Alien vs Predator: Insemination Ch. 1: Stay Frosty, Marine
#1 of Alien vs Predator: Insemination
Summary: On a xenomorph-infested colony, two surviving human marines get caught in the crossfire between warring alien species.
Corporal Alicia Jackson of the Colonial Marines crept through the desolate hallways of what was once a bustling Weyland-Yutani housing facility. Her standard-issue pulse rifle was equipped with an underslung flashlight which was engaged and illuminating the path before her. As she traversed the cold, dead-silent corridor, her thoughts lingered on how in God's name she had gotten herself into this shitstorm of a situation.
She and her squad had been sent to the colony of LV-374 to investigate what was originally thought to be a simple domestic disturbance. "Prolly just a downed transmitter or environmental interference," her Lt. had assured her squad. Little did they know that that couldn't have been farther from the truth; as they learned soon after landing on 374. Despite the squad's seasoned years of putting down local revolts and exterminating minor vermin, nothing would prepare them for the menace that they would encounter within this colony.
Shortly after their dropship touched down, the group of sixteen marines split up into two separate squads to survey the colony. As they began their sweeps of the colony's residential district, the simultaneous thought of every single marine was, "where the hell are all of the colonists?" Throughout their patrol of the housing structures, they quickly discovered just how eerie the situation at the colony was when they realized that every single colonist had apparently just picked up and disappeared right in the middle of their day-to-day activities.
Once Alicia and her squad had entered the largest of the housing structures in the center of the colony was when everything went to hell. They lost radio contact with the other squad and the lighting and electricity of every building in the compound went out. Luckily, they all had flashlights equipped to light their way and the squad's tech officer was able to bring up a floor plan for the structure in order to find the quickest way to the power room.
The eight marines, including Alicia, moved through the darkened building, guiding by their flashlights and a couple motion tracking devices. Out of nowhere, many miniature dots began to flash upon the motion trackers, signaling the nearby approach of figures. The light beeping and hum of the motion tracker got louder and louder and the dots got bigger as something drew closer to the squad. The squad drew up their various weapons and readied for the newcomers, hoping that it would either be colonists or their other squad.
A mysterious dark figure had suddenly lunged up from one of the lower floorboards and grabbed the squad leader, Lt. Kramer, pulling him into the hole that the thing had emerged from. Kramer went down trashing, screaming and firing his shotgun frantically until he was suddenly gone. From that point on, the squad was utterly terrified and disheartened at losing their leader to...whatever it was that took him.
The next time their motion trackers started buzzing with activity, the squad stopped in their tracks and swiveled their heads in all directions, awaiting the arrival of what they were to be fighting. Their new threat was made clear to them when a dark creature suddenly lunged from the shadows, spearing a long, razor-sharp tail through the chest of Marcus, the squad's medic, and pulling him into the floorboards as they did Kramer. The squad unleashed a hailstorm of bullets from their rifles in all directions, hearing the hideous, soul-shattering screeches of the creatures as some of the bullets hit their targets. Their smart-gun operator Jameson was the next to go down by the dark creatures, causing the squad to suddenly fall into retreat as they realized that they would all soon be overwhelmed.
Alicia and two other squad members were separated from the others amid the chaos, the trio having accidentally fled through a nexus of hallways in the opposite direction and being unable to find their way back to the other two squadmates that they had broken off from. They tried working their way back, calling out to them desperately on the radio but getting no response back. Alicia and her companions also tried contacting the other squad but they again got silence because of interference from the structure. The three had then decided collectively that they would have to get the power on before trying to reconnect with the other squad and telling them what happened.
Alicia had long since been separated from the other two squadmates; one of which had had pieces of his head splattered on the wall of the elevator when one of the xenomorphs burst into their elevator, spearing the unfortunate marine through the skull with its mouth. The other marine had frantically run into a room filled completely with miniature xeno face-hugger creatures; small spider-like organisms which ensnared the faces of its prey and injecting them with embryos that would become the monstrous xenomorph aliens that had been proficiently tearing apart the marine squad.
Alicia was now completely alone within the infested housing facility, trying to find a way to reactivate the power and survive for as long as she could with her limited ammo and supplies. In spite of the fact that she had survived the xenos this long by fleeing several times, what also contributed to her survival was the fact that she was the best shot in the squad. During the few occasions when she could clearly see one of the hideous xenomorphs approaching her, she had let loose a precise burst of shots from her pulse rifle, wasting the faceless horrors into oblivion. But she knew that her proficient sharpshooting skills, ammunition, and luck wouldn't last forever and sooner or later she would be found by the xenos.
Fortunately, she finally managed to arrive at the security center of the complex, successfully activating the power and security cams, and being able to restock on ammo. This was where she currently was, using her radio in attempt to reestablish connection with what remained of her shattered squad of fellow marines. Luckily she had the security cameras and a motion tracker on her which could warn her if xenos approached the security room. She had sealed off the doors and had sat herself down at the control console, desperately twiddling with her radio mechanism.
"This is Jackson to squad one! Come in, squad one!" she urged to the radio, twiddling with a knob simultaneously. She continued this for quite some time, not getting any responses from the other squad.
Unbeknownst to Alicia, another figure, neither xenomorph nor human, was watching her through the security center windows from the nearby radar tower. The figure was electronically cloaked due to his advanced invisibility mechanism attached to its wrist. Activating its infrared vision, it observed the human female waiting within the security station.
This mysterious alien Predator had been summoned to this colony to purge the place of the xenomorphs that infested it. As their most ancient and honorable prey, the Predators relished in every opportunity to hunt and destroy the xenomorphs. They certainly didn't hesitate to hunt and kill other sentient beings that they considered to be a threat however; humans included, although humans were usually considered easier prey in most cases.
The Predator that stalked LV-374, like most of his species, was a hulking form, easily towering over the largest of humans. Underneath the ensemble of battle armor, game trophies, and various weapons, the Predator was a large muscled humanoid creature with skin with the color pattern of black and olive. The Predator's menacing face was covered by a battle mask which also gave him the infrared vision that he was currently using to spot xenos and the lone human marine hiding within the security center even now.
The Predator hissed when he suddenly spotted a small group of xenomorphs scrambling around the lower part of the building. He knelt down and prepared to fire his shouldered plasma caster at the three black forms but suddenly stopped when he saw that they were not coming for him but were rather scaling the building up to the human marine's location in the security center.
The Predator retracted his weapon and watched the scene unfold; the marine suddenly sprung up from her chair and moved straight for her weapons, obviously aware of the impending xeno threat that the Predator had already detected. As it watched intently, it surmised that she had used her primitive human technology to anticipate the xenos' coming.
Suddenly the xenos reached the station and burst through the security center windows all at once, screeching their menacing cries as they converged on the Corporal. She had grown accustomed to killing xenomorphs within the past few hours however, and was ready for them this time. When the first two jumped into the room, she let loose a deadly accurate burst of rounds which split through the eyeless head of the nearest xeno. Turning to the second, she fiddled with the bottom of her pulse rifle and ejected a grenade from the underslung launcher, obliterating the second xeno in an explosion of grenade fire. The third and final xeno had curtailed past the other two during the shooting and had burst through the ceiling to appear several meters behind Alicia. Instead of shooting it this time, she suddenly did something that surprised even the observant Predator; she drew out her knife and threw it forward with full force. The knife split forward and sank deep into the xeno's weakpoint, its neck. The creature howled in pain and stopped momentarily before rushing toward Alicia with even enraged urgency. However, his advances were met with a six round burst of armor-piercing ammo from Alicia's reloaded pulse rifle directly into its head.
The Predator cocked its head to one side as he watched the human female with intense curiosity. This was the first time he had actually seen a human make a series of accurate, honorable kills in all his time of hunting. He zoomed in the vision of his mask and watched as the human fired a few more rounds into the eyeless head of each xenomorph corpse to ensure that they were in fact dead.
"Ugly motherfuckers," she muttered, looking down at the slain xeno at her feet.
She knelt down beside the corpse and carefully extracted her knife from its neck, being sure not to touch the acidic blood that seeped from the wound. As she pulled it loose, she grimaced as she realized that the acidic blood had dissolved away most of the blade. She shrugged and tossed away her defunct weapon with a sigh and moved to take inventory of her weapons and ammo. Suddenly though, her radio began to hum with activity as a masculine voice urgently resounded from the other side.
"Damnit we're getting torn apart! Come in squad two, do you read?!" the voice resonated through the radio.
Alicia gasped and drew up the radio again, responding back to the voice urgently. "Copy that, this is Jackson from the security station at complex D," she replied.
"Corporal Jackson?! This is Private Taylor, we're getting shredded apart at the industrial complex by these ugly fucks, there's only four of us left, what's the status of your squad?" Taylor asked.
Alicia sighed, "Not good, as far as I can tell, everyone in my squad including Kramer is gone. I managed to get the power back on and I'm bunkered down here at the security station," she grimly replied.
"Roger that," he huffed back into the radio, "I tell you, this mission has really gone to hell...I guess now we know what happened to the colonists huh?"
Alicia grit her teeth, "Yeah," she replied, "We lost a lot of good marines today; I say we get the hell off of this shithole and blow a crater into this entire complex."
"Agreed. We're gonna try to make our way back to you over there. Just stay put for now, alright?"
"Understood, good luck marine," Alicia replied.
"Roger that, Corporal," said Taylor.
Alicia chuckled. "John, for the thousandth time, just call me Alicia."
"Roger that, Corporal Alicia," he said, signing off of his radio.
She shook her head with a grin and reclined herself back onto her chair, thinking about Taylor, hoping that at least he would survive this ordeal and get back to her. She and Taylor were close friends and had enlisted in the marine academy together. They were both rather attractive, although she had only ever thought about him in an intimate manner once. After a day of intense drills back at the academy, she had once accidentally stumbled in on Taylor naked in the showers.
During that moment, the two had simply stared at each other dumbstruck for a few moments, Alicia's eyes fixed on Taylor's rather well-endowed cock. The incident then culminated in Taylor quickly covering up his genitals with his hands and Alicia averting her eyes out of embarrassment, nearly slipping on the water on the floor as she fled from the shower room. That occurred two months ago and since then, the two marines had collectively agreed that they wouldn't let the incident affect their duties. Still though, the two seemed to occasionally stumble over words whenever they were in each other's presence.
As these thoughts consumed her, she realized that even now she was still lusting over the image of Taylor's dangling manhood in the shower room. The more she thought about it while sitting at those security cams, the more she felt the warmth spread through her as she apprehensively reached down to run a finger over her pussy through her dungarees.
Damn it, what the hell was the matter with her? She thought to herself. Her entire squad had been massacred and here she was feeling herself up while thinking about one of her fellow marines, and a close friend at that. It didn't help of course, that it had been nearly a year since she had last had sex; and, military duty didn't leave much time for...personal relief.
She retracted her hand momentarily and twiddled with her thumbs anxiously as she thought of other ways to pass the time as she sat there in that security center, staring absentmindedly at the cameras. Finally though, after a few moments, she lost the inner battle and with a drawn-out sigh, quickly spread her legs on the chair and unzipped her dungarees. She panted in anticipation, roughly pulling her panties off to the side and began to work her fingers over her pussy with a ragged sigh of relief.
To justify this behavior, the corporal figured that she was still incredibly on edge and tense since fighting the xenos. This would give her physical release that she needed to be vigilant and effective if she had any hope of making out of here alive. More than that, if she didn't get out of here alive, well, at least then she got herself off just one more time before she died, she told herself. Throwing all caution to the wind, the blond-haired marine threw her head back and panted as she fingered at her pussy, all the while the image of Taylor nude in the shower fluttered over her mind.
Meanwhile, The Predator knelt down and continued observing from the radar tower, brooding and hissing to himself. After he had seen the human female dispatch the three xenos earlier, he had become intrigued with her. As he watched her now through his mask, his infrared vision picked up a gradual rise in her body temperature. Also, he saw her hand moving rapidly between her legs as she sat there. The alien male was curious by this behavior for some reason; he had to delay the hunt temporarily just to sneak a glance as to what the human was doing.
Activating his invisibility mechanism, the Predator jumped down to the lower platform of the radar tower and walked to the edge of it. Turning back toward the female in the security center, he began to cycle through his various vision modes in his mask until he arrived upon the default mode. He then zoomed in until he was able to clearly and accurately see what the female marine was doing. He began to click his mandibles as he took in with intense surprise, the view of the female human stimulating herself with her fingers. Not just any part of herself either, the Predator thought, but her mating hole, no less. For whatever reason that compelled him to do so, the alien couldn't detach his eyes away from the sight. He continued watching with his enhanced vision the female of another species masturbating as a primal pulse gradually came upon him.
These new thoughts were most troubling to him; the hunt was all that mattered to a Predator. The hunt should be all that he devotes himself to and all he craves and desires; all other carnal desires are repressed. And yet as he continued watching this human specimen, he was quickly falling prey to one of the most primitive of urges. After seeing the human female easily kill three xenos and now was sexually relieving herself, this alien Predator had grown intrigued and enthralled and lustful at the prospect of sating his own urges as well. The Predator realized that if he didn't quell his ravenous desire, it could hinder his ability to affectively hunt the xenomorphs.
The Predator averted his gaze from the female human for a moment and thought to himself. He realized that the mating urge was spreading through him like wild fire and that if he didn't resolve to relieve it, it would be detrimental to his hunt. Somehow, he had to have this female. Albeit she was a member of a weaker species, he nonetheless found himself enthralled by her. Also he knew enough about human anatomy to know that their sexual organs were compatible with those of his species and that's all that mattered to him. He surmised that she was a healthy, athletic and durable human, particularly for a female; this added to her allure.
The problem then lied not with physical compatibility, but piquing the female's interest enough that she will be responsive to him. He had to somehow enter the room that she was in and present himself in a manner that was not threatening so that she would not pull her firearm on him. At the moment, the female was also in the throes of the mating urge as well. Perhaps he could use this to his advantage, the creature thought to itself.
Without wasting another second, the invisibly-cloaked Predator braced himself, before using his inhuman agility to launch himself with full force from the radar tower to the security room. He landed squarely within the security room through the shattered window and turned for Alicia. By now, Alicia had been so caught up in her own ordeal, furiously fingering her pussy while bucking up and down on her chair, that she didn't even hear the momentary ping of the motion tracker.
The Predator stood there in the corner of the room, admiring the human female as she continued to masturbate herself before him, unaware of his presence. From here, he could now clearly see her glistening pussy as her fingers swept across the lips and toyed with her clit. A devious idea suddenly came over the male Predator; one that he hoped would make the female fall under his sway.
With unmatched speed, the invisible Predator dashed toward Alicia. In response, her eyes popped open and she withdrew her hand from her wet twat as the audible ping of the motion tracker went off. She was caught off guard by the fact that this new threat had not appeared on the outer security camera, but had little time to ponder as she realized that she was not alone in the room. She grabbed her pulse rifle from beside her and aimed it in every direction, trying to find the imminent foe that had somehow managed to sneak its way into the security center.
Unbeknownst to her, the cloaked Predator was actually standing right before her now, although she couldn't see him. She frantically angled her pulse rifle in every direction of the room, not realizing that the invisibly cloaked figure was an arms-length away from her even now.
Because of how sudden the new arrival was, Alicia hadn't even had time to zip up her dungarees. How fortuitous for the Predator. Slowly lowering himself down to his knees, the invisible Predator lowered his head down, observing Alicia's unconcealed treasure. Her panties were pulled off to the side, exposing the pink lips of her pussy. They were moistened due to her arousal and the stimulation that she had been causing herself. However, she hadn't yet brought herself to orgasm. The Predator saw this as his golden opportunity.
As Alicia's chest rose and fell in deep breaths while she continued to scan the room for the anonymous enemy, the Predator made his move. Still invisibly cloaked, he reached his clawed fingers up to her exposed pussy and without further delay, brushed two of his meaty fingers along the moistened outer lips of her pussy.
Alicia immediately jolted and her legs jerked up as she felt that something had made contact with her genitals. "What the fuck?!" she gasped out as she looked down between her legs but saw nothing and no one there. She pointed her gun around frantically, trying to single out who or whatever was there with her.
The Predator hesitated a moment before, once again, slipping his fingers inside her pussy folds and running them over her lips, harder this time. Alicia jerked her hips again at the contact, and this time, let out a moan of instinctive pleasure. This time, the Predator didn't hesitate but continued to sweep his fingers in a path along her soaked lips and even brushed across the nub of her clit as well.
Alicia sighed as pleasure ran through her body. She had no idea what the hell was going on. She didn't know if she was being fingered by a ghost right now or if she was simply going insane. Regardless, she felt a pulse run through her every time the invisible digits stroked against her sensitive pussy. This felt so much better than when she was fingering herself; the fact that she had no idea who or what was even stimulating her only heightened the feeling of pleasure.
The Predator hissed underneath his mask and stopped his rubbing all at once. He suddenly then took his meaty pointer finger and shoved it into her pussy up to the knuckle. Alicia moaned loudly, throwing her head back and bucking her hips upward into his finger as she simultaneously dropped her pulse rifle to the floor with a loud clang. The finger that was pressing into her pussy felt almost as thick as an average human penis. As the Predator began to glide his finger into and out of her glistening pussy, Alicia was rocking her hips in time with each push without a care for anything else. She had been denied her impending orgasm before and she just wanted to cum now desperately.
The Predator continued to finger her with his meaty pointer finger, relishing in the fact that this human female was reacting the way that he had hoped to his touch. He slid his finger in and out with slight squelches with each intake, while at the same time he brought the big finger nail of his thumb up to flick at her clit every time his finger was absorbed into her pussy.
Alicia was panting like a bitch in heat now, swaying her hips around on the chair as her pussy was worked toward orgasm by what seemed to be an invisible force. She reached her hands up to grope her own breasts beneath her marine uniform as her pussy was penetrated.
"Mmm, oh fuck yes, I'm gonna cum, keep going, whatever the fuck you are," she moaned nastily.
The Predator seemed to understand somehow, and fucked her with his finger faster. He also continued to work her clit and by this time added another finger to the mix as well. As she bucked up against his finger, he brought the finger of his other hand down to pull the band of her panties off to the side. He then used that finger to begin circling the rosebud of her asshole, tickling it in small circles as he fingered her pussy furiously.
As she felt her clit and asshole teased and her pussy penetrated by the invisible Predator's meaty finger, she finally reached her climax. She cried out loud, slammed her hips upward a few times as a shudder went through her body and her pussy began to lubricate the Predator's invading finger. As she squirted on his finger, he quickened his pace as her orgasm ripped through her, only releasing his finger from her soaking confines once she finally stopped bucking her hips.
Alicia let out a gasp of relief as she was brought to one of the most wonderful orgasms in a long time. As she was laying her head back on the chair, basking in the aftershock of an intense cum, she heard a slight crackling noise. The Predator deactivated his cloaking device and was now standing unobstructed right before her. As soon as she opened her eyes again and saw the new presence right before her, a jolt of newfound fear ran through her as she instinctively moved to grab her pulse rifle again.
The Predator hissed beneath his mask and raised his hands up to her as a sign that he meant no harm to her. Alicia looked at the hulking alien incredulously, first taking notice of his arsenal of weapons; his wristblade, boot-strapped knife, and shouldered ion cannon. Although dubious of his intentions, she realized that if the creature did intend harm for her, he would have a weapon drawn by now.
She then began to thoroughly take in the rest of the Predator's features; his muscled physique, his alien olive skin, the menacing hunter mask and trophy collection on his belt. The last thing that she was now taking notice of was his massive penis jutting from his groin, pushing aside the thin coverings that he wore at his waist.
She blushed and her slit instinctively moistened as she took in the full view of his erection, rubbing her arms as she grew more aroused and frightened at seeing the alien member. It was dark olive colored like his leathery skin and had a thick, round head and running across all twelve inches of its surface were tiny bumps. On the inflamed head, a vicious globule of his precum dripped out and onto the cold floor.
"What the hell are you?" she gasped, taken aback by his inhuman appearance.
"Ugg...lee...moth...ther...fuck...err," the Predator suddenly said in garbled segments, the tone of his voice ragged and ominous. Alicia suddenly realized that the predator was mimicking what she herself had said earlier when she killed the three xenos.
The Predator approached her slowly, causing her to jolt slightly before he calmly raised his hands again to relax her. When he was standing right before her, he brought his hand close to her face, showing her the slimy trail of her pussy juice that clung to two of his fingers. He ran the clear fluid between his fingers experimentally as she looked up at him with her mouth agape. It sank in that this creature was the thing that had brought her to tremendous orgasm only moments ago while in its invisibility function.
She then turned her head upward and looked at this alien in a whole new light. Grinning, she said deviously, "Hmm, well I don't know what you are or what you're doing here, but you sure know how to use your fingers."
The Predator hissed, cocking his head at her. He lowered his hand down and pulled his coverings completely off to the side, giving her a clear view of his impressive erection. Her eyes bulged again as she was seeing it completely. She then turned back to him with a bigger grin.
"Someone has a big problem here don't they?" she giggled, pushing her pulse rifle off to the side as she slowly approached the huge alien.
The Predator dutifully stood idle as she walked up to him. She reached her hand down and traced her thumb around the swollen olive head of his cock, twiddling the droplet of precum around in her fingers. The Predator vocalized the attention with a pleasurable growl.
"And I wasn't kidding when I said big problem," she continued, staring awestruck at the massive pillar of flesh.
She wrapped her hand around the thick shaft, amazed by the fact that her hand only barely encircled its width. Overcome with curiosity and a twinge of desire now, she began to gently stroke up and down the Predator's thick, pulsing shaft. He hissed beneath the mask as she went to work on him, having the pleasures that he had given her returned to him.
As she stroked his alien cock, she took in the feel of his rougher skin and the little ridges and bumps that encompassed much of the cock. She could only imagine those little details causing enhanced pleasure for whatever female that accepted this cock into her depths. She squeezed the shaft and rubbed it up and down its length, becoming increasingly captivated by the enticing cock. She began to wonder what it would feel like inside her pussy, how big it would feel, and how much pleasure it would bring her. Alien or no alien, this looked like an amazing cock to her and if the handiwork that he had done when he had fingered her was any indication of his skills, he was likely proficient in the art of mating as well.
Her lust-filled brain suddenly realized that she had to have this cock inside her pussy...and soon. It had been a year since she had had a good fuck and she really needed one now more than ever. After all, he had given her pleasure minutes before; it was only fair that he got his fair share.
She reluctantly pulled her hand away from his cock and smiled up at the masked alien male. "I think we can find somewhere to put this," she whispered. "Killing xenos is stressful work. Why don't we uh, release that stress...ugly motherfucker," she grinned.
The Predator said nothing but turned to look over at her as she seductively walked away from him, her ass swaying beneath her marine dungarees as she sauntered over to a table in the middle of the room. She placed her hands down on the table and bent over it, raising her bum into the air for his viewing pleasure. This pose would surely garner a response from any male, human, Predator or otherwise. She looked over her shoulder and grinned at him, patting her ass with her hand enticingly. The Predator approached her until he was standing right behind her.
The Predator hissed, unsheathing and brandishing his sharp wristblade by running a finger smoothly across its surface. Then, with lightning fast speed, he slashed two quick cuts, shredding away her standard marine dungarees from her upturned ass. The shredded pieces fell to the floor and the remnants of her pants slid down to her ankles. He retracted his wristblade and reached down, gripping a hold of her loose pants and ripping them from her legs with a forceful tug.
Alicia shivered and sighed both out of relief and the cold as a chill brushed over the skin of her bare legs and buttocks. She was now bent over the metal table without pants, the firm white globes of her ass sticking up proudly for her anonymous partner to view unobstructed. A white pair of athletic panties rested in the nook between her two buttocks, cloaking her privates from the Predator.
He clicked his fangs as he took in the fabulous view of his captive's bare rear end. He didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he had a sudden urge to grab a feel of those two beauties beckoning him over. He reached his clawed olive hands down and took a hold of each respective buttcheek, kneading on them and gently digging his nails into the flesh of each cheek experimentally. She closed her eyes and sighed, reveling in the feeling.
He suddenly then hissed, ceasing his rubbing all at once. Alicia stood there bent over, wondering what had come over him. The Predator then took his strong hand and swung it across one of her cheeks, giving it a hard slap, leaving a red mark across the white globe.
Alicia yelped in surprise. The slap had left her left cheek red and stinging; she wondered if this creature had become angry with her for some reason. Instead, she was pleasantly surprised when a hand reached down and began sensually caressing the red mark that had been inflicted seconds before. She sucked in a breath as the Predator rubbed the sore spot and brought a claw down to tickle the swollen cheek in smooth circles. She sighed and cooed to herself as she realized that the movements were causing her to become more aroused as an electric thrill went through her. She unconsciously let out a sigh as he stroked her cheek.
He approached her and grabbed at her hips, pulling them back off the table slightly so that she would be pressing up against him. She had resolved at this point to let him move her where he wanted her. She then felt as his hardened olive erection slapped down on top of the crevice right above her anus. She jolted in shock and wiggled her hips against him as soon as she felt the hard penis resting in such close proximity to her privates.
The Predator brought his fingers down and grabbed a hold of the band of her panties. He slowly eased them off to the side, pulling the cloth material to the left so that, like a theater curtain, her intimate holes were gradually revealed to the eager alien male. Once her panties were completely pulled off to the side, resting on her left cheek, the Predator looked down, clicking his fangs appreciatively. He got in position behind her, aligning his hard alien manhood up to her reproductive hole.
The Predator reached down and made sure that her panties were securely pulled off to the side before grabbing a hold of both of her thighs with his strong hands. He pushed the bobbing olive head gently up against her pink lips, not penetrating her yet but getting the head nice and wet for its push. He then pushed the head higher up so that it was pressing against her clit, this caused her a jolt of pleasure and her swollen lips to relax a little bit more.
He braced his hands on her cheeks and pushed the head against the hole again firmly. It pressed against her lips with a slight wet squelch as the lips parted to accept the intruder beginning to sink into her depths. Finally, with a wet pop the thick head slid inside the warm human vagina with success. She grunted at first penetration as she felt this bulbous alien cockhead pushing aside her lips and sinking inside of her.
The Predator looked down at his organ sinking into the vagina of this human. The feeling of the moist, tight hole was delicious on his hardened penis. He saw that only an inch or two had been achieved, and that he still had another ten inches of hard pole to feed into this mating hole. He dug his claws into her thighs and continued pushing, his olive penis sliding inch after excruciating inch up into the squeezing hole of her pussy.
Alicia gasped as she felt just how thick and large this alien predator's penis really was and how her vagina was actually stretching to accommodate it inside her. She also felt the tiny buds along the sides of the shaft and how these brushed the inner walls of her vagina. Her walls clamped down on the thick alien intruder, massaging it, causing the Predator to hiss and let out a grunt in pleasure.
The Predator continued sliding inch after inch of olive penis up inside Alicia's vagina until finally stopping as only three inches remained on the outside. He looked down and saw ¾ of his penis fed up into her, her lips stretching around the shaft tightly. He didn't move at first, instead reveling in the feel of having his shaft nicely inside a warm, tight human pussy and giving Alicia the simple mercy of getting used to the shaft before he began to really pound her.
Alicia was still bent over and couldn't see any of this happening, but she felt every inch of the massive alien penis plugged up inside her. She wiggled her hips slightly, feeling the veiny, bumpy penis slip around, massaging her inner walls, bringing her a ripple of pleasure. He was so much larger than her petite form and she seemed so fragile in comparison; however, she was taking all of what he had to offer like a champ.
Finally, experimentation cast aside, the Predator began to pummel her tight pussy, hissing and grunting his pleasure as he did. He pulled out completely until only the head and an inch were lodged inside her and then slammed in, sending his pillar completely up inside like a battering ram. She wailed and grunted in pain and wonderful pleasure as the alien Predator gripped her thighs, rutting into her bent over form with full force.
"Oh oh oh, g- god damn!" she cried ecstatically as he slammed his thick alien cock into and out of her, in and out, over and over.
After only a few thrusts, the alien suddenly stopped and ripped his penis out of her quickly. Alicia yelped as the Predator grabbed her by the torso and turned her over on the metal table. He laid her down onto her back and pulled her by her legs toward him.
The alien gripped her ankles which were resting on the table and brought them upward so that she was lying on her back, her legs were sticking up in a 90-degree angle and her holes were on display before him at the edge of the table.
With her legs raised up and her swollen hole exposed to him again, the Predator pressed his cockhead up against her lips and pushed with all his might. He slid his entire length up inside her and she cried out in ecstasy as she was filled again. He didn't hesitate this time and began thrusting like an animal into and out of her, this new position allowing him to achieve deeper penetration with her legs raised up.
The Predator grunted and groaned, gripping her raised legs with each of his hands and shoved his penis in and out, the giant thrusts sliding her up and down the table. His heavy olive testicles swung back and forth and slapped against her asshole and buttcheeks with every push forward.
Alicia gasped with each inward penetration, feeling how her tight slit had stretched out to wrap around the intruding penis like a glove. Her blond hair whipped back and forth on the table and she began to sigh and grunt as she was rocked back and forth on the table with each jarring thrust. Soon enough, she found herself rocking her pelvis in time for each glide forward that the predator took. Soon after, she started moaning even louder with every thrust, fully giving into the pleasure that this bestial alien was giving her.
"Oh mmm, yes, yeahh, ohh," she moaned as the Predator hissed, slamming into her up to the hilt of his penis.
Her natural feminine juices soaked his shaft with every inward push and retreat, making the Predator's strokes easier and more pleasurable. By now, her pussy had fully accommodated to the intrusion as she had amazingly taken the entire foot of rock hard olive flesh to the point that the fat cockhead rubbed up against the entrance to her womb at the end of each thrust.
Alicia panted and moaned, digging her fingernails into the cold metal table beneath her as the Predator pumped in and out of her wet pussy with hard, deep strokes. With one hand gripping Alicia's raised leg, he brought the other hand up to one of her bouncing tits and tweaked the nipple as he fucked her.
The Predator pulled out of her depths momentarily with a slurp, causing him to hiss and her to gasp in pleasure. He grabbed a hold of her by the hips and pulled her closer to him until his glistening olive colored cockhead pressed against the lips of her pussy. She looked up at him with anticipation of what was to come again as the Predator grabbed both of her legs and wrapped them around his waist. Having done this, the Predator gripped her by the waist again and gave a giant thrust into her pussy, burying his hard alien cock up to her womb once again.
She moaned loudly in pleasure and instinctively bucked her hips up as he thrust in, squeezing her legs around his waist tightly. Now, as he got back into the natural rhythm of in and out fucking, Alicia was now meeting him with every inward thrust, bucking her pelvis up against his. She didn't care that this menacing creature wasn't her species and could easily kill her; he was fucking her so damned good with his big cock and she was going to enjoy it.
After another dozen heavy thrusts, the Predator suddenly stopped and pulled Alicia to him by her waist. She then yelped in surprise as the creature gripped her by the buttocks, hoisting her up into the air with her legs still wrapped around him and his cock still inside her pussy. He carried her over to the back metal wall of the security room and rather roughly slammed her against it. She grunted in surprise as he braced her against the wall and he grabbed a hold of her wrists, forcing her to grab on to his shoulders to support herself.
With him standing up, bracing her against the wall, and her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, the Predator began to hammer away at her pussy as fast as he possibly could now.
"Fuck yes! Fuck me good you big-cocked fuckin freak!" Alicia howled, her nails digging into his olive-skinned shoulders and her boots digging into his buttocks.
Fuck her good he did. With every huge slam into her, his cockhead embedded so deep within her canal battered at the entrance to her womb, bringing a moan from her every time he did. In between the heavy thrusts, she opened her eyes and looked at the alien fucking into her. His brown and black eyes were wide open and alight with a savagery that both frightened and aroused the female marine. The Predator also appeared to be sweating slightly, clenching his muscles and hissing, indicating that he was swiftly approaching his climax.
As if on queue, Alicia moaned with ecstasy as she felt her impending orgasm coming upon her before his. His pelvis rubbed against her clit with every deep in-stroke of his cock, heightening her pleasure greatly.
Finally, she couldn't take anymore. As his cock continued to pound her, her orgasm exploded through her. She cried out loud and squeezed his waist tightly as pleasure radiated through her loins. Her pussy began to squirt juices over his olive-colored cock and it began to clench down tightly on his cock as her orgasm washed through her.
Her pussy's natural stimulations were enough to finally set the Predator off after her. He barred his mandibles and let out a throaty moan, burying his cock all the way in to her to the womb. His heavy balls tightened and he pressed his body firmly against her and the wall as his alien semen rushed up his shaft and exploded into her womb. With the first spurt into her depths, Alicia's eyes flew open and she gasped and instinctively jerked her pelvis, her pussy milking the thick alien cum out of him by tightening on his cock harder. His hot seed filled her up in several explosive spurts, sloshing up into her womb and bathing the inner walls of her pussy. At the apex of his orgasm, the Predator pulled out of her as some of his cum sloshed out of her pussy. His cockhead twitched and released two more thick strands of hot cum onto her pelvis, pussy lips, and asshole.
Finally, both the human and the bestial alien crashed down from their climaxes as the Predator raggedly hissed and draped his head on her shoulder as he continued to brace her against the wall. Alicia too panted and basked in the aftershock of such an intense fuck and orgasm. By now, her blond hair was disheveled, the Predator was drooling slightly, and they were both dripping sweat.
The Predator hoisted the exhausted human up by her waist again and deposited her onto the metal table in the center of the security room. Her blond hair draped over the side of the table as she let out deep satisfied breaths. In her tender nether regions, she felt globs of the Predator's incredibly hot seed oozing out of her well-fucked pussy to drip down to her asshole and onto the surface of the table.
The Predator suddenly approached her at the front of the table, his semi-flaccid cock dangling between his legs. His member was shiny and dripping wet with a coating of both his cum and her juices. Alicia opened her eyes and looked up at him as the cock was now level to her face.
She immediately knew what he wanted: a cleaning. As if she were actually in a position to decline, she didn't really want to. He had given her good fucking and sated her sexual appetite; why not give him a quick sucking after that if it would satisfy him? With tired eyes, she smirked up at the bestial alien and opened her mouth as the Predator gently pushed his cock in.
She sucked at the Predator's cock, twirling her tongue around the bulbous cockhead to collect the salty residue of their combined cum. She then took as much of the cock into her mouth as she could, running her tongue along the underside of his cock as he slid in. Despite some reluctance, she found that the taste of the cum wasn't that bad actually. It was salty and slightly bitter but it was flavorful that human semen. She gave him a few deep suckles before he drew his cock out with a wet pop and she lustfully ran her tongue along the bottom side of his cock. When she was finished, the Predator pulled up his lower coverings, tucking in his cock behind it.
The Predator turned away from her and moved to the shattered window, looking out onto the colony complex for any signs of xenomorphs. As he did so, Alicia pulled up what was left of her torn dungarees and used them to clean up the seed still dripping from her twat. When she was finished, she took her panties, which had been pulled off to the side through the sex, and pulled them back into place. She looked up at the wary Predator with a jocular scowl.
"Thanks for making me go the rest of my mission without pants, freak," she growled at him jokingly.
The Predator said nothing, instead continuing to look out the window as if anticipating something. Suddenly, a loud thud followed by the pang of her nearby motion tracker was heard. Alicia looked around for the newcomer frantically and moved for her pulse rifle, expecting more xenos to have arrived. The Predator raised his hands up and clicked his mandibles underneath his mask to assuage her fears.
Out of nowhere, a crackling noise was heard as another hulking humanoid form materialized before the shattered window. Alicia realized that another Predator had unexpectedly arrived as the newcomer deactivated its cloaking device and bowed to the male Predator. The two aliens exchanged a series of clicking noises in their own language and the first Predator cocked its head, looking at the new Predator curiously.
Alicia had no idea what was going on or how to react to the new presence. However, she then began to understand why the first Predator seemed surprised. The new Predator's breastplate had been completely shredded away and the creature's large breasts stood from its chest. Apparently, this new Predator was female; a fact that even Alicia was rather surprised about.
As if the situation couldn't be any more bizarre, as Alicia looked up and down the new Predator closely, she saw that her huge olive breasts and her neck were covered in the residue of some sticky substance. Was that from the xenomorphs that attacked her maybe, or...?
No...that couldn't be what she thought it was. Was that...cum all over the creature's breasts?! Alicia thought to herself. Alicia shook her head and cleared her throat as she tried to reconcile what she was seeing. If that sticky white paste was what she thought it was...then whose fucking cum was that?
The Predators finished communicating with each other and the first one turned toward Alicia. The marine gulped, still in the back of her mind wondering if these creatures would kill her after all. The one that she had "contended" with had certainly got what he wanted, so what was to stop him from simply killing her now?
Instead, to her shock and relief, the male Predator simply nodded to her, clicking his fangs beneath his mask. With that, both he and the female activated their cloaking devices and dove from the shattered window, leaving the marine alone within the security center once again.
Alicia sighed, looking around flabbergasted for a few moments. She then hopped off the table and smoothed out her ragged blond hair. "Thing got what he wanted, now he'd better kill a shitload of xenos and make my job easier," she mused to herself.
Her radio suddenly began to emit a noise over from the security desk. She cursed under her breath and moved for her radio, awaiting the voice from the other side. She had completely forgotten about Private Taylor on the other side of the complex.
To be continued...