Size Matters
size matters by shalion chapter one pets size matters by shalion a dog lay in the grass of a sultry front law which was luxurious in the thickness and vibrancy of the grass; not that the dog noticed anything particularly vibrant about the field of gray
Size Matters Not
Flammie_2.jpg and this is miu: size matters not by havoc "the way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.
Size Matters
size matters john and amber stood at the table, looking down into the box on the table. for a few seconds, they just sort of stared. amber was the first to speak what they both were thinking. "are you fucking kidding me?"
Size Matters
My first actual submission, so if it sucks, sorry, I'll try to get better. The warning: If you're under eighteen, don't read this. If you do, vast hoards of beetles will descend upon your home and devour your computer. Maybe I'm wrong. Can you...
Size Matters
size matters by: pent ghelsburg disclaimer: the characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. they are original and used only within the context of this story. i use them with permission.
Tabetha's Diary
[Exhibit C: A document labeled "Tabetha's Diary," transcribed for Mr. Roderick Engels' trial.] Wednesday, Jan. 19 Rod says that I should try keeping a journal. He thinks it might help with my memories. I don't really know what to write, though....
The Flavor of Love 2 : Size Matters
A year of living in the forest with his lover had changed Bailey quite a bit. He was definitely more muscular then before, hunting often for both Nathaniel and himself had caused his body to change from lithe and lean to buff....
Your size matters (part five)
After thinking for a little while, the gigantic rabbit figured out a possible way to contact his nano-sized friend. But first, Millo needed to find out where exactly in his body Isaac was. It was at that moment the nerd bunny boy remembered he could...
Your size matters (part four)
Millo finished his shower, he casually towel-dried himself. The rabbit boy didn't miss any single part of any single tuft of fur as he slowly dried his skinny, soft-curled body. After that, Millo walked close to what looked like a small bathroom...
Your size matters (part three)
And here we go, the continuation of the story from last week "your size matters."
Extra Matters 02 - Good Morning Desmond (STORY)
A black silhouette of shapes lay before Desmond. He turned his head from side to side trying to figure out what everything was and as the sun rose it slowly morphed into a tangled mess of limbs and fur. The feet out at impossible angles with a long...
Frat Boy Fun Ch 6 Size Matters
Sam yawned widely, rolling over in bed. With the curtains around his bed closed, it was wonderfully dark, perfect for a good night's sleep. He reached up to the shelf by his head, checking the time on his phone. Plenty of time for a shower before...