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Stephan Glazer


Stephan and Illumanati board the Starliner R Mc Manus, with their kit Stephillum trailing behind on the cub-leash. Shi was only 3 years old, but very observant. Shi sniffed and explored the vast lounge and boarding ramp that hir lead would allow. Illumanati was carrying hir bags as well as hir daughter's luggage. Stephan was carrying his bag and pulling the suitcase by the handle.

Once on board, the stewardess, a female wolf morph named Anya, showed them to their cabin, giving them the tour of the ship before shi stopped outside their sleeping quarters. Stephan thanked her and gave her a $40 tip, which she smiled and bowed with a hug before leaving.

Once she was gone, the dark skinned human closed the door and walked over to the mattress where his mate was lying down, rubbing hir paws. He immediately took over; running hir fingers through hir fur and massaged hir paw pads, eliciting a murr from the arctic foxtaur herm.

<You know, we should see if there is a physiotherapist on board.> Nati replied, stretching hir taur shaped body, wincing from the aches and pains that carrying the luggage had left behind.

"Yes dear, I would sure love to have a rub down, my limbs are aching and my neck and shoulders are killing me."

Stephillum was busy in the playpen, a male and female doll in each paw hand, shi slowly lifted the top of the male, exposing his plastic chest. Then shi place him on the floor, and then shi got the female doll and ran her hands over the male's chest, humming to hirself. Illumanati saw this and smiled, as hir daughter was doing the nurses game, where the female doll was a representation of hir mom, and shi was healing hir husband.

<Is he all better now sweety?> the foxtaur asked hir young kit.

Stephillum looked up and smiled then nodded hir head, then went back to playing with the dolls. This time, the dolls were naked and in an embrace, arms and legs wrapped around each other. Stephillum was making kissing noises, as shi was imitating hir parents love mode. Although 3, shi was very a tune to hir surroundings and picked up on situations and actions, and put them into a game.

A bell sound caught the family's attention, and they stopped what they were doing.

"Evening passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be leaving shortly, our destination is Chakona. We hope that you enjoy your stay with us. If you have any problems or questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of out friendly staff. Dinner will be served in 90 minutes time." And with that, the announcement ended.

"Hmmm 90 minutes, more than enough time to search for the masseuse, what do you say dear, up for some pampering?" Stephan replied, tickling hir souls of hir paws.

Giggling, Nati swatted hir mates hand away then pounced on him, dishing out hir own tickling punishment.

Finally, they stopped tickling and started kissing, then they realized that they had an audience. Stephillum was grinning and watching, hir tail wagging as shi sensed and smelled the happiness and love in the air.

<Well, I guess we had better go before we lose track of time, I don't wanna get lost.> shi said, groaning as shi got too hir paws. Stephan also moaned as his aching joints told him that he was not getting any younger.

"Ok, come on little one, time for walkies." Stephan murred to his daughter, grabbing the leash and attaching it to hir taur body. Then the trio left the cabin and made their way to reception, to find out where the masseuse was located.

The mouse morph on duty smiled at the family.

"Evening, how may I help you?" she asked, pushing her spectacles up again.

"We were wondering if there is a masseuse onboard?" Stephan asked, smiling and struggling with hyperactive kit in his control.

The mouse smiled and nodded.

"Yes sir, but there is only one, and shi is very busy at the moment, hir schedule is full, and I'm afraid the shi won't be available until 10pm, in 4 hours time." The mouse replied.

Stephan's face showed his disappointment, and he was about to ask the mouse if he could speak hir, when he was rudely pushed from behind.

A familiar female voice replied.

"Watch were you're going, darky... Oh MY GOODNESS! STEPHAN?! IS THAT YOU?" replied a chakat with an armful of folders and books.

Stephan spun around and stared in utter surprise and glee at the lightly blue furred chakamil with red ears and yellow and red streaks through hir fur.

"SUNRISE? IS THAT YOU? OHH WOW, HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?" Stephan exclaimed, hugging tightly the chakamil, making hir drop hir folders as shi too returned the hug.

The mouse looked from the chakamil to the human and back again, confused.

"Do you two know each other?" she asked, picking up the dropped folders and books, as she watched the human deeply kisslicking the chakat.

<Yes, they went to college together, but separated on a sour note.> Illumanati replied, startling the mouse, which was not use to telepathy.

"Ok, so I gather they were an item at one point?" she replied, blushing.

<Yes dear, my mate was a right fur magnet.> and shi giggled at the mouse's blushing.

Sunrise then noticed Illumanati, and stopped, looking hir up and down, paying particular attention to hir breasts and rump. Nati blushed and felt really turned on by the chakat's sexual glances.

"NATI? IS THAT YOU?" shi replied, with disbelief in hir voice.

<Yes Sunny, long time no see.> the foxtaur murred, then happily embraced hir oldest friend, and yipped and shuddered as Sunrise's hands rubbed hir breasts.

"Definitely real, and bouncy and... lactating?" shi exclaimed, then was aware of another fur nearby, a small foxtaur kit, who was looking up at hir.

Sunriselooked at Stephan, then at Nati, then back again. Stephan had a look of a proud father, while Illumanati was grinning like an idiot. It didn't take hir long enough to put the pieces together.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" shi almost shouted, hugging both parents. Stephan nuzzled hir cheek while Nati licked hir chin softly.

Breaking the hug reluctantly, Sunrise sighed and playfully punched Stephan in the arm.

"You stud muffin, deflowering this poor innocent vixen, knocking hir up. I hope shi enjoyed it?"

"Oh, shi definitely did, we had to change the sheets the first time we yiff." Stephan teased, getting a punch in the other arm for it, and a playful glare from his denmate.

"Did shi make a mess? Or did you?" Sunrise asked, hir tail teasing Stephan's leg, tickling it slowly.

"We both did, what, between the fluids and hir claws, the sheets were totally ruined."

The mouse was blushing bright red, as she was hearing all this sexual chatter, as if it was a daily occurrence. Her nipples were hard and she started feeling a tingle between her legs, as her virgin twat started to get aroused.

"So, how did you conceive a kit, I thought that you were unable to, on a genetic level." Sunrise asked, hir curiosity now aroused, like hir other body parts.

"We went to the doctors, Dr Shir Springstep, a geneticist who altered my testicles to be able to sire cubs. Shi asked me, 'Who would I like to breed with, morphs or taurs?' well, the answer was obvious." He replied, smiling at his mate as shi nuzzled his cheek with love.

"Well, I'm glad that you two have finally started a family, and I must say, shi is adorable." Sunrise replied, picking the kit up gently and started playing with hir paws, which made hir giggle with glee.

"And what about you hun? Have you found yourself a mate yet?" Stephan asked, smiling at his old companion, as shi nuzzled Stephillum, who was busy plucking at hir top, making hir nipples show.

Sunrisesadly shook hir head and gave a sigh.

"No, sure I had companions, but none would want to have cubs with me, I guess they're afraid of my hereditary background, and don't want defected cubs." Shi replied with bitterness in hir voice.

Nati murred and cuddled hir oldest and dearest friend as Stephan did the same, then he looked hir in the eye.

"Sunrise, by beautiful Sunrise, I am now fulfilling my promise I made to you 10 years ago." He replied, holding hir hand-paws in his and rubbing the back of them, looking into hir yellow eyes, marvelling at hir long flowing mane of auburn head hair, the full breasts with the unique paw print pattern, hir light blur fur and streaks and the red ears.

Illumanati held hir breath for what was about to come, and Sunrise's eyes started to brim with tears at what shi suspected to be on Stephan's mind.

"Shir Sunrise, daughter of Sunset and Bluevein of House Redpaw, I Stephan Glazer, son of Christine and Blacktail, humbly offer my hand, heart and soul to you, so we can be Denmates, and start a family together, do you accept my offer?" he asked, with a clear voice filled with love.

"I DO, OH I DO... WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL AND BEING." Sunrise meowled, leaping on Stephan, hugging and kisslicking him enthusiastically. Nati just stood there, smiling with happiness.

<Well, it looks like the Asylum has another inmate in the Glazer Hospital for the sexually perverted.> shi joked, nursing hir daughter to hir breast, now becoming aware of the sexual aroma coming from the mouse.

To Be Continued.....


A blonde hurried into the emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off. 'How did this happen?' the emergency room doctor asked her. 'Well, I was trying to commit suicide,' the blonde replied. ...

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**OHHH SWEET SUNNY ©** By Solarblaze Glazer. In my dreams of sorrow. As I drown in my despair. While I struggle to awake. I feel the presence of love. And smile that you are...

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**POUNCE** By Saphire and Kandine. Prowl in the grass, and wiggle your ass (Rump) Crawl on the ground, and see the prey. Be very quiet, so they don't run away. Move oh slow, and very...

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