Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 13 - In Like a Lion...

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#13 of Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields

A/N: In retrospect, I should have done more research before I began to write the story. About a month after I started posting, I realized that Sirius is actual a pair of stars in the constellation Canis Major, to the southwest of the constellation Orion (which I did know existed.)

So, to further dispel the thought that I may be referring to the existing Sirius instead of the Sirius I created; well... just read.

Disclaimer: You are being disclaimed.

If you are 17 and below, or 20 and below in some places, then you should not be reading this story. I repeat: as long as you are 18 (21) then you are fine. If you don't like boys with sticky faces, humans, furries, or science fiction, then you are either Straight, weird, weirder, or creepy (in that order.)

Aswell you should not be reading this story as it has all of this.

Disclaimer: You have been disclaimed.


Chapter 13: In Like a Lion...

A mechanical arm extending, reaching, unfolding to finally seal a breach; refit the armour and turning to lock it in place, bolting and welding. The Morningstar's hull, once bust along the underside, now was beginning to gleam again. Repaint the name on the hull, TSS Morningstar, Trian Starship.

It had been a week since their first mating, he and Aries; Ta'zriel had already become more to his race than just a member. He had become their beacon. With the announcement of their love, the Lyrii embraced the Sirians as brothers and sisters. More so he had become the first Lyrii to set foot on the planet Earth. He was as a hero to the Lyrii who were present.

He spoke for his race in a meeting between the three species. Jasyn, representing the Sirians, Blaze representing the Lyrii, and a delegate from each of the Twelve Cities representing the Earth; they had met and it had been decided. The Lyrii were aboard in their fight against the Crag, at least the ones that were present.

The Trian alliance, between the three species, was formed.


A night earlier


Aries stood, his arms around his love, in a central lift for the station. The two stood with Jasyn, Axis, Sota, and Kaine; Sota looking somewhat sullen in the cramped confines. He had wanted to mate with Claire, but clinging to the old ways he hadn't been given the chance. They were chaste in their relationship until the day she died. That evening they were going to complete the ritual.


I was walking through the corridors, smiling uninterested at everyone that passed me. Passing the airlocks I saw Atlas walking opposite me, several others following.

Today was the day; I was ready to ask Claire to mate. I knew she'd agree, she loved me with all her heart, and I her. I felt it in the air though, like a bolt of electricity the alarm sounded seconds after I knew something to be wrong. We hadn't time to raise armour. I knew the airlock could eject, I was prepared to float for days. I grabbed those that I could and pushed them into the chamber.

I wanted to save as many as I could; I waited until I could hear the explosion. The last I grabbed was Atlas, by the shoulder, tossing him into the small room I sealed it and waited until I saw flames through the blast-glass. Swallowing hard, I ejected the airlock, hoping the crag would think it blew out in the explosion.

We were lucky, Claire was not; it was the hardest choice I ever made.


He didn't regret it. He had saved everybody he could. He was a hero to those people. He had also escaped prejudice, protecting Atlas from the hungry looks of the rest; held the fox quietly during the night to guard him from the rest.

Truthfully, his hatred for foxes was to keep up appearances. He was destined to be captain of the Falchion one day. He'd abolish the prejudice. Now, here he was in a room no bigger than twenty feet square and seven feet high, moving downward towards the hangar deck; about to become one of the founders of an alliance spelling the end of the Craganii.

He spoke quietly to himself, chanting a lyric.

Sleep comes harder each day without,

Your arms cannot be replaced,

I wish to hear your voice devout,

And face with fingers trace.

I've missed you so my loving mate,

And at night I have wept,

My love for you will never sate,

With whom I never slept.

Nobody heard him speak it but Axis, and Blaze felt each word's sting. The two looked to Sota, who looked up with pained eyes. "This is hardly the time to ask, my friend; but I need to realize a path. Axis, can we speak in private after this meeting?"

The fox looked at Jasyn who nodded, and he spoke with his mate's backing. "Of course, Sota. I make a point out of being there for my friends. After we adjourn the meeting come find me. I won't have gone far."

The wolf simply nodded and closed his eyes, thinking quietly.

Aries had told his friends of he and Blaze's night. He hadn't bragged, he simply stated that he had found a mate in him. The news had brought joy to the Sirians, and furthered that joy when Blaze had confessed it to his Lyrii companions.

Axis and Jasyn were talking about tactics, and joking amiably. It was as if they weren't mates, but old friends. They acted like friends, talking and smiling without giving one another a second glance. It was like they never thought about the nights they shared, or fantasized about what adventure they'd share next.

The two seemed like they always had, close friends. Not many couples could pull off such a feat. Sota knew the way Axis slipped one of his tails around Jasyn's leg gave away what they were to eachother, but they didn't act like a couple when important things took place. They were focused on what was important, which was making sure that things ran smoothly so that they could hold one-another when they next had the chance.

The two had grown accustomed to it.

'Today,' Sota thought, 'I will honour Claire.' He looked around and smiled a bit. 'She would want me to move on, it has just taken awhile.'


The trip in the lift took all of two minutes, but it had seemed like an eternity.

Axis and Jasyn walked behind Kaine, still talking like they hadn't fucked eachother senseless before they got out of bed. Axis was still smiling from their morning romp. He was slowly beginning to lose the seriousness of his relationship with Jasyn. They had been forbidden once, and now they were not. They were welcomed, a cherished couple.

Blaze and Aries followed close behind, smiling to eachother and clasping adjacent paws together. The thin fingers of the Lyrii slipped between Aries' own thicker digits. They didn't seem to mind the difference between them. They looked past it to the mind within.

Sota was at the tail of the group, just walking and holding a slim computer-like device. He looked something of a lawyer, but he wouldn't have known it.

They walked into a sleek political transport and were off for the planet.


Mati sat in his room, watching the sleek ship depart for the planet. He was cleared of quarantine but it wasn't his place to be in a meeting room. He smiled and stretched, before he tugged a slim interface out of a slot in the wall. Tapping at the controls, he began to browse the humans' Internet, surprised to find mention of many like him from a simple web-search.

He typed slowly into the search line, after reading something in a headline about their arrival. 'F-U-R-R-I-E-S'.

Many links were listed, but in particular one caught his eye. A story-posting website made for amateur writers.

He was about to select it when the alert beeped at him. "Come in," he called across the room, saving the link for later. He slid the terminal back into the wall and watched the doors hiss open to reveal a human pilot.

"Hey there husky," smirked the boy, dressed in full flight-suit. "So, about that forest trip I told you about..."

"Now?" the husky blinked, smirking slightly, "but Axis and Jasyn just left, I don't want them to worr-"

Alraune interrupted. "Don't worry, I caught them on their way out. Told them that I wanted to show you around my home and said I'd look after you. They said, and I quote," he paused and held up a small recording device, Axis' voice proceeding to come from it. "If Mati wants to go, he's got my permission. Just get him back to the station before 21:00 station time."

Mati smiled and slid off of the bed. "Aura? You remember the day we met, just a few days ago?"

The boy smirked and walked into the room, standing a bit more on one leg than the other. "How could I forget? You practically jumped me," he joked, chuckling quietly.

Mati stepped a bit closer, his maturity matching that of Aura's. "You asked me if I had a boyfriend, right?" questioned the husky with a bit of a shy undertone. Mati felt like Alraune was staring through him, the other male watching him with those hazel eyes.

Aura smirked and rolled his shoulders, gazing down at his friend. "Yes, that's right," he said, prodding Mathieu to continue his line of questioning.

Mathieu blushed a bit and placed a paw against the pilot's chest, looking up quietly into Aura's eyes with his icy blues. "Well... I was about to ask you if you were interested when I 'jumped' you. I never really got the chance," he confessed, looking up at Aura's eyes.

The human smirked a bit more, licking his lips once before he spoke. "I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't, Mathieu," he began. "You seem different in the way you act. Your personality is more devoted and trusting. You pick your friends and keep them close. You're careful like that. I saw, perhaps, an opportunity to get out of my endless string of one-night stands," came Aura's explanation.

In his eyes, Mati could see a slight amount of fear and for once in his life he wanted to keep someone else safe no matter what. "To maybe find somebody who won't leave me when someone new and exciting shows up. I'm sorry if it offended you at all..." the boy concluded, before turning his head and taking a step back.

Mati surprised himself as he stepped with the boy, his paw still flush to Aura's chest. He moved his other paw to Alraune's cheek, turning his eyes to look at him. "If a one-night stand is anything like rape," began the husky, eyes locked to the human's; "and if it is what has left you so afraid, that you aren't even confident enough to seize an opportunity." Mathieu paused and looked away for a moment, before staring back fully twice as strong. "Alraune, if you and I share that quality; the unsure doubt from countless mornings waking up ashamed; then can we share our experiences?" he asked.

The human blinked, unsure of what the husky had meant. Mathieu spoke again though, clarifying. "Ask me, Aura. Be confident and ask me again," said the husky.

Alraune took a step back, looking away for a moment. When he had collected himself enough to speak he looked Mathieu in the eyes, smirking quietly. "How about we take a trip to the planet first. These cold walls don't do justice to what I think you've asked me to do," said the human, holding up his arm a bit.

Mati hadn't noticed the second flight-suit hanging from that arm, but he smiled and took it gently. "Aura... find out whether you want this or not before you ask. I know I shouldn't give you advice about this, but you need to be confident that it is what you want," he said, softly, before turning and disappearing into his washroom.


"Humanity has been kind to us. Supportive to our cause without a wavering thought," spoke Jasyn in front of a roomful of human politicians. "Today, we propose something that may forge the future of our worlds. A Triumvirate alliance of the three known worlds; allied with the sole mission of peace and understanding. Fostering friendships and trade between our worlds, and driving back the Craganii. I propose to you that right here, today, we forge a pact, an oath to support one another in our struggle for prosperity. Our world is in the midst of a war; yours is just recovering from one. Our new allies, the Lyrii, are scientific marvels. Their engineering prowess is matched only by a select few. Here, with the aid of your planet, we can take back Sirius Beta. We can defeat the Craganii, restore our world, and open our doors to your people."

Jasyn took a pause to let his proposal sink in, before he continued. "I propose that an alliance of the three planets is created here today. In earnest, I ask you to consider not only the benefit to yourselves, but to all of our worlds. Thank you, honourable hosts, for allowing me to speak."

As Jasyn stepped down from the podium, Kaine, the liason between the Sirians and the Canadian government, took his place.

Her voice was strong, political, and almost maternal. "I shocked you all when I resigned from office. I'm sure many of you thought I was indestructible, that I couldn't be broken. I stand before you to give my personal support to the alliance that has been proposed. Let me tell you why--"


Mathieu and Aura descended in the Firedart fighter, sleek and quick. It had a passenger seat for the event of an emergency, which Mati took his place on. They had been quiet, thinking about what was happening, as they flew through the barrier into Toronto's Skyline. The city looked magnificent, the sleek buildings standing tall with steel and glass. The streets clean of trash, and free of congestion as the traffic moved in its automatic trend. Mati could see the lake nearby with its clear and pollutant-free waters.

There, in the centre of it all, stood the 'steel flower'. The CN II as it was. It's steel petals branching off and ending in slowly flashing lighted points. They quietly flew through the air, landing at a checkpoint and driving a civilian off-road vehicle the rest of the way.

When they'd landed safely in Toronto's downtown district, Mati took one look around and smiled. "This place is so beautiful!" he exclaimed, holding his arms out and looking around. "You were born here?" he asked, looking at Aura with a tilted head.

"Yeah," replied the human, a characteristic smirk crossing his features. "See that blue-and-white sign? The one with the H on it on the side of that building over there?" he asked, pointing towards one of the many buildings.

"Um... Yeah! Yeah I see it!" said Mati with a grin. "Why?"

"That's the hospital I was born in; Saint Matthew's General Hospital," said the human with a proud chuckle. "Now c'mon. Either we find you some hiking clothes or you're going to cook like a frankfurter," he further mused.

And the two were off into the nearest shop.

About three hours later they emerged from a shop at the end of the street. Mathieu was smiling wide at his attire, navy blue t-shirt under a light orange dress shirt with a pair of dark orange cotton pants. He'd also managed to talk a shopkeeper that was selling glasses to make him a special pair of sunglasses. He grinned to Aura, himself carrying a backpack with his flight-suit and a bottle of water.

The human was wearing similar attire, but he'd stuck with nature-tones. His shirts were dark green and tan from in to out, and his shorts matched the undershirt. His legs were somewhat defined, and the sandals he wore showed off his well-cared-for feet.

The two shared a smile before noticing the sun had moved directly overhead. "Hmm, it's around thirteen-hundred, that'd make it eleven-hundred on the station," stated Aura, no real intention on his mind.

"Well, let's hurry up and get out there. I've never been hiking before, and it's a chance to get to know you better," smirked the husky, before bounding towards their ride. City cars ran solely off of the grid, a network designed to make travel quick and easy. The truck they had signed out was hybrid. It ran on the grid within city limits, but on the inter-city roads it was manual.

It was electric blue.


"I can't speak for all of my people," started Blaze, nervously rubbing his left forearm. "B-but I can say that a large percentage of my world would support this endeavour. The peaceful Lyrii are only interested in staying put and observing. The adventurous Lyrii are sick of waiting. Before my abduction, I was ready to fly directly to Sirius Beta with a group of my friends. We were going to be free finally. I will not go back there unless it is to bring my people out of hiding, and they'll only do that if they have known allies. Make yourselves known as allies, and forge this alliance with us, as you have the Sirians."

He had gotten more confident throughout the speech, and he grinned as he stepped down from the podium.

The meeting was recessed for the time being.


Aura stood at the top of a wide gorge, a gash in the Earth's crust with water flowing through it rapidly. Mati was already ahead, wandering upwards more and looking with interest over the edge.

He edged closer and peered over less than cautiously, he barely heard Aura's shout over the gushing water. "Mati! Be careful! The current could drown a person!" said the boy, walking up behind the husky.

Mati chuckled. He'd cut a hole in the back of the pants for his tail, which was wagging happily. "I'm not worried," he said, stepping further along the ledge and looking down some 20 feet of sheer vertical rock at the rushing current over a shallow rockbed. "After all, I'm here with you. You'll keep me safe, right?" smirked the Sirian, and Aura shook his head and chuckled.

"Y'know, husky; it's an attitude like that that's liable to get someone killed," lectured Aura, following Mati up the gorge.

"Oh shush. I'm being careful-watch your step-I know exactly what I'm doing," snickered the canid male, just flicking his tail from side to side with not a care in the world as he drank in the surrounding vegetation.

"Yeah..." trailed Aura, his gaze suddenly transfixed on the tail. It was almost hypnotically swaying back and forth, and it had distracted him enough to make him miss his mark. His foot slipped and he let out a surprised yell, crashing back to the present as he slipped off of the ledge. He had managed to grab an outcrop, hanging there barely stable.

Mati fell to his stomach and held out a paw almost immediately. "Aura! Dammit I told you to watch your step!" grunted the husky, his paw wrapping around the human's wrist. Alraune looked up and grabbed the arm with both hands, his feet finding purchase in small ledges.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck help me!" called the human, as Mati tugged upward strongly.

The young husky could feel adrenaline coursing through him. He was focused on one thing, and that was getting this human back on solid ground. "Grab the ledge and pull, you're only about a foot away," called the husky in reply, calm but yelling over the falls. "You'll be fine, I've got you."

Aura looked up and blinked, before doing as told. He grabbed the ledge and pulled with one arm as Mati tugged him up, and just as quickly as it had happened, it was over. As he was pulled back up onto solid ground, Mati pulled him into a close hug.

"Dammit, you scared me Aura," he scolded, pulling the human away from the treacherous rock wall. "I should have listened to you. I'm really sorry..." he added, licking the human's cheek affectionately.

Aura pulled away from the hug, looking Mati in the eyes briefly. He smiled and hugged him tightly, burying his nose in the husky's shoulder. "It ain't your fault, pup. I got distracted," admitted the human quietly.

Now it was Mathieu's turn to pull away, staring into the boy's eyes with a curious look. "Doesn't matter, you're safe and we're getting away from that bloody gorge," he commanded, before moving close and kissing Aura's cheek. "So, anywhere else you want to show me?" he asked, turning his back on the male and chuckling over his shoulder.


The political leaders filed into the conference room, talking to one another in hushed tones. They had conversed about their decisions; and now it was time for their collective decisions.

The delegate from Toronto was first to stand and to speak; A tall man with ivory hair and skin as white as a sheet. He had to wear protective sunglasses at all times. He spoke with a deliberate slowness, his body frail but his spirit strong.

"Toronto has chosen to vote towards the alliance," he said simply. He seated himself as another rose rapidly.

"How on Earth can you trust these... things. They have caused the deaths of thousands of humans in the fleet; deaths that could have been avoided Senator!" he shouted across the room, his portly stature and dark hair making him blend all too well in the dark suit he wore. He was the Senator from Berlin.

The Athenian Delegate rose and stared across at the man who had burst out, her brown hair and tan skin a delicate contrast to the pale white of the Torontonian beside her. "Because these people haven't done anything to harm us directly. Our soldiers, our people that have died, did so out of voluntary cooperation. They accepted the risks; wanted to free Sirius of the Craganii." Her voice was cool and confident, and she wore a simple dark-green dress.

At once the Senator from the Egyptian city of Alexandria stood and shouted across the room aswell. "They have also given the Crag a blaring beacon towards our planet. If they drive away the scum then our world will be a prime target! I say let the bugs keep the godsforsaken planet!"

"Don't you--" started Jasyn, rising barely an inch before Axis pulled him back down. The way the fox held on told Jasyn to wait, and so he did.

Next rose both of the Japanese Senators. The Tokyo delegate spoke first, his English flawless if accented; "I believe that they would help defend us should the Craganii attack. They have proven their intent with the gracious sharing of technology. The armour alone--"

"You are siding with them!?" interrupted the Senator from Hiroshima, her English less than perfect. "We hardly know them and you are so willing to trust their intent? They could be deceiving us!"

"But we're--" this time it was Blaze who attempted to rise, Aries doing as Axis had.

The delegates were split 50/50; Toronto, Athens, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Waterloo, and London against Berlin, Hiroshima, Alexandria, New Moscow, Paris, and Hong Kong. It would be a long day.


Sitting in silence atop a crested bluff, Mathieu watched the yellow sun Sol begin to turn to shades of red. He had never witnessed an Earth Sunset, and countless buildings obscured the only one that he had really seen on Sirius. His ears dropped to the side at ease as he relaxed, enjoying the near-silence. He could still hear the rushing gorge, and he could still hear the birds and the rustle of the odd animal. The only silence he was concerned with came out of the company he held.

Alraune watched the sunset too, sitting on Mathieu's right; just barely out of reach and yet close enough to slip up to and hold. It was confusing to the husky what would have been appropriate; that is until he felt a finger pressed against the side of his paw. He looked down with just his eyes and saw the human's smallest finger pressed barely against his furred right paw; glancing up out of the corner of his eye he saw Aura staring straight ahead. He didn't seem to even notice.

Mathieu just ignored the hand, staring back up at the sunset; no move away but no move towards either.

Slowly he felt the human's hand move over his paw, eventually curling around it. The human squeezed once and Mati squeezed back, looking down and tilting his head towards the boy with a bit with a smirk. He was met with a nervous smile from Alraune, who had slowly moved closer. The human lifted the paw, cradling it in the one hand, before pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it. Smirking from behind the paw he said, "You were right that my confidence has fled. I'm not sure I'm ready to risk what I was asking earlier. I don't think I'd ever be ready, Mathieu," said the human with a bit of a saddened undertone.

Mati nodded and smiled; tried to move his paw to stroke the human's cheek but found that Aura's grip was keeping it there. He realized the human had more he wished to say.

"Even--because--" he interrupted himself, taking a pause before he spoke; "I may not really be ready, but even still I think--I don't really care. I think I care for you, Mathieu. More perhaps than I've ever cared for another; definitely more than just as a friend." He had caught himself in a bit of a verbal tumble, but he continued; "even being unsure as I am, I know that I want to try. I know that I want to try to be with you, Mathieu."

Mati tried to move his paw again, finding that the boy's grip had wavered. Here was a human with years on him equal to Axis or Jasyn, but he was less mature than an adult and seemed to be his own age. 'Humans mature slowly,' thought Mathieu, before he slowly stroked his thumb over Aura's left cheek, the sunset long forgotten.

"I never imagined I'd be the first to say this to a human; I want to try also. I know you mean more to me than as a friend. You mean more to me than anybody. I'm certain of this, and you said it yourself; I pick carefully," started the young Sirian.

"We'll share our experiences, Alraune. We'll teach eachother, and learn from eachother," he added without a pause. "Let's treat us like an experiment; and when we find our answers, let's make a final choice. I believe the term, 'boyfriends', applies. Let's discover ourselves, and find out what we want." His paw gently moved to Aura's neck, stroking the back and the side gently. "But for now, I want you."

Mathieu found himself on his back under a particularly affectionate human, who was hugging him very tightly, a mere second after he finished speaking.

"Not a one-night stand. I want to know you, and hold you," said the human quietly, his nose buried in the shirted chest. The stars had already begun to appear in the sky.

"Well, you seem to have one covered," mused the husky with a smile, earning himself a playful flick.

"Not here; it's getting cold and I should be getting you back to the stat--"

"Stay with me tonight?" asked Mathieu with a smile. "Let's know eachother."

"Of course."


Most of the cities had shifted, convinced by direct questioning towards Jasyn and Blaze. They answered honestly, and slowly the cities had agreed one by one. The only ones still left were Berlin and Paris. They were talking to one another in hushed tones.

"We will grant that you have proven your intent," started the Japanese delegate. She was interrupted in her slight pause though by the senator from Berlin.

"Your answers were truthful. You seem trustworthy, after questioning you for as long as we have. Perhaps you are only interested in freeing your world, or perhaps you truly wish to make an ally of us. Quite easily we could overpower you, so you won't betray us," spoke the man with a low untrusting voice.

"A temporary alliance for now, until the Crag are banished from your world. We will see then about something more permanent," concluded the short Hiroshima-born woman.

Jasyn spoke first, bowing his head a bit. "I was under the assumption that Sirius and Earth were already allied against the Crag; is that incorrect?"

All of the delegates looked to the Torontonian for the answer. Canada was, after all, the technical superpower in these recovering days. "Yes," he said as he stood, "that is correct Commander Emitt. Senators; the issue at hand is the--Lyrii." He had caught on the last word, momentarily forgetting it. "We have barely known them a week, most of us. We have been assured that they are trustworthy; by both the Sirians and our own people. We are here to decide about an alliance with them aswell, don't forget."

The politician from Berlin nodded and scowled at Jasyn briefly. It was obvious he didn't like the wolf. "Then yes, we will agree to an alliance with these--Lyrii."

"We have consensus, then? Commander Emitt, Ambassador Ta'zriel, Earth agrees to this alliance," said the Torontonian again.

Blaze bowed his head this time and Jasyn stepped aside to let him speak. He was still clad in just the uniform he had been given, but he looked more dignified than he had ever. He began to speak quietly, "I would like to thank you each personally. Myself, I hate fighting. If I have to, I will, but I hate it. My kind will repay the kindness you have shown today," he concluded, stepping down.

"We'll see," said the man from Berlin.


As they drove, the cloudless sky revealed stars upon stars.

"Which one is Sirius?" asked the husky, looking up at the heavens. "I mean, the old Sirius. The 'dog star' you were talking about," he elaborated.

Aura smirked and looked up, before stopping the truck. He undid the restraint and climbed out. Mathieu followed, curious. The human climbed up on the roof and looked up at the sky for a while, drinking in the sights. He almost felt the moonlight against his skin, and smiled warmly.

With a bit of a grin he began to look for a constellation. "Let's see; Polaris, there's the Milky-Way--ahah! Orion, See those three stars, kind of in an upward arch?" he pointed towards the familiar constellation.

Mati blinked and looked up where Aura had been pointing, "Um... Let me get up there." He climbed up aswell, slipping once before managing to use the wheel well as a foothold. He stood on the roof and followed the extended arm. "Oh, yeah, I see it," he replied finally.

"That's called Orion's belt. The four stars around it, see them? The seven of them make up the main part of the constellation Orion; he's a hunter. Look to the left and downward from Orion and you should see an especially bright star; the brightest, in fact, in the sky. There," continued Aura, pointing to a bluish star.

"The blue one." said Mati, noticing the star immediately.

"That's Sirius; well our Sirius. He's a hunting dog of Orion's. He's helping the hunter to find prey," added the human with a smirk. If you look up and to the left a little more you'll see Procyon..."


Axis slipped quietly out of the meeting hall with Jasyn, smiling at him. He quickly hugged the wolf and grinned, congratulating him. "We did it Jayse; I feel that our home will be free of the Crag within the year."

"Don't get optimistic Kit, we've got to do it carefully, free all of the prisoners before we bring that ugly monument down," Jasyn said, rather coldly. He suddenly seemed so distant, like all was not right in his world.

"Jasyn?" asked the fox, slipping his arms around his mate again. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing's wrong Axis, don't wor--"

"--I know something's wrong Jasyn. You're acting spacey. I know you better than to believe that you're fine," interrupted the fox, staring into his mate's eyes. "Jasyn, what is going on; you can speak to me... we've been friends for years."

"Yeah... f-friends..." stammered the wolf, before pushing Axis gently away and wandering off quietly.

Axis blinked at that, the last thing he'd expected Jasyn to do was push him away. "J--"

"Axis?" came Sota's voice, and the fox stopped himself. He'd deal with Jasyn later.

"Yeah? You wanted to chat, Kincaid?" answered the fox, using Sota's given surname.

"I just... need your advice on something," replied the wolf. He seemed desperate for someone to talk to, and Axis couldn't turn down a friend in need. "I was never really Claire's mate; and it's lonely on my own. I know it's stupid to bring it up but... Should I find somebody else? I think she might have wanted me to..."

Axis blinked, looking towards where Jasyn had gone briefly and then back at Sota. He thought for a moment before he said, "You and her weren't really ever mated. You should find somebody who makes you happy while you can. Sorry that I can't be much more help; my own wolf is having a bit of trouble, and I really need to see to this. We'll talk more later."

"Okay..." trailed Sota, watching Axis run off in the direction of Jasyn.


A watch beeped, somewhere outside of their little bubble. Aura jumped a bit, looking at the device around his wrist while still holding onto Mati. The husky had fallen asleep about ten minutes earlier, and the bubble of Toronto was looming closer on the horizon.

20:00 read the watch.

"Only an hour to get you back to the station. I think we can manage that," said the human, scratching behind one of Mati's ears as he drove with his free hand.


Pulling into the hangar building, Aura dropped the car off and, carrying both backpacks and a sleeping Sirian, headed towards his fighter. The husky was curled up, his knees over one of the human's arms while his own were around Aura's shoulders.

Jasyn had hidden himself in the building, more seeking silence than concealment. He heard the footsteps from Aura and slipped around a corner to hide. He wasn't in any mood to talk to anybody. Unfortunately for him he walked directly into Axis, who had seen him enter the building.

"There you are!" exclaimed the fox, looking into Jasyn's eyes seriously.

"Shh!" hushed Jasyn. He hadn't wanted Aura to know he was there, but had he known Mati was with him he would have really not wanted them to know. The damage had been done anyway, the human stopped and hid behind his ship, Mati cracking his eyes open barely to see what had woken him.

"Jasyn, what is going on? Tell me, please!" scolded Axis, his voice barely below a full yell.

Jasyn's words were more hushed. "I--Nothing's going on, Kit. I--"

"Don't 'Kit' me, Jasyn. I am your mate dammit! I'm here to help you through whatever's bothering you. Talk to me love!" interrupted the fox, still speaking much too loudly.

"I don't... know if I can, Axis..." replied the wolf, looking down the half-inch separating them. His ice-blue eyes weren't full of their usual comforting feeling. They seemed like they looked; cold.

"Jasyn..." started the fox, stepping close to his mate and pressing a paw to the wolf's cheek. "You can talk to me about anything... That's what I'm here for, as your mate, to look out for you in case anything's wrong."

Jasyn looked into the once-pure amethyst eyes, losing his composure in their loving depths. A pair of tears fell down his cheeks, and he just hugged Axis tightly. "I don't deserve you," he said, shakily.

Mati looked up at Aura and blinked, about to get up and say something. The human clasped a hand over the husky's muzzle and shook his head. His eyes seemed to speak for him, and in the dim light Mati realized what he was saying.

'It's not our place to know,'

Mati nodded and pointed towards the fighter. Aura nodded and they silently climbed in as the two lovers spoke.

"Of course you deserve me Jasyn. You are nothing but good to me--Oh Jayse... is this about that memorial?" he asked, hugging the wolf close.

"No, Axis. It's about Sota," spoke the wolf in reply, somewhat cold.

Mati's breath hitched, and he stumbled a bit in his sleepy state. Missing the fighter's seat as he was climbing in; he fell to the ground on the other side with a loud yelp, landing flat on his back.

Axis too had skipped a breath, and then gasped when he'd heard Mathieu's distinctive yelp. He didn't rightly care; he was getting this sorted out. "Jasyn. There is nothing but a friendship between me and Sota, if that's what you're suggesting. I love you, you who tackled me to the ground and gave me a good reason a few months ago, when I thought I could be a weapon. Who confessed his feelings the night before we arrived at this damned planet less than a year ago and saved me from the Falchion."

"I know you love me Axis... There wasn't a doubt in my mind," affirmed the wolf, kissing Axis' forehead gently. "That's why I'm so scared of losing you. I don't want you to go back to Sirius, Axis... Not until the Crag are gone." He made sure he was looking into Axis' eyes as he added; "now that you're safe, and that you have a choice; I want you to stay here. Here where it's safe..."

Mati was attempting to climb back into the fighter. He stopped dead and blinked, hearing this. "He can't ask Axis to do that," whispered the husky.

"Jasyn... you know I can protect myself. I could--" started the fox.

"--Be a major target of the Crag. We don't need a martyr, Axis; this war has enough dead heroes."

"Why are you so convinced I'm going to die? Why in the stars do you suddenly think I'm so vulnerable?" asked the fox, speaking louder again.

Jasyn quietly sighed and stroked the rim of one of Axis' ears. "Kit... if moving a ship with those... powers you have; if that caused this... I don't think I could handle you using them more often."

"Is that what this is about?" asked the fox, twitching the ear and lifting himself off the ground with Jasyn, looking the wolf in the eyes. "This is one of my 'powers' too Jasyn... I've read up on it. It's called Telekinesis, moving things with your mind. I use this perhaps more often than anything," he said, before pressing a quick kiss to Jasyn's lips.

"Axis... I'm--"

"Worried about me? I worry about you too, Jasyn. If we can keep an eye on eachother, then we'll be able to look out for one another," said the fox with a smile. "It's what mates do... right?"

Jasyn smiled a bit too and kissed Axis again, sighing. His feet weren't touching the ground, but Jasyn wasn't afraid in the least. "Kit..." breathed the wolf, sighing once. "If I stayed behind... would you stay with me?"

Axis blinked and thought for a split second before replying. "Jasyn. If you stayed behind, our people wouldn't have a leader. I would stay with you, but I don't think you want to stay either."

"If it means you are safe, then I'd give up command," sighed the wolf.

The two heard the hiss of the Firedart's cockpit closing, and the engines flaring. The ship shot out of the hangar and sped upwards into the atmosphere.

"Mati's going to be depressed," sighed Axis, nuzzling his mate gently. He let go of his hold and the two slowly drifted to the ground.

"Oh well... I feel better now..." said the wolf with a smile.


The flight back was silent, Mati too caught up in what he'd heard; Aura not wanting to set him off. They arrived back on Serenity at 21:45 and retreated to Mathieu's room.

At 22:13 the political transport delivered Jasyn's group, and they each filed away to their own quarters.


Axis pressed the 'call' panel outside of Mati's room, hoping to speak to the husky. He had gotten no reply, and silently tapped at the panel's buttons, slicing into the override and opening the door with only a hiss.

A mismatched pair of dress shirts were strewn on the ground by the door, two t-shirts halfway to the bed. Sharing the trait of low-light vision, Axis saw the vague outline of two forms curled up on the husky's bed. He saw the glisten of silver fur as beams of light shone through the vertical blinds. He also saw bare flesh, a furless being curled up with his 'son'. The light from the hall only extended two meters into the room, but Axis knew from the scent in the air who Mati was sharing his bed with.

Pants were noticeably absent from the trail of clothing, and the room smelled 'clean'.

Closing the door, the fox walked to his own quarters after relocking Mati's. He made sure to cover his tracks; letting the two sleep. As he slipped into the room he and Jasyn shared, the wolf slipped his arms around him. He felt Jasyn's chin resting on his shoulder from behind and smiled, leaning back into the strong embrace.

"You'll never guess what I just saw..." mocked the fox.


Aura peeked an eye open as the alert went off, glancing towards the door. He waited a few moments before he heard the door slide open and saw a familiar form in the doorway.

Holding the husky gently he had lifted a hand in greeting; silent to preserve Mathieu's sleep. When the figure just left, he shrugged and held his furry bedmate closer.

'I think he approves,' thought the human quietly, stroking Mati's side gently.


"So, doc?" started Aries. "Can you see any complications that could present?"

Tavok reviewed her charts, looking over the genetic tests. She looked up at the two, and then back down at the charts.

With a shrug she placed the datapad down and fixed her glasses before she spoke. "The tests show a 0.1% chance of a fatal complication, however something like this has never been attempted before. Be careful, and be sure you're ready," she said, leaning back in her chair.

"Thank you, Doctor Tavok," said Blaze, bowing his head gently and looking to Aries. The wolf looked back and smiled slightly before the two of them made their way out of the medical office. They had taken a trip to the Morningstar specifically to ask Tavok's medical advice.

"You're sure?" asked Blaze, looking Aries in the eyes.

"Only if it is something that you want..." said the wolf, staring lovingly back.

"Let's go then," smirked the Lyrii, leading his mate towards the shuttles.


The plot thickens... (it could use some water...)

So yeah, you were right about Mati and Aura. Sota seems to be a little distracted too, eh?

To my German, Japanese, Egyptian, French, Russian, and Chinese readers: This in no way shows my view of your people. (View people for people, and not for nationality.)

Stay tuned, I'm apparently on a writing spree and Chapter 14: Unethical Experimental (working title) is on it's way.

(This week's chapter was early because last week's was late. It was also a longer chapter, 16-18 pages. Word decrees it as 18 pages.)

Read and rate and review. C'mon folks, I enabled voting on chapter 11 too y'know! (Shameless plea for ratings.)

Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 14 - Unethical Experimental

Notes: I have a confession to make. I copy-paste my stories from word! u.u Now that that's out in the open some actual story statements. It's shorter than usual... Can't really be helped at this point. The promised sexual activity is contained within;...

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 12 - Verse Two, Family Ties

Edit: Blaring Inconsistency A/N: There's a spider crawling on my ceiling so I'm going to make this brief. I hate spiders. Now, You might like what happens, you might not. I've had the idea for most of this since the introduction of the Lyrii. You...

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 11 - Earth: A Brief History

Edit: Glaring Inconsistency Edit: Voting was disabled... GRR! Author's Notes: \*Post-History: Fictional history of a fictional future. Plot development went smoothly. And yes, this whole history bit is just me filling space, but it...

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