Slowhand--Chapter 2

Story by Roxanna Foxfire on SoFurry

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#2 of Slowhand

Layla never cared for casual dating, but she wasn't fond of being alone either. She was one of those furs who ideally believed in love at first sight, and in soul mates. Unrealistic? Probably, but that's not to say she didn't have experience. Too many first-and-only dates had made her skeptical of the whole system, and began reading relationship books, trying to figure out what she was doing wrong.

Like hell.

When someone's fist banged on the door to their apartment early Saturday afternoon, four weeks after she'd been talking to Ezra online, Layla knew that "this week's model" had showed up to take Liz out on what could be assumed was a hot date.

Trying to put on a friendly face, she opened the door and faked a warm smile. "Jordan," she said with feigned pleasure, teeth already clenching, "how nice to see you again..."

wait?" she asked quietly, calmly. Jordan turned to look at her, obviously not liking her tone. She didn't care. No one spoke to any of her friends like that, no matter how big they were. She stared levelly at him, with a tone as flat as the Shenadoah Valley, "Coffee, tea, a soda?"

"I assume your mother never taught you manners," she said coolly. "Staring is quite rude, last I checked."

Liz took Jordan's arm and hugged it like she was a giddy cheerleader on the arm of the high school QB. "Don't wait up! Have fun today, Layla."

A ping on his computer sounded out over the music, which he recognized as his instant messenger. He chanced a look over at the screen and saw "FoxwhosayNI! has sent you a message" on the pop-up. Grinning, he threw the rest of the laundry basket into the washer, poured in an obscene amount of detergent, then left it, hoping it would be alright by itself.

DarthTiger: Hey stranger

DarthTiger: Very well. And yourself?

DarthTiger: did something happen?

FoxwhosayNI!: if he could be called that. I don't know, I know I shouldn't be stressed out by all of this, but its tough to maintain dignity around a man--no, a boy--who gets his kicks from seeing how many cans he can crush on his forehead.

Ezra thought for a moment. Over the past two weeks, they'd grown closer to each other, or close enough that they were able to tell each other's hopes and fears, but they were still getting to their life stories. Ezra knew only a little about Layla. She was a smart woman, he knew that. And smart women on the internet didn't give away everything right away. Layla paced herself, which he found comforting and redeeming about her.

FoxwhosayNI!: she is, I'm afraid to say. She's a very sweet person, and I can't understand why she can't find someone who will treat her with respect.

FoxwhosayNI!: pshaw, I'm not that confident.

DarthTiger: Why not? It's a fun topic.

DarthTiger: don't worry about it. I'm only happy to help.

Dayyyummm, foxy's head's in the gutter early today...

FoxwhosayNI!: sorry, my hormones are out of whack.

FoxwhosayNI!: Me. Once a month my hormones turn me into an animal...and shush, I know what you're going to say

FoxwhosayNI!: you know: "you're already an animal, Layla"

FoxwhosayNI!: well, if you ask any old boyfriends, they'd agree with both, on certain occasions.

Ezra's interest had surely peaked by now. His washing machine was already jumping all over the place from being overstuffed, but he ignored it.

DarthTiger: o rly?

DarthTiger: lol, animal, eh? That's interesting

He started to panic, thinking he had insulted her. Oh God, I didn't mean to! it was a slip of the tongue...fingers...things! And while he agonized over it, the prompt under the instant messages said in tiny size 8 font "FoxwhosayNI! is typing..."

FoxwhosayNI!: what were you trying to say?

DarthTiger: why would I mind? I prefer you over the other options that stupid site gave me...

Then he told her, everything. About his past relationships, what he'd done, theorized what he'd done wrong, and told her--a near complete stranger--about how his loneliness finally got him to sign up.

DarthTiger: ...and that's how started. I felt I had no other choice. Instead, I get six choices, and you were the best.

Layla's response was modest, and unlike his ex-girlfriend, he knew she didn't fish for compliments.

FoxwhosayNI!: that's nice of you, but I'm sure they were better picks...

FoxwhosayNI!: if I'm lyin' I'm dyin'

DarthTiger: lol, like who?

DarthTiger: you don't mean that.

DarthTiger: ah, you got me. Now this means I need to hide all those other embarrassing flaws...

DarthTiger: who are we fooling? You're the sexiest of all.

DarthTiger: moderately?!

DarthTiger: lol, I think what's sexiest about you is your mind. So clever and creative...god only knows whats going through your little mind right now

FoxwhosayNI!: what can I say? Deep down, all foxes are...That and I haven't gotten anything in over a year

FoxwhosayNI!: my battery-operated friends.

FoxwhosayNI!: ...but a freak in the sheets. Yeah, I am.

Ezra's jaw fell open. She didn't...she did. She came out and said she was a freak. That either meant she was really a psycho...or maybe worth his time.

DarthTiger: ...really...

FoxwhosayNI!: I've only done it once (ex wasn't very adventurous) but I'd like to try a Master/servant sorta thing sometime

FoxwhosayNI!: it would, I guess, but I don't even have much experience in taking control

FoxwhosayNI!: no, there's been other positions, but like I said, nothing too exciting...

FoxwhosayNI!: lol! Seriously. What about you though? Any weird kinks I should know about?

Ezra thought for a moment, wondering how to respond...

DarthTiger: well, as a matter of fact, I just so happen to have a kink for giving saucy little vixens spankings

Layla's response was halted, and after a pause he only assumed was shock (maybe revulsion) she finally responded.

FoxwhosayNI!: see, that's what I like about you. you're straightforward, but not overdoing it.

FoxwhosayNI!: honestly, I wouldn't mind you being in my pants either

That was it. He was done. And the question that had been plaguing him for a long time finally came to the forefront of his mind. Since they were being so open and honest anyway, what could it hurt?

DarthTiger: I hope you won't think I'm too forward, but have you ever cybered?

Layla didn't respond right away, and when she did, she seemed a little hesistant, as if ashamed that she had. Ezra couldn't understand that; she was a smart, sexy woman, her body was her own. Why couldn't she see herself as a (very sexy) sexual being?

FoxwhosayNI!: ...I have, just, not often...I don't do it with any fur...

She typed up a quick response:

FoxwhosayNI!: Here? Or is there a special chatroom?

DarthTiger: hmm...*puts paws on your hips, pulling you closer* I think I might know...

Curiously, Layla could feel those big tiger paws on her tiny hips, tingles running over her body as she imagined it. She pulled up her only picture of him and stared at it, wondering what his expression must be right now, or what a suggestive smirk looked like on that broad jaw, white teeth gleaming behind very kissable lips...

FoxwhosayNI!: *lets you pull her closer, nuzzling your chest and running her hands up and down your sides* what do you like best?

Little did he know that Layla was doing the same thing, one hand cupping her small breasts, tweaking and rubbing her nipples, her other hand snaking down her taut stomach and under her panties, running a finger over her labia. She bit back on a moan as she felt the wetness already on her fingers. The hand on her breast broke away to type up her fevered response to his amorous comments.

Layla suddenly began bucking her hips, one hand moving down to start rubbing herself, which Ezra found to be oh so arousing. His studded cock throbbed, as if desperately seeking her warm cavern, and judging by her own desperate moans, she was just as ready. He smirked, pulling away from the kiss to watch her face and listen to the noises she made as he inserted a second finger inside her, stretching her. She gasped and mewled like a newborn kit, writhing and wiggling beneath him, bucking her hips against his hand and letting out a long, low moan as he curled his fingers inside her.

God he would have killed to have heard that in person... "Don't stop..."

He sped up his rhythm, stroking himself with a firmer grip, closing his eyes and letting out a groan as he imagined it, his hand mimicking the feeling of slipping into her sweet, warm tunnel, the studs massaging her tight passage, closing in around him like a warm glove. She gasped and moaned loudly beneath him as he entered her, her arms wrapped around him, taking him in, inch by glorious inch. Soon he was hilted inside her, and Layla allowed herself to release the breath she'd been holding.

The heat of his body burned against her skin, her cheeks flushed with combined body heat and intense pleasure. She swore the room's temperature had risen twenty degrees as their session became more and more intense. Ezra's cock felt divine as it plowed into her, the studs tickling her inner wall, a new series of sensations she'd never felt before, and sincerely wished she had.

Ezra was panting as well, and stared absently at the tigercum that now stained the front of his jeans and the band of his boxers. He snorted, because quite frankly, my dear, he didn't give a damn--he was going to wash them anyway. After his brain had started working again, he reached for the nearby box of tissues and started to clean himself up, then stripped himself completely, throwing the cum-stained clothes by the washer. He didn't care he was nude, he wasn't sharing the apartment with anyone, he could do as he pleased, within reason.

FoxwhosayNI!: its not sudden at all...though I don't feel comfortable handing out my phone information over the internet...

FoxwhosayNI!: yeah, foxy did too. Shower time?

FoxwhosayNI!: *winks* you know it sexy.

Ezra chuckled and put up his away message, sighing and standing up, grabbing a freshly-washed towel to take a quick shower...and maybe to jerk off to the memory of the awesome cyber sex.

A few days later, Layla got off work at the law firm and walked out into the crushingly humid DC summer air. Even and 5:30, the air was still muggy and thick with moisture, making her fur frizz, and causing her to break out into a sweat as she ran to catch her train.


....Chapter 3 is on the way!