Erotic Tournament (Part 5)

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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"Wolf," Lilly called to the massive wolf before he could exit the locker room. He'd turn his pitch black eyes to her quickly curious to see what she wanted.

"Good luck," she spoke up with a blush on her cheeks. She couldn't even look at him while she said it, but the sound of her voice told him that she was sincere in it.

Wolf smiled to her softly an nodded his thanks to her. It was hard to pull his eyes away from her blushing, but he knew that he needed to get himself out there if he was going to be fighting.

The heavily muscular canine made his way out of the shadows of the locker room and onto the runway. Those pitch black eyes turned towards the audience on both sides while they rose up in cheer for him. Wolf could only guess that it was because of his strong build, but his second thought was that he was the only male left in this tournament. Everyone was expecting him to get a piece of all of the remaining contestants. This canine wasn't here for the sexual factor of these fights, he was here for the victory just like all the other fighters back stage. Most fans didn't realize that it wasn't about the sex, that the sex was just a way to dominate the opponent. Anyone can beat someone into submission, but to force someone to reach an orgasm against their will is to dominate so much more. That domination, the feeling of forcing someone to reach that state and then leave them behind panting in the ring while they try and gather themselves up, that was why he fought here this day.

Wolf made an easy approach to the ring, climbing his way over the top rope and waiting in the ring for the equine to make her appearance. With the announcer calling her name Wolf made his way back to the rope and leaned on it waiting for her. She didn't wave to the crowds, she didn't show off or make them call out to her like some of the other contestants had. Her red glowing eyes were locked on the strong canine standing in the ring. She wanted to end this fight quickly and make her way back towards the locker room, but she knew that it wasn't going to be so easy this time. They were on a completely even playing field now. They'd both gotten to see what kind of fighting style the other uses and had gotten plenty of time to figure out how to overcome that fighting style. Domina stood outside of the ring where the ref was pushing Wolf back away from the rope and giving the nightmare room to climb in. Wolf moved easily back not having realized that he was cramping her space to enter the ring.

Making his way to his own corner the bell rang easily once the equine was over the ropes. Wolf turned quickly towards her watching her while neither of these two made the first move. They simply stared each other down, Wolf letting out a deep growl to the female horse. It was the wolf that finally made the first move against them. Stepping in quickly, he'd make for an easy basic strike towards her chest. The equine easily blocked it with her wrist and push his strike towards the outside. Domina's free arm moved to wrap around the waist of the wolf so that she could press her large breasts against him, but she only found his knee in her stomach forcing her to lean forward against him in a deep cough. The extension of his leg would easily push her back into the turnbuckle where wolf could reach his hands out and take hold of those massive tits. A soft gasp of shock came to her when she felt her nipples pinched between his thumb and index knuckle while those thumbs lightly rolled the nipples and crushed the large breasts into her body forcing her more into the corner of the ring than she had been before.

Her foot came up skillfully to press against his hips and pushed him off of her. Her arms crossing to wrap around her now fully erect nipples to try and get the girls to calm down a bit. Wolf wasn't an easy one to keep back and with a fast rush to her again she'd dodge to the side and move her hand to the back of his head where she'd smash his face down on the turnbuckle. It was padded, but still effected the canine enough for her to place her foot behind him and elbow his chest. This combination forced him down on his back into the floor where she used her gorgeous tits to wrap around that nice sized wolf cock. A few long strokes of her body against his and wolf kicked his leg out to roll them both over. She didn't stop rubbing those breasts against his cock even when he was on top and it took a lot for him to simply pull away from her and not give into the pleasure. Moving to force himself to his feet she follow easily moving to take hold of that thick meat. The open mouth that he'd just blocked with a hand on her forehead showed what her next move was going to be. Wolf knew he needed to get the upper hand back and quickly or else this match wasn't going to last.

Wolf moved down quickly and sat her in her lap. Those hands moving up to grip and fondle her large tits again. Her hands moved up to his wrists to try and push him back, but with the force of his massive strength combined with the weight that came with muscles of that size she wasn't going to move him anytime soon. Her head leaned back as she moaned out loudly at the feeling of her mounds being felt up. The horn on her head suddenly shining out while she gave a deep smirk to the large wolf. Wolf moved fast, rolling away from her to the side just as her large equine cock jutted outward from it's hiding place. It was now that everyone was able to see the comparison between the two of them. A nightmare with a large raging cock, and a massive canine with an equally bountiful member. It didn't surprise anyone of this result. Wolf was already the size of a war horse with muscles to match that claim. It was only appropriate that he'd be well proportioned all around. But it wasn't Wolf that everyone had their eyes on. While the canine had rolled to the side the nightmare had jumped to her feet and was now moving fast towards the wolf with that newly formed cock.

Her hands quickly moved to pin down his hips to the mat while she moved hers to line up with the only hole he had down there. Wolf knew that if he let that thing inside of him there was no getting it out and this match would be over. With his hips pinned down he couldn't move them out of the way so rolling and dodging was out of the question. Instead he'd simply take hold of her fat horse dick and lift it upward causing her thrust to run up the length of his own canine member. His other hand made an easy grab for her thigh to pull on it and break her ground stance. An easy push on her stomach with his hand still around her member would force a gasp of pain from the herm when her back hit hard on the mat. It was now Wolf who was in the mounting position, but unlike her he had a clear target for his thrust and landed it easily for his thick girth to spread her tight cunny walls. He'd slide his way into her until their hips met drawing a hot cry of pleasure from her as her eyes closed and hips lifted to meet his thrust.

The ability to grow a cock had great advantages, but it also had one very big disadvantage. Once it's grown your attacks have to land quickly, because if the ball falls into your opponent's court they now have two areas to apply pleasure at the same time, doubling your weakness to their attacks. Wolf's large hand ran down the length of her grand dick just to rise back up to the top. With his own hips pushing against hers he'd take her as deeply as she could take it. Even those wolven lips moved to wrap around the head of her horse cock and sucked easily while he continued to fuck her hard. Those hips making an audible clapping sound with each deep thrust he delivered into her. Her eyes remained closed while she took this assault, her hands moving to her own gracious breasts to squeeze and fondle them. Moans grew louder and louder while her legs spread more and more for him wanting every inch of him inside of her. Those eyes finally shooting open when she felt something forming at the base of her cunny.

Domina let out a loud and clear cry when she felt Wolf force that knot into her. He was already massive, but that knot spread her to limits she didn't even know that she had and tied the two together. She released her big tits to wrap her arms around the back of his neck and pull him forward a bit. It was obvious that she'd already surrendered this match, but what he'd done to her from this point made her yearn to finish. Moans formed into cries, cries formed into pants, and pants formed into screams as she felt herself cumming hard against the wolf's massive length. She didn't only splash his hips either. That formed dick shot a deep and heavy load against his chest and under his chin coating his white fur in another thick layer of white stickiness.

Receiving his victory over the equine, Wolf slowly moved to try and pop that knot out of her. He was stopped with her legs wrapping around him and forcing every single inch back in. The look in her glowing eyes showed that she didn't want him to stop yet, she wanted to feel his seed inside of her almost begging for it. This strong canine couldn't deny such a look and moved to force his dick as deep into her as he could. Their hips met time and time again, the knot limiting a good deal of his motion inside of her but giving just enough leeway to grant a fast and hard bunny fuck. Domina's mouth opened in a silent scream while she worked to try and keep up with his pace. It wasn't long before the heavily muscular wolf found himself panting hard against their activity. Head leaned down, pitch black eyes closed and finally his head rolled back in a loud dominating howl as his thick member spurt heavy waves of thick wolven jizm deep into her depths. Every hard thrust he delivered was met with another harsh rope of cum drenching and coating her insides until finally his balls crushed themselves against him drained entirely and leaving the wolf panting hard against her. That knot having served it's purpose faded back quickly and he fell to the side off of her allowing his now limp cock to shrink it's way back down while he gathered himself.

The bell had rung before when he made her cum but now rang again as a joke with him laying on the mat working to try and get his breath back. Domina slowly sat up having already regained some of her stamina and once on her feet she reached a hand down for the canine. Wolf only chuckled at her hand but took it so that she could help him up. Together they returned to the locker room where Wolf would find his seat and claim it once again. His back leaning against the locker that he'd been keeping as his own from the time he'd gotten here. Domina returned to her seat as well still panting a bit from their match. She said nothing to the contestants here, but let her eyes close while she focused that cock back down into a clit once again.

"Wolf! You won!" Lilly said moving to hug the canine. He was tired but looked to her as she wrapped her arms around his chest and rested her head on his shoulder.

"So are you going to be sticking around?" the large canine asked looking over to Domina. He had noticed that the people that had already been defeated had all left already just leaving these four to occupy the room.

Domina nodded to him opening one of her eyes and speaking out easily. "Well, I made it this far, I might as well see who wins in the end."

Wolf agreed to this and moved to wipe off some of the cum that covered his chest and chin area. He'd wanted to get a shower, but that would have to wait considering that the other match was already being called out. Lilly's eyes quickly turned to narrow at Flora who was already smirking and getting herself on her feet.

"You know, I don't have a pet squirrel yet, but I think I will very soon." Were her words before Lilly was called out to the arena. This tigress watched her moving past her on the way towards the runway, but kept everything to a low chuckle already tasting her victory in this match.