On Flitted Wings

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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Male human/female feral dragon lovings On flitted wings arise, the demons of my demise.  Taunting and prodding as I straddle scales of blue, the allure of a dragoness becomes too much to bear...  Thoughts of riding her the way I've always wanted gnawing on my mind, a rutting male human come to mate his mount. Yet here I remain perched just below two enormous shoulder blades, mounted far too high to achieve my wicked goal. My maleness, not seeming to know or care the difference, throbs erect and hard as I lean forward to press its length to her upper back, hoping its presence has gone unnoticed as I wrap my arms around her neck to embrace her while we continue our long flight homeward. - - - - - - - - I've always seemed to have this affinity... This...  Strange sexual attraction towards dragons...  Since I can remember becoming of age and being interested in those sorts of things. Such power, elegance and beauty... In the past humans have claimed them as friends, providing them food and companionship in exchange for transportation and protection.  But I want to claim one as something more.  Much more...

"Hey Laria, why don't you take me back to your cave for a while? I'd love to keep you company and take care of you in any way that I possibly can while you're not feeling well..."

Looking back at me with yellowish brown orbs and black narrowed slits, I watch as pupils dilate and shrink in size; the sun catching her eyes and lighting them like a glowing amber as I receive a soft deep throated roar in response to my question and we change coarse slightly.

  Not feeling well indeed... I had discovered the evidential signs of a dragon in heat not but a few days ago; the smooth scaled underside of her body normally so perfectly accented with a bright white hue changing to that of a light pinkish shade around her crotch, the distinct color radiating outwards and growing in intensity as it approaches the entrance of her dragon vagina, the damp slitted opening itself baring almost a shade of red as it excretes it's calling pheromone, it was all too easy target for any male dragon to smell and then come to penetrate... I knew this was her first time coming into heat, I mean, I HAVE had her since she was just an egg after all...  I have even read somewhere that after one year or so of age it is perfectly natural for a female dragon's reproductive working to start kicking in like this; though she is still entirely young in terms of the age most dragons age have been said to reach, still entirely young and innocent in terms of she has yet to mate... I think I would like to have that privilege, If only she'd let me...

Though my lovely Laria was in fact not the same species as me, and currently dwarfed me in stature by standing about three times my height whilst on her hind legs, she means the world to me in every way possible...  Why, it was only a few months ago that I felt she was big enough to try and ride!  My nomadic life style become infinitely easier with a dragon mount, but my life became infinitely more meaningful ever since she hatched her way into it.

  My heart, it belongs to her...  I had given it to a dragon just like I had always imagined, only this one...  This winged saurian was special for other reasons I could not hope to sum into words...  Inadequately put, I'm crazy, madly in love with everything she is, and everything she represents...  Loves needs no logic or reason, and I have none for why am so very attracted to her form, no explainable bearings for why my soul seems to vibrate with happy emotion whenever she peers into my eyes intently...  Gazing upon me with our vision locked on one another, I always seem to feel something entirely more than just her physical presence.  It's almost as though our hearts and very beings are touching during those moments...  But she...  She couldn't possibly be sharing those same feelings though...  Could she?

Fast flittering flaps turn to long drawn out glides as we approach my dragoness Laria' home, and large wings are pressed flat to her sides as we dive downwards to the entrance of one of the many hallowed out holes carved into the face of sheer cliff by dragon fire; once host to a plethora of flying saurians, now it was host only to her.

  There once was a time when such a place would be filled with activity and life, but in modern times, a dragon has become somewhat of a rare spectacle.  Fought and hunted to near extinction by humans for fear of their intellect and sheer prowess in all aspects of life, there was finally such a small amount them still alive that they were no longer perceived as a threat and allowed to live so long as they had a human master with them.  I suppose the humans back then just felt they needed to prove their worth and domination abilities as a species...  Most humans DO seem to be a highly ignorant, self-centered ego driven lot...   All I know is the thought of alone of killing a dragon or simply harming one causes me to cringe and shiver...  It must have been a dark time for any dragon lover, and I'm sure many decent people vainly lost their amazing dragon friends during that period...

Wind kicks up loose dirt to swirl it about as wings flap hard and we land at the mouth of my thankfully still very alive dragon's cave; Laria's home not visited for weeks now after having had her accompany me on my endless on-going quest to find any low priced dragon eggs or possibly even a vial of dragon sperm so that I could have Laria lay some of her own, my efforts seemed fruitless as they are both entirely too rare and I found not them, nor so much as any leads on any... Dismounting Laria and grabbing my heavy pack from her lower back, I then throw it down against the wall of the cave as she lays down on her side to rest after our long flight back; the large bag almost overflowing with all sorts of items and oddities I had found on my journey, none of which very important, I buy low and sell high to make enough coin to keep us both well fed and content.

  My profession being somewhat of a traveling salesmen, I would use my ability to travel great distances easily on dragon back and sell goods to people in places they wouldn't normally see; though if I could just get a few dragon eggs and sell them to the right buyer then I would be set financially for a year or more, and I'm pretty much always looking for any item that's dragon related for myself to keep...

Walking over to Laria and making my way to her back as she lays, I begin massaging and rubbing her shoulders with my hands before slowly moving down the length of her back, then gingerly make my way back up to repeat the process as I always did after we got back from long flights; getting her to emit a soft pleasured purring as she liked to do while receiving this treatment from me, I myself simply loving the feel over her amazingly attractive dragon body against my palms and gently gripping fingers, simply loving that I'm able to make her happy and feel good with my touch.

"I'm sure you're sore after carrying so much weight for so long, I hope you know how much I appreciate and adore you..." I tell her, ever so slowly rubbing upwards along her neck now to feel the slight rigidness of each of her deep blue scales against my hands as she lets out a quiet happy sounding chirp in response. "You may be feeling sore or a bit different in other certain areas as well... Laria... I..." I go on to say, my voice stumbling as I try to find the words to tell her how much I truly love her, the words to say how very beautiful and amazing I think she is and how very much I would enjoy rubbing that heating vent of hers if it would help ease any discomfort she may be having there.

Rolling onto her front and leaving my touch, I watch curiously as Laria gets up to then start walking deeper into the cave.

'Odd...' I think to myself. 'I usually massage her back for an hour or so before she either falls asleep outside my house, or flies back to hers for the night...'

Lying back down on her side only but a dragon length away from me, she then proceeds to roll over onto her back and wriggle around on the ground in playful manner.  Suddenly stopping her happy movements with her form slightly curved, she just lays there awkwardly on her back staring at me; revealing the entirety of her normally white, now recently flushed pink scaled dragon crotch to me almost if she were putting it on display, inflamed genitals aimed directly at me and seemingly waiting for me to... Come rub that area as well...

  "You see... You're in heat right now... And your body needs a male..." I explain as I casually walk forward to soothe my dragoness's burning nether regions. "I am not a dragon... But I am still a male... And would love to help you with any needs or wants you may be having..." I go on, walking right between her spread hind legs and biting my lower lip as I stare down at dragon vagina so very close and inviting, taking note of its slightly puffy, swollen appearance as I turn my gaze upwards to find Laria's eyes before placing my hands on her lower stomach right where the pinkness of her crotch fades back to white.

Rubbing downwards along finely smoothed underbelly scales, I hear long, drawn out intakes of air coming from Laria as she begins panting heavily and creating loud deep throated purring like I've never heard make as my fingers lightly pressing fingers contact pink, aroused dragon flesh.  I feel myself begin salivating as the heat of her hot vent waft upwards against my face, its musky, ready-to-mate scent consuming my mind and causing my long since erect member to jump in my pants enthusiastically; her body burning with lust and calling out to mine as ignore my members plight and continue to gently massage and caress further downwards along her form, fingers slowly meandering back and forth along every area of her crotch to leave no pinkish area above her vagina untouched as I finally do reach the area just above her in season slit, and then start making my way back upwards in case she really didn't want me touching her there on that specific spot.

  Almost immediately seeming to get a whine of disapproval from Laria as I change course and move my fingers back upwards, her subtle purring sound suddenly ceases as well. ''I guess... I guess she really does want me touching her there...' I think to myself as I quickly massage back downwards along increasingly discolored dragon crotch; purrs starting pick back up as I hear her emit what could only be described as quiet dragon laughing noise.

My prodding, moving digits once again approaching her needy heating slit, I meticulously rub downwards along either side to tease the outskirts of her vibrantly visible vulva before then lightly pressing my fingers a bit harder against the brightest pink area surrounding her female entrance; quickly doing a reality check as I tell myself that this IS indeed real... Laria's vagina is indeed right here in front of me...  My wanting dragoness was whining for my touch, and then panting and purring as I gave it to her...

Placing my right hand's middle and index fingers on either side of slightly puffy dragon slit, I run them up and down along its length; eliciting soft coos of delight from my overheated friend as I finally give her my touch where she needed to feel it the most, and still somewhat amazed that she'd allow me to do such a thing to her. With a texture incredibly soft, warm and slightly slippery feeling, I notice a bead of juices form at the bottom of her vaginal lips as I continue to play with them, and then quickly move my digits downward against her vulva to thoroughly coat my fingertips in the substance before moving them back upwards and spreading the liquid all along the length of her slit.

Stopping my attention of her sex for a moment as I feel my pants become entirely too constraining to the point where it's almost painful, Laria watches me intently as I undo my belt buckle so I can remove them; not stopping her purring for single moment, it seemed as though she liked what she was seeing and where things seems to be headed...  Chirping happily a few times as I throw my pants and underwear to the cave wall and reveal my erect throbbing penis to my eager dragoness, she then quickly rolls over onto her front side to lay firmly on her forelegs while gently lifting her hindquarters just slightly off the ground; long, incredibly powerful tail slowly lifting up and out of the way to give me a most glorious view of her in-season female parts, usually timid saurian slit so painstakingly visible with those aroused pink scales accenting her salivating vulva with such a bright shade of the color, Laria simply looking back over her shoulder to stare at me with lust filled eyes, rear end presented and awaiting mounting of the kind I've so longed for...

Walking forward to press the palms of my hands to the backs of her large, well-toned upper thighs, I stand humbled before my lovely Laria's behind as I gingerly trail lightly gripping fingers upwards along her haunches to then place them on either side of her upper rump just above her tail base; receiving a low rumbling bellow from her as she verbalize her excitement and arousal, my throbbing erection now naked and jutting freely a constant remind of my own... Gently squeezing and sinking my fingers into blue scaled skin and well-muscled flesh, I proceed to massage and caress the entirety of her lower backside; my eyes continuing to stare onwards as I admire her magnificently curved rear, still half dumbfounded by the fact that this is actually happening as I feel the intense warmth of her heating sex radiate against my lower stomach and crotch, the potent musk of her inflamed opening streaming upwards into my face and once more singeing my olfactory with the fervent aroma of a lusting dragoness.

Seeming to be fed up with my teasing and any rubbing touches that weren't directed in that one place where she wanted it most, Laria backpedals and shifts her presenting stance slightly; whining quietly as her hindquarters lift and that slitted, dripping female entrance moves up to the level of my head, perhaps forgetting for a moment that I'm not a dragon and couldn't hope to gain access to it while it's so high... Laughing lightly in response, I lean my head forward to place my tongue directly on the bottom of her vulva, then slowly begin licking upwards along its length; feeling her vagina shudder and twitch under my tongues manipulation as soft scaled lips take my saliva and give to me their delectable juices in exchange, pure liquid arousal running over my taste buds with a texture slightly viscous and sticky, her sex's honey possessing a flavor entirely subtle compared to its powerful smell, nameless and truly indescribable, to me it tasted like an embodiment of everything I've ever imagined doing sexually to please the dragon I love...

As my human licker ends its forbidden lap across the top of draconic genitalia, I keep it pressed there to the back of her slitted female entrance before pressing the tip of my tongue inside and carefully pushing it through slick fleshy walls to penetrate her; Laria lightly growling pleasured noises as my mouth organ enters her.  Licking a bit inside that top portion of her silken moist love hole, she whines strange sounds as she slowly lowers her rear end to force my tongue gently out of her vent; my lap instead running along the bit of her flesh just below her puckered tail hole and above her vagina as she squats downwards into my groin and I feel her heated, slippery sex press against the tip of my member, the length of my erection then slowly becoming hotdogged her vaginal lips as it stands up straight between us and she presses the puffy parted flesh against me, feeling the intense warmth of her heating vulva envelop and surround me before then almost immediately feeling her crotch lift and her genitals move against mine as she starts grinding herself into me.

"Laria..." I huff while leaning forward to press my undersides against her rear end and placing my hands on the center of her upper back; my penis slowly being consumed by hot fleshy dragoness vent as she continues to lightly bounce and rock her hindquarters into me, my feral lover humping enthusiastically as I feel the tip of my member press against the upper wall of her sex just before its entirely quickly disappear completely inside the moist, hot, in-season mating hole. "I love you..." I go on to confess my love as I slide my hands backwards along her hindquarters and wrap my arms around the base of her raised tail, then lightly begin humping back against her own humping body; feeling inner saurian crotch muscles flex around my male organ as vaginal walls clamp and squeeze repeatedly around my length, Laria quietly growling in satisfaction as her body happily claims its prize.

Stopping her somewhat awkward hind end up and down motions and seeming to become content to just let her male provide his, my horny, equally as deviant draconic lover then rears her head around to look back at me and coo softly between a labored happy panting; a look of sheer lust on her face as the blue scales of her cheeks resembled a more purplish blushing hue, tongue lolled out of her maw as she displays an overheated appearance to match the intensely warm dragon vagina my member is currently running back and forth through, smooth and wet female flesh continuing to grip and clench at my penis with quiet squishing slaps.

Spurred on by the affectionate pleasured gaze of my best friend now evidential mate, Laria, I gradually quicken my pelvic thrusting against her to hump human crotch faster and faster against pink scaled tush and reddish pink swollen vulva; faint deep throated purrs turning to rumbling roars as my penis rides the hidden contours of her oscillating sex at high speeds, feeling something inside me emotionally snap as an intense white hot feeling of indescribable happiness suddenly course through my body and vibrates my very being, shortly followed by the strange appearance of an unspeakable presence in the back of my mind that I could somehow tell was friendly and meant me no harm.

'I love you too Zerick.' An oddly familiar yet unfamiliar feminine voice speaks vividly and distinctly through some unknown channel in my mind, a kind of sixth sense sensation that I've never been aware of or used before, I now feel as though I have access to; the beings tone sincere and passionate, I know it could only belong to one person... Or dragon as it were...

I can literally feel Laria's love enter me as her thoughts, emotions and presence all seem to come flooding through that very same wondrous new sixth sense as they take root in an untapped unexplored place deep within my being, and extreme rush of inexplicable mental euphoria strikes my soul as my physical form seems to continue its happy mating motions all on its own; bodily pleasure levels further rising to match that of my emotional state as a thunderous roar bellows into the cave and rings my ears with what sounded like a dragon in pure bliss. A second bolt of unspeakable delight quickly strikes my form as my devoted dragoness reaches an orgasm and I share in all that she's experiencing, my wave of supreme euphoria reaching epic and inconceivable peaks as the psychic link she established allows me to partake in all aspects of emotional and mental pleasure her physical body is receiving as she cums around my thrusting maleness, and I can't help but simultaneously reach a physical climax of my own.  It's almost as though time has slowed down as all physical, emotional, and mental sensations continue to maintain an absolute, never before thought obtainable high as Laria's vaginal walls suddenly begin to collapse and ripple along my length in a sporadic excitement; draconic female flesh rapidly squeezing and clasping my maleness in a climactic embrace as it begins to fire jets of hot gooey human seeds out from its tip.

Never wanting these blissful peaking states of what it means to exist to stop, I continue to rhythmically thrust and pull my way back and forth through the quivering folds of ripened in-heat saurian sex with an increased vigor; unique to my species balls thumping and bouncing against the bottom of puffed up heating dragon vent as warm clear liquids slowly begin to dribble out of the heated orifice and downwards along her crotch and lower belly, testicles lightly splashing the female orgasm juices about as my penis becomes thoroughly coated in the happy substance, sounds of mating flooding the far depths of her cave home as my member carves its way back and forth through her tightly clenching crevice with sleek, wet, slurping and almost suckle-like sounds.

Soon I do feel all heightened sense of physical pleasure quickly die down as my squirting sperm ceases to tiny gushes and her vaginal walls return to their steady periodic hugs, and I can't help but immediately sit down to try regain some sense of composure as my very being continues to vibrate and glow with warm love feelings; my member slipping from my dragoness depths as her juices continue to spill outwards and escape from her satisfied mating hole.

'La... Laria?' I attempt to communicate through that special kind of psychic link she seemed to establish with me, seeming entirely natural; yes, a kind sixth kind of sense like I had thought; now seeming to be awakened.

Hearing her cute, slightly youngish feminine voice giggle back in response at me, I watch as she slowly turns around to then trot behind me and lay down before curling her form against my sitting body; my back resting against the side of her chest as she maneuvers her head around to make it parallel to mine and stare directly into my eyes with those amazing orbs of hers that always seem to captivate my heart and mind. Reaching up and outwards with my hands, I wrap them around her neck and as I lean forward with the front of my body and move my head closer to hers to attempt to engage a dragon-like kiss and give my mate a lick her muzzle lips; tears beginning to form and lightly stream down my cheeks as the realization of immense love I have for her had actually been returned, those feeling and emotions of being cared for and loved by her now an ever present force in the back of my mind ever since she connected us in such a profound telepathic way. Beautifully toned dragoness voice giggling once more in the back of my mind with an oddly high pitched but so entirely so cute to me, Laria slowly leans her head backwards as her body uncoils from around me and she rolls over to lay flat on her back; my hands moving to grip her head as I continue lick her muzzle lips and release all of my happy emotions of fulfillment and completeness with wet warm tongue and salty dripping tears.

Blue scaled eye lids slowly shut down as a draconic tongue comes to greet my laps of muzzle lips, and Laria tentatively starts returning my kissings when I suddenly stop; her left eye gently re-opening just slightly to look back at me with tongue cutely flopped outside her maw, unmoving.

'Laria...' I try to communicate once more with her through our link.

  'Yes, my mate?' Her voice graces my mind like a harp, words stroking my heart strings and resonating my soul, the sweet melody of my wholly sentient and intelligent dragoness lover lingering as I try and think of just what to say to her. 'Words are not needed... I'm sure you can feel my love, as I feel yours inside me...' She goes on to say before moving in to give me a single lick across my lips, probably sensing my hesitance to respond. 'How... Why... When...' I stutter; so many questions going through my mind, only half caring about their meaningless answers, nothing seeming to matter except our ever present love, still making me feel entirely cared for, entirely meaningful, my body still beaming and humming with emotional and mental excitement.

Giggling cutely in response as I stumble in thought once more, I feel her left wing slide underneath my right side before griping me and gently pushing against me to guide me up onto her chest; my legs straddling her midsection as this powerful dragoness almost three times my size cradles me with both forelegs and blankets me within her wings, claws lightly pressing against my lower back as she rests her forepaws against me there. 'We are not just lovers and best friends you and I, but eternal soul mates... Two halves to a whole... Our meeting in this life destined...'

'Soul...  Mates...' I mumble in response, not doubting her words for a second as I remain in my elated emotional state, seemingly stuck in an a supreme love high as Laria's and my souls do in fact feel as though they now leak into one another, our very beings mixing and merging as I internalize her words and realize that that must be why we are able to share such a kind of psychic bond and tie in the first place.

  'It's not like I haven't seen the way you look at my rump! I've waited patiently for months now for you to take me as your mate... What took you so long?!' She asks teasingly before moving in to licking my lips affectionately.

'You have... How was I to know?!' I laugh as I begin licking back against her stroking tongue; mouth being preoccupied with kissing as I enjoy being able to still communicate telepathically with her, but then still stopping my lickings to simply stare into those eyes of hers as I focus all of my attention on a response now. 'I have no idea when dragons are able to be sexually active and enjoy such things! I'm sure you know how little is actually known about dragons in this world... Out of all of the research I've done with the few books I've been able to obtain on dragons over the years, there was next to no information about their sexual nature. I DID however hear rumors that they entered a heat similar to other animals, so I decided to wait it out and see if that was true. My heart nearly sank the bottom of my chest you know when I saw you had entered yours the other day...' I stop for a moment to place my hands on either side of her head, embracing her as I press my forehead against hers and close my eyes. 'There are so very few other dragons in this world that I've seen... So I thought maybe I'd see if you would let me mate you and take me as your male. Until then, I would have never done anything to you that might have compromised our friendship and that kind of special bond we shared...'

'So compassionate...  So caring...  I wonder why it is that my soul sings to you so...' Laria says before giggling, her tongue snaking back out to brush and rub my own wet mouth organ as I feel her forepaws move a bit lower along my back before then clawed digits lightly squeezing my rump; eliciting a surprised gasp from me.

'It's four months you know...  Four months when a dragoness becomes interested in mating...'  She explains before then rolling us over onto our sides as I remain cuddled against her, surrounded by wings and lightly gripping forelegs as she stops her lickings of me to press her face against my chest in an embarrassed manner.  'I remember the day so vividly...  The day when I viewed you with different eyes... Viewed you as a potential mate...  Just as you have always been more attracted to dragons, I have only ever had eyes for humans, only had eyes for you...'  She pauses to look up at me, face flushed, eyes deep and passionate.  'And, well... I've wanted to mate with you so badly too!  But I wasn't entirely certain how you'd respond if I advanced on you either...  How is a frisky dragoness supposed to approach her human companion like that!  I'd only ever really half expected that you might like me in such a way, that is, It was only a few days ago that I came to gain the knowledge of you and I actually being soul mates...  And I just knew you wouldn't be able to refrain from mounting your eternal lover when she was in heat!'  She explains vaguely, hearing the subtle sound of dragon tail thrusting in and of wetted dragon vagina as I turn around to catch a glimpse of her using the long appendage to pleasure herself; obviously still very aroused and obviously a bit distracted.  'Tell me...  Even though you're human, do you enjoy my special female scents?'  She goes on to say as I turn back around to face her while she speaks, then suddenly feel the end of her tail against the bottom of my nose as she snakes it around for me to smell the juices coating it.

'They are... Quite nice...'  I respond stunned, an erection steadily growing as she does such naughty dragon things with her tail and then teases me with her fervent aromas; a mixture of heating liquids and normal dragon sex lubricants, to me it smelled like the promise of the physical heaven from which they were obtained from...  'But what do mean you "came to gain the knowledge" of you and I being soul mates only a few days ago?'  I ask before giving her tail's end a lick to collect a bit of her lovely liquids on my tongue.

Giggling, as I noticed she likes to do, Laria then lets out a small sigh.  'We have the rest of our lives to spend together my love. I will explain everything in time...  Your dragoness is in heat in case you haven't noticed!  And she needs to be mated again... Badly...'

  "Again already?!  Just how many times..."  I blurt out, finally using my actually voice instead of my telepathic one, my voice quickly diminishing as she rolls me over onto my back and then stands up to begin walking away, watching on astonished as she presents herself again for me, hindquarters slightly lifted up and awaiting mounting.

A large dragoness behind cutely wiggles before me as I stammer onto two feet and take my position behind my rutting female; my heart calling out to and still humming in alignment with hers as my member stands erect and firm for her body once more.

'The most orgasms I've achieved in one night is three I believe.  I just can't seem to get you out of my head until reaching a release, and my tail helps me whenever I needed to elaborate in such a way...  There isn't entirely much to do in my cave alone all the time ya know!  While in heat though, I feel as I though the amount of times I can cum may be much more.  Mating is all I can think about, now please...'  She whines, then backs up against me as I grip her flanks and laugh lightly at her eagerness.

  'You know you're my goddess...  My everything...  I'll do whatever it takes to satisfy your needs and wants, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and be pleasured...  My heart and body belong entirely to you...'  I reply, finally confessing my love of her in more profound and meaningful words as I look downwards to line the tip of my member up with the top of her sopping wet vaginal lips before pressing my length against her and hotdogged myself within her vulva as she had done to me before to start things off.

Lightly humping straight up against her, I tease her entrance to paradise with my small amount of I vertical entry as she growls wantingly in response.  'Put it...  Put it in my tail hole...'  I hear her labored voice call out to me as she lowers her hindquarters even further to give me access to the little puckered orifice above her vagina; my member slipping out of her sex and throbbing angrily at being denied its lower treasure hole, never before considering or thinking about exploring that upper one above...

'Laria?!'  I ask, amazed.

'What?!  This dragoness has experimented with her body quite a bit!  And it actually feels quite nice for that hole to be stuffed and rubbed against...  My tail's end could only fit so far into there, but I always wondered what it might feel like to have something go deeper inside, what it might feel like to have you mate with me there...'  She explains as I stare at her curious little dragon pooper, watching on as it clenches and unclenches before me to wink at me.  'I have more control over it you see...  It will be a snug fit and feel amazing for your dragoness and you...'

'I didn't need any convincing!  I reply, laughing lightly  'I'd do anything for you...  So of course I'm willing to try it if it will please my Laria...'  I go on, then quickly remove my right hand from her flank to hold my erect maleness down and guide the tip to that place where she requested it before lightly pressing it against her there.

Tight, enveloping tail hole flesh surrounds my member as I push forward to begin burying myself within the depths of her behind, but only about half my length finds its way inside before feeling it shut down in protest and squeeze incredibly hard upon me; my body gripped by pleasure as my penis is gripped by powerful dragon anus muscles, once again finding myself admiring the strength and power of her magnificently sculpted rear end before me, truly in awe over the amazing physique the base of her tail possesses as I feel the full force of its soft fleshy vice upon me.

  'Oh gods...'  I whine at the extraordinary feelings invoked by her more befitting, clenching upper hole, feeling more of my length slip into her as I continue to push forward against resisting inner dragon flesh.

I hear her giggle again as she loosens her tail hole's grip just slightly before quickly clamping a third of my member inside, anus muscles squeezing me hard as I struggle to get my entire length with her rear end. 'So...  So deep...'  I hear her staggered thoughts penetrate my mind as I continue to slowly push my dragon poker further into her body and finally hilt myself inside; loving how I'm able please Laria in a way I've never even so much as fathom doing before as my entirety disappears within her puckered tail hole's entrance, soft and smooth, all-encompassing anus flesh repeatedly clenching and releasing excitedly as I claim the second of my soul mate's virgin hindquarter holes.

Slowly sliding my left hand upwards along the length of her long, elegantly shaped tail to stroke and pet the massive appendage, my right hand remains lightly gripping a scaled rump cheek as I breath hard; the experience of mating her in this all too stimulating way seeming to already bring me the brink of an orgasm, pre-cum being coaxed out by flexing dragon behind as I proceed to slowly withdraw myself from her tightly clenching tailhole, incredibly warm and damp inner dragon flesh squeezing hard and not seeming to let up as she attempts to keep her treasure inside its cave.  Not wanting to cum inside her just yet so my sex drive would still be present and my powerful will to please her body, I continue to painfully withdraw the length of my maleness from inside that heavenly hugging hole of hers; more and more of my length slipping out until my dribbling tip leaves completely to press lightly against her puckered entrance.

'What are you...?  Are you...?'  Laria mumbles as I my member's touch leaves her behind completely, left twitching in the cold night's air as my index and middle finger quickly find their way to it instead, both digits lightly prodding and rubbing the winking dragon tailhole as I kneel down before to start licking it with my tongue.  'Oh gods...' I hear her moan in my mind and roar quietly in my ears, dragon hindquarters being pushed back against me as she begs for more of my licking touch, gladly giving it to her as I penetrate some to travel lightly into her depths with my saliva coated dragon pleaser.  'You're...  You're amazing at this...'  She goes on, hearing her pant lightly as my index and middle fingers move lower to tease heating dragoness vulva; forgetting just how incredibly soft and hot to the touch her vagina was until now, its inside blazing, fiercely wet and slippery with dragon cum, seasoned, sweet smelling scented sex liquids dripping from its base, a vagina suited for a dragon three or four times my human size, her still uniquely amazing and tighter tail hole above quivering in delight under tongues constant toying as both holes clasp randomly upon feeling the double stimulation I'm giving them.

My own body seems to maintain its own extreme level of arousal as I feel Laria's increase further under my touchings, and I leave my right hand against her slit as I stand to guide the tip of my member back to her now saliva covered tail hole entrance with my left one.  Digits easily entering and pressing their way into her hotter, slitted hole below, my penis works its way inside her upper one now along with them; her body not quite seeming to know what to do with itself as both entrances are penetrated at the same time, I could now tell she was as close to climax as I am as a panicking quivering tailhole consumes more and more of my length to take me entirely inside once more.

"La... Laria..."  I whine out loud, hardly being able to contain my thoughts or maintain consciousness as I hilt my maleness into her body and begin releasing my seed; fingers trailing out of her sex to begin stroking and massaging the length of wetted inflamed dragon slit as it starts to shudder and ripple against them before then quickly plunging my index and pointer digits back inside to feel her vaginal tunnel spasm excitedly around them, gently thrusting my fingers back and forth inside while white goo is shot into the far depths of her tightly clenching tail hole just above, blissful heights of pleasure again plateauing as we climax together, the muscles of her upper rump feeling strained as they ever so slowly releases their hold of my penis with a quivering, vibrating hesitance, all sperm milking efforts seeming to be focused on her crotch region.

Heavy panting joins the sound of gushing liquids and wet pumping digits as I repeatedly run them back and forth through sporadic contracting female flesh; pleasuring her body as much as I can and my own in return as a result of our psychic link, warm dragon cum flooding out of her overheated hole to leave and come splashing onto the cave floor below in short periodic waves as I revel in our shared bond and feel her own orgasmic ecstasy along with mine; a plethora of clear female juices escaping her body as white fertile male ones continue to lightly be delivered and I give her the last bit of my seed.  Thrusting fingers moving downward some, they contact an area I can tell she really likes; digits running back and forth along a curious bump of flesh just inside the base of her slit, it appeared as though I had found a saurian clitoris.  Letting forth a rumbling roar of lusted happiness, Laria's hindquarters shift as she back pedals a few paces against me; writhing dragoness still maintaining her drawn out orgasm as I specifically target that bump of sensitive female flesh with my moving, rubbing digits to prolong her bliss as long as possible.

'So...  So good...'  Laria whines while I continue my treatment as her rear end slowly lowers against me, slowly forcing my member and finger out of both loving orifices as she lays down to rest her hindquarters on the ground, the tip of my softening member running upwards a bit from her tailhole to leave a small streak of white goo there as the majority of my male juices slowly retreat downwards from of the puckered entrance; the sticky substance trailing along her vaginal lips and crotch as it makes its way along her behind to the cave floor below, the sad seed not being able find a dragon womb for an attempt to vainly impregnate as it's rejected by her tailhole. 'You're so good at this...'  She goes on to giggle as I feel the length of her tail now wrap around my waist, my larger dragoness lover then turner her head to look at me over her shoulder and lock eyes before rolling over to lay on her side and pull me in towards her to embrace my chest with her forelegs and hug me.  'How do you know to do such things!? I do know that you're as inexperienced with mating as I am, and that this was your first time as well...'  She asks as I feel her massive tongue begin licking and licking the top of my forehead affectionately.

'Well I...  It's all I've thought about for years and years now.  How to pleasure a female dragon once I finally could I mean...  It just came naturally the things I did, I wanted to make you feel as good as possible...  And you're right, I was still a virgin too!  I've never really even viewed my own species' females in such an attractive light as I do you.  It's your feral dragon form which makes my heart beat so, and I have actually acquired more than a few naughty type scrolls with dragon-human mating writings...  You wouldn't believe how hard those were to come by!  It appears I'm not entirely alone in my deviant love for dragons...  Err...  My point is! I had somewhat of an idea of what a female might like!  And it is indeed all I care about while mating really...  To have you feel amazing and blissful as I pleasure the body of the dragon who I love...  To...'  I try to explain, my train of thought being interrupted as here continuously licking tongue aims directly at my lips before then invading my mouth as I obligingly open it in response.

'You talk far too much...'  She replies as I grip the back of her neck with both hands and rub my tongue against her own, feeling my weight suddenly shift as she keeps her forelegs and forepaws embrace of me and rolls over onto her back; now laying on her stomach and chest as we continue our kissing, human lips pressed to the ends of dragon muzzle as our tongues dance just inside her maw.

'You talk far too little!' I refute. 'You still need to tell me how exactly it is that you know that we're soul mates!  I mean, don't get me wrong, I now know that we are too now...  All that I am is telling me so, and my heart and being does seem to vibrate and glow at the mere thought of you...  Also this mental link between us we now share.  It almost feels like it had been there this entire time, only just now awakened...  But just how is it--'

'Shh...'  She interrupts as she rolls over onto her side opposite she was laying on before to cradle me against her there.  'A few days before I entered my heat is when I was able to tap into a plethora of other-worldly knowledge...  My physical body became truly mature and ready to mate, and so I suppose my mind was deemed mature enough as well.  Yes, I have been given access to the far reaches of ethereal realms, past lives, all of the wisdom obtainable from them.  It's a dragon thing.....'  She pauses to giggle.  'It is now that I can begin training and learning in the ways of magic as well, all of that information has been released to me.  Some abilities may take months to learn and perfect, but things like fire breathing and size manipulation I should be able to perform fairly quickly.  Would you like that?  If you could mate with your dragoness while she was your exact same size?  Or perhaps even a bit smaller? My female bits just barely accommodating your male ones as my tight, hot, hugging hole squeezes every last drop of seeds from you...'

'Is that all you think about Laria!'  I chuckle at her entirely sex driven mind, feeling my member twitch at the thought.

'I'm in heat need I remind you!  And I'm sure there's a spell I can find somewhere in the libraries of dragon magic that will help you keep up with my mating desires if we need it!  But for now, we sleep...'

  'Such a spell would be nice; I'd love to be able to keep up with your wants...  But fire breathing?!  Size changing?!  What else can you do?  And were we both dragons in our past lives?  How did our souls first meet?  Is mating what something that's required to establish that kind of special mental link between us?  And what--' 'I will tell you tomorrow!'  She interrupts.  'We have nothing but time my love...  You will get all your questions answered, I promise...  But I've been the one flying for weeks!  And flying all day to get home for that matter!  I'm utterly exhausted...'  She goes on to say, shutting down her eyes as her form curls around me, feeling her thoughts and mind weaken as it enters a shallow, restful state.

'That's right!  I'd complete forget about all of that...  You are incredibly tired, I can literally feel the weight of it inside you...  Please, sleep.  I don't want to keep you awake a second longer.'  I dumbly respond as I remember our journey and that we had only just relatively recently gotten back from such a long flight.

'I love you...' Her tired, sincere words of affection enter my mind and warm my heart to the point where it resonates my being with happy emotion, truly feeling as though our souls are at one and maintaining a combined, invulnerable force that nothing could possibly harm or separate.

  'I love you too...'  I say in an attempt to reciprocate the intense emotion as much as possible; our feeble attempts to put such a thing as 'love' into a single word not needed as I feel our souls continue to mesh and reverberate through our special psychic bond, our chests remaining pressed together as our inter-species hearts beat out of rhythm against one another, dragon and human bodies huddled together with limbs hugging and embracing as I drift off to sleep happier than I ever thought I could be in this life, nothing seeming to matter except that I'm as close to her in possible in every way possible, my heart and mind truly given to her as I feel she has done the same for me, my existence living for her alone, my essence and what I am belonging to her......

Riding Rutting Raichu

Male human/female Raichu sexings Special thanks to my friend Gouka for helping me edit and encouraging the dominant overtones >  http://gouka-fushichou.sofurry.com/  Go check his stuff out!  I really recommend his Leafeon story... ;3 * * * * * *...

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Dark Furred Desires

Male Umbreon teacher/ two female Eevee cub sisters   "Umby umby Umbreon! Can you pleeease show us how to do that one tail whip attack thingy again?!" A little female Eevee cub barks enthusiastically while sitting before her Umbreon teacher, perched on...

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Cuboned by Love: Chapter 2

- - - - - - - - - - One month later - - - - - - - - - - -  "You really are pathetic, you know that?!" Eevee barks defensively; her neck pinned under Vulpix's forelegs as the fire type pokémon lies on top of the front half of her body to keep her friend...

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