So Far: Untitled.

Story by cold turkey on SoFurry

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Woah, totally new format... I'm around. Here's a story. I'll just leave this here. It's a bit out of the season but it took me a really long time to get started and keep going (it's been sitting on my computer for almost 3 years now).

There was a faint murmuring, a barely audible string of words hastily thrown together..

"Ah God... I'm gonna cum."

The groaning of the shitty mattress and the soft slurping noises of a cheetah's cock lewdly being thrust under my tail drowned out the exclaimation. Quivering I grab hold of the old brown comforter on the bed and bury my muzzle in it letting out a loud moan. My orgasm only intensified as the cheetah leans forward and roughly bites down onto my neck as his rough tongue gently laps at the flesh and fur in his maw.

I came hard, beads of cum leaking from my cock tip onto the once brown comforter as he punished the tiny collection of nerves that was my prostate.



I rolled over onto my stomach, feeling a slightly moist warmth around my belly and thighs. Tossing aside the comforter on my bed, I saw the once brown was now wet. It smelled faintly of mushrooms and my cum stained sheath was hanging out of the pissflap of my boxers. Groaning, I put my sheath back into my boxers and sit on the edge of the bed and rest my forehead in my palms yawning and slowly mutter to myself "Six is too early to wake up... disturbs the good dreams"

Pushing off the bed, I stagger to my feet and stumble a bit almost falling over. "Uhp, not yet." Staggering backwards, I sit myself back on the edge of the bed and take a moment to gather my thoughts while an incessant beeping still hangs in the air.

Turning to the clock, which hadn't been shut off yet, I gingerly push the alarm button and mutter under my breath a "fuck you..." and once again try to shove my way off the bed to start my morning.

Succeeding this time, I amble my way down the hall to the bathroom. I creep to my younger brother's room and peered in through the crack in his door. I saw the lump shifting under the blankets and rolled my eyes, it'd be a good 20 minutes before his alarm would go off...

I thought about maybe slipping in there to change it; maybe make it go off at 5:30 in the morning tomorrow. And then I contemplated waking him up manually.

I decided against it though, letting him have his undisturbed sleep and walked the rest of the way down the dilapidated hallway. Slipping through the doorway I flipped on the lightswitch and groaned as the dingy room was washed in bright, fluorescent light.

Looking around, I saw the occasional clump of tawny fur hiding in the corner, the bit of black scum that magically made its way between the tiles around the bathtub and up the length of the wall... I could tell it'd been a while since anybody's cleaned, and knew better than to think somebody would before spring. Turning and facing the mirror I yawned, the copper fur on my chest bristling a bit as I bring my paw up to my maw and politely cover it, like I was always told to do.

Opening my eyes, I see a fantastic specimen of mediocrity reflected back at me: a plain, slightly overweight cougar, no spots, no stripes... just copper with a white underbelly and black tips on my ears and tail. Maybe the most outstanding quality I had was my strong shoulders and arms, the quality that my mom insists came from good genes.. if it wasn't my best feature I certainly didn't see anything else. Muttering nothing to myself I slip down my messed boxers and hop in the bathtub.

I waste no time and turn the water on lathering up my fur, letting the water rush over me: a catharsis from my mind's vivid imagining. I made sure to take special care and wash all the cum out of my pubic hair and off of my thigh so it doesn't dry there and clump. Shutting off the water and throwing open the curtain I pull my arms close to my chest, the cold air taking me by surprise as I grab a towel and hastily wrap it around myself... I was known for my unusually fast showers, this one taking all of about 5 minutes. I quickly run the towel over my damp body, wanting nothing more than to get back into the warmth of clothes.

Grabbing the bunched up pair of soiled boxers from the ground, I drape the towel over the shower bar to dry and make my way back to my room naked, braced against the cold air and fully knowing that nobody in the house would be awake. I toss the boxers into the overflowing clothes hamper and slip on the pair of purple gymshorts which I had stolen from work the summer before. 'They would have to do as underwear for today.' I grimly thought.

Pulling a pair of loosely fitting jeans on over them, I slip on a tight blue thermal shirt and don my glasses and boots, not even bothering to wear socks because they were all dirty. I make my way down the stairs, my heavy boots making heavy footfalls against the uncovered hardwood and thump into the dark kitchen.

I flip another switch, illuminating the faintly pink walls.

Wrenching open the door to the fridge I pull out the carton of milk and I pour myself a glass. Sitting at the table I look around at the walls and start to think of what my mom would do if one day she came back to see that her wonderfully pink walls were all white washed or scratched or in some other way marred... how would she fill that void, her tiny little pink world would come tumbling down being left with only a blank nothingness. I'd thought of doing it several times before.

Letting out a snort I finish the rest of my milk and put the glass into the sink full of dirty dishes and grab a browned banana from the bowl of fruit. Losing track of consciousness for a moment, I notice my banana has been peeled and eaten. Not only that but the tv is on and the remote is in my paw. A fucking miracle I think.

Flipping through static I find the one thing that would come in clearly: a tv evangelist preaching the ways of his god. Seeing this as a sort of morbid curiosity, I put the remote down and stare transfixed by the dapper, well dressed lion on the screen with the empty banana peel still in paw. The occasional waver of the edges of the screen and dull roar telling me that a bus was just speeding by the house. We lived in the industrial section of city... not much around us for 3 blocks save for an abandoned factory here, a condemned house there: the shattered dream of a young, hopeful family trying to find their own little niche in the city.

It seemed to suit us just fine though.

My ears perked up and swiveled towards the doorway: I heard a beeping going off upstairs and knew it was my younger brother finally waking up. Next I could hear the creaking of the woodplanks as he made his way to the bathroom and the squeak of the door, eventually the thumping of the slightly corroded lead pipes as he turned the knobs for the water.

He took quick showers too... I guess we're both the product of having to live in the shitstain part of the city with pipes that would give you tetanus; if you stayed in the water long enough, the clean water would run out and all that would be left would be the mineral deposited water. Which almost always came out as a healthy brown color and stank like metal. If you weren't careful, the water you brushed your teeth with was that brown sludge. That certainly wasn't a pleasant experience.

A few minutes later, he came downstairs, dressed in his oddly striped pants and a tight yellow shirt that proudly proclaimed: "I've got the Crabs" on the front. A gag shirt my grandfather had given to my dad when he was younger and could fit into a medium sized shirt... it suited my brother and his thin frame well. He walked passed me making his way into the lit kitchen and poured himself a small bowl of cereal. Plopping into the seat next to me, he too sat staring at the lion on the screen, occasionally bringing the spoon to his mouth and dribbling milk onto his chin.

There was a round of applause. The cameraman sweeping through the crowd as people got to their feet, paws aloft. Some of them waving handkerchiefs. Others with just their open paws in the air, heads bowed in reverence.

My brother hopped up, I slipped my banana peel into his empty bowl as he passed by. He came back to the couch having grabbed his dark orange wool blazer and tossed it onto his shoulders. He grabbed my gray wool coat from the hallway and tossed it to me, it still smelled faintly of the cherry pipe tobacco I had smoked last night. I stood, carefully placing the remote on the arm of the couch and whipped my coat over my shoulders, tying off the scarf stuffed in the pocket and buttoned up.

I grabbed the remote and press the power button. The screen slowly going blank with that tiny white dot in the center lingering before being overwhelmed with the black surrounding it.

I let out a loud groan and trudged to the door. I was just in one of those moods today. "Why are you so grumpy this morning?" my brother inquires. Not being one for talking in the morning I grunt to him and walk out onto the porch.

None of us locked the door to our house anymore: my brother, our mother, and I. Nobody lived close to us and neither did anybody work within 4 blocks of our home. We didn't even have any people walking by at any time of the day or night. My brother and I had to walk to the neighborhood nearly 8 blocks west, to the bustling suburbs, to get to our school bus stop. We were too far out of the busroute according to the superintendent. Luckily the city bus had a stop just 2 blocks up though.

We make the trek in an exhausted silence, assuredly the both of us thinking however long we might have slept wasn't quite long enough. Barely getting there just in time for the yellow bus had just pulled up and the three other kids at our stop were filing in. He boards first, easily finding a bench in the nearly empty bus and I sit next to him, resting the back of my head on the seat and almost immediately falling asleep.

I was occasionally awakened by the jostle of the city street and looked around seeing faces that seem vaguely familiar like those seen in a dream's dream.

Time goes by and I dream of nothing, I can feel my mouth is wide open. I feel the bus stopping and starting repeatedly. Eventually I am awakened by a jab from my brother's elbow and I instinctively stand. The both of us make our way off the bus and up the bleak front walk of the school, my paws shoved into my pockets and my collar up as my brother trudges beside me and yawns, a cloud of steam appearing from his nostrils and maw as he exhales... not uncommon for mid-December.

Parting ways I wave to him and shout an abrupt goodbye. I carved a path through the warm halls, passing some of those vaguely familiar faces. Sometimes giving the polite but insincere nod and smile. I stop by my locker and toss my scarf in it, pulling out my bookbag which was still full from the afternoon classes of the day before. I couldn't be bothered to bring it home because the work I would've been doing was bullshit... I took easy classes, at least so I thought. Maybe others had found them difficult, I didn't know. I slung it onto my shoulder and rejoined the mass of students in the center of the hallway.

Making it to homeroom, I smile that fake smile to the homeroom proctor and my first period instructor, the old graying german shepherd was wearing his green tie; it must've been Wednesday because he only wore that tie on Wednesday. Taking my seat towards the center of the class I have a good look around, occasionally waving to an acquaintance here or there.

The classroom starts filling up with furs wrapped up because of the cold: wearing their bright jackets that looked like they should be bursting at the seams from all that down and lining. The neon glow from them was almost blinding me. I barely knew many of them, could only recognize them by their face. Or in some cases their scowl or completely befuddled look as they groped for an answer in class.

Amid the sea of furs, a lone cheetah stood out. He had an indie kid mohawk and wore only a pair of jeans and a cotton track jacket. He slipped through the crowd with eerie fluidity and sat in the seat next to me, cracking a smile towards me.

Well here we are. I hope you liked it a bit. Feel free to comment and jazz. I'll try to get the next installment out as soon as possible. Maybe I'll even have a title eventually!

Thank you so much for reading.

Much Love.

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