Invasion Ch 1 Prologue

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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#2 of Invasion

Work inspired by and permissable to the original author:

INVASION prologue:

Freedom was the oddest and most transient idea mankind had ever known. Ambiguous like a ghost, nobody ever felt truly free. Better things always lingered in their dreams to make them want.

If man attained any true freedom according to human criteria, it was in death for need, want, desire, respect, and deference to superriors all ceased. But in life, liberty was not the laws made or the justice granted the wronged, it was that grass that was greener on the other side.

And so this revelation came to him years later; when he had seized an elusive paradise for himself after years of struggle at finding his own peace. Happiness was also such an evasive beast but he'd found that a great deal sooner.

It would be best to start from the beggining of Jay's Journey rather than his final musings before he succumbed to his mortality and left this world behind with what could be considered the most intriguing introspection that one in his odd profession could have. This is a tale that begins with a menagerie of clones and their insightful caretaker.

CH1: Beginning of the End

It felt like one of those cold lazy days at his weird uncle's stable. Most people had relatives who were eccentric, perverted, or both--but not his. At least, not eccentric in a dangerous way.

In a world where many species had gone extinct, reviving them by cloning seemed a pointless endeavor since the current age had offered artificial pets that were predictable and. . .accomodating to any given person's taste.

Horses were, after all, unsafe like cars that used to run on petroleum derivatives. They'd even killed a few famous people at the time or so he'd heard.

But being around his uncle's stable and doing the mundane work of cleaning up after them; learning the trade of a farrier and saddler on the fly had given him a new insight into their mystique. By modern standards of transportation, even a child was faster than a horse on a zeroboard.

Still, he found himself coming back to that same simple grace: those delicately tuned muscles. Flesh as taut as strings on a violin. And that smell--there really was no substitute in all the entirety of the world.

He gladly suffered every portion of their nature, including the heavy sour smell of their dung. On December 19th 3012, this was a day of great contentment of freedom. Listening to old classic rock on laserbeam white wire broadcasting technology, the current song "Recover the sky of day" by ShakkaZombie put him at ease like a lullaby as he lay on his favorite gelding's back like a recliner while the critter had his face in a trough to eat alfalfa hay.

While other people were out shopping for the holidays or excitedly proclaiming which of the seven virtual interface game systems was the best, Jay was living it up with the only true friends he could open up to that didn't feel like phonies to steal his identity or viral spam robots trying to convince him to buy porn subscriptions.

Away from the wide neural net in these isolated primitive pastures, he was more than excited to start a new year and see how these gorgeous but lazy animals suprised him next.

It was well he enjoyed himself on Christmas with his uncle and the following months were uneventful bliss excect for one of the horses getting sick and nearly dying from diarrhia and related dehydration. The following winter would prove to be a disruption to a way of life everyone had been accustomed to.

November of 3013, an ironic date for the thankfulness of invading settlers in a place where they were not wanted by indigenous peoples became an iconic hallmark by which a new conquest began. Jay couldn't believe it; he was a skeptic and because of his isolation and lack of news except for gossip at a feed store for cattle, he let the hearsay wash over his shoulders like a light spring rain while continuing to tend the stable and the nine very expensive pets cloned from hair taken off of antique violin bows; likely belonging to horses that hadn't been alive for at least a thousand years, which made the coarse hair resilient.

The only way he knew that the normal world had ended was because there was no more heated debate about the best holo game systems or who the best sports team was because the government infrastructure that encouraged such leisure activities was demolished.

That, and he had some strange visitors come to the place four days from December. Three huge men towered over him in black armor and had red fiery eyes. Jay assumed they were soldiers testing a new infantry protection system and had gotten lost. He found their lack of weapons suspicious, but of course, armor doesn't always need to be shot at to be tested; it might be an endurance hike.

Shrugging, he stabbed a pitchfork into the dirt and went to them. Since his uncle had gone on vacation, he had been left in charge of the place until the oddball got back. When he was almost to their location, he kept a respectful distance from what he assumed was a variation of the Locuste powered armor suit in use by United Continental forces; that is, when America, South American countries, Mexico, and Canada became one whole country five hundred years ago after the success of cooperation from the United World's Alliance, an effective replacement of the United Nations and N.A.T.O.

"You off course from the training barracks?" Jay asked, wiping sweat off his brow with a terry scarf. The leader of the group fidgeted strangely in a confused manner, looking at his subordinates as if they knew the answer.

Finally, those odd demonic eyes were staring through his soul and the one in the center spoke. "Where are the horses?" The accent was completely wrong. The voice sounded like a dozen talking the same words at once.

Jay didn't like it, but he assumed it was a speaker error on the suits' interface. Another question, why would they want to know about the horses? No government authority gave a crap before. As far as the police were concerned, cloning horses from old musical instruments was about as evil as growing and raising sea monkeys. Unless laws and statutes had changed, this was not illegal. If this was an investigation case into abuse, how would they know, and why would Jay do harm to the rarest animals in the world? It would be like someone in china killing their silk-weaving caterpillars during the age of Marco Polo.

Still, he was given to oblige any person of authority. Perhaps they knew something he didn't. Even with the cooperation of different countries, secrecy and conspiracies had stubbornly refused to die. Ordered to do so, he could only obey and trust that there was something else at work here.

When he led the three bulky constructs to the middle aisle between twenty stalls; ten on each side, he immediately felt their revulsion. In fact, they made no effort to hide any feelings of disgust, which only served to confuse him. Cloning of animals had already been proven to be lawful and ethical. Even the cloning of functional human organs for transplant had been legalized if it could be proven the recipient would live long enough on a failing organ for the clone to grow and mature enough for use.

The leading soldier grabbed Jay harshly by his shoulder, the grip bruising his muscle and easily capable of breaking bone. As he tried to wrench out of that unnatural grasp, the others grabbed him as well. "You have been found in contempt of a severe obscenity law. These...creatures will be looked after but not by a human. The sentence for keeping inferrior equine species is Capital Punishment decreed by the emperor Havnor."

Before he could protest or offer any defense, the three armored beings had a boot party; throwing him on the ground and stomping the shit out of his body. No, not his whole body, just trampled his bones in his limbs until moving them was impossible and hurt like hell. Satisfied, they picked him up; all his nerves screaming as he felt little better than a puppet without springs. He even lacked energy to scream, little more than a resigned gasping sigh until blacking out from all the pain.

Commander Pahygzes was given command of the invasion in the absence of emporer Havnor. He was a creature of nobility with blue eyes, white fur, and pink skin: traits heavily prized and envied in his society; a mark of good breeding. Anyone of a rank Captain or Colonel and under chose to wear little but what would cover a male's privates. Higher than that required some ornamental normalcy. Instead of the basic clothing of loincloth and the feather one would wear in their mane on formal parade ground occasions, he wore a long-sleeved white,gold, and blue uniform with pippins, echerons, a medallion bearing the emperor's commendation to the command, and a diagonal sash bearing the crests of all houses of Ehlosia for which he had curried political favor; advantageous in times where he had trouble with commanding his troops and securing supplies.

Of course, as with any clothing Ehlosians wore, this odd leotard-looking standard of rank also had to be designed around the ease of having sex at a seconds' notice, which was accomplished by making the crotch portion open and close by being held shut with weak magnets. A true convenience for all kinds of body functions.

He hadn't chosen a personal mare for himself yet, so when Pahygzes was about to take a break to go to the mare's quarters (little more than a communal harem/brothel for all the stallion's use) for a little pleasure, a red report came urgently to his computer screen like a nagging slap across the face. He read through the two paragraphs and reread them again.

Havnor's strictest decreed punishment would be carried out tommorow. Some nameless human male would be put to death by rape of a better-endowed stallion than himself. Still, regardless of the charges, he had the right to countermand the punishment.

In fact, he had more reason to save the human from death than his innate mercy. Considered in simplest terms, the man was being executed for loving and caring for Ehlosian ancestors. Pahygzes could use dedication and affections such as that in his own mare.

So few humans had that kind of desire much less even knew what a horse was. With that in mind, he forestalled the execution with an indeterminate hanging sentence and issued his leading biotechnologist an order to engineer a dose of nanites to quickly heal those broken bones and nothing else.

While the medical and bio-engineering nano machines were initially meant to transform humans into mares for sex as a substitute for their wives and mates left on Ehlosia, the commander wanted nothing so drastic done just yet. He wanted his new Pet fixed and entirely human. After all, the naked human body wasn't particulary displeasing compared to other races equinoids had fought wars with and conquered.

Besides, he'd been happily married with his own wife back on the home world. This human would just be a pet kept for sex. Sort of like those funny companion animals called dogs.

His orders written with the expectation they would be followed, Pahygzes continued on his way to the mare's quarters onboard his orbiting flagship: Sharallihs, sun of the sky and only craft in the fleet with the honor of being by an emperor; Helton, havnor's father.

It would be some time before he could fuck the mare he had chosen for himself. Injuries notwithstanding, the human also had to have his rectum delicately stretched to take his cock. Some captains had gotten by in breeding their chosen mount in one night, but he felt someone so special deserved more consideration. After all, no other humans could give pedicures to hooved feet like the one in the trade of a farrier.

Jay awoke nameless hours later and was directed by a doctor or someone to eat a bunch of pills. His eyes were so blinded by the pain in his shattered limbs that he'd do anything to end it. An hour after obeying and downing four or five tasteless capsules, he started to feel better.

His joints and bruises seemed to mildly burn and somehow he knew that a strange magic had been worked here. When turning to thank the doctor, Jay could finally open his eyes and see he'd been left alone.

The bed under him gave off warmth and slowly pulsed with a sensation akin to a heartbeat. While soft, it was a very boring grey color which did not seem particularly cheery. Considering he wasn't dead, being picky over such small things made no sense.

A warm tingle came over his bones as they miraculously fixed themselves from within his body and made a six week recovery into one that lasted little less than six hours. Within three, he finally had the strength to reach up and grab something that had been loosely affixed to his neck.

Pulling it off easily, he saw it to be an odd collar with half of it colored gold on top and the other was bright pink. Curiosity came over him as to possible meanings to this but he ultimately had no clue.

He had to assume answers would be timely to assuage and give him an explanation as to why three men in powered suits decided to fuck him up or what odd medicine had been used to hix his body. Even in the future, healing involved more than magic pills.

Heavy footsteps came on the sixth hour when he was expected to be fixed up. What sounded like muffled boots turned out to be something else as Jay discovered that all of this talk over an invasion proved itself quite true. He found himself on the brink of a heart attack as a likely benefactor to his treatment entered the room.

Jay could not believe sucn an analgamous anomaly of form could exist in this world or any other. In 2235, all attempts to contact alien life had been ceased with the assumption that mankind was alone in the universe. Now how wrong was such hubris!

Jay had seen numerous doctors as he moved around but nothing like this half-naked horse-headed Tarzan wannabe. Shiny black fur on every inch of skin and those mystical green eyes almost assaulted him with the clear poignance of the situation.

After seeing that cleary, he finally started to understand why they had wanted to kill him. These horse monster things did not suffer the insult of an inferrior species looking after their evolutionary ancestors. Humans, leaving their culture on a cristian context, would not believe that chimpanzees, apes and such could possibly be related to them even though DNA collaborated such a claim.

Realizing this, he asked the one simple question which shouldn't have mattered. "Am I going to die?" Perhaps he should have been more concerned over what had happened to the rest of the world, but he was no idiot. Capital punishment always meant someone was goint to die. Such a sentence had been placed on him and how it bore on him heavily as a yoke.

The horse creature thought about his inquiry, or so Jay assumed since the beast was quite stoil and motionless like a hairy statue. It took a moment for this doctor to get into his bedside manners and understnad what he was asking. "The punishment has been annulled. Leader wants you, but first a human must be tested for qualities conducive of being a pet."

A pet?! Now the reason for the collar was made clear. He loved horses but didn't want to be owned, by and serve them. Then he realized his silliness; regardless of who was in control, even being the master, he served after his uncle's clones and made them happy. If one analyzed the situation closely,nothing much had changed except that his 'charge' could now talk to him.

"Would you like to meet fleet admiral Pahygzes today? He's been very concerned over causing you anymore distress and wants you to take your time." The doctor offered, hands behind his back and making his crotch and all its contents seem to bulge out toward him like a creeping dark cloud.

Perhaps the queerest fucking question he'd been asked in his life the black horse was careful to orbit important words like master, pet, your owner, and others, but he could still tell what was being inplied; did he want to meet hisnew owner. An inference like that should have offended him but Jay learned to accept this new reality. He''d lived four years in near solitude making horses happy. What had really changed. "Tomarrow," He finally said, acquiessing to their contol.

A whole day to himself to think would be good. Too much had occurred, giving enough stress already. Strangely, the human response to any stress was to take some time to think about it and analyze the problems causing such ills. Typically, people dwell on the good things still working out in their lives to negate the worst of the anxiety and shock.

The doctor was satisfied and stomped out, his thick black tail like the slinking energetic body of a panther. He turned over in the giant bed and pulled some silky gray sheets over himself while looking outside the window. As he grew drowzy, a faint curiosity came over him; outside the window was an endless grassy emerald field and three yellow suns in the sky orbiting at different angles.

The disposition of his chosen pet settled, Payhgzes went onto his war council without any terse feelings on the matter. With idle consideration, He knew that human temperament and stress levels were difficult if not impossible to judge. It was a miracle in itself that this creature wanted to meet as soon as tomorrow given all the scary and brutal things that had been done to him.

Onto this more impotant matter, he stepped through the door threshold for the confidential meeting chamber of hand-picked officers put in charge of eight different regions of the globe. Six wore the chrome feathers of captains and the last two bore the rusty red bronze of colonels; those more adept at battle on the ground.

Thirty ships had been assigned to taking recon holograms of troubled areas where resistance still occurred and some casualties had been incurred. Last briefing, Pahygzes had been duly informed of four or five Ellosian soldies killed in the south region of the South America. A quick study of human media had confrimed trouble in the whole content for at least a thousand years.

Pahygzes did his best to suppress his libido as he quickly noticed that many of his staff had engaged in sex with their chosen mares; the humans already transformed enough to have pussies and that overpowering estrous smell. Since he'd chosen not to make his pet female, the white stallion would have to find an alternate source to get that aphrodesiac smell in his nose.

"Admiral, sir, we have a--what do humans call it-- a snafu?" Colonel Senhra declared. The commander did not like the sound of this but he had to face all issues head on and give them resolution or else more could die.

"Go ahead. I think this planet has already thrown its worst at us." He lied, knowing that guerilla tactics and insurgency were the worst but couldn't admit that to his officers and troops who already thought they had a victory against an enemy world.

Senhra looked around nervously, clearly not comforable with giving bad news. "A number of our soldiers and bio technologists have deserted to the human resistance in a neaby major city four thousand or so miles from here. Even now, the scope of their treachery and the damage it may have done to our cause cannot be measured."

Now that had caught him by surprise. If any of the troops had spoke of such treachery, they would be reconditioned and given a little more patriotism on the matter. In fact, the punishment for all serious offenses was the unique brain-alteration program carried out by the nanites. Thanks to such a policy however, public dissent had been discouraged but had influenced an underground movement, in defiance of the conquests.

If only there were an efficient way to track them all down for discipline measures. Unfortuantely, this was a relatively new problem so he had no system in place to find them. "Very well, do your best to find them. I'll authorize a search of the whole city by millions of soldiers if required: Other business to bring to bring to this table?" In truth, except for the occasional snag, things went so smoothly that bringing it before the council was pointless.

Without any other problems or feedback from the other staff on how to deal with the Ehlosian traitors, the meeting was concluded until next week. In the meantime, this development had left a sour taste in his mouth. This had been the first serious sign that betrayal was organized within the ranks. Typically there was no recourse to it; his race had always been slow to change tactics or adapt to changing situations. How they lived for so long was a mystery. From what he knew, the military strategy and tactics hadn't changed for centuries.

A red horse had come in the room and left him some plain oatmeal, leaving Jay alone once again. It was only after eating his meal that he realized the amazing abilities of this room with its odd gray furniture and walls.

Without a bathroom and being locked in, he had to make do and defecated in a corner by the window. The floor, however the hell it was possible, soaked it up like water and left no trace of his mess. "How the f--," True he was confused, but there were other concerns.

If this room were like a giant littler box, what else could it do. More on that thought, what would a master want him to do as a pet. Surely a race so advanced had secured its share of servants? The present query though, would indicate otherwise.

He took his. . . collar from where it lay in the ruffled sheets of the bed and closely examined it. Besides the half gold and half pink colors on the band like two differently colored strips sewn together, there was a weak magnetic clasp on each of the ends like it wasn't meant to stay on as a means of control. There wasn't even a way to attach a leash or something. For all intent, it was just a lame sort of necklace.

As he continued to turn it around in his hands, the door opened to let in a much smaller horse creature than the other two furry hulks he had met. She had orange-sized breasts, brown fur, and a dripping wet black pussy shimmering with copious fluids. A tiny penis was at the top of her vulva, gradually appearing to absorb into the body and become a clitoris if given enough time.

The mare creature blushed shyly as her heat flooded the room. Jay could tell that while this creature had once been a man, she didn't seem to be bothered by a loss of gender identity and even seemed to wear her collar with some dignity, black on top and pink on the bottom. "Sir, your stallion sent me to ask if you needed some relief." Now he could smell the strong sour odor of the horse cum that had been pounded into her pussy like a kinky Thanksgiving turkey.

"Relief?" He asked, unable to believe she was asking what he thought she was. He looked back at those wide dripping labia with curiosity. Whoever fucked her must have really given her a good stretching-- or maybe three used her at once! "No disrespect, but your..." He was too nervous and shy to continue.

"My pussy." She prompted helpfully, reaching a hand out to gently grab his penis. The action was completely unexpected but not unwanted so he let her hold it. "Yes. It's too wide for me." He continued, standing there nervously without a coherent throught in his head as she rolled his hardening flesh in her palm and stroked it affectionately with delicate caresses of her fingers. "I won't argue, but I do have two other holes I can share. Which do you want?"

By now all of the teasing and the smells dribbling from her sex had made him rigid enough to need relief. In a way, the mare had become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If he could refuse, it would surprise her, but that would be impossible. Her labia quivered in exaggerated heat with obvious horniness, and it made him desperately want to cum. Perhaps the anthro alien horse pheromones also had an overwhelming effect on human males-- he couldn't say.

Instead, he found himself giving the request some thought and decided he wanted to take her ass--on all fours like a raging aggressive animal. It didn't truly feel like he was being himself, but it did tempt him like an odd appetite that needed to be quenched "Ass," Jay finally said, sighing deeply as she rubbed both hands along his dick and gave it a sort of loving massage.

"Then ass you will have. I regret not taking you by mouth as I haven't tasted human cum in awhile, but your pleasure comes first. I only wish that you will keep me as your assistant when you need relief so that I might taste it someday soon." He felt guilt over her admission, but still wanted a tight hole to ram into before he could be satisfied. Further, the thought of having appointments with a sex slave was a strange idea to him.

Completely alien, in fact. The only place he'd heard of such a thing was at the legal brothels in Las Vegas. It was a reasonable request but he wanted to see how good she was before blindly agreeing to it without any consideration.

He looked around the dull room, wondering if he was being watched. It would probably be impossible to tell, anyway. Somewhat assured, he pointed at the floor. The mare gave a nod and obeyed, lingering on his cock a moment longer with those furred silken hands before doing so. She seemed to regret having to stop playing on his penis, but there were other things to attend to such as offering herself as a breeding mount.

He had worries over how the sex slaves were treated, but if this brown mare was any indication they must be perfectly happy with the new job. Once he came to that conlusion, Jay no longer had any guilt over using her ass. She was in heat and wanted it, after all.

Jay fell down to his knees behind the submitting mare, her shrunken cock hung between her legs like a teat or an udder as that pretty silken tail flapped out of his way like a vigorous flag and presented him a saucy peek at that unused ringed anus. It was proved a good choice since all the stallions were more than happy trying to flood her womb and left other places alone.

Her floppy cock-widened vulva flapped together like the wet sloppy wings of a butterfly. As he stared at the quirky puckering of her butthole, he licked a finger and stabbed it in. Immediately she arched her back and gave a loud pleasant whinny, pounding her body backward to fuck that tight ass on his finger like it was a cock. Urgency flooded him as his body wanted to feel that same tightness gripping and sliding all over his cock like a hot virgin pussy.

He thrust his cock at her anal entrance but had to stop almost immediately. Without lube, it felt like he was poking his tip against a wall. An idea struck him after a few failed attempts of trying to bury himself inside.

Jay lowered the angle of his penis and shoved it wetly in her pussy, swirlying it around in her fluids and congealed mess of sticky cum before prodding it impatiently at her donut again. His cock made a sloppy sound as it sunk swiftly in the mare's ass, her tight ring of anus clasping with such power over his organ that it choked off his urethra and would thus make cumming almost impossible.

Perhaps one or two stallions using her tight ass wouldn't be such a bad thing. As he pounded in her faster, he could feel all the body heat and friction turn that supple warm ass into a throbbing wet kiln. The strangest feeling he knew; the slave was so tight that her rectum tickled his hard cock to orgasm in only seconds.

He squeezed his hands firmly on her toasty bubbles of horse ass before pounding his length all the way to the balls and flooded her with the embarrassingly small trickle of cum in his orbs and pulled out; different horse fluids dripping from his softening manhood like snow.

The activity had made him weary. No futher energy reserves to draw on, he slumped on the female and went to sleep on that broad furry back much to her amusement. Kind she was to let him rest and gently dump his dozing body in the bed before leaving.

His dreams that followed the paring were fragmented and unnatural. Aside from a few images he recognized as horse faces, all things in his head were shattered figments.

When later he awoke, he wasn't alone. An ivory white horse creature waited at his bed, looking down at him thoughtfully. Jay could see that the horse wore some version of a gymnast's uniform or a babies onesie; medals and shining decorations of rank fastened all over the fabric.

Looking down: a huge crotch with a sheathe as big as a soda can and two testes plump like baseballs practically held against the fabric of his odd uniform. Where he'd seen other horse creatures go naked, armored, or in loinclothes, this was a different sort of clothing.

Jay was no fool; such attire set the horse beast apart as someone special. Then he remembered what he'd agreed to. This was a cursory meeting with his owner! The human suddenly felt very nervous and shy around such a shiny large example of masculinity.

There was a brief moment when he looked up and lost himself in those large sky blue eyes and became enraptured into believing everything would be okay. It was that same solemn affection he had seen in the eyes of his own horses. Something friendly that melds into his being like light. When he realized that, he knew this horse creature had no wish to harm him. "What is your name?"

The stallion gave a light smile and sat on the bed, resting a hand on his large white fuzzy thigh. "Pahygzes, little pet." He snorted gently, making a soft hushed nicker like that of a stallion to his mare.

Jay held his breath, unable to process all of that male elegance all at once. A shiver came over his spine as he thought about what it might be like to live with and serve such a charming animal. "Do you have wings?" He finally gasped, catching his breath. As a man, he'd learned to blindly desire many, but never in a homosecual context. While shocked by this revelation, he wasn't bothered.

Air wasn't the only thing he breathed in. A potent odor of maleness clung to the room like steam in a sauna. It proved almost suffocating to him in a manner of wafting gas. There was an infrequent wild sweetness to it somewhat like vinegar vapors.

The horse stroked his fuzzy chin and swatted his tail so that it hung over the bed like a pearly shredded sheet. "You must have questions? I think all humans at this point do." Pahygzes mused with an entertained chuckle.

Surprisingly, Jay didn't have any questions. Whatever he had figured out on his own had assuaged some manner of curiousity. The stallion was certain to tell him many things, but he was satisfied for now. "No." He said simply, inwardly humored by the large male's disbelief.

This admission had caught the horse off guard for a moment. Jay found it amusing that he could surprise his future master. The horse finally broke with a sardonic grin at the irony. "I was right to choose you, then. This situation is usually such a shock to other humans that they end up in denial so much that we have to convince them over and over until it all sinks in." Pahygzes remarked, making himself comfy on the bed by lying on it fully with his immense body weight.

Jay was quick to notice that the bed accepted this massive pressure without deflating or crumpling at all. "And what truth is that?" He likely already knew the answer, but wanted to continue the idle talk with this creature.

Pahygzes turned over in the bed to face him, reaching a large hand over to reattach the chrome and pink collar about Jay's throat. "Once we make our choice, that human is already a sex slave and has no will but to serve us and give pleasure. My personal choice for you has baffled my friends and comrades."

When the horse said that, he was immediately reminded of that human turned mare creature who wore a similar collar to his. Was that his fate? To be turned into a female sex toy for horny alien horses? Even how, he was writhing and frightened that one of those pills he'd taken would transform him into one of those endlessly horny mares. "No! I want to stay human!" Jay exploded off the bed with a wild look on his face like the horse had become a satanic abomination. Having sex with such a creature was fine, but the very form of his body was sacred. To know that these aliens were changing him in order to make his flesh more compatible was an offensive insult and a horror of affront.

He didn't know how to deal with it. So he squatted nakedly at the corner of the room's doorside and rocked nervously against the warm pulsing walls with his hips, cock, and balls, wobbling with his motions. It was a strange way for a man to react; typically more attributed to women who had been recently raped, but the sentiment seemed the same and with the overload of depressing facts, there was no other normal way for him to behave after such a discovery.

Pahygzes sighed, realizing his folly. "Perhaps I shouldn't have sent a sex slave up to take care of your tensions. I limited contact with you from others so that you wouldn't get the wrong impression. Yet it is apparent that you still did." The horse waited a moment to give the situation some thought. Finally, he got off the bed and came towards Jay, whom was still catatonically horrified by the truth.

When he was close enought, the horse put an oversized hand on Jay's bowing head in reassurance. "That horse whom you had sex with. She is not your fate. I chose you as my personal sex slave and pet, and a condition of that decision is that I want you how you are. It will be difficult to believe in light of what you have seen and learned today, but I offer only the truth; a willing human is welcome in this heart." The stallion raised Jay's paranoid face up to meet his white steadfast expression of truth.

Again, he could find no deceit in those beautiful eyes. What the bold male offered was genuine; he surely felt indebted to accept this random generosity. "To stay a human even as all other breeding slaves become our harem mares-- call that an early... Crestmist? Present." Even crouching and sincere before him, the alien was almost as big as a car.

Not that the size scared him. He quickly learned the meaning of trust by its exact definition. Trust, he'd been told, was never being afraid of someone even when you were vulnerable. Right now, he felt absolutely helpless. This horse beast could fuck him any moment but something stopped the stallion from doing so. Respect? Kindess? Whatever it might be, Jay's trust was rewarded. Only now could he seriously see himself having affection for such a master.

Now that he had been calmed down, he did indeed have more questions.


Work commissioned by Videogame30 so expect more gayness since this is just the starting chapter where the setting and character development is put in place.

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