The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 18

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#9 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

When the wolf woke, it was to a slight breeze and loneliness. Not just the lack of someone there to greet him back to the land of the living, but an empty hole left in his soul. He felt the need to cry, to mourn his loss, but resisted the need. His weakness had already done enough damage to himself, and those around him. He tried to sit up, and did so with some difficulty. He winced in pain as muscles that had been idle for weeks now were forced to work. He was sore, weak, and drained body and spirit from this ordeal. Instead of simply slumping back down to bed however, he twisted himself to a position where he could stand and did so shakily. His legs trembled as he tried to find his balance. The wolf grumbled, it was like being reborn. Slowly he taught his muscles again what standing was, what walking was, then what running was as he made straight for the bathroom with great need. Once the need was sated he slowly made his way back out into the bedroom, only to be greeted by the most terrifying thing he had seen.

_Several years earlier:_Suzujomei chuckled at the instinctual reaction of his new student. "I expected as much. Your upbringing is my greatest obstacle in your training young wolf." He said as he looked at the young male wolfs highly agitated stance. Raised hackles, bared fangs, twitching tail tensed legs and arms. "As with all obstacles in life, however, it must be overcome." He said. The object of the wolf's aggressive reaction being a small elemental dragon. No taller than a foot or so. At the time it had been one of air, a swirling of dust and smoke to make the being visible to the naked eye. "Millennia of ingrained fear of the elements, however is not something that can simply be trained out of you little wolf. Your race has always feared elementalists. Any user of elemental magics powerful enough to attract elemental servants is a major threat to everything the Matriarchy represents. They thrive in a lack of all magics, almost all they do is mundane in nature, they are highly trained and very skilled in what they do, but magic is their weak spot. It always has been. You will become what they fear the of their most feared warriors, with the ability to use elemental magics to make you even more potent. The difference being the element you will specialize in. Most of my race works with fire. It is flashy, destructive, and effective. It is not subtle however. You my student, you will learn the most complex and subtle of all the elements. The Void presents you access to all the elements. A user of fire can never use anything besides the most basic water powers. Realize that what I teach you is not truly magic, but how to deal with the elements through their servants. You will learn how to bargain directly with the most basic elemental, but most of your bargaining will be done through or with the help of the Void. You will not be a mage, but a male who can coax the very fabric of creation to perform on demand. And your training begins now." He said as he turned the wolf's eyes to meet his. "Begin by learning the language of this simple elemental." He said, sitting back as the young wolf made his first attempts at elemental communication.

Present Day: The wolf's hackles rose again as they had that first day of elemental language lessons, but not because of the two elementals that bowed submissively before him. It is what their submission meant. The words of his sensei returned to him as he returned the show of respect from the elementals. "Most elemetals that manifest themselves on our world do not serve willingly my student. The few who do recognize something in their chosen master that the master himself may not realize. Potential. Most never get more than a single elemental in this fashion. Those with multiple servants are creatures to be feared as the elements themselves fear the individual enough to send him gifts instead of invite his anger by simply doing as demanded. Remember, if you should attract such attention my student, show respect despite the fear you will feel at their presence." The words echoed loudly in his head as the wolf returned to his upright stance after the bow, only to be greeted by the happy chirps of the two little elemental dragons. "Yes, I am honored to meet you as well little ones." He said with as much sincerity as he could muster despite the heavy fight or flight reaction he fought with. Bomani chuckled. "I never thought I would see the day when an Amarok would be happy to see elementals." He quipped from the doorway. Bianca chuckled just behind him, both of them smelling heavily of their recent activities in the bedroom. "Your sarcasm is not helping maters Bomani..." the wolf rejoined. "And now that they have bonded to you, you shall never be rid of them." Bianca said in a seductive tone. "Much like a pesky bunny who likely had quite the ride at my expense." The wolf said as he finally tore his eyes from the two dragons. Bianca chuckles. "Nope, you still have your cherry wolf...much to the disappointment of Nadia..." she commented. The wolf's expression shifted to one of worry. "Did I hurt her?" He asked in uncharacteristic regret. "No, much to her disappointment, as the little princess mentioned. She is quite healthy...a bit too much at the moment if the noise from the west wing of the estate is any indication." He quipped. The wolf looked quizzically at Bianca. "She is in heat Ceberune. Her first I might add. Alhundro was kind enough to volunteer to take care of her need while the Lord of the manor was unable to." The wolf slumped onto the bed. "I think someone needs to start from the beginning here. long have I been out of touch?" Bianca chuckled. "All your life..." Followed by a shrill cry as the tiger next to her tweaked her butt. "About two and a half weeks. In summary, you went crazy on the roof of the estate, damned near killed the three of us. Bianca went to Horia to investigate some problems with Nadia's papers that Alhundro was shrewd enough to notice. We found that Nadia is Helenka's half-sister. She is still legally your property despite her being too young when she was first sold and trained. You had your Awakening, you are still a virgin despite a foxling in heat trying to rape you to death." He said with a smirk. The wolf sighed. "The Matriarchy tried to kill me didn't they?" he said. Bomani looked to Bianca and she nodded sadly. "Yes they did dragon's student. They attempted to poison you." He said, knowing that lying to the wolf now would be a fruitless gesture with a void elemental present. The wolf grumbled and reached for his eye patch, donning it as habit demanded. Bianca quirked an eyebrow. "Why on Sarthas do you still wear that patch wolf? You have two perfectly good eyes." Bianca said with some annoyance. "Because it presents a weakness to the outside world. One the foolish will mistake as exploitable. The assumed lack of depth perception will draw in an opponent." He said with trained precision. Bomani chuckled. "It is enchanted Bianca. He can see through it fine. It is a good ploy, but usually only works a few times." Bomani says. The wolf chuckles himself. "That and it has become part of the morning ritual...which doesn't seem to be morning right now..." he said as his stomach grumbled. "Time for dinner I think." Bianca said as the three of them made for the dining room.

The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 19

Three weeks had passed since Grandmaster Ceberune Onyxclaw had recovered from his brush with death. From the second floor windows of her room, Bianca watched the wolf practice and train his forms. His recovery had been long and painful. Bomani stood...

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 17

"Remember what you have learned here my student. Your bloodline is part of your power, as much as the techniques I have taught you in the past. Your family is the only bloodline that can be traced back to...

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 16

The shadowy expanse of the Void stretched out around two auras as one trained the other in some unknowable technique. The student's aura was beginning to take a shape, a ghostly black furred wolf with deep blue glows...

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