Meeting of a New Love

Story by Alpha2007 on SoFurry

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#3 of Changing for the Better


This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy.

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Hey, here's the third chapter of "Changing for the better" series. This chapter was hard for me to complete do to the fact that I had trouble on what to do with the beggining. I hope it came out okay.

Comments and critiques are always welcome. Tell me what you think.

Oh, before I forget, you're going to find that the yiff scene in this story is similar to the first story I posted on here. That's because it is the story. Found a good place for it and it has something else added to it. I'm not going to say what though, so you have to figure that out for yourself. I was thinking of adding the first time, but decided against it because it was my first story. =3

now that rambling is done, I think it's time to get to the story:

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Changing for the Better - Meeting of a New Love

Daniel and Trevor found themselves sitting in the dean's office. The dean was out for the moment as she was talking with the receptionist just outside the door. Daniel sighed to himself as he leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees and putting his head onto his paws looking around the office. It was rather small office with a desk in the middle and three chairs. The wolf didn't say anything as he sat there. He looked down and closed his eyes waiting for the dean to enter.

Trevor was sitting with his back against the cushion of the chair and was drumming his fingered paws against the wood of the paw rest. He looked around the room seemingly uninterested in what he saw, being here before. His eyes then focused on the wolf sitting next to him as he frowned slightly. He'd been friends with this wolf for many years. Why did he choose to interact with him this year? He knew that Daniel was gay since last year when he caught him looking at that same fox in weight training. Maybe that was it, maybe he was jealous of the fact that he was looking at another fur? That's probably why he always beat up that certain fox to keep him away from Daniel. He didn't consider himself gay, but he did figure that he was bi at least. He sighed to himself and looked to his foot paws. He then looked up to Daniel and was about to say something, but stopped as he heard the dean walk into the door.

The dean made her way to her chair and sat down placing their permanent records in front of her on the desk. She eyed the furs sitting for a moment before she let out a sigh, "You two know very well why you're here, don't you?"

The wolf and the lion looked at the dean and nodded silently. Daniel then took a look at the documents that she layed on the table and his eyes went wide. He looked down putting his ears to his head and started to whimper softly as he tucked his tail of what he could in between his legs. "Shit, shit, shit . . . " He thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

The lion looked over at the wolf as he started to cringe. He too then looked over to the records and thought to himself. "It shouldn't be him to take the fall for what I did wrong, I mean, I was only doing what I usually did last year." His eyes went big and then he hit his head with his paw. "Damn, why am I being so stupid!?"

The dean got a perplexed look on her face when she eyed the lion tilting her head. "Why did you do that, Mr. Kennedy?"

Trevor looked up to the dean and shook his head and sighed. "I just don't know any more."

The dean nodded slowly deciding not to ask what he was talking about. She then took hold of the wolf's record and opened it up. She scanned through it and nodded her head a couple times. She then looked up to the downed wolf and asked rather nicely, "Tell me, Mr. Schultz, have you had any history of violence in other schools other than this one?"

Daniel looked up to her and thought for a brief minute. He then shook his head, "Not that I know of Mrs. Thoreson."

She nodded as she looked over his record. She then closed it and put it next to the lion's, "You got lucky, I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary in that field, but who knows if it's going to stay like that once I see to it. Maybe, if you can convince me on that not being the case, then I'll consider not putting it down."

Daniel perked up a little at those words and thought for a minute on how he should explain himself. He couldn't just go up and say that he did it because he was protecting the fox that he likes. That would be giving himself away and he didn't want that to happen. He needed some way around this, but he couldn't think of anything that could help him at this point. He considered lying, but what would that prove. He sighed slightly as he looked around to the lion and then to Mrs. Thoreson. Stripped of words he just sat back and shook his head. "I'm not quite sure how I can explain this sort of thing to you. It's really complicated."

Trevor looked over to him and thought to himself. He then looked at Mrs. Thoreson. "I think I'm to blame for everything. I was the one who provoked him to do what he did to me. I was foolish in thinking that would change anything though." He looked to the wolf and smiled a bit, "I think I got a little angry, got wrapped up in my own feelings to even think straight. Was like that all my life and I don't deny that was what happened to me today." He stopped there and looked to the ceiling. He pondered on what to say next but the words escaped him. "Damn . . . " He thought to himself.

Daniel looked at the lion bewildered. He did not know what to say after what he just heard. He just sat there putting his paw to his left cheek and just thought, "Damn, if he's risking everything to let me off the hook, he's doing a really good job. Maybe he's not a bad friend after all."

Mrs. Thoreson looked from Daniel to Trevor not knowing what to say. Trevor expressed himself in a way that left her speechless. She eyed Trevor's record and took it up to read. He thumbed through it nodding and shaking her head slightly every now and then. She then looked up to the lion and asked, "How many times last year did you get into fights?"

The lion leaned back more into his seat and brought his paw up under his chin and rubbed it. "Um, if I can remember correctly, around six or seven. I think I lost count from there."

The dean nodded as she put down the document in her lap. She took off her glasses and closed her eyes to rub her temple. She sighed and shook her head, "Well," She looked back at the record. " says that you where in at least eight incidences with the same fox. Mind explaining that to me?"

Daniel tilted his head slightly to the side and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the lion, "What the hell? I never knew that he beat up anybody last year . . . well actually, I did, but he said that it was no big deal and that he would handle it, so I looked the other way thinking it was nothing. Finding out that it was the same fox all this time? There's something going on here . . . I have to talk to him later about it, but for now, I have to try and get through this." He thought and sighed slightly as he leaned his head against his paw again.

The door opened to the deans office as the receptionist came in, "Mrs. Thoreson, Christina is here to see you about the incident. She came from the infirmary where the fox is being treated."

The dean smiled and nodded, "All right let her in."

The receptionist nodded and left as Christina came into the office. She looked rather nervous as she looked from the two males to Mrs. Thoreson behind the desk.

"Come on in Mrs. Valentine, you're not the one in trouble here. Stand in between the boys and tell me how Mr. Reynolds is doing?"

Christina smiled slightly and nodded as she went in between Daniel and Trevor. She had her paws in front her together still kind of nervous for being there. "It seems that Adrian is doing fine. He's sleeping at the moment now, but will be on his feet in about an hour the nurse expects. Oh, and he sends "the black wolf" his regards in saving him today." She smiled slightly more as she looked at Daniel.

Daniel chuckled and smiled as he perked up hearing the news and what the fox had said about him. He looked down and blushed slightly knowing full well that his fur would conceal it. After it faded, he looked back up to the dean and waited for her to continue. Just then the bell rang singling that lunch was over and for students to report back to their classes.

Mrs. Thoreson looks at the clock and sighs, "It's that time already? It looks like I have a meeting to go too, but I expect the four of you and the otter to be in my office after school. There's still matters we have to discuss and questions that need to be answered." She looked to the lion for emphasis. "Oh and Mr. Schultz . . . ?" She looked to the wolf as he was getting up. "Can I speak to you without your friends for just a moment? I just need to ask you a few more questions and I'll send you with a pass to your next class."

"Hmm, what does she want now?" He thought as he looked at her and nodded slightly. He then smiled looking at his friends. "I'll see you guys later then."

Christina smiled and nodded, "See you later and oh . . . " She thought for a minute. "I think it might be in your best interest to go and see how Adrian is doing. I know that you have class, but whenever you have the time."

The wolf nodded, "Yeah I will, I have Weight Training sixth period so I'll do it then. It's an extra class that I don't get any credit for, so I'll do it then. I'm sure if I explain it to the teacher of that class I'm sure he'll understand. At least I hope . . . "

Trevor was waiting kind of impatiently at the door to the office. "Come on Christina, we're going to be late."

She looked over to the lion and rolled her eyes, "I know, I'm coming." She smiled at Daniel and made her way out the door with Trevor right behind her closing the door.

"You wanted to see me, Mrs. Thoreson?" Daniel looked back to the dean.

"Yeah, have another seat . . . "

Daniel took a seat in the chair he was in before and looked at her with respect.

"I know that I was quite rough on you before, but looking at your record I see nothing wrong with you as a student in any other schools or this one, and I know I said that before. Why don't you tell me everything that went on in the fight, what happened and what you did. That's all I'm asking from you and your record will be clean from any of what had happened today."

Daniel smiled and nodded as he told her everything that happened during the fight. He said that he was only trying to defend the fox from Trevor. That's why he was caught holding the lion up against the locker. He left out all the things they said to each other though about being a fagot and everything else. He didn't want it to get that deep and have her ask more questions.

The dean nodded at his explanation as she smiled at him, "That's all I wanted to know and rest assured that it will stay clean."

Daniel nodded and got up with his stuff as the receptionist entered again, "Your meeting is starting in five minutes."

Mrs. Thoreson nodded, "Thanks . . . " She looked to Daniel. "If you want, you can go and see Mr. Reynolds now if you want, I'll take responsibility for you missing class for this occasion." She wrote a pass for him for the Infirmary. "Oh and only send the lion back to me. As to what I see, your not in trouble anymore. Just be careful next time, if there will be a next time. You might not be so lucky."

The wolf smiled and nodded perking up a lot knowing that he was over the hook. "Thanks Mrs. Thoreson."

The dean nodded as she was getting ready for her meeting. Daniel made his way out of the dean's office with a big smile on his face. He wanted to run, yell and just go crazy, but he knew that this was not the best place to do that. He went out of the main office and made his way toward the infirmary. When he got there and entered he saw the nurse first, "Um, excuse me, can I see Adrian Reynolds please?" He showed the pass from the dean allowing him to be there.

The nurse smiled, "Nice to see that the fox has nice friends to see him. Follow me, but I think he maybe asleep."

Daniel followed the nurse and nodded silently. He was taken to a bed that had drapes inclosing it so that the patient would have better privacy. He chuckled silently at that.

The nurse opened the drapes and peered inside, "Adrian, there is someone here to see you." She smiled slightly as she opened the drapes to reveal Daniel standing behind her. "I'll leave you two be for right now. I have other things to get done. If you'll excuse me." She walked off with that same smile on her face.

Daniel went closer to the fox as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to Adrian's side. He smiled as he leaned forward and put his paw on the fox's thigh stroking it a bit. "How are you feeling?"

* * *

Adrian was helped up onto a bed in the nurses office a couple minutes after the incident occurred. He was wheezing slightly and was a bit short of breath as he tried to keep his eyes open. Every ones and a while he would cough up small amounts of blood, but that became less frequent as time went on. A few minutes passed and he fell unconscious from the pain in his muzzle and the loss off blood from his body. He saw darkness, then a scene swam into view, two figures grow more and more distinct, he saw him, as if in the future.

* * *

Adrian, wondered into his room after taking a nice and relaxing shower. A towel was now wrapped around his body making sure to shield everything from view. He smiled widely as his eyes darted to a smiling wolf that was sitting at the foot of his bed. "Daniel, I wasn't expecting you until later . . . " He pawed over to the other canine and sat next to him, the bed getting wet from his body and towel. He blushed slightly as he watched him for an answer.

Daniel saw the blush creep up on the fox's face and giggled a bit knowing he wants an explanation for why he was early. "I just thought if I came early I wouldn't miss a thing." He looked him over a bit as he said that. "...and it looks like I didn't." He put his arm around the fox pulling him closer giving him a kiss on the head.

Adrian murred placing his head on the wolf's shoulder as he closed his eyes in content. He placed a paw on his chest and raked gently over them with his claws. After a moment or so of quiet, except for the gentle murrs that were coming from the wolf, he opened his eyes and giggled ones again to see how much he was enjoying the attention. The fox stopped his paw and just place it on his chest. "You know..." He placed his head back on the wolf's shoulder. "There is something that we haven't done in a while."

Stopping his murrs almost instantly, then Daniel looked down at his fox and smiled. He new what the fox wanted, but the fox needed to tell him what was on his own. It wasn't for him to say. The wolf placed his head on the foxes and brought him closer to him still. "What's on your mind. You know that you can tell me anything... right?"

"Yeah..." Adrian said softly as he blushed once more and thought about how he should put it. He didn't want it to sound stupid. "Well, it's been awhile since we've been intimate with each other." The blush that was now apparent on his cheeks went more crimson even though this wasn't his first time with the wolf. He still didn't like talking about it, but also felt that tonight was the night he would top him.

Daniel picked up his head from Adrian's and looked at him. He smiled and nodded in agreement with his little fox. "Yeah, it has been awhile..." He saw the blush more prominent on his cheeks. "...but I still don't see the reason why you have to blush every single time we talk about it."

Adrian smiled knowing that he was just joking around with him. He looked up at the wolf and nodded as his blush disappears some what from his face. He placed his head lightly back on the lupine's shoulder and closed his eyes again. He started to drag his claws softly over the wolf's chest.

"That's better..." Daniel smiled as he stroked the still wet fox fur with his claws lightly up and down his arm. He closed his eyes and murred feeling the claws on his chest.

Adrian smirked slightly as he heard the murrs come from the other fur. Feeling a lot better about what he was doing, he started to drag his paw slowly down over the wolf's stomach.

Daniel murred more as he felt this, but doesn't open his eyes. From all the touching that the fox was giving him, he felt his sheath start to stir. He nuzzled into the foxes head fur panting slightly from his arousal. He continued to run his claws over the fur of his fox knowing that he also like it.

Adrian started to smell the wolf's arousal, though it was still quite vague through the denim that Daniel was wearing. It couldn't have been from him because he just took a shower, but smelling and seeing the wolf's comfort didn't help him any. He felt his own sheath starting to stir as well. The fox brought up his head and stopped his paw in the middle of his stomach.

Daniel slowly stopped murring as he looked at the fox tilting his head to the side a bit. "Why did you stop?"

"Because..." He licked the wolf on the muzzle and leaned in and whispered, "I know what you want..." He dragged his paw down from the middle of the wolf's stomach and groped at his crotch through the denim.

Daniel gasped slightly as he closed his eyes, feeling his cock come about an inch out of it's sheath with that one grope. He panted a bit more and gave a slight moan raising his muzzle slightly to the ceiling.

Still having his paw on wolf's member he never looked away from him. Adrian groped it a bit harder being careful not to hurt him. He felt the member aching for release as he chuckled a bit. He smiled and was now petting the denim of the wolf's jeans lightly feeling the bulge he created.

Daniel groaned a bit more as he felt the fox grope at his sheath tighter. As the fox released his grip and was now petting him, he looked back down to the fox and smiled a bit. His eyes searched Adrian's face seeing lust and want plastered all over it. He chuckled a bit as he finished and settled on to his eyes. "You know, this is not the side I see in you often."

Adrian nodded and blushed being caught, but he didn't mind. He saw the lust and want on the wolf's face as well. His eyes finally went to the wolf's as he leaned in closer. "Yeah, well with you he--"

Daniel cut him off as he started to kiss the fox on the lips passionately. He started to close his eyes slowly as he wrapped his arms around the smaller canine to bring him closer. He then tilted his head and started to lick the fox's muzzle for entrance.

Adrian was surprised at first, but eagerly granted him entrance as his tongue started to play and dance with the wolf's. He slowly closed his eyes as well loving the sweet taste of the other. He murred taking his hand from the wolf's jeans and placed it around his neck along with his other arm coming closer as the wolf wanted.

Deepening the kiss a bit as he tilted his head some and licked more of the foxes upper mouth and tongue wanting to explore every inch. Daniel settled back down knowing that he's getting to exited. He returned to just playing with the smaller canines tongue as he wrapped his arms more around the smaller of fox's back.

The fox also wanted to explore every inch of the Daniel's mouth, but he fought the urge back when he had other things in mind for him. Adrian just played around with his loves tongue for a moment more and then decided to back away from it entirely.

Daniel opened his eyes and smiled as he watched the fox contently. "You really got into that. You're really surprising me tonight Adrian... wait..." He cocked an eyebrow and stared at the fox. "What's gotten into you?"

"Oh, nothing..." The fox got up and trailed a paw finger up the wolf's stomach, to his chest, up his neck, and poked the middle of the older canines nose. He took that finger away and leaned down and flicked his tongue at the same spot. He leans into his ear rather seductively and whispered, "I got plans of my own for you."

Daniel murred in contentment as the voice made him shiver slightly. "What's my little foxy got in mind?"

"Oh, you'll see soon enough." He smiled and stood up still holding the towel around his mid-section. He started to walk a bit letting his towel go from around his waist. It dropped to the ground as he neared a dresser purposely bent down pretending to get something from the bottom drawer. He lifted his tail up to reveal his dangling balls and his tail hole as looked back at the wolf and smiled as he saw his expression.

Daniel couldn't help but watch as the fox made his way to the dresser. He murred as he saw the towel fall from his waist, but what he saw next made him want to pounce on the fox and fuck him all night long. His cock shot out a couple more inches as it left him very uncomfortable. He unbuttoned, unzipped, and even pulled the boxers out of the way as he let his cock out of its prison. He gasped lightly as he felt the nice cool air on his member pre was already leaking from the tip.

Adrian giggled softly as he saw the wolf let himself free. He stood back up after closing the drawer and turned to face the larger canine. He walked over to the lupine and laughed a bit sitting down. "Do you need any help with that or are you good?" He looked at him more out of concern then anything else.

"Ho ho, after that display, you know that I can fuck you all night long, but yeah, that would be nice." Daniel thought and averted his eyes away from the fox for a minute. He then looked back at the fox and tilted his head slightly also raising an eyebrow. "...but one question, what's with the change of being totally innocent and bashful person to a person who likes to show off his stuff. I don't get you sometimes..."

Adrian thought for a moment looking up to the ceiling. He then looked down to the wolf and smiled a bit more. "I think it was from that kiss that you gave me before any of this started. I could feel the want, the passion, and the love in that kiss alone. I think it drove most of my shyness and innocence away making me do what I just did for you. I think i have to thank you some how for that and the only way I can is..." He placed a paw around the Daniel's member and started to paw it off slightly. " suck you dry." He watched the wolf and kept the same smile he had on.

Daniel smiled back and closed his eyes as he moaned slightly out of pleasure when the fox started to paw him off. He heard everything that he said as he nodded after the fox spoke signifying that he heard. He started to pant a little and threw his head up wanting more. His tail wagged uncontrollably behind him in response. He placed both paws in back of him to keep his balance.

Adrian snickered and kept up the pace on pawing him off. "Oh, does Wolfy enjoy me doing this to him?" He smiled a bit watching him get all worked up. His paw went a bit faster on the wolf's member the pre helping him along the way.

Daniel's breath got more ragged as he groaned out and humped instinctively into the smaller canines paw. He panted more as he nodded to the fox's question. He did not want him to stop for anything.

"That's good to know." Adrian smirked slightly as he stopped and withdrew his paw. He then stood up and walked in between the wolf's legs and spread them out wide so that his body could fit in. He looked at the pulsating wolf cock in front of him and saw pre cum run from the tip down its length. He started from the base and started to lick slowly up to the tip catching the pre that was going down. As he flicked his tongue off the head savoring its salty and sweet taste, he looked up at the wolf and saw that he was in total bliss.

Daniel whimpered as he felt the fox stop his pumping. He opened his eyes and looked at the fox to object, but found him opening his legs and staring quite lustfully down at his penis. He smiled gently at the smaller canine and then moaned out in pleasure as he felt the foxes tongue go up his shaft. He rolled back his head as his tongue came lolling out of his maw.

Adrian put his paws to the lupines balls and gently started to fondle with them as smiled at the pleasure he's giving the wolf. He saw another drop of pre fall from the tip and quickly lapped it off putting his tongue around the head as he suckled lightly on it. He felt a paw stroke at his head fur to urge him on further.

He gasped and moaned lightly out of pleasure when he felt the fox tongue over the head of his cock. Daniel put his paw on the foxes head and lightly pushed him to go further onto his cock. He had a sudden urge to face fuck the smaller canine, but decided to wait until the fox was ready and willing to take his whole length.

Adrian slowly descended upon the wolf cock trying to get his tongue over every nook and cranny. His paws never left the wolf balls as they continued to play with them sending more pre on his tongue to swallow. Inch after inch of wolf cock went into the fox's muzzle as his tongue danced around it. His nose hit crotch fur at its base and he also felt the cock head at the back of his throat. He gagged as a reflex, but tried his best to relax as he breathed in through his nose smelling the musk of the wolf. He felt his fox cock give a shudder as this smell always turned him on. The paw on his head never pushed, but guided him through it. He smiled slightly as he started to ascend making sure to keep his tongue moving around the wolf's meet.

"Oh yes... right there..." Daniel moaned out. His eyes where rolled back to the back of his head with his eyes closed. His tongue still hung out of his muzzle with his mouth half open as well. If anyone was watching, they would see that he was enjoying every bit of it. Though, he new that nobody was. He never looked down as he guided his lover over his member.

Adrian reached the tip of the wolf's member and kept suckling and licking it as he fondle more on his wolf's balls. Another fair amount of pre landed on his tongue as he swallowed it. He then put a couple inch's of the wolf cock into his maw and started to slowly bob his head. His tongue ran all over the lupine's shaft hitting every pleasure point he could.

Another moan escaped the lips of the larger canine as he slowly started to muzzle fuck the fox . His tail slapping against the bed harder each time. His breathes coming shorter as the fox work his magic on the wolf's cock. He new he wouldn't last to long if this kept on going like this. He kept his head up and said, "I'm gonna... cum... soon... just... warning..." He felt his knot leave his sheath as he said this.

Adrian continued to bob his head up and down on the lupine's shaft, pre came in bucket loads now as he played with the wolf's balls even more. He then placed his free paw around his now exposed knot and squeezed it lightly. He twitched his ears hearing what the other had to say as he smiled slightly to it. "That's what I want," He thought to himself.

Daniel kept on fucking in time with the others bobbing as he moaned in bliss. The wolf continued to pet the foxes head softly not pushing him to do anything. He moaned again out in pleasure as the fox started to squeeze his knot. "Another couple squeezes and I... mrff," He thought and murred at the attention.

Looking up and seeing what wonders he's doing to the wolf. He only smiled with what he could with a wolf cock in his mouth. He closed his eyes and started to bob his head a bit faster over his length send his tongue every where he could. The head of the wolf cock was now going down his throat again as he was now used to it. He rolled the lupines ball's in his paw as the penis twitches and squirts more pre cum down his throat. He new that Daniel was at his edge, all he needed was another push. The fox squeezed the wolf's knot once again, but this time he did a tying motion.

Daniel moaned as he felt his lover go a bit faster over him. He panted not wanting it to stop as he put his paw over his head more. He still fucked the foxes muzzle, but that made him slow down almost to a stop as he felt the paw squeeze at his knot once more. This time was different though as the paw never left and never seized. It only grew tighter. He moaned and then howled up to the ceiling feeling his balls go to his body. He never felt an orgasm quite as powerful as this one. He firmly held the head of his fox lover down on his crotch as he exploded his seed into his muzzle.

The fox stopped playing with his balls as he felt them shudder. He instead went down and started to paw himself off a bit as he felt his own pre falling down along his shaft. "Man, do I have a couple things in store for you tonight Wolfy." He thought to himself as he heard the wolf howl to the ceiling. He smiled as the wolf held him down to take his seed down his throat. The fox took it all in to the last drop.

Daniel smiled as he looked down at his fox panting finishing off his orgasm. He removed his hand from his head after a couple minutes and layed it next to him on the bed. "Oh man, I don't think there is anybody that can do that better than you."

Adrian took his muzzle off the wolf's member and blushed lightly. "Thanks for the compliment."

"Anytime, why don't you join me up here where it's more comfortable." Daniel said patting the bed next to him.

The fox nodded as he looked up at the wolf. He gave him a wink and then stood up from the wolf's legs and took a seat right next to him. He placed his paw on the wolf's thigh and moved it slowly up and down watching him. After a minute or so of just caressing his thigh, the fox nuzzled the wolf's neck fur closing his eyes. He murred in content smelling the wolf's feral aroma.

The wolf watched Adrian with a smile on his muzzle as he wrapped his closest arm around him. He closed his eyes murring as he nuzzled the fox in the same manner. He brought himself closer to the fox as he reached out his paw and stroked the foxes sheath lightly up and down.

Adrien let out a soft moan of anticipation feeling the paw on his sheath. His member jerked rather uncomfortably as pre started to ride down his shaft. The fox let out a soft whine and then a murr as he started bucking his hips slightly. He nuzzle more up the wolf's neck and bit his ear softly. He smirked slightly as he whispered into the wolf's ear, "I want to feel myself inside you."

Daniel opened his eyes and looked at the fox and smiled slightly, "Is that what you really want?"

The fox looked at the wolf and then looked down. He blushed slightly closing his eyes, "Been wanting it for a while now. Normally it's you that's inside me."

The wolf chuckled and blushed slightly, "Yeah, maybe a change can be done every now and then." He didn't take his eyes off the fox though. The fox looked so sweet and innocent in his eyes. He didn't dream of him being the dominant one alone wanting it so badly. He then nodded and kissed the fox on the cheek softly. "What position do you want me in? Lying on my back facing you? ...Or on my paws and knees... It's your choice." He nuzzled into his cheek slightly waiting for his decision.

Adrian pondered on that for a minute and then nuzzled into the wolf again closing his eyes, "I want to face you with you looking at me, so that I can look at that handsome face of yours." He smiled as he looked at the wolf again watching him.

Daniel licked the fox's cheek and nodded. He pushed the fox away softly and got more onto the bed onto his back. He smiled as he breathed slowly and looked down at Adrian at his foot paws. He also noticed that his member was still painfully hard, probably from the nuzzling and the thought of having the fox in him. He murred as he closed his eyes and waited for the fox to continue.

The fox watched the wolf get on his back and thought a bit on how he was going to do this. He got up on his paws and knees and crawled over to the wolf watching his throbbing cock. The fox smiled as he nuzzled into it murring with want. He stopped after a bit as he thought for a minute, "Do you remember where we put the lube?"

The Wolf opened his eyes and looked at the fox as he moaned out of anticipation, "I think... It's in the drawer of the bedside table."

Adrien nodded and crawled over and opened the drawer to the only bedside table in the room. He searched around for it and found it in the back. The fox smiled as he made his way back to the wolf squirting a good amount into his paw and applied it to his member. He closed his eyes and gasped slightly as it felt a little cold. He finished and went in between the wolf's legs and put them over his shoulders. He murred at the sight of the wolf's tail hole and throbbing cock. He squirt a good amount of some more of the lube on his two pawed finger's and rubbed them together lightly. He then applied his finger to the wolf's tail hole and entered him slightly lubing him up

Daniel gasped and closed his eyes again as he let out a lustful moan. He felt the fox probe his finger around his hole and enter him. The wolf lolled out his tongue as he panted grabbing the bedding with his paws. He squirmed and whimpered slightly with want.

The fox smirked slightly as he saw the wolf's face. It was twisted up with desire as he began to finger fuck him, "I can see that some wolfy wants something from me." He continue that for about a minute and then took out the digit and added a second as he slid them into him again. He stretched out the wolf's anal ring as he stuck them all the way in now teasing him a bit wanting him beg for him, "How much do you want me inside you?"

The Wolf moaned out of pleasure as Adrian added the second finger. He panted as he looked up whimpering and grabbed more of the bed. He twitched his ears as he heard the fox speak, but he could only make out a few words through his moaning. He got the gist of what the fox was trying to say though through the never ending fucks with his finger's. "Please... I want all of you... Just stop teasing me..." He whimpered and panted out.

Adrien smiled and laughed a bit as he heard the plea for him to stop teasing him from the strong mighty wolf. He nodded as took his two digits out of him and place the head of his dick to him instead. The fox looked up to the wolf, " Are you ready?"

Daniel smiled and nodded seemingly relieved that the fox was over with teasing him. He looked up longingly at the fox waiting for him to enter, "Yeah, go ahead."

The fox nodded as he started to push himself into the wolf. He gritted his teeth lightly as he as he started to pant opening the pulsing hole wider. Inch after inch of fox cock slid slowly into the wolf. Adrian was now only half way in when he leaned over and started to nuzzle into the wolf's neck fur. He moaned slightly and panted putting another few inches of his member into Daniel until he was hilt all the way. The fox kept himself still, so that the wolf could get used to his length. He rubbed his muzzle more into the wolf's neck fur panting.

The wolf moaned out as the fox started to enter him. He kept a hold of the bed as he panted and whimpered slightly as his tail hole was stretched from the intruding member. As the fox leaned down to nuzzle his neck fur, he wrapped his arms around him tightly. He moaned out again and murred as he looked up giving room for the fox to explore his neck more. Daniel also wrapped his legs around his him to get more comfortable.

Adrian moved his arms around so that the wolf could get his legs into a better position. He smiled and continued to nuzzle into the wolf's neck fur as he started to take his member out so that only the tip of it was in. He then thrust back into the wolf moaning lightly hilting him again as he wrapped his arms around him as well. The fox took it out again, but this time only went half way out as he thrust in again and continued, getting himself into a rhythm. He bit into the wolf's neck lightly and stifled his moan.

"Ugh... Don't stop... please..." Daniel moaned out in pleasure when the fox cock thrust in and out of his tail hole. He felt his own member pulse as pre was felt between both there stomachs. He wanted more then anything to reach down and paw himself off, but in his current situation he new he had no way to do that. The wolf instead wrapped his arms more around the fox on top of him bring him closer. He panted and then growled wanting the fox to cum into him.

The fox chuckled slightly as he began to thrust himself slightly faster in and out of the wolf. He moaned a bit louder as he was still biting the wolf's neck fur which stifled it a bit again. He brought himself closer to the wolf as he felt Daniels copious amount of pre on his stomach fur. He murred slightly feeling it wanting to cum into him more. He moved his stomach over the wolf's member as much as he could to try and get the wolf to cum with him.

"Oh... fuck..." The wolf moaned as he felt Adrian's stomach rub on his member. His knot, roughly the size of a baseball, was now out and pulsing under the fox. It wouldn't be long now before he came onto the fox and himself. He moved his arms up and down the fox's back humping slightly into his stomach in time with the fox's thrusts to please himself more.

Adrian moaned and continued to take his member in and out of the wolf's ass. The fox could feel his knot grow out of his sheath as he took his bite off the lupine's neck and gritted his teeth. The knot continued to probe Daniel's anal ring wanting to get inside. The fox moaned again and closed his eyes panting placing his muzzle down on the wolf's shoulder. He could feel himself close to cumming, but he needed a little boost as he rubbed himself on the humping lupine. "Ugh... fuck... so close..."

Daniel felt the fox's knot probe at his entrance as he continued to thrust inside him. He moaned out loud with pleasure as he licked his lips coming close to cumming as well. He gasped at how much pre he had stored on his stomach. The wolf still felt the fox knot probing at him and it drove him insane with lust and desire for Adrian, "Oh... tie with me... please.." He moaned out and panted still licking his lips.

The fox nodded as he heard the wolf and started to thrust faster in and out of him. He moaned out with pleasure with every inning just wanting now to get off. Adrian gave one final thrust into the wolf as his anal ring expands letting it through. The fox gasped as he opened his eyes wide and let out a loud moan placing the knot into place, "Oh, damn..."

The wolf moaned a bit louder as he felt the fox start to pound his anal ring with his engorged knot. He grit his teeth as he squeezed the fox still holding his arm around him, but light enough so he won't hurt him. As the fox, however plunged his knot into him, his eyes went wide and he moaned out loudly and whimpered a bit. This was exactly what he needed to get himself off as he put up his head and howled feeling his orgasm hit him hard. Rope after rope of white gooey cum pulsed out hitting both their chest and stomach fur. His orgasm went on for a few more seconds then died off as he relaxes with the fox on top of him.

Adrian moaned as he felt the wolf orgasm under him feeling his seed on his chest and stomach. The lupines anal ring squeezed down on the fox's knot sending him of the edge. The fox a loud howl as he felt his orgasm hit him hard sending ropes of cum deep within the boules of the lupine. He sighed and panted closing his eyes and just layed on top of the wolf smiling. He nuzzled into him a bit as his orgasm slowly died down, cum dripping out of the hole and onto the wolf's sac.

Daniel smiled as he closed his eyes and nuzzled back for a moment not really saying anything as they enjoyed each others company. They calmed down a bit before one of them speaks again. The wolf looked at the fox and nibbled softly on his ear. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

The fox looked at the wolf and smiled, "I'm doing fine, though a bit tired and I suspect you are the same?"

The wolf chuckled slightly and nodded, "Yeah, and I'm afraid we're going to be stuck like this for a while."

Adrian nuzzled into the fur of the wolf's neck and yawned closing his eyes. "I'm glad it's with you."

Daniel yawned and closed his eyes as well as he nodded and dozed off slightly, "Me too, foxy, me too..." He was off in about a second.

The fox smiled and still nuzzled for about a moment more and fell asleep in that position still tied to the wolf. Everything was perfect.

* * *

Adrian was slowly starting to come back too after having that weird dream. He opened his eyes and looked around himself rather confused at first on where he was. He then remembered that he was beaten up badly and was supported by his friend Bryan and another fur he didn't recognize; a dalmatian. They brought him here and that's when he passed out and had that dream. He looked around himself focusing now as he found himself in a bed with drapes pulled around to keep people from disturbing him. He then heard voices coming from the front of the infirmary.

"Um, excuse me, can I see Adrian Reynolds please?" Came a voice he recognized, but couldn't fit it with anyone he new personally.

"Nice to see that the fox has nice friends to see him. Follow me, I think he maybe asleep." Came the nurses voice he new distinctively being here about eight times last year.

He saw silhouettes walking towards the drapes. One looked like the nurse and the other one was a canine of some form. He smiled to himself wondering who it might be as he tilted his head to the side.

The nurse opened the drapes and peered inside, "Adrian, there is someone here to see you." She smiled slightly as she opened the drapes to reveal the black wolf standing behind her. "I'll leave you two be for right now, I have other things to get done. If you'll excuse me." She walked off with that same smile on her face.

Adrian's mouth dropped open a little as he saw the black wolf pull up a chair and sit down. The wolf leaned forward and smiled as he placed a paw on his thigh stroking it lightly, "How are you feeling?"

The Fox stayed quiet thinking to himself as he watched the wolf trying to think of what to say. He couldn't believe it. The wolf that he had his eyes on for the passed year was siting in the chair next to him. That same wolf was the one that helped him out from the lion prior to him entering the infirmary. He gave the wolf a friendly smile, "I'll be fine." He blushed slightly, "Thanks for saving me back there."

Daniel leaned his back on the chair and put his paw in his lap as he smiled warmly to the fox, "Don't Mention it. I was glad to help. The name is Daniel by the way."

Adrian nodded, "You already know mine."

The wolf chuckled a bit to that, "Yeah, I do, glad to see that your okay. Well..." He stood up again. "I guess I'll be seeing you around then. I have classes to get too you know. You try and feel better."

The fox nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I will, thanks again for caring so much and visiting me."

"It's no problem, see you around." With that Daniel turned and walked to the door. He just looked back and smiled warmly to the fox. "So cute..." He thought as he turned again and walked out to go to his class.

Adrian smiled as he saw the wolf look back at him from the door. "I'm glad I finally met you." He thought as he closed his eyes and rested.

* * *

A Friday Night to Remember

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. \* \* \* Okay, this story is just a test to see how...

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The Unlucky Meeting

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. \* \* \* This story is the second chapter to the...

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In the Beginning

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. \* \* \* This story is the starting of a series based...

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