Dragons and Humans: A comfy night OR Changes 1.5

Story by DragonTear on SoFurry

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Kinky as I am I couldn't concentrate on one story all the time I needed for the first one, so this came out :)

It is a follow up of the introducion of chapter 2 but when I'll complete pt 2 you can just skip this...

Hope my language doesn't destroy it. I used the spell checking of MS Word (exactly like I did at the other story...) but probably without much success...

Warning: Contains watersports! I would tend to say mild ws because it doesn't contain the smell part; it's not my thing... Again this is valid: Who knows how dragons look like. Or better, how their body functions wwork... :> (more about this is also in the first story: "Changes")

A comfy night

Keyly and Jake were sleeping peaceful on a clearing near a small river in the deep forest. It had been a long evening. Especially for Keyly who had to fly all the time while they had only paused to eat a little from their provisions and to drink. Their target was still around 2 hours away but Jake didn't want to allow her to overstrain herself by flying all at once. They were tired and decided to take a longer break till the early morning. It wasn't easy to find a hotel with a room for a dragon and Jake didn't want to let her outside alone.

So they were curled around each other on the shallow grass in the small, deserted seeming forest, they had found from the air. Keyly was lying on her left side and covered her Keeper with her wing and snuggled her head next to his. Jake had fallen asleep while cuddling on her furry neck but Keyly didn't mind his head on her as well as his hands leaning against her chest. But she could only barely move without to wake him up, she thought.

She purred quietly while sleeping and embraced her beloved friend and keeper more tightly. He wore only his pants because he knew his dragoness would hold him warm like she always did. Besides he wanted to be as close as possible to her. It was pretty late. The sun wasn't visible anymore but it was full moon and a pretty warm spring day. The forest around them was flooded by a shimmering white light. So it was a beautiful atmosphere.

Keyly's deep sleep got disrupted suddenly. She woke up very tired and with closed eyes. She thought Jake had twitched in sleep and hit her. She moved her head carefully and noted his slow breathes. Very soon, she fell back asleep. But only a few minutes later, she woke up again. This time her inner nether body had ached slightly. She moved her body but a little pain reached her mind. She got fully conscious now and felt that it had come from her bladder. She recognized that she hadn't relieved herself since yesterday evening. That was over a full day ago and today she had drunk more then usually due to their long flight. The more she thought about, the more the pain from her bladder rose. Suddenly it twitched slightly again. Normally she would have stood up and just let it flow a step away, since the liquid from dragons was almost pure water. No dragon would mind it. But this time, she was curled together with Jake lying there and she didn't want to wake him up and disturb him in the middle of the night. So she couldn't do anything but to ignore the spasms and to hold it in until the next morning. She was still tired and decided to sleep again. She closed her eyes and rested her head softly back on the ground and tried to think about something else. She held her legs together and imagined herself with her keeper flying in the sky tranquilly. But it didn't help very much. She heard the water of the river splashing and it reminded her of the water in her body. Besides, her bladder got filled even more while the time passed. Minutes later Keyly began to squirm slowly and she could feel how the liquid was pressing against her insides.

She felt very embarrassed when she thought about what to tell Jake if she would have to wake him up, but she forgot this thought soon. - Arhhh... I just have to hold it! There are only a few hours till we get up... I just need to wait... -, she said to herself in her mind. But she was very unsure whether she would have any chance to make it for that long. She noted that Jake was in a weird position. He had moved during the night and his feet were resting against her knees. He looked very cute for Keyly when he breathed slowly in her fur. So she just did not have the heart to wake him up. Besides, she didn't also know what he would think about her feralness. She pressed him carefully even tighter under her wing although she knew; it wasn't cold in any way for him.

But only a few seconds later, her bladder took her entire focus again, she had to twitch her legs when it ached. She felt how the liquid was near to escape her vent. She concentrated not to desperate and snuggled against Jake, like in believe he could help her although he was the reason of her problem, and spread her legs slightly to take the pressure from her bladder. Her knee rested now on his feet. Keyly hoped it would help and closed her eyes again. The small position shifting was indeed surprisingly better and she managed forget her needs. She was still tired, so she fell asleep slowly a few seconds later. She started to have a restless dream. It contained huge amounts of water. So it happened that she woke up again only about an hour later. It was still deep night but the sun started to rise very slowly. She could see the light behind some mountains but she couldn't admire it.

Her nethers ached very hard again. The liquid definitely wanted to get out. For the part of a second her muscles relaxed and a few drops passed her inner vent against her will. - Oh noes! -, went through her mind. Keyly's hand flew from Jake's back rapidly to her crotch, clamping down. She arched even her body to do so but Jake didn't wake up. She took her agile tail and pressed together with her hand hardly on her vent, trying to hold it shut. She must have looked very oddly in that moment: A dragoness using all her limbs to avoid wetting herself in the middle of the night, but she didn't think about. She felt how the hot drops which were trapped under her skin folds seeped onto her hands. They got slightly wet as well as her nethers and a quiet sound like "Nnngh" escaped her and she clenched her maw together to stop it. She knew she couldn't hold the rest for long anymore. Now noticeable desperate she spoke into Jake's mind to wake him up softly. - Jake! Jake, please wake up. - But he didn't react. Keyly's legs trembled now continuous. Jake had still his head on her neck, making her immobile. When Keyly's bladder ached and cramped again, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold it like this till he would wake up himself. But she tried her best. She moved her right leg into the air, trying to release more of the pressure from her bladder and performed the dragon version of a pee-wee dance lying on her side but it didn't help that much. Even with her hand and tail pressed against her vent, the urge grew further and she needed to put every second more effort not to wet the ground and her friend. Only a few seconds later she felt that she had reached her limit. Her bladder felt like it would burst every second. Keyly knew she needed to do something now or it would end badly. She tried to roll Jake off and shifted her weight on the side and moved slowly, but the pain in her nethers increased and made her gasp. In addition, the noises from the river made her wanting just to release herself even more urgent and she needed to take her hands from her nethers to support her body while lifting up. When she thought she would make it, Jake's knee brushed against her nethers. Keyly gasped hard and tried to control her overstretched bladder but without success. - Arhhh, no-o! -, she said shaking. But it was for no use. The inner muscles of her vent parted and the hot liquid escaped. A spurt of clear pee splashed over Jake's legs. Keyly tried to fight as hard as she could but this caused only uncontrollable shakes of her body. The liquid spurted over his whole lover body and his pants got wet as well. In her fight to regain control over her bladder she lowered her body again and wetted also parts of her own fur. Her head was over Jake's chest when he woke up. The very warm liquid and Keyly's moves had woken him up from his deep sleep and he opened his eyes. Keyly avoided his glance. Finally a second later, she managed to close her muscles. The stream stopped although her large bladder was still filled a lot. A last dribble came from her vent just before she looked in Jake's wide opened eyes.

She did not dare to read his thoughts but she saw his shocked expression. - I... I'm sorry! -, were the single words she could press out quietly. She panicked and put all her forces to stand up; she wished she could just get invisible and disappear in that second. But she got only a few steps away while beads of liquid still dribbled from her fur, and stood there with her back to Jake. She blushed so much she hadn't ever before and felt how the blood shot in her head. Probably it was even visible through her scales. Jake sat there petrified. He understood quickly what happened and was even more shocked afterwards. He remembered how he had read in the internet a lot about dragons after he became a keeper. So he knew about their digestion system and remembered that their pee was almost pure water. Although he was completely wet, it didn't smell badly for him and the liquid was still warming him slightly. He just felt pretty comfortable. He noted how shocked Keyly was because of what she had done unintentionally. He stood up quickly and walked to her. It was still dark but he could see her beautiful silhouette in the weak light. She was hiding her soul from him so he couldn't read what she was thinking. She had crouched down and curled her head under her paws. He crouched down too to touch her head. She startled slightly but didn't look in Jake's eyes. She felt so sorry. She had done an awful thing and couldn't prevent it. She thought how stupid she had been because she hadn't woken him up before. Nothing could have gone worse than what actually happened. Jake prepared to say something to tell her that it wasn't that worse how she might think but he couldn't start to speak. A Tear curled from her eye and Jake took it away with his finger. - What... what are you doing? -, she asked when another tear curled down. Jake spoke, for her surprisingly happy: - Keyly, what do you think I want to do? Do you really think I would dislike you now? - Keyly nodded slowly but looked straight into his eyes now. - You should know me better Keyly! That will never happen, whatever our life brings, believe me...! And never something like this, my dear! - She smiled a little but avoided his glance again. - But that was so wrong. I thought I could make it, but then it was too late... I know you don't like it when I'm... that feral.... -, she said still with a guilty, sad voice and rested her head again on her paws, breathing slowly, but this time looking straight in his eyes. - Keyly, I love you... and... -, he paused for a second: - ...when I am to be honest, I even didn't dislike what you did... You are such a sexy dragoness... - He blushed after he had said it and tried to cover up quickly by hugging her head. But Keyly had heard it clearly. - Please, you don't need to say anything to make me feel better, dear. I love you too! - She joined his embrace and was incredible glad that he wasn't angry at her. Jake sighed deep but then he spoke again: - Keyly, I meant this seriously! I love you more than you can imagine... and I love whatever you do! - - You... You don't rally want to say that it didn't bother you what I've done, or? - He blushed even harder now but he decided not to hide his thoughts: - It didn't, my love... I know, this sounds weird, but that was very exciting and sexy as hell too. I mean it was warm and soft... and naughty, but in a very nice way! - - I can't believe what you are saying. -, she said softly and another small tear build up in her eye, but this time it was more a tear of joy. - Keyly, I love your feralness. That's maybe why I love you more then any human before, you know! - He paused for a second looking in Keyly's unbelieving eyes. - But if you don't mind, let's go to sleep again, it's getting cold. - - I love you Jake! More then I could ever love any other person, no matter of dragon or human. - She wrapped her wing again around his back, trying to give him as much heat as possible. He relaxed immediately. - Well, but there is a last thing I need to do to believe what you said, honey. -, she spoke with a joking but also serious undertone. - Do whatever you want, dear. -, he said very lovingly and he knew in the back of his mind what she thought of. It was making him very excited. Before he could react in any way, she had started to speak further: - If you want to see me doing that, you will! - She smiled brightly and laughed although she still couldn't believe that he had allowed it indirectly.

Jake noted her thoughts and wanted to clear it with her. - Oh Keyly, I think that will become a great experience... for both of us. - She understood and he had caused her mind to think about the real sexual potential of that too. Because she was to a quarter a water dragon, she loved already the "wet element" and their mating underwater and in his rain shower had been incredible for both of them. So there wasn't anything speaking against and she didn't regret what happened anymore. It had brought them even closer.

In addition, there was the fact that her bladder was still pretty full. She was in need to release urgently again and shifted her position to lay slowly on her back with spread wings when Jake told her. At first she held her legs together but then spread them under Jake's glance, giving him an unobstructed view of her slits. He loved her always in that position. In addition, this time was special: Much of her fur was still wet and glimmered in the light. From her position, she noted a little bulge under her belly, a few inches over her upper slit. It was because of her overstretched bladder. Jake had obviously noted it too. She looked into Jake's eyes, reading his mind what he was thinking. He had noted her desire to expel all the restrained liquid but he didn't want to let her do so yet. Before, he wanted to give her some of his beloved attention. So he moved to her side and bent over her wing, crouching tenderly down to her chest. She reacted and stretched her agile and slim head to kiss him. Their mouths met in the air. Jake supported her head gently with his hand and kissed her further while her long tongue explored his mouth. It was amazingly to share that intimate moment in love. When they parted, a thin thread of saliva still connected them for a few seconds till Jake lowered his head onto the base of her neck and climbed his hip onto hers. He felt her wet fur against him but he didn't dislike the moist feeling. He tried to be as gentle as possible but when he put all his weight on her, she groaned and shook her body a little. Not because he was too heavy but he had pressed on her nethers and forced her bladder to contract again. Jake felt her feelings through their mind link. She shivered slightly but managed not to let a drop escape. Instead, she curled her legs tightly around his to relieve her vent and covered Jake with her arms. Her large tail moved between his feet. - Please, don't press, or I'll loose it now! -, she mentioned. There was something in her voice what Jake noted. It hadn't been admonishing, almost the opposite. Furthermore, he didn't really know why but this squirming and her overfilled bladder had aroused him even more then she would have usually. He thought it could have been only the wetness and the warmth but when she twitched slightly again, his cock grew almost against his will to its absolute maximum. There was a large bulge in his thin, wet pants now and it pressed on Keyly's belly. - You like this, don't you? - - Yes... what do ya think? ...you're so sexy, my cutie. -, he paused for a second and spoke further: - Please, would you mind to hold it in a little longer? ...for me? - - Och, you're naughty, my little one..., but I'd do whatever you like, Jake! - She smiled and brought her head closer to his to give him a kiss. - That would mean a lot to me, love! - He touched her cheeks tenderly and kissed her snout gently again. What he had said seemed still strange for him but the more he concentrated on her feelings, the more it aroused him. Besides, he realized once more how much she loved him since she was ready to do this without to say anything against. She was ok with, and that long, he was sure, he would love it.

Jake knew that she had drunk a lot from the crystal clear river only a few minutes before they had gone to sleep. Her stomach was full of water, so their intent would get exciting. He lay down onto her chest, stroking through her short fur. He decided to use the time for some more foreplay and started to kiss her chest. He let his fingers run through her fur and ended at her nuzzle, playing with it. She let out a soft purring tone and hugged him closer in anticipation and he responded to the hug with a long kiss on her snout. She moaned loudly directly in his mouth. - Ohh, you are so good! - He moved his legs and hit unintentionally her nethers again what caused her to gasp and another shake of her body. He decided to climb down from her to let her some room. He was almost dry now, so it wasn't that cold anymore. He positioned himself slowly between her spread legs. Her tail surrounded him and he could see how her lover vent was now even wetter then her pee vent. It was covered in her thick vaginal fluids already and was slightly swollen. He could see through her short fur that her skin had a bright pink tone there. The circumstances had aroused her at least that much as Jake. He couldn't hold himself back anymore and touched her near the lover vent carefully. Keyly shock slightly when he touched her sensitive area. He advanced and went with his finger in circles around her slightly spread slit. The fur was still wet by her escaped pee before and by the vaginal juices. Suddenly he hit the walls of her slit and caused her to quiver while some more juices seeped out. Jake put his forefinger on its top and slid down. He repeated this several times, every time pressing further to spread her vent. Every sliding was accompanied by loud moans coming from Keyly and every tone was louder then the tone before. - Ahhh. That feels so good! Please, don't stop now! - Jake smiled when he felt her large arousal in her mind. Her vent was now parted about an inch and he could see her red insides. His finger was also covered in her juices now. He decided to go further and lowered his head closer to her vent. The scent of her juices rose into his nose and he gasped when the feeling flooded him. He removed his finger and licked it. He savored the taste slowly and licked his fingers clean. Its flavor felt partially sweet but very hard to describe.

He loved this taste but there was another smell too. He couldn't describe it but it pleased him a lot. He realized that it was her pee which was producing this subtle smell. He wanted to get more but he knew, the time for this would come soon. So he moved his head closer, putting his tongue on the bottom of her spread slit. Keyly shivered, moaning when a wave of pleasure ran through her body and Jake began to lick up and down while his tongue got covered with the juices. He swallowed eagerly and continued. - Ochhh! Jake I'm close soon. - Jake slowed his tempo. He wanted to wait for the final. Keyly's system was still producing water and it filled her stretchy bladder. Jake played for a while with her, taking care to hold her arousal up.

Minutes later, she shook again; her nethers had spasmed strongly. She arched her body slightly and decided to shift to find a more comfortable position. Jake had released her, so she moved on her side in the same position like she had slept before and covered Jake again with her wing. But the position wasn't much better. Her leg was pressing on her bulging bladder lightly again. - Ahh... I can't hold all this in much longer! -, she said panting. Jake ignored it and responded whispering: - I love you so much, my heart flower! - He kissed her gently and stroked over her scaly neck and over the fins on her back. - Ok, but you will get a shower soon! - - I don't mind. -, he answered giggling and licked slowly over her snout, covering it in kisses.

A few minutes passed and Keyly had started to tremble continuous from time to time. She wanted to use her hands to relieve her muscles but Jake stopped her. - You... you do not have to..., but... please... -, he blushed again because of his naughty thoughts but finally his needy arousal won: - ...try to keep it as long as you can without using anything... ...just let it flow when it reaches your limits. - - Jake, I am already at my limit... but OK. -, she smiled and giggled a little. - Och, Keyly you are so awesome... just awesome... and so arousing. I can't thank you enough! - - You don't need to. I'll always do whatever you want, my sweetheart. - Jake knew she felt the same he felt. He would also satisfy every of her desires, every time.

  • Besides... That becomes arousing for me too. -
  • Oww, really? -
  • I don't know. But... there's not only pain I'm feeling. My nethers feel oddly... pleasuring... ah... - She shook again but her face showed also a satisfied expression.
  • I hope you will enjoy it as much as me. - Jake smiled also, cuddling into her chest. He wanted to show her all the affection and love he felt for her.

A few minutes passed again and Keyly's tortured muscles weakened slowly. She tried to remain calm but this didn't last very long. - Achhh! I can't hold it... longer. -, she shouted desperate but clenched her maw, holding the liquid back further. Her legs trembled and she squeezed them together to shut her vent better, but the action increased also the pressure in her bladder. She knew her instincts to release that unusable liquid would take control over her muscles soon. - Oh no! Jake, I'll lose it immediately. - - Hold on. Move on your back again! -, he spoke lovingly. She did it slowly, almost crying again when her bladder ached vigorously. On her back, she relaxed for a few seconds. Her bladder had room again to expand. But the pressure against her inner walls increased every second. Lying in the grass, Jake watched her. - Keyly, you look so lovely. -

She smiled for a second till another wave ran through her body, but it wasn't only pain. In fact, she loved that feeling. - You too, my dear! - She gave him another kiss when he came closer and he started to speak again. - Wow, I haven't thought you would manage it that long! I think I will need to speed this up a little. -, he said giggling evil.

He knew Keyly for far over a year now, so he knew that she was pretty ticklish especially at her weak points. Keyly sensed what was on his mind but she was exposed defenseless to his attacks. Jake stroked her at the base of her head and on her slim belly, making her shaking. Kicking in the air, she started to laugh hardly. Her body shook and she tried to grip at him but without success. Soon the dragoness started to squirm once more. Her moves had weakened her vent again. - Nnngh..., stop, or you will make me burst...! I... I can't hold it! - But he grinned only, tickling her further. She fought against herself not to let it go or to clench her vent with her hands. She whimpered when she felt how a few small drops seeped through her weakened muscles, filling again the small room between her inner and her outer vent. Jake noted in her face what happened but he loved her expression. Still in a fight to shut her vent, he kissed her another time. - I love you so much! -

Suddenly she couldn't hold the entire pressure anymore. She let out a squeal and a small jet escaped from her. It built an arc in the air and Jake heard how it splashed onto the ground. She managed to stop it down soon to a weak trickle which flowed down her butt, wetting the base of her tail but it was only partially a success. Jake was watching her calmly, feeling her chest vibrating softly. He decided to start doing now for what both of them had waited all the time. He bent down over her belly to her nethers. The bulge seemed to be even larger now and pressed her vent to the outside. Jake moved carefully not to add pressure and could see how her usually closed outer pee vent was opened slightly. It was filled with liquid like a small bowl. He was able to see her dark pink flesh inside through the clear liquid and even the circular muscle which was the final gap to her bladder. Jake found it oddly but he was fascinated in a way and extremely excited too by the sight. He had always loved to explore her fascinating body. Hers was very different than that of a human but he hadn't ever thought to go that far and see what he was seeing now. He wondered about himself, why he was feeling this but he was also very embarrassed, since she was not only his lover but also his best friend he ever had and it had been only a few days ago when he had seen her in an intentionally sexy pose the first time.

  • Hey! ...ahhh... Don't stare... like this. You make me blushing even more! -, she said shaking. Jake giggled, but couldn't stop viewing. Her body was still throbbing and from time to time, the ring which was contracted to a slit, opened for the part of a second, spilling out every time a few drops of her urine. The fur around her vent was dripping wet again and Jake stroked through it, moving slowly closer to her vent. He touched over the small bulge when he heard her whimpering.

    • Ahh! That's unbelievable! But... I wish I could hold it longer... - Her muscles cramped again to contain the liquid when her bladder ached.
    • You don't need to. Just relax, my love. -, he said while stroking through her fur once more.
    • You aren't thinking I'll just lay here, letting you have all the fun alone, or?! -, she answered laughing. Before Jake could say anything, she used all her forces and rolled onto her side, grabbing and pushing him with her wing onto the grass. The liquid poured from her lips onto the ground and wetted her butt. She curled her tail under her rear so it was between her legs to avoid lying on her bladder. She remained in a half-sitting half lying position, leaning on her hands while her body was only a few inches over Jake's lying chest. She took care not to hurt him but surrounded him with her large wings. So he had no way to escape. He was slightly surprised since he sensed what she intended to do but he didn't thought about to try to escape. Instead he smiled and embraced her neck tightly, pulling her down to him. He felt her soft, wet fur on his legs so he spread them not to press on her still liquid filled nethers. Nevertheless, she cramped again, fighting not to pee herself yet. Her slightly inflated nethers didn't feel unpleasurable though, so she continued and bent over Jake's chest. He hadn't ever lain fully under her but he didn't fear it, he knew she wasn't too heavy since she was able to fly effortless. Instead he enjoyed her heat because the ground wasn't very warm.
  • Jake, I'm so glad we can share such an experience together. -, she said while lowering herself even closer to him. - You don't dislike a little shower now, or? -

    • How could I? -, he answered in anticipation for what she would do.
    • You should get rid of those pants at first. - Jake blushed while he removed slowly his still wet pants and even more when his erection was exposed to Keyly's glance.
    • Come on, I've covered you with my liquid and it didn't bother you. So why do you blush now because of me? - Jake giggled and he knew she was right. There was no reason to feel uncomfortable in front of her. Keyly's tail was still between her legs and very near Jake's exposed crotch. She knew what she had to do and she hoped that she would be able to maintain her liquid a little longer. She wrapped the very agile tip of her white tail around Jake's cock. She was sensitive enough with her tail to feel its warmth and moistness. It was mainly wet from his soaked pants but there was also a little amount of precum. She moved her tail slowly around, causing Jake to moan soon. He felt that he was near to cum but he ignored it. He wanted to bring her over the edge too. Keyly got interrupted when a new wave of an oddly mix of pain and pleasure came from her bladder. It made her shiver hard and she felt how her butt got even wetter from a few drops.
    • Ahhh. I'm sorry, my dearest, but... I'm definitely at my limit! -, she cried almost but managed to remain calm enough not to shake her bladder even more.
    • Don't hold it anymore! Please, I want to feel you, Keyly! - She smiled and made a move to stand up a little. So she stood with slightly arched knees over Jake who was still lying on the ground. Liquid dribbled from her crotch and down her legs, but she didn't put much effort to stop it anymore. Jake stretched his hand, touching her neck. Suddenly, after a last whimper, she released all the muscles of her vent and the trapped liquid erupted from it with a high pressure. The feeling of final release was overwhelming her. It weakened her limbs and she fell almost forceless on Jake's body. She could prevent it in the last moment and stretched her head in the air, sighing loudly because of the great feeling. It was followed by a moan while her maw hung wide openly. Her entire body shook vigorously and the pressure in her bladder decreased slowly. Jake felt it through their mind-link too and he started to moan as well when the clear, powerful stream had hit directly the tip of his cock. It was a feeling like in a dream. He shivered in pure ecstasy and the hot liquid wetted his entire body.

He savored the feeling and could smell the subtle, special smell again, much stronger this time. It caused him to moan loudly again and he felt how close he was to cum just by this liquid stimulation. - Ohhh... Keyly! Please... Lower your body. I want to mate you. Now! - Still feeling only her releasing bladder, she heard him. She worried she could hurt him with her weight but when he embraced her neck, her own lust won. Her knees trembled because of her bladder but she lowered her bum slowly. The liquid had formed small puddles already on the ground around Keyly's feet and Jake's body was soaked fully, but the stream didn't get weaker. He shifted his position and his throbbing cock was directly under her lower, awaiting vent. Though it was dark, Jake could see how her lips were slightly swollen, revealing the bright, reddish middle again.

The stream splashed onto his belly and almost his chest but her nethers were in the range of Jake's hands now. He couldn't resist to play with his fingers at first on her belly and then in her hot stream. The entire situation was incredible awkward for him, but now it was too late and he couldn't stop himself from touching the throbbing, parted origin of all the liquid when it sprayed over him. He parted her twitching, furry slit a little further while the hot fluid was flowing on his arm. He felt just like in a very hot bath and driven by the sight he let out another moan. It satisfied Keyly as well.

A few seconds later, she had lowered herself and was squatting down now. He put his hands on her shoulders and wetted also her neck further with her own liquid but he got overwhelmed by a shudder when his cock touched her lower vent. It was covered in vaginal juices as well as in her pee which splashed again also on herself and flew down her tail. Jake pushed his hip eagerly, causing her to gasp and to shake her body once more. He slid inside easily. Her inner cavern was even hotter than the liquid and caused him to let out another loud moan, squeezing Keyly's neck. The stream hadn't weakened very much but she felt how her overstretched bladder got its normal size back.

It had emptied almost and in the meantime the couple was actually swimming in liquid now. Keyly lowered herself further with spread legs and her vent engulfed his cock rapidly. She shivered at first and shook then in pure bliss in the combination of all the pleasures before she bent her head to Jake's. When their mating began, the last spurt poured out and over his belly before she could close her vent. She let out a last sigh just when she got overwhelmed fully by her lover under herself. The grass where they were lying was soaked now as well as most of her fur and her feet. It had even reached her chest and neck.

Jake embraced her with his hands and kissed her lovingly. It felt so intimately and extremely nice in that situation that he was almost about to think it would be a dream but he saw in her bright opened eyes that it was at least that pleasing for her too. He whispered: - I love you! - Instead of a response, their mouths met once more and they rested this way for a few seconds.

She threw her head back, moaning, when both of them thrusted and his cock got pushed even deeper. Her smooth walls twitched his member, sucking it and he yelled a moan too when she lowered herself another few millimeters. She took care not to put all her weight on him but it got uncomfortable for her to stay in that position. Jake noted it and spoke between more waves of pleasure. - Keyly, don't worry... You can lay down! - - Jake, you sure? I don't want.. ahhh.. to hurt you! -

He wasn't sure whether he could take it but it didn't matter for him in that moment, so he told her not to think about. He hadn't ever been with any person that deep how he was when she lay in the end fully on his waist. The wet fur stroking over his body tickled him slightly and he felt her vibrating when new waves ran through her. Every shudder and every movement caused also incredible pleasure to him. Finally they were joined closely like never before and panted hard. - You are so amazing! I'll never..., never leave you, my precious, little being...! - - You will never have to, my dearest! -, she giggled slightly and bent her head around him. Jake kissed the short fur of her neck, pressing her even tighter against him. He enjoyed her wetness and warmth on him greatly and her weight didn't bother him. Keyly's vent clenched his entire cock again and caused a loud moan escaping him.

  • Ahhhh. I'm so close! -, he moaned, shivering slightly in pleasure.
    • That feels so great! Please don't hold yourself back! -, she answered and moved her body a few inches upwards and down again. When she increased the distance, Jake moved also his hip to increase the thrusts. Some of the thick fluid seeped onto his crotch and made him slippery and covered even his already wet belly. With every thrust the fluid splashed around when their hips squashed against each other. Jake loved her soaked wet fur on his skin but he couldn't pay much attention to it; the thrusts made him moan even louder.

The entire feelings were overwhelming him that he almost couldn't focus in Keyly's eyes anymore but he wasn't the single one; Keyly yelled a dragonic moan into the air. - Nahhhh... I'm ready... ahh...! - A second later, she came hardly. Her sex exploded in thick fluids and clenched very hard around Jake's member. Pressed against Keyly's throbbing body, he came only seconds later. Moaning again, he felt like in pure ecstasy while shooting all his semen in his beloved dragoness and her vent sucked him without letting a drop seeping out.

Waves of pleasure coming from her sex made her shaking uncontrollable. She threw her head back not to hurt her lover when a large flame escaped her maw. Through their mind-link, their feelings got even amplified.

Afterwards they were panting hard for several minutes, enjoying the afterglow. Keyly was lying forceless on Jake in the grass. - Keyly you were amazing... just amazing... I love everything of you! - - ...oh stop talking... You are such an awesome love, Jake... Please never forget this! -, she said smiling weakly. Still forceless, she curled her body again and surrounded Jake with her wings completely. They decided to go just asleep like before. There would be enough time the next morning to get clean in the small river and both of them didn't mind the wetness around. Jake cuddled himself even closer in her moist fur. He got held warm by Keyly's body heat and felt how her breath got slowly calmer and softer. Though very tired, he couldn't resist and kissed the wet fur of her neck's underside which was exposed to him. He noted how some liquid seeped into his mouth and wanted to remove his head rapidly but didn't do so. Instead he licked another time. He enjoyed it's soft, sour flavor. It was something he had never tasted before. - You taste well my dearest! -, he murmured in her fur and she giggled enjoying his tender licks, but a few moments later his tiredness overwhelmed him and he rested his head back on her neck. Seconds later both of them were sleeping entwined closely again.

Dragons and Humans: Changes

Phew... that was really a long work... Hope you like it. There will be definitely a sequel to this :) Here a little image: [http://www8.pic-upload.de/12.04.11/j2t3tws1e84.png](http://www8.pic-upload.de/12.04.11/j2t3tws1e84.png) ...the pic is...

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Two lovers playing

At first I want to thank everyone for looking and (hopefully) liking my storys ;) I haven't expected so many views ;D Here is a new one. After seeing some images with inflation, I decided to write a story myself about. I think it is...

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Tears of a dragoness + ws

Hallo That's the other version of my story. I wasn't realy sure whether to upload it here. But so I did. But i'm warning you. If you don't know what ws is, you shouldn't read this better ;) So if you read, comment...

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