When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 6: Laying Low...

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#6 of When dreams become reality

DISCLAIMER: You know what you can't do if you are under 18. Again, childhood rapage warning in here too. :P Oh and just in case you wonder what the **** means, the asterisks are put there when the story changes to a different person's point of view. Check out Ryan Masterpaladin's page, and enjoy the chapter. :)


I woke up at 9:30 A.M. It was the day before the big home opener between the Tigers and the Yankees, and I was only thinking about getting my Tiger a very special present for his birthday. Tony once again had himself turned towards me as he was sleeping, showing his muscles right in front of me as I took my finger and just gently stroked his chest & abs. Even though he was still sleeping, I heard a small purr being emitted from him. As I was touching his mid area. I myself still felt sticky on my bottom area due to all the seed that James shot into me, and it still made me feel very warm on my lower area. I was feeling ready to get up, so I got up while Tony still slept. "Damn I'm hungry again" I thought, and my stomach growled loudly. Even though I had that pasta dinner from last night, it wasn't enough to make up for two whole days of not eating anything.

I was still naked and covered with seed all over my body especially my face and my ass, so I figured I'd take a shower first. I hopped into the shower and cleaned myself up, and my bullet wounds felt A LOT better compared to the day before. It still stung a little when I started to wash my wounded area, but I was able to easily fight through it. As I was finishing up, I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth, and went back into the bedroom to see Tony finally waking up. "Mornin sexy" I said, with Tony letting out a huge yawn and saying "Hey there hun, awwwww you took a shower without me?" And with that, Tony gave me somewhat of a sarcastic frown, though we both chuckled after. "Yeah...I had to clean myself up after being dominated every way possible last night" I said, and gave a wink to Tony as I got out my clothes and proceeded to get dressed.

"How long have you known James and Ord anyway?" I asked Tony, who replied "Way too long, I consider them family now haha" And Tony got out of his bed, still naked from last night. "Ohhhhh....sexy kitty" I said, licking my lips as I REALLY wanted to suck off Tony again like I did last night. "Want to warm me up before I take a shower?" Tony said, as his cock started to enlarge, with mine doing so as well. "Sure thing hun" and with that, I came over and started to suck him off again. "Ohhhh...yes" Tony said as he took his hand and put it on the back of my head and started pushing it as I was sucking him. I still felt the taste of his seed around his cock that he let out from last night. "Yum...tasty tiger meat..."I said softly as I kept sucking away, with Tony moaning louder and louder. He must have been really into it, because less than a minute passed before he roared and shot his seed into my mouth again, and also all over my face/clothes. After tasting his seed, I naughtily said "Oh great, now I'm all messy again, looks like I'll have to take another shower" and I let out a small grin, with Tony grinning right back at me. Before I knew it, we headed towards the bathroom.

We took a shower together again and cleaned each other up, though Tony's member seemed to be out of commission at that moment, as it just worked itself beforehand in my mouth. Mine certainly was not out of commission though, as I was fully erect while taking a shower with Tony. "Say Mike, how bout we do something different here" Tony said as he put his hand on my penis, slowly stroking it after we finished washing each other down. "....ohhh....what....do..you mean.." I said, softly moaning as his hand was stroking my penis little by little. "Why don't you be in control for once....I've been the one taking control this whole time, why don't you take over the throne for once now" His voice was SO sexy when he said that to me, and I looked up and kissed him. "Sure hun...." I was somewhat nervous since this was the first time I would be actually taking control. With that said, Tony took his hand off of me, turned around, and spread his ass wide open for me, with the hot water still running in the shower. I took his tail and lifted it up onto my shoulder, with his tail feeling so warm as it was on me. "You might need this" Tony said in a sexy low voice as he grabbed a bottle of conditioner and gave it to me. "Thanks big guy.... I replied. With that, I lathered up my cock and started pushing it into Tony's ass. "Mmmmmm" Tony exclaimed letting out a loud purr as I pushed my cock all the way inside him, going back and forth very slowly. Before I knew it, I noticed Tony taking his left hand and starting to rub his own penis again, as it became fully erect after I started pushing my member inside of him. "Soooo....good..." I said, loving the feeling of my cock pushing into his insides, as I started to get close to my climax. "Ungh....keep going Mike...harder.." Tony said, as he started stroking himself faster. With that said, I started pushing my cock with much more force into his ass, as I was so close to climaxing.

"Here....I...come...Tony.....FUUUCCCCKKUNUNNNNNGHHHHH" I yelled as I came into his ass, shooting a whole load of seed into him. Right after my hot cum was shot into him, he roared again and climaxed himself onto the shower wall. We both let out a huge breath and I slowly pulled my cock out of his ass, still loving the feeling of how warm his insides were. "That...was....amazing Mike" Tony said, turning around and giving me a kiss again. "I should let you do that more often" He exclaimed in a low voice, with me blushing after he said that. "Thanks Tony...that really... was.... amazing" I said as I was still catching my breath.

We finished washing up, cleaning each other up from the seed we had on us, and then got out of the shower together. As I started to put on a Wolf's Rain t-shirt, I heard a knock on the door as Tony and I were getting out stuff ready. "Hey there guys...I heard you two having some fun in the shower" James said with a wide grin as he came into the room wearing a grey t-shirt along with black shorts. I blushed and then said back "Yep...Tony let me take control for once..." "Wow Tony, when was the last time that happened?" James said with a laugh, as Tony laughed back, putting on a black tank top & jeans and responded "I honestly can't remember...wow I guess I've gotten soft for once hahaha"

After we got our clothes on, I started thinking about what I wanted to do for Tony's birthday. I figured I at least wanted to invite my family over along with trying to get some of Tony's other friends over his house on that Tuesday. I had a feeling that having the job at the Daily News would really come in handy as to being able to get Tony's gift, especially since the Tigers were playing at Yankee Stadium with all of us going to the home opener tomorrow. "Say Tony, I need to stop by the daily news to talk to Judy about some stuff." I told Tony as we started walking out of the room along with James. Ord came out of the other guest room right as we started walking near it, saying "morning guys" with a bit of a tired look on his face, even though he was fully changed himself. This time he was wearing a Nagoya Dragons jersey along with blue jeans.

"What do you need to stop by there for?" Tony asked, knowing that I didn't have to get an article published until next week because he talked to Judy himself. I sorta thought for a moment but was able to reply quickly enough "I need to get a work badge for myself, in case I ever need access to the building." Tony replied "Oh ok, I should stop by the Big Apple mart anyway to see if I can explain to my Kellogg's associates everything that has happened over the last few days. I need some groceries anyway." "You're not the only one that needs groceries" James exclaimed right after that. With that said, we all headed downstairs and gathered out stuff together to head out. "Mind if we join you two lovebirds?" Ord asked firmly, with me blushing again and Tony replying "Guys, you don't even need to ask, of course you can tag along! I think we might need to take the Hummer though to fit you in there Sull" Tony said as he laughed a bit. "If you want to take it we can Ton but I don't mind the chevy" James replied back. "No no no, I haven't used the Hum in awhile so I need to make sure the thing doesn't get rusty haha" "Just MAKE SURE you keep a low profile, I don't want to draw too much attention since it's only been 2 days since all that shit went down" Tony exclaimed very forcefully, putting on his black sunglasses & Detroit Tigers hat. "Yeah, let me get my stuff too" I said back, quickly running upstairs to grab my Red Sox hat and my own sunglasses from my suitcase. I came back down with both of them on to also see that James also put on his dark blue sunglasses too, though Ord just put on some headphones and took out his PSP from his pocket. After we all were ready, we all started heading out the door.

"So wait, you have a hummer?" I asked Tony as we all walked outside. "Yep, but I rarely use it and I keep it in my garage over here." Tony replied back to me. We all walked over to his stand-alone garage which was around the corner behind his house. I had noticed the garage before, but didn't really think about what was inside it. It looked like it could fit at least a couple of cars inside it though.

Tony opened his garage to show us that he not only had a GIANT orange H2 hummer in it, but also a (somewhat) new blue Dodge Durango right next to it. Not to mention he had a full sized trampoline folded up behind the two automobiles. "HOLY SHIT these are sick cars!" I exclaimed as I looked at Tony who was standing next to me. "Heh...thanks Mike...though I don't use either of these very much....they kinda suck when it comes to gas mileage." "Good point..." I replied, as both cars obviously looked like they barely could muster anything more than 15 miles a gallon. "Well, let's use this big orange beast" Tony exclaimed, with James and Ord walking over to get in the back seats. "Nothing's more of a sexy orange beast than you Tony" I said with a sarcastic grin, and Tony actually blushed after I said that statement. "Awwww...thanks hun" Tony replied back, as we got into the car and started heading out.

****YOU GOT THAT? Marcus yelled on the phone as he was using a prison phone to call someone he knew. "DON'T FORGET IT. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T FORGET THAT. CODE BLACK. "Don't worry Marc, I got it all covered. Just you wait." "AND DON'T FORGET, THAT PUNY ASSHOLE IS MINE. I'VE TOLD YOU WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE, NOW GO FIND OUT WHAT YOU CAN ABOUT HIM." With that said, Marcus slammed down the phone and walked out of the room back to the Rhino police officer, who escorted him back to his jail cell as his brother Andre was waiting right there for him. After the police officer locked up the cell and left the area, Andre said "So what's the plan, that nigga comin tomorrow or is he playin you again for a foo?" "He'll come....I told him code black...he's definitely coming...just you wait and see" Marcus said, and then he laughed very sadistically after. "Those two faggots that put us away are going to find out what it really means to mess with the black bloods" Marcus exclaimed, with Andre replying back "You got that right bro, I can't wait to get my hands on that scrawny human that actually knocked me down and rip his motherfucking head off." With that they both agreed and started waiting patiently for the next day to arrive.

****Ord seemed like he was one of those people that you could just give him some sort of electronic device and he would not talk to you for the rest of the day. He was playing his PSP non-stop with his headphones on as we were driving into the city. Tony and I tuned into Rick F.M. as we heard the DJ say "And this next tune is from 1981... Kool & the Gang....Get Down on it! I'm definitely Getting down on this tune myself" and the song started playing. "I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG" I shouted, which actually startled Ord, but he kept playing his PSP. Tony somewhat liked the song, but James said "Wow Mike, you definitely have good taste in music" and with that, we started singing the song together.

James didn't have much head room where he sat with his very tall structure, but he didn't really seem to mind it. Eventually, I wanted to play something different after the song was done, since I had my Ipod with me and wanted to show the guys my J-pop and Eurobeat collection. "Mind if I show you some of the stuff I have on my Ipod here?" I asked, with Tony grabbing the middle console, showing an Ipod adapter, and saying "Go right ahead mike, I kinda wanna hear something different for once." I nodded and plugged in my Ipod and started playing some Eurobeat from the Initial D anime. "GONNA GET YOU... LIKE A SPACE BOY" I sang out loud along with the song, with Tony and James actually liking the beat of the song. "Wow, I need to get some Eurobeat it looks like" James exclaimed from the back seat, with Tony then saying "Yeah....wow it actually sounds really good...I like it mike!" "Thanks guys, Initial D is like one of the best shows ever, that's how I got all this awesome stuff." "Looks like that's something I need to watch and listen to" Tony replied to me. I played some more Eurobeat songs as we finally got into the city, and before you knew it, we got to the Big Apple Mart, with the Daily News also within walking distance, as it was only a block away.

Ord was still playing his PSP as Tony parked his car in the middle of the GIANT parking lot. As he turned off the Hummer, Ord looked so zoned into the game he was playing that he could've probably stayed there all day and nothing would phase him. "Uhhhhh...Ord?" Tony asked, as he looked behind him before tapping his scaly leg. "What is it?" Ord asked as he paused his game & took off his headphones before realizing that we were at the supermarket. "We're here" Tony said with a bit of a chuckle. "Oh shit, I guess I lost track of myself in this. You guys should really play Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. It's AMAZING". My jaw somewhat dropped, with me exclaiming "Wait, you play Kingdom Hearts too?!?!" "Hell yeah, I love that game" Ord said right back to me, as we both smiled at each other. "That's AWESOME!! I played every single one and I hope they make a third one" I said as we all got out of the car. "Yeah I hope so too, it's been so long since the 2nd one actually came out" Ord replied. "Most definitely, alrighty I'll be over in a bit guys, I gotta go take care of some stuff over at the headquarters." I said to Tony, Ord and James, and waved to them as I headed off towards the Daily News building.

As I got to the building, I walked inside, noticing that there were A LOT of people making phone calls and researching up stuff on computers in the back. "Is Judy here?" I asked as I went up to the front main desk. "Yep, she'll be right with you" the female badger said to me as her phone started ringing. Before I knew it, Judy came to the front of the area where I was standing, and when she looked at me, she looked very surprised to see me. "Mike!! How's your arm doing?!" She exclaimed with a very caring look on her face, almost the exact same as my Mom's. "It's a lot better than yesterday, but it's still pretty weak. I can only move it somewhat, and I can't really type with it either" I said as I showed her the bandaged areas where the wounds were.

"I'm surprised you know Tony the Tiger...but he seems like a really nice and caring individual." Judy said as she kept looking at my arm. I was almost hesitant in replying, but I felt like I should say it anyway. "..yes....he is the most amazing person I have ever met...I'm so glad he's been there for me" Judy nodded without asking me anything else about Tony and myself. "So what brings you down here anyway Mike? You don't need any software, right? Cause the company actually publishes the articles themselves, you just need to send the material to us." "Yeah I know, I actually came down here wanting to ask you something." I said to Judy, with me then explaining the whole situation with Tony's birthday and the game being tomorrow. After I explained my big plan for the Tiger's birthday, I asked "So do you think is a good idea?"

"Yeah...I don't see why that wouldn't work Mike since the Daily News DOES publish a bunch of stuff about the Yankees, let me get you a press badge here" Judy replied to me. I grinned widely , and replied "Thank you so much Judy, this means a lot to me" being very thankful that she was going to help make sure I could try to get Tony the most amazing birthday present ever. I don't know if she knew that I actually couldn't stand the Yankees, but I didn't say a word to her about it. She went towards another room and was in there for a couple minutes, before she came back out with a press badge. "We need to take a photo of you to use here Mike" "No prob" I said, as I went with her to have a photo taken so I could put it on my badge. Before you knew it, the photo was developed, laminated, and I had a press badge. "Thanks so much Judy, I really appreciate it." I said with her replying "No problem Mike, anytime you need anything here or have any questions, don't hesitate to stop by." Thanks again Judy, see ya later!" I happily said back and headed out the door, and started walking towards the Big Apple Mart again.

****"Is that the guy?" The boar asked as he was sitting in the front of his rusty Oldsmobile, parked across the street from the Daily News at an apartment parking lot. "Yes, I would assume so, he meets the description of what they said on the news, and it definitely helped when they said he works for the Daily News....heheheheHAHAHAHA" the Cougar said with an evil laugh, as they both found who they were looking for. "Looks like our little bitch that works for the daily news is going to be the one worked himself soon after we get through with his little ass!" The cougar exclaimed. "Yep, boss is sure gonna be proud of us, we need to make sure he knows about this." The boar said back, as he pulled out a very old Nokia cell phone and put on speed dial.

"Who's this."

"It's us boss" the Boar exclaimed, sounding a bit happy.

"Did you find him, or are you just trying to annoy me here...."

"We...found the human, he definitely works at the Daily news and he just walked outside."

"Good then...DO NOT ENGAGE. Marcus is going to have his own way with that human that put him and his brother away."

"Sounds good boss" the Boar said, and hung up the phone. "Let's get out of here, we've been parked here for awhile" the Cougar softly said, and they both gunned the car out of the driveway. As they were about to pull out into the road, they nearly cut two cars off, with car horns starting to blare through the street.****

"Damn, what was that?" I thought, as I looked behind me to see two cars stopped in the middle of the busy road, nearly hitting what looked to be a gray Oldsmobile. I couldn't make out anyone that was in any of the cars, as it was a good few hundred feet away from me. "At least no one got hurt" I thought as the Oldsmobile finally pulled out and started speeding away.

I walked over to the Big Apple Mart, and noticed my stomach growling louder than ever. "Damn, I.... need something to eat..... BADLY" I murmured to myself as I started to feel somewhat weak as I finished walking over to the supermarket. As I walked in, I felt like I would never find the three, as the place was PACKED. It was easily 1 ½ to twice as busy as the other day that I went there when I first met Tony. "I wonder if Tony might be in the same place as before" I thought to myself, as I started walking down towards the cereal isle. As I got over there, I looked down the isle, but did not see Tony, nor did I see Ord or James. I did however see some Kellogg's employees though, as they were still serving samples of the new Frosted Flakes cereal. "Oh man...this is where I met my big Tiger" I thought to myself, just savoring the moment that occurred 3 days before and just thinking about how lucky I was to have him.

Before I could continue daydreaming though, my stomach growled again. "Fuck...I need something in my stomach" and then I thought I should get a bowl of the new Frosted Flakes cereal. I went over to the table where the samples were, and a male Tortoise said "Hi there! Would you like a bowl of these new Supercharged Frosted Flakes?" "Definitely" I replied, and I took a bowl of them and started eating them really fast, heading back down the isle looking at cereal items. They had a bit of an orange aftertaste to it, and it wasn't that bad. I still thought that the original cereal tasted better though. Before I knew it, I had finished the small bowl of cereal, and was feeling a bit better. It wasn't much to hold me over, but it was better than nothing. As I was still looking at the cereal items, I grabbed a box of Trix, but then I heard a voice behind me. "Hey guys Mike's here!" With that said, I turned around to see Ord walking towards me. "Hey there ord!" I exclaimed very happily, as he came up to me with a grocery cart, with Tony and James finally making it to the isle themselves.

"Holy shit, can you fit anymore groceries in there?!" I asked in a look of astonishment, as the cart was PACKED with groceries, with everything from canned food to soda to deli meat. "We're stocking up for the next few weeks Mike" Tony said back, with me throwing my cereal in there as well, and then Tony said "I don't think we should be hanging around in public a lot, since I've had a few people come up to me and ask me if I was ok after the news story about us. It's been somewhat hard to deal with." With that said, I noticed Tony didn't really seem like he was comfortable where we were. "Damn....I guess we should finish up here then?" I asked, with Tony replying "Yeah, let me just talk with my Kellogg's associates here" as Tony walked to the end of the isle, with several people being VERY surprised to see him. "Tony! How's it going!" One of the female human employees asked, and before Tony could say anything, the other Kellogg's employees started asking a bunch of questions. "Alright guys, I'll explain everything.....it goes something like this..." Tony slurred out, and then explained everything that had happened to his fellow co-workers over the last 2 days. All of them were very shocked as to what happened, with their eyes wide open after Tony explained the whole story. I didn't know how they would react to Tony and myself being together, but I don't think any of them cared.

As James, Ord and myself walked over to where Tony was, I heard the female human exclaim "Holy shit...you and Mike...got shot?!?!" and she acted as if she couldn't believe Tony was actually alive. "Yes....I ended up giving blood to Mike here after as well, he almost died because of it..." Tony replied, and he put his arm around me. "Thanks again Tony....I really am grateful for that" I responded back, with all the Kellogg's employees reacting very happily to see that everyone was ok in the end. "I don't know when I'll be back to do anymore promotions...I think it's best if I stay home for at least a week" Tony then said. "Take as much time as you need, I'll let the company know the whole situation and I'm sure they won't mind" a Brown bear replied to Tony. "Thanks Tim, I appreciate it greatly." And with that, they both shook hands, as did all the other employees did too. "It was nice meeting you all" I said as we started heading down the other way in the isle. With that, all the workers waved at us and we left the isle and proceeded to the checkout.

"That will be $494.60" The male human cashier said, as he looked surprise to see that many groceries being bought at once. Tony pulled out his Mastercard and had the cashier take care of the rest, as the groceries were being bagged and put back into the cart. "Here Tony, I at least should chip in for this" I exclaimed, as I took out my wallet and handed Tony a $50 bill. "Put that away Mike, I got this" Tony replied back almost forcefully, and I quickly obeyed him. He seemed like he did not want to deal with anything else except just getting out of there and laying low. "Hey...aren't those guys from those TV shows..." I overheard someone say as they were checking out in the register next to us. "Yeah...that's them!" another person exclaimed. "SHIT... we need to get out of here" James said in a very low voice, with our groceries finished being bagged. As Tony started pushing the cart, all four of us headed towards the front entrance rather quickly, with a couple of people following us as if they wanted autographs, or maybe just wanted to talk. "We can't stay here" James exclaimed as we all got outside, with the four of us pretty much running towards the hummer after that. We got VERY lucky, as the people behind us seemed to figure that we did not want to get involved with anyone, and they proceeded to walk back into the Supermarket.

"Whew! Dodged a bullet there!" Ord exclaimed as we all put the groceries into the back of the car as quickly as we could. "Let's head back home" I replied, and we finished putting away the groceries and all got into the car again. As we finally turned on the car and started to drive away, we all sort of let out a huge breath of relief, knowing that we were out of the public's eye. Before you knew it, Ord pulled out his PSP and his headphones and started playing Kingdom Hearts again. As I plugged my Ipod in again to start playing some music, I started feeling a bit weak again. *growlllllllllllllllllll* My stomach made a noise very loudly, as if it was demanding that food be put in it. "I guess the cereal sample only was able to last me so long" I said, feeling very hungry after that happened. "I'll cook you up a nice meal when we get back Mike, I just want to get home." Tony replied to me. I couldn't believe how badly he wanted to get back to his house, as if the last thing he wanted to have happen was put himself or myself in harms way. "Ok hun, no problem" I said, and I turned on some more Initial D Eurobeat, with James liking the beat of the songs I started playing, and eventually Tony getting into it as well.

"Thank god we're back" Tony exclaimed as we pulled into his driveway, and eventually into his garage. "I'm so close to beating....Xehanort....FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ord screamed as he threw down his PSP into the floor of the car, acting as if he just played his absolute hardest only to fail. "Yeah he's tough, it took me a couple of hours to beat him and Vanitas" I said to Ord. "Maybe you should play this for me Mike, I can't beat it." "What level are you at?" I asked Ord as we all got out of the car and started grabbing the groceries. "Level 63, and I'm playing with Ventus." Ord replied, with me looking a bit surprised. "Wow, I'll be willing to help you level up, since I was at level 70 with him before I actually beat Xehanort." "You'll do that for me?? Thanks Mike!" Ord exclaimed very happily as we all took the groceries inside, having to make several trips since there was A LOT of stuff to be carried in.

As we put away all the groceries, we pretty much spent the rest of the day doing normal stuff. I got out my PSP from my suitcase upstairs and starting playing Birth by Sleep alongside ord when I came back downstairs into the living room. "Ord, please just keep beating me senseless so you can gain experience" I said, but Ord said "No mike, I want a challenge here. Give me all you got!" And with that, I nodded and started playing my hardest in the mirage arena in the game. Even though I was pretty good at playing Kingdom Hearts, my left arm was still weak so I wasn't exactly able to give it my all to Ord when I played against him. As Ord and I were zoned in on our PSP's for a good 20 minutes, Tony finished organizing some stuff in his refrigerator and cabinets, and said to us "I'll get the barbeque going and we'll have a cookout, does that sound cool to you guys?" James was playing pool and nodded, while myself and Ord kept playing the game, almost completely ignoring Tony's question. However, my stomach growled again, so I quickly said after that, "Sounds good Tony". About a half hour passed, with Ord and myself playing our PSP's pretty much non-stop, and eventually, I FINALLY got him enough experience to help him beat Xehanort.

"FUCK YEAH!!!!" Ord shouted as he delivered the finishing blow in the game. I was watching him play the PSP on Tony's TV I forgot I had an adapter for it, so I used it to help Ord in terms of watching by giving him tips as watched the TV from the couch while he played the game right in front of the TV. After the cut scene was over and the game credits rolled, Ord looked at me and exclaimed "Thank you so much mike, that game was so frustrating!!" "Heh, no problem, it's a really good game and I'm glad I could help ya beat it" I replied. "Get over here Mike" Ord exclaimed as he stood up and opened his arms, as if he wanted to give me a big hug. With that said, I got off the couch and walked over to Ord, and before I could actually get to him, he pretty much ran to me and wrapped his strong arms around me so tightly that I actually had trouble breathing. I was barely able to muster out "Ord...you're...squishing me....." "Oops...sorry mike" Ord quickly replied, as he stopped squeezing me so tightly but still continued to hug me. "You've really been such a nice and polite person, no wonder Tony loves you" He then said, though Tony was still outside cooking up food on the BBQ. "Awwww...thank you Ord" I said very softly, and we still continued to hug, though we eventually broke it. "He really is amazing, I just hope our plan works for this weekend" I said back. James had been playing pool non-stop and said "Oh believe me mike, now that you have that badge I think it will work perfectly. We'll help make sure it works." "Thanks again guys" I said softly and blushed again. "FOOD'S READY GUYS!" Tony exclaimed as he brought in a HUGE plate filled with several cheeseburgers, hot dogs and also some grilled chicken. Before I knew it, we all ate and the rest of the day seemed to go by normally.

As the night fell, we all headed to bed, without any really horny moments occurring between any of us, though I figured that Sully and Ord would be acting naughtily in the guest room. Tony and I went into our room and got changed without a lot of words being exchanged between us. I was thinking pretty much non-stop about whether my plan was going to work, but then I asked Tony "So big cat, are you excited for tomorrow?" "Yeah, but I wish that the shit didn't happen a few days ago" Tony replied, with a bit of a worried look on his face. He seemed to really care about my well being, as if he didn't want anything to happen to us like what happened at the pawn shop. "Let's put it behind us Tony, it's over with. The big home opener is happening tomorrow! The Tigers are going to beat those damn Yankees!" I shouted with confidence in hopes to boost Tony's self morals, and with that I hopped into his bed and got under the covers. Tony proceeded to show his muscular body again as he was changing and then chuckled a bit. "Yeah...I think I'm worrying a bit too much haha....they better beat the Yanks." "Alrighty. Good night hun" I said as Tony got into the bed next to me. "Good night my love" Tony said back, as we kissed one more time before falling asleep, in anticipation for the big home opener tomorrow.

****"He's bringing it tomorrow, that choppa will be here to get us." Marcus said quietly to Andre as all the inmates were starting to sleep for the night. "Is the boss doing it?" Andre quietly asked back, with Marcus nodding. "Yeah, boss said he had it all covered. Act like normal and everything will unfold." "I can't wait to get out of here and get revenge on those bitches" Andre replied, as he cracked his knuckles and eventually laid down on his bunk to go to sleep. "They're gonna fucking pay" Marcus said back to his brother, and they both fell asleep in their jail cell.****


When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 7: PLAY BALL! (Part 1)

DISCLAIMER: There is only one (somewhat) adult scene in here, but if you're under 18 and want to save your childhood, do not read this chapter. Also, this is by far the longest chapter of the story so far, so I had to split it up a bit since I didn't...

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When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 5: Surprise Plan, & Tony's Friends

DISCLAIMER: THIS CHAPTER IS CHILDHOOD RAPE TO THE 3RD POWER, so if you are under 18 or value your childhood, don't read this chapter. I think I actually put in too much sex, but hey, that's what the critique is for. :P Go check out Ryan Masterpaladin...

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When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 4: Meet the Parents...and the News...

DISCLAIMER: Once again, 18 and under leave now, blah blah blah. You should know the drill by now. :P I sorta censored out my own last name, as I don't know if anyone else actually uses their real name in their stories, so I figured I'd just back off on...

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