RedTails : The Sign Maker - Chapter 01 : Blue Morning, Red Bottom

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This story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are

copyright 2007 - G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works

are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike /


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RedTails: Reckonings

The Sign Maker



Chapter I : Blue Morning, Red Bottom

Frelic yawned and blinked the lingering traces of sleep from his large,

violet, catlike eyes. Sunrise was still several minutes away, but the first

rays of dawn were already crowning the peaks of the Whitetail Mountains and

banishing the stars from the eastern sky. To the west, night was still in full

bloom; the black sky was studded with sparkling diamonds, emeralds, and rubies,

with Feyleth defiantly shining brighter than all. These too would soon flee the

coming dawn once Helasi arose from her slumber to preside over another Niathian


The Elf gave a contented sigh and smiled lovingly at the Halfling girl

still sleeping soundly beside him. His gentle fingers caressed the girl's

childlike face, and stroked down her side and over her cute, plump bottom which

was thrust out alluringly as she lay there curled up on their sleeping furs.

Honeyrose had been a part of his life for the past four years since his and

Mistress Aeraal's last visit to Pinevale, serving first as Aeraal's aide then

his. Now, as she neared the start of her thirteenth year, the feisty little

lass was beginning the next phase of her life, and Frelic felt most fortunate

that she had become his first apprentice. He gave her pretty little butt a

tender pat and squeeze. The heat and blush from the spanking he had given her

before bedding down for the night had long since faded, and her tender flesh had

resumed its normal light tan shade and warmth. Her Master's touch caused

Honeyrose to sigh contentedly, and as she continued her blissful slumber, she

purred his name.

"Master Frelic, I really am sorry for what I did. I won't misuse the

magick again."

Frelic leaned over and whispered in the girl's ear, "I know you won't,

sweetling. You're a good girl and would never have to be paddled for the same

misbehavior twice. Now sleep for just a little longer while your Master

prepares for our journey." He gave her a tender kiss on the cheek, another pat

on the rump, and ran his fingers through the unruly mop of honey-brown hair,

cropped short to just above her shoulders. Taking care not to awaken his

apprentice just yet, the Elf stood up and stretched, working the morning

stiffness from his joints.

To start the day, Frelic gathered up a small armful of dried wood from

the pile they had collected the previous evening and dropped it into the

shallow, stone-encircled pit on top of the cold, blackened coals from last

night's camp fire. He started the incantation for a simple spell to get the

flames going, but caught himself at the last moment before even the first

tinglings of magickal energy could form within him.

"No," he chided himself, "you need to set an example for your

apprentice. Do not encourage laziness in simple tasks, Elf, at least not this

early in Honeyrose's training." He padded quietly to the tall pine where the

sack containing their most frequently used travel supplies hung safely out of

sight from potential thieves. He pulled the sack down, rummaged through it, and

extracted a small wooden box and a leather pouch. Crouching naked at the edge

of the fire pit, Frelic opened the box and took out a piece of flint and a steel

bar. He tossed some dry moss onto the wood, then scraped the flint and steel

together. After several tries, the sparks finally touched the moss just right,

and the humble beginnings of a fire crackled to life. The Elf gently blew on

the flames until they grew and spread to the dry wood underneath. Satisfied

with his work, Frelic returned the leather pouch to the pack, replaced it with

another, and made his way down to the river five hundred paces east of the

makeshift camp site.

The Elf shivered as he stepped into the slowly flowing waters of the

Lazy Pine River until he was submerged to his shoulders. Fed by the early

summer runoff from the Gray Falcon Mountains to the west, the great river that

meandered through Pine Valley, bringing life to the Hafling and Furlings' corn

and wheat fields, caressed his lithe body with its invigorating morning chill,

banishing the last threads of weariness from his being and bringing him to full

wakefulness. He waded over to the rocks where he had set his pouch and pulled

the drawstring, opening it to reveal a light blue powder. Climbing onto the

rocks, Frelic rubbed the powder over his body, coating every square inch of his

soft flesh until he was covered in a slick lathery foam.

Fully soaped up, he jumped back into the river, submerging beneath the

cold clear waters, then resurfacing a couple dozen feet from where he entered,

treading water for half a minute to regain his bearings. With a slow lazy

breast stroke, he returned to the rocks, closed and gathered up the leather

pouch, and waded back to the shore. Cold trickles of water dripped off his body

and from his shoulder-length silvery mane as he padded naked back to the camp


Honeyrose was awake by now. The girl, still skyclad like himself, was

crouching by the fire, an iron skillet in one hand and a wooden spoon in the

other. The scent of sausage, eggs, and fried potatoes, mingling with the coffee

brewing to the side on the hot rocks that made up the fire pit filled the air,

awakening the Elf's appetite.

The Halfling looked up and gave Frelic a heart warming smile that nearly

melted him into a puddle of affection, "Good morning, Master Frelic," she

chirped, "It's gonna be a few more minutes before breakfast is ready. How was

your morning bath?"

Frelic crouched in front of the fire, letting the heat from the

crackling flames warm his body and chase away the chilly water still dripping

from his hair and body, "Cold and invigorating," he replied, "just the way it

should be. How is your bottom this morning?" He smiled lovingly at his

apprentice as her face reddened a little in the fire's glow.

She set the skillet and spoon down on the rocks next to the pot of

coffee and rubbed her plush, jiggly rump, "I recovered fine, Master," she said,

"Surprising though considering the number you did on my butt last night."

"Just the way it should be," the Elf chuckled, "Hopefully, my little

apprentice learned a valuable lesson last night."

Honeyrose nodded emphatically, "No worries, Master," she assured him, "I

certainly won't be wasting magick on mundane tasks again any time soon. I'd bet

my ass on that."

"Yes. That goes without saying."

Honeyrose returned to her cooking, vigorously stirring the eggs, sausage

bits, and potatoes into a mouth watering mix in the skillet while Frelic

attended to the ponies tethered nearby. He groomed and fed their mounts then

led them down to the river to drink. Upon his return to the campsite, his

apprentice had a bowl of breakfast mix and a steaming mug of black coffee ready

for him.

Sitting together, cross legged on the grass-covered ground, Elf and

Halfling dined in silence, contemplating the crackling fire before them and

pondering the final leg of their journey. Frelic took a hefty spoonful of his

mix, chasing it down with a sip of coffee. "Marvelous," he said as he swallowed

the first bite, "You make one killer glop, Honeyrose."

The girl blushed again, "Thank-you, Master," she humbly replied, "I do

take pride in my cooking, even if it is just breakfast mix, or glop as you like

to call it."

"Well hopefully, you will put as much care into your studies as you do

into your cooking," he admonished her.

"I won't let you down, Master," Honeyrose vowed, "Besides, since we are

settling in Pinevale, close to my family, that means double trouble for my ass

if I fuck up, what with the tradition of spanked at school, spanked again at

home, even though this is an apprenticeship with you I'm starting and not a

traditional school." She rubbed her behind again then took a big bite of her


"Correction," Frelic replied. He swallowed a mouthful of breakfast mix

and took another sip of coffee, "Not if you fuck up, but when you fuck up. It's

pretty much a given that any youngster over the course of her training is going

to get the paddle across her bottom frequently. No matter how good you are, you

are going to get in trouble from time to time, especially a feisty, mischievous

lass like yourself."

Honeyrose nodded, her blush deepening as her Master talked about her aft

end so matter of factly, "Yeah, I suppose you're right, Master," she conceded,

"But I will try my hardest to behave."

Frelic laughed, reaching over to pat his apprentice's bare tender

bottom, "I'm always right," he corrected her, "And I know that you will try hard

to be good and do well during your training. If I didn't believe that, I would

not have recommended you to Mistress Aeraal to serve as our lab aide four years

ago when we last visited your homeland."

"Thank-you, Master Frelic," the girl replied, "But no offense intended,

I thought you pushed for me to join the two of you in the hope that Mistress

Aeraal would let you practice boink magick with me." She giggled ever so cutely

and shot her master a coy gaze worthy of even the most alluring and expensive

Elven whore.

Now it was Frelic's turn to blush, "Ah, well," he stammered, "I won't

lie to you, dear. I plead guilty as charged to your accusation. I did indeed

have hopes of making use of your tender assets during the course of my training.

What red blooded Elf lad wouldn't want to practice boink magick with a

sweetling like yourself? 'Tis too bad Mistress Aeraal was wise to my ploy

though. That made it a most torturous four years for me, what with you parading

about the area so scantily clad and frequently skyclad, and me not able to

partake of your sweetness."

The girl set her bowl down on the ground, sighed, and stretched cutely,

then idly ran her fingers up and down the front and insides of her subtly

muscular thighs, "At least that helped you build up the self discipline needed

for a life of wizardry. But I had no idea that it was Mistress Aeraal that was

responsible for keeping us from getting too close, so to speak." The thought of

Master Frelic desiring the use of her tender little body for the past four years

caused a delightful tingle to ripple through her nether regions, manifesting as

a gentle shudder that anyone else but the Elf could easily mistake for a shiver

in the chilly morning air. She finished off her mug of coffee and changed the

subject, "So, when do you think we will pull into Pinevale?"

Frelic thought a moment, casting a glance to the east, where the sun was

finally slipping above the Whitetail Mountains, "Probably early afternoon, if

the weather holds out. It's not a difficult ride from here unlike the past few

days have been."

"Do you think Mistress Aeraal will make it for my apprentice bonding?"

"She would not miss it for anything," Frelic assured her, "even if she

has to hire a Dragon skiff to get here, she will be here in time for the


"Ah good. How about for my birthday celebration?" the girl asked, "You

think she will make it for that too?"

Frelic shrugged his shoulders and finished off his glop, "That I can't

say," he confessed, "She is pretty busy and is really pushing it to get here in

time for your bonding. Please don't be disappointed if she doesn't make it for

your birthday."

Honeyrose nodded understanding, "Okay, I won't feel bad if she doesn't

make it."

"I did hear that Shaasta and Hansen are working their way to Pinevale

from the south. Last word I had on them is that they should be here for your


"Oh goody," the girl giggled, "With those two, it should be a thirteenth

birthday to remember for ages to come. How's Shaasta recovering from her ordeal


Frelic set his empty bowl and mug on the ground and shrugged again, "You

mean her escape from Mistress Triniti? Meh, she's doing wonderfully, according

to Hansen; no worse for the wear."

"I can't imagine spending years as someone else's personal slave

myself," the girl said, "That must have been tough on your sister emotionally."

"Knowing Triniti," Frelic replied, "Shaasta probably had it pretty nice.

Commander Feylight and her friends prefer to have personal pets instead of mere

slaves. Hell, I sometimes find myself missing Triniti, Natalie, and even

Lieutenant Tarna. They did treat me and Shaasta quite well when we were

captives aboard the Bloodlust, despite being used as pleasure toys in ways you

probably can't even begin to imagine." Once again, the Elf was blushing as he

recalled those bittersweet memories from years past, memories that caused a

stirring between his legs. He adjusted his position on the ground to conceal

the partial erection that was building down there.

"So you liked being a pet then..." Honeyrose was interrupted by a

sudden burst of the giggles.

"It's not a laughing matter," Frelic chided the giggling girl, "If you

only knew half the things that they put us through, especially Tarna. That bird

had a repertoire of kinks that could have given the Falcon and the Mink a run

for their money."

"No no, Master," she swore, "I wasn't laughing about that..." she failed

to hold back another wave of giggles and pointed at the Elf, "You're changing in

the sunlight. You look a Shroom Gnome."

"Wha?" Frelic looked down at his hands. The once lightly tanned skin

was now a deep blue, as were his legs, and the rest of his naked body. His gaze

returned to his apprentice, his violet, feline eyes fixed accusingly on the

lass, "Honeyrose, dear. I thought you said you had learned your lesson last


The frightened Halfling stood up and backed slowly away from Frelic,

"But Master. This isn't my doing, I swear."

"Right," Frelic replied, his voice as icy as his gaze, "Who else could

have done this to me, one of our ponies?"

"Please, Master," she begged, "it wasn't me this time."

Before the girl could bolt, Frelic swiftly rose to his feet and lunged

towards his apprentice, catching her with a firm grip on her upper arm.

"There's no one else here but us, Honeyrose," he pointed out, "and I know that

this isn't my work. So that leaves only one other possibility." He marched the

girl over to where the ponies were tethered and withdrew a riding paddle from

one of the saddle bags.

"Really, Master, I didn't. I wouldn't. I don't even know how to do

something like that." The Halfling's protests and pleadings were for naught.

Frelic bent the girl over his arm, holding her around her waist with a firm

grip. There was no escape from the impending fate her bottom was going to soon

experience, a fate that she knew was undeserved.

"What you did is a very basic prank spell that most any apprentice can

pick up on easily," Frelic lectured her, "Inanna knows I did the same to

Mistress Aeraal back when I was her student. And just as I paid dearly for my

foolish mischief, so shall you."

Honeyrose sighed, resigned to her coming punishment, "Even though I

still maintain my innocence," she whimpered, "you are my master and I am your

student. You are always right."

Frelic smiled and gave the Halfling's vulnerably exposed bottom a light

tap with the paddle, "Correct." The still morning air echoed with the rhythmic

beat of hard oak on soft, naked flesh. Mingling with the sounds of the

paddling, the wails of the young Halfling girl filled Frelic's ears as the

punishment he unleashed on her bottom turned her tail a lovely shade of crimson.

The paddle connected with Honeyrose's butt over two dozen times, each swat as

hard as its predecessor, until not a single square inch of her south end showed

any color except red.

Near silence once again reigned across the grassy plain. The only

sounds were the pained sobs coming from Honeyrose as her master held her in his

arms. His hands gently patted and caressed her sore, burning bottom while she

cried into his slender, blue-skinned chest.

"There there, sweetling," Frelic purred in her ear, "It's all over; all

is forgiven." He planted a tender kiss on her forehead and wiped the tears from

her cheeks.

Honeyrose gazed up at her master, and smiled at him through her deep

brown misty eyes, "You...You're not sore at me any more, Master?"

Frelic laughed and squeezed the girl's rump, causing her to gasp and

wince, "Of course not, silly. My soreness at you has been transferred to where

it belongs, your sweet little bottom."

Honeyrose blushed again and giggled, "You know, this is going to make

the ride rather uncomfortable."

"You can take it," Frelic assured her, "Just think of each pulse of

soreness down there as a reminder of this lesson you just received."

She nodded solemnly, then put her arms around Frelic, standing on the

balls of her feet as she touched her soft lips to his, "Thank-you, Master for

not being afraid to discipline me as you see fit."

Frelic was taken aback by the girl's sudden burst of submissiveness, and

the caress of her lips on his caused another stirring between his thighs.

"Well, I would not be a proper teacher if I didn't discipline you as I saw fit.

His hands glided over her rump and down her thighs, playfully tickling the

insides close to the hot tight folds of her smooth, virgin femininity. "And I

would also not be a proper teacher if I didn't reward you for being a proper

apprentice either for that matter. And believe me, the rewards in store for you

when you excel are going to be every bit as wondrous as the punishments you can

expect when your behavior or performance are beneath my standards are


Honeyrose smiled and gazed dreamily up at Frelic, "Boink magick," she

translated, "I hope that I please you often and that our four year wait proves

to be every bit as pleasant as you, as we imagined it would be."

The inevitable erotic lessons known as boink magick were an up and

coming event that Frelic had thought about frequently. Knowing that he would

soon engage in passionate rites with this tendertail he held in his arms

occupied his mind quite often of late. And it would seem that this upcoming

lesson had occupied the Halfling's thoughts as well.

" Now, are you going to tell momma and daddy about what happened this

morning?", Honeyrose asked, changing the subject back to this most recent


"I very well could," Frelic replied, nodding solemnly. "Of course, that

would get you spanked by them I'm sure."

"Please no?" she pleaded, "I don't know if I could take another paddling

like that so soon after." She wrapped her arms around the Elf and rested her

head on his chest. "Please?"

Her Master ran his fingers through her hair again and down her back,

until they rested on the upper curve of the girl's rump, "I'll tell you what.

If my skin returns to normal by the time we reach Pinevale, not a word will be

spoken of this incident," he promised.

"And if you haven't changed back by then?"

"Well, questions will be asked, I'm sure. And I couldn't lie to your

parents. So you better hope that the blue does vanish completely by then."

Honeyrose nodded and rubbed her sore bottom again, "I'm sure it will...I


Frelic took a glance to the east, where Helasi had cleared the peaks,

and then to the west where thick clouds were starting to form over the peaks of

the Gray Falcon Mountains, "We best be getting started," he said, "It looks like

we might have a bit of a storm headed our way before we reach Pinevale." he

gave Honeyrose an affectionate open handed swat on her reddened bottom, causing

her to yelp, "Now, let's go get dressed." He hefted her up and slung her over

his shoulders like a sack of potatoes; and with his hand resting firmly on her

sore, bare ass, carried his giggling apprentice over to the pine tree where

their supplies were secured.

The wizard and his apprentice fished around in their packs for their

travel attire. Frelic extracted a black hip-length tunic, forest green cloak

with a silver brooch clasp bearing a design of a paw print with the primary pad

overlaid with a willow tree, and black knee-high leather boots. Honeyrose wore

nothing but her apprentice uniform, a green tunic cinched around her waist with

a black leather belt. The belt caused the lower portion of the tunic to fall

around her hips like a skirt that barely covered her sex in front, and in the

rear, left the lower curves of her plump little bottom exposed. It was rather

embarrassing to her still, but as both Frelic and Aeraal, as well as Grand

Mistress Terria at Ponytail Lodge had explained to her years ago that this

fashion's purpose was to provide quick and easy access to her butt as needed.

And after four years of watching Frelic during his apprenticeship, herself

serving both Aeraal and Frelic as their aide, and the past couple weeks on the

road with Master Frelic, she fully understood the importance of quick and easy

access. Pause whatever you are doing, bend apprentice or aide over, raise back

of tunic, administer spanking or other punishment, then resume business as

normal. Quick and efficient it was, with very little time wasted.

Now fully dressed for travel, Elf and Halfling saddled and bridled their

ponies, secured their packs behind the saddles, and mounted up. With firm

smacks of their riding paddles on their mounts' shapely round butts, they made

their way south down the road to Pinevale.

RedTails : The Paddled Princess Chapter 03 - An Awakening

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