Sis, part 3 A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Sis- part three- A Gray Muzzle story

I struggled to consciousness, a strange wetness in my ear.......

As my senses began to come on line, I realized that I was in the bathtub- my SISTER'S bathtub, and that I had fallen asleep, after a day of nude trail riding. With my baby sis. I soon became aware that the wetness in my ear was not my head falling into the bathwater, but my dear sister's slender tongue groping my ear.

"Hey, sleepyhead....." Sis was stroking my hair gently. Kneeling by the tub, her muzzle was by my head.

"Wake up. I've made us dinner."

I was enjoying my bath. Hadn't taken a bath as such for, well, for as long as I remember. After a day of nude horseback riding, out in the hot sun, dust everywhere, I concluded that a bath was damn near perfect. So perfect that I didn't care to move. I'm not sure whether sis was satisfies I'd awakened, or had given up, to try again later. She stood up beside the tub. She wore a pink T shirt, at least XXL in size, from which the sleeves had been more or less carefully removed. The garment was long enough to serve as at least a mini dress, except that there was no place for her tail. Instead, the shirt draped gracefully on each side, revealing her ass, and mismatched bikini panties.

Now, Afghan are not noted for great ass. Too thin, too boney for most' taste. Sis, on the other hand, had a cute one. Cute and perky, it complimented her lanky physique perfectly. So lost was I in my reverie, that I almost missed seeing her bend forward, those pink panties falling neatly to her knees. She walked a step or two, and turned.

Have I ever mentioned how sexy pissing is? It's one of those things I've never understood about my human counterparts. Seeing a hot bitch urinate is one of life's sexiest experiences. In the cultural context of OUR society, passing water is filled with meaning. It can communicate; show dominance or aggression. It can show weakness, or submission. It can say "Hey! Look at me!". What got me going on this topic? Well, as I watched, my sister turned and squatted; sitting over, but not on the seat of the toilet. Rolling her eyes, and giving a little grunt, it began. I'd swear I could see it starting to leave her furry sex. A few drops at first, there was soon a loud, steady stream leaving her furry loins. I must have smiled, thinking how she sounded a bit like a horse. Ever seen a horse pee? Not something you'll soon forget. Anyway, I had her attention.

"I see that smile. You like what you see?' She was smiling too. She was still urinating copiously.

"Uh, yes. Very much" I replied, honestly.

"I see."

Uh oh, busted. Looking down, I could see what she had seen. My sex was completely unsheathed, and above the surface of the water. She certainly had to go, as there was still a steady stream of piss emerging from her crotch. Sis was in no hurry, giving me little coquettish smiles the whole time. I concluded that this was a sexual pee. She may have come to use the toilet, but here, now, this was sexual. Sometimes, a bitch will urinate in front of a male as a kind of "Hey! Are you slow or something? Come MOUNT me....NOW!" It sure felt like that. So, I was a little surprised when she pulled up her underpants without wiping. Now confused, I watched carefully. Still clothed, she stepped into the tub. Holding the sides of the tub, she lowered herself, and put her sex to my nose.

I inhaled deeply. She didn't have that 'heat' smell, but she smelled of raging bitch hormones. She also smelled strongly of bitch urine. Sis hadn't washed since our ride, so she still smelled of horse, sweat, human and horse, and of course, pee. Her long Afghan hair untrimmed in her female areas, when she goes, it gets wet. If you don't bathe- often, it smells. She had the smell. Looking up, I could see her crotch, inches away. There was a good sized wet spot, the result of her failure to wipe. Before I knew it, her wet panties were pressed to my muzzle.

Throwing caution to the wind, I took her entire crotch in my mouth, sucking it as if it were a breast. I could feel her tense, then relax, as she gave a little shudder. Emboldened, I pulled at the panties, sticking my muzzle into her sex. Sis giggled, as I nuzzled her sex. Sis moaned softly, as I began to tongue her. Her panties still in plave, I ran my tongue all over her lovely sex. Panties soaked, they clung to each fold. Sis' sex was clearly visible through the wet fabric. Unable to control herself any longer, Sis reached back clumsily, fumbling a bit before she was finally ablr to move the offending document off to one side.

When I didn't respond fast enough, she pressed her pussy into my muzzle forcefully. Taking mercy, I began to lick her bare pussy. Her finger still there, sis spread the lips of her sex, giving me better access to her sex folds. With my tongue safely inside her, Sis could focus on messaging her stubby little doggy clit. I used my tongue to fuck my sister, like a penis. It didn't take long I felt her Afghan vagina grasp at my Saluki tongue, grabbing it as her sex spasm in ecstacy. She hung to the side of the tub, sweating and panting.

Once she caught her breath, I gave her a tug on the shirt.

"Make love to me" I requested

Sis was holding herself over me, still wearing her glasses

"I never heard you use that word before. Did you mean it?"

I touched the sides of her face.

"Yes. With all my heart. With you, I feel a love my heart was so long denied." I touched her belly. She smiled. She raised her hips, and guided my swollen organ inside. Slowly, she took it all in, then began to make love to me as I lay still. Once the motion began, she lay herself on top of me After a little kissing and nuzzling, she began to whisper in my ear:

"I want to feel my brother.....inside me.....making love to me! How I've dreamed of this...The truth is, I've had fantasies since we were kids.......I'd borrow your underwear.....I'd smell the Kleenex in your trashcan.....I'd try everything I could to get a peek of you naked....."

Hearing sis' intimate fantasies was having it's effect. Before long, I could feel my cock erupt, spraying seed wildly in her womb. Of course, sis was very much already pregnant. She started rubbing her clit, her eyes closed behind her glasses, her wet T shirt gluing us together. She began to moan like a kitten, crying and shivering. As her shaking increased, I slid a soapy finger into her tail hole. Sis shook violently, screaming at the top of her lungs, as she held me tight. Then, she went limp, shaking and crying as we held each other.

"You OK?" I asked

"Uh huh" she nodded, between sobs.

After a time, we got up. I dried Sis off, carefully, by hand, covering every inch. She did the same for me. We put on robes, for it was cold, and went to the kitchen. She had really made an effort. There was a tablecloth, and a wine bottle, with a candle.

"Guess I'll have to reheat our dinners"

I just smiled. When the TV dinners reheated, we sat at the tiny kitchen table. My sister spoke.

"What you said, about being there, for them.....for us.....did you mean it?" Sis looked intently into my eyes.

I nodded

"Yes. After all that I've missed, having found this wonderful feeling...I can't....I WON'T.....let it go. "

The room was silent a while. We each knew there was a second part.

"But.....we can't do it here. Our lives, as we've known them, are over. Can you walk away?"

She was still focused on my eyes.

"I feel the same! Tell me what I need to do......"

We talked late into the night. When we finished, we were tired, but excited, all at the same time. This time, we went to the same bed. Yes, we made love again; more than once, in fact. It was as if it sealed our pact, to leave our lives, and never return. When I returned to the city, I applied for a name change. I took my mother's name, Carlson. Soon after, I applied for a passport in my new name. I got sis her passport too. We applied for a visa to enter Sweden. As the children of a dual citizen, it wasn't hard. November first, each of us closed the door on our lives as we knew them, and walked away forever, as we boarded the plane for Stockholm. Waiting for takeoff, she took my hand.


"Ready." I smiled and nodded.

It's been five years since that fateful day. Tonight, I'm sitting in my favorite chair, as sis cooks.


Eric and Ingrid come in from their play, and, seeing me, run and jump into my lap. We hug, and they tell me of their day. It's a very ordinary day, and that suits me just fine. Sis and I had choices to make. They weren't the choices everyone would have made, but they were right for us. We're legally married, and we have a wonderful son and daughter. Sweden is so far ahead of the U.S. in accepting our kind. Sis puts dinner on the table.

"Ready?" she asks.

"Ready" I answer.

I pick up the kids, one under each arm, and carry them to the dining room.

How Gray got his Coliies- A story by SP

| | | [ ](%5C) | * * * How Gray got his Collies It was late evening and both Gray and Nina were laid on the sofa enjoying a film, both children had long since been put to bed. Both their feral collie's were laid by the fire and the...

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Sis, part 2 _ A Gray Muzzle story

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Sis- A Gray Muzzle story

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