Cum In My Office (Teaser)

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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   Xan, a young eigh...

Xan, a young eighteen year old lion. He had similarities to the lion Kovu. Why? Because rumor has it that he is his father. Though Xan has not seen his father for a long time since the raid in Priderock. But all in all he was an okay guy. He had a black mane, a chocolate body with a creamy underside, and emerald green eyes that shimmered brightly. He stood about 5'10 and had a slight muscular build. He is also gay. Say what you want, get it out of your system, but he won't give a flying shit of what others think. He likes men, men like him end of the story. On the last day of school, Xan would see things differently about his choice in sexual preference, but what happens when a male teacher falls for a student, how will it turn out?

Xan sighed deeply as the clock ticked and ticked annoyingly, as if the clock had a mind of it's own and was deliberately trying to piss him off. He tapped his pen against his teeth for he was writing his latest novel, and he was going brain dead on ideas for it. He glanced back at the clock, seeing that it was no where near time for him to be able to go home and have the rest of the summer off. He was a junior going on to be a senior next year, he was happy for that for he would no longer have to go to school anymore. He sighed deeply and then heard some strange voices out in the back. He rose his ears as he heard various teachers talking all at once, then the voice of the principal speaking rather loudly.

"Enough jabber, I know that the History teacher is leaving this year, that is why I've taken the liberty of getting a new one, his name is Mr. Gates, no not Bill gates but Johnathan Gates, he was a Physical Education teacher at one point, but he took a stand and wanted to try out in history so I offered him the job," Said Mr. Storm.

All the teachers fell silent and all left the room. A new history teacher? Today? This put Xan into a frenzy, what if this teacher was mean and ruthless? He sighed, at last the bell tolled and everyone shot out of their chairs and darted off towards their next class. However my next class was study hall in the History room, and Xan was the only one that took that class, so it would just be me and the new teacher today. Xan took deep and even breaths as Xan held my book bag in one hand, and some papers in the other, one of those papers being my sign out sheet that we had to have. He looked around to see if the teacher might be near by, but he saw no sign of him. He opened the room and saw that the light was off, that was always the sign He looked for when the old history teacher was there or not. It he was not there the light would be on and if he was there the light would be off for he liked his lights off for some odd reason.

When I entered the room, there he was writing some papers that rested on his desk. He was a tall muscular werewolf with bright amber eyes that gleamed in the dim light of the room. He had a very hot body, and his arms were thick with muscle. He wore only a tank top and a pare of blue shorts. He hummed softly a strange tune and placed the paper that he had finished onto the pile of other papers. He glanced up at me and smiled. "Hello there, you must be Xan am I correct?" He asked. His voice was deep and husky, almost hansom in a strange exotic way.

"Yes sir," Xan replied sitting himself down in his normal seat and took out his book that he worked on and went to work. Silence fell between them as the time went back to it's business of ticking Xan off.

The teacher looked up, and saw that all was silent in the hallway. He got up and then walked towards his door and shut it fast, taking out a key and locked it and smiled softly and placed a sheet of paper in the viewing window so that no one could see. "So, um ready for school to be out?" He asked as he walked towards the young lion.

"Yeah," Xan replied not looking up from his writing.

"Any plans?"

"Not really," Xan replied as he looked up at the young teacher and smiled softly.

The teacher seemed rather nerves, as if he was going to say something but did not know how to say it at all.

"Will you come into my office? I need some help with a few ugh things," He said.

"Sure," He said placing my notebook away and got up and walked towards the other half of the room that was more private then the rest. There he saw the teacher's computer and more stuff that involved history. He saw a poster of some rock band and another poster of President Washington.

The teacher smiled and closed the door behind them, and also locked it. He knew what his plan was, and he prayed that it'll go well. He took a deep breath and then removed his shirt, his muscles heaving up and down with his breath. "What do you think?" He asked smiling softly grabbing hold of the young lion and pinning him to the wall.

Xan gasped at the sudden dominance of the teacher. He grunted a little feeling his back against the wall looking at the wolf's eyes and then lowered his eyes and gasped seeing the large bulge between the wolf's shorts.

"That is right, your going to be my little bitch before I sign you out," He said murring deeply as he began to force his paws up into Xan's shirt and began to feel his nice body. He smirked as he knew that this boy was going to have to do everything in order to please him, and it normally took a lot to please him. "Now, get on your knees and take that nice thick cock into your muzzle and suck on it," He said smiling.

Xan gulped a little knowing that his chance had come so sudden, that he was afraid to take it at first. He knelt downward on his knees as he was told and grabbed the large cock that began to open his muzzle and take the wolf's nice large piece in his mouth and allowed his warm leathery tongue to begin to bath it in his saliva.

The teacher moaned aloud, his eyes slightly close as he leaned back his head slightly leaning himself against the wall. "Oh gods, yeah suck that cock you gay fag, I know your dirty ass secret, the students don't keep them here ya know, secrets." He chuckled and then thrusted his hips into the lion's mouth allowing his cock to go in more.

Xan tried his best not to gag. He took all the cock into his muzzle and began to purr softly making a slight vibration to ease the pleasure. He slowly took the cock out of his mouth, and then slowly stroked the large meat in his velvet paws purring softly as his tail swayed back and forward. "Nice dick master," He said softly giggling as he applied a more casual name to a teacher who he was having sex with, it was sort of a trait that he did when he had sex with an adult.

The teacher smirked softly. "Yeah you like that cock don't you my little bitch, man I can't wait till next year, to take you again into my office," He smiled softly and then grabbed the lion's muzzle and forced it open, he then took out a device that was similar to a gag ball, but instead it did not have the ball. He took it and wrapped it around the lion's muzzle grinning softly prying the lion's mouth open. "Now don't be difficult bitch, or I'll have to use some more of my toys,"

Xan growled low a little, disliking the device. He kept his mouth clenched as the wolf tried to pry it open. He swayed his tail knowing the teachers plan all to damn well, he had sex with so many people that he could almost read their sexual tendencies.

"Come on fucker, open that damn mouth of yours," The wolf growled slightly as he at last got inside the lions muzzle and preyed it open with all his might, the lion at last gave way and the device latched on perfectly and he hurried over to the back of his head and began to tie the leather straps so that the lion could not close his mouth again. He smiled and then took his large cock that was beginning to drip with lots of pre cum and stuffed it into the lion's mouth murring deeply. "Ah fuck yeah, it would have been easier if you would have done what I said, and I would not have to be doing this, but you were not pleasing me the way I liked, so I had to go this distance," He said allowing his hips to thrust into the muzzle of the lion in and out slowly making sure to enjoy every last inch of pleasure that he was being given to.

Xan did not know what to do, for he was unable to control his own actions anymore now with the strange device holding his mouth open forcefully. He never had forced sex before, maybe this would fee lots better having someone take their plans into their own paws and take what is rightfully theirs. He felt the large wolf cock enter and exit out from his mouth, he purred deeply feeling the taste of pre cum that had been leaking out from the wolf's cock, he knew that it was not going to take much for the this wolf to shoot a large load of white seamen.

"Yeah, take that nice thick cock of mine," The wolf ordered as he forced his hips forward and moaned deeply feeling the lion's warm mouth. "Will you obey my needs now lion?" He asked slowly reaching towards the back of the lion's head to remove the straps. "Answer me you whore," He growled thrusting again this time a bit more harder then the last few times.

It was hard for Xan to talk, so he nodded slightly as he felt the large cock be driven into his mouth, making him splutter.

"That is a good little bitch, you did not talk, I'd suspected that you would talk when you were not told to, then I would have to take the sex level up a bit," He said pleased as he removed the straps and took off the device and laid it on the table just in case he needed it later. "Take that big cock and deep throat me you slut," He demanded.

Xan had to be more careful now, seeing that the wolf only wanted him to be pleased by his own demands. Which he of course was really clueless about. He grabbed the wolf's large cock and slowly began to stroke it, he then allowed the thick wolf hood to be slapped against his face purring deeply he took it back into his warm mouth and began to suck on it, giving him a rather fond blowjob.

The teacher rose his head and let out a low howl of pleasure as he bucked his hips into the lion's mouth. "Yeah, that is it you fucking asshole, yeah take that nice cock into your slutty bitch mouth and pleasure your master," He said panting a little his tongue lulling out of his mouth, for it began to get hot in the room.

Xan kept up the purring to allow the sensational pleasure towards the wolf's thickening cock, he began to realize that the cock was getting a bit bigger every time he stroked it. That was kind of odd, it was as if it were a horse cock slowly getting aroused. He looked up towards the wolf and asked. "Are you part horse or something?"

"Why is it you ask?" The wolf grinned knowing that the lion now noticed his increase in cock size.

Xan did not bother to ask any further for he was afraid of what the answer might be. Instead he took more of the large cock into his mouth and sucked it hard and deep. Feeling it stiffen harder, and even grow more. It felt so awkward of how big this cock was getting that he had to take it out again and keep stroking it for it was getting too big for his own muzzle.

"Want me to stuff your ass with that nice growing cock?" The wolf asked seeing that the lion had stopped sucking on his cock.

Xan rubbed the back of his head in thought.

"There is no answer to that, besides yes now get on your fucking knees and rise that god damn tailhole of yours you bitch, listen to each of my commands you sick fuck or you'll get it worse." He growled.

Xan obeyed the wolf and knelt down on all fours, rising his long skinny tail exposing the edges of his anus. "Fuck my tight ass?" He asked.

The teacher growled and took out a small whip and whipped the lions ass. "Bad bitch, speak only when spoken too," He demanded. "And no questions," He said. "I only ask questions," He stated as he then grabbed hold of his large cock, his knot was beginning to swell inside of his sheath as he slapped it against the lions ass murring. "Maybe I could give you some lubricant," He said

(As you may know, this story is not yet finished, I'm sort of busy writing my new novel "The Book of the Moon: Rain" So I thought I would post a teaser bit of my new yiff story, enjoy.)