The Beginning of Red's Great Adventure

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry


flygon being my favorite pokemon.


Out in the great forest, somewhere past the elven's rock and near the Kappa's river, a large A grande tree sits sliently. Amidst its branches many orb shaped fruit grow slowly, maturing and ripening completely. This tree grew the rarest of all berries. Loved by every pokemon in the world, not disliked by any at all. Though the humans have taken the other trees, clearing them of fruit and trying to plant them again to feed off their wonderful flavor. But there were no seeds. Having been created and living ever since the world was filled with life, they did not need seeds. For they have been almost the size of a mountain ever since then. Once the human noticed, they stopped cutting down the trees. Though their berries were delicious, their wood never decayed. The last tree became a place of wonder for the humans, holding festivals and celebrating the tree's bountiful harvest every year. Soon, the pokemon all left, the ground turned from grass to dirt, and then the most unexpected thing happened. The tree started to wither and leaves began falling for the first time. The humans were not very concerned but one year the tree did not give the fruit. Not a single fruit. But by then all the leaves had left the tree and all was left was the bare branches. Then. A single pokemon went rampant. A single flygon. He swooped in, burning down tents, huts, houses even. Anything that was used by humans was burned or melted by his firey breath. He faced many trainers who wished to stay, having been near defeated after three took him on at once. He fell to the ground, still conscious but barely able to move. And before the three trainers' pokemon attacked, the three legendary dogs, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou stopped them, blocking the attacks. a few seconds after, many more legendary pokemon entered and then even rayquaza came from his kingdom high in the sky to help fight against them. The humans still tried to attack, bringing even the legendaries down. Then, they took to it as wood for buildings. many lumberjacks crowded the area as the pokemon were removed. The owner of the land stood on the podium.

"People of Anlara! Today was supposed to be the day we are rewarded with a bountiful harvest from this magnificent tree. but long since ages ago, the tree hath stopped giving. Today, we honor the tree by using it as lumber for building the new hotel that is to be put on this spot. And I begin the chopping"

He left the podium and the lumberjacks advanced. No pokemon could fight, nothing could be done. Then. As the first lumberjack advanced. A white form appeared from the light. Flying down and blocking their way to the tree. Twas Arceus, master of the dimension, the god which they all worshipped. He did not speak for several seconds then turned towards the grande tree. He stopped floating and walked to it. Examining the ground, then the empty branches, and then the once clear sparkling river as it was now just a stream of brown muck.

"I have loved this tree for centuries. The way it was vividly alive with pokemon. Now what was once unmatchable beauty is to be torn down by ruthless male humanoids...How barbaric. unfortunately, you do not know why it has. Why it is now baren and bares no fruit."

He turned around.

"The stream is polluted, the gras gone, the pokemon have fled, the leaves have fallen because of you humans!", he bellowed.

With a deep breath he closed his eyes and from his body came the plates which gave him power. He fused several together, making life, used his master ability. The waves of enerrgy flowed from him, reviving every pokemon, even bringing pokemon from their trainers and filling them with energy to keep them living for centuries. He stopped and all gathered around him, waiting for his command.

"Protect the tree my servants. rid this place of the humans. And never allow them within a continent of the tree. Flygon. You were the first to resist the humans. And for that I grant you to be as the protector of the last remaining tree."

He blicnked his eyes and flygon came forth. He waited for what came next. Arceus rose up and created a new plate. The guardian plate. And imbued it within the flygon's soul. Flygon grew atleast to twice as big as normal and his scales switched colors, changing from their green based theme to crimson red and whatever else wasn't green became yellow. He stood proud as a new borne legendary pokemon.

"For now and for ever..."

Arceus flew off into the light from which he came and the pokemon turned towards their masters, immediately pouncing on them.

For the next year, nothing happened and flygon began to think that he waas protecting only a dead tree. But once he realized nothing will change, he saw a leaf. A single leaf on the branches of the grande tree. He flew up, looking at it. A wind blew by, taking it from the tree and his smile disappeared followed by sadness. He flew down lazily then crawled under it's roots, having made his hom under it to keep himself close to home. As the sadness incrased, he stopped leaving the tree all together, even for food. Though he did not need to eat. He then lay in a depressed state, waiting for something to change. For many decades, nothing returned. It brought greater sadness to him.

One night he could no longer bare it and tears blurred his eyes. He lay curle up in a crescent shape and cried for the tree. For once in many years he moved, outside and next to the tree. He was well over seventy years old by now. The tears did not stop. Then just as he was about to do the only thing that would end his life, he saw it. A single blade of grass. Looking at it, he spotted another not far from it. But far enough to be a few feet. It was along the path he had recently taken and were not evenly spaced. He looked at the grass. It looked green, full of life. He brought his head down and saw as each tear brought another from the ground, making enough to make a small patch of grass. His heart raced wildly then he flew to the top of the tree. He hovered for a few seconds, letting the tears of new found joy fall. Then almost immediately, the leaves, one by one, poked out of each branch. they came slowly but atleast it was a start. He became overjoyed and flew over the stream, ground and everything else. With a year he had completely restored it by himself. The only thing left was to find pokemon. But once he left he stopped. He is the protector of the tree. He can't leave.

For the next year or so he waited for pokemon to appear. He felt so lonely, and sad. For a whole five years, not even a wingull flew overhead. Then one day, a man appeared from the bushes, looking up at the grande tree as if it were the most beautiful thing he had seen in all his life. Imediately, flygon slammed into the ground in front of him with hatred clinging to his face. The man was not afraid but rather even more amused at the beauty. The land around here had been baren for many years. Now a bush or two populates it and a single tree shows as a sapling next to the grande tree. The grass blotched the area, growing a lot slower than regular grass.

And so the real story begins.

"It is so beautiful, you are beautiful. But...Why are your eyes dirty? You live in a beautiful tree!"

"Foolish human. Leave now!"

"You even talk! This is the greatest day of my life."


The flygon himself was surprised by his own ability to talk. He spoke like a flygon then back in the human tongue, testing their difference. They sounded very much similar to him.

"Come on out Derana!"

The human threw his pokeball into the air, releasing a female flygon next to him. Flygon growled loudly, readying a dragonbreath.


The human looked at him.

"You obviously don't know why I'm here. I was told of this place and how it is beautiful. But in the book an old picture shows a great forest and lovely berries. All I see is a big tree and a few grass blades. Where are the pokemon, the trees, the bushes of wild flowers? I came looking for this place. But only to see its beauty. Seeing this only makes me sad."

Flygon's dirt rimmed eyes welled up with tears once more. He wiped them clean of both water and dirt.

"He is the flygon which went against the humans and was rewarded with guarding the tree. His tears have restored the land partially but can only do so where they touch. Read the book of Arceus first before you read the book of facts, master."

"Hey.You can talk to. Is this something you have kept from me for the three years we have been partners?"

"Please, after trying to get me to lay down with you like you do all your other pokemon, I would have said something already."

The human made a realy shocked face thenbrought up her pokeball. Flygon swatted it away and it shattered against a small rock. The female flygon, Derana, looked at the pieces. She jumped up and down, yipping for joy.

"I'm free atlast!!!"

"Leave, the both of you."

"No can do Red. After doing such a thing for me, I'm staying. How else could I repay you?"

He only stayed quiet then walked into his underground area. The human left shortly after with the coordinates set into his GPS locator. Though, Derana went to the opening which led underground and stuck her head in.

"I told you to leave."

"I want to stay. Anyone can tell you are sad and lonely just by looking at the shape you are in right now. You try to make it grow back and hope pokemon will repopulate. And so, that is how I will repay you. Though I am a free flygon now, no longer tied to a pkeball. I have no home either."

"Then make one somewhere else."

Derana did not say anything. She left and the veil once again covered her eyes as she took flight.

"But I have no choice but to stay here."

hours later Derana returned and walked into the underground area.

"I brought a few friends to help restore the area. Not only have they agreed to help but they wish to live here as well."

"They can stay. You too. But. You and no one else is aloud to enter this area that I have made for my personal self."

Derana smiled and returned outside.


The underground area is just under the tree. Not dug under. Like a raised roots system. He just piled on dirt around it to make it a housing.

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