Fallen for the Flesh - Part 4

Story by DevilDoe on SoFurry

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As the eons passed, sophistication came to Hell, and it's burgoning, bustling population of pleasureseeking devils. Urbanization and urbane attitudes were adopted as the years slid by, as they built both edifice, and education for themselves, in how to pursue their persistently pernicious and sinful matters and ways.

Civilization, such as it was, came to that place Down There; from out of the ash covered and uncomfortably rough soil of Hell arose the great city of Pandemonium, a metropolis, a great megopolis of which the fallen angels sought to make a city to outstrip the Celestial one they had been forced out of. And in many ways, they came close to accomplishing that -

Although, the noticible brutality of the architechture, the spirit-crushing indifference evident in those great monoliths of buildings made for a contradiction. Great craft and skill and talent was at work here, but despite all the ability and aptitude, the resulting creations were ones that were for all their fine line and design quite unfriendly, and quite uninviting.

As if demonic architect, and stonemason wished to give the viewer of their artifices and buildings a guilty, painful nausea in the pit of their stomach, both for what they saw, and for the contradiction of admiration and distaste what they saw caused in them.

But regardless of the coldness and cruelty of the city in which they lived, and that they had made in their burning exile, the devils had in that domain made for themselves a world, a way, and a life. Ostentation was the word of the day, excess was their standard and measure; they sought pleasure, much as the living mortal souls do Up There on Earth, but they did so without any sense ever of restraint, self control, or good taste. And so it was life in the Burning Furnace - for the Fallen, not so much for the Damned - was one that was indeed a life, but one that was filled with appaling scenes and signs wherever one looked.

Thus it was that a day came where the succubus who'd taken the name Comet was to be found frequenting grandiose, if ghastly galas and ceremonies and banquets held by demon lords and princes for their own glory and gratification. They were elegant in their execution, in great halls massive and full with every devil who was any devil; and if you didn't look too closely you'd think them dignified and graceful, in their staging, in their setting, and in their attending dignitaries.

On close inspection, of course, this being Hell, you'd find nudity, lewdness, statuary bequeathed with huge phallus, and guests who would do anything that they wanted, and in front of everyone who was there.

On this particular night, the devil deer was at a place in her eternal life where her star could be said to be somewhat on the rise, again - her luck having turned for the better, although terms like stars and luck have no place in the firey abyss. She was at a time of her existence where she was no one's sexual slave, but too not the self-crowned and exhalted succubus queen she'd been in times past; at this particular time she was, simply put, a free agent - serving male demons where it amused and pleased her, stealing mortal cum on contract for various incubi in need of that precious cream, and in general playing the field and fucking random demons as she wanted, whenever the mood struck her.

On this particular night, the ostentatious and morally outrageous bash was attended by a throng of gathered sex demons, a hugely important (and hugely hung) devil of gluttony having gathered large crowd of incubi and succubi to entertain and, to be entertained by; said entertainment for said leading devil involving poshly appointed chambers in which those who sought his favor could favor his cock with stroking hands - two hands preferably, it was a big job to jack him off. Among the crowd, at a long stone table and sampling foods (that sometimes were sublime and sometimes, grotesque) could be found a small clutch of succubi, Comet among them, where the workin' girls of Hell had exactly the kind of conversation you'd expect succubi to have.

"Listen, girl," one demoness shaped as a buxom, blackmasked and longhorned raccoon was telling Comet, "You GOTTA get yourself one 'a these." She gripped her black skinned, meaty cock in a fist and flexed its head up to Comet's veiw for a glimpse of a huge dollop of pre, on the tip. "Cunny and a cock, that is the ONLY way to go, kiddo. Comprehensive, full service temptation. Get him ta fuck ya, then you go, 'hey, wanna suck my dick.. first time, babe? Awww, don't be scared, you'll like it..."

Comet and the 'coongirl both laughed raucously, the demoness deer reaching to grip attentively at the proffered dark penis. "Mmmm yeah, I can see the advantages. I dunno... I'm old fashioned, it's just a big strap on when I want to peg him..." the devil doe giggled, as she fondled the offered male tool. Her sweet little chuckle trailed off into a longing sigh, as fingertips lay along the lines and veins, along the tip, of that lovely, mouthwatering manhood.

She swirled touching finger tip 'round the flareing rim of the raccoon succubus's cockhead, the crimson doe's thoughts becoming quite heated, and crowded, with all the possibilities so sweet and sensual that normally come to a girl when presented with provoking male erection that merely by being so hot and hard, brought such promise.

The racconette's eyes burned bright, as a hissing gasp slipped from her lips for that crimson hand that now rested upon her heated cock. "Hey... we could .. you wanna try it out now? I can raise a manrod on you, with my magic, and we can switch off, catching and pitching..." the masked and hopeful demon lover whispered to the devil doe. "Mm, Comet, I've been hot for you for sooo long.. we'd make one Hell of a team, you and me, we wouldn't need any guys... just you and me, fucking day in and day out..." she moaned, the raccoon girl swinging hips so slight to just light slip her hardness forth, and back, in the hold of the red demonic doe.

"Stigi..." Comet whispered back, as she bent over for the masked succubus... her breath further warming what was already a red hot rod of love, thick and throbbing in her hand. "We've been over this..." the deer demon muttered as her tongue, forked and serpent quick flicked over the pulsing knob of the coonette's cock tip. Quick wet licks brought forth impatient, whimpering coo's and crooning from the black masked succubus who found her cock now painfully in need of more than just a quick doe kiss upon it.

"C'mon..." Stigi wheedled, in a whining, cajoling voice. "Lord Gorgebelly expects it, lots of sucking, lots of fucking, lots of cumming to make his party all sticky and messy... just slip onto the table with me and let's fuck, kiddo, c'mon, let's fuuuccck...."

Comet's lips were parted, tongue licking up, up 'round and over in wet lashes of that black raccoon cocktip, making it shine, as she readied her reply... only to hold that surrenduring, affirmative answer back, as the announcement of the doorman (who was a damned soul, chained to his role and place with iron and nails to keep chains on) told those fallen and assembled dark angels of the arrival of another clutch of their evil kin. Annoyed at the simpering voice of the accursed who made the announcement, the devilish doe glanced up from the dark, juicy length of dick she clutched in her hand...

To see, in the great portal that opened into the great hall, ~him~. The fallen angel who before falling had taught her the ways of flesh. The one who'd, back so long ago, back in Heaven, first given her that first, addicting taste of male charms and erection, and the ecstacy such beautiful organ may bring. ~Her~ fallen angel.

Bent over, her ass hiked up, hooves spread askew as she was that moment bent over for the succubus named Stigi, Comet froze... golden eyes wide as she saw him again, after so long; her breath held, as she found herself holding another's dick when before her, coming closer in her view, was the beautiful and perfect cock which had started it all, for her.

"What, what's the hold up, hunny? I wanna stuff your cunny..." the coonette succubus petulantly complained. Comet heard not a word, vision rivited to sight of the one she'd lost so long ago, and ever since craved.

Like her, his animal form had finalized, solidified, in the heat and in the lusts of Hell. He stood some 8 foot tall, buff but not overbuilt; stallion in form who's fur and flesh was dark as the depths of moonless night. A goatee playfully curled from his chin, in cliche ruff of devil-styled chin tuft; eyes glowing amber in light bright and a bit sickly were as many devils affected. His horns were extravagant, curving back from his brow, ridged like a ram's, thick like a buffalo's, to at about a foot back curve back up in halfmoon arc. In his long, unkempt mane and uncombed, tangled tail little hairs and threads of silver spread from roots to the tips.

Like incubi often are known and, expected, to do he came to the affair, naked; wearing little but silver and obscenely carved armband and bracelets on his flesh. He did however wear one bit of covering attire, one striking in appearance and giving him a distinctive look; a huge, heavy, painful looking metal boot that he wore sheathing left leg from hoof, all the way to knee. It was forged from rough iron, unpolished and unadorned, all straps and bands and looking much like not so much a fashion as a hasty field repair.

As Comet watched him, heedless of her succubi sisters, heedless of the now very turgid, very heavy 'coongirl's dick in her hand, the stallion joined a small group of devils who laughed and chatted among themselves. "Oh, sorry, Stigi," another of the succubi laughed, in the group around the transfixed devil doe. "Looks like our favorite red cockhunter's got another cock, to hunt..."

The demoness deer didn't hear that snide comment; she couldn't take her eyes from the sight of her angel, her fallen angel, there. She especially found one detail of that form that he so proudly wore now to be particularly of interest, a thing that was bigger than that he'd given her back Up There, in Heaven... oh yes, oh my, oooh baby, a *stallion's cock*, a big horse's penis, long and heavy against his thigh. Her mouth practically watered every time that gorgeous stallion would, as he spoke to his horned and horrible peers, shift, from one hoof to the other, causing that thick firehose of a prick to bob and slap and ponderously bounce soft against the strong thickness of his thighs.

Comet released the dark coonprick from her hold, to the pouting whine of the coongirl to whom it was attached. She stepped forth from her bretheren and made direct path to the devil horse she knew from so long ago; the devil doe putting some extra sexy sway in her hips and prance in her hooves as she came to him, making ass jiggle and hips wriggle and tits bounce for getting the stud's proper attention. The small coven of succubi with whom she'd been sharing naughty stories, followed along... the gaggle of devil girls cat-calling and hooting for how their red sister was so obviously on the prowl.

"Oh fuckin' great. It's blueballs for Stigi," the raccoon succubus snarled. "Aw, don't worry babe," another of the succubi whispered into her dark, fuzzy ear... that devilish whore one shaped as a slutty siamese cat, who's clawed fingers gripped the rock hard desperation of Stigi's cock. "I gotta feeling it's orgy time, and I get first crack at having this in MY crack..."

The tall stallion glanced at the approaching demoness doe, with a salacious lick of his lips as first he spied the hipswaying and naked succubus who was clearly coming to see him. And as swift as she'd known him, he, knew her, knowing Comet for the one he'd lost in the Fall; knowing the red doe for the angel he'd once shown the irresistable charms and spell of sex to. He took note of her full formed, so fine doe shape, smiling at the cute impish wings she affected; groaning through his lips and panting in appreciation, at the very big, quivering tits she had shaped that twitched so for her expressive, excessive sexy walk.

With the small coven of leering succubi forming half circle audience about her, the scarlet harlot of a doe drew up before the devil stud, and knelt, to the demon she knew as a superior. She held her pitchfork before her, points planted against the stone ground. "Dark evening to you, sire, to you, oh incubus, Lord... ah, Lord... " she trailed off, gazing up with question; knowing speaking the true name he had back in heaven could make her target for painful reprisal.

"Brokenhoof," the lovely stallion enunciated, with gracious words back to her. He held his pitchfork proudly, the butt of it touching his metal boot with a metal ringing, as he looked down upon the one who had been his, in Heaven. "And, your name, my lovely, lush demoness doe?"

Suggesting and suggestive motions and mentions were made 'round the stud and the devil deer, by the gathered succubi who were hoping this little stage play would end in a public rut.

"I am Comet, M'Lord Brokenhoof. A succubus, though not one of great infamy, now," the demoness answered. She arose at his motion, the demoness gazing into the demon horse's face; so many thoughts of their times together so long ago in Heaven shared 'tween them, though certainly not said. She saw in his eyes that he remembered her, and... perhaps? ... longed for her flesh, even as she had for eons, longed for his.

Around them, the clustered succubi impatiently twittered and squaked; hands found cocks or slid 'tween thighs on themselves or near devil neighbor, the gang of sex devils impatient for this to get to a fuck.

Comet bent forth before Brokenhoof, to let her right hand move towards that cruel metal cast on his equine leg. Brokenhoof's voice came with a wavering groan, his eyes not upon the iron casing which the succubus reached for, but rather, upon his suddenly swelling up stallionhood. "Can... ooh, can, can I touch it?" Comet murmured to him, as her hand oh so light brushed his shaft, before coming to rest on the metal cast of his boot, where it covered his knee.

The attendant clutch of nude succubi laughed and clamored in a chorus of randy, "OoooOOOOoooo!"

"Yes..." Brokenhoof muttered, his eyes on the doe's red figure, on the doe's lovely and deertail graced ass, deeply admiring the view of bowing devil girl. The scarlet succubus's fingertips followed in adoring wonder, down, over the metal upon his knee.. along the straps rough and leather, over the nub and knob of rivets where blacksmith had with efficiency but no aesthetic, clasped contrivance securely together.

Comet's touch then slid up, to run over rough iron, then glancing off the shielding knee piece to ricochet over and end upon the stallion's arising cock, and follow there over so very soft male skin who's fine velvet contrasted so with the hard iron she'd been fondling. Her hand brushed up along his impressive, imposing length, gliding up feather soft upon him, up until she could ruffle the thatch of fur that tangled around his sheath.

The circled coven of lusty succubi cackled racously, making lewd suggestions for what should come next. Groaning gasps and whinings came to be heard among them as they played with themselves, and began to play with each other, wanton and wanting of carnal acts; but the devil horse and his returned to him doe hardly noticed, as they came on to each other.

"Have you, a harem herd?" Comet asked of her found-again stallion, her wings twitching as she folded them to her back. "Have you mares?" she asked plaintively, fearful of the answer. "I have none, my dear," Brokenhoof answered, his horsetail in a light twitch. "I've not yet taken mares, succubi... or, sexy does.. to serve me and service my lusts." He paused, unsure too, wanting her so, but... not sure, if she would return to him, with how things had gone so wrong, in that place so far above.

The devilish doe gazed right into the stallion's eyes, a long moment passing between them. So much had happened; they'd been with so many others, since last they had expressed carnal, physical, visceral love with one another. "Would..." the demon deer started, haltingly. "Would you take me, oh Lord Brokenhoof, as the first of the herd you so richly deserve to have?"

The ring of succubi around them had been joined now by other incubi and together, they all stood on the verge of unleashed orgy. Strokings and suckings sounded 'round them as lips and hands reached and fondled heated, dripping flesh; but for the doe and her stud, it was as if they were alone, and there only for one another.

A beat passed and then, Brokenhoof spoke, voice deep and confident as he answered the cervine succubus's question. "Yes," he said, deliberate and definite, "You will serve me, Comet," the stallion incubus said, with just enough demand to hide the wondering he felt, for her thoughts. "I shall take you, as the first of my harem, my first darling, my first pet." The small set of assembled succubi punctuated his words with squealing laughs and suggestions that included he show her who's boss, show who's the master by nailing her hard.

Comet's amber eyes slowly blinked, as she fixed her gaze steadily to his. She longingly looked deep into his eyes, deep inside him, before she answered. "I shall serve you; you shall be my master, Brokenhoof, incubus," she agreed, making complete the spoken contract. She reached then, for his member, for his thick horse's dick, hand sliding in easy graze upon that thickness of male desire.

The devil deer's touch slid up, and fondled fond rub against his sheath; and then, slid down again along arisen want to his head, her gaze still intent upon his eyes. She then took his cock tip and reverently held it, with cup underneath of her palm, and raised that still supple cable of his flesh to her lips, the devil doe bending over at her hips that she could place upon his tip a servile kiss. Her mouth flared open to take in the flare of his cock's crown, the succubus' spreading lips against his cumslit, where males too have a such wonderful pair of lips, down there, for a girl to kiss.

Brokenhoof moaned in a rising neigh, as his cock rose further to the scarlet doe's attentions. His eyes rolled downwards for daring, brazen gaze at this demoness who bent over for him to suck in carnal, obedient kiss upon the head of his powerful male rod.

"Yes... oh, yes, I accept you, Comet, my doe... my lead doe, first of my herd, first among the succubi who shall serve me." The stud leaned back against the banquet table, his naked ass on its edge and silken tail being draped over dishes of strange foods, as he spread thighs for her, his horse's ears twitching spasms as her lips glided further over the now stone heavy head of his stallionhood.

"That's not enough, obedient dear," one of the licentious succubi of the gaggle about them chuckled, sibilantly. The giraffe-shaped herm held her own cock in hand, stroking herself with glee at the sight of blatant blowjob that was quickly coming true before the demon crowd. "Gotta seal the deal, to make him your master. Gotta suck him off and swallow his load..."

Comet moaned needfully, her deertail twitching in delight as she tasted Brokenhoof's manly, mighty flesh upon her forked tongue; she eased her lips over his tip further, her hand moving along the thick ridge that ran along his cock's underside. She felt her new master, ~her~ stallion's perfect inner thighs and knees tremble, with twitching bliss as he in turn felt her razor sharp teeth rake, upon his pride... as he felt her so very, very wet and tender lips tighten, in adoring circle 'round that thick pole of his power.

"No..." the devil doe then whispered, drawing back, that a wet little strand of her spit strung from her tongue, to her master's glorious cock tip. "I want you inside me. I want to show them how we fuck... I want to show everyone how good we fuck," Comet sighed in her pouty, bedroom voice.

Wild cries and whoops rose about the stud and his bent over, obedient doe... as the assembled succubi began to sweep dishes of devil's food from the tables, and drag each other onto the carved stone. Lips covered cockshafts and nipples, and pressed in against clits as the surrender of devil doe to her demon stud signaled the flag was up, the race was on, and a wild demon orgy had begun.

Well hung and heavily endowed incubi and succubi began to grip and grasp at and grind against each other all around them, every sex demon reaching for a parnter, every carnal devil grabbing for cunny or cock that presented itself. Amid the crowd the spurned raccoon girl Stigi found the tall giraffe herm ready and able to suck cock, and give a cock to suck in kind.

And as all Hell broke loose - in the form of a Hellbound orgy - Comet arose, moving forth to take position upon the banquest table, that heavy and cold stone to serve as conjugal bed for the newly formed devil couple. In taking her pose, in taking her place, for her master Brokenhoof, COmet deliberately swayed close to him that hip and naked breasts brushed his bare horseflesh; that his cock was breif trapped in its achingly hard state against her belly, and his, as she pushed forth past him to lay for him, open and ready.

"Do me, my master. Do me hard, do me fast, show them our carnal glory..." she whispered in heat to him, the doe laying upon her flank; the upper of her hands curled against her leg to lift open her thighs, showing her stallion the wet mess of a ready pussy. Her amber eyes burned as tears formed in them, her breasts heavy against each other, as she trembled, awaiting his shaft. "It's been so long," she nearly sobbed, her tongue flickering forth, as she pleaded with her new found master. "So long, since ~we've~ done it... Brokenhoof, please, do me..." she begged of him, blatantly displaying for him the tight bud of her tailhole and the wet crevasse of her cunny, doe ready for either to be speared by the horse sized shaft he bore.

"Fear not, my doe..." Brokenhoof hissed to her, hugging left arm 'round her lifted leg to clutch it to his broad horsie chest. "I'll serve you, I'll service you, I'll stuff your tight snatch and take away all that cruel vacancy..." he nickered carnally, as he grasped his hose of a cock. He slapped it against her belly, drawing frustrated squeal from his doe; her free hand grasping it to shove it down and force him to awaiting succubus holes.

A moment came where they writhed and wrestled against each other, the devil deer clutching and aiming his tip to her awaiting, slippery girl slit; the stallion devil twisting his hips to help, letting loose a braying neigh as he felt simmering pussy juices against his well licked tip. With a huff and a grunt he took full advantage of that properly made aim, pounding at his doe's cunny. His cock slid in whole inches in one shove, causing the petals of her pussy to spread to a very wide gape about his so very thick endowment of horse's flesh.

"Fuck me like you mean it!" Comet screamed to her new master, to her stallion who'd she'd not had since before the Fall. "Do it... do me... show 'em how to fuck! Show 'em how we fuck!" she brayed in a lust filled madness, her right hand clutched hard, under her ass to hold that lifted thigh up high, as the other bent a silver candlestick all out of shape in a grip mirroring the vise her silky pussy put about her stallion's probing and pushing hard shaft.

Brokenhoof groaned a feral growl worthy of a tiger, a wolf, a true toothed beast, his arms 'round his doe's risen and spread leg as he threw his hips into her with ever rising force. The devil doe felt a wing grow cold as his thrusts and his shoves and his stabs deep into her with his dick slid her onto a dish of something cool and melting against her wing's black bat skin.

"Oh! Oh 'Hoof!" She gasped with lips spread wide, though not so wide as those 'tween her thighs that were choking thick filled with horse's dick. "There.. oh by the Flames, THERE.. there, there, ~there~..." she began to chant, with each time he swayed and swirled hips back and then hard forth into the yeilding V of her spread thighs. The diabolical doe glared with greedy glee at the form of her fucking, forceful and want-filled master... her hips pitching harder with ever increasing, sinuous sway that she could stroke and rock and rub better his punishing horse's shaft in the wet silky clamp of her pussy.

Her hair tumbled about her face, tangling in curls round ram-shamped spiral horns to drape from their tips; tresses coming to be tangled curls more messy and mussed, about her pinned back ears, and against the red furred cheeks of her cervine face. Her voice came in artless, graceless unffs as her well endowed, well curved figure absorbed stroke upon stroke, push upon push of that thick, long horse's shaft that Brokenhoof pitched eagerly into her.. her body wanting to simply slide off the stone and tumble to the floor were it not for the possessing grip the stud held 'round the uplifted grace of her doe's leg.

"Mine..." Brokenhoof chanted, calls coming paced with perfect match to the pervasive, persuasive thrusts he gave forth to jam his long horseprick deep into the awaiting wet snatch of his succubus doe. "My cunny to fuck, my tits to suck, my doe's mouth to fill with my steaming seed..." he snarled at her, he neighed at her, as supreme feeling of possession overgame him. "~Mine~," he snarled again, as he freed a hand to grasp his pitchfork, and poke away Stigi as she tried to slide up and suck on the doe's throbbing clit... the black masked succubus hissing back at him, as she was pushed away from the hard fucking couple.

Comet didn't even notice the intrusion that was attempted; she hardly felt as her stallion missed a stroke, for having to hold off the raccoon interloper. All she knew was the power of his strokes; all she knew, whas the utterly completing and filling girth and length of his cock. All she heard was him saying, she was his; and it was true, so true. She was his, for all time and damnation eternal. No more to be a singed little whisp blown about in the hot winds of Hell's lusts, but to evermore be and again be with the stallion who'd have her, possess her, and use her for his carnal designs, whenever they should strike him.

The stallion found a lock of his mane caught, in the V cleft of his doe succubi's lifted and trembling hoof, a tug there stinging as he swayed hips and watched with brilliant eyes the sight of her cuntlips tightly dilated about the fat girth of his cock that so helpfully rendered them so... the stud's nostrils flaring on each rasping breath that he drew with swelling chest, as he took her, as he fucked her, as hard as a demon's form and flesh would allow. His red devil doe's breath caught suddenly as she saw an arcing, thick, cascade of cum shooting from nearby tip of an incubus dick, its owner so inflamed his aim was so off, that fountaining cream heading for her own belly... only to be caught and splatter audibly with a thick splat against the quick flick of Brokenhoof's spreading black wing.

"No... ohhh, oohhhhhh, nooooo, not another's cum, no other's jizz on you this night, my Comet.. only mine... only I'll mark you, only I'll use you as the vessel of my potency and my stallion's issue..." the batwinged stallion panted, his eyes bonfire bright as he focused his sight upon the wet strech of the demon doe's netherlips 'round the steady slick slide of his dark horse's dick.

The doe demoness gasped then, eyes startling wide as she found him gripping her thigh and her ass; as she found him throwing her about in half turn, her flesh turning with liquid lubrication of her pussy 'round the pivot thick that was his huge horse dick. Brokenhoof threw her onto her wings, and her back, causing her to fling custard and cream about them as he twisted her about in dishes now ruined; the splattering delights spread all over the devils who fornicated all around them as they, in turn, splattered and spurted demonsperm all over, reaching swift their own climaxes amid wails and groans.

Brokenhoof leaned in over his returned, fallen Comet, his hands clutching at her ponderous, bouncing tits; he smeared her fur and her flesh with the cream of dished diabolic and delicious, swirling sticky and softly wet delectables of tastes sweet, tangy and tart all over the swelling curves of her chest. In turn the devil deer glaized her lover stud with the messy remains of the banquet beneath her, painting his black horse's hide and and broad chest with exotic tastes that made him even more mouthwateringly wanted, to her.

Her stud gripped hard at those yeilding swells of breasts, her nipples so hard and so hard caught in the crook of his thumbs and forefingers. He rested his weight upon her, pumping potently with his prick, with each thrust in this new taken pose brushing the slippery, dripping petals of her gaping wide spread pussy with the dark silk of his horse's sheath. Comet welcomed that weight, his weight, his (once) divine flesh atop him... watching through the rosy haze of intense ecstacy as his wings flowered besides him, spreading, stallion throwing rapidfire thrusts into her with a fast sliding cock.

Comet could feel his intensity increase, his own ecstacy come to be far too intense; his cock come to be fearfully, painfully hard, within the wet heaven her hellborn body held for it, between her thighs. She watched as his mane came to be matted wet with his sweat, 'round the roots of his horns and the soft skin of his pinned back equine ears. She felt his strokes come to be erratic, stud so close he started to miss his rhythm, as he went at his doe with a need that rivaled that of entire legion of incubi.

"Fuckin'... dammit... dammit, my doe, I'm... mmmm.. 'm gonna cum..." Brokenhoof sputtered, stammering, unable to stop, unable to cease his thrusts for how much he needed to feel his dick sliding wetly into her snatch. His tail swept between spread hooves as he kept at her pussy with a fury born of a long aching want... the devil stallion, this incubus, maestro of his cock and virtuoso of his cum finding that he felt as no more than a colt, now, too eager, too fast, moment rising too soon with one he'd hungered for, for so long.

Comet leered at him, with clenched white fangs showing past her peeled back lips; her eyes flaming as she glared at him, as would the Adversary himself at a newly doomed, damned soul. "Do it, Brokenhoof..." she hissed through her hotly clenched teeth. "Do it, do it, fill me, fill me with your power, fill me with your hot gushing cum..." she insisted with demonic voice, unto him. Her hand reached 'neath his muzzle, gripping his goatee, tugging his lips onto hers for a tongue writhing kiss, while the other clawed hand reached down for a quick, hard snatch at his shaft as he stuffed it into her, adding to the heat, adding to the tight embrace of her want 'round that girth that had her aching in so lovely a manner.

The incubus stud's cry of perfect, potent triumph was stifled, with that lusty, long lingered kiss Comet gave to her cumming stud - though it would've been hard to pick out regardless from the chorus of sultry and obscenely spoken wails that surrounded them in midst of the orgy they'd started. His doe's lips curved in a utterly satisfied smile of success, as she felt his demon sperm spurt suddenly, her voice a shrill gasp on his lips as a hard jab of his cock home into her came with the moment of his cum. Her lithe legs clutched with demonic greed at his ass as she forced him to hold his need, his throbbing shaft, deep inside her where it was utterly satisfied by the contractions and convulsions of her own girl orgasm, the doe joining her stallion as he emptied all that his churning hot balls had for her, into her depths.

They laid together there, entangled about each other, embraced close, messy with the remains of the feast no one had even begun to eat for favoring instead sexual feast of each other's flesh... their intimately intense words to each other said underneath the surging stormy waves of wails and moans and shrieks of ecstacy, that the assembled coven of incubi and succubi sounded round them in their own moments of climax.

"So good..." Brokenhoof crooned in evocative ecstacy, to Comet, whispering in her ear, writhing slow to work his shaft deep inside her for those few lingering spurts he had for her. "Did you want some in your mouth... did you want some, in your ass?" he sharply snarled, shifting from one twitching deer ear to the other, stallion sneering victoriously at his taken, crimson doe.

"In the ass.." Comet blurted out, quickly, and thoughtlessly, her breath and her words ragged, and raw. "You heard what the workin' girls said. Gotta seal the deal, my Master 'Hoof, and that's how it works.. in the pussy first, then in the ass to show me who's boss..."

The devil stud grinned with a lusty groan of renewed lust. He grabbed her redfurred ass and with a twist of her hips that drew a braying yelp from her lips, he threw her onto her knees, banging them painfully against the long and broad stone table that served as alter, for consecration of their hellish union. He shoved her ass forward to get her further forth on it, making the red doe wince as the stone ground against her tits and his cock was yanked from her pussy, so sudden. Hollow and echoing hoofsteps rang from his equine feet, as Brokenhoof stepped up upon the table, planting those hard black hooves in broad stance as he squatted in behind her.

The crimson doe reached back to grasp her asscheeks, denting her fur and her flesh with her black claws. She spread her tight, pink tailhole wide, causing scandelous sight for her master, for every demon and sex devil who watched; she held herself as open as she could, baring a tight and twitching and tender hole for her new master's imminent, and hugely hung invasion.

And that invasion came with a heartstopping, breathtaking, stone-heavy press of the incubus horse's still flared tip against that offered tailstar; his powerful frame forcing the length heralded by that spearing tip deep into the heated, twitching and tingling ass of the doe who willfully laid for this devilish invasion. His hands gripped her perfect rump cheeks, his thumbclaws dug in to her skin, as he began to forcefully fuck her in the ass.. the devil doe's thighs tight together as she perched herself upon pressed down knees and lusciously big tits to take this fuck that would show everyone how utterly she accepted him as her master.

"Ohhhh! OOhhhhhhhh, you.. oohhh, you... ooooo, you fucking ~bastard~..." the red doe brayed as he painfully began to ream her ass, deeply... her ears pinning past her horns as she quivered, her voice quavering, as she strained to take every inch he pushed down powerfully into her. Comet's breaths rapid rasped past her lips, as she clutched her own ass cheeks, trying so hard to spread so much to better ease the entry of her master stud's impressive equine endowment.. the pleasure of feeling the creampie he filled her with, coating her inner thighs and cascading down her legs, counterpoint to the blissful agony of this intense stuffing of her ass.

For breif moment, the demon doe glimpsed through fire filled haze a sight of Stigi, the succubus raccoon flipping her off with a sneer on her lips... even as the masked demoness took a double-hung fucking from an incubus graced with two throbbing dicks. Comet wailed curtly, as she then lost that vision, eyes screwed shut for the agony and exhultation of feeling Brokenhoof's big balls bang against her cumcovered clit, for a deep delving push of his horse pole into her stretched anal ring.

The stallion reached to brush at his demoness deer's black wing, that sail of her skin streaked with white and custard colored creams... urging it to unfurl against his thigh, and hip, as he bent over her, and held her down with his weight, and fucked her, until her ass simply burned with hot fire all 'round his medial ring. His hips clenched and thrust as his hands clutched at her ass with the grip that a fearsome devil does at a wailing, frantic damned soul, though here the hellish torment incubus gave unto his victim was most wanted and craved, for all that it caused that gorgeous, naked victim to hurt so much beneath him.

"Uhhh.. uhnnfff.. ffuuh, fuck, fuck, 'Hoof... " Comet chanted to him, in cant that called upon him and his most wonderful gift. "Fuck... come... cum, cum inside me... oh.. oh cum, cum, cum in my ass, cum in my ~ass~..." the devilish doe sobbed beneath him, the succubus so wanting to take more of him but reaching her limit so swift, for how so very huge his intruding shaft was.

Brokenhoof lost his fight, to fight back his cum, to fight back his stallion orgasm, under the enticement of his demon doe's chants and incantations that called out to the surging seed that burned renewed and seething in his balls. He rammed her a few more times as he could, each thrust into her stretched tight tailhole making her groan amid her invoking cries; he went as long as his tingling cock would allow and then, came, eyes cast down to watch with evil glee as past the tight seal of her tender, pink anal ring his essense surged, to spill out as he filled Comet past her flesh's capacity and ability to hold such spurted forth male juices.

The stallion then pulled his horsecock from his newly won and yet, found again doe, with such sudden startling withdrawl that she fell off knees and scraped elbows onto her side, sprawled upon dishes and delectables, sauces and creams. His easing dick swung about with his withdrawl to splatter her ass, her back, and her doe's tail with hot rain of what remained in his balls; a few spurts left that came shooting forth to paint her fur and her skin with mark that was without doubt, her masters. He slid over her, to wrap arms about her tits and haul her lips to his muzzle for a fearsome, fierce kiss. "Mine, mine, mine forever, mine for all time..." Brokenhoof hissed upon her lips.

"Yours always, my master, your succubus, your slut; your toy, the vessel of your carnal joy... true here below, as it was before, Up There, when first you were inside me." the crimson doe harlot whispered back to him, forever bound to the one who'd bound her to him even when they had been celestials.

And as the orgy raged on around them; as the indecent inferno of screwing demons that they'd ignited, burned on, he stole her away, to take her back to his manor elsewhere high amid the spires of Pandemonium. And there in a ceremony deliciously dark and quick Brokenhoof put about her throat spiked collar marked with his sign, and with that commanded her service, her sexual obedience, and bestowed his ownership upon her forever more.

With Comet so attired in that one bit of accoutremount, that in no way covered her in decency, the dark stallion then took his demoness doe again and again, filling her to the brim with turged devil flesh and infernal essense, marking her with his spurting cum, cumming all over her tits and her belly, baudily decorating her ass with his jizz, bathing her in his infernal semen's heat, to insure that his mastery of her was as blatant and understood as he could make clear for her.

They fornicated through that night with mad abandon; where once in Heaven, their obsession for such libidinous action became detriment to their celestial profession, and nature, here, here in Hell, it was their true vocation; all else stripped from them, all other pleasure and satisfaction and proper pursuit taken from them. Here, fucking each other's brains out became the one thing, the only thing, that felt good, and that ever again mattered.


The Lightbringer - well, he WAS once the Lightbringer; these days, thinking himself really cool for doing so, he called himself The Adversary - the one who was at one time, the Lightbringer was often heard to say: "Better to rule Down Here, than be a complete suck up and serve, Up There."

Really, he did. Even before Milton claimed to have made that up, for him.

But the succubi and incubi and especially among them, this one lascivious, cocklicking devil doe and her punishing, cuntpounding stallion incubus, had a saying they preferred that explained away, their state of eternally sensual damnation and loss of grace. They said, and these two forever joined, forever horny, horned outcasts from heaven, preferred to say:

"The fuck with that place Up There, we'd rather have fun and fuck each other, Down Here."

And it was as hollow a saying as it sounded, but it gave them what they needed to feel, and gave them what they wanted. And their eternity of carnal congress together never really did feel exactly like what they had in Heaven but it felt so good enough, and they would indeed often finish and in the afterglow think, not Heaven, but for us, for having nothing else, yes, oh yes. This was close enough.

Fallen for the Flesh - Part 3

It was an unmeasurable amount of time, decades perhaps, in the manner those in Creation think they can measure time, before her senses returned and before she again stirred, lain as she was in the grimy, ash filled crater her impact had dug under her...

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Fallen for the Flesh - Part 2

When the now very cervine celestial girl and her lover angel were told to knock off the hot screwing, simply said, they didn't take it well. It felt wonderful. It was wonderful, they felt closer every time they did it. They felt a connection that...

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Fallen for the Flesh - Part 1

This all happened so very long ago, no mortal, certainly, could ever remember it. And those formerly celestial beings that do remember it, particularly these two who went through it, a lascivious, insatiable demon stallion and his carnal, cockloving...

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