"

"mnm! nodding his head in a left right direction"

"you ask for it!" nidoking took the tail of charizard and lifted it up..and within few moments..a huge release of gas and bown merky shit flew out from udnerneath. The smell was not so bad,but bad enough to be gross.

"wuhaaaaaaaa!" nidoking was thrown back and covered in the great beast waste.

"what the?..." nidokin stood there covered in shit and smelled like a thousand piles of cow manuer.

"you filthy degenerat beast! now now... now! im gonna kiss you..all over!" says nidokin in a laughing manner.

"haha wow! i never thought that this would happen. u got gots! alot of it too! to make this kind mess,i am sop proud of u!"

Charizard was shocked and also somewhat happy. Nidoking was in fact liking this accident.

"your..not md?"

"hey kid! it takes alot guts to make this kind mess! and if anything i always wanted to see how far i can push ya to test ya! to see how strong u are. now u have delivered what i wanted,u have earned ur wings!"

says nidokin licking the feces off his body.

"raise ur tail,charizzard i wanan finish this now. while im horny for you"

Charizard raises his tail. Clumps of char shit hung and spilled over from the erect anus opening.

"thata boy! u like that..?" nidoking started to lick the big ass of dragon.

"mmm ooo yea...." charizard cries in pleasure.


"nidoking took a fresh pile of dung from inside the ass and started eating it, my place charizard dung is the highest food u can get!

Charizard wa embaressed too. But also happy..he made his new master happy. a whole week of testing and now he proven his worth.

"ok now for the finally" nidoking stood charizard tail high up and pushed his hard cock into the creamy gooy ass of char.

"in and out..hmpf hmpf hmpf that..hmpf" as nido pumped his cock good and deeep into the wide dragon ass.

"what a ass! i truyl respect ya beast!"-nido

Charizard eyes closed feeling the intense pulsing sensation of loving nido cock inside.

"oh yea..greets teeth"

"oh fuckl yes!" pumping harder into charizard large oversized body,and ass.

"o okay here i cum again..cum with me too charizard."

"uh..oh fuck..holy shit.. sploooooooooooooooooooooooosh" as nidoking sucessesfuly fills charizards large butt with hot extra hot cum. "adn again..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" nidoking again shoots more cum into the ass,some of it shot hard it filled charizrd stomach up too.

"groans." "raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr" charizard cumming many times also. more then everbefore. This was the first time he actually felt loved,by a cock.

"oh i ...i think i love you" nido says.

"groaning and being filled constantly from cum",charizard replies in grateful tone thanks,dad.

"my son..has earned his wings!"

after several min of cummin together,the cave was more then a little sticky. The walls covered with the scent of cum and shit.

"your not longer a kid,your a man now!" nido says sliding his dick out in exhaustion.

"thank you,dad" tells charizard.

They end up fallin asleep,charizard fisrt and then nidoking. Both loped ontop eachoher like a good couple.

this was charizards best fuck of his life.

charizard earns his wings. M/M

M/M pair. Dragons,chubby,anal,semi rape. Dont read if u do not like scat,fart,chubby,dragons,or furries. ..........\{bang\} "rawrs" charizard is getting fucking hard in his ass. "another one?" says nido. "groains..yes fuck me...

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dragon wagon

Dragon's wagon. Read if your into the following: fat, dragons, scat, fart, feederism, messy, bad writing. Do not read if you do not like the above. No immature comments. Beginning. Timmy the dragon...

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