Strange Shores

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Strange Shores

A story for Cornel

Light rain patters down on the sandy beach, the tide is high and the only real light the primitive huts seen not far inland is provided by the moon and night sky starlight. This is a short list of the first few things Catherine notices as she picks herself up from the large piece of driftwood she had been clinging onto. Since her ship had fallen victim to a catastrophic storm at sea, the vixen has been barely keeping conscious whilst floating all the way to this tropical looking island.

She coughs and splutters a little whilst clawing over the sand, trying to drag herself away further and further from the thirsty sea. Her fur is wet and dirty, clothes in a similarly ruined state, hair on her head in such a poor state that seaweed is tangled inside it. Catherine somehow summons enough strength to deposit herself far enough inland so that she is safely out of the tide's reach and into some sand grass.

As her eyelids grow heavy she sees keeps them open long enough to see figures approaching her. Then they close shut, trapping inside a world of shadows and half-realised realities. The vixen is aware of hands holding her body, rubbery in texture, along with her entire self being lifted clean off of the ground. Dull voices in a tongue she does not recognise echo in her head just before Catherine loses all consciousness, her entire mind joining the deep sleep.


Life returns to Catherine's body slowly at first, slowly spreading out from her head as senses and feeling in her paws return to her. She flutters her eyes open and is greeted with the view of the interior of an animal skin tent. The vixen has to pause and think about this for a moment before she sits up and only then notices the coarse blankets which have been drawn over her; then she also notices the lack of clothing as the rough material rubs against her soft fur.

Something stirs outside awakening the vixen's instinctual side, and thus bringing her to full awareness quicker. She brings the blankets closer round herself as the slitted part of the tent which serves as an entrance and brought apart. A tall, grey and moist skinned hermaphrodite dolphin walks into the tent. Hir grey skinned body and face is marked by red, yellow and green paints in a pattern with meaning Catherine is ignorant to. Complete nude, the vixen can see hir ample breasts with round soft nipples, pendulously swinging junk that droops low with a soft prehensile phallus and testicles, as well as being able to spy the vagina just begin the male genitalia.

Shi quickly moves towards the vixen and Catherine's heart starts pounding in fright. The auburn European fox curls up tightly into her corner of the tent as the tall aquatic mammal anthro bends down and looks her over. Shi suddenly grabs one of Catherine's arms and yanks her up onto her feet all the whilst clutching to the blanket and trying to keep herself covered with it.

The tribal dolphin will have none of that though as she grabs the blanket and snatches it away from the fox's body. Catherine screams and tries to core her furry breasts as they embarrassingly bounce around from the sudden movement. The herm grabs the girls hands with ease and shakes hir head as she struggles. The hold is like steel around the vixen's paws, so she eventually stops struggling and understands to stay still. Shi seems very happy with this and the dolphin starts to examine the female with a very hands on approach. Rubbery fingers and thumbs grasp at Catherine's mammaries, pushing gently at the nipples as they harden. An amused and slightly bewildered expression appears on the hermaphrodite's face, having never known such a hairy mammal before.

Shi then goes down, kneeling down as those hands go down alongside the furry front of the vixen's body. Catherine shivers in response before then making an alarmed noise as the large tribal aquatic takes a closer look at her vagina. Fat rubbery fingers poke explanatorily into the female's organ, squeezing past moistening lips as shi wriggles them around a bit before retracting them. Catherine looks down in embarrassed shock as the dolphin then licks hir fingers tasting the vulpine's sex.

Scared and confused about this alarmingly erotic situation she is apparently in, Catherine decides to play along as best she can until she can figure out where she is and what she is going to do to escape. The herm dolphin is apparently done in her inspection of the fox now, but she grabs the female's arm tugging her gently to indicate that she should follow the cetacean. Shi leads the fox outside and into the tribe's camp where morning dawn is spreading golden rays of light over the encampment.

As Catherine is lead by the paw now she observes the people of the tribe. All of them are similar in appearance from the vixen's perspective with the only thing distinguishing them being the paints and tribal tattoos. Different combination of coloured paints seem to indicate different roles in the community, with multi-coloured stripes only appearing on a select few. The only dolphins that are without any paints at all are those that hunt in the sea as they are walking inland with fresh catches. However, the most striking things of all about the tribals is that every single one of them is a hermaphrodite with both female and male genitalia, although their actual figures seem to shift between the masculine and the feminine quite freely.

Then the vixen notices the big tent her escort, and by association herself, is heading for. It is almost lodge-like in size, but still only constructed with animal skin so that it can be taken down with ease. She steps through and inside the sight is truly frightening to her civilised senses. She reels both physically and mentally, the powerful herm having to drag her back as she starts to shout out in protest. This large and roomy tent is where the tribals conduct a relentless, daily and thorough breeding ritual. Being hermaphrodites means that they have a great deal of flexibility and every kind of individual of the tribe has to spend time here breeding or being bred. But the truly perverse thing is that this ritual is so all inclusive that the youngest members of the tribe's pod are forced to join in. In the dolphins' tribe you learn to fuck the very instant you hit puberty.

Catherine is shown into a compartment within the tent where rugs are used to cover the dirt underpaw. There, sitting in the centre of the room, is a young tribal with red markings over hir face. Shi stands up and judging from the height when compared to the adults she has seen, Catherine would say that the calf is no more than around 12. However, despite the dolphin's young age, hir sexual assets are well developed as shi proudly stands naked. The pale grey breasts of the anthropomorphic dolphin are nice bounteous D cups on a feminine frame, putting the vixen's own C cups to shame. Looking down the vulpine blushes as she sees the soft external, yet tapering prehensile, organ of the cetacean which is already erect at a rigid 20 centimetres.

A gentle push from behind encourages Catherine to approach the young tribal which she does so with more than a little trepidation. Okay, at least they aren't going to eat me or anything like that. She looks at the calf, a head shorter than herself, and holds up a hand starting to wave in an almost childish looking greeting. The young tribal takes her paw and places it on one of those large, warm, mammaries whilst grinning up at her. Catherine freezes for a moment, blushes hard, and then gives a mental shrug as she squeezes the breast and the dolphin chirps in response. Then the youngling's rudder tail starts to weave up between the vixen's legs. As she is distracted, the calf surges forward, pushing the female onto the rugs as shi clings onto the vixen's front.

The long and slippery prehensile phallus wriggles its away brushing up against Catherine's thighs as lubricating pre starts to wet the fur on her legs down. Chirping and squeals of excitement are followed by a strong grip on her body as the vixen's bosom is nuzzled into by the cetacean, hir own breasts rubbing against the fox's belly.

"N-No stop it!" Catherine protests weakly as the tribal calf molests her, but her body responds differently with her pussy already becoming moist with anticipation.

The lithe and deceptively strong dolphin calf rolls the vixen over as shi wants to do her from behind. Heavy breasts press down on Catherine's back as she feels the tribal child's phallus, hard and smooth, work up between her legs and the head pokes curiously at her vaginal entrance. She wants to cry out and start thrashing against the rugs, but as that shaped head starts to ease its way inside her she melts in the herm's grasp.

With greedy hands wrapped around the canid and squeezing at her plump breasts, the dolphin starts to take its unusual prize. Happy chirps and clicks underscore the violating sensation of the herm's cock enter impatiently inside of Catherine. Her body rocks back against the calf, her buttocks pressed into the cetacean's crotch as she takes hir in, inch after inch disappearing past moist vulva lips.

"God, it's been too long since I was last mated." Catherine gasps as the calf responds with a ludicrously sounding squeal, its dick now a good way inside the vixen.

Shi clutches at the strange furry thing's boobs, rubbery fingers and thumbs making the female moan as her erect nipples are played with. She becomes sweaty and pants like an animal in heat, just in time for the herm to bury its cock all the way inside her making the fox give out the equivalent of a wolf howl in her species. Then the herm child pulls back before jerkily thrusting hirself back inside the female as shi begins to build up a rhythm.

Catherine cries out and sinks her claws into the rugs as she is fucked, sloppy juices from the prehensile phallus and her own moist pussy dribbling down the back of her legs. The herm's rudder tail thumps into the ground as shi rocks back and forth, external balls audibly slapping against the vixen as shi picks up the pace.

Sounds and smells from elsewhere in the tent intermingle with the ones Catherine and the calf are creating; the effect on the vulpine's sensitive olfactory senses is devastating as she finds her body slipping even further into a deep heat. Without any nutrition or water, somehow enough strength is left to reciprocate the breeding as she feels the long, thick hermhood inside her and squeezes down on it. This makes the calf make more happy clicks as it feels her squeezing around hir cock from the inside, making it throb even more eagerly to breed the strange female.

They changes positions again, rolling around on the floor until Catherine is atop the calf and riding hir rock hard cock. Her face plunges into the herm's tits and she would blush from the slightly lesbian situation if it were not for the hearty thrusting the dolphin still makes wildly up into her. The vixen gasps and moans loudly, wrapping her paws around the double Ds for support as well as to tease the cetacean by playing with hir nipples. The aquatic mammal makes more noises as hir member plunges upwards into the fox's pussy over and over again, juices dripping down it.

Then without any form of warning the calf's climax comes, and boy does it come. With strong arms the tribal child holds the female against itself, pressed tightly fur to grey skin as shi erupts inside the vixen. The torrent which comes from the external balls, surging down the long prehensile phallus and into the fox is magnificent in quantity and ferocity.

"Oh GOOOOOOD!" Catherine exclaims whilst throwing her head back, her pussy clamping down and milking that dolphin meat for all that it is worth.

White creamy seed fills the vixen's belly with warm heat spreading through her abdomen and up to her chest. Then the semen splashes back out from her pussy, as the cetacean's cock violently releases the pent up load from hir loins. It begins to rapidly pool onto the rugs below and makes them soggy to the touch to the point where they actually squelch. The calf thumps hir fluke against the floor as shi finishes cumming inside of Catherine.

As the pair of them stop and pant, the dolphin cuddles up against Catherine, almost childlike in its cute innocence. She is a little surprised by this but then gently strokes hir head, running her fingers down and over the dorsal fin before nuzzling into the herm's beak. Shi squeals and clicks, gradually making sounds softer and softer before shi drifts into a deep slumber. The vixen, quickly joins hir, exhausted and in much need of at least a little sleep after that very physical application.


When Catherine wakes up again it is dusk, and the tent room is dark. She then realises that the calf is gone, long since removed from her furry arms. The vixen gets up and wanders aimlessly through different rooms of the tent before finally stumbling her way through the right sequence of rooms to find the outside. It is dark but there are fires that cast flickering light across the surfaces of the ground, tents and people. A moment is needed for Catherine to make out what that light is showing her, but now she comes to realisation.

"They're fucking, all of them, they're screwing each others' brains out." She mutters to herself in shock as every single tribal dolphin, with each marking of body paints, are having a grand tribal-wide orgy right in front of her.

Something within, curiosity perhaps, compels her to walk forward and mingle between the various sweating thrusting groups of cetaceans. Herms from every group within the tribe are going at it like mad, orgies made up of threesomes, foursomes or more pile up in various positions. Oral, vaginal, anal and more is performed through all ages and the sight and smells are starting to get Catherine hot under the fur as her nipples become hard again desiring contact.

Then someone grabs her from behind, she turns around looking over her shoulder to see that it is the calf from before. Shi squeaks and swings hir fluke tail around excitedly making it hit the floor sporadically. Hands come around to grope at the vixen's big furry breasts and she moans out thematically in display of her once more engaged desires. The rubbing from the dolphin into Catherine's rump is infectiously sexual, the prehensile penis slides up smoothly against her cheeks and the vixen blushes as she considers anal sex.

But the calf has another plan as it spins the vixen around. She stumbles and almost falls over when a large pair of coupling dolphins bump into her. Catherine catches a glimpse of them copulating, one apparently a warrior with a strong physique whilst the other looks almost soft and indoor bred in comparison. The warrior is plunging hir spear into the other with dramatic speed, balls slapping into a juicy vagina as it drips on the dirt ground below. This kind of sex orgy is not just kinky, it gets downright primordial as more tan half a dozen different tribe members gather into pyramids of heaving, thrusting, sweaty sex.

However Catherine is distracted as the calf starts to play with her tits, fondling with more tan a little roughness. The vixen decides she needs to try to take a little control and grabs the dolphin's hands. Shi looks at the vulpine with a child's expression of being denied, but then Catherine drops down to her knees on the dirty ground. In one motion she smoothly allows her hands to glide over and down the cetacean's own bosom before reaching hir crotch. One hand for each task, she learns to stroke and squeeze the prehensile member with one paw, but the other explores the pussy behind it and the once more ripe balls.

With expert precision the vixen starts to slide her other hand up past the tightly resisting vulva lips. Surprised squealing clicks and happy moans come from the calf as Catherine starts to move her fingers around to tease out their hidden erogenous zones. She then wraps her lips around the phallus and starts to take it into her mouth, and then down her throat. The calf squeals and clicks as it pushes her head down, the vixen holds back on her gag reflexes as she is forced to deepthroat the horny cetacean.

Then she is pulled up and embraced by the dolphin, hir breasts rubbing against the furry ones of the fox. Catherine gasps as she is lowered to the ground whilst the tribal child lays atop, grinding into her as hir cock throbs for attention still. The vixen moans into a kiss the calf gives her as the horny cock between her legs begins to penetrate her pussy once more. Its slick hot flesh pierces into the moist tightness within and unlocks the primal and lustful sensations that rock across the vixen's entire body. She wraps her legs around the dolphin, as shi squeaks and clicks whilst making short and rapid thrusts to loosen the female up again.

Something hot and wet bumps against Catherine's face and she opens her eyes to see another dolphin cock, this one obviously belonging to an adult. She looks up to see its owner being the herm who had greeted her when Catherine had woken up here. But before she can do anything else, the calf starts to take the elder's throbbing and drippy member into hir mouth. However, there is something else for Catherine and as she leans up just behind the swinging balls, she finds the elder tribal's moist vagina. She whips her tongue around at it and the adult dolphin repositions herself to give the vulpine access as she performs the first true cunnilingus in her entire life.

The three go on like this, locked together in the centre of a crowd of lustful primitives. Their moans and cries only one voice in a choir of dozens. Juices ranging from pheromone laden perspiration through to sexual liquids of both male and female variety cling to the vixen's red and white fur. The calf is only too happy as shi sucks off hir elder and grinds into the hapless foreigner, the feel of her furry breasts making the youngling giggle a little as hir own mammaries are in constant contact with them. Closing hir eyes in the middle of the sounds of pleasure, the adult moans with every ounce of excitement and pleasure the other two give hir through oral pleasures.

Finally the vixen is not only enjoying the raw hot pounding her pussy is receiving, but also the tasty and rich juices that drip over her face from the adult's needy cunt. She tries to steady herself by grabbing the older cetacean's legs with her hands and the younger dolphin's hips with her legs. The whole situation itself is enough to make Catherine's orgasms spike like tremor's on a seismograph, deep valleys of bliss making her spasm over the calf's cock and moan loudly into the elder's deep pussy. It all comes to a head when the two tribals finally reach the end of their respective orgasm roads. An explosion of juices passes between all three as they erupts with sound, motion and produce.

Catherine falls into a canyon out of time as her body fizzles and cracks with energy. Nerves are on fire as she spasms and clutches the calf's cock set deep inside her vagina, hir warm seed quickly filling the vixen. On the other end Catherine has to swallow quickly or gag as the elder dolphin explodes with load after load of hot creamy cum travelling down that long prehensile length and into the vulpine's mouth. Everything slowly comes back up to speed as the two tribals finish using Catherine and she sags between them before they both pull out.

"What nice locals you are here." Catherine jokes as the calf snuggles into her, squeaking softly.

"Yes, we do." The surprising response comes from the older tribal before shi disappears into the orgy as people start to gradually finish up.

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