Chosen Prelude/Teaser

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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so because i'm not really doing anything and i'm in a weird spot in my life, i've decided to post this teaser/tester. if you think it has potential leave a comment, and if it just doesnt have a chance. still let me know.

HINT: you're not supposed to understand it. it's a prelude lol.

CHOSEN Season 1 Teaser

The fear was overwhelming. My heart pounded against my chest begging for my lungs to scream as the cloaked figure stepped closer. Her menacing white muzzle was all I could see in the blackness of the room. I had never been so defeated by a simple shadow. I tried to scurry away, but her claws caught my throat and lifted me high into the air. I yelped in protest, knowing it was pointless. My paws clenched over her death grip for support. I could feel the oxygen slipping away from my body.

"I expected much more from the Chosen One," she smiled.

"P-Please," I stuttered through the blood. "Let me go..." I wasn't pleading for myself. I was pleading for him. The only thing that brought joy to my dark life and the only one the caused the fear I was feeling now. Death wasn't a frightening concept, but leaving him alone in this big scary world... that was real fear.

"Why should I?" The shadow tilted her head in curiosity. Or taunting, but with my vision quickly fading, I didn't have time to guess.

"I swear, I'll stop fighting," I whispered. "Forever." And if I lived through this, I would. I would take him far away. Maybe to a different dimension, but somewhere where shadows aren't real and demons aren't looking for him.

"You're protecting the child?" She asked.

"No! There is no child! I just want to live!" I screamed. I knew she could see through the lie, however. My eyes always gave it away. Maybe he could do better...

But he should never have to.

He's supposed to be normal and safe.

He's supposed to be everything I wanted to be and more.

Not The Chosen One.

Not afraid of monsters that aren't even found in fairytales.

"How old is the boy?" She laughed. I started to let myself drift away. Die. I knew how old he was. Fifteen years, eight months, twenty-one days, six hours, twelve minutes, and about thirty seconds old.

"Two," I choked with tears in my eyes. Not tears for me, but tears for him. She'd kill every two-year-old boy until she found him, but at least he'd have a few years while she was figuring out his real age.

"Well, sadly, he must die, after you, of course." She shot me a wide, fanged grin. I heard the window shattered and screamed as she dangled me over the edge of the building. We must've been at least ten stories up. I couldn't look down over her paw, but I could feel the cold night air swishing around my fur and hear the sounds of light traffic below. "Do you have any final words, Chosen One?" I took my paws off of her and reached behind my back. I found the hilt to my last sai. I'd lost the other one earlier in the battle. Funny, how when they look at this crime scene, all they will see is a suicide.

"He knows I love him," I prayed it was true before I spun the sai in my paw plunged it into the pale white muzzle of the shadows. Her paw released me and I plummeted towards the gray concrete below. Cool night air rushed through my fur screaming in my ears to stop. The air forced my eyes to water and blinded me from the street below. I didn't bother to scream. I just prayed.

I never prayed before, but I prayed for him.

I prayed he would never be where I was.

I prayed he would never know what his mother truly was.

I prayed he would never forget me, but never cry over me.

One last breath and imaging the cute teen husky snuggled into his warm blanket with his favorite pillow that I bought twelve years ago at a yard sale, and I was ready to embrace the impact. No fear, just a lot of regret...

Chosen - 1.03 "Bad Math"

Chosen Season 1 Episode 3 "Bad Math" The entire weekend passed with minimal paranormal activity. We cleared out a few shadow nest, but other than that there was nothing new. AJ and BayBay were getting better with the whole combat situation....

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Chosen - 1.02 "Temper, Temper"

Chosen Season 1 Episode 2 "Temper, Temper" I strode through the crowded halls with AJ and Bay at my heels. I was hoping Joseph was here already. Thank God, he was. "Hey, we have problems," I announced as soon as we were all inside...

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Chosen - 1.01 "The Sacrifice"

Chosen Season 1 Episode 1 "The Sacrifice" --------------------------- "What am I?" I screamed. "You're a stupid selfish bitch!" my dad yelled back at me. "Whatever, fuck you..." I stormed away from him and out the front door. Ok, so...

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