When Dreams Become Reality: Chapter 19: A Painful Loss...

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#19 of When dreams become reality

DISCLAIMER: This chapter features a lot of intense scenes, so I'm tagging it as adult just to be safe. 18 and under please leave. This is the newest chapter of my story after a long 2 month break from it. I hope you like it and once again be sure to check out Ryan Masterpaladin Lewis's page here for his awesome story series. Aquin belongs to Aquingator on FA. Enjoy!


I slept the rest of the way back home, riding in the white van alongside my mom while driving back to Salisbury. My body felt very tired even though Aquin's hug did make me feel rejuvenated, though it seemed like after we went out separate ways, that bond of energy quickly drained away. I was already missing Tony while in the van, but I knew that he wouldn't be gone for long.

......Little did I know what was going on.....at the same time.....at his house....


"So Aquin....I know we don't know much about each other, but what are you into anyway?"

"Yeah Aquin, you've been pretty quiet in here for the last hour or so, let's talk bud!" Both Junir and Ord mentioned to the Gator as the five were on their way back towards Saratoga Springs to drop Junir off.

"Well......cars are my main thing......" Aquin mentioned very quiet, yet also serious tone.

"Oh yeah? What's your favorite model?"

"Anything that will let me burn rubber on the road, but I do like Camaro's." The gator replied.

"Wait.....you like cars....yet you live in the middle of nowhere?" Tony then asked, sitting in the front seat of the car while Sull was driving the vehicle.

"I need to get away from the real world.....in my state of mind, it's peaceful being away from it all.....but that area.....it's not safe anymore...." Aquin mentioned with a pretty discrete look on his face.

Tony simply shook his head, still wondering what was up with Aquin, though all five guys eventually started talking about everything in general, as the car finally passed a sign that said "WELCOME TO SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK"


"THAT WAS DELICIOUS HEEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The cheetah laughed manically, as blood was dripping off his teeth and lips after he had ingested a good portion of the blood of the dragon that was stabbed right between the eyes.

"Think anyone else is around the neighborhood here?" The Shepherd asked the two, monitoring all of his surroundings, looking out each window of the house.

"Well there's only that house next door here...all these other houses are pretty far apart from these two it seems" The Panther replied, still holding the AK in his hands.

"When...heHEHEHE.... do you think....HAHAHA.... our main target will show up though? hehe" Ronin asked manically, almost like the taste of blood completely changed the Cheetah's personality.

"Oh he'll come. How about we move in as the new next door neighbor since our dragon friend here seems to be out of commission?" Todd asked the two.

"Good idea, though if we keep this area the way it is with all the blood, we won't have much time or room for error with getting this situation taken care of." Gage replied.

"It's ok, I think Ronin here still wants more blood anyway, he'll clean up the rest of it. Come on, let's go check out the other house and stay there for now. And Ron, enjoy the rest of your feast and then dispose of this scaly bastard after." The panther informed the two, heading back towards the front door and heading out, with Gage following behind while the Cheetah still had a crazed look in his face, licking his lips while bending over to taste more blood off the floor that was still pouring out of the Dragon's head.


After Sull pulled his car into Junir's driveway where his large home was located, the five got out, and spent a bit of time still talking to each other about general stuff as they crashed in Junir's house for a little while. Eventually though, it was time for the group to say goodbye to the Lion.

"yeah....but I really am happy that we were able to find Mike though....I'm just glad he's safe now." Junir said to the others near the front door while the other four were getting ready to head back.

"Yeah, I think he actually kinda likes you hehe" Sull mentioned sort of casually, nudging the Lion with his elbow.

"heh...I've noticed that, cause he's blushed a lot around me it seems. I think he even shows it online too when we've chatted on AIM, cause I've never seen anyone act so politely even on an instant messaging program. You really are very lucky Tony to be with someone as nice as he is."

"Yeah....I... just wish all this stuff.....ugh....why him out of all people?" Tony then mentioned, looking down and feeling bad for everything that Mike had been through.

"I do think it was good for him to head back to see his family....I just wonder though what will happen with that.....gang....." Junir then pointed out, which pretty much killed the rest of the conversation as Tony started to develop a sense of anger in his eyes.

"Marco....ugh...that....asshole. Why......why??" Tony then asked himself.

"Hey hey Tony, Mike is safe now, that's all that matters, and everything is over now anyway" Ord then insisted, patting the Tiger on the shoulder.

"I don't know guys....I can't tell if anywhere is safe after what happened out in those woods" Aquin then mentioned firmly, but also quietly.

"Either way, it's been a LONG past couple of days....I'm just glad we did find him though" Junir then pointed out. The rest of the gang agreed, and eventually, they all hugged each other, and the four went back to Sull's car to head to Tony's house.


"Damn, this is a pretty sweet house here" Todd mentioned after turning on the lights, looking all around the very spacious main area near the front door of the house as both himself and Gage went inside the Dragon's house without even needing to break in at all since the door was unlocked.

"Yeah well we can't do anything stupid, keep on watch for anything that comes near here, and I'll go check out the rest of the house." Gage then replied back, looking around the very large house, though doing so with caution.

"Soooo....Tasty.....HEHEHE" The cheetah laughed once again, though he seemed to feel like he couldn't consume any more dragon blood into his body. With a large blood stain still on the floor, the Cheetah dragged the Dragon's motionless body towards the front door and eventually outside, leaving a VERY large streak of blood across the main floor of Tony's house and outside too. Since the Dragon's body was very large in general, it was sort of hard for Ronin to drag him around, though he was still able to move him slowly.

After spending a good 10 minutes bringing the body around the house and into the back woods behind the small mansion in the dark, Ronin left the body a good couple hundred yards into the woods away from the house , and then ended up kicking dirt and leaves over the body.

"Dragon blood is tasty....I wonder how the Tiger's blood tastes.....I hope it's salty.....heheHEHEhAHAHAhaha" Ronin exclaimed to himself, walking back to the house and eventually heading next door where the other two were.

Once Ronin came into the house with his M4 still strapped around his shoulder, the three settled into the complex, waiting for the moment to strike.

"Should we.....even bother to try to cover anything up over there? I mean, my car is still there in his driveway..." Gage asked, looking out the window at Tony's house.

"It doesn't matter, we can get him when he's looking around trying to find what happened, cause he can't take us on all at once anyway. This is just too easy." Todd replied, still looking around the house but not really paying attention to anything specific.

"I just....want....TIGER.....BLOOD.....HEHEHE" Ronin laughed back while grinning sadistically.


After talking for a good period of time in Sull's car between the four, they eventually got off the exit on the highway, leading back into Queens and heading down the main road that was only a couple miles away from the road that Tony's house was on.

"Man....it's just been such a long last few days....I think I'm probably going to need to get some shut eye before I go see Mike" Tony said from the front seat of the car, letting out a pretty big yawn right after.

"Yeah I agree, it really has been a lot. Aquin, you wanna head back with Ord and myself to our place after we bring Tony back?"

"Sure. I still......wait......"


Before Aquin could even finish his sentence, his attitude completely changed right then and there, almost like he was sensing something that wasn't right.

"Aquin? Aquin??" Ord asked, sitting next to the Gator in the back seat.

"What's up Aquin?" Sull then asked, still driving and getting near the road that Tony's house was on.

"..................guys.....I sense....danger......something......"

"Huh?" Tony asked with a confused look, while Sull's car pulled onto Kairos Drive, and driving past the large houses very slowly, one by one before passing by the house that was separated pretty far from the next house afterward, which was Tony's house.

"SULL.....STOP!" Aquin screamed from the back seat, jumping from his seat and looking out towards the front windshield, before he ultimately started to growl again softly.

"Aquin, calm down! We're almost at Tony's house! What....do you....wait......what...the...hell??"


Even though the three gunmen were casually hanging around the Dragon's house, The German Shepherd's sudden reaction to hearing something coming up the road made the Panther and the Cheetah's blood boil.

"GUYS!! A CAR IS COMING!!! GET READY!!" Todd mentioned, running towards the front door of the next door house, while the other two quickly followed suit, turning off all the lights in the house and carefully sneaking outside of the front door with their guns, still not being able to be noticed with the darkness of the night enveloping the area.*****

Sull's car pulled up to Tony's house, only for the four to notice a car in the driveway that the four had never seen before, along with the lights on inside the house with the door cracked open.

"HOLY SHIT!" Ord exclaimed, pointing out the blood near the front of the door, which ultimately lead inside to the house.

"Call 9-1-1 Tony! I ain't staying here!"









"HOLY SHIT!!!!!! DUCK GUYS!!!!" Sull yelled as everyone in the car ducked down, while bullets were piercing through the windshield and the hood of the car.

"NO....THEY ARE NOT HURTING MY FRIENDS!" Aquin yelled, opening the side door while the gunfire kept emitting and running away from the car, though eventually being fired at himself.

"AQUIN!!!" Ord and Sull yelled, still ducking in the car, feeling like they really couldn't do much.

Aquin started running towards the woods area on the other side of the road, still being chased down by bullets from the guns of the three gang members from the house next door to Tony's, even though no one in the car knew who was shooting at them.

"WHERE DID AQUIN....GO???" Sull mentioned as bullets were still being shot like crazy, as the car started to smoke a little from the hood now.

"GAHHHH!!!! MMNFFFHH!!!" Ord shouted from the back seat, covering himself for dear life. Tony still had no clue what was going on, though he still ducked down on his seat while the bullets kept firing, feeling powerless once again at that moment.


"YOU GET WHATEVER RAN OVER THERE?" I GOTTA RELOAD....MOVE IN!" Todd yelled to Ronin and Gage, who quickly started moving towards the car, keeping their guns ready to shoot and in a crouched position.

"READY? FI......" *BANG*


The three were completely thrown off guard when they saw a glowing figure emit from the distance to the left of the car near the woods. As the figure kept walking closer to the three, their faces turned from a look of confusion, to almost a look of fear.

Aquin emitted from the woods, sword & gun drawn from their holders, and his entire body was glowing white. What made the three gunmen quiver though was the fact that Aquin's eyes were pure white, and the look on the gator's face was one that was scarier than the three had ever seen from any other living being in their life.

"GET HIM!!!" Gage yelled to the other two, as the three turned their guns towards the moving Gator.





"It's....it's....not working!!!" Todd mentioned to the other two. Aquin was less than 50 feet away now from the three, and was slowly making his way up to the gunmen.

As the three kept shooting, Aquin was still coming towards the group at a good pace, moving left and right and using his sword to knock away bullets. The three were now nearly scared shitless when Aquin came within 25 feet of them, as they knew that they had clearly hit him with their bullets, only for them to do no damage at all.


With that, Gage unloaded the rest of his entire clip at the Gator.



Gage unloaded one final bullet at Aquin, and the Gator slowly groaned, falling down to the ground lying on his back and grasping his upper right chest area.

The three gunmen were panting heavily, wondering if the Gator finally went down after nearly charging the three. The glow emitting from Aquin was slowly dimming, and his eyes were also closed.

"I can't see...where I hit him....is he dead??" Gage asked Ronin and Todd.

"I don't know....but you unloaded that clip on him.....maybe you should go.....HEY, LOOK!!!"

While the three were focusing on Aquin, they failed to notice that Tony, Ord & Sull had gotten out of the car and had run towards the woods where Aquin went beforehand.

"SHIT!! They got away! Let's go after them!" Todd yelled out, with his AK-47 still in hand, motioning for the other two to follow.

As Gage followed Todd past Aquin, Ronin stayed next to the body, licking his lips.




"What? RONIN? WHAT THE....




In less than a span of 10 seconds, Aquin completely threw the three off guard, faking his own death in front of the gunmen, then piercing Ronin's body with his sword when the Cheetah was hovered over the Gator, and with Aquin finishing the other two by shooting them both point blank when they turned around, even though Gage was still alive.

"UNNNGGGHHHHHH.......mmnnnffhhhh.... *COUGH COUGH*

Aquin came up to the Panther who was clearly on the brink of dying after being shot in the chest.

"Do you have anything to say for your mercilessness?" The Gator asked, looking down at Gage who was barely breathing while Aquin was now glowing again, though not as strong as before.

"Y-yeah......Marco....will get....you....you son of a......biiittcchhh........mmnnnnffff......"

And with that said, the Panther stopped moving & breathing, as Aquin had taken down the three gunmen without any wounds on his body. However, the glow emitting from the Gator had quickly diminished after everything was said and done, and Aquin himself had to kneel down to catch his breath.

*Pant Pant Pant Pant......* "May your souls be free from the inner....demon that haunted you in this lifetime....." *pant pant pant*

Aquin stayed on the ground for a good period of time with the three bodies around him, as the whole mini-war that went down took a lot out of him.

"THE BULLETS STOPPED! ARE YOU GUYS OK???" Sull shouted, coming out of the tree area. Only the small overhead street light shined down near Tony's house to provide any sort of light source for the others.

"WE'RE........OK!" "YEAH, WE'RE GOOD!" Two more voices shouted from inside the woods. It didn't take long for Tony and Ord to slowly make their way out of the tree filled area, and the three eventually ran back towards where Aquin was kneeling near Tony's house.

As the Gator finally made his way towards the other three while they were all not far from Sull's car, Aquin's exhausted body quickly turned into a look of concern, as he was eying the front hood of the car, which still had smoke coming out. It wasn't long before Aquin quickly started speaking again.

"GUYS, GET AWAY! HURRY!" Aquin shouted, motioning for the three to not come anywhere near the smoking car. Less than a few seconds after the three met up and got behind Aquin in front of Tony's house, the car burst into flames, nearly knocking the four off their feet with the force of the explosion.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Tony shouted, covering his face after pieces of debris nearly hit him.

"MY CAR! FUCK!!!" Sull then yelled, punching the ground and showing a look of rage as if he wanted to kill anything that looked at him the wrong way. Ord was not saying anything, just hovering back in fear over everything that had happened, though the four seemed to be in shock over what just went down.

After spending a few minutes just watching Sull's car burn in flames, Tony finally reacted after looking on in disbelief.

"Should we call....9-1-1?? And what happened with....those guys??" The Tiger asked.

"I caught those guys off guard. I don't think they expected you to show up with company." Aquin replied, finally putting his sword and gun away in their holders.

"Who the hell were they anyway??" Tony then asked.

"Don't know. I have a bad feeling though.....let's see" Aquin pointed out as the four walked over to the three dead bodies. As they all came up to where the bodies laid, Tony, Sull, and Ord cringed right then and there due to what they saw. Even though it was still dark, Sull's phone lit up the ground to show what was lying in front of them. One was a Cheetah who appeared to have a huge stab wound all along his mid-section, as if his body was cut completely into from one side and out the other. The other two bodies were of a German Shepherd and a Panther, both of which had a bullet wound in their chests. What really ended up looking weird though was that even though the Cheetah was dead, he almost had a manic smile on his face, with his gun still in his hand as well.

"What...the fuck....did you do?!" Tony asked, still looking on with awe as to what he was seeing on the ground. After Ord got a clear look of the bodies, he bolted right back to Tony's house, since the three dead bodies proved to be too much for the blue dragon. Unfortunately, the blood stains on the floor of Tony's living room nearly made Ord have a panic attack, as he kept running and pacing back and forth, mumbling fearfully over what he was seeing. Luckily, Sull was there to at least help calm Ord down, though it certainly wasn't an easy task.

"They aren't going to hurt you guys. Not while I'm with you." Aquin forcefully mentioned, still looking down at the lifeless bodies.

"What....should we do then?? I need to get away from here..." Tony asked and pointed out.

"I will dispose of these bodies, and give them a proper burial, since their souls need to be freed from the evil bodies that possessed them. And as much as the police should know, that will only attract more attention to you, which ultimately will lead to you being in harm's way even more. I will NOT let that occur." The gator said right to Tony's face. Tony didn't even hesitate, though he did start thinking while Aquin picked up a couple of the bodies, carrying them across the street into the wood-like area while it was still very dark out.

"So Tony.....what should we do? Your own house doesn't seem safe anymore after what just happened here...." Sull said, with Ord still behind him trembling in fear.

"I'm going to get my things and head to Mike's area regardless, but still....I guess I need to stay away from my own house here.....this fucking sucks..." The tiger replied, kicking the ground out of frustration.

"Wait.....if your door is open right here...."

"Shit! Did were these guys the ones who broke into my house?! Fuck!" Tony shouted, running towards his front door and eventually inside, only to then see the floor COVERED in blood stains everywhere.

"Holy fuck!!! What the......" Tony yelled out while looking in shock, while Sull and Ord came up behind him, and had nearly the exact same reaction as Tony.

"My god! What the hell......happened?!" Sull then asked, looking all around the house. Ord didn't know what to think, but he was holding onto Sull nearly the entire time.

"Look around, do you....see....any bodies...?" Tony asked as he walked into the kitchen and turning on almost all the lights, not wanting to think about what else could be around his house after seeing all the blood on the floor.

"Nothing here in the living room.....Ord....hun.....sit down here...." Sull replied, motioning for Ord to lie down on the couch and take a load off after everything that the Dragon had seen. Ord quickly lied down, but was biting his finger and still shaking rapidly. Sull did notice that Ord seemed to calm down somewhat after awhile, and then kept checking around the house to see if anything was up.

After checking the main floor including the bathrooms, the kitchen, dining room, and living room, Sull and Tony finally checked the basement.

As tony turned on his basement lights, the two noticed something odd near the door.

"Wait...how did they get in through here? This is locked with my security........system....GOD...FUCKING....DAMMIT..."

Tony then noticed that his own security system in the basement that was connected to the outside box had been tampered with, and that the entire system itself was shut off.

"Damn those assholes......they really knew what they were doing.....but at least there's nothing down here" Sull mentioned, looking all around the mini-gym in Tony's basement. After re-locking the basement door, Sull and Tony walked up together very slowly to check the upstairs area.

"Be careful Tony......turn on the lights here...." Sull motioned, with Tony nodding back and lighting up the upstairs hallway. Once the hallway was lit up, Tony and Sull both noticed that the bedroom door for Tony's room was off its hinges and looked like it was kicked down.

As the two got next to it, they slowly looked into the bedroom, though it didn't seem like anything had been messed with. The bed was still fully made and everything seemed to be in place. Once Tony turned on the light next to his bed, he looked towards his TV, and then looked up, remembering that special gift that Mike gave him for his birthday.

"They should be back at their house now I'm guessing....think you should at least call them to make sure?" Sull asked Tony after looking at the framed Tigers jersey as well.

"Yeah.....I probably should...though it's pretty late...I mean its now 11:40....but then again....knowing what just happened....yeah I think I will call."

Tony and Sull made their way over to the room near the bedroom where the office was. The phone was right next to the large computer, and Tony grabbed it, before he realized that he completely forgot something.

"Oh shit......I don't even...know their actual house number....." Tony mumbled out.

"Wait....I think I remember cause Mike called his home number at my house a couple of weeks ago....if I can remember....I think it was ***-****-****





"BRRRRRRRIIIIII......H....h-ello?" A low voice emitted from the other side, which sounded familiar to Tony.

"Ralph?" Tony asked.

"Tony? Is that you?"

"Yeah! Sorry for calling so late, but..... how's things?"

"Good! Good! I'm just finishing some paperwork in the office here. Mike and Nancy got home less than 20 minutes ago....Mike already passed out in his room though....heh"

"Good to know you guys are all safe. Something very serious apparently happened around here and I don't think this area is safe anymore at my house...."

"What?? What happened?!" Ralph frantically asked.


Tony then went on and explained the whole story, with Sull adding a few details to the phone conversation too.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Ralph frantically shouted into the phone several times, along with many other expressions of shock through the conversation as Tony and Sull explained everything.

"Yeah.....so I'm not staying here anymore....not for quite awhile anyway.....and really... I still have no idea what caused the blood stains on the floor of my...."

Before the phone conversation could go on though, everything was interrupted by a shout from downstairs.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tony looked at Sull, and the two bolted downstairs to see Ord looking at the front door, pointing at Aquin who was glowing....while holding a lifeless dragon in his arms.



The phone dropped from Tony's hand, and everyone looked on in complete shock as to what happened.

"..tony? TONY??" the voice from the phone came out of the speaker softly, yet Tony just walked past it, walking on the blood stained floor and up to Aquin, who was holding the body of Tony's next door neighbor in his hands.


"Sorry Ralph....I think we now know why there was blood on Tony's floor......my god...."

"Holy...shit.....you guys need to get away from there. Keep in touch with your situation in terms of what you'll be doing." Ralph said back on the phone.

"Thanks. We'll talk later about everything." Sull replied, hanging up the phone and walking right up to Aquin himself, not believing that the gator was holding a lifeless body in his arms.

No words were exchanged at all for what seemed to last quite a long time. Aquin's hands were covered in blood as well as the Dragon, whose body was now becoming stiff after being dead for a certain period of time.

After Tony, Sull, and Ord looked at the body while Aquin put him down on the ground, a low voice finally emitted from the group.

"Franco.....how......why??" Tony asked, with tears starting to develop and flow down his face.

"W-where....did you find him?" Sull then asked Aquin.

"I buried the other bodies.....but then when I came back over here I smelled blood coming from behind this house. This body was pretty far into the woods and he was covered in leaves, as well as branches and dirt too."

"Tony......I'm so sorry...." Sull then grieved to the Tiger, who was pretty broken down at that point.

*sniff* "Why?? Franco didn't deserve this! He was one of the nicest people ever! Why did he have to die like this?!?!" Tony then asked, still crying at that moment.

"Do you....think.....those guys that killed him were the same guys that tried to kill us??" Ord frantically asked.

"I really have no clue, but that's the only thing I can agree with. Either way Tony.....could this be related at all to the gang we took down??" Sull replied.


After James said the word gang, Tony almost stopped crying, and stood up slowly, turning around to Sull and eying him with a very fierce look.

"This bullshit has gone TOO FUCKING FAR. And I'm DONE with it! I've already gotten my hands too dirty in this situation by taking someone else's life, which I DO NOT want to think about.....Mike is safe now, and I'm NOT going to let him get hurt again. I promised I would meet him up there...and now knowing that THIS BULLSHIT happened...I..... might need to stay there..... for awhile...." Tony replied, still shaken up over everything that was going on.

"You're not going alone though." Aquin then replied.

"Aquin....as much as I like you and how grateful I am for what you have done....I really don't want you or you other two getting involved.....enough has already happened and I think it would only put you guys in danger even more if you did follow me around...."

"Tony, you're our friend, and really, we've known each other long enough to stick together through everything, no matter what it is." Sull replied, putting his large blue fuzzy hand on Tony's shoulder.

"You'd think those guys would just leave us alone after trying so hard and failing.....ugh....I don't wanna think about what will happen next...." The tiger said back with a groan.

"I do want to make sure Mike is alright though, cause he really has been through a lot over the last couple of weeks it seems" Ord replied.

"Yeah, and I care about him too Ton, so we're gonna go see him as well, ok?"

"That's fine....I know you guys care about him too....I just....feel like I'm attracting too much bad luck with me now...."

"And that's why I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you guys. I'm coming too." Aquin then mentioned. But Tony.....there is one other thing I want to mention....."

It was at that moment that Aquin put the Dragon's body on the ground, and told the other three the final words the Panther said before he died, which set off Tony in a rampage.



In an act of rage, Tony took the nearest thing he could find and smashed it down onto the ground, shattering a lamp he had into a thousand pieces. After eying the other three with an unbelievably intimidating look after what Aquin said, Tony walked towards the stairway, and went up to his room.

No words were exchanged once again for quite awhile, as time seemed to nearly stop at that point. It was something unexpected though that broke the silence in the air.


"Oops.......sorry..." Ord mentioned, after a large growl came from his stomach.

"Now that I think about it, it's been awhile since we all ate, hasn't it? I am getting hungry....even though this blood is making me almost want to vomit....I can't look at it." Sull added.

"But...what are we gonna do about Franco's body?" Ord asked.

"Does he have a family? Maybe we should...."

Just then, Tony came back downstairs and interrupted.

"No. He has lived alone over there for quite some time. He was pretty much living off his own business, since he was pretty big with stocks and such. I just wish...he didn't have to go like this...." *sniff* "Marco....you goddamn bastard....."

"He deserves a proper burial. I think we should contact the police about this, but if we do, we can't stay anywhere around here." Sull told the three. Eventually, they all nodded and called the police to come down to Tony's house.

***** "That's a wrap for tonight boys, meet back at the usual time tomorrow, REMEMBER, I'm personally picking up Loco Chavez and his men with the chopper, and they are coming to inspect this shit at 4, so DO NOT FUCK IT UP." Boss replied forcefully to the others.

The rest of the group nodded, and with that, Tristen, Gordon, Jamie, Marcus, and Andre left the warehouse and headed out in the two 18 wheelers that they had brought earlier to unload everything.

Meanwhile, the boss started thinking in the warehouse while he was making sure everything was set for tomorrow.

"Why the fuck did those three not contact me earlier? They better have not fucked up what I told them to do.....I better not have to get forced back into solving this problem" Boss thought to himself, letting out a small grunt, eventually heading out himself to his helicopter. With that, everyone had left the warehouse, and were off to their special hangouts to crash for the night.


"Mhmm....ok......and you found this body in the woods?" A police officer asked the group, while an ambulance was taking away the Dragon's body to be examined further.

"Yeah....our friend Aquin here found him in the woods behind the house here..." Sull replied.

The four spent a good 30 minutes talking to the police officer about everything that had occurred not only at Tony's house, but everything that had happened beforehand too. From time to time, the Police officer couldn't stop staring at Aquin's sword, but didn't actually ask any questions about it. Tony, Sull, and Ord got lucky too because when the cop first arrived there, he asked what happened to Sull's car that was burned to a crisp. Before any of the four could reply though, Aquin's eyes looked right into the cop, and Aquin was then able to somehow divert the officer by changing the subject. Eventually, the cop seemed to forget that a burned up vehicle was even there in the first place.

"Well what we're going to do is we're going to examine the body of the victim that died, and then we'll call you guys if we have any more questions. I'm very sorry for your loss." The cop said to the four, before getting into his car, and driving away from Tony's house, passing right by Sull's destroyed car like it wasn't even there.

"I'm not even gonna ask what you did Aquin....but thanks for....whatever it is that made that cop ignore my car...." Sull replied a bit softly, though he seemed pretty confused.

"It's no problem. I am getting a bit hungry though...." Aquin mentioned.

"I'm sorry guys...but after seeing Franco the way he was....I can't eat anything right now...." Tony mentioned.

"We don't blame you Tony....I still really feel bad that he had to leave us like that....." Sull added.

"Yeah....he was a great guy. By the way, you think you should have that car....towed away and just thrown into a scrapyard? If we do nothing, people will notice what happened and the police might get involved again. And Aquin won't be able to use whatever he has up his sleeve to help us."

"Yeah I'll phone it in....I'm fucking pissed off though, I really liked that car. I'm just glad that most of my important things that I travel with were in my other car...otherwise I'd rip someone's head off." Sull lashed out.

"I...still can't believe no one down the street came up to your house at all Tony or even called the cops before us...I mean this house and the other house next to it are both pretty far away from anything else on either side of the street, but still, you'd think someone would've heard the gunfire....or even our car exploding...." Ord mentioned.

"Yeah that is a bit surprising...lemme guess....did you have something to do with that too Aquin?" Tony mentioned.

"I can alter minds, but not sounds. I guess we just got lucky, maybe the people living near your house either weren't woken up by everything, or maybe they're not there at the moment. Then again, we don't know if these guys hit any other houses around here...." Aquin said back to the three, which came with another awkward moment of silence for several moments then and there.

"Well....I have to clean up this mess around here...there's a lot of blood stains around the house...ugh..." Tony sighed, though Aquin stepped right in before Tony could even do anything after.

"Tony...you've been through a lot....and I think you need to really clear your mind. Sit down over here and I'll help you." Aquin said to the Tiger, leading him over to the couch.

"T-thanks bud....I have literally a million different things going on up in my mind....my head hurts..." Tony replied.

"Yeah don't worry Tony, we'll clean it up."

"Y-yeeahhh....I still don't like all this blood though!!" Sull and Ord exclaimed after each other. Sull was there though to comfort his mate, and the two went to the kitchen to grab the cleaning supplies.

After spending a good couple of hours cleaning everything up in the house and making it look the way it did before everything went down, including putting the bedroom door back on, the four finally breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Thank god that's over with...." Sull said softly, sitting on the couch while Aquin was still comforting Tony. Ord was panting heavily and looked like he was going to faint from all the blood after cleaning up everything, though he did seem to calm down and clear his mind not long afterward.

"Are you feeling better big guy?" Sull asked the Tiger.

"Y-yeah. I should go now though, that would probably clear my head even more" Tony replied.

"Well, it's pretty late though Tony, maybe you should get some sleep first!" Ord then mentioned, letting out a huge yawn himself.

"I'm fine. I'll get some sleep on the way, worst case scenario I'll get a hotel room, I think I just need to be away from here."

"It really sucks that you have to say that about your own house....but at the same time, I don't blame you." Sull added, giving Tony a hug with Tony returning the favor.

"Thanks you guys, you're the best. I just hope that Mike's ok." The tiger replied.

"He'll be fine. They got home safely, but I kinda miss mike myself." Sull responded.

"Alright, I'm gonna head out then. Lemme grab my things and then I'm going to drive to his place, though I don't think...."


"Sorry....again." Ord added as a HUGE roar from his stomach erupted.

"Yeah...why don't we all grab something to eat and then head up there? I guess we have to take my Hummer." Tony said back, with the others grinning a bit sarcastically, which seemed to lighten up the mood in the household a bit.

With that said, Tony packed a bunch of clothes and other items in a suitcase, knowing that he would be spending a bit of time away from home to see Mike. He also decided he should take his most valuable possessions with him and grabbed the frame jersey & ball along with his PS3 and his computer, just in case anyone tried to ransack his house again.

The four eventually made their way out, taking Tony's hummer and heading towards Sull and Ord's place first so that the two could have their own method of transportation. After arriving at Sull and Ord's place, the group split up to have more than one means of getting around. Aquin decided to ride with Sull & Ord in their car, and before long, the four went out to get a quick bite to eat.

"I'm glad you left your weapons in our car....I'm surprised you carry them with you all the time..." Sull said to Aquin while he ate his 3rd sandwich. Ord was on his fourth Grand slam, and the waitress that was serving them was constantly moving back and forth, bringing the food out to the four at 2:30 in the morning at the Denny's they were eating at.

"Yeah, it was a lot of extra weight that I was carrying on me. Felt nice to take it off for once, but I'm just glad we're eating. I've been pretty hungry ever since I dealt with those guys back at your house Tony. *NOM*" Aquin replied, biting into his steak.

"At least no one's here besides us and the people working....I REALLY don't want to draw anymore attention to us after everything that has happened..." Tony added, eating his grand slam as well.

"Yeah, we should finish up. I'm pretty much done." Sull said, with Aquin nodding. Ord kept eating, though he knew the other three wanted to get going, so he finished up his plate and then got his stuff ready.

After paying a pretty large bill to go along with a very nice tip for the waitress, the four left the restaurant and made their way back to their cars.

"So....are you guys following me?" Tony asked the other three.

"Yeah, we wanna make sure Mike is doing ok, and plus, I kinda wanna explore around Massachusetts a bit heh" Sull replied, with Ord and Aquin nodding in agreement too.

"Ok, you know his address, right?"

"Uhhhhh...I don't think we do..."

"It's 25 Port Road in Salisbury"

"Alrighty, sounds good! We'll see you there!" Sull exclaimed. With that said, the four got into their cars, and were off to see Mike at his old house.

When Dreams Become Reality: Chapter 20: Back at Home (Part 1)

DISCLAIMER: LOTS of Adult content here, but this chapter along with the other part of it is going to be the final part of the Arc of this story. Anyway, happy fapping and I hope you enjoy. Also, I'd like to thank everyone that let me use their...

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When Dreams Become Reality: Chapter 18: Rescued?

DISCLAIMER: No smut in here, but there's still a disturbing scene in this story though that people need to be advised of. 18 and under please leave, and also, special thanks once again to Ryan Masterpaladin Lewis here on Sofurry for letting me use his...

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When Dreams Become Reality: Chapter 17: Is this Real? Is this a Dream?

DISCLAIMER: This chapter is actually clean, and I think a lot of people will like the plot development that goes down in this chapter. Again, special thanks to Ryan Masterpaladin Lewis here on Sofurry for letting me use his characters (PLEASE check out...

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