That's No Bull

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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A story for Maceblack.

His masculine hermaphroditic wolf leads a pack of other more normal wolves. One of them is approached by a rich bull that has his eyes on a pair of trophies dangling between that wolf's legs. Will he get them or will he lose his own pair instead?

Mace Black, Silver, and Terra are copy righted to Mace Black. Stryfe is copy righted to stryfe DO NOT use with out permission.

It is a follow up to Hooves' story line "Hard Times". I think this one I could be wrong.

That's No Bull by tannim April 8, 2011

"At least it's only a mile." Spirit told himself. "Just a mile every day because you want to be fit and healthy"

He was a wolf with gray fur over all but his chest, chin, and lower muzzle. Wearing a simple pear of generic jeans and no shirt, he'd have fit in with most places, but as it was he was on his way to his high school. He wasn't fat, he was in quite good shape, but he was anxious to keep himself in shape.

If walking every day, five days a week was what it took, well, it was only a mile or so... almost every day. Other kids didn't bother him about it too much, not with his pack around. Not more than once anyway. He looked at the early morning clouds and was glad it wasn't hot out yet.

The school was still out of site, around a bend and hidden behind a hill, but he'd get there. He always felt better for it after he got there but the bus was sounding better every week and he'd been letting his friends know it. A limo pulled up near him and a large hefty bull leaned out. Other students may have found out too.

"Hey, Spirit. Hop in, I know you're sick of walking." Ronald rolled his eyes at the automatic no. "Don't be such a prick, just get in already."

The wolf hesitated a moment, then shrugged off his pack and tossed it into the long white car. He wasn't too fond of Ronald, a fat rich black furred bull, but he didn't dislike him much either. Sometimes he seemed like a bully, other times he didn't. Close enough to being acceptable anyway as he looked around inside.

Two others were with them, both rottweilers. He didn't recognize them right off but didn't feel he needed to just for a ride. Beyond them the interior was quite spacious and well decked out. Carpet on the floor, large speakers on the side, some sort of soft material on the seats. It was well lit by the skylight as well as five ceiling lights. He was too distracted to notice the car slow to a crawl moments after pulling out.

"So, Spirit." The bull pressed his side belly into the wolf's hip as he scooted close, letting the wolf feel the muscle hidden underneath. The swollen gut in the front took away any real way to tell how strong Ronald was, but his height and width helped him seem big even with the weight. Spirit jerked away from that touch a moment later as his host continued. "I hear your into some fun stuff... submitting to big guys for instance." Ronald laughed at the flinch, then scooted back a little. "Hey, don't worry, I'm not touching and I don't touch without permission! Right, Jonny?"

"Uh, yeah, Ron doesn't touch without express permission. Usually from sis, though." Jonny flushed a little at the look Spirit gave him. "Jocasta isn't bad, she just... looks out for me."

"Yeah, watches out for me tapping your ass when she's already sated." Ronald turned back to his guest. "It's quite big, mmm... about as long as your arm from elbow to fingertips. Yeah, you do like that idea. Just imagine it spearing your ass and tickling you deep inside. Deeper than your pack-mates ever could go."

The wolf had to admit, while it wasn't a subtle offer, he DID like to be penetrated. As the pack omega, he got a lot of it, too. Even the females got to use him, but usually when a male was tied to him. The bull seemed to be well muscled under his girth and Spirit wondered how strong he really was, both for how much he could lift and how much he could thrust. A nice bit of fun before school could lead to more after, a good reason indeed to accept the offer. A potentially better reason was the money.

Ronald was loaded from his parents. He was also said to be good at sharing some of that money with his friends, but the heavy bulge in the front of his pants drew Spirit's interest more at that moment. The balls had to be big to make those pants bulge so much and above their obvious forms was another good sized lump, just as bragged.

Ron calmly unzipped his pants after letting the thought sink in, then tugged them down to his ankles. The hungry expression on Spirit's face told him he was getting where he wanted very easily. His companions watched him manipulating the other teen quietly, they didn't dare interfere.

"You can touch it, go on, give it a squeeze, I bet it likes you." The bull wiggled his hips to emphasize the growing member. He wasn't as wide as a wolf knot, but he was much longer than any canine could hope to be. His shaft was pointed at the tip and thickened as it lengthened. Spirit did indeed squeeze and fondle it, the different texture was a pleasant change from his pack mates'. Ronald nodded companionably. "Feels good doesn't it?"

Spirit didn't say anything, he didn't have to with his hand lightly rubbing it from base to tip and watching it grow. He'd seen a few bulls before. They'd all been long and really thin. Ron was almost as thick as a canine when erect, not counting their knot. That long meat looked tasty too for both his back door and his mouth. To feel it sliding inside and scratching that deep itch would have been wonderful.

"Of course, for a male to be allowed to enjoy my dick... I gotta have some payment. Or, rather, They gotta stop being so male." Ronald ran a hand down Spirit's obviously welcoming chest to his groin and cupped the wolf's balls. "You want to enjoy it, these gotta come off as a gift to me."

"W...What?!" Spirit struggled to back away. "There's no way I'm giving you my nuts!"

"It's not so bad. Jonny gave up HIS nuts. Wasn't it worth it, Jonny?" Ron took a deep breath and tugged Spirit's hands away. "Go on, show him, Jon."

A hopeful look at Jocasta was turned down and the rottie male dropped his pants too. The canine's cock was bound outside his sheath and looked cold, but it was the barren area below that that drew Spirit's eyes. He'd never seen a neutered male before. There was just a scar on a small patch of flesh. It looked so... blank.

His attention returned to the hand cupping his own sack again. "How could you do that?"

"Oh it was easy. I think he enjoyed the results too. But ... how about YOU? You'd look lovely without your pair." The bull scooted to the edge of the seat so his own heavy low hangers dangled over. "Mine are more than enough for a sexy neutered bitch like you'd become. All you have to do is say yes and you can be riding this pole in just half an hour! I'll even let you kiss it and cuddle it on the way."

"Let me out." Spirit snarled. "Stop this damn car and let me out. Now."

Ron slapped the wolf's hand away and shoved him at the door. "Fine, you stupid bitch. Get out, I'll talk to you later."

When the door opened, Spirit was amazed to see he'd actually been taken to school. He was also shocked to see so many people looking in through the window and listening in that he hadn't noticed before. A few were even classmates! His tail sagged and his erection diminished even before he hurried away.

In class a bit later Spirit sat, mulling over what had happened, including Ronald's offer and especially that castrated Rottweiler. The long bull dick HAD looked appetizing but there was no way he was getting nutted! He looked up at a scent and waved to his pack alpha, Mace before the teacher noticed.

Mace had a white diamond on his chest, on the left side over his heart, and also two on his ears, but was otherwise black furred. He was also a few minutes late for class. The class seemed longer with that added tension, but at last it ended and the two wolves left together.

"Ummm... something happened today, Mace. That arrogant rich kid" Spirit sighed at the blank look. "Ronald? The Bull?" He smirked. "Yeah, him. He offered me a ride on the way in... then wanted to cut my balls off in return for letting him fuck me." The hardening expression on Mace's face made him nod. "Yeah, apparently a rottie named Jonny already took him up on that offer! It was horrible! I got out as fast as I could, Man. I think he was going to try something if I lost my head and said yes. There were a lot of kids around the car listening and watching when I got out."

"Nobody is going to nut my packmates... without my permission anyway." The taller wolf laughed and scratched at his omega's ears. "A joke, don't look so down, I'm not going to let him."

They walked to the next class while they spoke, but soon they forgot all about it. The scent of hot bitch in heat, specifically Mace's mate, filled the hallway and Mace growled at Spirit. His packmate quickly fell back several steps, there was no way he was going to get between Mace and his alpha bitch and mate, Terra. The growl didn't stop somebody else, though. When they finally saw her, she was standing at the Gym entrance and Ronald was chatting her up.

She was white furred over her whole body. Only a single wide a spot of black on her tail marred the otherwise uniform color. Mace loved that spot and he made sure she knew it when they were together but there ahead of them, he didn't even notice it. The big wolf just stared at Ron talking and Terra listening to him. Her expression of amused disgust told them both she wasn't interested in what he was offering. Mace turned to glare at Spirit again, then strode toward the two alone.

"Hey, come on, you know you need something big and filling in there, bitch. I do mean that respectfully by the way. Don't want you thinking I'm trying to be rude... I can be, though." Ronald smirked. "You come on home with me after school and I could call you all sorts of nasty things while you scream in delight." He cupped her butt while she stood stiffly and told him no thank you. "Hey, you're in heat, Terra. You want to get off and I can get you off in the best comfort. You can have your own pillow while I pump you full and you can even enjoy a canine dick afterward if you still want one. He wouldn't even knock you up."

"Nice try." Terra turned, not slapping his hands away as thy dug into the back of her jeans. "There's no way I'm going to your house, Ronald. That sick crap isn't going to work on me, or most girls I know. Maybe I can send some airhead your way later."

The bull squeezed her buttocks, taking as much freedom with her as she'd allow before finally pulling out. "That's alright. You'll change your mind. " Ron pulled a scented card out of his pocket, one that smelled very much of his own sexual leavings and musk. "Here, when you want in, you just give this to the gate keeper and he'll let you into my private meeting entrance.

Terra looked down at the card while Ronald waddled off and shivered despite herself. "Like I'd ever go to his house, ewww."

"I'm glad to hear you say it, Terra." She jerked her head around to see Mace hurrying toward her. "That bull is really getting too fresh with you and our pack. He tried to fuck and castrate Spirit this morning and now he's trying to get into YOUR pants... We're going to have to teach him a lesson, my love. Nobody gets you except me... and whoever you choose I suppose."

"You're so sweet," the bitch teased then rubbed her ass and sighed. "It was tempting though. He's got so much money and that lovely mansion. There's no way I want that ugly beef stick in me though." Terra crossed her arms under her breasts. "What did you have in mind?"

"Lets get everybody together after school and pay him a visit. You have a ticket into his mansion right there, after all. We may as well go." She watched him smack his palm."And we can have a bit of fun with him." Mace pat Spirit on the back as the other wolf came closer. "Maybe even castrate him, eh, Spirit?"

The omega drooled instead of responding though, he was enjoying the heat from Terra's oh so ready for breeding body. She didn't mind his presence and even scratched down his chest while considering the suggestion. When she finally agreed to the plan they spreading the news to their pack mates throughout the day.

"So good of you to come, Terra! Damn you smell good! You want to get busy now or just touch a bit?" Ronald lounged on his couch but sat up for her. "Help me with my robe, would you?"

While he squirmed out of it, Mace and the others of his pack entered from where they'd been waiting. With plenty of space in the mansion and few people they'd had no trouble keeping Ronald from knowing they were there. All four other wolves, including Terra stood to the side to let their alpha at the big bellied bull. The bull simply finished shrugging off his robe.

"Oh, hello, Mace. Spirit told you my offer then? Good to see you want to give those useless nuts up Ung..." Ron clapped a hand to his gut where Mace had punched him, though his gut had absorbed it easily enough. "Not so rough!"

"Shut up, meat. You were trying to fuck my mate. I don't mind Too Much that you tried to castrated Spirit, he can choose what he wants, but you don't come NEAR my Terra." The big wolf grabbed Ronald's left horn and jerked the bull's head back, forcing him to meet eye to eye. "You even had your hands down her pants while I watched... and you think I'm going to give you my balls?"

Ron tried to answer but his head was jerked down angrily to shut him up. The bull heaved himself off the couch a moment later to ram his large head into Mace's gut. Both were angry, but Ronald had far more mass on him than Mace did. Around them, Spirit, as well as the other two males, Stryfe and Silver, watched quietly as the two sized each other up. They were ready to jump in when their leader wanted.

"Yeah, I think you're going to give them to me, especially after you see me take her in front of you and how much she likes it, you stuck up pup!" He snorted as he reveled in the anger. "And then you'll be as much a bitch as Jonny is for me."

"Oh I'll give you something of mine, briefly, but it wont be and you won't get, my balls...." Mace growled in a voice that sounded deeper than usual.

His mate and pack all looked at him funny. They could see his fur was a bit longer, and shaggier, somehow. With the length came a change in his fur color. Some of the black fur along his lower legs and arms changed to white gradually. When it had fully shifted, the new white fur made an upside down V on the right and left outer side of each leg at the knees to his feet as well as the same shape on his arms at and below the elbows. As his pack watched, it grew a bit longer still and with it, his whole body grew.

Mace's Arms and legs all thickened while he grew taller. His chest pushed forward and muscle shown clearly under the fur. His neck, and head also swelled and grew. His teeth grew longer too, and he smiled darkly at Ronald after just six seconds between one form and the next.

"You wanted an offering, fine, I'll give the gift of my dick and knot ripping through your ass, bull." One hand stroked along his much larger sheath and balls as he spoke. "Exactly what you wanted to do with Spirit."

Everybody else in the room stared at him. The gruff grittiness of his voice had them somewhat worried. His packmates had never seen him like that before, let alone heard him. They'd had no idea he was a werewolf. His mate and friends had known he was a hermaphrodite, but he'd hidden his much bigger self from them entirely before and were stunned by the size of him. He'd always been bigger than they were, by a few inches, but he was more than two feet taller than any of them transformed at about eight feet.

Ronald stared at him, dumbstruck, until Mace swung his fist again into the bull's belly. Fat didn't stop the second punch as it had the first. Ronny doubled over on the ground and the large werewolf stepped on his face while crouching down.

"You WANT me to jam my dick in your ass and spank you with my balls while I pound it, don't you?" Mace snapped his jaws shut loudly then motioned to Spirit. "You can be under him if you like. Don't worry, you can keep them." When the other wolf hesitated, Mace shook his head. "It's still me, guys. I'm just a little ... bigger."

"What the hell are you, freak wolf? No way am I fucking a guy who still has his nuts!" Ronald shoved hard, trying to dislodge mace while he spoke. "Get off me!"

Mace was impressed by the bull's refusal to surrender, and amused as well. He stomped down on Ron's back just between the shoulder blades and floored the big male again. Another stomp followed another attempt at escape before Ronald simply panted and fell, giving in.

"Come on, ask for me to mount you, Ron. You know you want to be my bitch tonight like you wanted my mate and friend both to be yours." Mace tugged his victim's tail up to cup the heavy low hanging sac dangling a ways below. "Maybe I should take these off, I wouldn't want to let you to get ideas above you station again!"

"Let go of them! Get off me!" The chubby rich teen yelled in fear.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but a shove and a harsh punch to his gut winded him as well as shut him up. A harder squeezed made sure Ronald could feel the sharp claws digging in. The tender male eggs indented around them with a sudden look of panic on their owner's face.

When the fingers let go a few seconds later, Ron slumped down on the floor, briefly. A loud SLAP of paw on soft scrotum and a blossom of agony in his gut made him lurch forward with a girlish squeal. Another slap, then another followed. Each one made that heavy low hanging pouch flop about like a pendulum but they kept coming, loud agonizing beating after another.

Ronald tugged at the grip on his tail desperately at first, then just tensed in surrender to it. Terra moved closer and pressed her needy sex to the pained bull's muzzle. The heat from her moist V drooling on his nose almost made up for the battering his testicles took, but he didn't even think about licking it. His attention was too focused behind him as another slap made him wince.

"Invite me in to fuck you, Cow." Mace's voice a gravely but much calmer. "And this could be the last."

"You... You want to fuck me, Mace? Feel free! Don't hit them again!" Tears ran from Ronald's eyes from the pain more than the humiliation. He felt sick and nauseous inside. Anything to keep from having them battered around more. "UNNNN!"

Mace didn't make him beg or even wait beyond hearing the words. His enormous werewolf dick pressed between Ronald's buttocks and shoved right into the dark ring. The wolf's natural cock moisture helped a bit but not enough. The agony of sudden forced entry kept their bull jerking and fighting throughout the first minute of penetration. Even Terra's sex leaving a clear sticky trail along his muzzle didn't help.

Silver and Stryfe moved closer and both crouched to take an arm. They held him down securely for their alpha, though Mace didn't really need them too. Spirit moved behind, Terra and nuzzled her ass to get her attention. She looked down at him and smirked at what he wanted before moving away.

"I think I'll be trying your shaft after all, Ron." Spirit spread some lube he'd brought around his ring in front of the bull. "I'm going to keep my testicles though."

Mace slowed his work when he heard his omega and wrapped both arms around Ronald's strong, if flabby, chest to heave him up. Spirit crawled under, smeared some lube onto his alpha's hand, and then turned to take the long bull dick. He nodded to a command for slow from Mace and groaned in pleasure at the stiff hamburger filling him up.

After setting their toy back down, Mace slid all the way out to rub his cock with the slick lube. He gently fingered the aching anus to massage more in, then took the bottle from his mate when she offered. They didn't want Ronny too badly abused, it would be more effective and enjoyable to make him agree to what they wanted on his own.

More lube on his erection again and it was slid right back into Ron's ass. The bull tensed, waiting for a hard shafting like he'd given all his geldings, but it didn't happen. Instead the shaft worked in until it bumped against his prostate and Spirit called out that Ronald's member twitched inside him. Mace pulled back a little, then pushed in just that little bit too.

Another little in and little out was followed by many more. Ronny wasn't sure why, at first, but it felt very strange, and more than a bit pleasant. With Spirit's ass clenching and sliding along his own bovine erection, he could live with that kind of fucking from another big male. Only when he felt a little tickle at the base of his cock did he realize exactly what the werewolf was doing. He was being milked!

"Yes, you're going to make a lovely milker aren't you, Ronald?" Mace's gravely voice made the semi-mocking tone sound even more dirty. "You'll enjoy as much cock as Spirit, over and over again." He emphasized his Overs with a firm thrust right against the male's prostate. The werewolf leaned over the chubby black bull and whispered into his left ear with a very dominant confidence. "And you're going to give up your balls for us to enjoy." His hips never stopped moving while he dominated his large victim. "It'll make you so happy to give them to me. You'll have such fun being our precious milk cow when you decide to let us have them."

Mace's hips pulled back a bit further to thrust in deeper still for a few thrusts before focusing on shallow ins and outs. He hated going so slow, especially on somebody who deserved hard and fast, but he kept his pace. Milking a cow had to start just right for the best production.

Pressing down on his lupine erection with one hand, he added pressure on the bull's prostate each time felt he was over it. Ronald squirmed under him while he worked, still recovering from the ball busting he'd been given. His ears clenched against his broad head to try to shut out Mace's constant comments about how much he'd like being a cow and getting bred each day. The dominant voice was relaxing even despite the werewolf roughness.

Spirit groaned under the rich bovine. Taking the long bull pole's entire length inside was more intense than he'd expected. Their toy really was longer than any of the canines he'd ever taken and it felt wonderful to feel it so deep. The omega's nose drew his face up toward Terra's steamy sex while he rode his bull. Her scent made him all the more eager to take it as well as made his own dick dribble.

A deep sniff made him drool from it but she didn't notice as she teased the dominated male. Spirit loved watching her, especially when he was under a male. Ron's bulk squished warmly around the wolf and that long calfmaker bucked deep into Spirit's ass in response to the one plowing his own.

Ronald's mind raced to keep control. Being milked felt rather pleasant, even if the initial entry had hurt and his balls still ached badly. The nausea that busting had giving him still hadn't faded but it didn't stop his prostate from making his groin feel good.

In and out and in and press down and let up and down and out. He tried to shut out Mace's voice while the werewolf continued to tease and tell him how good it would be to surrender to them. Unlike Spirit earlier, Ronald wasn't going to get a way out it seemed. Thinking of that other wolf he'd longed for, that male bitch's ass sucked and squeezed at his dick relentlessly. At least the subby wolf was everything he'd hoped he'd be in a fuck.

The male's tight ass gripped his beef stick. Those inner walls slipped and squeezed around his shaft from tip to root right against his groin. Every slight movement, even the involuntary pulse made when his captor's dick slid along his prostate, made Spirit's ass grip and relax just right. He took it happily and rutted back for more and all the while Mace continued whispering dominance and submission into the bull's ear.

Mace felt his own pleasure build, but it left just as fast. He needed far more than a milking pace to cum in such a position. His knot hadn't even swollen yet, which was just as he'd wanted. Ronald was going to take his knot, and more, before he was finished. The werewolf looked to Stryfe holding the camera.

It wasn't recording yet, but it would be soon and by the look of Ron's drooling lips and thrusting hips it would be quite soon indeed. They weren't going to simply rape and castrate him, they were going to make him ask for it. Mace licked over his soon to be steer's ear, it was going to be easy thanks to Spirit's enthusiasm.

"You like feeling his ass. Once you give up your balls to me, you can feel it any time you like. Just like Jonny enjoys giving his ass to you. Yes, he'll be here soon too to watch you." The werewolf ground his cock in with even shallower inch in inch back slow thrusts. "They'll enjoy the show I think."

Ronald felt the first tickle of cum entering his cock without the right pleasure to go with it. It itched. It felt orgasmic, it wasn't at all as satisfying. He tried to clench his dick to keep it in, but Mace knew how to milk a male cow and Spirit's clutching rear sucked hungrily at it. The pleasure was building to a real orgasm too. There was nothing wrong about the eager ass bobbing up and down his cock or that heavenly feminine musk.

Ron's long bovine tongue flicked out to try and taste Terra's wet pussy, but she backed just out of reach. It was cute for all of them watching him lick the air, even Mace looked away a moment before paying attention and then tapping Spirit with his foot. Their bull was plenty hot.

Spirit groaned in disappointment but climbed out from under his fat rider. His cock left a wide watery puddle of pre-cum where he'd been and spurted more as he stood panting. Silver gave their omega's dick a playful pat before pressing his own erection into the newly empty hole, making sure Ronald could see them clearly.

"Feeling good..." Mace nodded to Stryfe and the recording light flashed on. "You're liking me fucking you, Ronald. You can't hide that. Here, some more just for you."

His massive werewolf dick sank deeper as he finally let himself go. Ron's hips tensed at his ass stretching open around it again. Drips of cum that had entered the bull's shaft from his milking oozed out steadily with more leaking out faster. The minutes of slow rubbing made his groin more ready for the hard fucking. With Mace's rapid full length thrusts, a steady trickle of semen drained out onto the floor in a thin stream.

Stryfe caught it all, focusing on that then on Ronald's face, then on his ass being pounded. The rich teen's near orgasm helped keep his body leaking as well as kept his mouth shut. He strained for any pleasure down there, all the while feeling Mace's maleness swelling further at the base. That lupine cock knot finally grew with the faster rutting and it bumped against his clenching ring constantly.

His desire to get off clouded his thoughts. It did feel wonderful being used like that. The thrusts in made his heart beat louder in his ears then soften when it pulled out. Feeling his seed ooze slowly out of his cock without the bliss of orgasm mixing with it confused his body as well. He couldn't tell if he'd cum or not, if he wanted that fucking werewolf to stop or not. The whispered promises of submission and pleasure from giving up his balls came through louder with that powerful yet confusing need.

Ronald's thoughts shifted to Spirit and Jonny. They had to be lucky to feel it all the time. That Mace was telling him how lucky they were didn't matter, they were his thoughts, he thought. He loved dominantly pumping that rottie's tight gelded ass but instead considered the former male's expression when it happened. The teasing had always left the dog looking embarrassed and flushed. Maybe he loved it.

The bull jerked his head up at Mace's knot popping into his tight ring, then sank back down with his hips thrusting into the air. His tongue swished just inches from Terra's canine sex. He wanted to taste it, to feel it gripping around his dick just like Spirit and Johnny had pleasured him. Spilling his seed into... but he was already spilling it onto the ground like a good toy and didn't need to be in somebody.

Ronald turned his broad head at Mace popping his swelling knot in and out rapidly. He looked up at the massive male riding him then jerked his hips forward as that bulb of flesh kept growing. It was almost too big for his ring to accept. Every time it slipped in it rammed into his prostate making a brief spike in the thin stream of semen draining from his body. That spike felt wonderful but it only lasted the instant it burst in before the overly full feeling took over and he wanted it out.

All the while Mace's gritty voice kept nagging and telling him he'd love it more with his balls gone. The other wolves watched. They smiled encouragingly at him and he saw Spirit pushing his ass back onto Silver's fingers pumping into that lupine ass in time to Mace's thrusts. The bull drooled heavily, his hand reached back to grip his dick, but Terra crouched and caught it before he could stroke himself.

"Only steers get to orgasm like THAT, Ronald. Do you want to be a steer?" She asked sweetly, her breasts jutting up proudly in front of his face.

"N... " He jerked back at a rapid knotting by Mace. The werewolf's hips moved relentlessly forward almost in a blur making a loud wet sucking and squishing noise. His massive bulge kept Ron's ass gaping and his cock dancing from the knot's assault on his prostate. He needed to cum. He wanted to feel Mace more firmly in, filling him up. He nodded dumbly. "Yes."

"What was that?" Mace asked loudly, making the bull stiffen in surprise at the volume.

"Yes!" He saw Terra's purposefully confused expression. "Take my balls! Cut, the damn things off, let me fucking cum!"

The cock and knot didn't stop violently raping his ass, but a hand gently gripped around his dick and gave it one long slow stroke. Ronald jerked his hips forward, trying in vain to rut into that grip, but the moment he moved Mace let go until he stopped. The bull punched the floor in frustration. He could feel the cum draining out of his dick almost like he was peeing. The small puddle under him had swelled to a good sized pool and kept draining. Then it slowed again, with the werewolf suddenly stopping at a gesture from Silver.

Mace pulled fully out and panted hard, letting himself cool off from that fucking. He still hadn't cum, but he was almost as close as Ron was. They all enjoyed seeing their soon to be steer humping the air with his calfmaker flagging. Almost all his built up seed had been spilled, what little he had was still leaking out in that exotic feeling a milked male enjoys.

The werewolf crouched down and lifted Ronald's tail. "No cumming until after you're a good steer for us, but we can take care of that now."

He didn't wait for any response. His broad jaws pressed forward and closed around the left side of the bull's scrotum. A loud crunching noise when he bit down was followed by a sharp scream from his half steer. Silver and Spirit hurried forward to hold him down while Terra lay back to distract him by spreading her legs and stroking her clit.

Mace chewed for several seconds around the cord. He could have bitten clean through it at once, but that wasn't what any of them wanted. The blood took several seconds to fill his mouth with it's irony flavor and he savored it as well as the scream. His tongue swirled around the heavy leather pouch to wiggle both testicles inside. He only stopped chewing at the top of Ronald's sack when he could freely move the left ball. All the while he was careful not to damage the nut itself, more than needed anyway.

He pulled away and let the camera see the half severed scrotum dangling low between Ron's thighs. The big werewolf cupped them to make the left nut lift out some and sink freely back in. Blood slowly leaked out of the severed cord, surprisingly little for such agony as the half male felt from it. Mace leaned in again with his muzzle to lift the jewel out with his teeth, then dropped it into Silver's waiting free hand.

"That's One, Ronny. Soon you'll be a handsome steer for us to fuck and enjoy as we please." The rough voice didn't get through to the denied and desperate bull.

Ronald couldn't tell whether he hurt worse from lack of orgasm or the castration. He couldn't tell his penis was half limp and retracting into his groin either. Some males grew erect when castrated, he knew, he didn't know he wasn't one of them, he just needed to orgasm. His semen had stopped leaking, he was empty and didn't know that either.

Stryfe panned to Silver holding the raw only slightly chewed and rather bruised bovine testicle then back to Mace again crouching and taking the whole scrotum into his jaws. A heavy choking sob escaped Ron's throat immediately after another loud fleshy crunching. The werewolf's jaws worked even more slowly, taking their time to crush and cut through the thick spermatic cords.

Terra stopped stroking herself and got up, thighs clenching with her own denied need, and pat their new steer's muzzle well out of reach of his tongue. She watched her mate lift the former bull's enter seed sack up in his mouth and again dig one nut out. Again he handed it to silver, who held them both up for the camera before selecting the bigger of the two and offering it back to Mace.

Both wolves crouched in front of Ronald to let him watch them eat his testicles raw before him. Any feeling of dominance he had left disappeared with his jewels. His orgasm, his downfall, still begged for release, but after the sexual trauma and so little stimulation, it faded just as his submission grew. He didn't even notice the blood still leaking down his thighs until Spirit dug around inside the wound for the cords.

A cheap soldering iron pressed to the cords brought the former bull back to the agony of the situation. The stink of burnt flesh grew as the would was crudely sealed. He tried to pull away but Mace held him easily for the two minutes of cauterization.

Mace's knot and dick relaxed and deflated, throughout that wait and he was ready to continue his dominance of their new steer. He stood up fully and stepped on Ronald's head to push it to the ground. The other wolves all joined him in, though they pressed their feet to his shoulders and back instead.

"Now, you wanted Terra? Well, you won't get to have her, but I'll let you watch me mate with her instead, and that'll be good enough for you, won't it?" His tone didn't leave room for anything but a yes.

Terra tensed and pressed herself to her mate. She'd been waiting for him to breed her since they'd become "mates" and he was finally going to mount her while she was in heat! Her muzzle pressed to his chest and she wagged her tail happily at his arms wrapping around her. His musk was all around her, overpowering the other scents in the room and for the first time in their relationship she couldn't make herself be elsewhere when in heat. She needed him in her and he was going to give it to her despite the risk of pregnancy!

The bitch let her mate lead her to the large bed Ronald had for use with his former lovers. Soft pillows covered one end, soft blankets covered the rest, but it had plenty of bounce to it for plenty of fun and they both laughed when they climbed onto it. Their laughter and flamboyance with showing off was for their new steer.

After all he had lost, still without being allowed the orgasm he'd given it up for, it was hard for him to watch. Spirit stood next to him, petting his head, and watched his alphas with a similar but happier expression. Silver and Stryfe had both moved behind their new steer and stroked his ass. Stryfe's camera had been left on where he'd been and both of them planned to have some fun on it with Silver going first. As Silver pushed his cock into Ronald's well open ass, all of them watched the alphas kiss, and then change.

Mace's whole body shrank before his mate's did as well. The massive werewolf frame gave way with loud pops of bones shrinking and joints shifting position. The mass he'd put on seemed to melt away back to that of his normal anthro self, then further still.

His mate too change, something the other wolves of the pack couldn't do. Like Mace, Terra's spine straightened and arms shortened. Both alphas fell forward on the bed, catching themselves on their arms before they hit, unable to keep themselves upright even while kneeling.

Their hips creaked almost in unison as their legs thrust them up into the air. Both pairs of legs shrank quickly, though the overall shape stayed close to the same. Each thigh thinned out with the rest of their legs thinning even more while they shortened.

Terra looked up at her lover while her cheeks faded away to that of a feral wolf. She lifted her right arm, even as it, too, shortened, and pressed the quickly shortening fingers to his muzzle. Mace panted at her and pressed into the canine paw. His own fingers and hands also changed into paws at the end of very thin yet powerful lupine forelegs.

Between his legs his sheath changed surprisingly little. It still hung heavily between his legs with the tip sagging downward from a thin flap of belly flesh. His pink tip peaked out from the tantalizing scent of need and readiness wafting from Terra's rear.

She turned her head, not bothering to turn and present herself, and gave a sharp bark. His head turned to stare at Ron, then licked over his mate's nose once before trotting behind her. The bed made him bounce and she teasingly turned her hips away from his wet nose pressing to it.

Though fully feral in form, both wolves kept their intelligence. They remembered everything they had known, they simply couldn't speak or use the hands they didn't have. Both of them were still very much interested in driving home the point of their dominance over Ronald and enjoying letting him watch what he wanted but would never have.

Terra's new position was angled just right to let the former bull see her lust swollen wolf cunt. She turned to look him in the eye when Mace pressed his muzzle back to her needy pussy and sagged her head down at his broad tongue lapping over her. Again and again he licked her and she wagged her tail slowly just for show.

Behind Ronald, Silver's cock slid in fully with ease. The newly submissive steer's ring hadn't fully recovered from the hard knotting it had taken. That didn't matter to the wolf though, he knew how to make it clench and a slap to Ron's ass did just that. It made their toy try to look back, but Spirit tugged his head back to the action on the bed.

Ronald watched, jealousy in his eyes, but the ignored need in his loins still kept him hoping they would let him cum. Mace mounted Terra as any stud dog would mount his bitch and Silver's dick pounded into the steer almost in sync with his Alpha's hips. Watching and feeling each thrust happen made Ronny feel like he was watching himself being fucked on the bed instead of the female wolf he'd lusted after.

Terra rocked with the vigor of her mate's eager thrusts. She kept her tail off to the side and her body as still as she could to let him breed her. The bitch squeezed around every bit of him that she could inside. His grunts of pleasure and exertion encouraged her to squeeze again and again.

Both looked at Ronald every so often and Mace made sure to slip fully out once early on to let the bull think about entering her himself again. The feral formed wolf mounted again quickly before Terra could snarl at him and licked her ear comfortingly. His forelegs clutched around her middle, his hind legs danced behind her, and his precum spurted copiously into her with each thrust.

She stayed still to accept him for a while, but soon she couldn't control her urge to back into his rutting hips. Her back arched subtly at the feeling of Mace's moist liquid heat filling her but even more so at his growing knot knocking on her moist cunt. Their hot juices leaked out each time his knot popped out but neither noticed, though their audience did.

Ronald hung his head in defeat. He could still feel the beating his balls had been given earlier, even though he didn't have them. He couldn't help but hear the wet sticky sound of the wolf pair breeding even over the sound of Silver fucking his own ass. The need in his groin hadn't left him though his erection had. Having the wolf's member grinding against his prostate just like the last shafting only made him feel the need that much stronger again.

Like Mace into Terra, Silver enjoyed feeling his knot swelling and popping into their steer as he bred that fat former bull. He pictured his maleness sliding into his alpha female instead with his eyes locked on the feral couple. Leaning forward he wrapped his arms around the broad middle of his mount and kept that same position while his own pre-seed spurted almost as heavily.

Silver tried to match his alpha for endurance, but his knot filled out fast with Ron's clutching rear. The spankings from before had made it tight enough again and he was quickly losing control in it. His pleasure built even as he watched the two ferals still going at it without being tied.

Stryfe and Spirit watched just as intently with their own cocks ready and waiting half exposed in their sheaths. They watched the large bulb on the end of Mace's dick sink in and slip back out with amazement. The way Terra trembled under him she was having a hard time handling his girth, let alone feeling it slip in and out not even at full size.

Mace again licked into her ear before whining, that last jerk hurt! He shoved hard, making her whine then yelp loudly before her sex opened once more to let him in. The bitch's formerly virgin sex handled the large male well but at last he tied himself to her. She sagged down, her legs too weak to support their weight, before she came powerfully around him.

Her orgasm made her body tense and tremble just as much as Mace's eager shafting had near the end. She drooled and bit at the bed cover while she rode it out. Above her, still pounding the inch and a half of thin cock flesh behind his knot, her mate kept working. His own orgasm was close, and as his bulb of flesh swelled just another centimeter larger inside her, he came just before her peak faded.

Terra felt no difference in his orgasm, but she could scent the release in the air around them. His musk was powerful and she sniffed deeply as the watery heat he sprayed into her changed with it. From light to heavy, the scent of male filled her nose. She tugged at their join, wanting to feel every bit of his attention to her, then squirmed to feel the rest of his stiffness deep inside. Breeding was everything she'd hoped for.

Mace hugged tightly to her on the bed, grunting and straining for nearly eight seconds before relaxing. He looked back to Ronald again, minorly amused to see the Steer was erect again. The rich teen had a duller look to his eyes, but he dutifully stared at the two joined wolves and Mace was pleased by that. He was more pleased by his mate's pleasured squirming and tugging though.

Her insides squished and squeezed constantly over his still leaking wolfhood. His balls rested against the tip of her bitch V, but he knew that'd change once he gave over to instinct. The desire to step over her and wait for his knot to shrink was growing too powerful to ignore, but until then, he lay on top of her nuzzling and licking her muzzle and neck.

At last he couldn't resist it and gave into the urge. Mace stepped over her with his left foreleg, then his hind leg. His knot rotated inside bringing a grunt to both of them from pleasure and intense stimulation. Her rump kissed his balls as they were pressed up above his dick and they crouched butt to butt.

Terra lifted her hips a bit to make the move more comfortable for them both, but soon stood fully to better tug at their tie. Mace tugged her too but stopped when she growled. They both knew it would be a while before they untied, unlike Silver, who finished cumming into Ronald and simply jerked his full knot out in one painful jerk.

Their steer yelled in protest but a hand rubbing along his renewed erection quieted him down. Ron turned his head back hopefully as the satisfied wolf pleasured him. The pain in his ass eased as his need built back up quickly. His hope turned to frustration just as quickly as Silver's hand slowed the closer he came.

Spirit crouched down to watch the teasing. He remember the playful orgasm denial fondly when he received it. The penetration was always so much better after that. With his alpha's tied and there wasn't much else to see anyway for at least half hour or so. What better way than to play with that long bovine dick again.

Stryfe slapped Ronald's ass as he took Silver's place behind it. "Ready for another, Ride, Ronny?"

The wolf crouched and pushed his right hand to the cum slimed well opened butt, then popped it in. It was still smaller than Mace's knot had been. His fingers rubbed around a bit until he gathered some cum, then stroked it over his own stiff shaft after pulling out.

The rich gelding squirmed at the hand inside. Mace's knot may have been bigger but the rest of his length hadn't. He'd never tried fisting before and wasn't sure how to handle it while his thoughts were distracted with the constant denial and need. A lick to his own tip made him grunt even louder and ram his hips forward.

Spirit gripped the stiff bull meat as he licked. He was enjoying the heavy body over him again and that rampant length waiting to invade his ass again, though he would have to be careful about it. Ronold wasn't supposed to orgasm, at least for a while.

The two alphas watched the fun. Stryfe enjoyed one ass, Ron enjoyed another, and Spirit had to keep pulling that long bovine dick out every few thrusts or so. They rutted lustfully in with their steer rocking from Stryfe's hips slapping firmly and especially from Spirit pushing back hard to take every bit of it inside him.

Terra tugged at her tie again and grunted from the tightness of it. Her mate was still nicely full down there. She bent to lap at their join, tensing her hips at her tongue dragging along her clit, then nosed up further to flick her tongue into Mace's vulva too.

Her mate's tail clenched down at the initial lick, then let up with a sigh of pleasure. His V didn't get licked enough, he thought, especially from his sweet mate. It felt just as good in feral form as it did in anthro or werewolf too. Trying to push into her tongue was a futile effort, his hips were already as close to her as they could be.

While she licked him there for several seconds, he watched Spirit sinking down the former bull's long shaft. Their steer's eyes were puffy from tears and frustration while Silver held his hands firmly in place. Ronald obviously needed to cum too badly after all the milking and denial. Mace wondered if the former male even remembered him and his mate still locked together on the bed.

Behind the steer, Stryfe slapped the chubby belly to distract him as well as to warn Spirit that he was tensing too much again. The omega wolf sighed and again slipped fully off and waited impatiently for the next cool down. He loved the teasing, but he hated having to constantly feel so empty. His own dick dribbled under him from his own put off lust.

Stryfe thrust slowly, taking more time than Silver. He ground his stiff erection against Ronald's prostate just as his alpha had before him. It gave him the satisfaction of draining any buildup Ron may have had as well as letting him enjoy the clutching inner walls so much longer. Looking up at the two on the bed showed him he still had a while.

Terra had stopped licking Mace and Mace just lay on all fours panting. They both tugged at intervals to check his swelling, then went back to relaxing to enjoy the show. Ron's drooling mouth mumbled and Stryfe sped his hips up after a good ten minutes of teasing. The thrusting wolf's knot had grown as he worked, but after all the others inside, the steer didn't notice it too much until it grew big enough to bump against his stretched ring.

Stryfe shifted from straight in thrusts to swaying his hips for fun. Every knocking made his mount wince and rock a bit, but he knew Ronny was too far gone to even notice any real discomfort back there. He wondered if the former bull would have had blue balls by then, if he had still had balls anyway. The wolf's musings faded with his own pleasure building, he couldn't keep it up anymore.

Stryfe's swollen member swelled just a bit more before finally dumping his seed into the already cum washed hole. His knot did pop in fully but Ronald's ass didn't keep it in too well. There was a little resistance to it coming out but he had to vigorously spank the steer to make him clamp hard enough to trap it in briefly. He didn't dare spank too hard though, in case he accidentally drove Ron over the edge!

Silver nudged the submissive omega with a foot. "You're on next, Spirit. You get to be on top!"

The wolf shuddered while Ronald's long dick slid deep into him and he squeezed hard once before pulling fully out. He was almost as frustrated as the steer, though only because he wasn't getting his ass fucked like he wanted. It took him a few seconds to climb out from under the tense gelding both from his own reluctance to leave it and Ron's belly dragging along his furry back.

After a quick shake to put his fur back in order, Spirit took over for Stryfe. The broad bovine ass leaked a steady trickle of both pre and post cum. He couldn't resist crouching for a lick and swiped up the broad crevice. His body followed his tongue all the way up to the tailbase until he was standing and roughly stuffing his member in.

On the bed, Mace and Terra watched with interest. Usually their Spirit was taking more than giving. He seemed happy enough rutting with abandon. The look of surprise on Ronald's face from the fast paced shafting made them both laugh. Both alphas stopped abruptly at the sudden reduction in girth filling Terra.

She tugged firmly, but it held again. The bitch panted hard from the tugging. Her sex was somewhat sore after her first breeding but she felt so fulfilled despite that. She felt her vulva stretch as she tugged again, pulling visible away from her before she pushed back again. It was more than before but she still had a minuter or two yet it seemed.

Turning back, she saw Stryfe holding the camera again crouched down with it carefully aimed to get as much as possible in the shot. He stood slightly off to the side and in front of their steer and kept it trained on the action. Terra's sudden yelp of relief made him glance away a moment, then look back.

Mace too grunted as his penis fully deflated and slid moistly out. Her sex closed again and he and she both licked each other's groins to clean them up. They were quick about it though. Ronald wouldn't last much longer and they wanted to show their dominance to him.

Their quick licking cleanup taken care of, both Mace and Terra hopped off the bed, still in feral form. Together they trotted to their steer and simply stood before him for a few seconds before Terra turned and flashed her well fucked still slightly parted wolf cunt at him. The bitch clenched and a trickle of her mate's seed dribbled out. Mace simply barked and nodded to his fellows.

Spirit slapped the neutered bull's ass. "You get to cum after all, Ronny! I bet you're happy to hear that!" The omega leaned over him to wrap both arms around the broad belly. "Too bad I can't stroke you though. I'd love to feel that orgasm."

Stryfe crouched down to squeeze Ron's dick. The long semi-thick calf maker was dark with need. All the teasing from Spirit riding it and all the others fucking him had made for some very firm meat.

Spirit didn't last long while riding Ronald, but the steer didn't last much longer. The full wolf knot slamming into his prostate was good, very good, but it was the hand that gave him what he'd given up his balls to enjoy. A firm hand pumping his shaft without pulling away anyway.

Ron's hips thrust hard into Stryfe's grip just a few more times before he arched his back. His eyes clenched tight, then opened wide. The pleasure was there, but there was no feeling of squirting. His body clenched. His body felt good, but his loins had been drained entirely of any seed. The dry orgasm produced a thin dribble of clear fluid just moments after the pleasure faded with no force.

Around him the wolves stepped back as he pushed himself awkwardly up to stand. "Fine... You won." The gelded bull focused on Mace as he wiped himself off. "I'll do ... hey!"

Terrra and Mace simply trotted proudly past him out of the room without another glance. Silver and Stryfe could take care of the rest. While their alphas spent the day roaming the outer city limits as feral wolves, the three introduced Ronald to his new life of being the school's new slut.

The next couple days passed smoothly for them. Mace and Terra spent their time in anthro form and watched their steer getting into his new life. Seeing that formerly proud and arrogant rich bull getting his ass pounded in the janitor's closet was fun and fitting for them. Seeing him getting fucked and played with elsewhere was just as enjoyable. Spirit's ass was the only one he got to sample most days and occasionally the steer would get to touch a female, if he was good.

Things changed abruptly, though, for Terra. Just three days after that day she woke to find herself fully feral. Struggling to change back left her scared and still in feral form. She couldn't talk and couldn't even work door knobs to get out of her room. After just a moment of scrabbling at the door with her paws, though, it opened.

A familiar and comforting musk hit her nose and she darted to Mace's legs to nuzzle and whine. The big black wolf gathered her up in his arms and carried her back to the bed, kissing and licking into her muzzle. After a moment, she returned the canine kisses by licking back against his lips and tongue.

They shared the time together with Mace petting her soothingly and stroking along her belly and chest. Terra rolled onto her back for him, submitting fully to her mate, to let him stroke her better there. He smiled down at her and she felt less frightened after a time until she realized she couldn't change because she was pregnant.

Her grunts posture relaxed after that and Mace knew she'd realized it at last. "Yes, you're pregnant with my puppies, Terra." He kissed her again and rubbed his muzzle along her flat but firm feral chest to nuzzle into her belly briefly. "I'll help you raise them, my love. We'll have wonderful pups, but you won't be able to shift back for the duration of your pregnancy. Your body won't let you risk them."

She pawed at his muzzle and neck while he rubbed and caressed her her, then struggled out of his grip and rolled over onto all fours. The bitch growled and bared her teeth at him before turning around to show her rear. It didn't take her mate long to change and mount her again. It didn't take long for them to tie after that, but it did take a quite a while for them to finally come apart later.

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