Tyler x Shadow 9: Best Way to Bathe part 2

Story by SpecOpsElite on SoFurry

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#9 of Tyler x Shadow

Chapter Nine

Tyler finished washing Lava, who woke up after a bit to help him. Once he finished, he carefully stood and dried her off before carrying the exhausted pokémon to the bed and covered her in the blanket.

"Sleep tight," he said, patting her head and kissing her nose affectionately

"Thank you so much Tyler" she sighed before falling asleep.

He lingered a moment, then headed back into the bathroom, "ready for your bath?"

Shadow growled seductively and put on a show of climbing into the bath, showing off her curves and sexy pokémon form. Her black fur was heavily matted with his and her cum and soaking wet already, which oddly turned him on. As she passed over the tub's rim, she managed to give him a nice view of her glossy and still semen filled pussy, awaiting its inevitable penetration.

Tyler was quick behind her, Shadow giving his soft penis a long lick as he sat down.

"Wash first," Tyler said, running some more hot water into the bath and preparing the loofa again

Shadow whimpered and again put on a show, this time drooping her ears and giving him bright blue puppy dog eyes. Granted that the sight was rather adorable, Tyler wasn't going to give in

"I don't want to be cleaning you myself"

Shadow whimpered again, but conceded and turned around and sat down. Tyler rubbed her down, working hard to get the heavily worked in cum and dirt out of the fur. Shadow growled as he rubbed her fur in every wrong direction.

"Sorry Shadow," Tyler said, feeling the same discomfort due to an unexplained and ambiguous psionic link to his friend

"I guess it's what I deserve," Shadow whined, drooping her body again, keeping it just firm enough for Tyler to work

Tyler continued to wash her off as they talked, "It's not your fault, you're in heat"

"Like I wasn't pawing off every other day on the farm," Shadow admitted

"So you were always a sex crazed kitty?"

"If you want to put it like that, ya," she said, realizing just how much of a nymphomaniac she'd been

Tyler tried to comfort her with some kind thoughts and continued, finding something odd hidden under the surface of her mind, "so why didn't you fuck me sooner? Or one of the other pokémon?"

"I...I didn't want to just get laid, sure my heats got pretty annoying, but anyone who got near me was usually just a horny bastard, even my siblings"

"That doesn't really answer why you didn't just fuck them, do you have standards?"

Shadow hissed, but continued, "I, I don't know. I just didn't, I, you always cared about me, hell you made me evolve just by being around me"


"So, I thought you probably wouldn't have said 'ya, sure, lets fuck' if I'd asked you"

There was something more to it, hidden even further, but he'd figure that out soon enough, "true, but, why did you do it at the hotel room?"

"I don't know. I just tried it, it's not like I planned it out days in advance. It was a spur of the moment thing"

"Well, I'm glad for it," Tyler said, hugging her neck.

"Me too," she agreed, rubbing against him. She turned her head around, Tyler's emerald green eyes staring into her sapphire blues. After a moment they locked lips and slipped their tongues into each other's mouths, trading saliva for several blissful minutes.

By the time they pulled apart, Tyler was completely finished with washing her off. Shadow purred, feeling refreshed and more comfortable without the cum clinging to and pulling her fur.

"How long do you think you can keep clean this time?"

"I dunno, but if it gets messed up," she pressed her butt against Tyler's hardened member, "it's your fault"

"You want it?" Tyler asked, rubbing his dick against her fur, the softness alone making him sigh and release spurts of pre into the water

Shadow murred and nuzzled against Tyler's cheek, "as always"

"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to make you work for it this time, since you did throw me into a tree"

Shadow pulled out of his grip and turned to face him, hating the memory but continuing with the set up "oh, I'm working now? Does that make me a prostitute?"

"Would you like to get paid? I think I have afew bucks I could give you," Tyler offered, sitting back against the wall

Shadow placed a paw against his member and rubbed it up and down slowly, carefully kneading the sensitive flesh with the tips of her claws and soft paw pads, knowing exactly where to touch, making them both sigh and growl. "But I don't have a g-string to hold them in"

"I could buy you one if you want," he sighed, running his fingers through the distinctive tuft of fur on top of her head, scratching her favorite spot (on her head at least).

"Oooh, kinky" she purred before, in one swift motion, ducking under the water and engulfing his member in her muzzle, the only thing visible above the still bubbly water being the bobbing tips of her ears and her butt with a waging tail 'but I think we should save that for costume night'

Tyler sighed quietly as she bobbed her head up and down several times, her barbed tongue coiling against the underside and her teeth lightly scrapping across. These sensations were also transferred, via their mental bond, into Shadow. It mostly made her yearn for contact more than actually do anything real for her though.

Once she could no longer comfortably hold her breath, Shadow released him and emerged to take a deep breath, refilling her lungs.

"It's times like this that I wish you were a vaporeon," Tyler joked

Shadow placed her paw back on Tyler's cock and dug her claws in just enough to make him squirm, easily blocking it from her own mind.

"What was that?" she asked, smiling sadistically

As a form of apology, Tyler grabbed her chin and kissed her deeply, running his tongue over lips before moving further to wrestle with her own tongue.

'Can you stop that now?' Tyler asked mentally, Shadow's claws almost drawing blood.

She broke away and quickly retracted her paw, looking at him apologetically.

Tyler smiled at her fondly and lifted himself up. The cool air washed over his crotch as he lifted it out of the water. Luckily, Shadow's pleasantly warm maw was more than willing to keep him warm.

Shadow licked from the pubic hair covered base up to the pre leaking tip, the usual musky smell and taste replaced with that of water and metal. Lapping up the milky fluid, she quickly engulfed his cock fully until she felt it nearly gag her, then pulled off again to take a moment to observe her favorite object.

From what she knew about humans, he wasn't exactly large, but the six or so inches was more than enough for her any day. The water clinging to the pubic hair exposed a ring of stark white marks near the base that stood out noticeably from the other pale flesh.

"Sorry about that," Shadow gently licked at the marks apologetically, giving another puppy dog look up at him

Tyler almost laughed and came at once; her tongue pressed against his cock and her big sad eyes twinkling bright blue at him was just too much. Luckily, only a single line of pre was released, which landed squarely between Shadow's eyes.

"It was my fault, besides; it'll remind me not to do it again. And I'm probably lucky you didn't bite it off"

Shadow wiped the pre off her face and suckled on her paw as she wondered aloud "I wonder if I could..." giving an evil look at Tyler

Predicting her thoughts even without the link, "I don't think rigor mortis would set in that quickly"

Shadow gave a mock disappointed sigh, "then I'll just have to put up with the...less desirable bits of you for awhile longer then." Tyler ran his hand along her head and dorsum (back) before he quickly stuck two fingers into her anxiously waiting pussy.

Groaning as his fingers pumped in and out of her with evil slowness, "either fuck me or stop your teasing"

"You still haven't made up for the tree_sss_," he teased her verbally and physically

"You grudge holding jerk," she growled, nipping his cock's underside, making them both yelp

Shadow stroked her tongue over his length again, then, getting an idea, moved her attention from his shaft to the two orbs hanging below.

She swirled her tongue around the circumference of one ball then did the same to the other. Both caused Tyler to groan loudly and her pussy to just ache more despite the digits pumping in and out behind her.

Next she took one of the spheres into her mouth like an oran berry, making Tyler both moan and worry. 'Don't worry, I won't bite,' she assured him, then immediately nipped him, 'too much.' She delicately played with his ball with her rough tongue, rolling it around in her mouth and carefully sucking on it, systematically coating every bit of it in her saliva before releasing and doing the same to the other.

His testicles now covered in her saliva, she returned to his cock. First she licked up the lines of pre from that ran down his length to the covered tip and, after lapping it clean, closed her mouth over it. She gently suckled on his tip like she had her mother's teats, swallowing down the continuously oozing lubricants. Tyler just laid back, moaning loudly and doing his best not to touch her head.

Satisfied, she sunk more of his length into her mouth, her tongue swirling across his sensitive head while he continued to spurt off into her mouth occasionally. As more was engulfed, the tip of her tongue transferred to his underside, the tip now being massaged between her pulsating tongue and mouth roof.

It wasn't long until the head poked against her uvula. Still more of his cock was taken until her nose was buried in his crotch and her throat reflexively contracted, trying to swallow the foreign object. She held herself there, drinking down his pre like a soft drink.

She pulled off enough for her to take a breath and gazed up at Tyler, who was panting with his tongue hanging out. She giggled to herself, reverberating it through the cock, making them groan.

'Enjoying yourself?' she thought to him

"Oh, yes" he panted

Shadow pulled off further, playing her tongue across his skin as it passed over, then sunk back down.

Tyler decided to reward her, her own actions making her hornier through their link despite his fingering of her.

"Hey, Shadow"

She pulled completely off, his cock coated in saliva and droll trailing down her chin, to respond, "wha-ah!"

Shadow was caught off guard as Tyler grabbed her sides and spun her around so that he was facing her slit. He shifted slightly to make it easier to hold her while she wrapped her hind legs loosely around his neck.

Tyler brought his tongue to Shadow's pussy and slowly dragged his tongue up across her swollen lips, making Shadow mur and her claws knead the tile on either side of Tyler. While the water had taken most of it, she was producing enough cum that her pussy was covered with it. Her fluids tasted rather sweet, kinda like a pecha berry, but something was added to it, likely either the remains of his jizz or what little of her heat his human tongue and nose could detect.

Once he'd made one slow trek, he passed back down. Once he'd reached the bottom again, he stroked his tongue over her small clit, making her squeak in pleasure to her great embarrassment.

"Did-did you just squeak?" he asked, barely containing laughter

"Shut up," she commanded, blushing furiously

'You're like a doggy toy,' he giggled in his head, Shadow hearing it regardless

Tyler suppressed his laughter and ran his tongue along her slit again before swirling his tongue around her clit again, chuckling at how cute the chirps she made were and giving his own little yips.

While Tyler wasn't as furious in his work as Lava had been, he was more careful and found the best places through experimentation, more than worth the trade in Shadow's opinion. Of course, now it was Tyler's cock that was twitching, wishing for attention. Continuing to sound her pleasure at his ministrations, Shadow returned to her previous actions.

She lapped her tongue across his tip before re-engulfing his length. Unfortunately, his new position had put the lower half of his length below the water line, but that was far from enough to stop her. She continued to rub her barbed tongue and carnivorous teeth over his length and tip while suckling on and moaning into it.

Tyler parted her lips with his tongue and delved deeper into her. He found even more of her flavorful lubrication.

He repeatedly thrust his tongue in and out of her, licking at her button every once in a while and lapping at her walls, trying his best to pleasure his partner as best as he could, using his link to experiment and learn.

After several minutes, the dual sensations of both partner's oral treatment brought them to orgasm. Shadow howled onto Tyler's spasming cock as her walls squeezed down and locked his tongue in place as a flood of her sweet fluids washed down his throat and splashed onto his face.

Shadow swallowed down a couple blasts of salty sperm before it began to dribble out of her mouth. After afew more spurts that she let rest in her mouth for her to savor, Shadow released his cock and allowed for the strings of cum to fall onto her face, ears and upper back.

Once she released his tongue after several blissful seconds, Tyler removed his face from Shadow's crotch and Shadow turned around to face him.

"You're pretty cute like that," Tyler commented

Shadow's black face fur was crisscrossed with contrasting white semen and every time she talked, Tyler got a view of her still cum covered mouth

"What are you doing!?"

Tyler grinned evilly while he quickly grabbed a hold of his pokédex from his pants, which were soaked, and snapped a picture of her.

"What was that!?"

"It was just too good to pass up, sorry"

He saved the picture and turned it around to show her. Her face was frozen in a quizzical stare while her fur was covered in cum and the bubbles formed a white mountain rang behind and around her.

"You better not show that around," she threatened, but otherwise finding it a great picture

"Try posing for me," Tyler suggested, making exaggerated movements like a studio photographer with his pokédex

Shadow gave him several over the top poses showing off her face, nipples, and wet pussy that he snapped pictures of. After afew minutes of this, Tyler tossed the pokédex away and asked "ready for the main event?"

Shadow smiled, "first I'm gonna make you pay"


Shadow jumped forward and kissed him. She forced her tongue past his lips, still in the middle of making the 'O' sound, and brought a glob of his cum with it.

Tyler was repulsed at first, but, with Shadow forcing more of it in and not releasing him, he was forced to taste and swallow it. It wasn't too bad once he got used to it. It had a mix of flavors that reminded him of salted meat.

"Like it?" Shadow asked, breaking them apart

"Not bad, I guess," he answered, a drop of his cum running from the corner of his mouth, "if you like that kinda thing"

"You can't hide it from me," Shadow teased him then announced loudly,"you like your own cum!"

"Do no-" he was silenced by being brought into another kiss. This time, when Shadow inserted her tongue, Tyler returned the action. The two traded saliva, semen, and vaginal fluids for another several minutes.

"Can we move on now?" Shadow asked, pressing her stomach against his again hardened penis, impatient to feel it buried inside her after watching Lava get fucked and Tyler eating her out.

"Well, I suppose I could fuck you alittle bit"

Shadow eagerly turned around and displayed her waiting pussy to him.

Even with standing on her toes, only half of the gorgeous slit was visible above the water line, but that was more than enough for Tyler. He got up and kneeled over her, positioning himself just outside with one hand and gripped her butt with the other.

"Time for your reward"

"For wha-aaah," she sighed as he pressed into her. No matter how many times he penetrated her, it was always heaven to her.

"For being a good little girl while I fucked Lava. I'm surprised you weren't more jealous"

"Are you saying I'm territorial?"

"Let's just say, I'm waiting for you to take a piss on me. So, why did you let us do it?"

"After what that bastard did, she deserves it"

He scratched behind her ears, finding her favorite spot again, "well I'm proud of you for it. And don't worry"

"About what?"

Tyler gripped her butt and eased their hips together, both of them giving a loud moan for the several seconds as he slowly sunk inch after inch of his length into her. As he did so, he leaded over her and gave her a one armed hug.

"No one could replace you"

Shadow purred and instinctively bucked against him, stuffing the last few inches into her, just over 2/3rds of his length inside her.

"You're getting looser Shady," Tyler taunted her

"I don't think that's the sort of thing you're supposed to say to your girlfriend," she growled

"You're my girlfriend?"

Shadow blushed and tried to cover her statement, "no, just, we're friends, I'm a girl...we fuck"

"Uh huh, sure"

Tyler cuddled against Shadow's back, dragging his full length out of her.

"You know Shadow"


In one thrust he buried himself back inside her, making both of them purr then yip when he touched the back of her tunnel, "I really love you Shade"

Shadow blushed again and purred, "I love you Ty"

Tyler withdrew himself again before slamming into her. He quickly fell into his usual pace, Shadow purring under him, her claws digging into the tile and her bottom meeting his thrusts. Sloshing water mixing with their moans

As they went, Tyler slowly sped up and something else began to subtly creep in beside his human instincts. He started to growl and nibble on Shadow's ear lightly. One of his hands slipped under her belly and began to rub her nipples, all of which drove Shadow to mewling bliss, her claws digging deep marks into the floor.

The pair's animalistic groans and growls were overheard by the still sleeping Lava. While she didn't wake up she did begin to dream. She was in a forest in the shadow of a volcano, and there was a large typhlosion eyeing her naughtily. His fully evolved body was perfect and his creamy belly was marked only by the bright red cock that stood proudly just above his plentiful testicles, making her wet just by its presence.

Shadow squealed loudly with Tyler when his hand that was holding her thigh looped around her leg and pinched her clitoris. Tyler sped up even further, the water swishing back and forth in the tub and spilling over the sides.

Lava panted at the sight of such a strong male. He moved towards her, but she backed away nervously, he was well over a foot taller than her. Typhlosion was about to advance again, but thought up a different plan. He got down on all fours and lowered his head submissively and called to her. Enticed, Lava approached him, tentatively. Typhlosion rolled onto his back and allowed Lava to observe his member.

Shadow yipped as Tyler flipped her around and sat back, letting her ride him cowgirl. Her legs bounced her as fast as they could while Tyler used both his hands to fondle her nipples and his body rubbed against her clit. It also allowed Shadow to lean in and shove her tongue into his mouth.

Quilava moaned as typhlosion mounted her and, in one thrust, stuffed his dick into her excited pussy. He immediately began to thrust wildly. The feeling of his warm fur rubbing against her back, his teeth digging into the scruff of her neck, and his balls slapping against her backside was just perfect, even if it was a dream. Quilava moaned as she subconsciously rubbed her paw against her labia, dropping specks of fluid onto the sheets and blanket around her balled form.

Shadow howled for a moment as she came before she was silence by Tyler pulling her into another tongue wrestle. He in turn thrust into her shallowly as he unloaded dozens of spurts of his seed into his 'girlfriend'.

Once it quickly filler her waiting though incompatible womb it began to leak out of her and swirl around the two in the murky water. At least it wasn't clinging to her as much as it would normally.

Lava screeched as typhlosion's ample orbs began filling her with his lava like seed which drove her to her own orgasm. Lava screeched as she splashed the sheets and blanket with her cum, leaving a large dark spot on the fabric._ In only afew blissful seconds, the orgasm pasted. Her womb filled with his seed, Typhlosion gently laid her down and curled around his mate protectively._