Trip to Remember

Story by Rotten730 on SoFurry

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Trip to remember

The hustle and bustle of the party going on below could be heard, albeit muffled by the carpet covered floor. Scorpiious and a few others had taken advantage of one of the many rooms within the spacious mansion offered to use as a way to sleep off the drunken fun of the party below. The room the people had gathered in was alive with activity of it's own. A wolf and fox couple had moved off to one corner of the room and were talking amongst themselves. A tiger and hyena where having a conversation with a very cute vixen. Both males seemed to be making successful advances on her as they got closer and let there paws get comfortable on each of her thighs.

Scorpiious paid them no mind as he was past the glass pipe filled with a new herbal drug mix. After a little round of poker Scorpiious was made to take a long hit of the bong. He was told it was a powerful hallucinogen and he was the guinea pig. Scorpiious probably knew it was a bad idea, but was so intoxicated with alcohol that he would of done just about anything without a second thought.

"Alright Scorp, you got to breath it all the way in and hold it for fifteen seconds." Someone to his side said.

"Whatever, let me just do it." Scorpiious responded as he brought his muzzle toward the bong's opening.

Someone to his side struck a lighter and put it above the bowl. Scorpiious pressed his muzzle to the smoke chamber and began to inhale. The water bubbled as the mind altering smoke entered the chamber, filling it entirely. Scorpiious could feel the tickle and harshness of the smoke, the water doing little to smooth it out. He breathed out of his nose as the bowl was taken out of the bong allowing Scorpiious to inhale all of the mind altering smoke into his lungs. He gave someone the glass bong as he held his breath.

It wasn't very long until he started to feel the effects of the drug. Soon he began to see distortions in the world around him. Soon his vision blacked out, it slowly faded to black like the light from the lamps where slowly being dimmed. Soon the light began to fade back up and as his vision became clear again. The room was relatively empty as if no one had been their with him. The only people who remained were the tiger and hyena who appeared to be asleep on the couch. Perhaps exhausted by a satisfying three way. Scorpiious chuckled to himself and figured the effects of the drug only knocked him out. Still he cursed to himself as his supposed friends had left him alone in a strangers house, a large mansion of a house none the less. He stood up and wobbled a little, almost falling back on his rump. But he didn't and he continued to walk out of the spacious room and out into the hallway.

He poked his head out of the doorway and looked left and right. The hallway stretched far to the left and far to the right, it reminded him of a hotel. Doors on both sides of the hallway leading to similar bedrooms. He padded out into the hallway and began walking to his right. He past by one then two sets of doors. The muffled sounds of the party that had been going on downstairs now completely gone. He reached the exit of the hallway and looked a head of him and into darkness. The long spiraled staircase seemed to just descend into complete darkness. Scorpiious stopped in his travels and looked back behind him and down the secluded hallway.

His eyes then traveled to the red door on his right. He could sense something was amiss or at least had a feeling that something wasn't right about the door or bedroom behind it. He soon could hear soft moans come from the room. With a smirk of curiosity he moved his head to press up against the wooden door. His black, white and tinted maroon, pointed ears pressed up against the door. He could hear nothing at first, but as his ears became more focused he began to hear the sounds of rhythmic thumps and then wet sloshing noises accompanied by soft moans. Scorpiious blushed and grinned cutely as he listened to the unknown people having sex. After a few minutes something broke the pattern of noises. A feminine squeal accompanied by soft, wet gurgling could be heard. Scorpiious then heard soft movements as the gurgling noise began to get louder and louder as if becoming closer and closer. He then heard what sounded like fur ruffling against the painted surface of the door. The gurgling had stopped and he couldn't hear any more movements.

Scorpiious put all of his attention into hearing what was going on behind close doors, so much so that the feel of something cold touch his foot paws startled him. He yelped softly and jumped back away from the doorway. He looked down at the base of the door and found that a pool of crimson blood had began to pool and stain the tan carpet. It was then Scorpiious feared he had heard someone being murdered. That however didn't scare him as much as watching the blood seem to crawl along the floor. The blood even crawled from all around the closed door and spread across the victorian wall paper like fingers. The red liquid spiderwebbed out and soon covered the entire wall and ceiling. The blood along the ceiling began to drip down and onto Scorpiious who was paralyzed with shock.

Soon the door began to bend and bow outward before flexing back in before repeating. The wood creaked under the stress of the flexing as the door seemed to breath. The crimson blood, began to coat Scorpiious's fur greatly as it fell from the stucco covered walls. Soon the door in front of him bowed outward farther then it had before. The paint on the door began to crack revealing the white wood covered beneath. More and more of these cracks formed until with a loud bang the door shattered and exploded outward toward Scorpiious. He was able to cover his face with his paws before the sharp splinters had time to contact his skin. His arms shielding his eyes from dangerous, needle like shards. A large chunk o wood hit him on the forehead and knocked Scorpiious unconscious.

The room Scorpiious had awaken in, sounded large and hollow. The darkness overwhelmed his vision, so much so that he wondered if his eyes were actually blinded by the blast. Scorpiious tried to remember the events that had lead up to this point in time but was brought out of though as a disembodied voice caught his attention.

"Thank you for inviting us in." A very masculine voice could be heard as it pierced the darkness.

Scorpiious was startled as the voice sounded close to him. He swung a paw in the direction of where he thought the voice had come from. Violently, it slammed and cracked on something hard. There was a quick and sharp stab of pain before a dull throb of pain shook up his arm and to his brain. He yowled softly and cursed as he stumbled through the darkness.

"Hello! Where are you, why can't I see..." Scorpiious called out to the disembodied voice as he felt his way through the great darkness.

His paws, cautiously out stretched in front of him, soon found a wall but not one found in a house. The texture of it suggested that it wasn't the canvas covered walls of the mansion, which disturbed Scorpiious even more then the bloody encounter he had just gone through. The wall felt wet and rocky, strong and unyielding to the pressure he was putting against it. He stopped putting pressure on the wall when he felt another pop and mind numbing pain that originate from his hand. The cool stone gave no relief to the agony as he moved it away from the wall. The air was humid, like his own breath and stood still within the echoing cavern. He brought his battered paw to his nose and took a sniff. He could smell iron and to confirm his suspicions he took a lick and found that he could taste blood. Motivated by the newest revelation, he began to move faster. The need to find a way out and get help was at the forefront of his mind.

"Where the hell am I?" He thought to himself. Feeling through the darkness cautiously, his paw hit what felt like a dead end. He felt around for a bit and found an opening on his right.

"Help! I've hurt myself," he yelled as he stumbled through the dark tube of a cave, "I've hurt myself."

"C...corruption draws us. All who visit and die are ours to enjoy." A raspy and strained voice called from the left of him. Much different then the first, he also could hear subtle familiarity in the tone of the voice.

Scorpiious paused in the darkness when he tried to hear where the voice had come from. It sounded to come from all around him, like the walls where talking. Finally he pressed on feeling his way along the wall. He began to hear soft whispers and murmurs that echoed off the walls. They began to get louder and louder until Scorpiious's ears couldn't handle them anymore. He clenched his pointed canine ears to the flat of his head in an attempt to shut out the noise. But the sound, which had turned into a scratching and screeching noise seemed to penetrate him to the core. He took another stumble and found that the floor took a steep decline. He lost his footing and fell and slid down slanted dirt floor. He hit the bottom of the brutal chute with a painful thud. His legs took most of the impact and throbbed as they threatened to shatter, but didn't. Scorpiious sat in the darkness as he regained his composure panting and hyperventilating.

"You can do this Scorpiious, perhaps it is just party guests way to have fun with the new guy..." He tried to rationalize.

A soft glow of, fire perhaps, could be seen slowly grew in the distant darkness. Guided by the light Scorpiious shakily got to his knees, then to his feet as he limped toward it. As he did he became more aware of the dirt and rock covered ground. Every now and then his bare feline feet would kick at a stone causing slight discomfort, his black claws chipped as he stubbed his toe on a hard stalagmite.. The glow became stronger and the flicker of the light became more and more evident. Soon he rounded a corner and found a wooden oak desk lit by an oil lantern. It was an odd piece of furniture to see especially in the current location.

The bright light illuminated the stone wall, which glowed a soft orange hue from the lantern's light. Patches of the wall glimmered with small crystals and minerals. Scorpiious couldn't hear nor sense anyone within the underground cavern and found that disturbing as the light wasn't there before. He watched it grow as if someone where lighting the lamp and calibrating it for a nice large flame within the hurricane glass. He walked closer to the desk and noticed a few dust covered papers strewn across the desk top. His eyes explored the soiled papers and discovered house plans of the victorian mansion. But what surprised him most was what was under the detailed drawing of the mansion. Something that appeared to be a map through a series of of caverns. The cavern directly under the house was titled "Darkness". Below that cavern another was found, it was titled "Shifting stones". He continued to follow the route as each cavern became stranger and stranger, the very last and deepest underground was titled "The Gate".

His paws moved to shift the undisturbed blueprint aside and revealed the other papers and their subjects below. Titles that talked about demons, gateways to hells, newspaper strips of articles whose subject involved mysterious disappearances in the cave system and the suspected relation to the mansion atop the hill. Scorpiious was deeply entranced with the strange papers and was startled out of his explorations as a sudden gust of wind blew through the cave. The lantern's flame flickered and threatened to go out before calming as the strange gust suddenly vanished just as quick as it appeared. The air returned to being still and the flame stopped it's flicker. The air, eerily still returned to being thick and humid. Scorpiious picked up the oil lantern on the desk top and began to walk back where he had fallen from. To his surprise the slopped surface was no longer there, a tall wall of stone and stalagmites in it's place.

He walked back toward the desk and found everything as he left it. As he began to walk away from the strange desk. A feeling of being watched gnawed at the back of his mind. He looked back toward the wooden desk from time to time as if to maybe catch anyone who may be pulling an elaborate prank on him. The desk seemed to slowly become devoured in darkness. It may have been his imagination but he thought he could see the dark shadows extended like arms and crawled across the stone. He looked back as the tendrils of darkness seemed to swallow the desk and strange artifacts. Just before the old wooden desk would disappear completely he saw what appeared to be a big anthro tiger with orange glowing stripes and black base fur. The anthro sat with his legs up against his chest. He appeared to be leaned on the closest side of the desk, an unsettling grin across his muzzle.

Scorpiious paused his steps and looked back and focused in on what he thought he saw. The darkness now shrouded the strange manifestation of imagination. He wondered to himself if it was a trick of the light, no it appeared to solid he thought. He decided to go back. He began to walk at a brisk pace back to where the desk was. But to his shock and horror, the desk had vanished, the only hint that the object was there was a single piece of paper. He leaned down and looked at the paper, his long pointed ears flicked as he read what was written on the paper. In bold, scarlet ink, letters it read "Ours to play with." Just as he finished reading, he heard rapid movement of something large and heavy move toward him. He jumped and fell back on his rump and dropping the lantern, which shattered and flared fiercely as the oil was spilt and set alight.

After he regained his composure he found that the walls of the cave, tall and imposing, had closed in around him. He was now in a boxed room created by the stone. The raging oil fire warmed his black and maroon further, which caused a thin film of sweat to begin to form on his skin. Surrounded in the strange, humid and stagnant room with only the lantern and discarded paper, Scorpiious began to panic. The thought of never getting out of the humid and stuffy chamber, didn't settle on his mind very well. It took him several minutes of hyperventilation before he noticed a hole in one of the walls. It was a bit higher then his head, which prevented him from getting a closer look. He couldn't see how deep it was but he felt it was his only way out of the cage of stone. The paper still clutched tightly in a paw was covered in his blood from the wound, a gash, across his knuckles deep enough to expose the white of bone below. He threw it away as he turned and began to hoist himself up and into the hole. He sure as hell wasn't going to starve or possibly get squashed by the strange moving cave walls.

His eyes had adjusted to the light of the lantern made the dark even darker as he began to army crawl through the dark and tight passage. His hips, shoulders, head and back all hit and ground against the rough stone. It wasn't every day he was thankful for the jeans he wore, but then again it wasn't every day that he was forced to go spelunking. After several minutes of crawling, Scorpiious could see a subtle green glow ahead of him. Soon he could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Soon he could see the exit of the tight tunnel. He crawled farther until his head, arms and shoulders had passed through the exit of the passage. He breathed a sigh of relief and enjoyed the relative freedom of movement.

The flame light flickered green against the walls as he looked around the room. His eyes caught something in the corner. It was short and quick, the black mass seemed to shoot across the floor and down into another passage. It spooked Scorpiious a bit, but he figured it was some sort of animal. He continued to wiggle into the wide room as he used the divots and pits in the walls to steady himself. His shirt had ripped, which exposed his black fur. The maroon tints washing out in the light. He wiggled until he couldn't move anymore. The way he had pulled himself through wedged his hips in the unforgiving and unyielding stone hole. He pulled painfully and whimpered as his hips were squeezed. He tried to back himself back out, but due to the lack of something to grip he could do nothing but wiggle. Panic began again.

His body fought and wiggled trying to dislodge itself from the hole. A strange wind began to flow again and the strange scratching noises appeared behind Scorpiious. It sounded to be coming from the room he was just in. Fear swept through his body as a blood curdling shriek echoed loudly through the passage. It most definitely wasn't an animal but certainly was coming from behind him. He squirmed in distress as the air ran swifter through the tight passage and past his body. An unsettling scent hit his nose, the smell of rotting, putrid flesh, the smell of death. In a last ditch effort he shoved and banged his paws on the jagged rock to force himself out. The sounds of clawing behind him grew louder and louder until, thud, crack. He heard nothing more.

Scorpiious dislodged his body, which quickly fell out of the passage and hit his head on the hard stone floor below. He passed out in a slump, probably for the best. What crawled out of the whole was a large swarm of black tarantulas. Their bodies covered the cave's surface completely as they spread out along the walls. They crawled over the passed out body, layering Scorpiious with the hairy legged spiders. The sounds of skitters filled and echoed in the room as the spiders began to move and collect in a sort of pile near by Scorpiious. Soon the pile of spiders began to bulge upward and take on the shape of a figure. Slowly the spiders began to vanish as grey and short fur began to appear. Soon the swarm became smaller and smaller and more of the being underneath began to be revealed. A grey and black hyena with four spider leg like, purple stripes that started near the edges of his abs and wrapped behind his back, which stopped at the edge of the opposite side of his tummy. The last of the spiders vanished some place on the back of the hyena. The large spiders could be seen squiggling under his skin and into the hyena's body. The last spider was strange in it's color, unlike the other spiders it was a fluorescent blue and glowed brightly. It didn't dig into the skin on the back but instead moved to the hyena's opened jaw and slid into his mouth. A soft crack could be heard as the hyena male rolled and stretched his body. Black and emotionless scleras with magenta irises focused in on the past out cat, canine mix.

He sniffed the air and grinned toothily, his yellow pointed fangs showing in a wicked smile. He began to stretch his reformed body and fixed his spiky mane. His dirty claws combed through his hair and combed the greasy fur back. With a hissing laugh. He began to talk to himself as he approached his prey and prepare him for transportation.

"Oh how I love to get my prey saturated, no, marinated in fear." He laughed loudly, cackling like an excited hyena. Each cackle echoing off the wall as if thousands of hyenas were answering his laugh.

The hyena walked toward Scorpiious and leaned over him. A cold paw was placed upon Scorpiious's head. His dark claws extended and gripped the head firmly uncaring about his sharp tipped nails digging into the flesh. He moved and jerked the head as he inspected Scorpiious's body like a piece of meat.

"Hmm a little pre tenderizing," he thinks to himself as he observed some of Scorpiious's blood mat the top of his head, "Not that I mind. To bad I have to share you, with that asshole Azrael. Always insisting I go out and do all the dirty work. It's okay though I'll make sure that pussy gets thoroughly wrecked later."

He pushed Scorpiious flat on his back, earning a low mutter that went unheeded by the hyena. He put his catch's arms by his sides tucked in close to the body. The hyena's cold eyes looked up and down Scorpiious's body as if studying or was it fantasizing what he was going to do with his body? He placed the flat of his palm over Scorpiious's heart and felt the organ continue to beat at a calm rate. He grinned and thought about what things he could do to the poor feline hybrid to make his heart explode or at least come close to it. The hyena lifted his palm from the chest. Attached to Scorpiious's shirt was long strands of spider silk that extended from the hyena's paw to his body.

He began to turn and roll Scorpiious's body as he wrapped him in the sticky and strong web of a spider. Within minutes, the expert hands and manipulations of the hyena had Scorpiious's body completely wrapped in a cocoon of spider silk except for the head. The hyena pulled more of his spider silk from his palms and made a sort of strap out of it. Satisfied he hefted Scorpiious bound body onto his back like a quiver. Right as the hyena was about to leave the green lit room Scorpiious's head rolled as he began to regain consciousness.

"Wha...what's happening? What going on?!" He exclaimed as the semi familiar surroundings greeted his eyes. He began to struggle in the pouch of web, the spider silk sticking and unmoving as it held strong.

Scorpiious soon could smell the familiar scent of rotting meat as well the heated breath of the hyena as he turned his head to look at Scorpiious. Scorpiious's sapphire eyes met with the hyena's. His grin seemed wider on his muzzle. His jaw open and with a display of excellent flexibility bit down on the exposed black neck. The sharp fangs sunk into the flesh drawing blood as the hyena injected him with potent venom. The hyena's drool bubbled on Scorpiious skin as it ate away the fur and blistered the flesh. The feel of each of the fangs piercing the skin felt like a thousand bee stings each. The pain was mind numbing even after the hyena let go of his deadly bite. Scorpiious's body convulsed involuntarily. He was paralyzed as he felt the pain from the bite spread throughout his body. It soon felt like every nerve in his body was being held against a hot flame as the venom worked it's magic at manipulating the nerve endings. After a few seconds of agonizing pain, his body went limp and unresponsive to his brain as if an off switch was flicked.

The hyena licked his lips as he began to walk out of the cavern and into the darkness of the caverns once again. As he walked he replied to the still conscious Scorpiious's question, "It's the beginning of the end for you."

Scorpiious didn't know when it happened but he found himself awakening. The heat in the new room was almost unbearable. A sheen of sweat covered his skin under his dark and exposed fur. His clothes long since discarded. His eyes, wide as saucers, darted around the room but all he could see was the ceiling. A rocky ceiling that proved that Scorpiious had not dreamt the events that had taken place up to this moment in time. He tried desperately to move his head but found he could not move at all.

A deep baritone voice came from out of sight, "Seems you are awake now, I'm glad." Scorpiious could feel a sharp prick at his foot or at least he thought it was his foot. The pain from the pinch came somehow from his entire body. He yowled and then tried to speak but couldn't, his mouth moved but no words could come out. Soon he found his upper half lifting by itself as his body sat up and off of the hot stone. Scorpiious could now see his entire body, naked and exposed for the two demons in the room. He found something strange with his fur as orange stripes, like those of a tiger, covered various parts of his body. They glowed and seemed to move or rock back and forth in the second dimension as if part of Scorpiious's own fur. He could also now see the hyena demon and the one he assumed was Azrael.

Azrael appeared to be some sort of bengal tiger but had completely black fur. His eyes where much like the hyenas with black scleras and bright orange irises. He had a strong and well built body that contrasted the hyena's body, which was thinner and more streamlined but still built like stone. Unlike the hyena the tiger seemed to have more decency as a loincloth that appeared to be the flayed flesh of some animal, hung from his muscular waist.

Scorpiious body moved as the tiger made a "Come here movement" with one of his outstretched fingers. Scorpiious slid off the slab of stone and stood up and moved between Azrael and the hyena,

"A fine prize you've found Algador, where'd you get him?" Azrael the tiger inquired.

"Wasn't hard to find him. He was the least corrupted among the group of people at that annual party at the mansion. When I curved that card game and seduced him into excepting that bet, it was easy as pie. That stupid horse who made that pseudo drug neglected to realize that mix of plant matter was actually horribly deadly." The hyena spoke slowly and confidently as he walked around Scorpiious's body.

"The cat dog thing, looks good for being dead." Algador complimented as his paw moved to Scorpiious's mouth.

His thin fingers slid between the lips and wiggled around the hot mouth. Scorpiious could feel the finger move and violate his mouth. He couldn't make a sound or even control his body. Scorpiious was nothing but a puppet for the two demons. Algador yipped, as the tiger stripes upon Scorpiious's head glowed bright fallowed by the feel of the sharp teeth of Scorpiious's mouth close against his fingers drawing a bit of his poisonous blood. The hyena's blood charred and burned the inside of Scorpiious's mouth, groaned in pain as the two demons heckled each other. Algador, snapped his head toward Azrael.

"Don't stick your fingers in the cookie jar," Azrael teased as he manipulated his disembodied stripes to control Scorpiious's body.

"Very funny.Now would you please loosen his jaw so I can remove my fingers? I got your...Eeeeyowow that smarts." Algador twisted in pain as the tiger controlled Scorpiious's jaw to grit and saw into his fingers.

The hyena growled angrily as he ripped his fingers from within Scorpiious's mouth. His skin scraping off as his bare ebony bones were exposed. The flesh staying within Scorpiious's mouth, ate away at his teeth and gums. Scorpiious's body stood, completely out of his control as the pain of the acid blood and flesh ate at the enamel until it reached the nerve endings of his teeth. Algador clutched his paw in pain his own blood dripped onto the stone floor as it sizzled and dissolved the rock. His eyes looked up at the tiger, filled with raw anger. But soon his look softened into a more devious grin. The blood flow from the paw stopped as his skin began to heal itself until his hand regenerated the skin.

He heard the deep grumbly groans of Scorpiious's pain like music, then the moan from his tiger partner. The visual look of pleasure on Azrael's face. Azrael walked behind Scorpiious, his strong chest pressed up against his back. His body heat much more then what a normal being would be. Scorpiious's foxish tail hung lifeless between his legs as the tiger began to paw and scratch over his chest. The sharp claws of the tiger ripping into Scorpiious's flesh. Scorpiious could only pant as the irony taste of blood coated the inside of his mouth.

"Mmm I am going to have lots of fun with you," he leaned in closer to one of Scorpiious's ears and whispered, "Your pain brings me pleasure." Soon after the tiger whispered those words, Scorpiious felt a sharp and burning pain in his abdomen. His eyes wide in pain as he felt the tiger's dagger plunged into his body. He soon became aware of the hyena in front of him. He looked at Algador, who had a grin ear to ear.

"Now that is a nice little twist tiger, syphoning this kids pain through your stripes and converting it to pure pleasure for yourself." Algador complimented the tiger behind him.

Algador moved in closer until his entire front was pressed against Scorpiious's front. His paw took hold of the Azrael's dagger and twisted it in the wound. The tiger moaned as Scorpiious suffered the agonizing pain. Soon he pulled the dagger from Scorpiious's side, which began to bleed out and coat the hyena's grey fur.

"You don't need a real blade to cut him up and you know that Aze. Why don't ya let your stripes go on auto pilot while we enjoy the show of sacrificial pleasure for us. No need to get our fur, further soiled by this mortal souls blood." Algador spoke as Azrael listened understanding what Algador meant.

Azrael moved away from Scorpiious's back and moved to give Algador a firm kiss to the lips before pulling him to the stone slab. Scorpiious's body turned and followed the two demons as they settled upon the slab. Scorpiious became aware of the feeling of movement as the stripes began to crawl across his skin, glowing as they did. Soon a stripe near his left pecs slithered and burned. It seemed that the edge of the stripe had dug under his skin and began to slice down like a deli slicer. It sliced through nerves, meat and flesh until part of Scorpiious's skin fell from his body and onto the floor below. The red glistening meat exposed to the hot air. He heard a loud moan from the slab as the tiger had lost his loincloth. The tiger's shaft long and thick much like the hyena's was drooling pre. It throbbed and shot a stream of clear pre come as another stripe began to strip and slice away another patch of meat from Scorpiious's body.

It wasn't long before the sound of grunts and copulation echoed off the stone wall. The tiger's moan paralleling the intense feel of pain as his stripes continued to cut and slice away patches of Scorpiious's body. His black fur soon matted with blood as his body was speckled with dots of exposed flesh and muscle. One of the stripes even snaked it's way down toward Scorpiious's ball sack. It's sharp edge sliced into the thin skin slicing it open. One of his testicles rolled out and hung by the spermatic chord, exposed to the air. The stripes continued the mutilation for several minutes, all the while the demons fucked. Their eyes however, never left Scorpiious mutilated body. The ground below Scorpiious had a layer of blood and a pile of flesh, fur and muscle.

The intensity of the two demons in coitus seemed to intensify the brutality of the demonic tiger stripes. Soon the stripes began to cut away at Scorpiious's fingers. The edges of the stripes sliced and cut at the bones until each of the digits where cut off from his paws. His face had regained a bit of control as he found he could scrunch his face. His teeth completely gone and gums bloodied. His drool was red as he panted trying to shut out the immense pain of being mutilated without any anesthetic. The stripes began to cut into Scorpiious's arms. They sawed and sliced through the tendons and muscles until they severed them completely off in tandem. The arms, severed about half way up the forearms. His meat and muscles flared out like ground beef as they glistened with a fresh sheen of blood.

It was amazing that Scorpiious didn't pass out from the excruciating pain. Perhaps just another surprise from the tiger's stripes. Scorpiious soon felt the pain in his abdomen again. One of the stripes dug and began to slice open his abdomen. One of the other stripes began to slice the center of his chest vertically toward his head. The other stripes began to move toward the slits and began to do something even stranger. They stretched away from his body as if they were tendrils. They pressed into the slits and hooked under the skin of Scorpiious's chest. In a painful crescendo they ripped and pulled the skin away from his body exposing his organs. His intestines succumbed to gravity and fell from his chest cavity, the rest of his guts soon to follow as he was thoroughly eviscerated.

As Scorpiiou's body was torn open and hollowed out Algador and Azrael had reached their peeks. At some point during their macabre ritual of sex and selfish killing they had transformed. Algador's stripes had peeled away from around his torso and had turned into long and fragile looking wings. His spiky magenta mane had turned into two thick horns that followed the curve of his head. His face and body had taken a more beastly and feral form. Azrael too had grown two horns that grew downward and forward before curving up. Each of the demon bodies had grown larger and even more muscled. Steam rose from both of their groins as their cum sizzled and boiled on the stone. Algador was the first to stand and walk toward Scorpiious.

His cock swung confidently as he waded through the blood and guts of the cat hybrid. The last bit of mutilation proved to be to much as the sapphire eyes remained open wide and clouded over with death. His mouth hung open as his head slumped forward drooling his blood from his muzzle. His empty body held up only by the tiger's glowing orange stripes. But that was short lived as the tiger's stripes glowed and dissolved off the black and matted fur and appeared on the tiger's own black fur. Scorpiious's body released from the tiger's control collapsed into a heap among his own organs.

Loud laughing and people yelling his name soon graced Scorpiious's ears as he began to slip out of his high. He found himself on the floor, his nose against the soft carpet as he quickly snapped out of his hallucinated world. One of the furs grabbed him by the shoulder and yanked him back up on the couch.

"Looked like a good trip!" Someone yelled, the sarcasm thick in his tone.

Scorpiious's eyes darted around the room as he soon heard the sound of the music and party below his feet. He was aware of the people around him as he slowly remembered the bet and soon the drugs. He stood up and rubbed his head as he looked up toward the large window of the luxurious estate. His eyes went wide in complete shock as he saw a flash of a large winged creature at the window sill. It looked like Algador.

Someone playfully punched Scorpiious out of his trance and the image of Algador vanished. It was then that Scorpiious felt he had to leave. He stood up gripping his head as a major migraine tortured his head. He began to walk down the hallway to the long spiral staircase leaving the hustle and bustle of the room party behind him. He stopped at the end of the hallway and turned to the red door on his right. Out of pure curiosity he put his ear to the door. A random blip of imagery of the door exploding crossed his mind and jolted him away from the door. It opened slightly and Scorpiious could hear moans coming from the room. He then heard a loud scream come from the room. Quickly Scorpiious slammed open the door. When his eyes adjusted to the light in the room, he could partially see the bed and the back of tiger with orange stripes and black fur. It was the same tiger he had seen in the room talking with that vixen. Legs wrapped around his waist as he jerked upward to look at whoever had intruded.

"Do you mind?? Occupado!" The tiger growled at Scorpiious.

Scorpiious eeped and was quickly out the door. He closed the door and made sure it wouldn't wobble open again. He paused outside of the door and then began to walk down the stairs to leave the estate.

"Is he gone?" The hyena asked the tiger as he wiped the vixen's blood from his mouth. "Do you think he knows?" Algador asked Azrael who had his cock buried deep within the dead vixen's body.

Algador's bite wound to the vixens throat bled out, an entire divot of the fox's neck gone, devoured by him.

"Who cares? We'll still have fun messing with him. Though we should let him live a bit longer, he did lead us to the mortal world. Besides," the tiger leaned over the vixens carcass and licked the fear stricken face, "We got an entire world of fresh meat to torture...."

Bathroom Compromise

  The soft computer's glow lit the wolf's face as he searched through pay sites and ads until finally he found a promising website. On the website, which was rather plain, it listed local area where one could hook up for a quick bout of fun. Having...

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Behind the Scenes Chapter 1

From the street you wouldn't be able to tell it was a club, well if you disregarded the projected archway covered path, leading to its entrance adorned with a sign stating "CLUB X" you wouldn't be able to tell. Its turn of the century look makes it...

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Under a Pale Moonlight

Pale moonlight shines down on two furs, lying on the cool grass in each other's arms face to face. The wolf, moves closer to the dragon as he licks the others muzzle lovingly, before kissing the dragon. The dragon returns the kiss as he moves his paws...

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