Off Balance

Story by Harry on SoFurry

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#2 of Harry

By popular demand, a sequel to "Dear Michaela".

I tried not to think about it again. I swear I did. But it's like trying to get a song out of your head once it's in there. You find yourself humming it when you're not paying attention to what you are thinking, busy with something else.

That's what it was like, for the weeks following the brief but memorable encounter in the neighborhood pool with Tracy. Tracy, my friend of many years. Tracy, happily mated to a decent male raccoon I had grown to call my friend as well. Tracy, who my own mate had become best friends with. Why we had never hooked up in college, I can't seem to remember. We must have had opportunities; I always thought she was hot... those nice round hips and that ringed tail. And Great Frith that mask around her eyes! It made her look smoldering and secretive. A little dangerous, maybe.

So why did it have to happen after we were both mated, settled down with kits? I didn't even see it coming, no pun intended. It could not have taken more than ten minutes, from the moment she clearly propositioned me until I was spurting my seed inside her. And then she just got up, shushed my bewildered attempt at a question, pulled her swimsuit back over her muff (sealing in my spunk) and went to lay down next to her napping mate.

It's not like we hardly saw each other. Our circle of friends got together about twice a month to have a potluck dinner at someone's house, with board games afterward. Every time I saw her, I couldn't help think about it. But she never brought it up, never even winked at me. Like it never happened. And if that's the way she wanted to play it, I had no choice but to do the same. Obviously, I felt guilty. Derek was my friend. And Tammy, my mate... we're rabbits, sure. But the fact that I hadn't had permission (which I had a feeling she would have easily given, had I asked) gnawed at me. There were several moments where I almost confessed. But each time it got harder, the span of time between that day at the pool and the potential confession lengthened, became more awkward.

So I buried it. Told myself it was a once-in-a-lifetime event that I should try to remember when I was 70 and couldn't manage an erection without medication. Tammy and I still fucked like rabbits, of course, but I admit sometimes I imagined it was Tracy I was with.

It was about six months later when things took another unexpected turn. Dead of winter instead of that sunny day by the pool. We were at Derek and Tracy's house for one of those potluck parties I mentioned. Probably about nine adults plus an equal number of kids made the house feel full and loud. I had stepped outside onto the back patio to get away from the noise for a couple minutes. My fur keeps me warm enough... except for the ears, of course. So I pulled them down, lop-fashion, and watched my breath fog in the hushed quiet of the winter evening.

The patio door slid open behind me. I turned, fearing that it might be Tracy- I had almost unconsciously avoided being alone with her at these things. If she was in the kitchen alone getting a drink, I would do something else until she left, that sort of thing. I'm not sure what I was afraid of. That she might suddenly grab me again? That she'd finally want to talk about it?

But it was Derek, carrying two mugs of the hot cider he had been brewing over the stove. He handed one to me.

"Hey Harry. I figured you'd come out here eventually," he said, eyes glinting in the semi-darkness.

I took the mug and cradled it between my paws, inhaling the spicy apple scent. I asked, "Thanks. Am I that predictable?"

Derek chuckled. "I know you like your peace and quiet, man. We're going to be starting another round of Outburst after the cookies come out of the oven, though. You in?"

I sipped at the cider and nodded. "Oh yeah, yeah. Wasn't planning on hanging out in your back yard all night."

I thought that's all he wanted to ask, but he didn't go back inside. Instead, he stepped beside me, also sipping on the cider. For a while we just stood there, looking out over the snow-covered grass to the dark woods beyond. Finally, he said, "Uhm... there's something else I wanted to talk to you about."

I pricked up my ears a little, but managed to get them to stay down. This was it, wasn't it? He found out, and now the trouble starts. I mentally went through collecting the kids, getting out of the house, getting away before there was a scene. I raised the mug to my muzzle, took a slow sip, then asked, "What's that?"

He turned towards me, but I didn't turn towards him. He said, "I think you remember. Back in July? That day at the pool?"

Finally I turned towards him, my eyes wide, unable to help it. My ears pricked up in alarm. I tried to read his expression. He didn't look angry, but in the dim light his black mask made it very hard to see. I looked down into my mug. "Look, Derek, I..."

But he interrupted me. "No, don't try to explain. Tracy told me."

I blurted out, "I'm sorry, Derek, I..."

He held up a paw. "Don't be. I would have done the same thing. And I should be upset with her, right? She started it, right?"

I nodded, but then a chilling thought gripped me. "You guys aren't... going to separate, are you? Because of what she did? What I did?" I could barely hold only the mug's handle.

Derek shook his head and then sipped on his cider. I could see the rising steam from the mug to condense on his long whiskers. I focused on that. He swallowed, and then said, "We were close to separating... but that was back in June." He let me digest that a moment.

"But that was before..."

He nodded, beginning to grin. "Yeah. Before she sat on your cock in the pool."

I winced and clicked my teeth as I shut my muzzle. I must have looked pretty bamboozled by that point, because Derek actually started giggling. "I bet you thought I was going to be pissed, huh?"

I nodded rapidly.

He continued, "I guess I could have been, had things been different. But the truth is... the truth is you fucking saved my marriage, man." His voice almost cracking at the end.

I stammered, "I... how?"

Derek began to explain, "Last winter, I had a fling with this ferret I met at the gym."

I must have looked shocked, because he waved his free paw at me. "I know, I know. Stupid, right? Well, even worse was that I felt so guilty once it was over that I told Tracy. She uh... she didn't take it well. I mean, at first, she seemed all right, but I could tell, under the surface, no. Anyway, I felt awful, she felt betrayed and hurt and unattractive and who knows what else. We stopped having sex, but we couldn't talk to each other about it rationally. So we just avoided it, and eventually each other. It was bad, man. The kids were starting to pick up on it. I didn't know what to do. Thankfully, Tracy did."

He paused and I asked incredulously, "The thing to do was to "sit on my cock in the pool", as you put it?"

He nodded vigorously. "I never would have thought of it. And even if I had, she wouldn't have gone for it, at the time, if it was my idea."

"I still don't get it."

"That afternoon, we came back home from the pool. I was changing out of my suit in the bathroom when she comes over to me and grabs my paw, and pulls it over to her crotch! She peels her suit to the side and shoves my paw over her muff and says, "Feel that?" I nod, but I still don't get it. She says, "That's rabbit cum. My pussy's full of it. What are you going to do about it?" I growled and pushed her up against the sink and... well I guess I "reclaimed" her, if you want to be frank. And after the first time she goaded me on, saying, "Oh, Harry filled me up much more than that. You're going to have to try harder." So I did. And again. And it's been glorious ever since. It's like a game now. She talks about how she's thinking of doing a horse or something and I have to prove myself worthy. I won't say I'm forgiven, but we have a new level of understanding."

The story was incredible, but I couldn't imagine why he'd make it up. Cider mostly forgotten, I asked, "I'm glad you guys are staying together, but why are you telling me this now?"

"I remember how it felt to have a guilty secret. I wanted to let you know it's ok. We're cool."

"Well... thanks, man. I really didn't expect this to happen this way. Any of this, really. I still have a problem, though."


"Tammy. I never told her."

Derek trilled a laugh. "Oh, she knows, dude."


"I'm pretty sure it was Tammy's idea in the first place. I gotta say, you rabbits have the coolest outlook on sex."

I set the mug down on the patio table. "I can't believe this. I mean, I thought, at the time, that she might have been watching. They were doing that "secret girl talk" thing before she woke me up and had me join Tracy in the pool. But she never said a word!"

"Believe it. Anyway, another reason I wanted to tell you was to warn you."

"Warn me? About what?"

"I think Tammy might want to collect on the debt," he said simply, and then slid the patio door open and went inside, leaving me to think about what that might mean.

On the drive home, with our three kits asleep in the back seat, I broached the subject.

"Derek and I had a very interesting discussion while the cookies were baking."

Tammy replied, "Oh yeah? About making cookies?"

I shook my head. "No, it was about a certain trip to the pool this past summer and what may have happened, and who may have been set up and how guilty he's felt for the last several months and how confused he is now." I hoped that made sense. It had taken me a long time to come up with it in my head.

Tammy leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't let you in on the plan. It had to feel real for Tracy, you see."

"So you're not upset with me for cheating on you and hiding it?"

"Well... it wasn't *really* cheating, since I meant for it to happen. But the hiding part did rub my fur the wrong way. It's un-rabbitlike."

"I'm sorry, Tamtam. I should have told you that evening. Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

She grinned and nodded. "Tracy and I were talking..."

I mumbled, "Oh Great Frith..." while keeping my eyes on the road.

"We were talking, and it only seems fair that I get to borrow her male, since she got to borrow mine."

I barked out a laugh, and then looked back to make sure I hadn't awakened the children. I said in a much lower tone, "Now I know why Derek was so eager to tell me all of a sudden."

Tammy said, "My next heat cycle starts about two weekends from now. Tracy says she can have all our kids over at her place for a sleepover and Derek can come to our house, for an adult sleepover."

"And what about me?" I wondered aloud.

"Oh, you're invited too."

"Both of us?"

Tammy just nodded.

"At the same time?"

Again with the nod.

"Huh. You never told me you wanted to do a group thing."

"Three is hardly a "group", dear. But we'll have that discussion another time!"

"Uh... ok. So, uhm, this is pretty generous of Tracy. I mean, she got under 10 minutes of furtive grinding and you get her mate (and me) for an entire night while she gets to watch five kits?"

"Mmm. There might be some future negotiations. To try to balance us out better."

I shook my head, grinning. I always thought college was the time to have adventures- but apparently it's actually when you're in your mid thirties, married with a couple of kits.

I fidgeted on the couch, flipping channels. Tracy had come and picked up our three, whispered and giggled with Tammy, then left. Derek was coming on his own, separately. I was on edge. I was in unfamiliar territory here! Hell, I had even agonized over what to wear. What do you wear for a threesome, anyway?

If I was on edge, Tammy put me to shame, but for a different reason. She was in full heat, and it always drove her a little crazy. I can only imagine what it must feel like. While I was a little nervous and afraid, she just seemed impatient and anxious. Normally when she's in a heat cycle I'm basically at her disposal, whenever she needs me. Not this day, though. She was purposely denying herself all day, to make it more... I don't know. More wild. But I could see her pacing around in the kitchen, her shorts soaked through the crotch, nose and ears twitching.

And her scent! I shouldn't have to explain what that was doing to *me*. Male rabbits are built to breed, and the scent of a receptive doe would normally have me all over her, regardless of the contraceptives I take. All they do is make my sperm unable to swim, they don't do anything to my instincts. I wondered if her scent would affect Derek in a similar way.

I called out to her from my seat on the couch, my erection tenting out my gym shorts. I knew from experience there was no point in trying to hide it or make it go away. "Babe? You want a quickie before Derek gets here? You know, to take the edge off?"

She shook her head and started wiping down an already clean countertop. I considered going in there and changing her mind, but I could tell she would not appreciate the gesture. I continued flipping channels, unable to focus on anything on the television.

Eventually I picked up the sound of a car in the driveway, ears swiveling in that direction. I turned off the TV and got up from the couch. We had already agreed on a sort of "script", at least to start with. Tammy's idea, of course. I had no clue how these things were supposed to go down. Tammy had heard the sound as well and came out of the kitchen. As I walked past her she grabbed me. She kissed me with such raw intensity that it was all I could do to let her go as she pulled away. She breathed, "Fifteen minutes, then come in."

I nodded and headed into the kitchen and out the back door, closing it behind me. I kept my ears pricked up, trying to hear sounds through the house. The doorbell rang. The front door opened. Muffled conversation. The front door closing. A squeal. Footsteps heading away. I looked through the glass of the kitchen door and watched the clock. Fifteen minutes! Well, it would take me a minute to get through the house, so maybe fourteen minutes. It was chilly out, of course, less snow on the ground than two weeks ago, but still nippy. The cold did nothing to reduce my arousal. I imagined what was going on in my bedroom. I doubted they would be wasting time. Already naked, surely. Wrestling around on the bed. My bed. My paw went for the doorknob, but I stopped myself. I turned around, looked out towards the back fence. I thought I could hear them... very faint squeals and maybe growls. Might have been my imagination. I considered sneaking around the house to peek in the window- I had time.

I made it nine minutes before I couldn't stand it anymore and opened the door quietly, padding back into the kitchen. There's no way they would have been listening anyway. I snuck across the den and down the hall. They hadn't shut the door, and the sounds of vigorous mating grew louder as I approached. Derek was huffing and grunting and Tammy was urging him on verbally.

"Oh! Ohhhhhhh *squeak* Hurry! My mate will be home any minute! *nnng* pleeeease please cum in me! I need to feel it!"

I knew she wasn't play-acting that last part. When she's in heat, nothing else will cool her down. Orgasms don't help. Not toys, not me licking her or fingering her or even just fucking her, only the feel of me filling her up seems to do it. Must be something hormonal in my semen.

She was obviously having the desired effect on Derek. I peeked around the corner of the doorjamb, my ears canted back and hopefully out of sight. I needn't have worried, neither of them was looking at the door. In fact, they were both facing away. Tammy was squatting on her toes, holding onto the headboard with both paws. I grinned. She was showing him how rabbits mated. I wasn't sure how raccoons did it, but rabbit-style requires some good balance and leg strength. Normally I would come up behind Tammy after she presented, and plant my feet on either side of hers, and then start mating her from behind, humping up into her with my balls bouncing into the soles of her feet.

Derek was doing his best, his ringed tail flagging behind him. I could see his balls, tight up against the root of his cock. I couldn't see the latter, because it was mostly buried inside my mate. He was humping at a furious pace, obviously getting into the "scene" and not wasting time. As I watched, He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Tammy's midsection, hugging himself to her back and growled, "Here it comes! *uhnnfff*" I watched him almost scruff her, but then he stopped himself, probably unsure if rabbits did that. His legs got a little wobbly and then he thrust in and held himself there. From my vantage point I could see his balls twitch, the muscles of his groin pumping his raccoon spunk into Tammy's fertile cunt. His tail twitched with the rhythm of the spurts I couldn't see, but clearly imagined in my head.

I wasn't worried about him actually knocking her up, of course- rabbits and raccoons are not interfertile. I did wonder if his semen would work on her, though, in terms of soothing her heat. Maybe raccoons have slightly different hormones.

Tammy squealed and made the noise- it's hard to describe. It's a low, throaty sort of chuff. It means she's coming. But that was hardly a surprise- in this state it's easy to get her off. But to cool her heat, that's another thing. Well, we had all night to try!

I pulled my t-shirt off and dropped my gym shorts at the threshold. They were both still in the midst of their climaxes, so I leaned against the doorframe and cleared my throat, grinning.

Derek turned his head, a weak smile on his face. Tammy also tried to turn her head, and could only look back with one eye. She panted, "Oh no! *huff* My mate! *pant*"

I tried not to giggle. Instead I walked into the room, my aching shaft leading the way, drooling a little pre down the length. I reached down and cupped my balls, which were quite a bit bigger than Derek's. I said, "That's ok, honey, I think I have enough saved up to rid you of the guilt!"

Derek laughed. He stumbled back with one foot, then fell on his ass on the bed, his interestingly-curved penis sliding out all at once, followed by an impressive amount of white gooey cream. He laid back, saying, "I dunno, man... Tracy forced me to go a whole week without sex or jerking off or *anything*. That was the most I've come in a long time."

I waved him off with a paw and said, "Tammy's been in heat for two days already. My balls feel like they're gonna pop here. Excuse me..."

I didn't even wait for him to get out of the way. I just crawled up onto the bed and stepped over him and mounted my mate. One smooth stroke and I was in. I didn't stop to think about how enormously wet she was inside and why. I had a job to do here. Well, two jobs. First, breed my mate. Second, show this raccoon how we do it down in the warren.

Tammy groaned and then turned her head back around, getting a firmer grip on the headboard. I shuffled up close, adjusted my feet, and started fucking her. Really going to town, too. Normally I would pace myself, because the kind of feral blurred humping I was doing is really unsustainable over the long haul. Derek was still mostly out of breath, so he angled himself on the bed so he could watch. I was pushing a lot of his cum out of Tammy with every stroke. It dripped down her thighs, and onto my balls and down onto the bedspread. Some part of my mind registered the fact that this might be the first time I'd had another male's semen on any part of myself. It didn't bother me, though. In fact, it just made me feel hornier, if that was possible. The competition, probably.

Tammy, it seemed, was still in the scene groove, because she starts in with, "Oh Harry... I'm sorry you had to see that... I just needed a male so bad... and you weren't home yet!"

I considered not saying anything. Just grunting like a wild animal. But I figured she was enjoying this, so I growled, "He can't give you what I can." I ramped up my rhythm, making the dripping fluids fly off my balls and squelch on every pounding instroke. I huffed and continued, "He can't give you a bellyful of kits! Baby I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna fill your womb..."

Tammy squealed and pushed back against me, disrupting my rhythm in her excitement. Did she think I went off my pills? Or wanted to think so? As far as I was concerned, three kits was enough. But pretending to give her more was certainly hot. And in her heat-crazed state, she probably felt the same way.

I thought, earlier in the evening, that I would have trouble performing in front of another guy. But as it turned out, it was exhilarating! I turned to look back and down at Derek and then gave one last thrust and started to cum. I saw his eyes flit down to where I was joined with my mate, saw him watch my tail flag with each contraction. Each contraction that ended with a tremendous gout of boiling rabbit seed. Before I was even finished spurting it was already leaking out around the base of my shaft and dripping down to the bed. His eyes widened. I was pleased by that.

Finally, panting and out of breath despite the fact that my "turn" had only taken a few energetic minutes, I let go of Tammy and fell back, much the same way Derek had done. Tammy fell to her knees and then onto her side, also trying to catch her breath. Her entire crotch was a sopping sticky mess. I reached out to stroke her side.

"Everything going the way you want it, Tamtam?"

She perked an ear and pouted, "Aww, my cheating scene!"

I laughed. "I'm sorry. We're taking a five minute intermission, ok? You ok over there, Derek?"

Derek said, "Oh yeah," though I couldn't see his face. I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling.

Tammy said, "I feel so... so gushy..." She reached down between her legs to feel the mess. I rolled onto my side and took a look, but she still had her legs squeezed together around her paw. The smell in the room was heavy with her heat pheromones, and the mingled musk of rabbit and raccoon. I looked over at Derek. He was stroking his cock back up to full girth. I got a good look at the shape- raccoons have a bizarre curve, near the tip. It must feel very different than my mostly straight shaft.

I asked Tammy, "So what did you think of your first raccoon dick?"

"Who said it was my first?" she giggled.

"Oho, a doe with secrets."

Derek, meanwhile, was crawling up behind Tammy as she lay on her side facing me. His paw stole over her, cupping one of her soft breasts. I watched him feel around-raccoons a supposed to have incredibly sensitive paws. He found a nipple and caught it between his bare black fingers, giving a squeeze as he rolled her breast in a small circle. Then he spooned up behind her. She opened her legs instinctually and I watched that curved tip slip back inside her shiny wet folds. She gasped and he started mating her slowly while I watched.

I commented, "Umm, you seem to be cheating on me again."

Tammy blushed in her ears. "I'm so sorry, dear... I couldn't help myself... my heat is so strong this time."

Derek said nothing, and I couldn't even see his face behind Tammy. He was mostly a black paw fondling her breast, a pink shaft sliding in and out of her pussy, a grey-furred set of balls, and the occasional flick of a black-and-grey ringed tail.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "So strong that you need both of us to cum inside you?"

She nodded, writhing a little and reaching out to me with her arms.

I asked, "At the same time?"

She nodded again and I grinned. I was nearly back in business in the dick department, her scent and the situation giving me an unusually quick recharge. I stroked my cock and she looked down along my body hungrily. I hoped Derek knew what was about to happen.

I sat up and lifted Tammy's upper leg. Derek looked up at me, and paused his slow thrusting. I moved in, straddling her lower leg and aiming my tapered shaft at her already-full muff. I touched the tip of my cock to the base of Derek's. I thought to myself, "There's another first. Can I count this as my first homosexual experience?" I didn't dwell on it long, though. I pushed in, using my paw to guide myself, invading the space left inside Tammy until I was snugly inside her along with Derek.

Tammy gasped when I had started to push in. It was a tight fit! She held still and shut her eyes. I hoped it wasn't too much. But she didn't protest. After a moment, Derek started mating her again. It was a remarkable feeling, and had to admit it felt pretty awesome, rubbing my cock along another male's. Of course, being surrounded by my mate's clutching vagina was part of it. I also began thrusting, carefully. Slowly. I didn't want to hurt Tammy (or Derek for that matter) and I was still a little out of breath from the initial mating.

Derek and I somehow wordlessly settled onto an alternating rhythm- he'd slide out a bit, and I'd slide in, and vice versa. The novelty of the situation and the tightness of Tammy's shared cunny was getting to me, though. I could feel the prickling feeling of an orgasm that I wanted to put off. Normally in that situation I would slow down, take control of the pace, or the angle, to back off the orgasm. But here I was not in full control of the situation. The feeling of Derek's cock sliding along mine inside Tammy was making it impossible for me to stay cool. I would have to pull out to stop it.

I looked up at Tammy, who had finally opened her eyes. She was trying to see this remarkable feat of positioning. She was transfixed by the sight of two pink shafts fucking her and I knew I shouldn't pull mine out and break the scene.

Instead I blurted, "Shit! I think I'm gonna come!"

That was a bit of a lie. I was already in the process of coming. It had snuck up and just overtaken me. The kind of orgasm that you have as a teenager that goes off before you can even get your pants open. I started to spurt, pushing deep into my mate, the heat of my newest load starting to fill the very limited space inside. I wondered how that must feel to Derek. Tammy chuffed and her pussy clenched around us both, rippling with an attempt to draw the seed up into her belly.

Derek began wriggling behind her, thrusting a bit more quickly, probably trying to catch up. I was finished, just twitching and dribbling, when he started to come. Because of the curve at his tip, I could feel the full spray of it on the underside of my cock. I wondered if raccoon females were built different, with that in mind. I hadn't had the chance to really feel around inside Tracy that day at the pool...

He grunted and scruffed her this time as he came. I held myself inside Tammy, feeling my spunk mingle with the raccoon's. More began to ooze out onto the bedspread. She squealed and shivered through another orgasm, her paw covering her stretched mound, almost as if she were holding us in.

I quipped, "Maybe you'll have the first litter of rabboons."

Derek and Tammy both laughed and I pulled out, as I was starting to soften already. Derek stayed put.

I asked, "Feeling better, Tamtam?" She knew what I meant- better meant the heat itch had abated.

She nodded, head on a pillow. She said, "For now. But I think you two should stay here. Otherwise... I might sneak next door looking for more."

I rolled my eyes. "Pff... Thompson? I don't think you could find anything you want under that gut."

Tammy blushed in her ears and wiggled her nose at me. "No, no, not Mark. The boy."

That made me raise my eyebrows and ears. I hadn't though about that. The skunks next door had a 16-year-old son. Interesting. "So you think I'm getting too old, eh? Need to trade me in for a younger model?"

Derek stayed quiet, listening and recovering his breath. Tammy just giggled.

I said, "I think that's a discussion for another day, hmm? I think between Derek and myself here, we should be able to take care of you tonight as well as some 16-year-old skunk boy!"

Derek didn't agree verbally, but he did begin licking and grooming the fur at the back of Tammy's neck where he had scruffed her. I lay back down on my side along Tammy's front side and her muzzle met mine in a tender kiss that slowly turned more heated. I pressed in close with my body, but did not try to mate with her again. Not yet. Later I would, and so would Derek, as many times as we were able. But for right then, we were just surrounding her with warmth and comfort and desire.

I didn't even think, at the time, about how the "balance sheet" looked to Tammy and Tracy, and what we were all in for the next time we tried to even things up.

But that, like I told Tammy, is a discussion for another time.

Dear Michaela...

_I wrote this story a couple of years ago, for a print publication called "Michaela's Midnight Letters". You can still buy copies online!_ []( _Anyway, the story had...

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Over under sideways down

As with everything I post here, this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please do not read this story if you are under the age of majority in your state or country, or if material...

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Red bares it all

As with everything I post here, this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please do not read this story if you are under the age of majority in your state or country, or if...

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