Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 14 - Unethical Experimental

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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#14 of Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields

Notes: I have a confession to make. I copy-paste my stories from word! u.u Now that that's out in the open some actual story statements. It's shorter than usual... Can't really be helped at this point. The promised sexual activity is contained within; hope you like. I'm aware of the inconsistency for air-resistance; so please believe me when I say I took creative liberty.

Warning: This story contains M/M smut, sex, yiff, fucking, yaoi, some other words for sexuality between two men; or sex in general. It also includes a portion of a fictional song (which I'd thank you not to plagiarize) and a couple cute scenes. That word that begins with B and has a pair of K's in it that basically means 'Cum on yer face' might be appropriate to some of the things in here... but there not a whole lot so... eh.

Hope you guys enjoy, and if you're under the age of majority and you don't like men on men, boys on boys, furs on furs, furs on humans, humans on ANYTHING, or sex, then you need to either get a life or walk away now (preferably both.) Not like I can stop you! ^^

Without further adieu, I give you the final chapter of my second 'book' in the Sirius universe. There will eventually be more; don't worry, you might have to wait a bit but It will come. Taking a complete different approach to the ending here; I need to get into a new book or else I won't be able to contin-- dammit I'm wasting more time!

Man I'm long-winded... (and probably have AD(H)D...) Enjoy!


Chapter 14: Unethical Experimental

Axis' fighters had been put into production almost immediately following his third meeting with the station's manager. She actually ran Serenity and the three stations immediately surrounding: Chance's Keep, Prometheus, and Sol's Tower. The official name of the stations were OCP 12 to OCP 15, with Serenity being number 13.

She had seen to it that the fighters were built at Chance's Keep and Sol's Tower, the other two stations having been taken up by the second wave's return. Now reunited, Captains Varu and Litman saw to it that a meeting was held to discuss strategy. The captains would be leading the insurgency of course, so it stood to reason that tactics were put in play.

After that initial meeting which Mati hadn't known about, everything shot by so fast. With a blooming relationship between Aura and himself he had no want to see him ship off to Siribet without him; a reality that seemed to be about to befall them.

It was already midway into the second month and the ships were being prepared for launch. A week prior saw Jasyn giving up his command to Aries, an unceremonious event that involved a quick few words. Blaze looked very happy, but at the same time he looked scared out of his mind; something nobody had seen on him before.

It had dawned on him that Aries would be leading the rebellion now; that he would be the primary target for the Craganii. This also meant that their group would be breaking up. Axis may only have been a lieutenant but he and Jasyn had filed to transfer posting to one of the craft staying in friendly space. Blaze was torn; Aries had asked him to remain here for the sake of their 'family'. The wolf obviously knew something he wasn't letting on about.

Aries wouldn't drop the subject, so eventually the Lyrii agreed and filed to transfer to the same ship as Axis and Jasyn.

There was a get-together for the crews that were leaving for the planet. There were only a few who weren't in attendance; most notably Daemon and Atlas. As Mati entered Celebration Hall on Serenity, Aura following attached at the palm, they saw that towards the centre of the hall was a dance floor.

Axis was quickly moving to the beat of the music with Jasyn close behind him, both swaying and rocking while they laughed. They had been invited out of ceremony, but more noticeable was Sota, dancing while laughing and talking to somebody Mati had never met before. His companion was a Sirian coyote with stunning green eyes and fur on his head that would make a Terran lion jealous; mind you it was all tied back and somehow served to look regal.

Mati just looked up at Aura with a bit of a distant gaze; like his mind was on something else entirely. 'What are we doing here? I want to spend tonight in his arms, not at some stupid party,' he thought quietly.

The human looked down at him; he had let his hair fall freely and had straightened it for this event. Nowadays you could shampoo your hair into whatever type you wanted, but he had taken the time to do it the old fashioned way. He saw the distant look and shook his head with a smirk. Speaking above the loud techno beat, "If you don't wanna' be here, we can go."

This made Mati smile and nod quietly; they left right away.

Axis and Jasyn stepped closer and continued to dance, staring eachother in the eyes and moving to the beat that was playing. They laughed quietly and as the beat faded they pressed their paws together and kissed.

A slower song began to play--something you would hold your lover close to--and they stepped close and began to quietly dance, kiss parted. Axis' arms hung from Jasyn's shoulders, while the wolf's paws rested above his lover's tails. They smiled at one-another and just danced to the song quietly.

Neither of them knew it at the time, but it was another song by the band Pawz. The piano in the background sounded like it had a full orchestra surrounding it, the quiet beat accompanied with string, woodwind, and brass instruments at an equally quiet tone.

This time a male voice sang the lead; the female singing backup as the words trickled through the air.

_Once I was young,

at heart and dumb in mind,

I thought that you--

Would one day be mine...

Still I stand here,

Waiting for you at our place.

On a trail of--

Pawprints, left in place...

These are our pawprints, pawprints in the snow~

We came here often, to let the world know~

Our love was true once,

But now that isn't so...

So I'm here afraid to make tracks in our snow~_

The instrumental break let the two Sirian lovers speak briefly; and the words were simple truths and confessions of love. "You're so beautiful..." came the fox's voice, staring up at his elder love. His flecked eyes locked on Jasyn's blues, and in that moment he saw every bit of his mate at once, inside and out.

Before Jasyn could reply, the rhythm picked up again and the singers continued.

_I thought I had--

-had found my love in you.

Now that you're gone;

I know that isn't true...

As the tracks fade,

Covered by the frost between us,

I'm losing sight of--

Those memories that joined us..._

I've lost our pawprints, mem-ries fading fast~ (Fading fast...)

We had a future once, but now that's in the past~ (oh IN the past)

I need to move on,

Find a love that's going-to last~

To me our time together went too fast~

Jasyn looked down at Axis and shook his head a bit; smiling. "You are the more beautiful... I assure you," he remarked, and he gently kissed his lover's cheek.

To them, the rest of the song was just a blur, as they danced quietly held close to one another.

"I'm sorry for holding you back, Jayse..." said the fox, as he ran a paw along his mate's chest. The wolf just smiled at him and silenced any further talk with a deep, and lasting kiss.


"Hey! Mmf... don't tease me like that unless you intend to follow through!" yelled Mati in feigned anger. The human had started to bite playfully at his neck and with those dainty little piano keys it tickled a lot.

Aura just kept up, they were already half-naked in Mati's room; shirts forgotten by the door and pants half-undone. In one last-ditch effort to save himself the husky hit a control beside the door and the gravity disappeared.

The human boy giggled and pushed off of Mati, sending him sailing towards the wall as he did a couple of midair flips and 'stood' on the ceiling, crouched down. Mati kicked off of the door too and managed a mid-air tackle, rolling in the gravity-less room while kissing Aura deeply.

As their tongues danced and their pants worked their own way off, the Sirian made it appropriately clear what he wanted with a well-placed grope; Aura could only gasp in surprise and lusty pleasure--which broke the kiss--as his sensitive bits were squeezed. Staring at an exposed Sirian, the human grinned and whispered against those soft lips "So, we're going to do this then? No more dancing around it; the day before I get shipped off we're going to seal ourselves in?"

Mati just bit his lower lip and grinned quietly. After a moment he whispered, "But you're going to have to get rid of those... things..." and gave a purposeful grope, making it seem like he was feeling for the boxers.

The human gasped again and shivered in a quiet bliss, himself aroused to no end by just the smell of his alien soon-to-be-lover. He slowly pushed away and rolled in the air as he sailed towards the bed. He began to slip off the undergarments to reveal himself for the very first time to Mathieu.

The husky was not disappointed. Aura had informed him that it was probably going to be much different looking, and he was fully expecting something completely foreign. This seven-inch long, pinkish-white, nearly hairless, sheathless, knotless shaft was far from foreign, if a little strange regardless. Aura didn't have much natural body-hair. He had a tiny peachfuzz on his stomach and it got a bit darker right below his navel; where it got thicker too but not by much. It was sparse compared to the full on fur he had, and he absolutely adored it form the moment he'd laid eyes on it.

The human grinned up at him, hair flowing in his descent, as though inviting him closer; which the husky did just then, pushing off of the wall and hooking his arms below Aura's to hold him close as he pressed his nose in his to-be-mate's neck. Before he could ask how to proceed, the male curled his legs around Mathieu's waist and kissed him quietly. As soon the two actually hit the bed--the inertia causing Mati's pre-soaked tip to brush against a very sensitive opening--it was all instinct.

Aura shrugged off of the bed and spun so he was 'on top' however useless that would prove, as they floated, entwined, back towards the ceiling. With a gentle press forward, the husky felt the tight heat of the human's hole contract around his head, and he continued to press in very slowly.

"M-Mati..." gasped the male, clinging to the husky's back as he felt the burning heat and friction of penetration. It stung at first but he didn't care, stretching slowly around a length thicker and longer than his own.

The husky kissed his human's neck and let out a soft moan, stopping halfway to give the man a bit of a break. Panting already, the Sirian looked into Aura's eyes and the human had a look of pure trust on his face, a crooked smile, and half-lidded eyes.

"Y-you okay... babe..." stammered the husky, not used to the flooding his senses were having. The human just smirked wider, breathing evenly but very deeply as he tightened his grip on Mati's cock.

That was incentive enough to the husky, pressing further in until he felt his balls, lifting in the lack of gravity, hit against Aura's firm cheeks. Hilted like this he examined the pure ecstasy in his lover's features as the human felt so perfectly filled.

Aura felt his back bump against cold metal and pressed forward, burying a sliver more into himself as he moved a hand to grip at a curious ridge in the wall. He didn't have time enough to examine it more closely as he felt the full feeling starting to leave him. With a loud, lengthy groan he cried; "A-aah... what are you--" but got no further, silenced with a sharp gasp as he was quickly filled again, everything from tip to base into him at once. He yelled in pain and groaned again, "Gaaah! It-it hurts!"

Mati licked at the human's neck and slowly pulled back again. This time he returned only an inch before pulling back to the tip. Another inch, then back; again. He kept going, restarting the steps once he added an inch, one, two, three, then just one again. Aura shivered and moaned now though, too lost in his pleasure to care as he gripped the ridge with both hands, clenching around every withdrawal.

The silken passage he was thrusting into was now coated in his copious pre-cum--making the work much easier as Mati took a minute to prepare his lover, before beginning the long and purposeful strokes into him. Immediately he was rewarded with a cry of pleasure as his human companion clenched tight for him; eliciting his own euphoric growl.

Aura's mind was focussed on only one thing and that was his unending need to please the husky who was so skilfully pushing a thick, pulsing, alien shaft deep inside of his bowels. That thought gave him goose bumps and he clenched tight as he let out a heavy grunt. "Don't... hold back be-because of me..." he managed between grunts and moans.

The words hit the husky's ears and almost immediately his angle changed; he began quickly and a bit more roughly pounding into his lover's rear over and over again, deep thrusts into his 'mate' while moving one padded paw to rub against the human's fleshy rod.

As he began to stroke, he felt Aura's passage clench tighter with every tug, the human bucking against him and trying to keep a beat. Mati hadn't moved his paws from the human's shoulders since they'd started, but holding on with just one paw he found himself hard-pressed to keep his rhythm properly. Aura began to tug at him with strong legs, helping his thrusts and making him smile through his moans as he watched his lover every chance he got. Between the pleasure and the lust he could barely keep his eyes open, but when they were open they caught the half-lidded eyes of Aura clenching shut with every thrust, staring right back.

In a sudden rush of inspiration, Aura managed to redirect Mati's paws, angling himself so that his shoulders braced him against the wall, himself curled up a bit. Mati gripped the ridge now, thrusts stronger as he began to feel his knot rub against the human's tight opening. This new leverage made the job much easier, and Aura could only gasp and grunt as this alien male filled him so roughly, and so well.

The human grabbed at his throbbing maleness and began to pump his hand along it, trying to keep time with this possessed husky. A low growl rose from the husky's throat as he managed between grunts, "Ugh... It's coming." His testicles drew up towards his body and the noise deepened considerably, knot throbbing, as he thrust into his human 'mate'.

The human gasped and was practically drop-kicked over the edge as a thick knot drove through his tight hole; eliciting a loud cry of pain--pain soothed immediately by a torrent of creamy, near-molten seed. Thick ropes of cum spattered against his sensitive innards, setting him off quickly; with a loud moan, orgasmic high wracking his body, the human's own fertility showed, seed shooting into the air between them.

Mati panted, riding his climax out and staring through half-lidded eyes at an exhausted human. If it weren't for the air resistance; Aura would have been wearing his seed as a mask. As it stood, a glob of white spunk twisted and seemed almost to dance in the air between them, slowing quickly and catching on the air currents.

They stared quietly, entranced for a few moments by eachother as the mess drifted on the circulation in the room--danced past their vision. Mati started watching it, and with a smirk he moved a paw to pass a furred finger through the sticky floating drops; separating them but bringing it all back towards his human lover.

Aura yelped and blushed as tiny drops spattered against his cheek but giggled quietly and tried to catch the closest ones that hadn't yet hit him. A large mass of drops managed its way onto his tongue, and he quietly sampled himself, staring up at Mati again.

The husky licked his fingertip and smiled, murring at the taste. Everything, including sex it seemed, was more elegant in null-gravity, and the husky quickly brought a loving kiss to lover's lips, eyes closing quietly.

With a soft mumbling noise, a low hum of pleasure, Aura returned the kiss and slid his arms around his weightless husky. As kiss and lips and noses parted, the husky smiled. Aura simply licked his lover's lips clean and spoke in quiet whisper; "I love you... Mathieu..."

Mati smiled and gently stroked his recently cleaned paw against Aura's cum-spotted cheek, scooping up the little drops. "I am in love with you... Alraune..." he grinned quietly, then sighed a distant sigh. "...I wish you didn't have to leave..."

The human sighed and nosed at Mati's neck quietly. "You wish you were coming with me... You want to help," said Aura with a smirk; to which the reply was a nod. "Mathieu... Volunteer; now. If you sign on before midnight; you can join us out there on the front..."

The pilots shared a glance and Mati shook his head quietly. "Aura... I can't. I want to, but I cannot..."

Aura nodded and tightened himself on the flesh still within him. "Then... let us enjoy this night together..." he said; and they began their second round of many that night.


It was thirty minutes before the day that the Sirians would have to leave. Axis smiled to Jasyn and hugged his mate close. Neither one was aware of anything within the other's mind.


It was launch day. Aboard a Shining Sun class warship, larger than even the Morningstar, stood Aries, poised and ready. This ship was a marvel of engineering. Fully functional cloak, armour, shields, and the phase technology that had been developed was being tested aboard. Some three hundred crewmembers were aboard it; atop the two hundred soldiers, the two hundred gunners, and the hundred and three pilots.

The ship had twenty-three decks, more than a eight hundred rooms; a full kilometre long and one-third that wide; not counting wingspan. Hull glistening with radiant blue light from the screen-door of shield amplifiers and energy absorbing channels; as the pointed nose gave it an ominous dagger-like shape.

This ship was not going to be going down without a heavy battle.

At its flank was the Morningstar, under it's old captain, and the Era, under Litman. Varu sat in command of the Monarch, drifting to the Era's starboard side while a dozen more Polaris capital ships amassed. Dispersed between them all were Corona Refit Support Cruisers, three to every capital.

Aries grinned quietly, already knowing of Jasyn's plans as the wolf stepped onto the bridge. "Welcome aboard, sir," said the midnight-blood red wolf.

Jasyn shrugged at Aries and simply issued an order, "Get us out of here, Captain, before Axis realizes I'm gone."


Aboard the Era, completely unaware of Jasyn's betrayal, sat a quiet, contemplative captain. Captain Litman glanced up only to spy a lone fighter streaking through the void to join up with the rest of the fleet. It slipped into the main hangar of a craft named after an old sailor's tale. The TSS Glidden floated, tiny compared to the multitude of Polaris craft, as it took on its final passenger.

Mati was given the honour of being at the head of the signal-squadron. Earth was barely a blue-green candy at this distance, for the gravitational reasons and the unpredictability of slipspace; the sun was shining at their backs. The five fighters soared through the void and awaited the final command to get underway.

"Make one more pass and then give the signal," came that command at 08:58 hours and Mati was forced to comply and do the one thing he wished he didn't have to. Circling around the craft, he tried to pick out the one carrying his love; the TSS Reagent As he spotted it, his squad made a banking towards it. Flying close to the hull, the fighters shot upwards and, well in front and above the craft that were departing, they launched three flares each.

The massive breach in space-time registered as the largest ever detected by the humans. The craft shot forward at speeds uncalculated, disappearing into the rift to free a world that most of them had never seen.

Mati held a paw to the glass of his cockpit as he watched his lover's ship shoot through the disturbance and disappear to his eyes. He knew he was alive, that he was still there, but he would be without him for a long time to come.


The minute he'd landed Mati travelled to Axis and Jasyn's quarters. Pressing the call he got no reply; he tried again and again, several times more. Finally deciding he didn't want to wait any longer he overrode the lock and stepped into the lifeless room. No Jasyn, no Axis... his 'parents' had disappeared. He searched the station and couldn't find hide or hair of them. Finally searching the registration listing he came across a pair of transfers filed in secret. Jasyn was listed as the commander of the Sirian Rebellion; and Axis was listed as a Lieutenant Commander aboard one of the smaller support ships.

"They... don't even know they're both going..." said the husky aloud. A familiar six-fingered paw rested upon his shoulder and he gazed up at the matronly face of Blaze, who smiled down at him.

"They didn't want eachother to go; but they both wanted to free their people. Jasyn is a charismatic leader, and Axis a strong warrior; neither of them could give up on their people in these dire times..." he said, trailing off quietly. "You and I are in similar straits; Aries is off fighting the good fight and so is that human boy you're with."

Mathieu just looked up at him quietly before wrapping tender arms around the Lyrii's torso. "So you're the only family I have left here..."said the husky, releasing a near-silent breath. He was suddenly very alone in his universe--lover off fighting the good fight and all.

Ta'zriel just looked down at the husky with a small smile. "For now; we're all we have left. Our men'll be back soon; but until such time we must wait... and only hope that they return unscathed." His crimson eyes were unnerving but his smile and demeanour made that fade into obscurity, bringing the husky no end of quiet joy.

"Then... we'll just have to hope," remarked the younger male, and the two just stayed silent there in the corridor, holding one-another as the only family they could still hold onto.


Better than nothing but worse than some? I think perhaps maybe. Interesting plot devices? I think perhaps definitely.

That zero gravity thing was... interesting to write. As a rather large fantasy of mine, I am proud to say I'm impressed with it, but if you have any complaints please feel free to contribute.

Now; If you have any questions regarding the story, the past, the characters, the technology, etc; feel free to voice them. If it will expose the future of the series for me to answer; I'll let you know.

Till next we meet,


What? Always Funny!

(thought I wouldn't make a W.A.F this time, didn't you?)

2.0 The Plot Thickens or 'Keeping up Appearances'

Okay: Sirius is slow-going for now. I hope this is a distraction enough to some of you. No actual sex; but intimacy and innuendo. Nudity, homosexuality, furry. All the '~y's So just sit back and enjoy, I guess. Under 18? Don't like boy-on-boy...

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1.0 The Pilot Episode or 'Accidental Boyfriend'

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 13 - In Like a Lion...

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