Erotic Tournament (Part 8)

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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Wolf didn't have time to even defend himself about what happened. Then again he didn't make any real attempt to stop it either. There was no defense against this. Usually it wouldn't have bothered him if he'd hurt someone like this, but for some reason when it came to Lilly he actually cared. Wolf could feel some kind of odd bond between the two of them, even though he'd have no idea why there would be. This was only the first time he'd ever even seen her or knew of her existence at all for that matter, so why would he share any feelings for the squirrel at all? It was hard to say, but Wolf knew that he'd need to get his head in the game if he was going to pull through his next match against Lilly. It was the championship match, the one coming out on top would be the victor and everyone else goes home. Wolf was going to do everything in his power to make sure that he'd be the one standing in the end of this match, no matter what it takes.

With his name called, the large canine made his way towards the runway. People cheered loudly as he stepped out and with an easy wave of his hand he'd pass by all of this on his way towards the ring. Those pitch colored eyes watching the square roped platform intensely and determined to be the one standing in the end rather than laying on the ground panting in a puddle of their own cum. The canine moved his hands to the ropes to pull himself up. It didn't matter if he won or lost, this would be the last time he'd be climbing into this ring during this tournament. With him looking around at the crowd his body showed off it's own display of massive muscular build and with a crack of his knuckles he'd signal to all that he was ready for this fight.

Lilly could hear her name being called all the way back behind the building where she sat down with her knees to her chest. She was angry, she was sad, she was many things all at once, but the match wasn't determined by this. She was here to win and make her trainer proud. Her eyes lifted slowly to the sky, watching the light cloud cover pass over as she let out a soft sigh. If nothing else she was going to fight Wolf, it was her duty to defeat him here, but that was before she got to meet him. It was true that she still didn't know much about him, but she felt like they should be fighting side by side rather than facing one another. Thinking about all of this only made her feel a bit sadder feeling like she might not be able to do what she was sent to this tournament to do.

"Sinn... I hope you can hear me. I'm going to do my best." She said up to the sky speaking out to her trainer. A light smile passed her lips feeling better after just getting to say it out loud. Now was her time, it was time to show just what she was made of and who she had grown to be. This squirrel was going to make this the fight of Wolf's life.

She'd pass through the locker room, the look in her eyes read that she was going to make sure that she won this. That is until those eyes locked on Flora. The tigress could see that Lilly was feeling better and smiled softly to her. Flora stood up slowly and wrapped her arms around Lilly to give her a tight hug before the match.

"Hey," Flora whispered in her ear, "I'm glad you're feeling better."

Lilly smiled to this and turned her head to nuzzle the tigress a bit. "Wish me luck."

"Make sure to ride his dick, it feels amazing once it gets inside you." Flora giggled darkly and released the squirrel who's smile faded away quickly and she'd push Flora off of her.

Lilly didn't have time to retort against Flora when her attention was drawn to the ring again with another call of her name. She'd rush from the locker room and towards the ring. Of all things she couldn't believe that he would sleep with someone like Flora, that evil, dark, mean spirited tigress pinched every nerve she had left and yet he just openly sexed her without even questioning it. She had even admitted to him that she liked him right before he did it, which made matters worse. Wolf wasn't a person, he was a beast, just a muscle with a penis attached. But she was going to show him for breaking her heart, she was going to make him pay for hurting her like this.

The bell had only barely rung after she got into the ring and started her attacks on him. That white furred squirrel reared her hand back and quickly worked to land a strike to the center of his chest. Wolf's own hand reached up to slap away her strike before she could do any damage. This was nothing more than a front before her other hand moved up easily with a banner in hand. That banner would wrap around his arm easily to keep him where she wanted him. She wasn't wearing anything for this match and she hadn't walked out of the locker room with it, but there it was wrapped around his arm. The wolf didn't have time to figure out where it had come from before she moved to lift her leg and forced him to catch her foot in his stomach. The canine was pushed back by the force of the kick and groaned loudly at it.

That same leg pulled back and made a hard kick to the side of his head forcing him down to the ground and rolled him over onto his back. She tugged on the banner to keep it tight and stop him from getting away while her other hand lifted. Seeing her hand movement the large canine quickly rolled away pulling the banner with him and forcing her toward a bit. He'd just barely avoid a long steel spike that ripped from under the ring high into the air, but the banner wasn't so lucky as the spike ripped straight through it and separated the two. Wolf could quickly tell that this wasn't one of your basic levels of magical sexual combat, there was something much more to this. Wolf wasn't without his own tricks and if she was going to be giving this her all, he would too.

The large canine whipped his own hand out, but rather than sending a shock wave like Flora, or materializing objects like Lilly seemed to be doing, something would grow from the length of his arm. A long black tentacle ripped from under his fur and swung it's way around the spike towards the female squirrel. Lilly gasped out and lifted her arm for defense, but didn't have time to dodge the fast movement of it. It was black, but it was also translucent. This told her that it wasn't just your normal tentacles.

"Shadow Manipulation," she said out loud before turning to look at those black voids that wolf used as eyes. If he could control shadows then that only meant that his thick fur and these bright lights were adding to that.

Even after wrapping around her wrist the tentacle moved to inch it's way closer to the very busy squirrel's gorgeous tits. Soon they'd be wrapped around that and she would have to try and break free of the hold. They may only be shadows, but he'd solidified them stronger than steel. Inch by inch he'd pull her closer to him across the length of the mat, Lilly would struggle but his strength was white a bit greater than hers and this only led her to struggle more. Her free hand moving down to her side and soon she would be gripping what looked to be a large battle ax that she slammed into the mat severing the tendril from it's host. Without the shadow having connection to Wolf it faded away rather quickly, but now she was close enough to him for him to be able to attack her. His arm moved up easily to throw a punch to the her right side, this made her dodge left to avoid it, but only ended with him planting a hard elbow against her chest right between her massive tits. This attack pushing her back hard against the steel spike that still cut the ring in two. With her back planted against the hard surface she'd lift up her guard to try and dodge his following attack. Her hands managing to block and push away his next straight punch before she could duck down low and grab at his sheath. A light fondling would start, but she couldn't finish it before Wolf backed away.

Having just backed up Wolf bounded back in wanting to keep the pressure up on her. The two were strong fighters and neither could seem to land any decisive sexual strikes to win progress, but Wolf's fast return had surprised Lilly and she moved herself to try and gain some distance. It was too late before he wrapped his arms around her and crushed her large breasts against his massive chest. She gasped out from the feeling of her own tits being compressed, but cried when he moved his tentacles down the length of her back to penetrate not only her hot cunny, but her ass as well. Lilly's head fell backwards while she tried her hardest to press her hands on his shoulder to get away. She only found out that she was stuck against him now and with his arms being as bulky as they were she couldn't even deliver any sexual strikes back. The squirrel did the only thing she could at this point. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and started to kiss on him. If she had any luck her oral attacks would get him horny enough to release her so that they both could have some time to recover.

Each kiss that she made over his shoulders, neck, and cheeks was followed by her own deep moaning while she felt those tendrils snake their way deeper and deeper into her body with each thrust that they made. Finally she realized that her attacks weren't working against him and simply leaned her head back letting him have her. She knew that if she just gave in that it wouldn't last long. No, she had to fight, there had to be a way. Using his own strength to her advantage she'd wrap her legs around him easily and move to grind her juicy tentacle filled cunt against his already expanding member. Wolf moaned softly at the grinding, but found himself loosing focus over his tendrils leaving them to soon fade away. This gave Lilly the opportunity she needed to make her counter attack. Pulling her hips back just slightly she'd plant them down hard on his thick member taking him in all at once right from the start. The squirrel screamed out as she felt him penetrate as deep as she was able to take it and then some. Her cervix was getting a pounding and she was the one doing it. A wince came over her while she started to ride him right there on the mat with him holding her against him. Again and again that hot, lovely rump would bounce against his balls while her cunny devoured his length. Her head once again rolling back with her mouth hanging open in silent screams. Lilly could feel every inch of his did spreading her tight cunny and with every inch that she rose off of she felt like more went back in.

Her back wall couldn't handle the abuse any longer while it finally gave away and allowed him to penetrate as deep as he could into her womb. With him having entered he delicate and divine area she cried out loudly. Her tongue rolling out of the side of her mouth while her body almost went limp. Wolf took over with the thrusting after Lilly's body gave out pushing into her over and over again. Her hands moved down to his shoulders while her eyes looked up at him. Those eyes quickly clenched shut when her hands gripped his shoulders. This was only followed by a loud orgasmic scream the filled the stadium and drenched the mat. Wolf could feel the massive loud of her cum dripping off of his balls and running down the front of his legs to meet up with that puddle she'd just covered the floor with. Wolf watched her slowing his pace down to slowly pull out of her. The squirrel had passed out after her orgasm and was now trapped defenseless in his arms. Rather than allowing this beautiful creature to have to lay in her own cum he'd move his arms and cradle her, holding her close against him.

The announcers rush up onto the stage to congratulate him. A trophy in hand an a large bag of golden currency. Wolf had no idea what either actually where, but the announcer insisted and so the large canine complied. He'd take them both and head himself back stage once again to lay Lilly down on one of the benches. Domina and Flora were already working on clearing out their lockers when he got there, but the wolf would simply sit down with Lilly in his lap.

Her eyes opened easily to look at him. At first they looked happy to see him there holding her, but then turned sad when she remembered that she'd lost their match. Lilly moved from his lap and walked to her own locker to pull out her white dress. She could bath later after she left this place and got over her defeat.

"I guess everyone is going home huh?" he said softly to the three girls. No one really answered him at all, but all of their attention moved towards the exit when someone barged in suddenly.

Standing there, panting hard from her long run was what looked to be a doe wearing a warrior outfit. By the look of her as well as her build it was obvious that she was part of the amazon tribe that was said to be around here. Unable to speak due to breathing so hard she'd fall to her knees and pant for a bit.

"Ple....Please... I need your help. The queen has been kidnapped." This young doe said to them all.

Domina nodded, but it was Flora that spoke out smirking to their little group. "Well it looks like we won't be going home so soon after all."

Erotic Tournament (Part 7)

Water ran down Wolf's chest and abs to drip off of his already expanding member. With Flora holding her large tits to his back he'd watch moan softly. Light kisses touched on the back of his neck before he'd turn himself around and lean his...

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Erotic Tournament (Part 6)

Lilly walked determined towards the ring. She watched the empty stage with focused eyes. Planning, waiting, reveling in the rear of her mind to the teachings she'd been allowed to learn. The squirrel wasn't positive if she could win...

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Erotic Tournament (Part 5)

"Wolf," Lilly called to the massive wolf before he could exit the locker room. He'd turn his pitch black eyes to her quickly curious to see what she wanted. "Good luck," she spoke up with a blush on her cheeks. She couldn't even look...

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