The Long Road Ahead

Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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this story is for me and my mate. Everything in here isn't exactly true but our love is true. I hope what i detail in here will happen in real life someday.

I lived a pretty good life so far. I have a wonderful family, a free ride at Furry University, great friends, and soon my mate will be with me. We met on a website and instantly fell in love. He lives down in Plano,Texas so we never met and could only chat by texting, calling each other, and chatting over webcam sites. Sometimes at night I cry myself to sleep wanting him to be in my arms hearing his steady heartbeat, his soft breathing, and slowly rubbing his warm body as we embrace each other in love. But that will soon be a reality because he's flying in today and , with my brother's help and car, I'll be picking him up and he'll be living with me in my dorm. Course he flunked out of a grade so he has to finish his senior year then he'll be able to attend the college classes if he wanted. I chuckled at the thought of his brother's teasing his new mate. Oh before I forget my name is Kane Allen ShadowWolf I do have a name other than that but only my mate, family, and closet friends will know it. My mate's name is Mikey and I think he's the cutest and most adorable wolf I know.

"Hey Kane get up or we'll be late picking up Mikey. I don't think he's the type to let things slide too easily." Keith my older brother he's muscular, tall, and has dashing good looks. It runs in the family but unlike me being black and white fur he's completely black fur. I slowly got up and dressed making myself presentable to my mate but I don't think he would mind how I would look since he'll be humping every last juice out of my cock. I smiled as I thought of all the sex they would be having. I rushed out to meet my brother all he did was smile and ruffled my hair as we headed out the door to his car.

My name is Mikey I'm a wolf with brown fur with a white patch on my chest and black fur on my muzzle, tips of my ears, and the edges of my arm. My life hasn't been the best mom walked out on me while I was young, brother died, now recently my sis died which I believe is my fault but my mate Kane kept tellin me it isn't my fault my dad sent me to military school. Sometimes I wish my mom took me with her but with all that's happened he's been nicer to me and even set me up with an account so he can send me money while I live with Kane. I'm still suprised he let me go all the way out here. I'm looking towards meeting Kane cause once I have that boy in my grasp I'm never letting him go. "Attention passengers we are now preparing to land please stay in your seats till we land. Thank you for flying Penguin Airlines the only time these birds will fly." Some people laughed at the corny joke but staying seated was going to be easier said than done.

We arrived at the airport just as Mikey got all of his belongings and once he saw me he bolted towards me leaving behind his luggage. I embraced him into a tight hug while Keith went over to collect the forgotten luggage and made their way towards the car. Once we got back to my dorm room I let Keith and Mikey get aquainted as I moved all of his belongings to my room. As I sorted it all out I found he packed some dildo's of various species and sizes. A sly smile crept to my muzzle as I hid the toys under the bed. 'I'll be sure to break those toys in tonight.' I giggled at the thoughts creeping into my little head. Keith was playing modern warfare 3 with Mikey so they didn't notice me. I went to the kitchen and started prepping things for dinner. I mostly cooked and Keith brought in the majority of the cash for groceries. As the steak sizzled on the pan and the potatoes boiled I joined my two favorite guys on the couch and watch the carnage an screen making sure to wrap my arms around the slender wolf. He had muscle that was sure but his form was slender. He's tried to beef up but what can you do with a high metabolism.

I was putting the last touches on the steak when a knock came to the door. I opened it and there stood one of my best friends. "YO Kane I smell steak hope you made enough for me."

"Haha of course Alex besides you come here every night anyways." The doberman chuckled as he raced to get a plate. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. Alex is on a football scholarship and since he has to do a lot of body conditioning it helps that I'm a great cook. Once he had his plate he finally took notice of Mikey and cocked his head to the side.

"Well your new when did you get here?"

"I'm suprised that you noticed me." Mikey filled his plate and made his way to the couch and began to chow down. "The way that you attacked the food I'm suprised you noticed me at all." He shot a sly smile at the dobi before eating more of the food. Alex just shot him a smile as he tore at his steak. He ate a few more bites of steak and mash potatoes.

"Hey I notice things when I got the food just wanted to make sure I got some." He grinned showing bits of meat in his white teeth.

"He'll eat anything but people. He ate my shit one time because I paid him fifty bucks."

"Fuck you Keith I didn't eat your shit but that rotten fruit sure tasted like it." He grumbled and went back eating his food. Keith just chuckled as he devoured his own meal. The four ate and once they were done they chatted for a bit before Keith went to bed. Alex left to his dorm leaving Kane to do the dishes. Mikey jumped in and helped him which that got things done in 10 minutes. We retired to my room where I pushed my love onto the bed. "Hey what was that for babe." Mikey chuckled but stopped when I pulled out his hidden toys that were to be a present to him. I then pulled out a huge bottle of lube and proceeded to lube up one of the smaller toys. Then I put some lube on his finger and began to lube up Mikey's ass slowly pushing in and out. Loosing my love up for the main event. He smiled a bit before yanking the toy out of my hand and hugged my waist. "Any other time I would love it but I'm kinda tired. Tomorrow promise." He nuzzled my chest a little more before he pulled off my clothes and then removed his own. I smiled and layed down with him rubbing his chest making sure I pulled him close to me. Soon we were in blissful sleep in each other's loving embrace.

I woke up before Kane did and a little devilish thought came to my head. Kane tried to use my toys on me when it's his ass they were going to go into. I got the toys lubed them up real good and then proceeded to lube Kane up. I made sure to be real careful not to wake him up since I don't know if he's a heavy sleeper or not. I carefully slipped my finger in and coated every inch of him to make sure I didn't hurt him with the toys. Carefully I slipped the largest toy into his ass. I was met with immediate resistance but stopping every second or so and the toy slipped in inch by inch. Kane began to have little yelps and moans as I slowly worked the toy in and out stretching him out real good. Soon his cock started to swell out of his sheath oozing precum like a water faucet. I couldn't resist his arousal and took greedy sniffs all around his ass and cock. I got greedy taking small licks of his cock before fully enveloping his cock into my maw. Normally I would be pampared like this but my baby does deserve some attention too. His cock tasted so good and once I had it in my maw his cock began to shoot out pre like crazy. I felt a hand placed on my head applying some pressure to push me down on his cock more. I really didn't like this because it makes me feel like a whore but since we're so horny right now I forgive him. Kane let his tongue roll out panting hard from the attention I was giving him. His cock began to twitch and I felt his balls tense up. His cock erupted a full load of cum into my mouth. He cummed for about 2 minutes it was so much that I had to let some dribble out of my mouth. I pulled off his cock and gulped down the cum. I licked my lips before pushing the dildo deep into his ass and sat on his lap to begin making out with him.

This was really a good suprise. First I dream that my mate is pounding me with his thick cock the next minute I wake up to him pushing in a huge dildo in my ass and sucking my cock. It was so good that I came harder than I normally would. Not that Mikey was complaining he gulped my entire load down and now we're making out. I could still taste my cum in his mouth and that just got me hard again. "Damn baby one hell of a wake up call."

"Just a little revenge for trying to use my own toys against me meany."

I smiled and chuckled a bit. "Ok ok I guess I deserved it now what should we do u fuck my ass, me sucking you while you use this toy on me more, or go out and see a movie."

"Hmmm how bout option 2 and 3 unless your too chicken to take this toy up your ass the full length." I looked down and the toy was only half way in and already he felt full but a thought came to mind.

"Ok but if I can take the whole length without telling you to stop once then I get to do the same treatment to you and fuck you. Do we have a deal love?"

"Deal now bend over and suck my cock horny dog." I got in position and sucked him off immediately while he started pushing the toy in farther into my ass. It hurt a lot but thanks to Mikey lubing me up really good it was more bearable than it would have been going dry. Mikey pushed it all the way in and started pulling it out to the very tip then slamming it back in. Tears of pain formed in my eyes as he jackhammered the dildo into my ass. He was determined to have me cry out so he would win. I didn't offer him anything if he won maybe it was some sort of pride thing I really didn't care because if I did win then my ass is going to be sore all night and tomorrow. But setting aside the pain I worked more on his cock. The tool is massive around 11 inches or so I could barely fit it all in my maw but I did the best I could. I ran my tongue across the length I couldn't fit in my maw and suckling his balls. Soon I found a rythm of bobbing my head up and down his shaft as he fucked me with the dildo. I smiled to myself as the pain I felt became numb and worked harder on his shaft. I could tell he was close since his thrusts have become shorter and less powerful. I could hear him panting and grunting not wanting me to win but I sucked harder on the shaft until he finally his balls tensed up. But instead of cumming in my mouth he pulled out and cummed all over my face. I gave him the evil eye but he only smiled at me. "What your going to have to work if you want to drink from the tap."

"I'll remember that. Now your gonna have to work for me to cum in your ass baby." He pouted and whimpered a bit while I just chuckled at his puppy like nature. "C'mon lets go see the new Transformers movie." He hoped up and we went and watched the movie. It was awesome the cinematics were great and the actors did a really good job. Once we got back he bent over showing he was ready but I slapped his ass and went to the bedroom which he followed suit. "Not tonight you really did a number on my ass but I'll get you sometime this week." He chuckled and we cuddled up in bed together. Embracing each other in our love.

This is the finished version hope you like it. Especially you baby hope you love it.

Road Rovers: A New Start 6

I do not own any of these characters. They all belong to warner bros studios. This is just for entertainment purposes Hunter Hunter and Exile made their way down to the processing plant so Exile could get a bottle of meds for Hunter. Exile was the...

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Road Rovers: A New Start 5

here's the next chapter. i don't own the road rovers in any way Blitz Blitz sat in the living room watching tv and occasionally looking out the window. He let out a sigh bored out of his mind with nothing to do. His adoptive son Dylan is at school...

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Road Rovers: A New Start 4

addin more to this chapter and then headin to the next one. also if anyone is wonderin why collen isnt appearing is because i cant think of any romantic relations with her but shell make some appearences during the story. Once more i do not own the...

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