New Found Futanari

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#25 of New Found Form

New Found Futanari By Von Krieger

Mei-Ling pointed. "What about that one there?" she asked her sister behind the wheel.

Nita gave it a cursory glance. "No, looks like a place for redneck truckers. Look at all the shitty pickups and semi cabs."

Mei sighed and kept the look out for a bar that her older sister wouldn't shoot down. She looked at the clock. 6:55, they only had a few minutes before the event started.

"And that one?" she pointed to another.

"Lesbian motorcycle gangs," Nita said, only giving it a brief look. "I don't want to be hit on by fat chicks in flannel. Despite the odds of a barroom brawl happening it's not worth putting up with rambling feminist propaganda from cock-hating whores for three hours."

Mei sighed, toying with one of her pigtails, twirling one bristly end around her fingers, running her thumb over the end.

"You need to be a little less picky, Nita," she said with a scowl.

Nita smirked. "And you need to be more choosy, Schoolgirl," she teased.

Mei-Ling rolled her eyes. "What about that one? Thunderbird's?"

Nita shook her head. "That's a strip club. A very weird strip club. Plus the lot is full."

"Dammit, Truck, if they're that popular, they should have pay per view, and the scum bags will all be trying to hit on the strippers," Mei half-snarled. Her nickname for Nita was a bit mean spirited; she called her big sister Truck due to the fact that she was top heavy and had a tendency to flip.

Nita reigned in her temper and sighed, looking down at the clock. "Fine, it's better than nothing, I guess."

The two pulled into an empty space, Mei just about jumping out of the car and darting inside, Nita taking things slower and more sedately. Mei tugged the door open and slipped inside, then pushed open the inner door. She looked to the bouncer just inside. "Hi, you don't happen to have the 8SS pay per view showing in the grill, do you?"

The pigtailed woman paused for a moment, suddenly realizing that she was face to chest with a rather tall, rather busty woman in athletic pants and a tiger striped tank top. She followed the plentiful breasts upward, finding a fanged smile, amber eyes, and striped hair of orange and black. Mei was staring. She berated herself for it, but she couldn't pull her gaze away from the stunning beauty before her.

"Yeah, we have it on the big screen in the grill and in the back rooms. Two drink minimum and a meal are required to watch. But if you want a massage or something more, you can watch it for free."

Mei just nodded, tongue tied.

Nita shouldered the door open and ran smack into Mei, the shorter Nita sprawling onto the floor.

"What the hell, Mei?" Nita growled, before finding a large, black nailed hand gripping her arm and pulling her up onto your feet.

"Oh," she said quietly, staring at the six and a half foot, busty beauty towering over her rather diminutive 5'3".

"Grill's through there," the tigress said, pointing. Both Kinai sisters nodded meekly and shuffled off to the grill.

"Okay Mei-Mei, we are definitely keeping out of trouble here," Nita whispered breathlessly. "Geez, if the bouncers look like that, what do you think the gals are like?"

Mei looked over her shoulder at the nearby stage. "Mmm... that one doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary," she said, gesturing to an over tanned blonde gal with obvious implants.

"Holy..." Nita pointed, following the gaze of the majority of the audience, men and women held in rapture through the graceful dance of a perfectly toned, shapely beauty who...

Mei squinted. "Is that one of those trannies?" she asked. "I think I a see a c... urk!"

Mei found herself being pulled into the grill by the braid.

"It's already started!" Nita growled, dragging her sister into the empty grill.

The two found a booth where they could see the screen well and took a seat on the soft, plush padding.

"Wow, this is actually pretty nice. I was thinking it would be like day-glo orange, all faded and sticky," Nita said, leaning back into the soft backing of the booth.

"No, Miss Morganna insists that everything in the club be pleasurable and pleasant to all the senses," came a quiet, shy voice from behind them.

The two sisters looked over their waitress, a pale skinned beauty with lavender hair and several tones of eye shadow on her eyelids. Much like the tigress bouncer, she had fangs, though Mei and Nita couldn't tell if they were prosthetic or surgery. Her eyes were a bright red and her ears had slight points.

"Wow," Nita said, whistling appreciatively, "that's some look."

The vampire-like waitress smiled, her pale cheeks turning pink with a blush. "Thanks," she said, grinning wider. "Here are your menus; I'll be back in a bit to get your orders. Would you like to get your drinks now?"

"Umm..." Mei said, looking at the menu.

"Just get us four house shots. Whatever your mixer makes best," Nita said, shooing the waitress away as she looked up at the big screen.

"Okay, looks like Yuriko fights just before the main event." Their sister Yuriko was making her televised mixed martial arts debut.

"I wonder why the grill is empty," Mei mused, looking over the menu. "I wonder if the food is that bad."

Nita shrugged. "From what I saw out there, I think it's because some of the girls are that good. If you can call them girls."

"Just get me the shrimp salad, Nita, I'm going to go out and take a look. I'm kind of curious," Mei said, standing up.

"Curious about what?" asked their waitress, coming by with four shot glasses on a tray, setting two in front of each Kinai sister.

Mei blushed a bit. "Ummm... I was wondering about the red haired gal on the stage on there, from what I could see, she looked great and... well..." Her blush deepened.

The vampire grinned. "She had a little something extra?" she offered.

"Yeah, what exactly is she on? Lots of plastic surgery? Hormones?" Nita asked over her menu.

The waitress grinned. "She's special, like most of us are. The Thunderbird gives each of us special gifts."

"Mmmhmm..." Nita said, incredulous. "So you've got a..."

The waitress blushed, "I do."

Nita looked the pale girl over from head to toe.

"I don't believe you; you look way too feminine to have been born with a wang."

The vampire grinned. "I wasn't."

"No way." Nita scowled at her.

"Five bucks and I'll show you. Ten and you can touch," she said with a smile.

Nita had her wallet out immediately, tossing a five onto the table. "Show me," she demanded, looking rather smug.

The vampire grinned and lifted her skirt, tugging down her panties, revealing a rather prominent member and generous sack beneath it.

"That has got to be fake," Nita protested, shooting a death glare at the plentiful organ.

"It works just fine. Fifty and I'll climb up onto the table and give you a show," the waitress said, grin even wider.

"Twenty five, and don't give me a show. Just show me that it's fully functional."

The waitress scooted the four shots aside and hopped up onto the table, dropping to her knees, showing an impressive display of flexibility as she leaned back, shoulders touching the table. She began to stroke herself, her other hand fetching a few things from what Nita had thought to be a money belt. She tore open the condom wrapper with her teeth and skillfully applied it to her awakening shaft with one hand.

The other gripped the long, slender, red latex vibrator, turning it on and sliding it into the girl's pink-purple netherlips, holding it in place between the heels of her boots.

The two Kinai sisters stared in fascination as the waitress pleasured herself, moaning, thrusting, bucking, expertly tending to both sexes in the ways she knew excited her.

"Wow..." Mei whispered in awe as the girl gripped a breast and began to stroke herself there as well.

"I think she's definitely the real deal," she said to her elder sister.

Nita's brow was knit in concentration, her mouth not sure if it ought to sneer or be wide in surprise.

The vampire arched her back, pushing herself up with her feet into a powerful thrust; the vibrator launched itself across the room. The condom's reservoir tip quickly filled with her seed. She hopped off the table, panting, adjusted her clothes and hair, then coaxed the last few drops of cum from her shaft before removing the rubber and pulling her panties back up.

"S..." she took a deep breath, "satisfied, or do you need to do a more thorough examination? Need to give the results a taste test?"

Nita shook her head and waved the comment away. The waitress straightened her skirt and tied off the cum-filled condom, slipping it into her belt pouch. "I'll get someone out here to wipe up the table. You ready to order, by the way?"

"I'll have the shrimp salad and breadsticks," Mei said pleasantly.

"Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and a glass of white wine, please. Just go with whatever, I'm not too picky and..." She sighed, "And get me some potato wedges and some of those fried things with the spicy cheese in the middle."

"...and jalapeno poppers. Got it," the waitress said with a grin.

Mei looked at her sister and blinked a few times. "You don't tend to..."

"Shut up, Mei," Nita growled.

"...get fried food unless..."

"Shut UP, Mei." She growled a little louder, picking up one of the shots and downing it.

"...sexual frustration..." Mei whispered, giggling. She downed one of her own shots, eyes wide at the taste. She smacked her lips a few times. It was rather nice, unlike any alcohol mix she'd ever had before. She reached for her second, but found it missing, being downed by Nita, who placed it atop the other two, making a small pyramid.

"You get buzzed off of the fumes from a beer bottle," Nita said with a glare. "And we remember what happened the LAST time you got drunk."

Mei blushed. "Well, did you enjoy..."

Nita made a throat cutting motion and fired off a death glare. "It doesn't matter if I liked it or not. Waking up in the spoons position with my own sister is NOT something that I would like to experience again."

The two sat in silence until another waitress came to deliver Nita's appetizers and wash off the table. She also had pointed ears, but they were larger and longer than the vampire's had been. She also had green skin and emerald hair.

"You one of those 'special' girls too?" Nita asked, pouring ketchup to dip her potato wedges in.

The green elven woman nodded. "Oh yes," she said with a smile.

"And that isn't dye and body paint, is it?"

The elf chuckled, a pleasant sound that reminded the sisters faintly of bells. "Certainly not! It's my natural skin color."

Nita glared at her. "And how exactly do you get green a natural skin color?"

"Magic," the elf said with a wink and walked off, leaving Nita to her fatty snacks.


Their meals had come and gone, both Nita and Mei had found the food rather to their liking. Nita had gotten several refills on her wine, and had taken to badgering the fighters on the television.

"You stupid son of a bitch! Don't just stand there, drop a knee on his ass! DROP A KNEE ON HIM! No, don't kick him, DON'T KICK HIM! He's going for a leg..." Nita threw up her hands in disgust as the black-trunked martial artist was taken down by his green-trunked rival, a kneebar expertly applied.

"Well, fuck 'em. I warned him," Nita said, hiccuping.

She let out a long sigh and then flopped down in the booth, "How much were them massages?" she asked. "If they're good priced, I think I'll get one. My back hurts sooooo much from having these damned tits damned near the size of my head," she said a little too loudly.

"Twenty dollars for half an hour," called a pleasant voice from across the bar. Nita sat up and turned, gasping softly at the sight of the speaker, a tall, blue haired woman, every inch of bare skin covered with tribal tattoos, even her face. She wore a pair of jeans and a simple tube top, but somehow she managed to make it look like the most stunning, exotic attire in the whole wide world.

"Sold!" Nita shouted, fumbling with her wallet. Mei just sighed and shook her head.

"You know, we're supposed to be watching Yuriko, not spending oodles of money," She cautioned Nita.

"It's not like we can't afford it!" Nita said with a scowl. "And if the massage is as good as the food, it'll be money well spent!"

The shorter, elder Kinai sister got up from the table, swaying a little bit as she followed the blue haired woman into a hallway that seemed almost hidden from view. Mei hadn't noticed it before. With the way the room was lit, it was very hard to see it from the grill. It was rather odd, even though she knew it was there, Mei had a bit of a problem keeping her focus on it. Her eyes wanted to slip to one side or the other, refusing to remain looking at it.

She sighed and brought her gaze back to the big screen. Nita had abandoned her and left her all alone in the restaurant. She pondered going back for a massage as well, but with her exercise routines that focused more on movement, agility, and gymnastics, plus her comparatively small bust, she admitted that she didn't particularly need one.

Mei sighed once more, then found a large hand tussling her hair.

"Hey, pigtails, did your big sister go and leave you all alone in a club that might just be full of weirdos?" said the tiger-ish bouncer.

Mei smiled and nodded, "Yeah, she went off to get a massage. We're supposed to be watching Yuriko fight together. Though I don't think she's doing it on purpose. She's a little bit drunk."

The tigress nodded and slipped into the booth, taking up one entire side as she leaned against the back. "Mind if I watch the show with you, then?" she asked with a fanged grin. "I'm Amber, by the way."

Mei-Ling nodded and offered a hand. "Mei-Ling, Mei for short."

Amber nodded and took Mei's hand, then promptly pulled her across the table into a hug. Mei opened her mouth to protest but she found her protests silenced as her head was forced into Amber's plentiful bust. She mmmed softly and found herself relaxing, snuggling up against Amber, sitting in her lap.

"Comfy?" the bouncer asked.

Mei nodded, finding herself quite comfortable.

"Can I ask a question?" Mei said shyly.

"Sure!" Amber replied jovially, her arm resting on Mei's middle and hip, a gentle grip on the pigtailed girl's rump.

"The green gal said all the girls have been changed by magic. What did she mean by that? What were you like before?"

Amber's grin widened, "I was a guy before. When management changed from Miss Morganna over to the Thunderbird herself, I was warned there would be a few changes in the way things would go around here. Didn't particularly expect to have myself changed mostly into a girl, but truth be told, I don't mind. It's all pretty cool, the pay is great, and the benefits are honestly worth more than the pay."

Mei reached up, tracing her fingertips over Amber's pointed, almost cat-like ear. "So how does it happen?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't remember it very clearly. I remember there was lovemaking involved, and it was great, very intense. But I couldn't think too clearly. And when I could, I realized that I was quite a bit different, and that I rather liked it." She purred.

Mei nodded again, moaning softly, not quite noticing that Amber's hand had crept from her hip to between her legs.

"This is one of the benefits," the tigress rumbled softly. "I can kind of project something, I don't know if it's psychic or pheromones or whatever, but it kind of speeds things up. If someone wants to make love with me, I can make them just about climax on the spot. If someone doesn't, they don't feel anything. Kind of a neat ability huh?"

Mei moaned louder as she felt Amber unbuckling her pants, coaxing them down around her knees. She could feel the rising heat in the tigress' loins behind her, her rump pressed up against the bouncer's groin.

"No, no, no!" she whispered. "Not here!"

"Why not?"

"Someone could walk in here and see!" Mei protested.

Amber snorted. "No one comes in here. They have their food taken to them out there. The show is very enrapturing, even more so once you've gotten up close and personal."

"There's p-p-prostitution going on?!" Mei said, shocked. "Right out in the open?"

"Oh yeah!" Amber said with a purring chuckle, "The ones we can't seduce, Morganna bribes, and the ones that can't be bribed with sex or cash get made into employees. Miss Morganna used to give them a drink of special water, but now they just go and meet the Thunderbird in person. She's very, very persuasive."

Mei moaned even louder, pants and thong down by her knees, Amber's fingers caressing her nethers with practiced skill.

"Up next Eight Sides of Steel's first intergender match, when Women's Lightweight Champion, the undefeated 29-0 Yuriko Kinai takes on 8SS Men's Heavyweight Champion Cliff Carlson," said the announcer on the TV.

"St-stop!" whispered Mei-Ling, "I need to mmm... need to... mmm..."

"Need to be filled with a nice, thick kitty-cock?" Amber purred, a sandpapery tongue caressing Mei's neck.

Mei nodded rapidly. "Oh, that would be heavenly..." she moaned.


Nita followed the stunning, blue haired woman around the bar and into the club's back rooms. She could faintly hear cries of pleasure coming from some of the rooms and she found herself blushing.

"I just paid for a real massage, right? Not a 'massage,' as in a euphemism for sex," she said, seeming to sober up for a moment.

The tattooed woman, Morganna was what she'd called herself, smiled. The sight of it almost made Nita drop to her knees with pleasure. Bringing a smile to that face, making Morganna happy, it was its own reward.

"Actual massage. You look like you need one of my special massages; I could see it the moment I looked at you," the blue-haired goddess said, reaching out and running a fingertip over Nita's chest.

"You've been well blessed here, but carrying their weight around all the time, it can also be a curse for you, I'm sure."

Nita nodded, looking up at the statuesque beauty before her, admiring Morganna's own "blessings" which dwarfed her own.

"How can you handle it? Yours are...." Nita blushed, "gorgeous. But they're got to wrench your back something terrible."

Morganna chuckled, stepping beside Nita and slipping an arm around her waist to prevent the Asian woman from toppling.

"It's a gift. All the girls here are free of back pain. It's a rather special technique I employ on my employees," Morganna said with a small smile.

"Urgh, if I could get rid of the damned back pain and keep these things, you can bet that I'd be up on stage twirling around a few nights a week," she said with a groan.

"You would?" Morganna asked, somehow managing to relieve Nita of her suit coat and blouse without the Kinai sister noticing.

Nita nodded as she was coaxed into a room. "Hell yes," she said with a drunken grin.

Taking her own initiative, she unhooked her bra and tossed it aside before laying down on the padded table in the middle of the room. Morganna closed the door behind her and she entered, the soft pop of a lock almost muted by the sound of the television and Nita's yelling.

"Oh you stupid son of a bitch! He's toying with you! You've got your left upper guard wide open. He's just waiting for you to get off balance before he's going to pop you a good one in the head!"

Which is precisely what happened, the older fighter getting in a good, totally unprotected shot at the youngster's head, sending him down to the mat.

Nita sighed in disgust, a sigh that became a moan as Morganna began to rub a warm, thick gel into her skin. The blue haired woman's touch made tight muscles seem to instantly loosen up.

The gel, whatever it was, seemed to make Nita's skin tingle and grow warm. She'd been more than a little aroused since their waitresses little, well... not so little, demonstration and Morganna had only made it worse.

Nita only hoped that her need wouldn't show through her pants. Then she felt Morganna's hands slip around her body, gripping her breasts, rubbing that warming gel over them and she couldn't help it.

She cried out, what escaped her throat was without a doubt a very loud, very pleading "fuck me" moan. It made Nita blush. She wasn't interested in Morganna, not interested at all. She repeated that fact to herself over and over as her breasts were caressed by soft hands that seemed to know exactly where to rub to fan the flames of Nita's lust.

"St-stop it..." she hissed through clenched teeth, biting her tongue so as not to moan again.

"Stop what?" Morganna asked, sounding all innocent. "You wanted the pain relieved, and I do believe that the pain is gone."

"You said no sex." Nita groaned, biting down on her tongue nearly hard enough to draw blood.

"Then you have a rather odd definition of the term. Arousal is a perfectly common side effect of tissue massage. If I were to do something of a more sensual nature, like leaning down to whisper in your ear..." Morganna whispered, leaning down next to Nita's ear.

"Press my breasts against your back..." Nita could feel the weight on her back, could feel the erect nipples beneath the flimsy top.

"Accidentally run my thumbs over your nipples..." Nita whimpered at the intense pleasure of soft, perfect fingers tracing gentle circles in a place that seemed to have become the most sensitive part of her.

"H-h-h..." she tried to ask how Morganna was doing this to her, but all she could do was pant.

"Suggestively lick the back of your ear..." The sensation made Nita cry out, her body hungry, yearning for release.

"And then tell you to imagine what it would feel like to have my cock in your mouth, your sweet, sensitive breasts pressed up needfully against it, my hands and your hands caressing them. A momentary shudder and then..."

Nita howled as she felt herself climax. The sensation was powerful, more powerful than it had any right to be without something crammed in between her legs. She felt something hard and warm pressed up against her leg, and then Nita found herself climaxing again.

She quivered with pleasure and confusion. How could this woman possibly make Nita's body do all sorts of pleasurable things by just rubbing her breasts and talking to her? She felt her mouth watering, her breasts seeming to ache as her cunny had, longing for a specific something between them.

"You know what you want, Nita, and I want to give it to you. All you have to do is to tell me you want it. A smile, a nod, a moan, anything. Do you want it, my cute little pleading puppy?"

Nita shivered. She clenched her teeth, trying to fight her desire. But she did want it; she wanted to titfuck the beautiful blue-haired goddess so badly.


Mei reached back, seeking out Amber's shaft. Mei-Ling's entire body seemed to ache with need, lustful hunger for nearly anything that she could get inside of her. Her hand found what it was searching for, and the strange texture made Mei gasp.

"Wh-wh-what is th-that?" she moaned softly, the tigress increasing the pace of her stroking.

"Small spines. Apparently they're something that a tiger male has to stimulate ovulation in a female tiger. Don't worry about it, you're not a kitty girl in disguise, are you?" the bouncer teased.

Mei blushed and shook her head, guiding Amber's spiny cock into herself. It slipped in with surprising ease, considering the size. But when the bouncer pulled back, Mei felt them.

She couldn't help it, she cried out as they rubbed against her inner walls, giving her a strange, pleasurable sensation that she had never felt the likes of before.

"You can see why some of the girls here are in popular demand." Amber purred, Mei merely nodded her agreement, trying to keep her attention on the big screen. It wasn't anything important at the moment, merely Yuriko's opponent's ring entrance.

Mei gasped as her shirt was suddenly pulled up over her head and tossed to the side, exposing her small breasts. She had a mostly typical gymnast's build, though she was a bit wider in the hips and rump than was typical.

"No, no!" she whimpered. "Put my shirt back on!"

Amber chuckled and began gently caressing Mei's breasts. "No one who matters will see. The only people who can see us are the bartender, cooks, and waitresses."

Mei's eyes widened and she turned her head towards the bar, where a dark blue skinned woman with raven black hair and piercing yellow eyes smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Mei quivered, her face, neck, and chest turning steadily more crimson.

"Please, not here!" she begged.

"All the girls here see this sort of thing every day, cutie. It's not like you don't have anything they've never seen before. And doesn't it just make you all hot inside to think about putting on a little bit of a show? Hmm? Put on a cute little sex show for girls that put on sex shows for a living? Maybe give a little something back?"

Mei lowered her head and looked down at the floor, embarrassed at being a public spectacle. But Amber was right: there was a part of her that just loved performing like this.

She was also right about the fact that no one who mattered in Mei-Ling's day to day life would walk in and see her like this. Except maybe for Nita, but her sister wouldn't care. She'd just roll her eyes, chuckle, and perhaps even provide scathing commentary about what they were doing wrong.

The thought made Mei giggle a bit, to think of her sister shouting instructions on how Amber ought to please her. Besides, it wasn't like Nita wasn't taking full advantage of all the club had to offer. She was likely in the back getting pounded just as good as Mei was. Only Mei wasn't paying for it.

She smiled and relaxed, letting her blush fade, allowing the moans and gasps of delight she made to go unmuted. It felt so much better to just let it all out rather than try to hide it.

Mei opened her eyes and sucked in air through her teeth as a familiar chorus came from the television. "Dark Wings," Yuriko's favorite song. She did her best to concentrate, to watch her sister's performance, rather than fixating on her own.

"I.. I have to watch this," Mei said breathlessly.

Amber nodded and slowed her pace, essentially having Mei sit on her lap, virtually impaled on the tigress' cock. The bouncer smiled and hugged Mei to her, Amber's hands folded over Mei's tummy.

"No problem, cutie. You've got the best seat in the house."

Mei giggled and shifted a bit in Amber's lap, making the bouncer purr appreciatively.

"I agree," she said with a grin.


"Yes, hell yes," Nita half-growled.

She rolled over beneath Morganna, the larger woman allowing her to do so. Somewhere along the line, all of the blue-haired goddess' clothes had been removed. She smiled down at Nita as she crawled forward.

Nita gasped at the sight of the woman's naked body. The intricate and detailed tattoo work Nita had seen on her face and arms continued. Rather than a mere display, the sharp points and thick lines seemed to enhance the areas around them, adding to their beauty rather than merely coloring it.

She found her eyes slowly roving over every inch of Morganna's bared flesh, the tattoo-work forcing her eyes to continue on, to admire her beauty. She followed the lines downward, towards the point where the tattoos seemed to converge, the beautiful length that made Nita's entire being ache with desire for it.

She couldn't describe the look of it with words. The only thing that came to mind upon gazing up Morganna's member was "perfect," and also "big." It seemed to fit just perfectly between Nita's breasts, just enough to slip comfortably into her mouth, allowing her to experience it with two sensitive portions of her body.

It felt divine, heavenly, otherworldly, sensations that a merely human body could not achieve on its own without the help of a lover that was most definitely supernatural. Nita's drink and lust fogged mind didn't particularly care about the oddity. She had paid for a massage and for sweet relief from the pain of carting around her rather large breasts, and she was getting more than just relief.

Morganna's touch made the pain not only vanish, but making it disappear with such skill that the sweetest pleasure took its place. The sensation of Morganna's soft, smooth skin against her own was near orgasmic, but coupled with the strange, hypersensitive, sexualized sparks of pleasure she was receiving from her mouth and chest made years of discomfort worth enduring for these mere moments.

"Do you like this, my pet?" Morganna whispered, gripping Nita's nipples between her thumb and forefinger, rolling the nubs between them.

Nita nodded lazily, not wanting to release the goddess' member from between her lips.

"Would you like to have them feel like this all the time? Make your beautiful body a total blessing, no longer any sort of burden?"

Nita found her eyes beginning to tear up at the very prospect. To never feel the back pain again, to have her body give her only delight from its form, never discomfort. It was worth it, definitely worth it. She nodded once more.

"I'll give you some beauty products you can use at home to help with this. And I think your sister might like some as well." Morganna said with a smile. She reached down and brushed Nita's hair from her face.

"It's so hard to find people who are so open about things like this. Very, very hard. Most of those I've come across have been employees. Eventually. Mmm... but two sisters that share the same traits. I wonder if your entire family shares this special gift?" Morganna said, before her words broke off into a moan.

"Oh sweet Nita, you are ever so good at this. I don't think I want to let you go. I want to keep you here forever, to be mine," she whispered.

Nita found herself blushing, found herself wanting the very same thing.

"But sadly I can't. Mmm... you feel so wonderful. I can feel your desire building, even without my help," Morganna purred, "You deeply love what you're doing, don't you, puppy?"

Nita nodded and quivered, her body seeming to quiver with delight whenever the goddess called her 'puppy.' With each passing moment Nita felt her pleasure surge further and further into unimagined, new heights, each second of experience topping the last. She had no idea when it would end, or how it would feel when she finally felt release.

She was not kept waiting much longer as Morganna pressed Nita's breasts tightly against that perfect cock, pushing up against them as hard as she good, driving as much of her length as she could manage into Nita's mouth.

Nita felt the sensation of climax seem to wash over her entire body, starting not at her loins, but in her breasts, and a moment later in her mouth and throat as Morganna's seed filled her to capacity.

She gulped down as much as she could, but there was far too much for her to contain. The thick white fluid surged down onto her breasts and down onto her belly. Morganna laughed and pulled her cock away, allowing thick, creamy jets to splatter all over Nita's bare upper body, and on her still clothed lower as well.

Nita whimpered as the sweet member was suddenly pulled away from her, and she reached out to stop Morganna from pulling away, but she found that her body didn't quite seem to want to work properly. Rather than movement, every thought she made seemed to result in another climax.

All she could do was lie there and quiver with the sweet throes of pleasure as she felt herself erupt in ecstasy again and again.

She wasn't sure how long it had gone on, but by the time she could move again there was a shopping bag placed in a chair by the door, as well as a towel and a fresh pair of pants. Nita also noticed that there was a shower placed in the corner, surrounded by clear panels to allow someone to see out and watch the large screen TV, or perhaps for someone on the outside to look in and view possibly sexy goings on.

Nita's curiosity got the best of her, and she looked into the bag, finding a pair of baskets covered in shrink wrap, one marked "For Nita" and the other marked "For Mei-Mei." Inside the baskets were a couple of bath and beauty items, shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, makeup, perfume.

The bath products bore the name "Girl Goo," which made Nita chuckle, if merely for the mental image of what might just possibly be an ingredient, considering the amount of actual girl goo covering her body.

She stripped off the remainder of her clothes, just in time to watch Yuriko walk down to the eight sided steel cage on the TV. Nita smiled to herself as she removed the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash from her gift basket and stepped into the shower.

She felt no need to shout at the TV. Nita could tell from his ready stance that he wasn't good enough to be a challenge to Yuriko.

He wouldn't last thirty seconds.


Mei-Ling didn't think she was going to last another thirty seconds. Even without Amber's active participation, her own instinctive movements were enough stimulation to keep her pleasure spiraling higher.

She tried to stop herself, but no matter how hard she tried to keep still, she found herself trying to actively fuck the sexy tigress a few moments later.

"Oh please, Amber," she moaned. "Please... make me cum!"

The tigress purred happily. "My pleasure," she whispered into Mei's ear just as the bell sounded to start the fight on the TV.

Mei panted as she gripped the table and the back of the booth, pushing herself up off Amber's shaft, the tenseness of her muscles allowing her to focus.

She whimpered and cried out with each movement Amber made, pulling out, pushing in, it all made her feel so very, very good.

Yuriko and her opponent began to circle; Mei-Ling did her best to watch, trying not to close her eyes, to lose herself in the pleasure.

The opponent threw a few punches that Yuriko easily blocked. He had the obvious weight and reach advantages, and he looked more than a little cocky. Yuriko responded with a feint punch that had him lifting his guard, allowing Yuriko to plant a stiff kick into his midsection.

Mei-Ling grinned, the fight was essentially already over. Yuriko had just knocked the wind out of him. The fighter's guard lowered instinctively, and Yuriko kicked him again, right upside the head.

Mei-Ling closed her eyes and pressed back against Amber as hard as she could. She didn't need to look anymore.

"Yes!" she hissed as much in pleasure as for her sister's victory. "Yes!" she repeated.

As the bell rang, Mei-Ling screamed as her pleasure built to a sweet crescendo, wonderful warmth filling her loins from the pleasure, as well as her lover's sweet seed.

"YEEEEEEEES!" she howled, loud enough to be heard out in the main performance area.

Mei-Ling reached up and hugged Amber as best she could, her body quivering with the aftershocks of climax as she heard the bell ring on the TV to signal the end of the fight.

She opened her eyes and saw a close up of the opponent's bloodied face. There was no way a kick had done that.

"Referee wasn't doing his job, Ought to have called it right when he fell. Instead he let it go and Yuriko mounted him. Looked like she broke his nose. I bet she almost had as much fun mounting him as I've had mounting you," Amber teased, gently pulling Mei-Ling off of her member.

Mei smiled, "I'd love it if you'd drop by the Scales and Scuttles pet store tomorrow so I can return the favor."

"Return the favor?" Amber asked, a grin on her face.

"Oh yeah, you've fucked me in your place of work. I think it only fair that we get to have some fun on my home turf. What do you say?" she asked, a predatory grin on her face as she began to redress herself, which involved looking around for her shirt.

"Sounds like fun. Count on it!" Amber said with a matching predatory grin.

Mei had just managed to get her shirt back on when Nita came walking out of the back, a big smile on her face.

"C'mon Mei-Mei, let's head home." She said, sounding rather happy, a relative rarity for Nita.

Mei-Ling nodded.

"Oh, this is for you, by the way."

Mei found her big sister pushing a basket into her hands. Soaps and shampoos mostly. Girl Goo brand. The thought made Mei giggle a bit.

"Hmm... Dragon's Dream," she said to herself, looking at the scent.

"Mine's Succubus Savannah," Nita said, holding up the shopping bag.

Mei squinted and looked at her sister, "Did you dye your hair and get new pants?" she asked.

Nita immediately blushed, though she ignored it. "Morganna spilled massage lotion on my other ones."

Mei giggled. "Massage lotion; is that what they're calling it nowadays?"

Nita scowled and turned a deeper red. "Says the schoolgirl that stinks like a mix of semen and cat."

It was Mei's turn to blush. "Yeah, let's go.


Nita looked at her reflection in the mirror, she wasn't sure how, but somewhere during the previous evening a red streak had appeared in her normally black hair. She wasn't at all sure where, or when, it had happened. It must've been sometime between the start of the massage and the end of her shower, as Mei-Ling had pointed it out.

The past night had been incredible, the massage, the sex, her sister attaining her thirtieth major MMA victory, continuing her undefeated streak. But the morning after had been good too.

Nita had awoken in her bed and notice two things, the first being that for the first time in forever, she didn't wake up with back pain. The second had been that her loins ached from a night of pleasant, sexual dreams.

The bedclothes had been drenched, and Nita had dragged them into the bathroom to stuff into the hamper. She still felt extremely randy, she'd placed Morganna's gift basket by the tub, intending to fill it somewhat shallowly, just enough that she could wet herself and rub the wonderful feeling lotions and soaps and shampoos into her skin and hair.

She'd used them the previous night at the strip club, which had made her body tingle in delicious ways. She shut the water off, about six inches having gathered in the bottom of the tub as she slipped in.

Nita reached over and picked up the basket, removing each bottle in turn and looking it over. Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, skin lotion, something called primer lotion, lubricant, soap, and...

She blushed as in the bottom was a plastic wrapped sex toy, colored a radiant red and shaped rather strangely. The end tapered off to a point, while there was a strange swelling down at the base. Some sort of an animal cock based design, probably. She set it on the edge of the tub and then began lining up the gifts, intending to use them all.

Nita decided to start out with the primer lotion, having never heard of it before. She found herself kind of hoping that it was the soothing, warming stuff that Morganna had rubbed onto her the night before that had made her body so deliciously sensitive. She poured a generous portion into one hand, rubbing the other over it to get the stuff spread evenly on both hand, and then began to work it into the skin of her bared bust.

A pleasured sigh escaped her lips as she felt her body react to the lotion's presence with a wonderful heat that seemed to enhance the pleasure of any touch upon her skin. Nita found herself continuing to rub her breasts, even after she'd made them slick and glistening with the lotion.

Waves of delight crashed through her body as she caressed herself, not as intense as they had the previous evening, but still more than any self-pleasure Nita had been able to rouse in herself before. She found herself not wanting to stop, to keep on massaging her newly sensitive tits until she wore herself out.

But instead Nita was reaching for the bottle of lotion again. She seemed to be acting almost on instinct as she applied the lotion to her arms and legs, her neck and shoulders, her feet and face. She even sat up in the bath and let the warming liquid dribble from the bottle to make sure that every part of her body had been properly primed.

Nita found herself glad that she had indeed. For once every inch of her had the oil applied; her lust and her pleasure seemed to double. She found herself kneeling in the tub, the water sporting a light film of the pinkish tint of the oily primer. She looked over the bottles lined up in a row.

She supposed that the shampoo would make the most sense at the moment. Once she got the other applied, the water would be a bit of a mess. The shampoo was translucent and nearly blood red. Its coolness felt wonderful in Nita's cupped hand. She barely resisted the urge to pour the stuff all over her body, closing her eyes and instead rubbing it into her scalp.

For some reason Nita found herself giggling, the shampoo tickling her scalp, the suds running down her neck making her skin tingle as well. Nita couldn't see her hair change its coloration, the red streak that had mysteriously appeared before spreading, the color growing brighter and brighter, becoming a hot fire-engine red.

Nita left the shampoo in her hair, letting it tingle and works its way into the strands. She rinsed off her hands and reached for the next item without opening her eyes, knowing it was the skin lotion, and that it was to come next.

A soft, blissful cry forced its way from Nita as she began to apply the lotion to her skin. It made the heat continue to rise within her. She felt terribly hot, though oddly not uncomfortable. The lotion also seemed to stoke the fire in her loins, and Nita found herself unable to resist. One hand continued to apply the lotion to her body, her tanned skin reddening further as the lotion was applied, the other slipping two fingers into her dripping sex, her thumb caressing her clit.

Nita nearly yowled as the hot sensation spread through her loins. She thrust frantically against her hand, grinding up against herself. She hadn't noticed that her skin had become red, deeply, purely red. It was beyond the color of flushed skin and to the point where it was nearly the color of blood, a bit darker than her fiery red hair, which started to grow as she pleasured herself.

Unable to stand it any longer, Nita grabbed the bottle of lube, squeezing it out over the sex toy, not minding at all the blood-red fluid that trickled down the side of the tub and would begin to stain the bathmat. She could barely stop fingering herself for long enough to replace her digits with the large, thick toy.

She sighed with relief as the red rubber sunk into her aching depths. The lubricant felt wonderfully cool and soothing to her aching loins, transforming the ache into sensations of purest pleasure. But Nita still craved more, her body not satisfied. She shivered as the lubricant's chill seemed to seep through her. Nita's nipples and netherlips began to darken, becoming a deep, glistening black. Her lips soon followed suit, opening in a lustful cry, revealing elongated canine teeth.

But even the dildo's pleasure couldn't satisfy her lust. Her fingers drenched in the lube, Nita began to furiously rub her clit, snarling and hissing as she couldn't manage to draw out the sensations she felt to be there, but her flesh was not capable of providing. She reached out and snagged the body wash, tearing off the upper portion of the flip-top cap with her teeth, squeezing out the deep maroon substance over her burning body.

But it only made her feel hotter still. Nita's tongue lolled from her mouth as she began to pant, her ears tickling as they shifted position, smoothed out, fur appearing upon them. Nita growled, her hand squeezing a sud-covered breast to no effect. Her hand moved downward, over her abdomen, sparking a strange sort of pleasure.

She continued to rub at the area and as if in response to her touch, the flesh began to swell there. Deep red darkening into pure black, forming into a nipple, the flesh around the new addition puffing out rapidly until Nita had a second pair of breasts, nearly the same size as the first. She dropped to all fours, splashing around in the crimson waters of her pleasure bath. Her hand moved further downward still, the same sensations appearing once more.

Nita shuddered as a bolt of pleasure shot straight through her body, ignoring the pops and cracks as her bones began to subtly alter. It started at the base of her spine; a strange new growth pushing itself outward. Bare red flesh extended a few inches at a time until it reached to her knees. Then her knees themselves began to pop and shift, the changes spreading upward and downward at the same time.

Her newly clawed toes scratched at the porcelain, her clawed fingertips only seemed to make the stroking of clit and breast alike more pleasurable, even more so as soft, smooth leathery pads began to form upon her palms and fingers.

Nita growled as black spots began to appear upon her red skin, her hair beginning to lengthen as well as new hair appearing upon her neck and chest, almost like a mane. She could barely think straight; she needed to cum so badly. Her clawed hand seized the bar of ruby-red soap upon the side of the tub, scattering bottles everywhere. She began to rub it against her traitorous clitoris, the annoying nub that refused to give her the pleasure and the release she needed.

The moment black flesh touched the red bar an electric thrill shot through Nita, every inch of her skin tingling and tickling as she began to grow fur. The soap's lather seemed to finally have the effect upon her that Nita craved. She felt her clit begin to swell and thicken. In a few moments it was big enough to wrap her hand around, and still the dark organ continued to grow. She wrapped her hand around it as best she could, grinding up against the bar of soap, the lather seeming to make it grow all the faster.

In a few moments Nita found herself stroking her newly formed pseudopenis, just like the hyena-woman she was becoming ought to have. But despite the blissful sensations it gave her, it was not enough. She continued to jerk herself off, rubbing the transformative lather over her new member, making it continue to grow and swell, changing her further and further.

It was nearly the length of her forearm now, and Nita had both hand wrapped around her length, jerking frantically to try and relieve the incredible flames of burning lust that filled her. Her pseudocock began to thicken, to take the shape of a proper canine cock, her knot swelling to life even as her new sheathe and balls began to form.

Nita threw her head back and howled with glee, her jaw popping, shifting into a hyena's muzzle, for some reason sporting a pair of large saberteeth. She felt something give way within her, and the moment it did all of her existence faded to white-hot, ecstatic light.

It was a long time before her body stopped twitching in climactic bliss. Her cock was still oozing seed as Nita found her sense again. She felt different, but better. The hyena looked down over her body and grinned, delighted in what she saw.

Nita stood and climbed out of the tub, paying no attention to the red and white mess she dripped wherever she went. She sought out the mirror and began to admire herself. The dildo had vanished somewhere, perhaps knocked loose by her frantic motions, thrusts, and caresses.

The transformed woman's tail wagged at the sight of her altered body in the mirror, and she felt her cock growing hard at the sight of her reflection. She turned slowly, admiring herself from every angle, from the tip of her toes at the end of her digitigrade legs, to her new tail, to the small, devilish horns that adorned her brow; Nita was thrilled with every single change.

"Mmm.... Savannah Succubus indeed. Gods, that sounds like the name of a porn star," She said with a chuckle. "Or a stripper's stage name."

At the very thought of stripping, Nita's cock throbbed, sending a thick gout of precum to splatter on the mirror. She supposed that this was what Morganna had in mind, offering her a pain-free existence in exchange for performing at her club. At the thought of the tattooed woman, Nita found her member erupting again.

She sank down to her knees and began to jerk off frantically once more, all the while thinking of her future mistress...


Mei sighed and rubbed her temples. Her head hurt from the tiny amount of alcohol she'd had the previous evening, her loins hurt from the sex, and they also hurt in another way that made her crave more of the same. It hadn't helped that Nita had gotten up early for once, and had locked herself in the bathroom, all sorts of blissful sounds heard from within.

That had been nothing new; it was Nita's usual way of dealing with sexual frustration. It had just been shifted up to 5 o'clock in the morning rather than noon. It had woken Mei up several hours early, and her bangings on the door of the bathroom had resulted in snarls and curses. So Mei was not only tired and hungover, but she hadn't had the opportunity to wash the scents of the previous evening from herself.

Not that she minded the smell; Amber's scent was heavenly to her, and the occasional hint of sex was enough to bring memories of their lovemaking to mind, which was beginning to fill Mei with Nita-like levels of sexual frustration.

She sighed and supposed that she could shower in the back room, using the equipment she used to wash out and clean the animal cages of her pet store, but she was going to be getting a delivery of a new animal. She didn't want to be caught naked in the back of the store, or have to quickly get dressed in order to meet the delivery man.

Mei shook her head, wincing at the ache. She'd left the gift basket from the club in the car the previous evening, and had brought it in with her, the intent being to use the stuff rather than the pet shampoo and the harsh soap she used to make sure her hands were totally disease free before she handled her animals. She began to rifle through it and found beneath the shampoo and bar of soap there were a few non-bath related things.

She smiled as she took out the trio of scented candles and the sprig of incense. She was rather fond of both, and often had them in her shop; though she took care to make sure that none of the scents bothered her animals. She specialized in snakes, spiders, scorpions, lizards, and insects, though she had mice and rats as well to serve as food for the snakes.

The candles were set in the usual places in her shop, the incense in the holder she had for burning it. Upon lighting them the store slowly began to fill with a pleasant scent, a bit earthy, with a mix of fresh rain thrown in and accompanied by a rather nice, familiar scent that Mei couldn't quite identify. Her headache began to fade as the fragrances filled the store.

Mei took a seat behind the counter and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, clearing her mind of her pains and worries and focusing on removing the remaining aches and pains from her body.

She opened her eyes some time later and found herself staring at a large box that had been wheeled into the store. Mei blushed as she had not meant to fall asleep. She plucked the crowbar from beneath the counter, locking the front door and lowering the blinds before she unboxed the serpent.

Despite being a small, lithe young woman, Mei found herself easily able to handle snakes that typically required entire teams of people in order to move. It was almost as if the snakes could understand her and were rather pleased to follow her commands and directions. All she had to do to move one of her large pythons around was gently takes it head in her hand and lead it where she wanted to go, though she did on occasion have to heft a goodly portion of serpent if she wanted to get it into one of the higher cages.

It seemed the serpent was as eager to escape the crate as Mei was to get it out. The moment she'd cracked it open, a white, arrow-shaped head the size of both Mei's fists put together peered out, looking over Mei with red eyes. She gasped at the size of the creature and took a step back. The snake was much bigger than anything she'd ever had before. She'd had one or two animals that had grown over 20 feet in length, but more and more of the serpent slithered from the box, up onto the checkout counter.

Mei could only stare in awe at the massive albino python. She tentatively reached out a hand, as if to confirm that the creature was real, and not merely a dream. Her fingertips found smooth scale and solid flesh. She hooked her arms around the serpent's middle, helping to pull her from the crate. It was most definitely a female snake. Mei just had an instinct for such things.

It seemed like forever, with more and more snake slithering free from the crate before the tapering length of her tail emerged. She had to be at least twenty five feet in length, likely more.

Mei had no idea what to do with so much serpent. None of the store's enclosures were big enough to comfortably care for such a large and lengthy beast. Something this size belonged in a zoo, not in a pet store or in someone's home. Something so huge and awesome needed to be seen by the public so that they could all gaze in awe upon her beauty.

She walked around the counter and sat back down on her chair. The serpent peered at Mei with her ruby eyes and slithered forward, placing her head and several feet of front in Mei's lap. Mei reached down and rubbed the snake, as usual knowing exactly where the creature liked to be touched.

"What am I going to do with you?" she murmured, finding the sensation of the creature's scales upon her bare skin to be oddly comforting, almost sensual.

As snakes are wont to do, the titanic python's head slipped beneath Mei's t-shirt, seeking out her warmth. The feeling of scales moving over her belly and back made Mei shiver, she felt her loins dampen and begin to ache. She blushed, as she'd occasionally had such a response around her animals before, but never this intense.

The snake seemed to almost know what effect she was having upon the human as she made a figure eight around Mei's small breasts. The young woman blushed, not for the first time wishing she had chest enough to actually warrant wearing a bra. The snake emerged from the collar of her shirt, sticking out only a little bit.

Mei lowered her head, eye to eye with the clothing invader. She opened her mouth to protest, but the snake's tongue flicked out, slipping into Mei's own mouth, and then suddenly thoughts of being free of the snake were replaced with wanting to get closer and more intimate with the beast. Mei found herself kissing the snake, and oddly found that the snake seemed to be returning her kiss.

The creature continued to coil around Mei, her weight pinning the young woman to the chair. It wrapped around her midsection, coaxing Mei's shirt up further, causing more soft scales to rub against her bare skin. She could scarcely do more than suckle upon the serpent's tongue in her mouth and press against the creature. Mei found herself embracing it, her arms hugging what she could of the snake, her hands stroking yellow-white scales as she hoped to return the sensual sensations it was giving to her.

She gasped as the snake's tail managed to slip beneath her skirt and into her panties. A pleasured groan managed to escape her throat, muffled by the snake's continuous kiss. The young woman couldn't help but grind against the cool, sleek scales that were pressed up against her loins. This serpent did not behave as an animal should, but with a playful intellect.

Mei could feel it tightening around her, not constricting and seeking to drive the air from her lungs, but rather in a comforting embrace, the motions of tightening and relaxing seeming almost like a massage or a caress. She propped her legs up on the counter, allowing more of her body for the creature to curl around.

The snake withdrew her tongue and nuzzled playfully at Mei's neck, pulling the length of her tail from Mei's panties so that she could rub her sleek body against more of Mei's own. The scales sliding over her netherlips drew a blissful cry from Mei and she continued to press against the snake as it looped around one thigh and then proceeded to draw Mei's legs together.

Mei felt rather strange after the kiss, her mouth and tongue feeling all tingly. She barely even noticed as the serpent pulled away, moving her attention and her tongue downwards, flicking the forked length over Mei's nipples a few times before wrapping around her midsection and around the back of the chair, heading further down.

Deep down some part of Mei knew that she was essentially trapped, but for some reason she didn't care. The snake felt so good against her, so sexy, so arousing. Soon the same sensation of tingly numbness appeared upon her nipples and breasts. Such a large serpent would not have any venom; venomous snakes wouldn't even grow to half of this size.

After a few moments the tingle began to fade, replaced with an odd warmth and another odd sensation that Mei couldn't quite place. The snake had slithered down into her skirt and Mei could feel the serpent's tongue flicking over the sensitive nub of her clit. The sweet sensation made her body tense and attempt to arch, pressing herself tightly against the restricting coils of her bestial lover. After the first contact, the touch of the serpent's tongue became more solid, actual licks rather than idle flicks. The creature knew exactly what she was doing.

And that was driving Mei crazy with lust. The lithe young woman found herself moaning with blissful glee, her tongue extended from her mouth; its smooth appearance, blue-black hue, and the beginning of a rather forked appearance going unnoticed. Mei's focus was elsewhere, as her hands had found her breasts and discovered that the feeling of warmth also seemed to have enhanced the sensations of pleasure from having attention paid to them.

Mei's breasts felt different in her hands, larger, bigger, heavier. She blinked a few times at the odd sensation and peered down, gasping in awe at the sight of them. While decidedly not large, they were most definitely more than she had ever been gifted with. Rather than the near-bumps they had been they now appeared to be a set of more average sized breasts, and they seemed to be continuing in their growth.

She watched in fascination, moaning and bucking in time to the serpent's licks as she did so. It seemed that they grew in sync with the serpent's caresses, and they showed almost no signs of stopping in their slow, steady growth. Mei giggled, lowering her head to kiss one of them, her elongated, forked tongue almost instinctively slithering out. Mei felt the tingling sensation once more upon her chest, this time from her own saliva, and it seemed to accelerate the growth, as well as triggering some new feelings.

There was a strange pressure building in her loins as well as at the base of her spine. With each caress of serpentine tongue, be it her own or her lover's, the pressure grew more and more intense. It quickly became uncomfortable and Mei found herself growing a bit worried, but it all felt too good to stop. Her breasts now rivaled Nita's in size and they were still growing. Mei couldn't bring herself to cease her licking for a moment.

A strange sound echoed through the pet store as the pressure finally burst within Mei. It was an odd, wet sound and she felt something weird. It was the sensation of cool air upon wet skin, but the locations didn't match up in Mei's mind to any aspect of her anatomy.

She looked past her large breasts and towards her loins, her eyes widening at the sight of what she saw before her. Jutting up from between her legs was a good nine or ten inches worth of hot, thick snake-spit slicked manhood. It was not a normal looking cock, it was purple, for one thing. Not the deep purple of an area of the body engorged with blood, but rather a pale shade that almost bordered on pink.

Mei's length was decidedly not human in structure either, for the skin was tight all around it and it was shaped oddly, sporting a strange ring in the middle, as well as an unfamiliar spade shaped head.

Her admiration of the mysterious new appendage was interrupted by her body's instinctive motion as well as a moan of pleasure as the snake's tongue caressed something else beneath her skirt, something that was awash with the same swelling sensations as Mei's chest.

The transforming young woman jumped, or at least tried to, in shock as she realized just how big her tits had become. There were almost ludicrous in size, bigger than her head by far. They seemed nearly the size of beach balls. It should have been disgusting, terrifying, sickening, and yet to Mei they somehow felt just right.

Yet the sensation of growth upon her chests did not cease, it seemed merely to move downwards. Mei couldn't see beyond the serpent's coils, but she could feel the sensation of growth repeating just below her newly embiggened boobs. She tried to coax the snake out of the way so she could at least feel them, even if she couldn't see them, but instead all she managed to do was to coax the serpent to coil even tighter against her.

Mei felt squeezed, uncomfortably so, but not to the point where she was having difficulty drawing breath. An incredible shiver went through her body that gave her goosebumps. It was a mix of two powerful feelings, the first being the tingle that suddenly seemed to encompass every cubic centimeter of her body, and the other being the bolt of white-hot pleasure that shot through her as the snake opened its mouth wide, engulfing Mei's member and beginning to gleefully suckle upon it.

The snake drew tighter and tighter around her, and yet Mei felt only minor discomfort. Rather than squeezing the life out of her, it instead just seemed to be squeezing her. Another full-body shiver went through Mei, and she felt the sensation of goosebumps seem to... liquefy almost, flowing over her skin.

She watched, fascinated, as her naturally tanned skin changed color, slowly shifting to a pale shade of blue upon her breasts. On her arms the hue continued past that point, becoming a bright, brilliant cerulean blue, a skin shade that Mei had never even thought possible.

But as she watched it quickly became apparent that she was not going to end up with intensely blue skin. She shivered again as it felt rather like insects were crawling out of every pore. Though sleek, shiny, and hard, what emerged were not bugs, but rather glistening scales.

"Wh-what are you doing to me?" Mei managed to stammer before the snake tightened around her once again.

She heard her bones crack, felt them pop and shatter, and yet there was no pain to be had, and the sensation was not confined to where the creature coiled around her. Mei's neck and face let out a series of grotesque pops as well in addition to her torso, legs, and tail.

Mei blinked at that, finally recognizing the new limb that had grown in earlier. She could still feel bones popping and shifting, coming into being as the new limb elongated. She found it incredibly flexible, and with a bit of effort Mei managed to move it to where she could reach: atop the serpent's coils upon her legs.

It felt cool, smooth, and sleek, just like the serpent wrapped around her; and it was most definitely her own. Mei fell almost into a trance as she petted her tail, fingertips gently tracing over the sensitive, pale blue underside.

With a bit of effort Mei found that she could now see over the large mountains of flesh upon her chest. It was not an act of contortion, but rather the effect of her new, elongated neck. It was rather difficult seeing over the several inches of blue snout that now filled the lower portion of Mei's vision, but she managed.

Her second pair of breasts were about two-thirds as large as her top pair and seemed to have stopped their growing some time ago. The appearance of a third pair had been lost in the sensations of full body alteration.

However, Mei's viewing of herself was cut off as her lover's tongue slipped into the slit of her member, driving her wild. Mei couldn't help but clench her eyes shut and thrust into the serpent's eager maw. She felt something give way inside of her, and then suddenly she was awash in incredible pleasures.

She could feel her new cantaloupe-sized balls tightening, her seed surging through her new length. It seemed that every eruption of her manhood was accompanied by a massive surge in her own body. Mei could not see it, but she could feel it, and she could hear the effects.

Her body was growing, the sensations that had enveloped her breasts and cock earlier now suffusing every inch of her body, which had elongated a bit in the midsection, thanks to the shaping the serpent's coils had provided.

Mei could feel her nails thickening, shifting, transforming into claws even as her fingers and toes began to merge. Her ears had begun to elongate and shift, and she could feel the formation of new growths upon her head, likely horns of some sort.

She could hear her shifting feet and growing claws tear through her socks and shoes, her tugged up shirt tearing away under the weight of the shifting serpent wrapped around her. And she could hear the muffled spurting sound of her member as jet after jet of seed streamed into the serpent.

And then the chair gave way beneath the combined mass of Mei and the snake, and Mei only knew blackness and bliss...


Mei groaned as she came awake, someone gently stroking her hair, her head in their lap.

"Are you alright?" Amber asked softly.

"Mmm... I think so. I dozed off and must've fallen on the floor. I was having this interesting dream..."

"Do tell me about it!" Amber said with a soft giggle.

"Well, there was this great big albino snake, and she coiled around me, and then I began to... change!"

"Any interesting changes?"

"Mmm... well, she gave me a cock..."

"Uh huh..."

"And I think she turned me into some kind of snake..."

"How silly!"

"Yeah! And I even had three pairs of ludicrously huge breasts! Can you believe that?"

"You must have some self-image issues to dream such strange things, Mei."

Mei let out a disappointed sigh. "...Yeah, I guess so..."

"Because you're obviously not a snake. You are most definitely a dragon. And I think that your breasts look absolutely gorgeous."

Mei opened her eyes and sat bolt upright, the motion strangely easy despite the hefty weight of six breasts upon her chest. She cried out as she struck the underside of the counter with her head, though fortunately her new horns took the brunt of the blow.

"Wh-wha..." Mei stammered. "H-how...?"

"Magic." Amber said with a giggle, wrapping her arms around Mei and hugging her close, "Just leave it at that."

"And... the snake?"

"She's out in the van, resting after her own change. The same things that change us into part animals can change animals to make them part human. Once the change starts to take hold, a pair of slowly transforming individuals can enhance the rate of their alteration," the tigress explained as she stood and offered Mei a hand.

The dragoness took it and stood as well, this time banging her head against the ceiling.

"Ow!" Mei whimpered, clutching her head. She had to be a good eight or nine feet tall, towering over Amber, but weighing about the same, perhaps a little more due to her immense bust. Or was it busts now?

Amber chuckled and coaxed the dragoness' head downwards, planting a kiss on the affected area. "You'll have to stop doing that, Mei-Mei," she teased.

"I've already locked up for you, we've got one more stop to make before heading back to the club."

Mei was puzzled. "Why the club?"

"Why, because you're going to be performing tonight as one of our new stars, of course. Wouldn't that be fun?"

Mei gasped softly as her member suddenly surged to full hardness in what seemed like an instant. "I... yes... yes it would," she stammered softly at the thought of pleasuring herself in front of an audience.

"Other stop?" she managed as the two slipped out into the back rooms that lead out into the alleyway.

"Mmmhmm..." Amber said with a grin. "After all, we have to pick up Nita too!"

"Nita's going to be there to see me perform?" Mei asked, blush deepening, her member drooling quite a puddle of pre onto the floor that seemed to be almost luminescent.

"She's going to be the other part of the act. Wouldn't that be fun?" the tigress whispered, leaning against Mei and nuzzling a sky blue breast. "Just think of all the fun you can have with your new body and your sister's. Just think of how nice it would be to tower over her, dominate her, have her begging as you slowly..."

Mei couldn't help it; just the thought of making love to her sister was enough to set her off, her seed splattering on the insect cages and reptile terrariums.

"Th-that would be wonderful!" she murmured, hugging the tigress tightly to herself.

"Thought so," Amber said with a knowing grin, leading Mei out into the alleyway, taking care to remind her to duck under the door frame.

The two slipped unnoticed into a white panel van with tinted windows and the Thunderbird's logo on the side.


Meanwhile a tarantula hissed in annoyance as something damp, warm, and sticky invaded its lair, making it feel strangely tingly...

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