The Birth of Mermaids

Story by Yiffbabe on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales from the Birthing Shrine

Mia spread her legs as Alex crawled into the bed with her, his hard cock ready for her. She let out a soft moan as he slipped inside of her, and slowly began to thrust in and out. The tigress arched her back and wrapped her legs around the man she was coming to think of as her tiger.

He nuzzled her neck affectionately, sighing with pleasure as the ovipositor gifted to him by the frog couple started to protrude from his cock. Mia began to feel the thinner, hotter tube stab against her back wall and held herself still as Alex found her cervix, which was unprepared for his intrusion and almost closed.

Alex pressed into the tight opening, and then lurched forward, putting the sizeable strength of his thighs behind one long, forceful push.

"Ohhhhhh! Harder! Fuck me deeper!" Mia moaned in his ear.

His face curled up as he felt it start to give way, allowing him to penetrate Mia's womb slowly. Nothing had ever gripped his cock so hard, and he grunted in what almost felt like pain as the ovipositor continued to push out of his cock into her. "Grrrrrunnngh!" Alex's head tilted and latched around her pert nipples, sucking up the milk her breasts readily produced. The only thing he could stand to thing about was the sweet taste of her milk and her tight pussy. Eyes clouded by passion opened under thick black lashes and Mia met his thrusts with a moan.

Mia rolled them over so that she was riding him, and dismounted, leaving his erection hanging. She guided back into her, only this time into her asshole. She squeezed her breasts together, so that the milk ran down into her pussy again, and splayed her legs open so he could see as she bounced up and down on his cock. She leaned back and Alex felt two fingers start to massage his anus. "Ngghugh...Mia!" Two of his fingers slid up her pussy, locating her G-spot as two of hers penetrated him, snaking around in search of his prostate.

She found it and started to fuck her fingers against it. "I know what you want, Baby."

He arched against her, thrusting himself at her fingers. "Fuck, pleeease Mia." His ovipositor pushed against the walls of her bowels as she put more muscle into her fucking.

"Do what, Alex?" She innocently said in between moans, rubbing her flat tummy with her free hand.

Alex's eyes rolled up in his head as she slammed into his prostate. "PUSH!"

Mia cried out as if she was in labor, and let out a grunt. "AAAAAUUNNGH! unnnnnggggghhh....oh fuck ahhhh!" The cock in her ass exploded as she came all over him. She slid off his cock, and then ran her finger through the cum that dripped out of her asshole, licking it off her finger.

After a bath, they snuggled into the bed together. Mia kissed his broad chest and smiled. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Alex grinned back at her and kissed her hair. "You'd get a full night's sleep, for one thing. You better rest up tonight, by the way. We have a new assignment tomorrow."

"What now?" Mia asked.

"A merman. They carry and lay eggs, which are then implanted into the female, where they hatch before being born alive." Alex said.

The next morning, Alex and Mia went into a special room with an enclosed pond that had an underground passage leading to the nearby ocean. It occurred to Mia that she could use the chance to escape, but her pussy started to twitch in anticipation of her next birth and she jumped into the water, head-first.

She smiled as cool water washed over her fur, but was distracted when a flash of emerald green caught her attention. Mia came to the surface just as a handsome blonde merman did. His slick skin glistened as water drops formed on it, and his bottom half flipped casually around in the water, keeping him afloat. His midsection was grossly swollen with his eggs, making him look pregnant.

"Draco." He said, introducing himself. "And you are a very lovely lady." He added, looking over her body.

"I'm Mia and that's Alex." Mia said, pointing to Alex, who stood at the edge of the pond, keeping watch. He was secretly afraid she might end up choking or taking in a lot of water during this mating, and worry lines and clenched jaws. Maybe he was over passionate about Mia, but he'd never seen something so beautiful in his life and didn't want to see any harm come to her.

Draco sympathetically gestured for Alex to get in the water. "You're welcome to participate, Alex." He said, knowing well the expression on the tiger's face spelled out his love for the sexy tigress he was about to impregnate. A mermaid popped up right in front of him. "This is my wife, Tammy. We can't carry, but if you guys don't mind...could she take part?"

Mia and Alex exchanged a glance, and then Mia smiled when she saw the hardon threatening to expose Alex's true feelings on the idea. "That sounds wonderful." She said as Alex plunged into the water.

They moved to a shallower part of the pond, where all could stand except the petite Mia, who was wondering how the breeding orgy was going to work. Draco took control, and pulled Mia close, then turned. "Wrap your legs around me." Mia did so, so she was flush against his back. "A little higher." Mia rubbed her slit down the scales, until she found one that moved inside of her and stuck. "Mmmph...keep going."

Mia rubbed on the hot scales of his asshole, which joined with her pussy, connecting them. She couldn't have gotten free if she wanted to. As she was rubbing, a scaly cock started to protrude from the front of the merman's body, which he started to rub. Alex and Tammy were noticeably absent, but surfaced a few minutes later with four huge sea cucumbers, four inches in diameter and a foot long.

Mia rested her head on Draco's shoulder as he rubbed his belly, trying to get ready for what was probably going to be painful for him. Her pussy was connected with his anus, so her tits were against his back, looking at Alex and Draco's wife, who was floating just below the surface. Tammy rubbed a group of scales that covered her pussy, moaning.

"Put it in me..." Tammy moaned to Alex, who took one of the sea cucumbers and put it at her entrance. Sensing the warmth, the cucumber crawled to her pussy and tried to go in, only to find the hole was too small. It drew back and thrust in, forcing it open as the thousands of tiny feelers covering its body moved into her.

The cock starting to protrude from the scales on the front of Draco was hard, pink, and covered in thick veins. "Alex..." Draco moaned as he took the cock in his hand.

Alex looked at the huge cock and felt his ovipositor start to push out in arousal. He placed the other three sea cucumbers on Tammy's lower half, knowing they'd all crawl into her pussy, and then bent over so that only his nose and eyes were above water, presenting himself to the pregnant merman.

Draco eased into the tiger's tight asshole and groaned as he pulled the tiger close and began implanting his eggs in Mia. He thrust forward, making an almost silent grunt as the egg started to travel down through his bowels. They were more than ready to come, so he knew it might not prove too difficult, but there was still a searing pain as it traveled downward, inches at a time.

Tammy's face wrinkled in a mix of pain and ecstasy as she came and the sea cucumber disappeared inside of her, making room for the next one seeking out her warmth. Just as the second creature started to crawl into her pussy, Mia felt something slimy touch her entrance. An orange-sized egg pressed against her entrance, but stopped as it stretched at the tight skin of her tiny pussy.

Draco fucked harder into Alex. "MMPHH!" The egg entered her, spreading her hot pussy as it traveled upward. Tammy, giving up on the cucumbers, swam up behind Mia and put the third one up to her asshole, rubbing herself as it began to force its way into her ass.

Mia threw her head back and moaned as she felt herself being stretched both by the egg and the living, crawling cucumber. "Ohhhh!" Her hand moved to her clit, which she rubbed in furious circles as the slimy creature spread her asshole, probing around inside of her. "Ahhh!"

Another egg felt its way up into her, pushing the first one toward her cervix. A strange, thick mass she couldn't see extended from inside of him and pushed the two eggs farther up. Mia humped against the merman as the strange appendage moved inside of her, pushing the two precious eggs into her cervix.

Mia rubbed her clit faster as the cucumber disappeared into her. "Oh...I'm gonna cum. Fuck! I'm gonna! AAAUUGH!" She screamed.

Draco took the opportunity to stretch the eggs past her cervix and implant then in her womb. The thick, hot appendage started to move inside of her, as if fucking Mia. Tammy put the last cucumber to her hole, and it followed the first, stretching the delicate tissue of Mia's ass as it went inside.

The pseudo-penis was huge, hot, and slimy, and started the thrust in and out of Mia's sex in time with Draco's thrust into Alex, who was grasping his own huge cock, rubbing it furiously as he let out little grunts and moans. Tammy swam in front of him and offered him her asshole, which he thrust into quickly, desperate to relieve the arousal and swollen balls he had from being assfucked so well.

"Nya!" Tammy screamed as the ovipositor fucked her deeper than her husband ever had. It hit places in her she didn't even know felt good and she pushed back on the tiger's thick cock, which in turned pushed the tiger back onto her husband.

The appendage in Mia made a few desperate, harsh jarring thrusts into Mia as Draco came, crying out loudly for his wife. The pseudo-penis inside of Mia started to pump hot liquid into her womb, inflating it like a water balloon. It came in spurts, like semen, which he was ejaculating into Alex at that very moment.

Alex, roared and pulled the sexy mermaid down for several soul-piercing thrusts before they peaked.

For a few minutes, there was only silence and panting as the four leaned on one another. Mia was still bound to Draco, but Tammy swam to her side. The pseudo-penis was still inside of Mia. "You have to push it out to break the bond." Tammy said. "We should do something about these cucumbers too." She panted with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Alex swam behind the ladies, anxious to see the show they were about to put on. Draco couldn't see Mia, but he could see his wife, who bit her lip and let out a shriek as she bore down on the cucumber. "KYYAAAAAUNNGGGGH!"

Mia held onto the merman tightly and joined her. "MMMMMMPHHUUNNGH!" Her asshole began to bulge out and turn red. "GRRRRUUUGH!"

Tammy's cucumber started to poke out, and she rubbed her clit as it spread her pussy so wide. "MMpph! FUCK!" She swam over to her husband and starting rubbing her tailhole on Draco's penis, which immediately started to stiffen again. He plunged into her as she continued to push. Her first cucumber slipped out with a gush of cum.

Meanwhile, Mia had a cucumber halfway out of her ass and had moved the thick appendage in her out almost halfway. Alex found himself hardening as he watched, and began to stroke his cock. "Ohhh...don't stop, Mia."

Mia bit down on her lip. "UNNGGGHH!"

The cucumber, agitated by the pressure, started to force its way out, which made Mia hump against Draco and push even harder. "NYAYAAA!" It popped out and sank into the water as the second brushed against her hole. "Hauuunnnngh! Unngh!" It began to poke out just as the last of Draco was forced out of her pussy and they broke free. She disappeared under the water for a moment, but Alex dove and brought her back up, supporting her as she finished. "AAAUUNNNGGH!" The sex cucumber popped out of her asshole as jets of cum from Alex pumped against her swollen belly.

She leaned on Alex and looked over at the married couple, who were just finishing their own romp under the water. Mia panted and let Alex carry her out of the pond. "I think...I like sea cucumbers." She said, half-crazed.

Mia spent most of that day and the next day napping. She had been warned that this pregnancy would exhaust her, and it did. The eggs inside of her demanded far too much from her body to allow her some of the comforts she had come to love, like sex with Alex. The most unbearable part of it was that she looked more than nine months pregnant and almost all of the belly was water, containing only two eggs.

During dinner on the second day, Mia lay on the bed, balancing a plate of fish on her belly, blaming the strange fish craving on the fact she had two mermaid eggs in her. Just as she finished, she felt something move inside of her. The tigress jumped and the plate fell to the floor and broke.

Alex was by her side in a second. "Are you okay?"

"S-something is moving in there!" Mia cried, rubbing her belly. "I think they've hatched!

Alex nodded and carried her down to the pond again, where the merman and his wife had been waiting for their babies. Mia's pregnancy was special in that if her water broke, her womb had to be kept full of fluid or the babies inside might die. Mermaids had to have fluid. They also couldn't stay in the womb very long after hatching, so Alex helped her undress and sit on the docked edge of the pond, splaying her legs over the wooden edge.

Alex gave her a potion to induce labor and waited a few moments for it to kick in, chatting with the peculiar creatures in the water. They were so excited, ready to become parents. As he watched them, he felt envious in a way; this would be the second time he watched Mia give birth to someone else's offspring. Were they doomed to send all her babies away? Would she become lonely and miss them?

He knelt beside her and nuzzled her cheek, whispering softly in her ear. "I love you."

Mia's eyes grew wide as a contraction hit and sent the babies inside of her into a nervous flutter around her womb. She rubbed her belly and Alex moved so that he was behind her, holding her cradled between his legs. Her own legs hooked around his, so they were parted wide. "I love you too." She replied softly as she tilted her head to kiss him.

A few minutes later, another contraction hit and her water broke, sending Draco and Tammy into a panic.

Alex pushed a cart over and inserted a tube into Mia's vagina, up into her cervix, and used it to continuously pump water into her. It gushed out of her like her water was breaking constantly. He returned to his position behind her and rubbed her belly with her. These were fragile creatures, so a short labor was preferable and guaranteed by the potion he had given Mia, who let out a shriek as a contraction rippled across her belly.

She felt sweat forming on her brow. It was more intense this time, and her contractions were more intense, longer, and actually hurt, unlike her first birth. Was it that potion? She didn't want the babies in her to be in danger, but as the next contraction seized her, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. "It hurts!"

Alex rubbed her belly agai, and then reached down lower, to her clit. He rubbed it slowly. "I know, Honey. Let's just get through this."

Draco swam to the edge and found himself eye level with her slit. "I can make this go faster." He said, pulling the tube out of her womb. The flow of water stopped gushing from her as Draco gently pulled her into the water. "Bond with me again."

Mia nodded and wrapped her legs around his back, rubbing against the scales of his asshole until it locked with her pussy. The pseudo-penis extended into her, gently, and carefully as Mia cried out with the next contraction. "AAAH!" She clutched the belly with white knuckles as the hot appendage began to prod at her cervix. It found the opening and began to press gently. Another contraction hit Mia, who clawed into Draco hard enough to draw blood. "Oh fuck...please hurry!" He pressed harder, and harder, and felt it slowly stretch open. He didn't want to kill her, but he didn't want his babies to die either. With one final shove, he forced it open completely, and then quickly hoisted her back up to Alex, who put the tube back in, replacing the lost amniotic fluid.

The tigress splayed her legs and growled as the next painful contraction hit, forcing the head of the first baby through her cervix. "UNNGGGHHH! NYYUUGGH!" It moved just slightly, and she panted and started again. "GRRRAAUUGH! Unngggh! Ah!" The head popped free and she leaned back against Alex for a moment, panting. The next contraction came and she bore down hard. "Haaauuuugh! Aaahh! It's coming! I can feel it! It's comiiiiingh!"

Her pussy lips started to swell out as the head approached her vaginal opening. Alex rubbed her belly. "Come on. let's push this big baby out now. Give me a big push, Girl."

Were it not for all the pushing she had done in training, she might have torn his throat out at his expectations, but he was challenging her. Mia snarled as the next contraction came, clawed into Alex's legs, and roared. "RRROAAAARUNNNGH!" The head started to emerge, but she didn't even take a breath. "NYAYAAAAAA! Unnggh!" Eyes and nose became visible as Mia's cheeks started to turn red. "GAAAH!" The head popped out, but she remained focused. "It's coming! It's....AAAAAAAAAUUUNGH!"

The baby slid out of her and into the water, where she instinctively swam to Draco and Tammy. "It's a girl! She's beautiful!" Tammy said.

Mia almost passed out as she collapsed against Alex. She still had to do this one more time. Alex was started to get worried and gave her more potion, which caused her to go into intense labor, rushing the birth of the second baby. Mia screamed as the next contraction came; this one literally compacted her belly in front of her very eyes. The head started to push into her vaginal canal, and she aided it, giving small groans of pain as she pushed.

Alex rubbed her belly; he knew it was going to hurt a little more using chemicals, but this seemed ridiculous. Was something wrong with Mia? Was something wrong with the second baby? He suddenly felt claws dig all the way into his leg as a shriek cut through the room. Mia cried out as the liquid pouring out of her vagina turned a bloody pink. "Let's get this done quick, Mia."

Mia nodded as sweat rolled down her face. She took a few deep breaths and arched her back, putting her whole body into the push. "KAAAAAAAAUUUGGGH!" The babe slid a little farther down; she could tell this one was bigger. A lot bigger. "Unnnggghhh!'s too big!" She sobbed as she cried. "Something's wrong!"

The couple in the water gripped each other, fearing for their little one. Alex was about to get the forceps when another contraction tore through Mia's body, pushing the head of the baby against her pussy lips as she cried in pain. "UNNGGH! Kyaaaaaaah!"

Another baby mermaid landed in the water, this one almost eighteen pounds to her sister's ten. Her scales looked like they were made from silver and came to an end with sharp fins. Mia could tell from the shock and joy that there was something special about her second baby. Then, she realized it wasn't her baby at all. A stab of emotional pain greater than her pain during labor went through her heart, and the tigress turned and fled, limping as quickly as her bruised body allowed.

Giving birth to eggs had been one thing, but feeling the live babies inside, and pushing them into the world had been so different. Mia felt attached to them. She was running down the hall when she ran into the man that ran the shrine, Haro, who had publicly humiliated her on her first night at the birthing shrine.

The wolf held her still. "Mia, what's the matter? You're injured you need to let someone take a look at--"

"No! I need my babies!" She sobbed as she passed out.

When Mia woke up, the pain had subsided considerably and she sat up in her bed. Haro was standing at her window, staring out, and Alex was cautiously watching him. She was afraid she was about to be ordered into public humiliation, but the wolf paced across the floor.

Haro finally stopped and looked at the tigress. "You know, this place exists because there aren't enough women out there who can mother furries. And those that can...well, let's just say that they aren't all great at actually being mothers. You help society make up for that by giving babies to loving parents."

Mia angrily growled at him and wiped tears from her face with an open palm. "What about me?"

"Let me finish." Haro said. "I think you are one of those loving parents. So, if you so choose, I would be willing to allow you to breed whomever you choose and keep a cub or two of your own. You'll still be mothering for others, but that way, you wouldn't be completely childless."

"You're going to let me have my own cubs? And keep them?" Mia asked.

Haro nodded and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Mia hugged Alex tightly and apologized for running away from him. "I love you. Will you be father to my cubs?"

Alex smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. "Of course I will."

Author's Note: I've decided to end the series here. I just don't feel like writing on it much anymore, although there will be some ovi and birth in my new series, Planet XXX.

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