It Was Cold... (Part 2)

Story by FoxyShoes on SoFurry

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Author's Note: Sorry for the HUGE d...

Author's Note: Sorry for the HUGE delay, but from now on I am going to try get at least half a chapter typed every night! :) So expect a new chapter every 2-3 nights :)

PLEASE COMMENT! It makes me want to type more! :D

This story and all characters therein are copyright (c) -Rwar- 2011


Ty's mind was racing, what the hell is he going to do?

The otter then burst into laughter, "Dude, you should see the look on your face right now!" The skunk was also laughing hysterically.

"You looked so worried! Haha, dude, we're not into raping 16 year olds!" The skunk said, looking at TY through the rear-view mirror as he drove off again.

The rest of the journey was quite eventless. Ty explained to them why he was running away.

"What about school?" The husky asked.

"Well we just got our summer break so I'll have the next three months to sort that out. And I can't expect Sam to keep me in his home forever, so I will also need to find a job in Carro."

The three arrived in Carro shortly after and Sam thanked the two for driving them here and they wished him luck.

Once the car drove away Ty glared at the new surroundings. Carro truly was an beautiful city. He was outside a park filled with trees and other wildlife, he wanted despratly to have a look but his stomach told him otherwise. Ty needed food badly, He walked to a nearby diner and while he was eating he realized it was getting pretty late and he still had no idea how close or for away he is from Sam's.

When he went to pay his bill he asked the cashier where 'Chestnut Grove' was, and she told him where to go, it was about half an hour walk but what worried him the most was what Sam's reaction would be. He still had no idea Ty would randomly turn up outside his house.

The little fox stood outside the house number 28 and stared. Sam's house was very nice looking, large, but not too big, and it had lovely décor outside, a nice neat looking garden with plenty of well-lit lights. His heart was racing, he wanted so desperately to go in and finally meet Sam in person but he was extremely nervous. Nevertheless, he approached to front door and rang the doorbell anxiously.

The was no answer straight away and Ty wondered if he should ring again, but that might seem rude to the people who may or may not be inside...then the door opened.

A large male tiger glared down at the scruffy, torn up looking fox at his door step.

"Hello? Can I help you?" The tiger said in a deep, very masculine voice.

"Yeah, uhm, Hi, I'm Tyler, is Sam here?" The fox sounded nervous.

"One sec." The tiger said briefly. He then turned around and shouted down the hall, "Sam, there's a Tyler here looking for you!" He turned to the fox, "He'll be right out."

"Okay thanks sir." And the Tiger left but not before looking the fox up and down once more.

Soon, Ty heard pawsteps coming up the hall and he started getting more anxious.

"Ty? What are you doing here?" The tiger said in a very happy and excited way.

"Sam!" Ty screamed and leapt at the tiger giving him a huge hug.

"Whoa, whoa there fox."

"What's wrong?" Ty asked, a little let down by Sam's lack of affection.

"My parents don't know I'm..." He looked around cautiously, "Gay." He whispered.

"Oh, okay, want to walk somewhere then?"


The two then walked off (Ty firstly walking in the wrong direction until Sam pulled him back). Ty never forgot that night. It was his first time ever meeting Sam, although he only knew him online he had a good feeling about the laidback, happy-go-lucky tiger. Ty caught glances of the tiger as they walked together, once or twice he saw the him looking back, which made the fox quite embarrassed.

"So, uh...Hi!" Sam smiled.

"You're wondering what's going on, yes?" He smiled back.

"Well, it happened yesterday...I finally got fed-up of the way my life was going, the way my family treated me and the way my friends...well the way they were 'non-existent'. So I decided to leave it all, to just disappear. My first reaction was to come see you, then I figured I'd try get a job here, and eventually find a more permanent place to stay, then I can finish my last year of school and move on with my life." Ty explained still walking alongside Sam.

"Wow, that's quite a mouthful, well, I have a few questions."


"No friends? I mean c'mon, you had to have had SOME?" Sam asked.

"Nope...well there was one, but he moved away last month."

"Okay, ehm, 'a more permanent home'?"

"Ah...that's the thing...I thought your parents knew you were gay, so, I thought I might be able to crash at yours for a while, until I get back on my paws, but now that can't happen."

"It's doubtful, but I'm sure you could stay tonight at least. Then...I could sneak you in through my window a few nights, but it won't be long before my parents catch you..."

"You sure? I mean, I know it's a lot to ask, and I'm risking you getting in trouble?" Ty asked, they had now walked around the block and were back outside Sam's house.

"Of course, Mam and Dad won't mind trust me...even though you are a bit..."

"Scruffly? Smelly? Dirty?" Ty asked with a smirk across his muzzle.

"...yeah." He smiled back.

Sam opened the door, stepped in and tilted his head, invited Ty inside. He then went into the kitchen ta ask his parents about the arrangement. Sam's house was just as nice on the inside as outside. A lovely soft cream carpet beneath his paws which Ty thought looked lovely, but is probably a bitch to clean. Also, lots of decor and pictures covering the walls.

One in particular caught the fox's eye, it was of two large adult tigers (Sam's parents), one small cub which looks a lot like Sam, but there was also a slightly older tiger, maybe a young teen in the photo. Beneath it, read Memphis, Marie, Jason and Sam. Sam told the fox he didn't have any brothers. "I wonder why." Thought Ty, just as Sam arrived back and invited the fox upstairs, giving the 'all clear'.