Tabetha's Diary

Story by Lithier on SoFurry

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[Exhibit C: A document labeled "Tabetha's Diary," transcribed for Mr. Roderick Engels' trial.]

Wednesday, Jan. 19

Rod says that I should try keeping a journal. He thinks it might help with my memories. I don't really know what to write, though. Maybe I'll write more later.

Thursday, Jan. 20

It's been a little over a month since the accident, but I only really remember the last week or so. I can't even remember the hospital. Rod says I've been doing better, though. Of course, I'd say he's been doing better, too. He'd been so worried about me, he wouldn't stop hugging me and crying the first few days I was home. It's funny. I guess I should be the one that's upset since I've lost all my memories. He said the doctors don't even think they'll be very likely to ever come back. But when he cries in my breast like that, all I can do is hold him and try to make him feel better. He must love me so much...

Friday, Jan. 21

It is a little funny, a foxy fellow marrying a bear. Rod says that we got teased about it some back when we were dating, but in the end, he managed to turn it to his advantage. Something like how it took a real man to please a woman that big. I thought it was funny, but when I asked him teasingly about when I'll get a chance to see him in action again, he went quiet. I guess he doesn't want to do anything too stressful for me until I've gotten better.

Saturday, Jan. 22

Rod may be a little red fox, but he certainly does know what he's doing in bed! I hadn't even known what was going through his head when he rolled over in bed and started touching me all over. His paws felt unfamiliar, but they seemed to know me well enough. He got me plenty hot and bothered before he finally got on top and went to town. I was a little surprised with how quickly he finished, but the poor dear must have been terribly pent up with me in the hospital. And I still enjoyed myself thoroughly, so I'm happy.

Sunday, Jan. 23

Dear Diary,

The floodgate's open now! I couldn't even crawl out of bed before Rod crawled on top of me. And after breakfast, he started kissing and kissing me until I was pressed against the wall and he was pulling my skirt up. I'm blushing just remembering it! In the afternoon, we went to snuggle and watch a movie, but that horny foxy kept sneaking his paws inside my clothes. I didn't know what to do, and he told me to beg for it, like I used to. I gave it a try, and next thing I knew he was tearing my clothes right off! And when we were getting ready for bed, I spotted him watching me change and making a tent in his pajamas. I just gave a little wiggle and a wink, and boy, did it ever work. It's a good thing he's going back to work tomorrow, I bet I'd be sore after two days in a row like that!

Monday, Jan. 24

Dear Diary,

Rod said it was fine, but I was worried that he'd taken so much time off work just to stay with me. My body's felt fine as far back as I can remember, and it's not like he needs to tell me more than once where the bathroom is. So I'm glad he's gone back, even if the house is quiet without him. I've been taking the time to clean up a bit. I find old pictures of us now and then. It's strange, looking at the two of us back then. She looks like me, but it feels like it's a different person.

Tuesday, Jan. 25

Dear Diary,

I had no idea Rod had been shouldering so much in silence. I was cleaning up today, and I found some more old photos at the bottom of a box. Most of them were silly old pictures of the two of us and our family, but one had a little boy in it that looked just like Rod. When I asked him about it, he was a little angry at first. But once he'd settled down, he admitted that we used to have a son. Rod says he died in the accident, though... He's been doing his best to forget about him, but I had to go and drag up old memories. A son... I suppose it's easier for me than him. I can't remember a thing about the poor child. I can't imagine how hard it would have been on the dear to be raised by a mother that couldn't remember him, though. Perhaps it was for the best, in a way. I imagine his is one of the rooms I'm not allowed in, then. In any case, Rod says it's best that I don't worry myself too much about the child. Rod knows best, of course. I wonder how many surprises are still waiting for me, though.

Wednesday, Jan. 26

Dear Diary,

Now that the house is looking better, I've taken to cooking for dear Rod. I know it's old-fashioned, but I thought it would do him some good to have proper home cooking rather than processed foods day after day. The cooking channels have been a huge help. Rod loved everything, and he didn't even let me get the dishes washed before he showed me his appreciation. Fooling around in the kitchen seemed embarrassing, but Rod assured me we'd done it all the time before. I'll admit, in the end, it was a rather thrilling change of scenery. Of course, that didn't stop him from crawling on top of me in bed tonight...

Thursday, Jan. 27

Dear Diary,

We had an odd call today. I've been thinking on it since then, but I just can't figure it out. I'll record it before I forget. It was an older man's voice, and he asked for Rod. "Roddy," he'd called him. Roddy! It was about time for Rod to come home, but he was running late. I told him he was out at the moment, and the man asked who I was. I said, "his wife, of course. Who is this?" And it was silent so long, I thought we might have been disconnected. Then he said, "you tell Rod to call ol' George as soon as you see him. You got that?" I said I did, but when I tried to ask him what was the matter, he hung up on me!

Rod wouldn't tell me why this George fellow had been so rude. As soon as I told him about the call, he went up to his study and slammed the door shut. I'm not allowed in there, but I was so curious, I went ahead and did a little dusting just out in the hall by the door. I couldn't hear much, but the two were talking for a while. Rod started getting angry, and I could pick out the words when he yelled, "...grown man, and I'll cope however I DAMN WELL PLEASE!" And that was the end of the call.

He didn't touch me tonight.

Friday, Jan. 28

Dear Diary,

I learned some new recipes today. I thought a nice roast chicken might fix up Rod's mood, with baked alaska for desert. But he hardly touched any of it. He's still so quiet and sullen. I tried to start a little conversation, but he would just grunt. In bed, it was a relief when he touched my breast, but the way his arms wrapped around me seemed rougher this time. Less caring. He almost looked angry, too, though he didn't look at me much. We finished early again today. I wish that George had never called.

Saturday, Jan. 29

Dear Diary,

Rod spent most of the day in his study. I brought him food and snacks, but he wouldn't look at me when he opened the door. Nothing happened tonight. I'd better not keep him awake, so I'll be cutting my entry short for today.

Sunday, Jan. 30

Dear Diary,

After I put you away last night, I started to cry. I just didn't know what to do. But Rod must have noticed, because he hugged me close to him, and his arms were so warm... he petted my back and murred to me, and before I knew it, we were kissing. This time, I rolled on top of him, and we took it nice and slow. I just rolled my hips, and he bucked up to hit me in all sorts of nice spots inside. He seemed to like having my breasts hanging in his face, too. Maybe we'll have to do that again.

Today, Rod still spent half the day in his study, but when he finally came out, he seemed to be in a better mood. We had a late lunch together in the dining room, then he went to watch a movie on the couch while I washed up. When I was done, I came and joined him, and we snuggled together. It was nice, but of course, his paws were wandering before long. I love the way he touches me. He opened up his pants and told me to use my mouth, like I used to. I wasn't sure how, but he walked me through how to use my lips and my tongue, and never my teeth. And when I was taking him deep, he told me to relax my neck. I felt a paw on the back of my head, and he pushed me down until he was inside my neck! I was a little scared, but he said I was doing well, like I always used to, so I tried my best. He let me up to breathe now and then, but when he finished, he held my head down until he was done. I was a little sore with him, but when I got up, he looked like he was in seventh heaven. I just couldn't stay angry with him.

And tonight, when I crawled into bed ahead of him, he grabbed hold of my rear and told me to hold still. He said something about taunting him with my rear and admonished me, and next thing I knew he was giving me a poking! It turned out to feel nice at that angle, but that wasn't all he had in mind. After a few minutes, Rod slid out of me, and I felt a poking a little higher. He told me to relax again. I'm going to have to watch out for that line. It hurt a little, but listening to him growl about how tight I always am, I couldn't help but get into it a little. My tail end is still a little sore from how hard he rode me, but in the end, I liked it. And I'm having fun just rediscovering all these little things! Now I'm just wondering what he's got stewed up for next time. It's too bad he's got work tomorrow.

Monday, Jan. 31

Dear Diary,

I was cleaning the windows today when I noticed the neighbor staring at me! She just seemed shocked to see me. I suppose it has been a while since I've shown my face around the neighborhood. I'm not supposed to open the blinds, though, so I suppose I'd best not tell Rod about it.

Rod came home with a toy today. A vibrating pill! He said that I used to love playing with them. I can certainly see why! He liked to play around with it and try it on all my sensitive spots. He had me really moaning by the time he finally finished with me. I wonder what happened to our old one.

Tuesday, Feb. 1

Dear Diary,

I must have given myself away. This evening, Rod asked if I'd seen the neighbors, and I confessed. He wasn't upset, but he was disappointed in me, which is worse. Rod says that I should stay inside and avoid contact with others while I'm recovering, to avoid any stress or shocks. Rod knows best, of course. That's why we usually keep the blinds closed. I asked him why she would be looking at me like that, though. Rod says that the neighbor's always been jealous of my good looks! She was just shocked to see that her competition was back in town, so to speak. Even so, he said that I should be more careful. He made it extra clear that he doesn't want me to answer the phone anymore, or open the door or the blinds. He says it excites me too much. And he's right, of course. I'd best put the lot of it out of my mind.

Rod's been spending a fair deal of time in his study in the evenings after dinner. But when he comes out, he's always more than ready for some fun, so I can't complain. Tonight, he told me to get on top. I leaned low over him so he could play with my breasts, and he told me to start dirty talking. I didn't really know what he wanted, so he told me to talk about how much I always want his cock. He taught me that word and a lot of others. He wanted me to tell him how I get wet just thinking about his big, hard dick, how when he's at work it's all I can do not to finger myself waiting for him to come home. I started getting the idea, and he started sucking on my tits while I rode him. My big tits. It seems a little silly now, but it was fun then, and I could feel that he was enjoying it. When I said something along the lines of, "and you'd better not try to get out of fucking me every night, or I'll ravage you in your sleep!" He started humping up into me until he cummed. Came? So many new words! I hope I'll remember them all.

Wednesday, Feb. 2

Dear Diary,

Rod was so forceful today! When he came out of his study, I was just finishing the dishes, and he grabbed me and pulled me to the bedroom. I almost dropped a glass! He pushed me over on the bed and crawled on top and started kissing me and growling. I growled a little back, and that got him really snarling and grinding on me. He got up and pushed my shirt up and straddled me, growling about "fucking my tits." He started fiddling with my bra, but after a second he just tore it open. I might have whined a little at that, it was one of my favorites! But he just chuckled and popped his dick between my breasts. He started calling me a whore, and he told me that these boobs were his to fuck whenever he wanted. I told him to use me however he wanted, that I was his fucktoy. The things I say for that man! But that's about as far as I got before he pushed right into my muzzle. I started to lean up, but he just took hold of my head and humped right down my throat. He says I'm a natural deepthroat. And that my pretty little neck is all his, too. I just tried to hold my breath long enough for him to blow his load. He pulled out partway and asked me how I liked the taste. I thought it was pretty bitter, but I thought I knew what he wanted. "It's delicious, darling. When can I have some more?" He's still grinning in his sleep.

The house has been getting calls once or twice a day in the evening. Rod's answered them sometimes, and let them ring others. He won't say anything about who they're from.

Thursday, Feb. 3

Dear Diary,

I thought I was ready for him today. As soon as I heard him coming down the stairs, I put down the glassware, just in case. He didn't pull me away, though-- his paws started rubbing all over me, pulling at my hips and pushing me down over the sink as that growl came up behind me again. He's been telling me to wear shorter skirts lately, and I know why now-- he flipped it right up and pulled down my panties. He ground on me and started groping up my boobs, inside my apron, and as soon as I got wet, he started poking in. He barely got in before he switched holes on me, though. I might have screamed when he pushed in-- I thought I heard a scream, and it surprised me! He was nuzzling into my back as he fucked my ass, and before long, he was biting at me. Just little nips at my shirt at first, but he pulled me back and started biting at my neck as he really got into it. I growled and whimpered and begged him for more, and he just took and took. Is this the kind of animal Rod had really been before? I had no idea... But I like it.

Friday, Feb. 4

Dear Diary,

That fox is full of surprises. He was in his study so long tonight, I was wondering if he'd even be coming to bed when he finally emerged. I was in bed already, and instead of coming at me all excited, he got into bed calmly-- but smiling ear to ear. He started snuggling and kissing me, and he told me something else about how I was before. He said that I'd always wished that my breasts were bigger. My butt, too. And he said I'd always been a little self-conscious about my weight. It's true that I'm a little fluffy around the middle, though that's not unusual for bears. I was starting to get worried about how I look, but then he told me something else.

Rod says that when they recovered me from the accident, the damage was really bad. So bad that they couldn't use regular medical treatment, so they tried an experimental treatment. He says they used helper tissues to fix me somehow. He's not really sure about the details. But this means that we can go to the helper maintenance center and modify my body whenever we want! He offered to take me in tomorrow. I was so relieved!

It's odd to think that I have helper parts inside me, though. They're not real people, but they make them pretty close. I guess it was just a matter of time before they figured out how to use them for transplants and things like that. I hope I don't get that glass-eyed look they have, though. Rod would tell me, I'm sure.

Rod was happy I wanted to go in. He thinks it'd be good for me to have the body I want, and now I can, without paying an arm and a leg or starting any odd rumors. The neighbor's going to be more jealous than ever. Rod was excited, too. He started crawling up on me again and said something about getting as much use out of this body while he's got it. He was nipping at me all over, and he latched onto one of my breasts as he fucked me, just sucking and biting at me as we rocked together. I'm still sore, but I couldn't stop moaning at the time. When he finished, he had this thoughtful smile on his face, and he started muttering to himself as he went to clean up. I think he's still awake, actually. He really must be excited.

Oh, I can't pretend I'm not excited, too. Tomorrow! I wonder how I'll look. He said we might get a few other changes made while we're there. I wonder what he had in mind. Well. Good night, diary. When next I see you, it sounds like I'll be quite the lady!

Saturday, Feb. 5

Well, dear little diary, I'm back. And so much has changed. My figure, my face. I feel more alive. It happened so fast, too. Roddy said it had only taken about half an hour. Now that's technology. Just looking in the mirror, I get... hungry. Roddy's been happy to oblige. We almost had it out right in the car outside the center, but he convinced me to wait till we got home. We made it as far as the sofa before all our clothes fell off. He tried getting all growly and bitey at me, but the look on his face when I bit him back was the best. Just shock, to start. What could I do but laugh? So he starts to smile too... and then things get serious.

He may be a man, but he's a fox, and kind of a little guy. He tried to shove me over and mount me, getting real snarly and hot, but I wrestled him on his back. What'd I say? Something like, "you're in the bear's den now, lil foxy." He looked about ready to burst before he was even inside me. I wasn't gonna let him get away with that, though. I slammed down on top of him, taking him all in one go, and I growled in his ear that he'd better not cum without me. He's so cute when he whimpers.

So I rode and rode him, grinding him all around my cunt and reminding him now and then that he'd better not cum. He was twitching and throbbing so hard, I knew he was right there-- I could have tapped him on the nose and he'd be gone. He couldn't even open his eyes, he just lay there and panted and let me have my way with him. Well, it didn't take me too long to start groaning too, and I told him to get ready. I was leaning back, just feeling up my new body. It all felt so good. Wherever I touched, it almost stung, it felt so good. My belly, smooth now, my hips, wider than ever, my smooth sides and my big, round tits... I just touched the tips and I went off. I screamed for him to fill me, and fill me he did. I'd think he'd been saving up for weeks if I hadn't milked him myself this morning. I could feel it drilling into me, it was so hot, and he just kept jerking and humping up into me, till he was lying their with this cute little tired smile, staring up at me playing with my tits.

We got a couple more rounds in before he went to sleep. Maybe more like blacked out. It's still a little early, but I think I'll sleep, too. I'll ambush him nice and early when his balls are full again.

Sunday, Feb. 6

Mmmm, big, eventful day, little diary. Roddy was drained by noon. He was making excuses when I tried to catch him in the bathroom with his dick out! We went ahead and watched a movie together, and he kept pulling my paws out of his pants, so I just felt myself up while we sat there. I was about ready to pull my skirt up when we got a knock at the door. Roddy didn't seem too happy about that. He told me to stay put and stop touching himself and went to answer it.

They were quiet at first, and they talked a little in the doorway before Roddy let him in. I got a glimpse of him before Rod took him into the dining room. A big ol bear, a little on the old side and a little heavy around the middle, but he's got muscle. Oh, does he have muscle. I don't think he saw me. When he talked, I thought it sounded familiar.

Roddy left me there with his crappy action flick for probably twenty minutes before I got tired of it and invited myself to join them. The poor foxy made a sour face when I came in, but I just couldn't sit around and wait any longer. The big guy looked me up and down and was quiet at first. Roddy went ahead and introduced me, but he didn't sound too happy about it.

The bear just looked darker and darker. Finally, he looked to Roddy, and he said, "this is disgusting."

Little diary, you know I couldn't let him get away with that. It took me a second to even believe that he'd said it. I mean, I was a hot piece of pie before our little visit to the center, and now... I tore into him on the spot. Who the hell do you think you are, I said. March into our house and insult me? Hell. No. You got no eyes in your head or no dick in your pants, I said. Told him I oughta kick his flabby ass around the block a couple times and see what he thought was disgusting when he had two black eyes and two front teeth. I was right up in his damn face, I could smell his breath when he started growling at me. I growled right back.

That's when he grabbed my arms. He was on his feet, looking down at me with those dark, glittering eyes. He said, "know your place, girl." Something about the way he said it had me gnashing my teeth. "Shut your mouth before I have to teach you some manners." I could hardly understand him, he was growling so thick. But I'd heard enough. I went for his neck.

He pulled back, and I tried to claw at him. We wrestled some, but finally he just pinned me right to the wall with his body. I could feel his chest rumbling against mine. He was bigger than me. Easily. He pushed me around and hardly even looked like he was trying. I was shaking. I was wet. I stared into his eyes, growling and growling. Daring him. He went for my neck, and I bit at him, but he got me. His teeth were around me, squeezing down till it was hard to breathe. I thought I glimpsed the foxy over his shoulder, but I closed my eyes. I went limp.

His growls eased off, and he just held my neck. I could just barely breathe. All I could hear was my heartbeat, and my rasping breath, and the big bear's breath coming and going in deep, slow rushes. That's when I felt it.

Something big. Something warm and throbbing with someone else's heartbeat low against my belly. Just feeling it, I thought, it must be so big... My paws moved, and he snarled. I stopped a second, then started again. Slowly. He was hot, and so hard I knew it must have hurt. I felt down, and down, and down... the head was down between my legs, way down his pant leg. By the time I was feeling out the swell of his head, his teeth were easing up. I went for his zipper. He was still rumbling, but I got my paw inside his pants and just... held him. He was big. Much bigger than Roddy. I made a noise without meaning to. Something like a whimper, but shuddering. I wanted it.

The bear's mouth opened, and he straightened slowly. "Roddy," he said. His voice was so... heavy. "I'm using your little toy." And he just picked me up. Picked me right up and carried me to the couch. When he put me down and mounted me, there was no pushing him over. I spread my paws on his chest, and it was like stone. He could have just smothered me and I couldn't do a thing. He spread my legs and pushed them up. His pants opened, and out came... the beast. I'd never imagined they could be so big. At that moment, I was afraid. I tightened up inside. But he hooked his finger around the crotch of my panties and tore them open. And when that tip touched to me... it was a whole different story.

He was so warm. It pressed to me, and I just opened wider and wider. I spread my legs more, and my hips were pushing up, and I could feel he was already coated with my juices. He growled once and pushed in.

Oh, I screamed. But it turned to moans soon enough, and I was rocking around him, and I was feeling up my belly. It was so smooth, and here he was, making a bump in it. I was shivering every time he slowed down, but he just kept working it deeper. He wasn't satisfied when he hit my limit. He just humped in harder. And hell, I was begging for it. I could see he still had five or six inches of that hot shaft between me and him, and I wanted it all if it killed me.

I loved watching him move. The way his whole body flexed and smoothed as he fucked me, I could see his muscles even through his fur. This was real sex, I realized. This was what it really meant to be fucked. To have a big, snarling bear fold you in half and pound the shit out of your cervix. I came.

I didn't even know what it was, at first. I thought I might have been dying. Everything went blurry, and I couldn't stop gasping and moaning, and the world rocked. And then everything exploded. I was screaming and clawing at his arms, and the whole time, he just plowed on in. And just when I started to come down, that's when he did it. He broke through.

I came all over again. God, it hurt, but it was all the same to me now. I could feel him slide in, and in, and in, till his hips shoved against me, and those big, fat balls pushed to my ass. So. Fucking. Full. I must have pretty much lost it at that point. I know he pounded my womb for a good, long time before he finally blew it inside me, but it's all just a blur up until my belly started ballooning. I couldn't believe it. I watched it swell just a little with each shot. I could barely see at all, I think I was tearing up. But he finally stopped, and I finally stopped cumming sometime after he collapsed on top of me.

That's the last thing I remember before I woke up. I was empty again, but I felt something rough rubbing against me, and I thought it might have been big papa coming back for another ride, but when I opened my eyes, it was just Roddy, trying to mop up the mess with a towel. Big papa was gone.

Roddy had a little present for me, though. I saw his pants were tented, and I told him to come and give mama bear a snack. He looked so shy all of a sudden, but he did as he was told.

After I washed up, I asked Roddy about papa bear. He said he was named George. That was a shock, but I kind of saw it coming. I liked him a lot less before I met him. Rod said I'd known him before, though, and I'd liked him. Not too surprising, I guess. I asked if he'd be coming by again. Roddy seemed a little stunned at that. After a bit, he said that big bear had been pretty amazed with me, after. He didn't seem too sure about it, but he said that if I wanted, we could probably invite him to drop by some time. I told him I'd like that very much.

I couldn't stop a giggle when Roddy tried to mount me tonight. I knew he wouldn't come close to satisfying me the regular way, and I told him so. My pussy belongs to papa bear, now. I rolled over and let him use the back while I rested my eyes, though. He seemed to be happy enough, though he was pretty quiet. No more biting.

It's been lovely going over all this again. It's left me in another mood, though. I think I'm about done with you, dear little diary. Can't have you putting me in a mood every night without anyone to give me some proper satisfaction around. Well, for tonight, maybe I'll wake up Roddy and have him give me another ride while I diddle. Good night, my sweet little diary.

[The identity of this document's author remains under dispute. This transcription has been created for use in the court of law and no other purpose. Do not duplicate or distribute.]

27 Minutes After

27 minutes after containment breach, a young, rather slim tiger was locking up shop, unaware of any containments that might have been going on nearby, let alone the catastrophic events that may have been involved were they breached. He was simply the...

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An Hour for Spells and Secrets

It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and...

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Lands of Barinel

"One more," he muttered and, as if on cue, a raptor emerged from around a great, rocky foot of the mountain, slowly stalking toward the hidden human. Jared relaxed slowly, keeping a firm grip on the branch under his feet. The foliage should have hidden...

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