The Clothes Make the Man

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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The Clothes Make the Man

Based on a pic by Reix98, check it out!

By Apollo Wolf

Any materials contained herein that one would find objectionable should not be viewed by those who would object to it or by those who would have others object to them reading it. If you do not object to these conditions or have a third party objecting for you or to you by proxy then may proceed. If you wish to continue of your own accord with no repercussions on the author for your having done so then I have no objection. Read, enjoy, and tell me what you think.

"He can't be serious!" Kenny exclaimed out loud. Staring down into the small package he had just opened, Kenny wondered, not for the first time, how he could have made that stupid bet in the first place. He and his friend Wayne had placed a friendly wager on the outcome of the game between their Alma matters. It was Wayne who suggested the final stakes. The looser would wear an outfit of the winner's choice the next time they went out clubbing. Given Wayne's tastes Kenny figured that meant he would end up going out in drag or something. Now looking into the box that was just delivered he realized what kind of evening he was in for. Not one for much in the way of fetish wear he was still familiar with it but this was taking things a bit too far.

Kenny reached in and pulled out the skimpy garment. It appeared to be some sort of latex rubber unitard consisting of an odd arrangement of straps. There also seemed to be a separate pair of gloves and stockings to go with it. The entire garment was shiny mustard yellow and looked like it was several sizes too small for him, but pulling it between his hands he realized it had a lot of stretch to it. Even so, coverage in this thing would be sparse in the extreme; Wayne would have done just as well to bet him to go out naked.

Sitting down on his bed Kenny rested his head in his hands. He wasn't one to back out on a bet; this however was just too much. There was no way he could go out in public dressed like this. Sure he had seen lots of guys in the clubs over the years that were dressed far stranger but he always felt he had a bit more humility than to allow himself to go out like that. In the end he decided he had no choice, a bet was a bet and he lost fair and square. Besides Wayne never said he couldn't wear something over the chosen outfit.

Gritting his teeth he stood up and started to strip off his clothes. Once he was completely nude he stepped back to admire himself in the mirror for a second. He was actually quite proud of his figure, even if he wasn't all for showing it off in public. Tall and trim, Kenny had a very graceful appearance. While he wouldn't consider himself exceptionally skinny he wasn't that muscular either. A little over six foot six he would have appeared quite at home on a basketball court if that appealed to him. His slim hips made a nice little v that led down to his crotch while the insubstantial amount of body hair on his arms, legs and chest added to his lithe appearance. Kenny's face was a bit narrow but not pointedly so and his thin lips and smaller slightly upturned nose looked to be in perfect proportion. His pale blue eyes stood out brightly beneath an unruly mop of blond hair that he left long enough to have to constantly shake it out of his face.

Kenny turned the tangle of straps of in his hands several times trying to get them straightened out and find which way was up. When he thought he had it figured out he bravely stepped one foot in then another and began sliding the garment up his legs. He wasn't quite sure what to expect from the experience. He thought the rubber would grate across his skin and stick to it but instead it felt silky smooth. It easily slipped up over his hips and when he had his ample package suitably nestled in the pouch he quickly realized just how devious Wayne had been as he discovered that this thing was in fact a thong. The wedging sensation of the thin back slipping deep into his ass crack startled him but not near as much as the gentle friction of the rubber gliding over his tender asshole. Scowling he quickly pulled up the remaining straps, seating them around his hips and up over his shoulders. The finishing touches of the rubber socks and gloves completed the ensemble.

Stepping back he looked into the mirror and wasn't sure whether he should laugh, cry, or beat off. Somehow he managed to look simultaneously ridiculous yet sexy in the skimpy covering. Except for the splash of coloring provided by the shiny yellow rubber he might as well be naked. The straps were stretched thin and tight against his skin to the point that the edges nearly blended into his skin. The twin straps around his waist hugged his hips nicely and provided a nice set of leading lines that focused the attention on his crotch. His bulge was sufficiently large but it was also very clearly defined though it did make it look like his sac was just one big rubber ball compared to two. His shaft was pinned down beneath the vertical strap over his stomach and everything from a few of his thicker veins to his cut mushroom shaped head were plainly visible. He turned a bit to the side and admired his firm round butt which was left totally uncovered save for the couple of stripes of yellow diving into the top of his crack. He took a few steps and found that the whole outfit was remarkably comfortable but he realized that the close tight feeling of the thong was stimulating him with every movement. That would make for an interesting night.

For a brief second Kenny debated backing out on the bet but soon decided he couldn't. He had forced Wayne into plenty of awkward situations in his time as well, nothing quite this extreme mind you. Fortunately he had thought of a loophole that he hoped would spare him from too much embarrassment. He walked into his closet and pulled out a pair of slacks and one of his favorite button down short-sleeved linen shirts. Quickly dressing, it was soon impossible to tell he was wearing anything out of the ordinary, except for the gloves that is, but he would just have to deal with those. He grabbed his wallet and his keys and took off for the club.

The place looked as crowded as ever when he pulled up outside. A line of people had cued up at the entrance waiting to get in. Even from outside the thumping bass of the music was intense. So far nobody had taken notice of his strange yellow gloves and he quickly found himself at the front of the line where he was able to greet the bouncer by name.

"Hey Jake, busy tonight isn't it."

"This party usually is. Wayne's already inside, he said you were supposed to be wearing something special tonight. Are those gloves it?"

"What? He told you about that?" Kenny asked annoyed. "What'd he do, tell everybody about it?"

Jake just smiled, "No, not at all I only heard him mention it to the other people in line."

"Damn it, yeah the gloves are it."

"Alright well go on in, have a good time tonight."

"Yeah right. Thanks, Jake."

Kenny stepped in the door and it took several minutes for his eyes to adjust to the light. When he could finally see again he suddenly realized one reason for the strange outfit Wayne had chosen for him. It seemed to be a fetish party night. Every where he looked there were guys out in assorted fetish wear. Big burly guys in leather straps and jackets, skinny little twinks in spandex shirts and speedos, and lots and lots of guys in latex. Kenny came to the conclusion that Wayne had meant to torture him tonight. While he wouldn't have stood out in this crowd he was still guaranteed to attract his fair share of attention as none of the latex outfits he saw were quite as unique as his.

"Hey you made it! I knew you wouldn't have the guts to go through with the bet."

Kenny jumped as Wayne's voice shouted into his ear over the din. He whirled and resisted the urge to punch Wayne in the shoulder. His friend was smirking at him and Kevin was quick to notice that Wayne had not dressed for the occasion either. The shorter man was wearing a nice pair of shorts and a tank top along with his favorite leather sandals. Wayne had a nice enough figure and he could be even better if he just worked at it a little. He wasn't overweight by any means but he didn't seem to possess any real muscle either. Tonight he had his thick black hair spiked up and was sporting the nose ring he wasn't allowed to wear at work.

"What do you mean I wouldn't have the guts? I'm wearing it. See." Kenny waved a rubber gloved hand in his face and lifted up the hem up of his shirt revealing several of the straps spreading outward from his waist.

"Why you little cheater! I didn't say you could wear anything over it!" Wayne half laughed and half growled.

"You never said I couldn't either."

"Leave it to you to try and get off on a technicality. Oh well, it shouldn't make any difference to the night's activities so long as you are wearing all of it. Come on let me get you a drink."

Kenny sighed in relief, somewhat surprised that Wayne had given up so easily. He usually didn't back down so quickly from something he wanted. He followed his buddy up to the bar and arrived behind him just as he turned with two glasses in hand.

"To the Eastmore College football team, thank god they can't play defense!" Wayne said as he lifted his glass in salute and tossed it back.

The glass he handed to Kenny looked like an unfamiliar drink, a thick yellow concoction that looked to be about the consistency of pancake syrup. He grimaced as he acknowledged Wayne's toast and poured the drink down his throat. Whatever it was burned like hell and Kenny found himself coughing and sputtering as the thick liquid settled in his stomach. In the end he couldn't even detect the taste of it; the alcohol content must have been truly severe. His eyes hadn't even stopped watering from the first shot when Wayne was pressing another into his hand and goading him in to downing that one too.

"Come on lets hit the floor!" Wayne shouted and dragged him out into the gyrating mass of guys.

The pounding rhythm of the music soon had Kenny forgetting about the odd outfit he was wearing under his clothes. Very few of the many guys dancing around him even took note of his strange gloves he wore. It took very little time for him to work up a powerful sweat as he let himself go with the flow of energy around him. He lost sight of Wayne a couple of times but he reappeared every couple of songs to drag Kevin off the floor and force a couple more of the powerful yellow shots into his hands.

About halfway through the night Kenny was feeling very disconnected to everything and actually started to notice how disoriented he was getting. It wasn't his typical buzz or drunk feeling but something different. He had actually taken off his shirt to try and cool down and was reminded of the unitard he wore when he received several catcalls and whistles from some nearby dancers. A few of the guys were quick to sidle up to him and start running their hands over his latex coated chest. Kenny wasn't the type to normally tolerate being felt up by strangers but this time he just went with it, enjoying the sensation of their hands pressing the latex into his skin.

Abruptly he found himself face to face with another young man. Kenny was shocked to see this guy was wearing an outfit perfectly identical to his own skimpy yellow one; the only difference was that this kid's seemed to be a deep oily black color. Kenny looked the guy over and studied his body which was plainly visible to everybody around them. This guy had opted to not cover up with additional clothes but was out on the dance floor with just the tiny black thong body suit covering his muscular frame. His large hands and feet seemed to be exaggerated by the black gloves and boots and his equally large package seemed to be throbbing visibly beneath the thin rubber strap extending up his stomach. His most notable feature, aside from the latex garment of course, was the ornate tattoo that encircled his right arm. The tribal symbol was nearly as black as the latex body suit.

They danced together for a short while bumping and grinding against one another, their rubber gloved hands reaching out to trace along the other's sides occasionally managing to give a firm grope to the other guy's junk. The black clad dancer was eventually led off the dance floor, or more accurately pulled off the dance floor, by some guy dressed in ordinary street clothes. It was then that Kenny suddenly became aware of the fact that there were actually a surprising number of guys there that night wearing some variation of the latex unitard. He hadn't noticed anybody in them earlier in the night but now there was no mistake. He glanced around and was able to pick out a blue one, a pair of guys in bright green latex, even one who glistened in a pearly white thong body suit. They were scattered all over the dance floor and throughout the rest of the club.

For whatever reason the fuzziness in his head kept him from being concerned by this, in fact he felt himself becoming aroused as he continued dancing. His cock started to stiffen in his pants and slip upwards between his skin and the rubber garment. Quickly enough the swollen head of his prick was easily detectable to those around him as it peaked above the waist of his pants even though it was still held tightly down by the thin latex material. Soon he was feeling thirsty again though and had to break away from some of the new friends watching him dance to find his way to the bar.

From a few feet away Kenny spotted Wayne as he received yet another pair of glasses from the bartender. This time though Kenny watched as his buddy slipped a hand into his short's pocket and pulled out a small glass vile. Wayne did a quick glance around but didn't notice Kevin watching, he then tipped three drops of thick yellow fluid into one of the drinks. Wayne pocketed the vile again and turned with both drinks to find Kenny watching him.

"Oh, hey there you are. Ready for another round?" he said passing over the altered drink.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wayne said feigning innocence.

"I saw you put something in my drink. Have you been doing that all night?" Kenny accused him.

Wayne just smirked a bit, "Yeah actually I have. I knew you'd never go with it voluntarily so I had to sneak it to you."

"What are you talking about?" Kenny asked his head stating to feel a bit fuzzier as he stood there talking with Wayne.

"Just finish your drink and we'll go talk. I got us one of the private rooms upstairs."

He didn't know exactly why he was so quick to do as he was told but Kenny tipped the shot into his mouth and again felt the burning fire spread down his throat. "A private room for what?"

"You'll see. Come on let's go."

Wayne took Kenny by his latex gloved hand and directed him up the stairs and along the balcony over the dance floor. Kenny willingly followed along as he was lead to hallway with a row of doors leading off the back of the club. Kevin knew what these rooms were intended for but he had never been interested in using one. Together they stepped into the nearest unoccupied room and with the door shut the sound of the dance floor was reduced to a dull hum. The room was not overly large and certainly had minimal furnishings. In fact the only piece of furniture seemed to be a long, low, leather sofa like one would find in a physiatrists office. The walls were painted a vivid red and each had several large mirrors in gilded frames mounted on them and the floor was seemed to be hard wood covered by an ornate area rug that nearly went wall to wall.

"Ok Wayne, what's going on? What have you been putting in my drinks?" Kenny demanded as soon as the door was shut.

"Just relax Kenny; everything is going to be just fine." Wayne soothed.

For some reason Kenny found his anger and tension instantly ebbing away, leaving only a mild curiosity behind.

"That outfit is a new toy I bought from a salesman at the club here," Wayne continued, "some guy said he was with a new division of a company called Gene-pool. They called it 'Living Latex' and it's supposed to let the wearer experience a complete latex transformation."

"It does what?"

"Actually I'm not sure. It's not supposed to take full effect until you've had all of the catalyst." He held up the test tube sized vial of golden fluid.

Despite his curiosity Kenny felt his anger flare up again. "So you just made me wear this awesome outfit and stated giving me some strange potion without knowing what it would do to me."

"I told you to relax."

Instantly Kenny felt himself regain his calm, as if somebody had flipped a switch upon hearing Wayne's words.

"I was assured that it wouldn't hurt you and it is completely reversible. "

"I don't care what you were told; you should have at least asked me before tricking me into wearing something so sexy." Somewhere in the back of his mind Kenny couldn't fathom why he kept referring to the strange latex garment as something he was fond of. In fact he also wondered why he wasn't taking it off right then and there.

"Well you're going to finish it aren't you. Go ahead take the rest of the catalyst." Wayne insisted, a wide grin spread across his face as he held out the vial.

"Of course I'll finish it. You still should have asked me first." Kenny spoke aloud while his brain slowly caught up to his words and screamed inside, What did I just say?

Despite his inner reservations Kenny took the vial of golden liquid and quickly poured it in his mouth. The effect was almost instantaneous. He once again felt the pleasant tingle sliding down his throat but it was many times more intense than before. His insides began to squirm but not in an unpleasant way, in all it was more luck a numbing sensation that spread through his body, eliminating all other feeling except a deeply pleasurable solidity. This numbness seemed to extend to his brain as well. His thoughts grew fuzzier as all of his worries and cares were siphoned off leaving only a mild curiosity as to what was happening to him. It wasn't until he looked down that Kenny noticed that the changes were not limited to internal sensations. The latex on his gloved hands had suddenly began to writhe and contort, the shiny material shifting and extending up his forearms even as his hands became more like talons.

"You know what, why don't you go ahead and ditch those pants so we can see what the rest of this suit can do for you," Wayne quietly suggested.

Without hesitation Kenny simply nodded his head and began kicking off his shoes which slid off easily over the rubbery socks on his feet. He fumbled with his clawed hands to undo his pants before he dropped his slacks to the floor and kicked them away, letting the cool air of the room play across the bare skin of his legs and ass. The unitard was plastered to his skin with the sweat he had worked up while dancing. In fact it was so tight it practically seemed as though it were painted on. The warm sensation of the drink had now centered on his groin and his cock was positively throbbing beneath the straps of the garment, throbbing and growing. The pouch around his nuts was swelling rapidly and was soon large enough to contain two tennis balls. The latex had started to completely envelope his cock and held it up tight against his lower stomach even as it thickened.

Kenny shuddered and his breath came in ragged gasps. Golden yellow latex had started to spread out across his shoulders, seeping across his skin and advancing up his neck. The socks on his feet constricted, squeezing down around his ankles and reforming tissue and bone. He slowly rose up on his toes as his feet became paws. He was just getting accustomed to his new stance when a sudden pressure across his ass caused him to moan aloud. The thong wedged between his gluts tightened rapidly before the latex flared out across his butt. Just as quickly a strange sensation started to thrust out from his backside. In mere moments a lengthy tail had extended from his body ending in a flared tuft of rubbery fur.

"What... what... what's happening to me?" he managed to pant out between groans of pleasure.

"Like I said, the suit's a new toy, and you're becoming part of it," Wayne said soothingly."Your body is being converted into living rubber, the animal form, well that was my choice, since you're going to be my toy Kenny."

Kenny just felt more confused than before. Part of his mind knew that this wasn't right, hell this wasn't even possible, but that part of his consciousness was being buried deeper and deeper away beneath the portion that was really enjoying what was happening to his body. Tendrils of latex were inching their way up both of his legs, caressing his thighs as it enveloped his skin. The straps around his waist had merged together to form a solid mass around his hips and bands of the shiny yellow material had spread out from the center of his abs to wrap completely around his torso.

"Don't worry dude, every stage of the process is completely, and individually, reversible. When I'm ready I can change you back, but maybe we'll keep some of the latex qualities, or maybe you'll like being half man, half animal."

The rubber had finally managed to cover Kenny's face and ears so he was barely able to pay attention to Wayne even as his friend stood close by stroking his latex chest. At first he was concerned that he wouldn't be able to breathe through the material, but just as quickly as it covered him, the latex spilt across his mouth while coating his mouth and tongue with its strange taste. The strange substance was still clamped down around his head, stretching and molding it into a new shape. His chin, mouth, and nose were all swelling and pushing outward to become a short muzzle. His ears had reshaped and stretched outwards from his head and a wild mane of rubbery fur had formed complexly around his head neck and shoulders.

What was Kenny now stood there, his entire body now solid golden yellow rubber, a long tail slowly flicking about behind him. The latex seemed to be controlling his body penetrating and stimulating him. He feels like a slave to the latex with no way to escape. His mind is still his but it's more like he's just along for the ride with absolutely no control and ultimately only interested in one thing - pleasure. Both his and Wayne's. This desire was no more evident than in his groin. A deep red spire of rubber flesh had extended from his previously formed sheath, its hard silicone shaft bobbing and bouncing slightly with his every movement. He reached down with a paw and squeezed it gently drinking in the firm yet flexible feeling of his now permanent erection, small hard nubs of latex surrounding its pointed tip.

He slowly lifted his blue eyes to gaze at Wayne, a feral and lustful smile spreading across his muzzle.

"Is your new toy to your liking?"

Wayne slowly licked his lips, smirking a bit, "Oh yeah, I've always wanted a full size lion of my own."

"Well here I am, so now what would you have me do for you?"

"You can start by helping me with this shirt," Wayne said tugging on the shoulder of his tank top.

"Anything you say," Kenny said stepping in closer to Wayne, sliding his new latex paws up and under his shirt.

His thick fingers brushed against Wayne's skin as he lifted the shirt up and over his head. Pulling him in close he wrapped his arms around him and held him close, contracting his rubbery muscles beneath his flexible skin. The strangest thing was how quickly he was becoming comfortable with this new form. The feeling of his long and heavy tail draped over his rear and flicking about the floor just felt so natural as did the substantial mass of the mane surrounding his head. Kenny drank in the sensation of the warmth of his friend's body soaking into his smooth skin. Dropping his chin his muzzle soon met Wayne's lips and they kissed, his thick tongue slipping over Wayne's as it filled his mouth.

For his part Wayne could not have been happier with the way things had gone. From the moment the salesman had pitched him this system he knew he had to try it out on Kenny. For a while he had considered just asking him to try it, since it was supposed to be safe and reversible there should have been no reason he would say no. Ultimately though he decided that he didn't want to take that chance. From the moment he took the first drink, the obedience factor of the formula started to kick in and with the transformation complete he now had this large muscular lion to do with as he pleased until he decided to change him back.

Wayne leaned into the kiss even harder, the strange taste of the lion's tongue filling his mouth. Those strong arms encircled him, placing his massive paws directly over his ass. When Kenny finally pulled back he was still smiling gently at Wayne, as if asking for permission to proceed. Wayne simply nodded and Kenny took care of the rest. He quickly undid the fly of Wayne's shorts and slipped them and his boxers down to the floor. The rubber skin of the lion grated deliciously across his exposed member as Kenny slid his body against Wayne.

Kenny's long tongue flashed out and lapped against Wayne's cock. He gradually drew his tongue underneath his sack as he nuzzled his balls before enticing Wayne with a slow deliberate lick across the underside of his shaft. Wayne groaned lowly as his prick was encircled first with the tongue and then by tight rubber lips as Kenny swallowed his meat inch by blissful inch. His longer muzzle was now perfectly shaped to take in his entire cock and was soon able to suck in his sensitive balls as well. From here Kenny's tongue continued its sensual assault on Wayne's delicate flesh while his nose buried itself in his groin. His massive paws continued to stroke and caress his friend's sides, his latex claws massaging his skin with expert precision.

Wayne couldn't believe how incredible this felt. He had experienced numerous blowjobs in his life but none with his cock tightly encased inside a living rubber mouth. It took very little time for him to reach the limit of his endurance and he knew if he didn't act quickly he would have bust his nut far too quickly. Taking every ounce of his resolve he managed to push Kenny back and free his dick from the lion's muzzle. Kenny gradually stood, again grinding his rubber flesh across Wayne's bare skin. As he stood though, his lionhood worked its way beneath Wayne's crotch and Wayne felt himself lifted into the air, riding atop that hard rubber shaft. His firm pulsing length buried itself in Wayne's crack where it continued to drool vast amounts of slick liquid latex pre. The lion's massive arms hugged him close, rocking them together until Wayne managed to slip off of that massive spire of rubber flesh. He bent it back and down, and when he eventually touched the floor and stepped back, Kenny's cock snapped back up and slapped hard against his abs with a loud splat.

Kenny chuckled as an erotic jolt surged through him. He grabbed his own cock again and gave it a rapid squeeze before bending it impossibly downward again and when it was pointing straight at the floor he let go and once again it sprang upward and bounced off his stomach with a great crack.

Wayne watched as Kenny played with himself a couple more time when a though occurred to him. "Tell you what. I want to see just how flexible you are now Kenny. Get down on the floor and bend yourself in half, go ahead and put your legs up under your armpits."

The glistening yellow lion simply smiled as he moved to comply. He lay down and the floor and flipped his legs up to his shoulders. He wrapped his arms over the back of his thighs first the left then the right, hand walking himself into an even tighter package as he crossed his legs behind his neck. Kenny lay there with his stiff rubber cock gently bobbing above his face, throbbing as it steadily drooled fluid that smeared across his muzzle as his dong smacked him across the forehead.

"Very nice Kenny. Now since it's right there why down you go ahead and suck your own dick."

Kenny smiled broadly and was only too happy to oblige. He vaguely recalled a strong desire to suck his own cock when he was human and now his new form was ideally suited to the task. His body still felt completely comfortable even though he was now in such an unusual position. His massive red cock hovered in his field of vision and he only had to lift his head slightly to slurp the rubbery flesh into his muzzle. The rubber on rubber feeling of his own cock in his mouth sent an electric thrill though his body. In moments he lost any sense of what was going on around him as he worked himself with his tongue, the pleasurable circuit he created between his mouth and his prick seemed to short out the rest of his brain.

Looking down Wayne felt himself grow even harder, if that were even possible at this point. His friend was now folded into such an erotic position, presenting him with a nice clear shot at his tight exposed tail hole as he worked his own dick over. Kneeling down next to him Wayne stroked the rubbery fur of his mane and trailed his fingers down along his sides. Eventually he found his grip on that thick rope of a tail of his and worked it between his fingers massaging up to its base. His own prick was still screaming for release though and he could not resist his throbbing urges any longer. Wayne positioned himself behind Kenny and quickly thrust his cock deep into his tight yet accommodating hole. The firm rubber stretched deliciously around his shaft as he plunged in and out in rapid succession, his own drooling member providing adequate lubrication against the slippery silicone that permeated the lion's body.

With his own mouth stuffed full of his own gargantuan member, Kenny couldn't even gasp aloud as he felt Wayne enter him. It took a bit of effort but he eventually found the right rhythm to time his own bobbing motions on his cock with Wayne's increasingly frantic thrusts. Subtle squeaks of his latex skin rubbing together in spots could be heard over Wayne's passionate grunts. Finally the efforts were too much for man or lion as Wayne was the first to come, his cock spasming as it unladed its heat into Kenny's body. The lion was quick to follow when his member grew slightly and began depositing massive amounts of liquid latex into his gullet.

It was several minutes before Wayne could disengage himself from his friend. He pulled free from his the tight embrace of his rear and felt cool air play across his moistened prick. It was actually a few more minutes until he realized that Kenny was still lying there folded up and sucking on his own dick.

He stood up and smiled down at the lion, "It's ok you can stop now Kenny."

Once again Kenny felt the compulsion to obey, his cock having long since finished releasing its full potential. He untangled his arms and legs, his flexible body easily returning to a more relaxed state. He climbed back to his feet, simultaneously feeling both fuller and emptier now that he and Wayne had mated.

"What can I do for you now, Wayne?"

Wayne paused for a moment. He knew he was going to have to start to reverse the changes sooner or later. He just wasn't sure how Kenny would react when he did. Perhaps now was the best time since they were both still feeling the effects of their passionate encounter. He reached down to his discarded shorts and reached into the pocket and fished out one of two vials.

"Ok Kenny, now I want you to go ahead and drink this, it's going to remove a few of the features of the formula and let you be yourself again."

The lion took the offered drink and started to pour it in his mouth without hesitation. Kenny finished drinking the proffered vial and felt some of his normal thoughts start to return. The submissive effects of the formula ebbed away and Kenny realized he was free to do as he pleased instead of what Wayne instructed him to do. The funny thing was he wasn't upset with Wayne at all. How could he be after he had experienced such amazing pleasure?

"So how do you feel?" Wayne asked a bit timidly.

"Honestly, I feel pretty damn good." Kenny grinned back, licking his rubber chops. "You know what I said earlier was true, you should have just asked first."

"Yeah I know, next time I will."

"Next time?"

"Sure. You don't think he costume is good for only one use do you? Or that it's the only outfit I bought?" Wayne asked with a wink.

"I'll remember that you wanna place another bet."

"In the mean time what do say we back out to the club and have a little fun?"

"What about the rest of this outfit here?" Kenny said gesturing to his lion-like figure.

"You can change back anytime. I have the reversal vial right here if you want to take it now, or you can stay as you are for as long as you want, don't you want to have some more fun first though?"

Kenny hesitated for a moment, looking down at his yellow latex form and its large and permanently erect rubber cock. He glanced back up and Wayne and smiled again, "Why not."

They left the private room together and headed back downstairs to the main level of the club. Kenny walked back out on the dance floor somewhat surprised that he had no qualms about being so exposed in public. Not that he was alone though. All around the dance floor and the rest of the club the guys he had spotted earlier wearing similar latex outfits to his were also completely transformed. There was now a menagerie of latex creatures enjoying the festive atmosphere. He made out at several different species just with-in arm's reach as he danced with Wayne. There was a large black and white spotted Dalmatian guy, a brown otter like figure, at least two equines, and one large orange creature he was sure was a giraffe. More noticeable was the fact that each and every one of them was sporting a massive and firmly erect rubber cock.

He and Wayne continued to dance among them when he suddenly bumped into another couple. One of the two dancers was now a gigantic half-man half-orca. Much of his skin was deep oily black latex with a few areas of bright white scattered in across his chest and upper arms. It was in one of these white areas on his arm that Kenny could make out a rather distinctive tribal tattoo. The guy danced in close to him and gently rubbed against Kenny a couple of times, their latex skin slicking slightly with the contact. Before he pulled away though he took Kenny's hand and gasped it tightly and as he moved off Kenny looked down in his paw to find a slip of paper left behind. A quick glance was able to tell him it was a phone number. He looked back up at the orca as his massive tail waved at him slightly as he moved away. A large grin spread across the lion's muzzle as he found himself thinking, maybe he wouldn't be so quick to change back after all.

May I have This Dance

May I have this dance? By Apollo Wolf The following story contains clichés, typos, and bad grammar. Not to mention transformations, yiff, sex between two guys and all that good stuff. So if any of that bothers you I suggest you read no further....

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Project Proteus

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Danny's Task

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