Lab Partner

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#9 of Pre-2011 Stories

A scientist discovers a female eevee in the woods and brings her home to raise her, only to find out that she loves him more than just a friend.

Lab Partner

(Human M + F Non-anthro Eevee)

WARNING: This story contains human/non-anthro pokemon sex...if you don't want to read something like this, please bail out now.

Ever since graduating from college and starting my own labratory in downtown, I have lived a fairly lonely life. I've been busy with my inventions and experiments, thinking of ways to improve the lives of people throughout the world and maybe give the animal kingdom a helping hand as well. A while back, I invented a collar that could supposedly allow any animal that wore it to be able to understand and speak human languages. When the prototype was done, I set out into the forest and searched for a prime candidate to test the collar. It wouldn't take me long to find my test subject.

A few minutes after I began searching, I heard a soft "vee" coming from a nearby bush. I slowly approached the bush and peeked through the leaves, seeing a sight I hope that I would never have to see again. It was a young female eevee, with one of her paws caught in a bear trap, the leg was severely injured and I was worried that it could've been broken. I immediately became both sympathetic to to the young eevee, as well as very angry at whoever put this trap here.

Cautiously, I came out of the bush and approached her, trying to show her that I wasn't going to hurt her. She immediately began to whimper softly and crouched down in a defensive pose, clearly afraid of me. However, I continued to convince her that she had nothing to fear from me and that I wanted to help her. I reached into my bag and pulled out an apple, giving it to her. She took a quick sniff of the apple, checking to make sure that there wasn't anything wrong with it and then took a bite out of it.

With her mind preoccupied with food, I took this chance to pry her leg from the bear trap, releasing her from certain death. When she was released, she let out a loud scream of pain, feeling her leg badly injured by the metal bear trap. I did the best I could to comfort her as much as possible, wrapping her injury in a cloth I had on me and carrying her back to my car to be examined at a local veteranarian's office. Slowly, she began to trust me, looking up at me with her large dark brown eyes and murring softly. She realized that I was there to help her and believed that she could trust me. Upon arriving at the vet's office, the young eevee fem was examined by the vet, checking to make sure that the injury wasn't too severe or that it hadn't become infected. Fortunately, her leg wasn't broken and the injury she suffered would heal with time. In the meantime, I would take her back home and nurse her until she was back on her paws once again and ready to be released into the wild.

For the next couple of weeks, I helped nurse young Carla (naming her after my high-school sweetheart) back to health. As time progressed, Carla began to become emotionally attached to me, seeing me as a loving companion. She would often come into my arms and give me friendly eevee kisses and/or nuzzle me softly. I appreciated Carla's affection and returned the favor by schritching behind her ears and holding her in my arms while she snuggled close to me. As I gained Carla's trust, I started to wonder if maybe she would like to stay with me and be my companion, figuring I could also test the collar on her. However, I figured I'd let her decide. One day, I presented Carla with the collar and she looked at me with a "what's this?" look on her cute little face.

I look down at Carla and explain to her exactly what this was for, knowing that she might be able to understand part of what I tell her since pokemon are generally intelligent. "It is a special collar that I made to let animals communicate with humans and vice-versa. I would like to give this to you, so I could talk to you, but I'm not going to force you to do what you don't want to do", I explain to her. Carla looked at the collar inquisitively, sniffing it and checking to make sure that there wasn't anything wrong with it. After examining it, Carla believed that it was really what I said it was and trusted me. She nodded politely and lowered her head towards me. During this time, I carefully put the collar around Carla's natural collar (her neck fur), making sure it was comfortable for her while also making sure it was connected. When the collar was on, I pressed the green button on it to turn it on. "You look very pretty", I told her sweetly, trying to test the collar and see if it worked.

"Thank you so're cute as well", Carla told me as she hopped into my arms and licked me sweetly. I was overjoyed when I heard her speak to me, letting me know that my invention worked. I hugged Carla close to me and rubbed my nose against hers as she licked the tip of it lovingly. "Thank you so much for saving my are a very sweet and kind-hearted human...I love you", Carla told me sweetly, rubbing her cheek against mine and murring softly. It was at that point when I decided to ask Carla if she wanted to stay here with me, or be released back into the wild.

" are a very cute and loving eevee fem and I love having you as a loving companion; but I also know that you're a wild pokemon. So, I'm going to give you a choice", I explained to her. Carla perked up her rabbit-like ears and looked at me, wanting me to continue. "I would love to keep you as a companion, giving you the love and affection that you deserve; however, I also know that you might want to go back into the wild to be with your own kind. So, my dear eevee fem, it's up to you...would you like to stay here with me, or do you want to go back to the forest?", I conclude. Carla looked up at me with her eyes tearing up and a cute smile on her face as she wagged her tail and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I want to stay with you, I can sense that you're very sweet and lonely; you seem to need the love and affection that only a female can provide you with, and while I'm not human...I do love you", Carla explained licking my cheek again and purring softly for me. I hugged her close and kissed her forehead, thinking that the love that Carla shared for me was like the love a daughter would have for her father, seeing that Carla was a relatively young eevee fem. However, I had no idea what exactly was going through her mind and was clueless about how she saw me and loved me. Did she love me as if I was her father, a loving companion, or even a possible future mate? I would have to wait a while to find out and see how Carla reacted when she was fully-grown.

For the next year or so, I continued to work on new inventions while raising Carla. Every so often, she would come up to me and either paw my leg or leap up onto the table, wagging her tail and asking me to pet her. Of course, being the nice human male I am, I immediately stopped what I was doing and gave my sweet eevee companion some affectionate rubs and kisses. She always nuzzled me and kissed me back, often telling me that she loved me. During this time, Carla grew from a tiny eevee pup that was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand into an adult female eevee, that was roughly the size of a rabbit.

As she grew into an adult and became sexually mature, I began to notice her behavior towards me changing. She started to become more affectionate towards me, with her tongue feeling warmer towards me when she kissed me with her tongue. I also noticed that she started to periodically nuzzle me around my crotch murring happily around it and telling me that she loved me frequently while she nuzzled me. Each time she did this, I looked at Carla with a confused look on my face. She simply looked up at me and wagged her tail, telling me that she loved me and wanted to give me all of the affection and love that she had for me in her heart.

This behavior continued for a number of weeks as I observed Carla and wondered what could possibly be going through her head. In her mind, Carla saw me as a potential mate, despite the fact that she was an eevee and I was human. She had unlimited amounts of love and affection to show me and she couldn't give me most of the love she wanted to in her present situation. Eventually, on one fateful day, it happened. I learned what was on the young eevee fem's mind and what I learned was both surprising as well as interesting.

It all began one morning when I got out of bed and Carla came up to me as she always did. "Good morning sweetie", she told me lovingly as she nuzzled me and kissed my cheek as she did every morning. I held her close to me and gave her a kiss back, telling her that I loved her as she did the same for me. Then, after the hug, Carla slipped out of my grasp and gave me the surprise of a lifetime. I watched her position herself so that her rump was facing towards me and then proceeded to present herself to me, showing off her vulva as it dripped with her juices and wagging her tail in a playful manner to me.

Carla was in heat for the first time and apparently she felt hot for me. "Mmm...I love you so very much honey. You've been wonderful to me over the past several months and I want to return the favor by letting you take me for the very first time", Carla explained to me lustfully, craving a male's cock inside her hot and horny love hole. I looked at Carla with a puzzled look on my face. On one hand, Carla was intelligent enough to decide for herself who she wanted to yiff with and I did love her. However, I had no idea how I would be able to mate with her given her size.

"Carla sweetie...I love you so much and I'd love to be the first one to make love to you", I explain to her sweetly as I turn her around and kiss Carla on her forehead. "However, you're too small for me to fit inside you right now", I add. Carla looks at me with tears in her eyes and leaps onto my shoulder licking my cheek and murring warmly, begging me to play with her. I knew that she was feeling very yiffy and would likely continue to be like this until she either came out of heat or got pregnant. At this time, I was working on an invention that could be able to make Carla grow to wolf-size so that she would be big enough to cuddle with at night and maybe even yiff with her if she so desired. But, this invention was still in the experimental stage and I didn't want to test it on living creatures until it was safe to do so. Still, I wanted to make Carla happy and maybe tide her over until my invention was ready or until she was out of heat. I looked over at Carla and kissed her sweetly on her nuzzle. "Although we can't mate right now, I still want to play with you and I would like to make you happy", I explain to her.

Carla wagged her tail eagerly after I tell her that I want to play with her in a sexual way, seeing that I was way to big to penetrate her, but also eager to have sexual relations with me. "Mmm...we could still 'bout I lick your cock until it's good and hard then rub my warmth against it?", Carla asked me sweetly, looking at me with love in her large brown eyes. My cock began to stiffen for her as she spoke to me and I saw her sweet eevee love and passion in her eyes, feeling that she wanted me to be more than just her first yiff partner. I kissed Carla on her nose and nodded politely, indicating that I was willing to let her do this for me as I reached down to my pants and unbuttoned them, pulling them down enough to expose my stiffening cock. Carla looked at my partially stiff member and smiled as she approached it, wagging her tail sweetly. "Here, let me help you", she said lovingly as she leaned down and began to lick the meat of my cock with her warm eevee tongue.

Carla's warm and playful eevee tongue tickled my cock in a very pleasing and very loving manner, helping it to grow harder more rapidly. I simply moaned softly while she did her thing, slowly working her tongue deep into the flesh of my shaft, letting me feel her warmth deep inside. As for Carla, she was enjoying this as well, she loved giving me eevee kisses and she knew that I would love receiving them on my cock, so she simply murred happily and continued licking me, wagging her tail a little bit faster and becoming increasingly horny. After a while, her vulva started to drip with her juices, making Carla blush and giggle just a little bit as my cock became harder. She stopped licking me for a moment and looked up at me with an eager smile on her face. "You can play with me too, if you'd like", she told me sweetly, wanting to feel me inside her loving body. I couldn't fit my shaft into her vulva as she was just too small for that. But, I could probably slip a finger inside her pussy and tickle her that way.

I put one of my hands down around Carla's rump and slid one of my fingers into her vulva, totally surprised by how warm and juicy it felt. Carla immediately let out a very happy and passionate "vee" as she clinched her vaginal walls tight around my finger, hugging it firmly inside her. I began to slowly probe her tight eevee pussy with my finger as she continued licking my cock, both of us moaning with passion and love while we played with each other intimately. I started to see myself with Carla, after making her wolf-size, presenting herself to me when she was in heat, begging me to take her. As I fingered her tight little vulva, I imagined sticking my manhood inside her tight eevee love hole and making sweet love to my sweet eevee companion. As I dreamed about this, I fingered Carla's love hole faster and deeper, making her lick my cock faster and more passionately, giving it a very gentle nip every now and then out of her love for me. I felt her contract even tighter around my finger as she became hotter and wetter inside, apparently enjoying what I was doing to her.

Carla's pussy walls clinched and quivered around me as she licked my cock and moaned passionately, feeling totally aroused my loving touch. All of a sudden, Carla felt something she never felt before as I reached deep inside her. Apparently, I had just found Carla's G-spot as she let out a very loud and very passionate "veeeeeee!". I immediately concentrated all my effort on that one spot of Carla's love hole, trying to get her to climax and make her feel loved. She panted heavily and kissed my shaft sweetly while I fingered her rapidly, moaning as I imagined taking Carla for the first time, plunging my cock inside her tight love hole until I came inside her, filling her with my seed. While I was daydreaming, Carla continued to feel my finger probe her wildly, tickling her G-spot and making her feel very horny. She panted, barked, and murred very happily as my finger sloshed in and out of her, she latched onto my cock with her teeth, very gently pulling it towards her as she felt her climax coming. The horny eevee fem then closed her eyes and wagged her cute tail very rapidly as I felt her clinch extremely tight around my finger and flood her tract with warm eevee juices.

I felt Carla's warm and somewhat sticky juices on my finger as she held it firmly in her grasp and murred happily while continuing to lick my cock with love. Carla loved the feeling of having me inside her love hole, but she would've preferred to feel my cock inside her, plunging inside her hot and horny body until she made me explode with my seed, filling her with my cream. Unfortunately for her, this wouldn't happen until she was big enough for me to fit inside her safely, if I tried to mate with her now...even with her vulva being very wet, I would probably end up seriously injuring her, and I didn't want that. I loved Carla with all my heart and decided to wait until she was bigger to actually mate with her. Meanwhile, Carla's climax settled down and she released my finger from her tract, now covered in warm eevee juices. I looked at my finger and saw it coated in Carla's clear liquid, curious about it. As she continued licking my member, she looked up at me and smiled. "Go ahead sweetie...taste it, you'll like it", Carla told me sweetly, wagging her tail in a playful manner as more of her sauce trickled from her vaginal opening.

Nervously, I brought my finger towards my mouth and took a lick. When I tasted her nectar, I was surprised to find out that it was extremely sweet and it had just a hint of spicy flavor to it. I looked down at Carla and smiled. "Mmm, you are finger licking good", I told her sweetly and somewhat jokingly. Carla immediately blushed and let out a soft "vee" out of her coyness, then continued to lick and nip at my shaft. I felt the cute and yiffy eevee fem licking my cock from root to tip, working her tongue deep into the flesh and making sure it was very wet and warm when she did so. My cock throbbed passionately for Carla as I felt her please me, moaning softly to her and telling Carla how much I loved her. Since I had tasted her juices, Carla wanted to taste my cream, however with her vulva dripping wet and feeling hot, she had other plans for me. She abruptly stopped licking my cock for some reason and looked up at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "What is it sweetie?", I asked her.

Carla smiled happily and murred playfully as I watched her turn around so her rump was facing me, placing her hot eevee vulva on the meat of my shaft. "Mmm, now it's your turn to be happy sweetie. I want to let you feel my heat until I make you erupt all over me", Carla explained lustfully as she wagged her tail seductively and began to move up and down on my dick. Her vulva felt very warm to me as I felt it touch my shaft, rubbing up and down with warm eevee juices dripping from it and soaking the flesh of my cock.

" feels so big and strong honey, I hope one day you'll be able to put it inside me and make true love to me", Carla moaned sweetly as she continued to rub against my shaft, making me moan happily and want to yiff her even more. I thought about my experiment to grow her to wolf-size and knew that it was close to being ready to be tested, but I still didn't want to risk hurting Carla by using it. Still, she made me feel very horny for her and I did love her, so I wanted to make love to the yiffy eevee fem if it was at all possible.

I watched Carla as she rubbed against my shaft with her hot and horny eevee pussy, letting me feel her juices as they flowed from her opening, making my cock quiver with desire. "Oh Carla, you feel so hot to me sweetie...mmm,'re such a sweet and yiffy eevee fem...I want to make love to you someday", I tell her happily. Carla simply keeps rubbing up against me and "vee's" with happiness, probably feeling the same way I felt about her. My balls began to churn with life as they felt swollen with spooge for my sweet eevee fem as she wagged her tail lovingly while rubbing up against my throbbing dick.

She looked back at me and licked her chops before giving a soft and seductive "vee" to me, apparently wanting me to splatter my seed all over her body as she rubbed against me vigorously. At that time, I imagined myself yiffing her from behind as her eevee tail wagged playfully, feeling her tight eevee pussy hold my cock inside her while I shot my load all over her pussy. My balls suddenly contracted as my cock throbbed wildly, letting out a loud and passionate moan as I felt my seed leave my balls and erupt from the tip of my cock.

My seed shot almost straight up for a moment, before coming back down, landing mostly on Carla's back, with some of it splattering on her tail, and even a little bit landing on her fluffy white eevee collar. Carla loved this, she felt my warm and tingly load against her fur and body, tickling her wherever it landed and making her feel truly loved by me. "'re so sweet and lovable, and you're such a virile male too. Too bad we can't make babies together", she told me as my climax continued. I knew that even if I did make Carla big enough for me to yiff with, it would be impossible for me to get her pregnant, even though she really wanted it. There was an experiment that I was working on that could make a non-anthro animal become part-human and capable of reproducing with human beings, but it was way too early to risk using it on any creature, especially Carla.

I came for Carla for nearly a whole minute, release my pent up load all over her lovely eevee body as she happily took as much as she could. I heard Carla murr and "vee" happily while I climaxed, still rubbing her pussy against me even as my cock started to soften. Then, when I was finished Carla pulled back a bit and let my cock grow soft once again while she stood with her back, tail and collar sticky with my load, wagging her tail happily as she let it soak in a little bit. I wiped my cock clean with a paper towel while Carla relaxed, beginning to feel a little dirty after my cum bath for her. "Mmm...that was wonderful honey...I love you so much", Carla moaned happily as she winked to me. "I think I need a bath now sweetie, I can't lick myself clean like I normally could", she added as I looked at her cum-covered back and smiled, picking her up and bringing her to a nearby sink where I started warm water and got out the shampoo to wash Carla.

Carla loved playing in the water, she often splashed me playfully every time I bathed her. I always gave her fur a nice cleaning with special shampoo that I made special for Carla, rubbing it into her fur coat and then rinsing her clean with warm water, leaving her fur coat shiny and healthy while smelling like cinnamon. Carla loved the smell of cinnamon and murred happily whenever I washed her using my special shampoo. I always took good care of her, wrapping Carla in a warm fluffy towel after giving her a back while kissing her cute nuzzle as she licked me back and drying her fur until she was clean and cuddly once again. After giving Carla a bath, washing away all the cum I shot over her back, I noticed it was getting late in the evening and that I was getting tired. Carla yawned as well, needing a good night's sleep. I took the cute eevee fem to bed with me, as I often did and got underneath the covers. She looked at me as I looked at her, murring happily and licking my nose. "I love you", she told me as I kissed her on the forehead and made sure she was all snuggled in. Then, I gently brushed her head as she murred and "vee'd" happily, eventually falling asleep.

A few weeks after my first sexual encounter with my loving eevee companion, I finally got the formula for my growth serum down, testing it first on inanimate objects, such as a peanut or a paper clip, causing them to grow to about 10x their normal size. Curiously, I next tested my formula on a living creature, going outside of my home and spraying a couple of ants with it. I watch intentively as the ants grew to about the size of a quarter without any adverse side effects. "It works!" I shouted with delight as I headed back inside. When I came back inside, Carla had come up to me as she often did...she was in heat again, wanting me to play with her some more.

"Hi sweetie", she said warmly. "What's that in your hand?", Carla asked. I looked down at her and explained to Carla that I finally got my growth serum to work properly as I had tested it on various inanimate and living objects. As soon as she heard this, Carla's eyes twinkled as she rubbed up against me playfully. "Does this mean you can make me big enough so that we can mate now?", she asked. I looked down at Carla, seeing how happy she was and how much she wanted me to mate with her and nodded. I felt her suddenly leap up into my arms, wagging her tail and licking me sweetly. "Oh...please spray me...make me a big eevee fem so we can finally mate", Carla exclaimed happily as the cute and yiffy eevee fem kissed me with her warm tongue.

I looked down at Carla and asked her if she knew that this was untested on more complex organisms and I had no idea whether it would even work on her, or if there could be any dangerous side effects. Carla nodded and wanted to take the risk, sitting up straight as she begged me to spray her again. At that point, I took off her special collar, since if the growth serum worked on her I'd have to make her a bigger one. She licked me and "vee'd" with love as I removed her collar for the time-being and placed it on a nearby table with Carla still sitting there, wagging her tail, waiting to be sprayed. I closed my eyes and sprayed Carla six times with the growth serum, creating a fine mist around her that clung to her fur and worked into her flesh.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Carla looking at me, still rabbit-sized and whimpering softly. As I saw that Carla was still her normal size, I looked at my bottle of growth serum and thought that maybe it didn't work on more complex beings. Then, without warning, Carla let out a loud "vee" as she felt strange, I looked back at Carla and watched as she started to grow larger. She grew fairly quickly, going from her normal size to that of an adult wolf in a matter of just a couple minutes. When the growing stopped, Carla looked down at her paws and noticed that they were much bigger. She looked up at me and "vee'd" quizically. I then brought her over to a mirror and allowed her to see what she had become. Carla saw herself now as a wolf-sized female eevee that stood on her four legs up to my knee caps.

Carla was overjoyed when she saw this, nearly doing a backflip and murring happily. After she was done celebrating, I got down on my knees and hugged her new form, with Carla seeming more snuggly than before. She "vee'd" happily and licked my cheek as her tail wagged and her swollen vulva dripped with love sauce. Without warning, Carla's behavior changed now that she was much bigger. She knew that she was now big enough for us to mate and she wanted to let me inside her. I watched Carla as she turned around on all fours and presented herself to me, raising her tail high into the air and looking back at me. I felt my cock almost immediately stiffen when she did this, knowing that she was horny and that she loved me with all her heart, as did I for her. "Mmm...come on honey, let's mate...let's make sweet love together", Carla thought to herself as she saw my shaft poking up into my pants, telling me to go ahead and yiff Carla.

Nervously, I unbuttoned my pants and slid them off of me, followed shortly thereafter by my boxers. Then, as soon as Carla saw my exposed cock as it stood hard for her, she licked her chops and murred happily. " that for me?", she said seductively in eevee language, but all I heard was a seductive "vee". Still, even without her special collar I got the message from her and approached the cute eevee fem from behind as she bent over and wagged her tail slowly, wanting me to take her virginity. As I got close, I could feel the heat from her vulva radiating near my shaft, letting me know that she was indeed hot for me. Then, for a moment, I paused...debating whether or not I should do this. On one hand, Carla was a non-anthro eevee and if someone were to catch me yiffing her, I could get in serious trouble. However, she was also very intelligent, smart enough to make her own decisions, plus I loved her with all my heart. Eventually, the instinct to mate won, as I placed the tip of my cock on Carla's vulva for a brief moment and then pushed inside of her.

Upon entering her pussy, I realized that Carla was hotter and tighter than I originally thought back when I first fingered her. Carla's love walls happily surrounded my shaft, squeezing it firmly as I pushed further inside as Carla "vee'd" happily to the feeling of my stiff member finally inside her reproductive tract. I continued to push forward until it was all the way inside her, stopping for a few moments to enjoy the tight feeling of Carla's love hole while her vaginal walls held me inside her and released her juices, making her seem nice and slippery to me. At that point, Carla looked back at me and smiled. "Go ahead baby, yiff me...pump my tight virgin pussy with your big, hard dick and let me feel you fill me with your love", Carla explained happily in eevee language as she gripped my cock really tight to make sure I got the message.

I moaned excitedly when she squeezed me, holding onto her hips as I felt that it was time to pump her pussy. I started to yiff her slowly, pushing my member in and out of her tract as she squeezed it happily, causing me to moan with pleasure and Carla to "vee" happily as I massaged her from inside. Her warm, wet, and tight eevee pussy felt so heavenly to me, making my cock throb wildly and making me feel excited for her already. Carla simply murred and "vee'd" to my motions, feeling her pussy walls being tickled by my powerful cock as it massaged some of the more sensitive parts of her vaginal canal.

I loved the feeling of Carla's pussy as it surrounded my shaft, holding onto it tightly while I pumped my member deep inside her. She was quite hospitable to me, murring very happily and making sure she was nice and wet for me as I yiffed her, tickling the inside of her love hole with my manhood as it began to throb inside her. "Mmm...oh feel so good to me...I love you", I tell her sweetly. She looks back at me, smiles and "vee's" happily, feeling my cock rub against her tightening vaginal walls as my cock got bigger and stronger inside her. Carla continued to bend over, allowing me to take her and pushed towards me with her rump, trying to get me to mount her completely. I did as she suggested and climbed over Carla, mounting her just like a normal male eevee would, clutching her hips gently while I pushed my cock in and out of her.

Carla "vee'd" with delight and became hotter when she felt me on top of her, contracting her love walls tighter around me and releasing even more of her juices as she became very excited. I continue to pump her eagerly, feeling my shaft pulsate strongly against her tight pussy walls, making me moan with love and desire as my balls started to tingle a little bit from the excitement of mating with my sweet Carla. She continued to look back at me, happily murring and pushing against my crotch, trying to get me as deep into her as possible. "Oh yes Carla...I love you so very make my cock feel very happy and I enjoy feeling your tight pussy walls hugging my member while I mate with you", I exclaim happily as she goes all the way with me, becoming receptive by releasing six eggs from her ovaries, even though she knew that it was very unlikely that I would impregnate her.

I felt Carla's body temperature spike six times while I mated with her, indicating to me that she was receptive. She looked back at me, blushed a little bit and "vee'd" sweetly to me. "Come on sweetie, shoot your load into me; I know we probably can't make pups together, but I would like to at least try...I love you dearly.", Carla explained to me in eevee language as my cock flew in and out of her tight eevee pussy as she contracted around my manhood and squeezed it firmly. I moaned with delight as she squeezed me, not understanding all of what she just told me, but figuring she wanted me to try and make pups with her. My balls churned and tingled a little more as Carla became tighter, enjoying the vigorous massage I was receiving from her as my cock pressed against her pussy walls and rubbed against them.

I continued to plunge my shaft into Carla's tight pussy, feeling her squeeze my cock with her lovely vaginal walls as I rubbed against them, I held Carla close to me while we mated, panting happily as she did the same, feeling her hot eevee pussy around my dick, making it grow thicker inside as I felt the pressure inside my nuts building. As the pressure increased, so did my desire to inseminate Carla, I saw a twinkle in her eyes as we mated, letting me know that I was in her heart for life. At that point, I leaned over and gave my sweet Carla a passionate kiss on her nuzzle, as she slid her tongue into my mouth, touching my tongue with hers and leaving a trail of mixed saliva between them. Afterwards, Carla let out a soft and very sweet "vee", as I felt her lick my cheek, letting me know that she accepted me as her mate for life. It didn't matter to her that I was human and she was a non-anthro eevee fem, she loved me. I kissed Carla back and continued to thrust my cock into her, feeling my climax approaching as her pussy became very hot.

I moaned loudly and constantly while she "vee'd" with passion, feeling the pressure inside my balls build until it reached the breaking point. Then, with all of my power and love for Carla, I let loose inside her, sending several bolts of my cream splattering inside her eevee reproductive tract, making her "vee" loudly and very passionately. She absolutely loved the way my spooge stuck to her vaginal walls and made her feel warm inside, purring happily as I came into her constantly for nearly a whole minute, emptying my balls of every drop of spooge that was in them and planting my load inside Carla's womb. Carla murred happily as I filled her, looking back at me as I held her close while I came, smiling and winking at me. She believed in her heart that a miracle would occur that would allow her to become pregnant from my seed, even though it seemed unlikely.

After climaxing inside Carla, I kept my cock inside her for several moments as it slowly softened, cuddling with her as she looked back and licked my cheek. Slowly, I felt my cock soften as she released her grip on it, knowing that I just gave her everything I had. I continued to hold Carla close to me while waiting for my shaft to pop out of her pussy after filling it with my seed, with Carla murring softly and me hugging her from on top. Then, after a few moments of waiting, my cock slid out of Carla completely, leaving behind a creampie in her reproductive tract that she loved. Normally, she would've licked herself clean, but Carla enjoyed the feeling so much that she left it alone for a while and instead licked my cock clean, while I stroked her soft eevee fur, letting Carla know that I loved her.

About a month after Carla and I mated, I began to notice that she was getting a little "fat" around the belly. I immediately took Carla back into the lab and performed an ultrasound on her belly. To my surprise, I saw six eevee pups growing inside her womb as she looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. Since this time, I had given Carla a new collar to fit around her so I could understand what she was saying. She put one of her paws on my hand and looked up at me. "Yes...they are our pups, my loving mate", she told me happily, wagging her tail and murring softly. I was dumbfounded at this discovery, how could a human male possibly impregnate a non-anthro eevee female...that's when I thought back to the formula. Maybe, when I sprayed Carla with the formula, it altered her DNA enough where she became receptive towards human genetic material. Regardless of how it happened, this was a miracle to the both of us. Carla would finally have a litter of pups like she wanted and I would have loving and loyal companion that loves me with all her heart and would do anything to make sure I was happy.

A few weeks later, Carla gave birth to six eevee pups, three male, three female, all of whom were born normal eevee size, but were able to communicate in both eevee and human languages. As I held one of the newborn pups, she smiled at me and licked my cheek. "Hello...daddy", she said in plain english, causing me to nearly collapse when she said that. When I came to, I heard all six of the pups speaking in a mixture of eevee language and english, making me smile and hug my new family. To this day, every time Carla comes into my lap, after nursing the pups, wanting to be with her love, I think back to the day I found her in the woods. How I helped her and nutured her until she was full-grown, how she was willing to grow big for me in order to be my mate, and how we somehow managed to conceive a litter of pups together. Each night, Carla and I would go to bed together, with the pups following their mother, snuggling in close, just as loving mates would and fall asleep. As I held Carla in my arms while she purred softly, I realized that my life wasn't so lonely anymore.

The End.

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