Daydreams 06 - Let Loose

Story by Setta Flamowitz on SoFurry

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#6 of Daydreams (Story)

[A story based on a picture I commissioned from Omega and Faithry, posted to my FA and Yiffstar galleries. Porn follows! Copyright me, all rights reserved, et cetera.

Picture: ]

  1. Let Loose

Setta let out a grunt, her thoughts returning to the present, away from that strangely vivid dream she had last night, unsure of why it had suddenly crossed her mind. It didn't help her current situation much to think back on dreams... not that much of anything was going to help her current situation much.

The dragoness was tightly bound in place with thick metal bands bolted about a low platform and the floor behind it. A cuff at each ankle locked her feet against the floor; a cuff above each knee kept her legs separated and pulled up against the side of the platform. A cuff on each adjacent side of the platform held her wrists pulled forward, leaving her helplessly positioned with her rear in the air and her breasts pressed down under her, her chin on the platform's surface. A collar was fitted around her neck with a ring in the back holding the cuff on her tail, holding it pulled high and baring her firm ass and tight, untouched privates.

The room around her was bare; wooden floor and wooden walls offered no avenues for escape even if she had been unbound. She might have set the whole thing ablaze, but her firethroat was blocked off, preventing her from breathing out flame. Powerful rare earth magnets were pinching her wings shut, keeping her even from spreading them to try to cover herself. Her face was hot, feeling her avian captor briskly rubbing a warm, slippery gel across her folds, but she couldn't make an intelligible sound to complain. She growled anyhow, and thought back to how she'd ended up in such a terrible situation...

... A simple enough story, really, your basic tale of a dragoness going off for Spring Break and a swan with a debt to repay, and no qualms about how she managed it. Setta was celebrating the spring of her last year of high school, having just turned 18 over the winter, and she was planning on a glorious two-week trip to Paris. Her flight went smoothly, her luggage arrived safely, and she had a very pleasant conversation with the nice poodle fellow next to her on the plane about her plans. She saw him talking on a cell phone as she left the airport and waved, and he smiled and waved back at her.

She took a cab to her hotel and checked in. The bellhop was a somewhat gruff-looking bear rather than the young, smiling dragon she had been fantasizing about, but reality can't always match all the details! He took her suitcases and led her up to her hotel room, and opened the door so she could go in first. She barely had time to look around before she felt a sting in her backside. She spun around, gaping at him, her suitcases on the floor and a thick-barrelled pistol in his hand, tranquilizer dart in her bottom... and everything went dark.

When she awoke, she was naked, bound spread-eagled atop a metal table underneath bright, hot lights. Her ass was held to the table with a thick plug, and she could feel a slight tingle in her rear from a heavy gel inside. There was a mirror above her letting her see herself; she could see electrodes taped to her nipples, clitoris, and labial folds. A swan in a labcoat was standing there, smirking and holding a small box with several buttons on it. She pressed them.

Setta yowled as current danced through her privates, the plug in her bottom sending a jolt through her there as well! She tried to curl up and pull the electrodes away, but the chains binding her kept her from doing more than bucking slightly. The jolt only lasted a moment, but it sent a sharp sting through her tender spots. The swan chuckled. "Good morning, Miss Chumway!" she said brightly. "Welcome to your bondage fantasy! As requested, duration has been left in your hands. Until you tell us 'safeword,' we'll keep working you over just as hard and deep as you could possibly desire!"

Setta's eyes widened. Clearly she had been mistaken for someone else! She opened her mouth and... yapped, her tongue and lips feeling foreign and stiff. Her face fell - and the swan laughed. "A little jest, Miss Flamowitz. You won't be saying anything to anyone for a long, long time. I'm afraid your plans have been unavoidably altered. You see, *you* intended to spend a few weeks on vacation, then return to college and a career. *I*, on the other hand, have need of a dragoness for some of my researches. And so, you're going to start a very different career than you imagined. But first, I have another use for you. My name is Faithry. You may call me Mistress. Well. Think of me as Mistress, anyhow."

"I have a certain... assistant. Feral in nature, but intelligent enough despite that. I need specimens of many varieties, and feral gryphons and gryphonesses are quite hard to capture - ordinarily. Fortunately, I have one who willingly assists me in exchange for various payments. Food, freedom, shelter... and mates. He is very particular, however."

"It seems he had a mate who was... rudely abused by a feral dragon, and who subsequently did not survive laying his oversized half-breed eggs. Very sad. He has since enjoyed the company of other gryphonesses, but his true lusts lie in... vengeance." The swan's hand stroked the button - and Setta gasped, squirming madly as instead of a violent, stinging burst, electricity tingled maddeningly through her sensitive spots, making her nipples ache and her cleft throb.

"He likes to keep a harem of dragonesses as well. Ones who he claimed first. Feral dragonesses are large enough, generally, to handle his girth easily... but he loves to hear how sweet, innocent two-legged dragonesses like you squeal for him when he stretches you out. And so, a little preparation to ensure you'll be ready for him."

The electrodes tingled her body again, and Setta struggled, grunting incoherently. "Your backside is a bit too small for him to fit, even if we didn't worry about harm - and I do prefer not to waste my specimens in a single experiment. Thus, the adaptive gel in your bottom. A month or so of steady application and you should be quite capable in that regard. But much less effort is needed otherwise - and my friendly gryphon is never a patient sort. A few injections of some of my creations to enhance sensitivity, a few days to let them work, and you'll be ready for him. It's rather like the injections I used to add a few nervous loopbacks in your speech centers."

The swan chuckled. "You may show your acceptance and appreciation by climaxing." Setta tried to shake her head and say something, but meaningless barks were all that emanated from her mouth. Faithry's fingers slowly stroked the remote control, and Setta strained against her cuffs, only the electrodes at her crotch buzzing to life, sending a powerful and increasing tingling through her loins. She tried to resist, tried to force her body to obey her - but the stimulation was perfectly irresistible no matter what she did. Her hips jerked, tugging herself against the fat knob in her rear, and violent pleasure lanced up from her crotch into her brain, and she howled. The swan chuckled, turned the dial down, and walked away, leaving Setta breathing hard and squirming, crotch still tingling in aftershocks, naked thighs wet with her cream.

The box was turned down, Setta discovered, not off. She had a few minutes to catch her breath, and the the electrodes began to tingle again. Without active control, it sent mild throbs lancing through her tender spots, making her nipples strain and her hips squirm again, the moisture of her own climax helping make her soft pink inner flesh more conductive, spreading the electrical sensation throughout her loins. The tingles rose and fell in waves, and soon she found she was breathing in time with it, sucking in air in the lows and gasping out when the current rose again. It varied, not always following one throb with a stronger one, but the average of three was always stronger than the three before it, a simple rising pattern but not monotonous. She had no way to keep track of time but her own heartbeat and breathing, and those were sufficiently accelerated to make them next to useless. She had no idea how long it toyed with her, but it was remarkably effective at distracting her, working her up, keeping her struggling. Obviously the swan hadn't been lying when she said she'd captured other dragonesses - and learned how to play with them.

She could feel a steady tightness in her cleft and a sizzling fire ready to erupt as one jolt left her, on the brink of climax... and then the electrodes waited. She was panting despite her best efforts to control herself; the diabolical devices were driving her wild and she had nothing to resist their effects with! But the jolts stayed away, leaving her to catch her breath and start to relax again, wondering if they were going to only tease her... and then they returned. She yelped and arched her back, straining hard at her cuffs as the electricity curled around in her clitoris and made her labia quiver... only to die out again as she came near. She let out a breathless bark of anger at the idea that the swan might be planning on trying to toy with her, to keep her on the edge...

... and then a howl as three strong shocks came in a row, the first bringing her back to the edge, the second pushing her past the point of no return, and the third blasting at her at the same moment her orgasm actully struck, that third jolt lingering and lingering, keeping her screaming as she came for a solid twenty seconds! The intensity rose and fell within the jolt, but never died out enough to let her orgasm end, and she could feel her inner muscles writhing in response, clenching and flexing in response to the electrical stimulation and the flaming pleasures of her climax. When the electrode lessened its voltage to let her orgasm end, she sagged, panting for breath, crotch slightly sore - and the electrode was still sending a warm buzzing through her, only lowered, not ended, tugging her into a particularly intense afterglow. She was just starting to relax when it poured electricity through her tender nubs again, making her scream out five straight sudden, almost painfully intense orgasms in a row, then let the current die out entirely.

Her crotch was sore and wet, her chest heaving as she panted for breath. She tried to speak, but only incoherent noises escaped her awkward tongue and lips. The door opened and someone came in - a bull, smirking in his labcoat at the sight of her. "Well," he rumbled, "isn't that a lovely display. Wet and eager already. Such a pity I can't have at you myself, but that feral fellow is insistent on doing his own deflowerings. Ah, well. You should be distinctly sensitive already." His hand darted forward, and Setta's eyes went wide, a howl escaping her mouth as he flicked a single fingertip sharply across her clitoris, a jolt lancing through her hips and crawling up her back! He laughed. "Yes, sensitive already. Good. We'll start the conditioning and endurance training, then."

Her face burned as he set his hand between her legs. "In a moment. I like a good show myself. Such a lovely blush, mmm?" Her head jerked as she tried to twist her way free, but the plug in her ass held her hips still, and her arms and legs were tightly restrained. His fingers caressed her folds, and she couldn't keep a gasp from passing her lips. He laughed down at her, and two fingers pinched one labia, and a yelp forced its way from her throat. His licked his lips. "Ahhh. If only he weren't so picky about the scent of a male on his playthings, I'd at least use your mouth. But that will come later. Once he's done with you, I've already put in for your first oral lesson. I intend to be a firm instructor." And his hand kept stroking between her legs, bumping across those electrodes, her body shaking as he worked her closer and closer... and then she howled, arching her back as she came again, pleasure coming screaming up from her cleft.

He laughed - and did not relent. His fingers cupped her privates, relentlessly caressing her, rocking back and forth and sending blazing surges of arousal lancing through her body. She lost track of time between screams; she couldn't tell how long he kept her like that, howling for him and writhing until she couldn't struggle any more, slumped atop the metal table and gasping for air. And the bull smirked down at her, his fingers still resting between her legs but not moving. "I love that look. When a proud scaly bitch realizes she *is* a bitch." His finger flicked sharply at her clitoris, and she let out a strangled howl at the sting.

For hours he toyed with her; when she ran out of breath he knew exactly how long to wait for the dark sparkles to fade from the edge of her vision before his merciless fingers cupped her again. She felt him tease her nipples until they ached, felt him stroking her folds sore, felt him thumbing her clitoris until he could blow on it to make her wail with no more than hot breath. She couldn't do anything but lie there, bound to the table, exposed and helpless, watching in the mirror overhead as her struggles died down. When he finally finished, he sent her wailing into unconsciousness, the electrodes humming against her folds until she howled herself out of air.

The next day she awoke with a thick helmet on her head, murmurs in her ears and flashes in her eyes that never rose to a level she could quite hear properly or make out. She was still bound atop the table; her rear was sore, still bound to the metal surface with that fat plug. A hand stroked against her belly, and she struggled, but couldn't break free to protect herself; it inexorably slid between her legs and cupped her... and simply stayed there, holding her genitals, feeling her body. Her face burned, feeling herself responding to that simple touch; she felt herself going wet, felt her chest heaving as she breathed harder and harder. The hand was doing nothing but rest against her, but she was rapidly reacting, coming closer and closer to climax for that simple touch... and then it pulled back, leaving her wet and breathing loudly. The helmet's images and sounds seemed to throb, beating against her eyes and ears without ever leaving quite enough impression for her to know what they were *of*.

And then the hands were on her thighs, and a broad, scratchy tongue between her thighs made her scream out the pleasure that slammed through her. And another. And again and again and again, licking at her until she sobbed from the sheer overwhelming intensity of it... and then the hands moved from her thighs and the tongue lifted away...

... Only to be replaced by a different tongue, a long and fork-tipped tongue like her own, flicking in short, sharp brushes against her body and making her gasp, until her breathing synchronized with the pattern, tears leaking from her eyes, unable to catch her breath, unable to gather her wits against those increasingly distracting patterns in her eyes and ears, unable to stop letting her unseen assailants share the taste of her honey. Eventually everything began to blur.

Several days later, her head cleared. She was bent over a low platform now, knees clamped to the corners, spread wide, ass in the air, her wrists bound to the sides of the platform, her tail tied to the collar about her neck. Clamps held her wings furled, and her nipples were pressed down against warm, smooth metal, aching and stiff. The helmet was gone from her head, but when she tried to speak nothing came out but a bark. Her crotch was sore, but she felt tight, and something told her that her maidenhead was intact. That seemed monumentally important; she couldn't quite recall why, but she just knew that preserving her virginity was vital. Mirrors on the wall in front of her let her see that the other walls were mirrored as well, letting her see views of her naked and bound body from all angles.

A door opened in one wall. A four-legged gryphon stalked in, and she would have sworn that it smirked, despite the hard, immobile beak on its face. Her eyes widened as she watched his sheath swell immediately, a thick red shaft emerging from that furry covering, two heavy balls swaying between his legs.

"Arr! Arr! Arr!" she protested, and her face flushed hot, hearing herself barking aloud. The gryphon seemed amused, swaggering forward and lowering his head. His tongue slid out, and she cried out at the stroke of strong muscle slurping against her folds, making her quiver as a blaze of pleasure lanced through her hips. Again, again, again, again... Five slow licks at her pussy had her gasping, cleft dripping, insides feeling hot and fluttery, her face burning at being so helpless, so vulnerable, so aroused by a mere beast!

Satisfied, he lifted his head. She let out a yelp as his forepaws moved up to her bare ass, then forward to wrap against her hips. His thick tip touched her wet and tender folds, and she strained against her bonds to pull away, to no avail. She felt him starting to push, and she howled at the sheer size of him; days of treatments by the swan's sensitizing injections had the side effect of leaving her narrow, muscles squeezed tight. Now his firmness forced its way into that tight tunnel, and she could feel the muscles being stretched around it, making her body shake as she howled. He *laughed*, his strong rear legs pressing him forward, forcing his way through her pussy inch by inch.

She squealed and shrieked as slowly her muscles were stretched, pulled much too far, forced to gape around that thick bestial cock as it invaded her... and then her voice choked silent and her eyes bulged as he DROVE in one sharp thrust forward, spearing her cherry and hilting himself in one last effort! He let out as satisfied-sounding, "Ahhh!" at the feel of her silky-wet pussy straining to hold him, and held himself there... and she gasped... shuddered... and then cried out for him, the feel of that hot shaft inside her overwhelming her, making her climax sharply, insides milking along his length, toes splaying against the ground, hands clawing uselessly at the sides of the platform, head jerking back.

He laughed again, and held himself against her; she couldn't stop wailing, couldn't make her pussy stop pulsing and rubbing at him, driving herself into orgasm after orgasm. He held himself there, feeling his newest dragon-bitch wearing herself out underneath him in her self-defeating struggles... and when her struggles began to slow as she tired, he began to move. It was his favorite part, and one he knew very well. With slow, fierce thrusts, he took her, feeling her body slowly yielding, tightness slowly being forced loose, listening to her howls like music... until finally, he felt her slump underneath him, her voice turning to whimpers, pussy thoroughly slick and destroyed to fit him easily... and then he let himself fill her, flooding her womb with his seed, pouring hot gryphoncum into her body.

He pulled back in satisfaction, leaving just his tip inside her. The door opened again, and the swan strolled in. He always enjoyed this part, too, showing off. The swan's fingertip stroked along the gryphon's still-erect cock, coated in the dragoness' juices, and she murmured, "Well, it was tight. It should still be enough for the Guardians of the Land to use next." The gryphon's cock quivered at the stroke, and spurted one last burst of his seed into those sore and loosened depths before he pulled back. He turned to stride smugly out, confident his new bitch would be waiting for him later in his harem - perhaps with some stallion-scent on her, but he didn't mind sharing *after* he staked his first claim.

Setta groaned weakly as the swan made notes on a clipboard. Days of that hypnotic helmet had left orders embedded into her mind, buried in so deep she couldn't even realize she should challenge them. She felt sore and loose and tender, and she could feel his seed deep inside her, and to those muddled and altered thoughts that meant he had *claimed* her, that she was his, mated to a fuzzy beast, his to share...

... and with the help of regular refreshers from the hypno-training helmet, she soon learned to submit to him alongside the rest of his dragonesses, presenting herself for him at the I-want-to-fuck purr-growl, licking him clean after, letting him take her to the stables to let needy unicorn cocks keep her just stretched enough to be merely a pleasant squeeze for his impressive girth!

Tragic Fiendship

My Little Pony: The Magic Fiendship [Totally and 100% a work of parody. Do not spaz out, please.] The air whipped against Rainbow Dash's face, making her lips wobble as she pushed, faster and faster still, her mind and heart united in her quest...

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An Agent's Work

[One-off short story I wrote the other night for someone on the fly. I don't usually go for RP logs as stories - but this was unilateral, and there's nothing wrong with using the present tense for a change. Naughty kinky porn follows, all mine!] ...

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Daydreams 05 - Downfall And Roll Over!

[A story based on a picture I commissioned from Omega and Faithry, posted to my FA and Yiffstar galleries. Porn follows! Copyright me, all rights reserved, et cetera. Picture:...

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