Untouched Sands

Story by Z-Byte on SoFurry

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#11 of Machinations of a Trainer

I fucked up my first pass at this, so I rewrote it and made it moderately acceptable to myself. Enjoy, and I hope to see you guys next week ^__^


"Well, that was fun," I said, smiling as I opened the door to the contestant's waiting room. I was damp, my hands tingled, and for some reason my eyes were burning, causing me to squint when the fluorescent lights of the room met against them.

May nearly leaped on me, giving me a big hug from the side. "That was amazing! How did you hold that lighting!? How about that big halo at the end!? How did you do it?"

The girl's curiosity amused me, considering how I was usually on the other end of lengthy explanations. "I used Angel's antennae; by putting my hand on it, I was able to channel her electricity through my body and use her Volt Absorb to keep myself from being electrocuted."

May's smile seemed to fade. "Zack... that was a lot of electricity running through that antennae! If Angel's fin would have touched the ground, you would have been screwed!"

"Yeah, I know," I said, rubbing the back of my head as May began another danger lecture like the one she had given me after my battle with Alex. "The hardest part was trying

to channel that Flash attack."

Tameri seemed to be interested, taking a few steps forward and leaning on the wall beside me. May's voice seemed to fade as the Desert Rose began to speak. "So, how did you

manage to channel a Pokemon's attack through you?"

"It wasn't that hard," I replied, putting my hands behind my head and leaning against the wall beside the bronze beauty. "It just took some concentration. I've used Kiki's Helping Hand on myself before, so it wasn't that hard to imagine I could use Flash with some timing."

"Is that right?" Tameri's voice was full of curious admiration as she looked down into my eyes, as though she was looking for something on my face that would give away

a lie. May had stopped her rambling when I mentioned using Helping Hand on myself, cocking her head with a confused stare. Tameri smiled, satisfied when she apparently found what she was looking for. "I'm impressed, Hasani. Very few people can manage what you have."

I closed my eyes and smiled, "I should hope not. If everyone did it, the judges wouldn't be that impressed! I'm sure anyone could do what I did if they tried, though.

It takes a lot of trust, to be sure, but after the incident at Lilycove I think that Angel and I have a

fairly powerful bond."

"That's right," said Tameri. "Why don't you tell me how that went? I've heard reports, but I'd like a direct account of the adventures of 'The Hero of Lilycove'."

"Sure," call me prideful, but telling the story of my victory over those blue coat pirate wannabes to anyone who asked made me a little giddy. Without sparing any flourished details, I recounted my tale to Tameri the same way I did to the reporters at Lilycove.

* * *

Bastilla's brow raised as Trent finished telling his story. "So, he took on the entire base by himself and brought it down?"

"Well, he was the only trainer," said Trent in moderately well spoken human tongue, folding a large leaf into the shape of a cup and dipping it into the lake. "But he was far from alone."

"I see," said the sneasel, looking to the sceptile as he offered her the leaf to drink from. They were taking a break from Trent's language training, and he told her about Zack's victory over the Aquans at Lilycove. What's more, he did most of it in the human language, only reverting to his own tongue when he didn't know the words to use. She was impressed, at both his perseverance in learning the human language and in his abilities in


Trent took a sip from the leaf, swallowing a gulp of water that had been sweetened by the unique brand of foliage he used for a cup. "Zack didn't stop to think twice the entire time. We got lost in the base more than often, but every time we ran into a dead end crawling with enemies he would take them out, calling Angel to paralyze them or Kiki to use their own base against them. I thought he was foolish to go in alone, but when we stood triumphant over the entire base, shutting down their operation and freeing the wailmer, I lost any doubts I had for him. He is indeed the strongest trainer I've ever known."

"It sounds like you admire him," replied Bastilla, drinking deep from the leafy cup and smiling at its pleasant taste. "I have to admit, he does sound unstoppable. Is there anything that can beat this kid?"

The sceptile chuckled. "Oh, if he has taught us anything, it's that everyone has a weakness. He's strong, but he doesn't think about the consequences of his actions until after he's waist deep in his own mistakes. That, and he's incredibly stubborn; it's amazing that he even let's us help him sometimes."

The black weasel breathed small particles of ice upon the water's surface, chilling it to her referred temperature before taking another gulp. "So he acts on instinct and willpower alone? Are you sure he's even human?"

"If he's a new Pokemon," said the great lizard with a smile. "Then let's just hope no one else has one. If more than one Zack popped up, then I fear for what will happen to the balance of the world."

They both shared a laugh before finishing their drinks, continuing their own training as the sun started its afternoon descent.

* * *

"I wish I had met you guys before," said Katherine in poketongue, looking to Fara and Celia as she absently listened to Zack's tale. "Now I feel left out!"

Fara barked a little laugh, "I'm sure there will be others. Zack tends to get himself into trouble more often than not. You'll be the first to know, I'm sure."

"It...was a bit scary," said Celia, clicking her claws together habitually. "But it was fun; especially when I evolved! I never felt so powerful, and when we left, Zack used his gratitude money to buy us a bunch of machines to teach us new moves. I think he only bought one thing for himself, but I can't remember what it was."

Katherine looked up at her draconic companion. "So, you evolved during the siege on the Aqua base?"

The flygon nodded, "Yes, at the end. The person who ran the operation decided to be what Zack called an 'evil super-villain' and destroy his base after he lost. Either that, or I think Zack pressed the wrong button... anyway, we had to escape, so I tried really hard to evolve so I could fly him out and... it happened! I was able to get him out and land on the shore safely."

"I don't understand why you're so pent up about proving yourself, Cel," said Katherine, propping her head on her arms as she relaxed on the bench and watched someone mess up their routine with their duskull, the trainer being engulfed in blue flames by a Will-o-Wisp attack and dashing around the arena in a panic. "You sound like you've done the most work out of all of us."

"Oh, I haven't... I'm not nearly as strong as you or Fara. I'm just-"

Before Celia could berate herself, Fara stepped in. "If master Zack needed a powerhouse that could crush his foes, then he wouldn't even be in this contest."

"Yeah," continued Kat, looking to the other two. "I know Master well, I have a feeling he didn't let you do this contest because you were the best chance of winning. He's giving you the opportunity to prove yourself because he knows how much you want to."

"R...Really?" Celia was a little skeptical, having thought Zack to be a king who only accepted the strongest knights into his army.

"Obviously," said Kat, a pearly white grin cracking her ebony furred face. "I think that if he can get you to win this, then you'll stop worrying about proving yourself. From what I've heard, Zack knows the feeling of not being appreciated, but when he earns respect, he cherishes it.

I bet he wants you to feel better about yourself."

The flygon had to think about that, a bit startled at this revelation. *If that's true... then I don't need to prove myself to him! But... I still want to. I need to see if I'm cut out for this team! Even if Master wants me here, I can't be a burden.*

"You're not a burden," said Fara, catching the flygon's thoughts. "After all, isn't Zack the one on your back most of the time?"

Celia giggled, looking to her human master as he went through the motions of elaborating his harrowing battle. The flygon's gaze met with Tameri's sash of pokeballs and made her think of that strong, fast, powerful flygon of hers, Amun. She loved her master like a brother, but she felt a primal attraction to another of her species. It was built into her genetic code; she couldn't escape it. Her breeding group was the bug type, which turned out to be rarer and less exciting than it sounds, not that it was appealing to begin with.

Celia sighed, imagining what it would feel like to soar through the sky with that much larger creature, feeling his claws around her neck, his tail constricting her own as they dove for the ground, his seed spraying into her...

She blushed, embarrassed at her own thoughts. The flygon had never even considered thinking like that before! How did her thoughts drift from caring for her master to mating with a complete stranger?

*My season,* she thought, her eyes going wide. *It must be starting!*

"What's the matter with you?" The absol queried her friend in poketongue, concerned at the look on her face. Celia only turned away, looking to the door leading to the outside. "I have to go!"

As the dragoness' wings began singing with their rapid beating, Zack and the others looked to her with a shock, confused visage. She turned away, more than a bit ashamed of both her thoughts and actions. *I need to fly, to get some air, then I'll be right back. I'm sorry, Master...*

She sped out the door, nearly knocking over the meowth from before as she made her egress.

* * *

A few specs of sand wiped across my face as my flygon flew out the door, a pained expression on her face. "Why did she leave," I asked to no one in particular, concerned for Celia's well being. Neither Tameri nor May responded with words, instead grabbing a pokeball from their belts and heading out the door.

"I know why, master Zack," cooed Fara's haunting, telepathic echo, halting me from following the women out. I turned to my ninetales so I could put her face to the voice. "Her heat approaches at this inopportune time, I fear. She still feels inadequate to you, and she is

having trouble accepting the fact that she doesn't need to prove herself. I was beginning to make progress when... this happened."

"I see," I whispered my reply so no one thought I was insane and talking to myself. "I wanted to show her how strong she could really be, but now something comes up that she can't control and interferes with that. I thought that flygon's only mate in the desert summer."

Fara shook her head, her white fur letting tiny blue embers fall to the ground. "I'm sorry; too, for not seeing it coming earlier. It all seems very inconvenient. Perhaps the excess training brought it along, or being away from her home for so long has thrown off her biological clock."

I winced at the knowledge that I may have had something to do with it. "I have to forfeit. Celia is in no condition to fight, especially if it came down against a male of her kind. It would be torture for her!"

"How about you sate her?" Katherine said, popping out of nowhere despite her previous vow of silence and seeming to invade the conversation, despite one half of it being completely mental.


"Ignore her," barked Fara's voice, a little angry at the intrusion. "This is more than just petty arousal."

I nodded; making sure everyone else was more concerned with the recent scene than they were with me talking to my Pokemon. "Yeah; earlier, it came down to just filling a current need. This goes deeper than that this time; my flygon needs a mate."

Katherine's head bowed down a little, dropping her voice to a whisper. "I thought about that... but Celia needs a male like you right now. Even if she can't get a kid from it, I think you should at least help her through it the way you helped me, at least until the end of the contest."

I was surprised to find logic in my absol's words. *If I brought Celia out of the contest now, that would only make her feel worse. Right now, she needs help getting through this phase in her life.*

Fara sighed, her voice entering my head again. "I don't think this is the best choice, but it sounds like our only option at this point. I can only hope nothing ill stems from this decision."

"Aw, come on, Fara," I said, not one to worry about non-immediate consequences. "What could possibly go wrong?"

After speaking those famous last words, I stepped towards the door, walking to the girls that had stepped outside.

May turned to me, looking to glean some clues from my facial features as to what my action would be while Tameri simply looked onward towards a distant cliff's edge. "We

sent a small search party to hunt for your flygon, Hasani. I sent Amun, and Miss Birch sent her tropius."

"Please, call me May," said the professor's daughter, flattered at the older female's words. "Don't worry, we'll find her soon."

I paused and cocked my head to the side. "I could have told you where she went; I have a pokenav map. It shows me where all of my Pokemon are."

Tameri raised her brow curiously and May put her hand to her mouth. "Ah! I can't believe I forgot about that! I'm so sorry, it's just that this whole thing has me on edge." The Desert Rose seemed confused, "Poke...nav? What is this?"

While May explained the device to the curious master, I couldn't help but worry. There could be trouble if Amun found Celia before May's tropius Eden did.

I pulled the portable navigator from my belt buckle and activated it, going through the motions of locating a Pokemon.

* * *

It wasn't long before Celia was a great distance from the contest arena, sitting on her haunches and looking over the entire city of Mauville from a perch atop the cliff.

She sighed with a groan; was she really in heat? It hadn't been long since she had evolved into a flygon, so it was only natural that her procreating instincts would be kicking up about now. *I can't fight like this,* she thought, frustrated. *What if I start having these thoughts during a battle? I can't afford to be distracted when Master needs me...* The flygon cursed her luck; even after all of this work and training to improve herself, her downfall would be something she had no control over.

*But... if I find a mate... I can make it not bother me, right?* Celia began questioning her own biology. She couldn't afford to let Zack down after all the work he's been through to make her as strong as she is! He had given her this opportunity to show how strong she was; she didn't want to seem ungrateful for his sacrifice of choosing her over a much stronger teammate.

Celia didn't know what was happening to her. She had imagined her heat would be obvious; the space between her legs would burn and she'd be bent over, panting for something, someone to fill her primal need. It was even worse that she still had her consciousness, and that she

didn't like this want overtaking her.

A soft thud alerted the dragoness to something behind her and she jumped, whipping her tail to her front to defend herself with. She saw the larger flygon Amun standing

before her, his great claws crossed. "Your trainer wishes your return," the great beast said, sporting a deep accent similar to his trainer's. "Many people are worried about you, youngling."

"Ah," Celia said with a breath. "They're worried? About me? I just stepped out for some fresh air."

Amun shook his large head, bringing his gaze to meet the smaller flygon's. "No... they said they believed something to be wrong. I won't pry, but it would be best if you returned soon."

"Of course, yeah, sorry," Celia was a bit flustered by Amun's gaze. Her biological need was beginning to mess with her head, letting amorous images enter her mind's eye and toy with her thoughts. She shook them out with a physical jerk of her head, much to the curiosity of the

large male before her. "Is something wrong?"

"No," she replied, frowning. "I just... uh... need a little bit more air."

Amun paused, contemplating the small creature before him. She was such a frail thing; soft and kind. She definitely shouldn't be here. With a soft, yet commanding voice, he

finally said: "No. What you need is to withdraw. Feign illness, feign injury; don't fight in this battle."

The younger flygon recoiled at the sudden proposal. "W...what? I don't understand."

"You are too gentle for battle," the great beast continued. "If you fight, you may go against me. I will do anything to please my mistress, and, if she desires victory, I cannot guarantee your safety should we meet in battle"

Celia was frightened by the male's words. Could she? It would be so easy to simply refuse to fight. Zack would never force her to do anything she didn't want to. There have even been times where even the thought of her injury caused him to forsake flying her through storms and

instead dash along the ground in the rain or the snow.

*But that's why I can't give up,* she said, her gaze focusing on the larger dragon before her. *He's been there for me, protecting me so that I could be there for him when he needs me. And now...*

"No," Celia finally said. "He needs me now. I'm not lying down on this! Even if I have to fight you, I'll defeat you."

Amun's face grew stern and he took several steps towards the smaller flygon, towering over her. "This is for your own good, youngling. I don't wish to injure something as delicate as you, but I must not go against my mistress' command."

"And Master asked me to do this. We've been training, and if he believes I can do it, then I can do it!"

Amun shook his head. "Please, you have a strong heart, but-," His words halted with his advancing, causing Celia to tilt her insectoid head and blink. The male dragon sniffed the air, a grumble filling his throat. "So... you're not a nymph after all..."

Celia stepped back, "What? What do you-"

"Your heat... yes, it's weak, but there! I can definitely smell something..."

The female flygon whipped her tail around her body again, folding her wings to create a little barrier between her and Amun. He was getting closer, sniffing the air around her and breathing deeply. "That explains a lot... hear me out, little one: if you carry my seed, then you don't need

to fight against me. They will consider you with child, and a trainer cannot compete with a pregnant Pokemon. Your master would not blame you, for your body required

it. He couldn't ask you to go against your body, could he?"

Celia swiped the ground in front of her, drawing a line and kicking up dirt. "No! I... I couldn't let him down like that." She fought against her need. The back of her mind screamed at her to take his offer, to let this mighty beast fertilize her begging body, but her desire to prove that she was worth a trainer like Zack was stronger. "Only Master..."

Amun's eyes blinked when Celia let that last part slip. "Master? You have feelings for your trainer? You shouldn't bother; his seed will not sate you. But mine will; let me take you, and your child will be strong. You can raise it with your master. If you do, you'll both be happy, and we won't have to suffer your defeat by my hands." He smiled at that, making Celia think that the dragon had ulterior motives for seeking to bed her.

"It wouldn't be the same," argued the female flygon, baring her tiny teeth at the approaching male. His idea sounded much like Fara and Katherine's, but she couldn't ask Zack to care for a child that wasn't his. Besides, she would rather remain a virgin then have her maidenhead

taken solely for relief.

"Listen," said Amun, his tail flicking with a hint of frustration as his voice deepened... "It may sound selfish, but my mistress only allows me relief at her behest. I have not mated with her or any other female for a full month now, thanks to her horrid occupation. Being around my homeland is pleasant, but she is far too surrounded by her human workers to allow for our coupling, and she needs me to control the sands and keep the humans safe, so I am unable to find another of my kind to sate myself."

"That's not my problem," said Celia, her heat forcing her to be bolder despite her situation. "Just because you can't control your urges doesn't mean I'm going to let you have me! I'm saving myself!"

"So, you can be bold as well," replied Amun, lowering his head. "Your heat brings with it many emotions, and I understand your ferocity. Seek me out, should you desire

to take me up on my offer. I hope you will; fighting you in this situation will be hazardous to us both. I shall seek out my mistress and inform her of your location. Please, do not move from this spot."

Celia fell backwards as Amun's wings roared, lifting him from the ground and carrying him over the cliff back towards the contest arena. The whole situation fell upon her, being held back by her adrenaline only to be released once the intimidating male had left. Her red eye shields folded backwards with a tiny hissing sound, allowing a few hormone-driven tears to stream down her face and mingle with the sand pooled at her neck, her resolve fading as the salty beads became dark and muddy.

*I shouldn't have said those things, he was trying to help me.*

*...No, he was trying to help himself.*

*But... I can't win against something like that, can I.*

For several minutes, the flygon continued softly sobbing. She couldn't help but berate herself, letting her emotions control her actions. "I'm pathetic..."

"You shouldn't say things like that," said a masculine voice from behind Celia. She craned her neck with a start, her eye shield folding back over as a defensive measure as she turned to the voice's source. "Who's there!?"

"Don't be alarmed," said the voice again, stepping from behind a rock. To Celia's shock, it was a human! His sweaty black hair was shorter than Zack's, his eyes a deep brown and his face sharply angled. He wore a black shirt and around his neck was small, feather shaped medallion, its silver color reflecting onto the ground. His lower half was clothed in deep blue jeans, which were held up by a belt with a golden buckle, its circular shape holding six of the little capsules that Zack keeps her in on the road. Folded in his toned right arm was a blue coat, his left hand holding a large duffel pack over his shoulder.

"I was out training and I heard you crying," the man said, his eyes looking over her body like a man who bore witness to a wounded animal. "What would cause such a lovely creature to shed such tears?"

Despite Celia's shock at the human understanding her, she seemed to calm down at the mere sound of his deep voice. It was weird... she knew she could trust him. He stepped closer and, instead of floating away as she normally would, she stayed put, his eyes seeming to stare deep into her thoughts and pushing her fears away. Her eye shields opened, allowing herself to be drawn in deeper into his dark pools.

"Well," started Celia, her muscles relaxing as she began explaining her troubles to the mysterious human, who was currently kneeling in front of her an placing his held gear down, his feather pendant dangling almost hypnotically in front of him. "It's about my master..."

* * *

My skitty let out a lazy yawn as she rode my hat, the air pushing past me as I rode May's bike to the cliff. There were still plenty of contestants left, and I was sure there would be a long break as the contestants and audience were given free Game Corner coins, making the contest seem more like a commercializing deal for the Mauville's casino than it was a gathering place for trainers with flair.

I noticed a flygon soaring from the cliff, but my pokenav read that Celia was still at its peak. I shook my head; I was worried that Amun would find her first. I earnestly hoped that he had not made her situation worse. If he did...

Something, a sudden gust of wind perhaps, made my eyes sting. Wiping them on my sleeve, I lowered my bill to deflect the unseen breeze.

I arrived at the base of the cliff and looked up. It was too high to climb. I could wait for her to return, but seeing Amun leave gave me an incentive to get up there.

Placing my hand on the cliff, I was surprised to feel a small patch of soft earth. I smiled; it must have been my lucky day. *If Kiki and I can tunnel upwards, we can be at the top in a few minutes.*

I stepped off the bike and undid its several metal buckles and knobs and collapsing it so I could fit it in my backpack. I used the black straps on the backpack to secure it, and then nodded, feeling the pink furball still resting on my head. "Ready to play, Kiki?"

"Nya~!" The skitty hopped onto my outstretched arm and ran to my hand, putting her two front paws on the dirt.

"Here we go, girl. Secret Power!"

* * *

The man sat cross-legged in front of Celia, who wagged her tail as she recounted her stories to the person who could understand her. He put his hand to his chin, "I see, so that young man with the white hair was Zack Stone?"

"Uh huh," the flygon confirmed it with a smile. She had told him everything; who her master was, the deeds he had done, their time together, even when he and Kat-

"Ah!" Celia had told him that! She remembered how Zack had said that other people weren't supposed to know about it. She suddenly felt terrible for letting it just spill out of her like that. "You weren't supposed to know that stuff!"

"It's fine," he replied, shaking his hand as if to wave away her concern. "I'm good with keeping secrets.

Different trainers find different ways to bond with their Pokemon. If Zack goes as far as to commit to a ritual to be his Pokemon's mate, then I say he's good master material."

The dragoness was a bit shocked to hear that. "So... it's ok? I mean, is it healthy?"

"As long as both parties come out for the better, then nothing is wrong." The man shook his head. "The bond between a trainer and a Pokemon trumps all things. So long as your trainer understands that and takes it to heart, then no wrong can come from his actions"

Celia swayed her tail softly, contemplating his words. After a while, she nodded with understanding, but she had a burning question on her mind. "How can you understand me? I

thought no human could learn the language of the Pokemon."

"I thought this question might come up," the man nodded, sighing. "There are a few ways to look at the language of the Pokemon: scientifically and metaphysically. Scientists state that the Pokemon language consists of hormones and body language with subtle mouth gestures.

While this is true for most wild ones, a Pokemon who is raised by a trainer becomes entwined within the human way of life. They communicate with each other much like humans do, emulating their masters the way they know how."

"That was scientific," he explained to Celia, who just barely understood him, crossing his arms. "Metaphysical is much deeper than that. I spent most of my days bound with Pokemon, sharing my heart with them."

"Your... heart?" Celia blinked; "Do you mean you let Pokemon have your heart? Don't you need that?"

The man chuckled, amused by the flygon's query. "I didn't share my physical heart, Celia. When a Pokemon and trainer connect in such a way that the only things that exist in the world are them and what they are doing, that is when they truly connect. It is through that bond I have uncovered secrets that science can't explain. Only through that bond can they be explored, but if I know your trainer simply by hearing your stories, then I have a feeling that he'll discover them on his own soon enough."

Celia's mouth opened in a smile, seeming relieved, if still a little confused. "How do you know so much about all this stuff?

"Well, I have a friend who researches-". A loud beeping sound interrupted them, coming from the man's duffel bag and he sighed, reaching into it and pulling out an odd-looking device. It attached to his ear, and a small glass visor extended over it, revealing the face of a young human male with curiously green hair. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but the man responded in kind to an unheard conversation. "Are you sure? This isn't another hoax like before, is it? Alright, I'm on my way. I still have a few hours, by the looks of things."

He clicked off the device and sighed, putting it back into his bag. "I'm sorry, Celia, but I have to go. However, your trainer is making his way up through the cliff. You should probably get after him."

"Huh? How do you know where he is?"

"Because," he said, standing and donning his blue coat, the end of which trailing the ground. "I've felt him digging his way upwards. He's persistent, but he'll bring down the cliff if he's not careful."

"What!? Oh!" She worried, frantically leaping to her feet. I need to find him before he gets hurt!"

"Good luck, and be careful," said the man as he walked behind the rock and vanished from view , leaving Celia alone atop the cliff once more. She shook her head, looking to the ground. She did indeed feel very soft vibrations, but it was only because of her affinity with the ground. *How

did he-*

A rock falling from the cliff's edge snapped her focus back. Her trainer could be buried under rubble if she didn't help! Using her digging skill, she dove into the rock like it was water, using the sonar-like vibrations of Zack's tunneling to guide her to her master.

* * *

Kiki's body rippled with a white glow as she let out a cry, an eerie echo filling the slowly forming upward spiral. She put her paw on the next patch of soft earth that I had illuminated with the light from my pokenav and, with a simple touch, the dirt seemed to run from her, moving around her and away from her little pink paw like it was its natural enemy! She let out a breath, getting a little tired at the digging, so I petted her to reinforce her resolve, adding a promise of fish to the scratching.

That was more than enough to get her to make another attack, this one so large that it created a chasm within the stone. It was large enough for me to stand and move around in, letting me stretch my aching arms and legs and yawn. I couldn't stop now, though; the top wasn't that far way, was it?

Propping Kiki on my head once more, I felt around for another soft spot. Inching my face closer to it, Kiki happily put a paw on it. "Alright girl, not much father now. Secret Pow-"

The dirt beneath my hand started rumbling. "Huh? What's-"




My skull pounded, my senses bashed asunder by a heavy blow to my head. I fell backwards, almost hitting the distant wall of the crevasse. Picking up my fallen pokenav, I shone it's light to the location of the attack, expecting to see a fallen boulder or other piece of the cliff.

Instead, the covered eyes of a flygon's face stared at me through the hole. It shook its head, as if to focus its vision, and then squinted at me. It let out a chirping screech and quickly fell through the hole, crawling to my side. I recognized that embarrassed shriek of terror anywhere.

"I'm glad to see you're alright, Celia."

The flygon's cheeks blushed a bright yellow as she patted my head with her claw, Kiki hopping up from her back and shaking her head. "Nyaar..."

I returned the little furball; now that I found Celia, Kiki could get a good rest and recover from the sudden shock. As the skitty returned to her ball with a pinkish white flash, I made a mental note to give her a big treat later. I put her capsule back on my belt, looking up to Celia and smiling. "I missed you girl. You ok?"

The frantic flygon took off my hat and examined my forehead, running her claws through my white hair. The metal plate of my cap had dented with the sudden impact, but Celia was more concerned with the tiny bump on my forehead. She brought her own head closer and extended a

tiny tongue, licking my little head wound just like Katherine had done.

I let her tongue sooth the sore spot for a few minutes until I felt she would be satisfied. My hand came to rest on her neck, wiping the collected sand and dirt from her elegant green scales. I started to worry if I had injured her, so I gave her an order: "Alright, girl, that's enough. Let me see your head."

I took her head in my hands and brought it downward; examining her forehead as she reluctantly ceased her licking. I rubbed it, wincing as she jerked with the simple touch. I almost reached for my bag, but I stopped myself. "Come here," I said, pulling her head closer to my own gently, making her let out a little chirp of confusion. Slowly, carefully, I extended my tongue and

licked upwards; making her eyes go wide as a few grains of dirt and sand entered my mouth.

I rolled the granules over my tongue and swallowed. It wasn't pleasant, but spitting wouldn't make her feel any better. I licked again, brushing the dirt away with the tip of my tongue as I circled her flexible exoskeleton.

Celia trilled, her entire face almost turning a bright yellow in embarrassment as her neck and back muscles shivered. Her chirps turned into light purrs as she leaned deeper into me. As her body relaxed, the covers of her eyes slipping back and revealing her dark orbs, which seemed glazed. *I wonder what she's thinking...*

* * *

"Aah, that feels... good..." Celia trilled, letting herself fall onto her master. Her body weight was lighter than a normal flygon, so she was easily supported by his strength. That power, combined with his gentle tongue on her small injury, made her mind wander to a fantasy. Her eyes remained open, but what she saw was different from what was there...

Celia imagined herself, curled in a great flygon's arms, one much larger than Amun. He would stroke her, pet her, lick her wounds, and ask only for her help and never for her obedience. She snuggled her dragon, letting the strong feeling of his body against hers wash over her and make her trill. Her waist began burning, a sign of her enticed heat as she fantasized about the dragon folding his large arms over her body, caressing every inch of her, comforting her, kneading her tense muscles and...


*...He's not here... but...*

*I can...feel him.*

The flygon's eyes became unglazed as she began to melt back into reality, strong hands gripping and massaging her shoulders as her neck arched over her master. "Celia," he said, the source of those wonderful hands being almost alien to her. "I know you're in heat, and I'm here for you. We have time... so just relax; I want to help you."

Celia could do nothing but release a small cry, her mind and body crying out for her sudden need. The cave around them seemed darker; the light must have been cut off during her fantasy. However, a small sunbeam shone through the hole she had created. Her teeth clicked, her waist bucked, and she began breathing heavily. *This... He is the mate... the mate I want...*

"It's you, Master."

* * *

Celia's gentle trills became slightly more labored as her heat began building. I'm sure I had something to do with it, but I wanted her first time to be her best. That and I wanted to make sure to get every shred of lustful need out of my sweet flygon. Her body shivered and quaked beneath my fingers as I explored her virgin body.

"Alright, girl," I said, patting her on the neck and giving her a command that seemed odd, even for me. "Get on your back."

I felt her surprise, her jerking neck sending a ripple through her body. However, she obeyed me, leaving my body to lean against the side of the cave. Her neck was propped against the wall and looking at me as I finally got a view of the problem area of my precious Pokemon.

Between Celia's legs was a small, swollen mass of yellowish flesh. Between the swell was a glistening hole, winking and begging for relief. It was a dramatic change from her usual self, and I couldn't stand seeing her being tortured by her body like this.

I crawled closer to her, feeling my pants scrape against the dirty ground of the cave. Celia was nervous, practically shaking with a mix of anticipation and curiosity as I approached. My face was eye level with the moist tissue of the flygon's estrus, making the flygon look away with embarrassment.

Her tail sat below her, letting it fall between her legs as it was laid beneath my body. "I want you to relax, Celia. You're too tense..."

My flygon took deep breaths, but they were so labored with pleasure that they undermined her relaxation. I decided that I needed to get her used to the feeling of pleasure.

Leaning my head closer, I took a sniff of Celia's sex. Her scent did not dance along my pallet like Fara's or Katherine's, but the fact that she needed this was enough to make me inch nearer to it. My hands rested on the flygon's inner thigh and traveled upwards, feeling a shiver as they traced the outside of her swollen slit. I pressed down, spreading the slit slightly as my tongue

left its home. *Here we go, Celia...*

* * *

The flygon let out a soft, almost broken cry, her virgin cunt being touched for the first time and giving her the first taste of pleasure her young body had ever had. She gripped the side of the cave with her claws as her most private space was teased, tongued, practically tortured with pleasure. "A...Amazing..." She cooed, letting her master lap on and around her swollen flesh. It almost tickled, but it was so sharp that each time his tongue touched her body it made her jump and shiver with a sensation she was unfamiliar with.

Arching her neck downward, Celia saw Zack poking, prodding, and massaging her cunt flesh with his hands and mouth, his tongue tracing her untouched inner walls as she reached peak after peak of pleasure, quivering as her needy cunt began drooling an odd liquid.

Celia was surprised to see that her master wasn't offended, lapping up the juices as they came. Her body ached, wanting more of this pleasure, wanting more of this feeling, needing it, craving it, God how she wanted more!

"M...More..." Celia tried to voice her desire with an echoing moan, hoping that, in some way, her meaning got through to the male servicing her.

* * *

Watching Celia squirm and writhe with pleasure was almost too much. I wanted to relieve her, and I knew just what I had to do to sate that lust and bring my flygon back. I sat up, wiping the dragoness' nectar from my mouth. It was bittersweet, and spicy, possibly from the relaxing cheris she had dined on this morning.

I stood, my body towering over the normally larger creature. I undid my pants and slid them off, my fleshy member standing at attention as it bobbed lewdly in front of my flygon's eyes. She seemed awed, looking up at me as though expecting my cock do to a trick. I smiled, shaking my head as I looked down at my naïve companion and lowering my body, looking into her eyes.

"Celia... I want you to know that I care for you. You don't need to prove yourself to me or anyone else, and I want to prove this to you now."

"Celia... May I take you?"

* * *

Celia's eyes went wide as her blissful haze of pleasure was washed away with his words. He wasn't just sating her lust...

*He loves me! He even wants to mate me!*

It was no longer about fulfilling her primal need. Her dark pools became unglazed as she looked at her trainer in a new light. She no longer saw him as a big brother who was doing her a favor, but something much, much more. "Oh... Oh Master... Please...."

"Take me..."

* * *

My flygon's legs spread as she looked into my eyes, her cooing, doting cries a welcome change from her pleasure-starved lust from before. I knelt between her legs as her head arched towards mine, putting her head over my shoulder as her claws strained to hold me close.

I returned her embrace as my cock head felt the slick warmth of her pleasured pussy, giving me a slitted runway to her virgin cunt. I don't know if flygon's had a hymen, but I was about to find out. Bracing myself, and gripped the sides of her legs and slowly...thrust...in.

* * *

*It's going in,* thought Celia to herself, feeling Zack's strange, fleshy pole split apart the super tight entrance. Her lubricated juices helped him continue, his tip finally entering her completely. She hissed, moaned, cried, trilled, every sound she had in her insectoid repertoire came out as her master, her mate, her love, penetrated her sacred space, burrowing deeper like she had, through the cliff that they had both traveled through.

More force, another push, once again she felt another inch slide through her cunt's walls and reward her with sweet release. "Oh... D... Deeper... Please, Master."


* * *

Something told me she was ready for me to continue, so I obliged, pushing slowly through her wet, tight defenses. Suddenly, I felt the end of the line; a small barrier of flesh. A hymen.

*Great," I thought, wincing at the obstruction. *Just what I needed...* Calming my self and stopping at the elastic barrier, I delivered the bad news to my virgin. "This next part will hurt, Celia. Please, bear with-"

A shift, a shove, an unbelievable feeling, and Celia's shrill cry broke my words; her waist had pushed onto my shaft! She took her own maidenhead, clenching her claws on my back as her teeth bore down on her jaw, her head pressing against my shoulder as her body quivered against

mine. *Ah! Why did she-?*

My cock was hilted in her in an instant, causing me to moan as her heated cunt swallowed my meat whole, her inner walls undulating violently, as if to pull and milk my seed from my body.

My naked lower body seized, surged, quivered, and clenched as Celia moaned into my back,

feeling every inch of my being inside of her. Her rapid heart beat against mine as I felt blood rushing to her head through the pulsing vein in her neck, her entire body growing a tinge lighter as her warmth spread.

"Oh... Celia... Ah!" I could only breathe short words as pleasure took me over, my sensitive cock massaged by hot, lurching walls. I felt my orgasm approaching faster than any I've ever had. I tried thrusting, pulling out halfway before her walls tugged me back in of their own accord. Celia's heated panting stayed constant, as though she were waiting for something.

*Is she waiting for me?* Through my euphoria, I began thinking about the flygon's biology. *Do I have to cum for her to cum?*

I hugged her closely and let her walls do the rest of the work, my orgasm slowly building behind a wall. That wall began to bend, then buckle, my cock burning with pleasure and the scent of sex, sand, and dirt filling my nose.

The wall that held my cum back was blown apart, making me shout a cry of my own as the first spurt of my seed exploded from my cock.

As soon as that drop hit her inner walls, her cunt went into overtime, those magical muscles rippling from her entrance to her womb, pushing whatever is in my cock into her. Spurt after spurt, wave after wave of pleasure overcame us both. Celia's teeth clenched, letting a cry

of lustful pleasure ring out within the small, dimly-lit cave.

For several minutes, her cunt continued to milk me, drawing out every last bead of cum left in my body before slowing to a stop. Celia sighed, her teeth chattered as small grunts emerged from her throat. I didn't want to leave her cunt. I couldn't. I felt her heart slow its beating in the afterglow, and I felt a strange feeling. It was like our hearts were beating together, pumping the

same blood through the same veins as we both panted in unison. I realized just how far I had gone to help my Pokemon, the ones I love, and I smiled, satisfied with myself.

Then, a soft, gentle sound filled the air. It was like a soft humming, elegant, yet shaky. It filled me with a calm, and as I focused on the sound I realized it was a voice It was coming from behind my shoulder, and my eyes widened when I realized it's source.

"I... love you... Master..."


And complete! I had to bust ass to fix it after I fucked up, so I hope there aren't any glaring errors.

Thank you for playing!

Matt, the Z-Byte